4: Mommy Duty
Chapter 4: Mommy Duty
April plopped down on her and Dave's bed just over the day and exhausted period. Since Dave had been on tour it had just been her, her baby girls, and her baby boy Teddy, and it had been a trying time. Yet she didn't want to call for help just yet. She wanted to see if she could hack it on her own because she knew she wouldn't always have family to call for help all the time and at the end of the day they were her children and her responsibility. Between Charlie's nightly and morning feedings, having to wake up a few hours later to get Kairi ready for school, get breakfast on the table, taking Teddy out for walks, picking up Kairi from school, making sure she spent time with her trying to make sure she kept up with the normal routine, cooking dinner, bath time, sleep, and repeat things were hectic. Chris wasn't due to come till next weekend so she had Charlie to herself all day every day since there were no changing shifts but she didn't mind having her baby all to herself. This shit had her sending silent prayers to all the single mothers and fathers out in the world busting their asses from day to day doing all of this shit by themselves because it was far from easy. But April wasn't a quitter so she was determined to keep pushing until she had things under control and if she really thought she couldn't handle it she was going to send for the troops...her mother, Mama Faye, and Mama Joyce. She was going to send out that SOS like excuse me grandmas your grandchildren need you shit I need you fuck it WE need you.
She had just finished putting Kairi to bed while Charlie was sleep but she knew Charlie would be up in the next hour or so, so she was trying to collect herself so she could take a quick shower while she had the chance to. April lied in the bed for a good ten minutes just to get off her feet then went and took a shower. Once she was done she hoped out and continued with the rest of her routine and when she was done she hopped right back in bed. She hated sleeping alone and was low key missing Dave. She was use to him always being by her side even when he was coming home from the studio at all times of the night. It was cold on her side of the bed but she didn't care because she had been sleeping on his side since he had left. She found it easier to fall asleep on Dave's side of the bed because it still smelled like him. She would've let Kairi sleep with her and call it a sleepover with both of her girls but with Dave being on the road for months at a time she didn't want to create a habit to where she'd only sleep in their bedroom instead of her own.
April knew she'd be ok in a few weeks though she just had to get use to their situation. She knew she could do it. Besides she wanted to me a mother and a wife and she got her wish and she was going to make sure she took care of their family and hold shit down. Just like she knew she had to get use to Dave calling at all times of the day and night. He never had a set a time. He called home whenever he had the chance to. Most of the time he called when he knew the kids was up so they'd still be able to talk to him like they normally would. Right about now April was in their bed, on his side, dressed in one of his t-shirts sleepy as hell and wondering when he was going to call. It was 9 o'clock so she knew he was about to get on the stage because he had a show tonight. She didn't know when she had fallen asleep all she knew was that she was waking up to a fussy baby and that meant it was feeding time. She prayed to God by the time Charlie was actually off of breast milk that she'd still have some boobs left with the way she was drinking. Charlie was going to drink her dry and have her walking around saggy.
"I'm coming mommy's baby" April yawned, stretched, climbed out of bed, and made her way to a fussy Triple B. Picking her up April rocked her in her arms while she grabbed a fresh bib and one of her towels to put on her shoulder. She got herself situated in the middle of the bed up against the headboard and proceeded to feed a hungry Charlie. "You stay attacking me like I don't feed you" April looked down at Charlie and laughed while Charlie just starred up at her while drinking.
Excuse Me by Jazmine Sullivan came through the speakers of her cell phone and she couldn't help but smile. This was the call she had been waiting for.
"Hey Papi" April answered the facetime smiling watching him smile back at her.
"There goes that smile I love and miss. Hey ma let me see my baby real quick I know its feeding time"
April laughed. "Well excuse me" she said as she put the phone on Charlie. Daddy Dave was the best. The way he was with their children gave him those extra points. April loved that shit. He was such a daddy.
"Pops baby I see you on my property again" Dave said smiling at Charlie. As soon as she heard his voice and saw his face she let go of April's breast and smiled. "Hey my baby" he cooed.
