34: The Beginning of the End

Chapter 34: The Beginning of the End
April & Dave

"A soulmate usually only comes once in your life to shake things up, show you true love, and stand up to you in ways no one else ever has. They adore you yet challenge you to your fullest potential. A soulmate relationship isn't only peaches and cream, it's roses with thrones."
-Author Unknown

Back at the Villa...

The family had left kids included leaving April and Dave to themselves. Now the masks were off and the game of charades was over. The fake smiles were removed and replaced with solemn looks. They really didn't want to but they both knew that they needed to talk. They had plenty of talks before but for some reason this one felt like they were going to open a whole new can of worms and the outcome might not be as pretty this time around. This one felt different from all of the others. It just wasn't the same it was more serious issues plaguing them. Months had passed and now the tension and build up had reached its peak. You could tell by how the atmosphere had suddenly changed around them and the tension they had been so busy running from was now here and very well present. No one was to blame but themselves for letting it get to this point. Sure they had good communication but sometimes it was flawed.

Anyone on the outside looking in would assume that their relationship was nothing but perfect and blissful but in reality it wasn't. It was far from perfect just like they were. On the other hand it wasn't smoke and mirrors because they did have a great relationship. Sometimes they just fucked up. Could it be better? Absolutely but this was it and this was them. Rainbows and sunshine is what they had some days while others it seemed as if a dark cloud was following and looming over them. They really couldn't understand why shit couldn't be simple for them because they had both been through enough together and apart. Then again their relationship had never been simple. Maybe it was before April slept with Chris and had Charlie. But even then it would always be something because Dave had come into her life with his own set of baggage named Millie and he hadn't properly gotten rid of his baggage. It was still dragging along in it's black garbage bag beside him.

For April she felt like when it came to talking to Dave about Millie or Millie in general that it would be pointless. So that's why she kept shit to herself these days. Why talk about how she felt about her when all it would do is go in one ear and out the other and cause more harm than good. For Dave Millie was of course still a sore subject for him so talking about her always put him in a sour mood. But today was the day because it had to be done. They couldn't keep sweeping shit under the rug hoping that one or the other would forget about it and let it pass. If they were going to get married and bring a child into the world then this talk was an absolute must. They had a lot at stake and kids to think about.

"You mind as roll you a blunt and sit down and pop a squat" April said as she kept her eyes fixed on Dave following his every move carefully watching his moods. They were in their bedroom. April figured it would be the best place to talk at the moment and out of people's earshot. Although she was ready for this much needed conversation she was still low key nervous as hell. She was hoping, praying, and wishing for the best but she had a sinking feeling that the outcome wouldn't be the outcome she hoped and prayed for. She felt it in the very pit of her stomach deep down in her gut but the conversation couldn't be pushed to the side any longer. They had already waited way too late to begin with.

"Heard ju" Dave said already reaching for his weed in the nightstand. He knew for this conversation that he was going to need something to help calm his nerves and mellow him out.

April kept quiet and gave him some time to get himself together. She wanted him to be good and comfortable. Once he was finished rolling he grabbed his lighter and joined April on the bed. Back pressed firmly against the headboard Dave lit his blunt and focused his attention on April who sat in the middle of the bed sitting Indian style. Just like April was feeling a way so was he and he very much was allowed to feel a way.

"I feel like I need to properly apologize for what went down last night. I was too busy in my own feelings and you were there so I took my frustrations out on you. All you asked for was some time but I kept poking the bear and ya claws came out" he said then took a pull from his blunt letting the smoke invade his lungs hoping that the weed would soon take effect. "For real ma I'm sorry bout last night. I was feeling a way and I had poured my feelings into a bottle or two or three of Henny. I know it's no excuse but I am sorry. You know how I feel bout Millie in general and the whole talking to Kairi thing threw me for a loop. That's the last thing I expected to hear from her" he said apologizing but honestly April was a little fed up with his sorry ass apologies when it came to Millie. Yet she didn't say anything she let him apologize for his bullshit yet again.

