5: Fun

Chapter 5: Fun

Dave was out living his life touring from city to city state to state along with his day ones and a few of his boys from the hood. All of his venues were selling out, the places were packed, and his fans were supporting. To know he was getting all this love over his album instead of a mixtape was still surreal to him. Shit was lit and he was out here doing his thing and really making a name for himself. Putting massive smoke in the air, popping bottles, and just being on the scene was how he was ending most of his nights after his shows. He had even talked to his jeweler to see how long it would take him to make a custom ring and how much would it cost for everything he wanted. He had sent him a few examples of what he was looking for and by the end of the call his jeweler sent him a few pictures of what he thought Dave would like according to the pictures he sent him.

Dave had fallen in love with one particular ring but he wanted to add his own twist to it and make sure he added a little of himself to it to let April know that this ring was a piece of him specially made just for her. He had even low key made it to the jewelry shop in person to make sure everything was a go and correct which it was. Yet he still hadn't made it home even with him being close by. He felt like if he'd a stopped it wouldn't have been long enough to spend time with his family the way he wanted to then it was a waste and pretty much a set up because he knew he wouldn't want to leave them. As far as taking the girls with him to the jeweler he decided not to and instead he decided on taking their fathers. He thought it would mean a lot more to him and April as well as their fathers if they came along. Even with him already getting the ring made he still wanted them to see it and know what they thought of it. So once it was ready all three of them were going to make that trip.

Dave hadn't seen April and Charlie in person since the day he left for tour yet April had made sure that he had seen Kairi last weekend. She had one of their drivers drive his mother and Kairi out to him because Kairi had been missing him so she figured why not since he was only a few hours away. The weather had gotten too cold to even think about brining Charlie outside unless it was absolutely necessary meaning only for her doctor appointments. Let alone she was still fresh out the oven and didn't need to be outside but Dave missed holding and talking to his little baby so he knew he was going to have to make some time to get home and spend some time with her because phone calls weren't enough. He wanted to make sure he was bonding with her properly and let her know that he was still there just like he had when Kairi was around her age.

Not to mention he was long overdue for some TLC with his woman so he was trying his best to make it home for Thanksgiving. Late night phone calls and hand jobs weren't cutting it when he knew what he had at home and waiting in bed for him. He was honestly trying to get April to come on the road with him for a weekend but it was still a no go let alone even if she could come out she'd have to bring Charlie and no one knew about her yet so they were trying to be discreet and maintain their privacy. But something had to give especially when he knew his woman was low key in her feelings and trying to save face. Dave knew she was upset that he had to leave but he also knew that she wasn't going to say anything or try to stop him because one it was his job, two she knew what she signed up for, and three she never stopped him from making his bag. She knew he had people depending on him.

"Nigga what's the wave for tonight" one of his boys asked all hype. They were all chilling in his room just shooting the shit. Wasn't much going on he had actually just got in from doing a show and his room happened to be where they all met up at. Where he was, was always the chill spot.

"That's up to y'all niggas. I'm bout to call home and see what's going on with my girls" Dave replied with April and the girls on his mind as always.

"As usual" his boy looked at him and shook his head sort of in disbelief. "Ya on the road nigga have some fun" he said cheesing like a Cheshire cat.

Dave looked at him and laughed as Shooter and Bully looked on too see how shit was about to pop off just in case something did pop off because ole boy was barking up the wrong tree. "When you say have fun what type of fun are you talking bout" he asked and leaned forward in his seat and folded his hands together knowing he was talking about some fuck shit.

"Shit it's up to you" he shrugged. "Ya free to do as you please on the road" his boy responded and that's why he kept his distance from certain people. Niggas loved to get you caught up in some bullshit.

Bully and Shooter looked at him and laughed. He must don't know how shit worked in the Brewster/Blackmon household. Then again he didn't. Only Bully and Shooter did. They were the closest to Dave so they were around often and with them dating in the same family they never missed a beat. Dave was family and his family was their family. For one Dave wasn't that type of nigga, he never was, and he damn sure wouldn't and wasn't going to fuck up his relationship with April let alone break up his family. It was a lot of shit to get into on tour that didn't involve fucking up a happy home and a healthy relationship especially when he valued both.