April swore up and down between Dave and Chris they got the most smiles and spit bubbles from Charlie than she had and although she didn't want to admit it she knew that her baby was going to be a daddy/pops girl. But it was cool she still had Kairi and Royalty in her corner. "Here we go again with ya property" April said and laughed. She knew with the way he saw it she was his property especially after she put that pussy on his ass. He was not letting her ass go anywhere. It was to the point that if she even thought she was going anywhere she knew Dave was going to be right by her side like yea ma where WE going. But she didn't mind because if his ass thought for a second he was going to go anywhere she was going to be right in his fuckin luggage and spring out on his ass as soon as he opened it like hey Papi you THOUGHT.
"Triple B let me holla at ya momma real quick" he said and chuckled.
"How may I help you" April asked as she put the phone back on herself smirking.
"Maybe I should talk to you after Triple B goes to sleep" he smirked. She already knew he was thinking something dirty.
"You think you know something now" April playfully shot back.
"Yea I'm a hold off burp my baby and hit me back" he said and licked his lips. April already knew what type of time he was on. Since they had sex they had both been on one. That weekend had leveled up their relationship something serious. It added more to what they already had in their relationship as well as it added a little more to their intimacy level and they were both trying to see what each other had been hiding when it came to the bedroom.
"Bet, I'll call you back in a few Papi. I love you"
"I love you too ma now put my baby back on real quick" April put the phone back on Charlie. "I love you Triple B. Make sure you let momma get some sleep. Sweet dreams" he said and gave her a kiss through the phone. "Speak to you in a few ma"
"Ok" April hung up and focused on Charlie. April finished feeding Charlie, burped her, and played with her until she fell asleep in her arms. Once she was sleep she placed her back in her bassinette. Watching over her for a little while longer just to make sure she was good April grabbed the baby monitor and made her way out the bedroom while Teddy went and sat beside Charlie's bassinette on his protective brother shit. She didn't know how or why he did it but every time April left Charlie alone he'd stay behind and watch her. She was convinced that Dave had sat him down and told him that he had to protect and watch over the girls while he was gone or maybe he remembered when they had first gotten him and Dave was going on tour then too and Teddy had been right by their side guarding them. Whatever it was she was happy that he was looking out for her. April checked on Kairi then made her way down the hall to the room that was now her closet, opened and closed the door behind her, then took a seat on her loveseat. As soon as April was comfortable she facetimed Dave and waited for him to answer.
"My kids sleep" Dave questioned as soon as he answered.
"Yes Papi thank God" April replied and huffed tiredly then blew a loose curl out of her face.
Dave looked at her and sighed. "You still haven't called mama have you" he asked referring to her mother.
"No" she replied knowing he was about to get on her case.
"Ma ya gonna need some help at least until you find ya rhythm"
"I know but I don't want to call them unless I absolutely need to. Granted I'm a lil exhausted but it's only been a week" she admitted. "It's a toddler, a newborn, and a puppy so it's gonna be a lil tricky for a lil while"
"Listen we got a whole ass family who supports us and will be happy to help out. You don't have to do it alone. The girls have two sets of grandparents close by and their auntie Ebony wouldn't hesitate to help you" Dave stressed. He had told her from jump to call if she needed help but April was stubborn. She wanted to try it on her own first before throwing in the towel.
"Papi I know and I will if I have to but I have it under control at the moment. Once I get the flow I'll be good" she tried to assure him.
"Ok but if I feel like you need help I'm calling the troops" he said sternly and she knew he wasn't playing.
"I already know. Now that, that's out of the way how was ya show" she asked changing the subject not wanting to go back and forth with him.
"Ya not off the hook ma but I'll let it go for the moment. I don't want you to go to bed mad let alone mad at me. But tonight's show was good. The crowd was hype and it was another packed house" he said and smiled. She knew he was happy that he was out there filling up his venues.
"Aye sell out those shows Papi. Make that bag" she said and stuck out her tongue hyping him up as usual on her number one fan/cheerleader shit. She was team Dave all day every day and she was going to make sure that her man knew she was repping his set.
Dave groaned. "Nah ma you really can't be doing that shit now. That shit is off limits when I'm not home to handle that shit" he always had some shit to say about her sticking out her tongue but now it was worst.