But since today was the day she just had to say something though. She couldn't keep letting shit like this slide. "You know you apologize a lot when it comes to Millie and honestly I'm tired of hearing it. If you aren't apologizing for some shit she caused then you're apologizing for her when it should be the other way around especially when you know she wouldn't dare do the same shit for you" she said calmly making sure her tone wasn't rude or hostile because she wanted this conversation to be as calm and smooth as it possibly could. She didn't feel like having a screaming match especially since they were on vacation and it was supposed to be nothing but good vibes only.

Dave blew out another cloud of smoke with his eyes never once leaving hers. "It's not my intention but sometimes I feel the need to apologize on her behalf because I did bring her into ya life"

As soon as that little four letter word life left his mouth all she could think about was hers and how if it wasn't for her family being ahead of the game she would've got, got. She would've been dead and it wouldn't have been any way around it. She would've been straight in the dirt six feet under lying with the worms dressed to the nines. It was cool to take her away from her family but April couldn't dare take Millie away from hers. How did that even make sense? It didn't and it wasn't fair. April couldn't hold her tongue any longer. It had been one question that always plagued her brain since the day she found out about the hit. The question never went anywhere. It circled her brain like a revolving door. She thought about it night and day but had never dared to ask Dave the question or even express her concerns. She was high key afraid of the answer because in her mind she already knew the answer and it made her sick to her stomach. Sick because when it came to her love and loyalty to Dave she was and would always be ride or die just like she was when they were just friends, just like she was when they were shortly together, and just like she was after their breakup. But when it came to Dave she felt like she got a little more than half of what she was putting out. Sure he was there body and soul but as far as his mind she didn't completely have that. Before shit could go left April quickly and literally bit down on her tongue because right now it wasn't the right time to address it. But trust and believe the conversation wouldn't be done and over with until she asked him because she just had to know even if it meant her feelings would be hurt and feeling torn.

Dave released another cloud of smoke. "It looks like you got something on ya mind so what's good" he questioned wondering what was going on in her head because he could definitely see that it was something heavy.

April shook her head trying to shake away the thoughts. "Now isn't the time to address it but before this is over I will. I just need you to put everything out and on the table. I don't want to leave no stone unturned. I don't want to leave feeling like we both still have more to say. I want to know where ya head at, how ya feeling bout me, bout us, ya self...everything. Whatever you been holding in this is the time to speak ya peace"

"This shit right here annoys the fuck outta me. I know ya mad but ya still playing calm instead of letting it out"

"The way I see it is we're both adults and we're in a relationship so why can't we have an adult conversation. Why do we need to argue? I can say what I need to say without arguing. Besides I hate when we argue. I don't want to do the whole breakup to make up make up sex routine. After while the shit gets old"

"Understood but sometimes I wish you would just scream out what's going on with you instead of holding it in" Dave said as he looked at her and sighed then put out his blunt. He had a few things sitting heavy on his chest when it came to April and since they both wanted to put everything out on the table this was the perfect opportunity to do so. "I love you ma I do but I need for you to let me in...all the way in. Yea you tell me shit but I feel like you still keep shit to ya self and honestly I'm getting fed up with the bullshit. If I'm ya nigga and the man ya bout to marry ya supposed to tell me how you feel and what's troubling ya mind. You love to block me out until it's too late. Open ya mouth and say what you gotta say"

"It's funny you say that because you've been doing the very same thing but ok if you want to know I'll let you know. Besides I literally tell you everything unless it's bout Millie. I just feel like when it comes to her and how I feel it's just pointless to speak my mind. I already know how you'll react so what's the point in telling you" she said and shrugged her shoulders.

"I wouldn't say it would be pointless but you know I really don't like talking bout her"

"My point exactly so why would you think I would come to you for that? I never know what to expect from you when she's involved. But let's save that for last because we have a lot of shit to discuss"

"Bet" he said somewhat relieved. Saving Millie for last was their best bet because he knew like she knew that's when shit would really hit the fan. "So are you really planning to go back to work in September" he questioned. He figured they could start off light before they dug a little deeper.