"So because I'm on tour I'm supposed to be out here fuckin groupies and shit and just say fuck my woman and my family. Then have bitches posting candid pics of me rubbing shit in my woman's face" Dave said as he kept his eyes on him. There was no way in hell he'd let a chick get a one up on his woman. The closets pictures they could get from him were the ones after his shows and that's about it.

"I ain't saying all that but we all know you need to get laid and what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Its mad bitches in line willing to get you right nah mean. You ain't gotta fuck em they can just do a quick suck and duck" he said like it wasn't a big deal.

Dave, Bully, and Shooter burst out laughing. This nigga was a whole ass clown. "Do you know who my woman is" Dave asked between laughing knowing April could find out any and everything if need be. Shit just like Ian could. They were the plugs when it came to getting information and Ian always had his ears to the streets. Dave wasn't worried though because he wasn't that type of nigga and he damn sure wasn't going to give her fuckin trust issues. They didn't have those type of issues and he damn sure wasn't about to start now. He wasn't going to put her through any of the shit that she had been through with Chris or any other nigga that came before him.

"Yea the cute lil rich chick that use to date Breezy" he nonchalantly replied. Dave was pretty tired of the whole use to date Chris shit. It was like that's all anybody knew about her or the fact that she was rich. She was much more than the rich chick that used to date Breezy. She was one hell of a woman and he wished people knew that.

"Bruh" Shooter said and shook his head. At this point everyone in the room was looking on.

"I'm not tryna be funny if that's what you think" his boy said and raised his hands surrendering.

Dave nodded his head. "I'm a just put it like this. This shit I got going on is nothing like what I had with Agnes by a long shot. Now if I was single I'd be down for the fucks and shit but I ain't. That beautiful short chick that used to date Breezy is my woman. The way I see it is she's my wife and the mother of my children let alone my best friend. I'd never fuck up my home for fun. I know what I got at home and none of these chicks are worth fuckin up my home or my relationship let alone have my kids looking at me with the side eye because I chose to fuck up not only my home but theirs and fucked over their mother. Now what you do in ya relationship is ya business and what you choose to do and I'm not knocking you but I wouldn't risk my shit for a quick nut. I got everything I ever wanted and needed at home" Dave said with conviction.

"I guess because I'm on the road I'm supposed to be fuckin bitches left and right. It's supposed to be a party a fuckin fuck fest" Dave laughed and shook his head. Some niggas just didn't get it.

Just because he was out on the road didn't mean that was the chance to fuck up what he had going on. He didn't give a fuck how many bitches were ready and willing to bust it wide open for him. He had been through too much to fuck up by fucking bitches on the road. It just wasn't worth it. He didn't go ten steps backwards, realize Millie was a piece of shit, admit to April that he loved her, help set up Millie to get her ass whooped, let his daughter get attached to April, and he damn sure didn't go through a whole ass pregnancy with April when the child wasn't biologically his. He had created a foundation, a family of his own, expanded his family, and was building on what they already had. There was no way in hell he would throw it all away for something he had at home.

"Damn this nigga really in love" his boy said and chuckled while Dave was mentally crossing him off his friend list because he now knew that the nigga gave no fucks about if he fucked up his home and screwed over his woman and children. He didn't give a fuck if he lost it all. "I get it but I ain't at that point in my life. I'm still down for a quick smash and pass" he said and shrugged then picked up his drink and tossed it back.

"Nigga I been in love but hey to each its own. I get it. You want to go have fun go have it just don't bring it my way" Dave chuckled but he said it and he meant it. He didn't care how they felt about that shit either. He'd never deny the way he felt about his woman let alone downplay their relationship. So if his boys wanted to go out and fuck bitches they were absolutely free to do so just as long as they kept that shit to themselves. He didn't need any unnecessary drama in his life especially when he and April were in the mist of crossing people off of their lists so they could finish living their lives peacefully.

"Aye yo how is it dating one of ya boys exes let alone a fuckin billionaire" his other homie spoke up as his eyes lit up when he mentioned billionaire and asked. Dave knew this question was going to pop up sooner or later and this is why he kept certain people out of his business when it came to his and April's relationship.

"Real talk I don't pay attention to any nigga that came before me and that's no shot at my boy/my brother but my focus is on my woman and what we got going on. Let alone I don't think bout her money. It's her money. She makes it and she's good at what she does. She's chill she doesn't talk money or gloat or any of that shit. She's not the typical snobby rich chick who thinks the world revolves around her. She's just like you and me" Dave said and paused as he pulled out his weed and blunt wraps.