April laughed. "That's what ya ass get for not letting me mold ya shit and ya petty as fuck for hiding my shit too"
"Fuck those toys ain't shit going inside my shit but my dick and I don't care if you molded my shit I still wouldn't let you use it" he said serious as hell. She had really wanted to mold his shit but Dave shot her ass all the way down. It was to the point that she had the molding kit in her cart ready to checkout and he smooth deleted that shit. Of course she knew it wasn't going to work her like the actual thing but she was willing to make it work or at least give it a try.
"So what am I supposed to do then" she questioned thinking about when she was walking around sexually frustrated so she knew she wanted no part of that.
"Better use ya fingers like I gotta use my hands. You ain't let me get a pocket pussy so I call it fair game" he shot back.
"You already know the only wet, wet ya getting is mines fuck that pocket shit" she said and mugged him.
"Exactly so if I can't you can't"
"That's different. It's a mold of your dick. That pussy ain't a molding of mines" they went back and forth on why she couldn't have a molding of his dick and why he couldn't get a pocket pussy.
"It still ain't like the real thing and you know that" he devilishly smirked.
"I cannot and will not tell a lie. Papi's dick is amazing" she said and bit down on her bottom lip he did her pussy all types of right last weekend. Shit she could actually use some dick at the moment. He could rock her ass to sleep tonight. He could fuck all her frustrations away. He was packing heat and working with some good shit.
"I need to find some time to make it home. I need a session. We can break in the tub and the bed the right way this time" he groaned again. It had only been a week but they had been without sex for months so they were both ready to make up for the lost time.
"I'm done" April said and closed her legs tightly. "Next subject please" she didn't want to talk about any type of session if he wasn't right there to give it to her.
"You think you can get away one of these days" he questioned serious.
"If I can I'll let you know. If anything it'll have to be a weekend since Love Bug spends the weekends with our parents on those days but I'll keep you posted because you know I can't go too far since I'm still nursing"
"Bet, now we can change the subject. What's been going on" he asked.
"Besides mom and wife life nothing" she said then stopped. "Butttt we do have a lil situation" she said as she watched him settle in bed with her eyes dancing all over his bare chest.
"A situation like what" he raised his brow.
"Nia wants to have a face to face with muah" she eased out wanting to know how he felt about the situation.
"Nia who" he scrunched his face confused.
"You know who"
"Unkie's baby mother" he said in a questioning tone.
"Yup" April said and popped the P.
"What the fuck she want to talk to you bout y'all ain't cool"
"Basically the same shit I said"
"How did this even come bout" he questioned and April proceeded to tell him about the conversation she had with Chris making sure she didn't leave anything out.
Dave looked at her and she already knew he was about to hit her with his famous mug. "Lay it on me" she said ready.
"I know you would love to be able to talk to unkie's baby whenever you feel like it. The girls would definitely love that including their grandparents just like I know you will do anything for the girls and I love that bout you. But I ain't here for the fake shit and you know that" he said and April could understand where he was coming from. She felt a way about it too.
"Same here that's what I told bestie. For one I don't fuck with her for a reason. What she did she did on purpose but I never said shit to her. Now it wasn't on purpose to screw me over but it was to get that check out of bestie. I dealt with Chris because it was his fault. But her ass was in the wrong too and if someone did what she did to me she'd feel the same way I did. Like I told bestie I'll do it for the sake of my girls but if any bullshit occurs I'm out. I'm not dealing with anyone or anything that I don't have to. I still feel like she could be added to my hit list and that's just for sport" April said and smacked her lips. Yes she was over the whole Chris and Nia situation but that didn't mean that, that shit didn't sting.
"I'm telling you now that shit better be a damn good conversation because we're leaving all this negative bullshit here in Jersey. When we move I don't want any of that shit to follow us and be sitting on our doorstep"
"I hear you Papi. I feel the same way. At the end of the day we don't have to be friends but I'm willing to be cordial"
"Bet, so talk to her and get that shit out of the way and if you feel like she's on some bullshit just pull ya self away from the situation because she ain't worth it"
"Big facts I be asking for the smoke and I be wanting it but really I just want peace and for everyone in our family to be able to be around each other whenever without any unnecessary bullshit especially my girls. I just want to focus on being a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a best friend, and to continue to live the life we live and collect my bags" April said and sighed. If only it was that simple.