"Yea I already informed my staff that I'll be back in right after Charlie's first birthday. The Monday after her birthday I'll be going in. So everyone is expecting me. Why" she replied and asked wondering why he was even asking her that when he already knew the answer. It had been planned that way from jump. She was just hoping that he wasn't asking her what she thought he was because if so he was the wrong person to ask her such a thing.

"Just double checking. I've been thinking bout the girl's routine and how they're used to seeing you on the daily. How you feel bout holding off until I get done with filming or just holding off till the New Year" he asked with his brow raised. He figured if she could hold off for a few more months or possibly after the New Year then he would be able to switch routines with her for a little and be home with the girls until work called again.

"I've already been gone way too long as it is. I can't afford to push it back any further and certainly not after the New Year. I'm supposed to be working on some new software to drop for the New Year so I can't push it back and risk not meeting my deadline. I'm the CEO I run my company and staying home any longer then need be isn't in my deck of cards. I only took off this long because of Charlie and not taking a proper break for myself. Besides Kairi will be in school and I'll still be able to drop her off and pick her up afterschool and come home for momma duties. As far as Charlie she'll be between Chris and the daycare at my office so if she needs me I'll be able to get to her quickly. So the kids won't really miss me too much. I'll only be working four days a week though just so I can have some time for myself as well" she said. She had done more than just thought this through and staying home any longer wasn't an option for her. She had already missed and postponed a lot of shit. Since she knew she had a lot of work to do and Dave wouldn't be home she made sure to take Friday's off just to give herself a break in between all the hustle and bustle.

"Ok bet I just don't want Kairi to go through any more drastic changes"

"Understood same here" she agreed. "How long is filming actually going to be" she asked because he had never really given her a clear time frame.

"Uhh bout four or five months or so but I'll be able to go back and forth. But honestly most of my time will be spent in Jersey. So it'll be like I'm touring"

April sighed and rubbed her forehead. She was of course very proud of him but the constant back and forth was getting to her. She was a little tired of holding the fort down alone. With the way he stayed on the go sometimes she felt like a single parent. "I don't know if you noticed but ya on the move most of the time. You haven't been home consistently since we started dating. Trust I get it because touring is where ya money is at but we miss and need you at home. Do you think you'll be taking a break after filming because honestly it's just me and the girls most of the time? It's like every time you come home ya right back out the door" she said which was true. It seemed as if as soon as he planted his foot in the door he was turning right back around leaving the same way he came.

"Yea I plan on taking a few months off after filming but I'll still be back and forth in the studio here and in Jersey and New York" he replied. He knew he needed to take some much needed time off anyway. He still felt like he was missing out on home life. He was spending more time on the road facetime talking to her and the girls instead of being at home with them. He never wanted them to feel as though work was more important than them so he knew he needed a break.

"Ok cool because you need a break and so do I" April said satisfied with his answer. It had been constant come and go for him and yes he had been home for a little while but even then he was still doing shows. Jersey, New York, LA, Vegas, and Miami still had him lined up and he stayed hosting parties and doing club appearances. He had his hands in everything. Not to mention when he was home some days the only place he would be was locked in his studio for hours at a time. The only time he would come out of the studio was to bother the girls for a second, eat, and get a quick session in with April. He even had Teddy locked in there with him just chilling with his daddy. Then there was his up and coming modeling career so he definitely had a lot going on. He couldn't sit still for shit.

"Bet but I'm a need for you to not get swept back into being a workaholic. We're not going back to that lifestyle"

April laughed. Dave loved her work ethic but not when she was being a workaholic and doing way too much while putting herself and her body through the most. "I can't do that to myself anymore. Besides I have a family now it's not just me or bout me anymore"

"Know that" he said smiling at her. He was happy that she was putting their family first. Then again she always did. But now this was the perfect opportunity for them to talk about their growing family. So April bit the bullet and spoke up first.