"See y'all seen her but y'all haven't gotten a chance to see her. She's with the fucks, wants all the smoke, and would most definitely run most of y'all niggas for y'all money and at the end of the day all she wants is me. She ain't here for East. She's here for David but make no mistake my baby is my biggest cheerleader and I know most hate to see that shit" he said and chuckled.

"Fuck all that. I'm happy for you and all but all I want to know is, is she hiring. I mean don't know what jobs she has available but sign me up and uh does she have any more sisters or friends that's into a good ole hood nigga that needs some loving" his boy Hood spoke up and asked. Every nigga in the room burst out laughing. Nigga sounded just like Shooter's ass when he was wondering if there were any more Blackmon women. But damn this nigga was asking for a job too.

"Here we go again" Dave said and laughed. It never failed somebody always wanted what he, Bully, and Shooter had when it came to their women. Just goes to show you people were always looking.

"I'm just saying you got you a fine ass chocolate one, Bully got him a fine ass chocolate one, and even Shooter's ass has a fine ass chocolate one. Let's not forget they all work and don't need niggas but want em" Hood said. "How can I be a kept nigga" he asked and they all knew he was dead ass serious. Laughter erupted around the room once again.

"Sorry bruh I done bagged the last one" Shooter happily said and chuckled. "But I understand where ya coming from" he said speaking from experience. He and Mimi were still going strong. They were still very much in the like stage. You know texts, phone calls, movies, dinner dates, and spending time at each other's homes but they were definitely going places.

"Facts" Bully chimed in remembering how Shooter used to be walking around all mopey, lonely, and shit.

"It's only four Blackmon women and three Blackmon lil girls and all of them are already spoken for and those three lil girls won't be doing shit till never. Shit Shooter's woman is a family friend. She works with April. They really don't have or do the whole female friend thing like that so they have their own lil clique and their circle is pretty small" Dave said letting Hood know that every one of them were taken and there weren't any more of them left. Of course those four Blackmon women consisted of Ananda, April, Alaina, and Ebony and those three little Blackmon girls were Charlie, Royalty, and Kairi. He didn't care what their last names were they were still part of the Blackmon family and treated as such as well as known as Blackmon's in the streets. People knew that they were Ian's grandchildren and no one was getting any piece of the Triple B's of either generation so that was a dud.

"This shit ain't right. How the fuck did y'all asses bag them. How did y'all even cross paths" Hood questioned and of course everyone laughed.

"I thought y'all niggas were tryna get into some fun. How the fuck did this shit turn into talking bout our women" Dave asked chuckling. Niggas be talking all the shit in the world but what they be really want to do is sit, gossip, and sip tea like the women in his life would say.

"That ain't have shit to do with me" Hood said and looked at their peoples who started the whole fun shit.

"All I'm a say is I was at the right place at the right time" Dave answered and looked down at his phone. Then again he gave it some thought. April had been right under his nose for years and he had never known, had seen her, or even crossed paths with her until they were well over adults. With how close their parents were he would've thought that they would've come in contact with one another. But he knew things happened for a reason and it wasn't the right time for them to meet. Yet he wondered what would've happened if they had met when they were younger. Would it have been love at first sight? Would they have been friends? Would she have given him a chance? What would've happened?

"Look at him checking the time and shit" Hood said making everyone laugh as they watched Dave checking the time on his watch. But they could laugh all they wanted the joke was on them.

"You'd be doing the same shit if you had someone to call home" Shooter said and laughed.

"Big facts" Bully agreed laughing at them. There asses was about to go do the same thing. None of them were here for that fun shit unless it included their women and that's just what it was. It was the simple fact that if you liked/loved what you had at home then why fuck it up. They were no longer horny sex craved teens out and about looking for a quick smash and passes. They were fully grown mature men who wanted more out of relationships and life period. They wanted a solid foundation and so far they all had it and were determined to keep it.

"Man fuck y'all" he laughed and waved them off.

"Welp it's time for y'all niggas to bounce. It's time to call my wife" Dave said as he looked up from his phone and around the room at his boys.

"Well damn" Hood said as everyone started clapping it up with each other and started exiting out of the room.

Once Dave was alone he went and showered, dried off, tossed on a pair of sweats, hopped in bed, got comfortable, and picked up the phone and facetimed April. He missed her ass. He didn't think it would this bad especially since they had already gone through one tour before but they had been by each other's side for months on end that being away for any lengthy period of time was type whack. The fact that tour just started and he was already feeling this way was whack.