"Don't even let all that extra background shit get in ya head our family is straight and we have no problems on our side. You're an amazing mother, an amazing wife" he stopped and cheesed at her making her smile from ear to ear. She was wondering if he was going to bring the topic up or were they going to leave it in the air and let it be like they have been doing since it went down.
"Fuck it I'll bite the bullet" he said and chuckled. "You do know when I asked you to marry me that I was serious right? I meant it"
April couldn't help but to smile and blush. When Dave asked her to marry him she didn't hesitate or think twice about her answer. She said it confidently and she meant it. She honestly didn't care how he asked her. She had a fancy proposal before and it was nice and all but it wasn't by her person so this time around it didn't matter to her how it went down. The fact was that it went down and it went down faster than she expected. Hmm maybe that past ruined all of her special moments and made her not want what she used to dream of. You know the cute romantic proposal, the engagement party, and everything else that came along with it. What she did know for a fact was that she still wanted her dream wedding with her dream man and she knew Dave was not only her dream man but he was going to make sure she had it and she wanted to make sure that he had his as well because they both deserved it.
"Trust me I know Papi. We done had the proposal and wedding conversation a time or two" she answered. "I know my pussy is grade A and all but I also know that no matter how good it is you wouldn't have asked me if you didn't mean it"
Dave chuckled. "Grade A ain't even the word" he said and licked his lip hungrily.
"Focus nasty" April laughed.
"Can't help it" he chuckled. "But all seriousness baby I meant that shit. It may not bother you but it bothers me. I know why I did it and you'll know one of these days as well" he said and she could tell that he was keeping a few things to himself and she didn't mind. She knew that when the time came he was going to tell her everything that was on his mind and in his heart.
"I know you did Papi and I'm ready whenever you are. So whatever you want to do and have planned I won't stop you" she said honestly. She was on his time and she was going to let him be the man and take the lead in how he wanted things to go down. April didn't want to ruin anything for him.
"Facts I don't want you sitting at home in ya head thinking otherwise and wondering when shit is gonna go down just know that it did and it will again but when it goes down again it'll be the last time and it'll be worth the second round" he said confidently.
"I'm good Papi do ya thing. I won't take ya moment away from you either. The ball is in ya court and I'm willing to play whatever game you want and need me to play"
"That's all I ask. Let a nigga have his moment and give you ya moment" he said and cheesed showing his teeth. She still couldn't get over how mean he looked on a daily but when he was around her and their girls he was all smiles. Her Papi was one hell of a thug teddy bear and she loved his ass to pieces.
"Ok you got it Papi" she cheesed back and yawned.
"You look like you need some sleep" Dave said as he looked her over. Lord knows she was sleepy but she wanted to talk to him for a little while longer. "I'll be fine just talk to me. I miss you"
"You sure you miss me or is it that you miss that butt rub" he said and laughed.
April pouted. "I really do. These no booty rubs and sleeping alone is for the birds. I got a whole ass man my fault fiancé/husband to put me to sleep" she smiled making him cheese yet again. He had really asked her to marry him and she couldn't believe it. Sure she knew that what they had was one of a kind and not built for many but the love they had for each other was out of this world so for him to ask her to marry him had her over the moon. She wouldn't have guessed in a million years that this would be her reality but it was and she was going to make sure she was one hell of a wife because Dave deserved the same energy he poured out on her.
"That you do ma but Papi gotta make the bag for his girls and his son. But how you think I feel. I got a whole ass wife at home but I ain't got nobody to cuddle under me, rub and kiss on my chest, play in my hair, and play with me until I fall asleep" he said and winked. April already knew what it was. He was missing her rubbing on his hardware while they were cuddled up in bed.
"You just like me touching on you period" April laughed and yawned again.
"Ma, go get you some sleep while you can"
"But I want to talk to you" she whined.