"I know you've been thinking bout the baby or lack thereof" she said ready to get this part of the conversation done and over with and out of the way because she knew that it was going to be a pretty touchy subject. Dave's facial expression instantly changed because he figured she should've been carrying his child by now. So he was certainly in his feelings about it. Honestly after the third month with no baby he had been in his feelings because he thought it would've happened quickly for them.

"Welp from the look on ya face you definitely feel a way bout it" she said looking at how his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then sheer disappointment. His facial expression alone spoke volumes and from what she could see he wasn't happy at all.

"I do" he exclaimed. "The way we fuck and make love you should've been had my seed in you. I don't want to come at you hard or make you feel a way but what's going on with that? Are you taking birth control behind my back? You know since you were the one who wanted to wait for the perfect timing"

"Huh" April said a little taken back. She couldn't believe he had even tooted his lips up and asked her some shit like that. It just made her question if he really knew who he was fuckin with because sometimes she felt like he didn't. If he really knew her he wouldn't have questioned it at all.

"Look I'm not tryna be funny I'm just asking because you had all these plans mapped out and changed them for me. So maybe you changed ya mind"

"Sometimes I wonder if you truly know me. If I told you I was gonna do something then you know I'm gonna do it. If I didn't want a baby now I'd a stuck to my original plan because no matter how much I love you if it ain't right then it ain't right. I'm none of the chicks you fucked around with before me. Doing some shit like that isn't my MO but I know you know that already" April said disappointed as shit. Instances like this always made her question if Dave was really ready for what they had or if this would always be a thing when shit didn't go his way.

"I just needed to ask because it's been months. I was trying to let it rock but I'm not seeing no results"

"It takes what three to seven days for birth control to completely leave the system but it takes months before the body goes back to normal. Sure some women do get knocked up right after they stop taking them and others don't. We should be more worried if we were trying for a year and nothing happened. Mind you I've been on them since Charlie was practically born and she's almost one. So it's definitely been a long while. But ya sure the problem isn't you" she said and cocked her head to the side. "I mean ain't no telling what Millie did to get knocked up but here you go once again projecting her bullshit behavior on me. You don't think I feel a way? I've been questioning my body for a while now and overthinking the baby situation thinking that my body is faulty because at the moment I can't seem to do the one thing women were born to do. I can't give my fiancé the one thing he wants the most besides being my husband" she said and paused before starting right back up.

"Have you ever thought that it could possibly be you? I already experienced a loss I'm trying not to deal with another one. But last time I checked I was perfectly healthy but how bout you" she said feeling more than a way. She was in her fucking feelings. "Like if you were so worried you could've said hey ma let's go make a trip to the doctor to make sure we're fit to have a baby but you assumed the worst of me. If I didn't want a child now or even by you I wouldn't sugarcoat that shit at all I've been firm on waiting and finally decided that I wanted in and this is what I get for agreeing to it" April said trying to remain as calm as she possibly could but truthfully Dave had struck a nerve. The tension in the room seemed to get thicker by the seconds. She wondered how long before it would become suffocating and overwhelming.

"I'm just saying you had Charlie with no issue so why when it comes to our baby we're already months in and still nothing. But that's just my luck though" he said. "Yet you could have a baby for bruh" he mumbled as if April wasn't going to hear him but she had heard him loud and clear. He was way past in his feelings and helping the situation he wasn't. He was making shit worse.

April darkly chuckled and shook her head. She should've known that this shit was going to blow up in her face eventually and bite her in the ass one day. It was too damn good to be true. "I'm a need you to say that shit loud and clear and with ya whole ass chest my mans. You bold enough to mumble that shit then speak that shit. Then again I should've known better. No matter what I'm always the one to get bit in the ass" she said feeling herself getting angry. She had a feeling that this might just end up like the Trey situation but worse because instead of arguing with a shitty ass brother it was her arguing with her fiancé.