"Hello" April answered on the fourth ring with an attitude. Normally she'd be all smiles and greeted him properly. You know the usual hey Papi but tonight that shit didn't exist. She looked like she was over it. He could tell that she was stressing. It was written all over her face.

"I'm a hang up and call you right back because I don't know you who talking to" Dave said mugging her still not liking the way she answered his call.

"Ok" she said and shrugged her shoulders.

Dave moved the phone from his face and looked at it wondering who she was talking to let alone why did she even have an attitude and from the looks of it, it looked like it was towards him. So Dave hung up and facetimed her right back.

"Hello" April answered just like she had the first time with an attitude.

"Yo what's going on with you" he asked still mugging her.

April looked at him and chuckled. "I'm good Papi peachy and you"

"You know I'm not with the shits. If you got an issue with me let it be known and if it's bout someone else than who we fuckin up"

"Just one of those days" she replied and shrugged.

"Bet then how can I make it a better night for you? How can I get my baby to smile" he asked trying to make her smile. He didn't like when she wasn't her usual cheery and loving self.

"I'll be fine. How was ya show" April asked brushing shit off which they both knew he didn't like.

"We can go back and forth all night so you mind as well start talking" he continued mugging her. He wasn't going to stop pressing her until he got her to speak her frustrations.

April sighed and leaned up against the headboard. "Listen I don't want to argue or be the nagging wife so I'm rolling with the cards I was dealt and taking care of home"

Dave sighed. "You still haven't called mama or mommy? Chris didn't come down" he fired off. He loved that she wasn't a quitter but damn she could be stubborn at times. That damn Taurus in her was going to get the best of her. She was straight stubborn as a bull sometimes.

"Like I said I'm good now how was ya show" she said still not answering him.

"April talk to me. We're not doing this shit again. That whole not talking, shutting down, and keep shit to ya self ain't happening so talk to me" he said sternly. She was going to talk one way or another.

"Ouuu he put the base in his voice. I'm scared" April looked at him and chuckled.

"Get ya shit off because we both know how this shit would go if I was at home" he bitterly chuckled clearly not here for her shit. He knew she had been in her feelings but he didn't think it was this bad.

"I'm scared I'm shaking in my boots" she continued.

"I'm not doing this shit with you" he shook his head getting frustrated himself.

"You don't have to" she snapped. "I don't want to talk bout it. It' pointless so can we just drop it and talk bout how you're doing"

Dave sighed and rubbed his forehead with his freehand. "I was ok and having a good night until now. Now I'm wondering what's going on with my wife, what did I do, and how can I fix it"

April deeply sighed and eyed Dave. "Papi its ok it's not you. I'm just in my feelings and having a shitty ass day that's all. Love Bug is wondering if she's gonna see you tomorrow, Charlie has been a lil fussier than usual, and I'm praying to God that she isn't bout to get a cold" April said and rubbed her hand over her face looking like she was ready to cry. "I'm tired, I miss you, my period seems to have a mind of its own it hasn't shown up yet, and I'm sexually frustrated" she confessed and pouted. "Granted my routine is kicking in and getting a lil better but it still needs a bit more tweaking. It's just a cluster fuck of everything but you know me I can handle it"

"I'm a need you to take a day for ya self. I'll call mama and have her come watch Triple B for a few hours since mommy is gonna be with Lil Butt tomorrow bringing her to me" he said knowing her stubborn ass wasn't going to make the call. He had told her countless times to ask for help if she needed it. Yet she was still trying to be super mom and nothing was wrong with it but even super moms needed help too.

"Papi I'm good it's just a lot to handle when ya use to having ya man at home to hold shit down with you. It's just an adjustment period and I'm still adjusting. I knew it wasn't going to be easy and I'm still trying to figure it out. It's getting easier but like I said it still needs a bit of tweaking mind you I've been packing up the house on my free time. So if I'm not sleeping I'm packing shit up. I've completed Love Bug's winter and spring clothes and now I'm on you"

Dave shook his head and sighed again. She was one of those women who just couldn't sit still and in the end she was going to cause more harm than good if she didn't take a day to herself. "I love that you never quit. I admire that bout you ma I do but if you need help just say so. I told you if you won't call I will. Their grandparents would love to come over and help and you know that so stop being stubborn and prideful. Make the call. As for packing I'll be home for Christmas so I'll be able to help out. I need to take down the beds in the guestrooms and have them shipped out anyway. But chill for a second you don't need to get everything done especially not by ya self"

"I hear you Papi and I will but what bout everything else that I mentioned. I miss you, my period hasn't shown up yet, and I'm sexually frustrated" she said pouting. He knew she could use a good dick down to tame that attitude of hers and as much as he wanted to give it to her she just couldn't at the moment.