"How bout you go to the bedroom, get in bed, and I'll stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep"
"K" she said sounding just like a sleepy Kairi. April got up, walked out of the room turning the lights off and closed the door behind her, made it back to their bedroom turned off the lights keeping on the lamp on the nightstand, and hopped in bed.
"Did you check the alarm and shit" he asked with his brow raised. Since he had been gone he had been on her heels about the alarm and to keep it on at all times.
"Yes the house is locked down and security is in rotation" she answered.
"Bet" he nodded. "Don't forget ya bonnet ma" he reminded her. She had completely forgotten that her hair was in a messy high bun.
"See that's why you the best Papi" she said and grabbed her scarf off his nightstand, put the phone down, put on her scarf, and picked the phone back up.
"Tell me something I don't know" he said all cocky. She just let him be. "Where my lil boy at"
April laughed. "He's guarding his baby sister but since he knows I'm back in the bedroom he'll be fussing to get in the bed with me. I swear since you've been gone he's been on guard" April said and at the same time Teddy started trying to get her attention by pulling on the blanket.
"See you weren't even listening to ole dude at the pet shop. He said they were good guard dogs but I spoke to him before I left and told him he had to watch over his sisters and momma. See when I get back I'm a have to treat him" Dave chuckled. April already knew what type of treat he meant too.
"You stay getting my baby high" April laughed and shook her head then bent down at the side of the bed and picked up Teddy and put him on the bed. She didn't like when people had pets in the bed but Teddy got a pass. He'd make himself comfortable at the foot of the bed instead of rolling all around it leaving fur everywhere.
"He be down for the cause and I rather him do it with me then with a stranger"
April damn near burst out laughing but had to remember Charlie was sleeping. "What the hell ever. Teddy you want to see daddy" April asked making Teddy perk up and make his way up under her.
"Teddy B" Dave looked at him smiling making him bark.
"See that's what we not bout to do y'all not bout to wake my baby" April said and mugged the both of them.
"Lay ya ass down already so I can put ya ass to sleep" Dave said and looked at her.
"Tss" she smacked her lips and lied down with Teddy cuddling up under her. She'd let it slide for the night. "We bout to set some rules you can't be talking to me like that and not be here to catch this comeback"
"Same thing applies to you too then" he playfully shot back.
"You think I'm playing we're bout to be on some PG13 shit because I'm not bout to be torturing myself. It was different being tortured while I was pregnant because it was limits there but I done tasted and been fed some bomb ass dick so we gotta tone it down or something until you get back home" she said dead ass serious. Now that she knew he was not only packing heat but also knew how to use it something had to be done. April was not about to go months without dick again. She had been there, done it, and didn't like it.
Dave looked at her and laughed. "So you really think I'm bout to be traveling around the world, not home, and can't talk some good shit to woman. That ain't happening. Ya lucky ya ass tired because we'd be exploring some other options" he said dead ass.
"But I can't stick out my tongue though. You be trying to make up these rules that only work for you" she chuckled.
"They work for the both of us. I'm a still talk my shit and I expect you to talk yours too but ya gonna stop with the tongue shit"
April yawned and shook her head. "Whatever you say" she said as she propped up the phone on one of the pillows and got comfortable.
"Act like you know"
"Oop whatever" April said as she felt her eyes getting heavier by the second.
"Goodnight ma I love you"
"Goodnight Papi I love you too and you better not hang up the phone until I'm sleep either" she said as she let her eyelids slowly shut.
"Ok" she yawned again and before she knew it she was sleep then woke right back up. "Papi my kiss" she opened her eyes and mugged him.
Dave laughed. "My fault ma" he said and sent her a kiss through the phone.
"Thankies" she sent him a kiss back and went right back to sleep with ease.
-Hey guys I hope y'all enjoyed 😊
-More power to all the single mothers and fathers out there because April sounds like she's going through it‼️
-Tour life (that's all I'm a say about that) 👀🏃🏾♀️
-Now y'all know April was going to say yes to Papi's proposal. Wonder how it's gonna go down 🤔 me too 😂 I'm thinking about how I'm a execute it.
-I hope y'all know my ass is plotting (rubs hands together like bird man) 😈
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑Hey new readers I see you boos..hope you've been enjoying so far 🥰
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