"Calm down ma all I'm saying is you had a baby from a one night stand but we can't even have one and we're in a whole ass committed relationship. I'm ya fuckin fiancé and the wedding is five months away" Dave said as he slowly kept digging his grave acting as if them being in a committed relationship would make a baby magically appear. Life never worked that way though. It never gave you what you wanted right then and there.

That shit had hit April hard and if she was standing she would've damn sure stumbled back. She felt like Dave had gut punched her and that shit hurt like hell. Here he was once again throwing some shit in her face that had absolutely nothing to do with him. He was acting like his ass wasn't in a whole ass relationship playing family with a bitch she should've never been worried about to begin with. Mind you her child had been conceived while she was very much single and free to do as she pleased. April folded her hands together and intertwined her fingers trying to do anything to keep herself calm. She knew this would be a heated conversation but she never expected this shit. Here he was once again with the whole nice nasty talk. You know talking shit but trying to say it nicely so she wouldn't get offended but she was very much offended. She took a deep breath in and out and then another. She closed her eyes tightly before opening them and focusing back on Dave.

"First of all when I got pregnant there wasn't a lick of birth control in my system. Remember I only got on them for you but we didn't even last a damn weekend so the dick I wanted I damn sure didn't get. But David I do NOT and will never regret that one night stand that you and other people love throwing in my face. That one night stand gave me a beautiful baby girl who loves me unconditionally. She was made by two people who used to be in love and I'm sorry that bothers you but I can't do anything bout it and even if I could I wouldn't do anything bout it" she said and paused and gave no fucks about how he felt about it. He wasn't about to make her feel guilty about living her life after him.

"Maybe I should've done this sooner. I'm sorry for any pain or suffering that I may have caused you voluntarily or involuntarily. I'm sorry for not telling you that I was pregnant when we linked back up. I'm sorry for not telling you when you were telling me bout what was going on in ya life. I'm sorry if you feel as though I may have put too much responsibility on ya shoulders. I'm sorry for having you uproot Kairi to come with me to LA. I'm sorry for making it seem as if Chris wasn't to be worried bout which he still isn't and never was. It was just a quick fuck that's it and that's all. I'm sorry for wearing that lingerie set when we met back up and chilled as if I could fuck around with you. Sorry but not sorry for letting you eat up the juice box without knowing I was pregnant since you had no problems feasting on me along the way. I'm sorry for any and everything that I may have caused you without knowingly knowing" April apologized for everything but she was far from done. She wanted to make sure she covered everything.

"I don't know what else to apologize for. If you felt a way or even feel a way now I'm sorry. But you can't keep throwing Charlie or my one night stand in my face. We weren't together at all when it happened. I was free to do whatever and whoever I pleased. I didn't have a nigga to report to when I slept with Chris. No one was at home waiting for me. My bed was cold as hell and empty as fuck when I thought you'd be the one to be there with me to keep it and me warm. Ya ass want even checking for me though. Let alone you were doing ya own thing too" April said still trying to remain calm as she possibly could but she honestly knew she was on the edge of snapping. She felt like her buttons were being pushed. She thought they were way past this shit but clearly they weren't. She didn't give not one single fuck if it was Dave but even if he in the slightest resented Charlie then it was time for the both of them to part ways because just like he put Kairi first her child would always come first as well. She didn't want anyone around her child that was going to resent her or feel some type of way about her when she was innocent in all of this.

"First off I love my baby and I have absolutely no problem with her being mines. I love that lil girl as if she came from me just like you do Kairi. But like I said before I can't help but think that she should've been mines. I know I played my part too but damn. I also can't help but think bout how a one night stand made a baby but we're in a whole ass relationship and you haven't even gotten a pregnancy scare no missed periods no nothing" he said pretty much repeating himself.