"I miss you too ma and you know that. I wish you could come down with mommy and Lil Butt. I need some TLC too" he said and wiggled his brow.

April looked at him and burst out laughing damn near cackling then covered her mouth. He knew she was trying not to wake Charlie. "I thought we discussed this shit before. You can't be moving that brow like that"

Dave mugged her but ended up smiling. He was happy that he could get her to smile. "Don't be coming for me" he said then paused and looked at her and tilted his head looking over her face.

"Wayment you said ya period hasn't shown up" he asked with his brow raised.

April looked at him and slowly nodded her head yes.

"How late are we talking" he questioned.

"Two days" she responded.

"Let a nigga find out he successfully shot up the club" he excitedly said and smirked. If this is what he thought it was he had no issues with it all. In the long run it was something they both wanted so if it came sooner rather than later he was going to accept his blessing. But at the same time he wasn't going to jump to conclusions and get excited over nothing just in case it wasn't what he thought it was.

"Don't be smirking. You shot up the club that whole entire weekend. Nothing went to waste that weekend but that's not the point"

"What's the point? Shit I asked where you wanted it and you told me wherever I wanted so I chose to fill you up. I willingly shot up the club and you could be carrying my lil mans" he cheesed. He had no regrets whatsoever about that weekend and he'd do it all over again. They both knew the consequences of their actions so it was what it was and besides they were ready to risk it all when it went down so if she was carrying a little piece of him then so be it. Shit she was his fiancé after all so it was just like she wanted it to be the next time she got pregnant.

"You know I would love to be carrying a lil piece of you but right now ain't it. It's not the time. I'm already struggling with the kids we already have and that's Teddy included. Then you're on tour. I don't want to be doing this shit alone. Barefoot pregnant while ya on tour that's too much. Besides can we at least wait till Triple B gets a lil older" April stressed. Of course he understood why but he knew they could do it.

"Ma I get it I do but if you are then it's nothing we can do bout it but embrace it but we're not gonna jump to conclusions either. All I'm a say is if you are just know that it's a lil boy baking in there" he smiled. Hell yea he was claiming his little boy whether he was baking or still sitting in his sack waiting.

"Papi really" she dramatically rolled her eyes.

"Yea next time I see ya ass I'm a show you no mercy" he said and bit down on his bottom lip.

"That wasn't even a real eye roll and you didn't show mercy the last time so I'm always ready" she said and tooted her lips.

"Talk ya shit ma talk ya shit" he laughed. "Laugh now run later"

"I'm not doing this with you now get back on track. I'm not going to fully freak out just yet. It might just be my period trying to regulate itself. I've only been on birth control for but so long so we'll see what happens. It might just be switching up and it might not be that big of a deal"

Dave looked at her and licked his lips. "Bet that could be it. So on to the next you said you were sexually frustrated. I should've known that had something to do with ya attitude. Papi put that act right on ya ass and now you don't know how to act" he smirked feeling himself just thinking about getting between her thighs and doing her just right. He was ready to pump more of his seeds right where they belonged...inside of her.

"Yesssss" she dragged. "We done waited months on end to finally get it in. I got a weekend worth and now I'm back in a drought. This can't be life" she dramatically groaned. "I just want to roll over in bed and hop on a nice hard dick for God's sake"

Dave groaned. "I'm a try my best to make it home. I'm in need of some grade A and some soul snatching" he said and shifted in bed. If he could he'd make sure he got some grade A every day.

"Shit if I can pump enough milk for two days I'll meet ya ass" she said serious.

"Somethings gotta give. We might have to do what we did for that weekend. Pump what you can, bring ya ass out here for a night, then turn back around and head back home"

April looked at him and smacked her forehead. "A bitch got a whole ass PJ. I can fly out, get what I need, and make it back home in time" she said as she had an ah ha moment.