"Just like its bittersweet for you to see Chris being a father to Charlie and Royalty its bittersweet for me to see you and him co-parent flawlessly. Y'all peacefully work together and always put the kids first no matter what or how y'all feel bout each other. I want that shit with Millie so fuckin bad but I'll never get it. I have to see y'all being friendly and cordial and the kids not being neglected or caught up in some bullshit. I have to see that shit work for y'all but fail miserably for me time and time again. Every time I try to make that shit work it just ends up slapping me in my fuckin face. My baby will never get the chance to see her parents like that" he said saddened.

April of course whole heartedly understood what he meant and how he felt but she didn't like the way he started it off. She felt like he should've said this in the first place instead of throwing a jab at her before making his point. Speak what you say and say what you mean. "Trust I understand that and I know just how you feel but you could've led with that instead of throwing my one night stand in my face like it was something bad. We been there and done that and honestly I thought we were way past that. That's over and done with. Just like I understand how you feel bout us not having a baby yet but ya delivery ain't it. You always do this nice nasty talk when you get in ya feelings bout me and I don't like that shit at all" she paused and looked away before looking back at him.

"I always curve my mouth when it comes to you. Yes I've said some shit to you but I've changed a whole lot. I treat you like I want to be treated and talk to you just the same but sometimes I don't even know why I bother. Sometimes I feel like you purposely push my buttons just to get a reaction. I don't like that shit either. Just like you tell me how am I supposed to know how you feel if you don't speak up? At this point what else do you got for me since you shooting bullets because right now all I'm feeling is strays" April said and asked ready for him to get it all out of his system because she knew this wasn't it and if they had beef then this was the time to resolve it.

"I want my baby and I want all of this shit with you. Yes we have Kairi and Charlie but I want a baby with the woman I love and I can't even get that. I want a do over" Still Dave continued to pick what he wanted from what she had just said. He didn't even acknowledge that he had hurt her feelings and that just irked her nerves even more. Sometimes it just seemed as if Dave so desperately wanted a baby just so he could experience something better than he did with Millie. That's why he said he wanted a do over. He wanted to have a baby in a happy healthy relationship and see what it would be like. Yes he wanted the baby but he also wanted that experience.

"Honestly speaking maybe we don't need any more children at the moment. I don't think we're in the right space to have one and I wouldn't want to bring a newborn into whatever this is" she said pointing between them. "I have my issues yes but I acknowledge mines. You on the other hand run from yours" she said keeping it a buck with him. He could talk all the shit in the world but it was and always would be one person who kept him stuck on stupid and until he properly dealt with that there would always be a problem. April on the other hand was getting a little tired of dealing with the problems ole girl caused especially when she was getting the backlash from it all.

"So what ya saying is now you don't want to have a baby" Dave asked as his signature mug started to form. He was going through some serious tunnel vision and hearing only what he wanted to hear as usual.

April snapped fed the fuck up. "I swear to fuckin God you kill me with this bullshit. You stay half listening and picking and choosing what you want from what I said. Never did I say that I didn't want a baby. All I said was maybe this isn't the right time"

"So what you want to do bout the baby put it on hold again" he said all rude and condescending.

"Yeaaaaa let me stop sugarcoating shit for you because I'm not doing the whole toxic relationship shit again. I didn't sign up for that. You need some professional help because I can only do and deal with but so much" April said straight up. It was time for Dave to face the music and to seek help because he had his own personal issues that needed some dealing with. He would never openly admit it but his ass needed some healing and April couldn't do that for him. It was something that he had to do himself and for himself.

Dave darkly chuckled and mugged the shit out of her. "But ya so perfect right. You never have issues right" All this shit did was remind her of the conversation she had with Hazel and how everyone loved to call her Lil Miss Perfect like she had no flaws or issues whatsoever. It hurt coming from Dave because she had let him in and told him her whole story and he knew what she was dealing with. Perfect is what she wasn't.