"Make it happen. I forgot all bout that shit. I don't care if I have to meet you at the airport. I'll fuck ya ass right then and there" he said serious as hell. They could get a session popping on the plane, lounge around, and she could go right back home afterwards. Sure he'd like to spend more time with her but he'd take what he could get.

"I can have mama and Love Bug fly out and fly with them. I'll have to ask mommy to watch Charlie for a night but I should be good. It'll be last minute so hopefully she'll be available"

"Sounds good to me I can spend time with Lil Butt and mommy during the day, you can come out to my show with me, and we can end the night in my room between the sheets" Dave smirked hoping that their plan worked out.

"Yessss so if it all goes as planned then I'll be seeing you tomorrow" she said and bit down on her bottom lip.

"Finger crossed what else is on ya mind" he questioned.

"Well Christmas is around the corner and this will be our first Christmas together and as a family. I was hoping we could do some shopping together. I already started getting some shit online so I've been stashing shit in our closet" April replied. They had a lot of firsts coming up and Dave wanted to be there for it all.

"We can do that. I have the week of Christmas off then a show in the city the next day then I'm back on the road the Friday after the new year"

"That'll work I already ordered toys since it really isn't any toy stores but I want to get the girls some matching jewelry sets so I have to go see my jeweler. I even got us matching onesies" she cheesed and wiggled her brows at him.

"For you and the girl's right" he said in a questioning tone.

"Nope for all of us including you" she smiled. "Even Teddy has a cute matching shirt"

"You couldn't just get me a two piece" he groaned.

"Sure I could've but I wanted all of us in onesies" she laughed. He knew she did that shit on purpose.

"What bout my dick print I can't be walking around like that" he said trying to get out of wearing a damn onesie.

"You'll be aight" she shrugged. "Besides ya dick print shows in ya sweats and you haven't stopped wearing those so hey"

"Man whatever"

"Yay me any, who I have to get gifts for all of the adults the kids are pretty much done besides lil shit I want to get them"

"Bet I need to get some shit too but don't be going overboard either we still gonna have to pack all that shit up too"

"True, true" she nodded. "Show how was ya show"

"It was cool and it was another packed house so that was a plus. They love the kid" he cheesed.

"Yessss we here it" she smiled back at him. He loved the support he got from her. "What y'all get into tonight"

Dave looked at her and laughed then shook his head thinking about the conversation him and his boys had just had. "Nothing much just niggas being nosey as usual and wondering if there is any more Blackmon women"

April laughed. "It never fails. I must admit we are some pretty bad bitches but there are tons of pretty bad bitches out there that aren't Blackmon's. We are not the only ones. Ya boys need to get out of the hood some and look around"

"Facts but they want y'all" he laughed.

"Too bad for them we're already spoken for" April said and cheesed.

"Fuckin facts" he chuckled.

"By the way Papi I'm sorry for coming at you wrong. I didn't mean it and I don't want to make it a habit so the next time I feel a way I'll collect myself before coming at you sideways" April said apologizing to him and he was glad that she did because he hated when she came at him wrong. It was a certain way they talked to each other and the way she was coming at him wasn't the way to go. She didn't do it often and he could count on one hand how many times she had but still he wasn't here for it. He thought it was disrespectful so for her to acknowledge her faults he was thankful because he didn't want to have that type of relationship where they said whatever to each other.

"Thanks ma preciate' it. Now you owe me for misbehaving" he said and devilishly smirked at her. He was going to make her put in some work.

"Owe you what" she raised her brow but he knew she knew what it was.

For the remainder of the night Dave and April continued talking until they both fell asleep on the phone. All Dave hoped for was that April would be able to come along with his mother and Kairi the next day. He needed some alone time with her and he'd love to have her on stage with him at his next show and above all he knew she needed a moment to herself.

-Hey guys hope y'all enjoyed 😊 I'm a lil late tonight 😂
-Dave is still on tour but he managed to get our girl's ring. Well it's being made so we can cross that off the list so that's a plus but um how y'all feeling his boys and the whole fun shit 🤔
-Sounds like some shit might pop off but who knows👀
-April ass needs a me day like stat though 😔
-Y'all know my ass stay plotting I got plans (rubs hands together like trifling ass bird man) 😂 just like y'all know I like to build shit up instead of dropping bombs...
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

🛑A new story has been published in my short story book A Dose of Me...check it out if you haven't ☺️

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