"Where's my fiancé and best friend because this ain't him? I'm far from perfect and you of all people know that. I fuck up and I make mistakes but I try my damn best to fix them. I'm a walking issue. I have another baby by a nigga who wasn't there for our first child. Mind you it's the same nigga who I willingly let walk over me like a fuckin doormat time and time again. A nigga I begged on my hands and knees to love me the way I loved him. The same nigga I planned a wedding with and left him in the middle of the aisle on our wedding day. I failed my first child and had to cremate him" she said and paused as her eyes teared up.

"Or let's talk bout the many times I thought bout getting rid of myself just to ease my pain. I moved states away from what I called my home just to get away from a nigga who treated me like shit. I'm the godmother to his fuckin love child the very same chick he cheated on me with daughter. I fucked around with my best friend someone who was my sister and it helped ruin our family. My dirty laundry and secrets have been exposed to the world and guess what it ain't no takebacks bruh because it'll always and forever be on the internet. My so-called sister fell in love with me and when shit didn't go her way she sent an enemy my way that I'll never be able to properly get rid of" April kept at it reminding Dave that she was far from perfect since he seemed to forget.

"Or let's talk bout how I had to watch you play fuckin house with the same bitch that you and Hazel brought into my life. I've been plotted on and a fuckin hit had been placed on my head by your fuckin baby mother and one of Chris's deranged girls of the month. Ouuu my favorite let's talk bout how I'm head over heels and gaga in love with a fuckin nigga that doesn't love me the way that I love him" she fully snapped fed the fuck up with it all.

"I'm in love with a nigga who asked me to go handle the shit I needed to handle with my ex nigga to make sure our relationship would be solid and successful but he can't even do the same shit for me even when I gave him an outing to do so" Yup she said it and she said it with her whole ass chest. Dave didn't love her the way she loved him. She didn't have him completely like he had her. She was still sharing him with fuckin Millie and Dave hadn't even noticed. "I'm not perfect by a long shot and you know that or at least I thought you did" she said and rolled the fuck out of her eyes before hopping out of the bed. She didn't want to be next to Dave and right now she couldn't stand the sight of him.

"So you think I'd ask you to marry me if I didn't love you? Ma you snapped if you really think that and don't roll ya fuckin eyes at me. You know I don't like that shit. Save all that shit for one of those lil niggas in the streets"

"Once again ya picking and choosing what you want to hear and right now I could give two fucks what you don't like" she said and rolled her eyes again. Yup it was out. She was on beast mode and this time she wasn't holding shit back. When it came to Dave she had been keeping the peace but today her guns were out and those shits were fully loaded and blazing. At this point it wasn't even tit for tat it was just her finally speaking the shit that had troubled her mind on the daily. A lot of shit stayed on her mind but the love Dave had for her had always been questionable. She knew he loved and cared for her but she had always known that while she was putting out 100% he was only giving her 85 to 90% because the rest belonged to Millie even if he didn't notice it. Everybody noticed it except him.

"I asked you to marry me for a reason just like I asked you to have my fuckin baby. I love ya stubborn ass no questions asked so to think I don't give you my all is straight bullshit" he said full of anger. He thought that he had proved his love for her just like she did him. If he didn't love her they wouldn't even be where they were at today.

"David you don't and everybody can see that shit except you. Yes I'm the one with the kids, the dog, the mansion, and the ring but even with all of that you still don't give me your all. I bend over backwards for you. The city I paint red for you. You ask me to do something I do it and even when you don't ask I still do it. Yet you get in your feelings and question me like I stabbed you in the back before when I haven't. I've proved time and time again that I'm all yours and all for you but you don't give me that. You don't even realize that you need to heal from all that shit that bitch has put you through. That girl has done you wrong time and time again and you've never gotten over it or gotten any help. You don't think you have a problem when you actually do and it's pretty serious"

"Ain't nobody got a fuckin problem" he spat angrily as he hopped off the bed and stalked his way towards her like a mad man.

"And another thing I'm tired of you walking up on me like ya gonna do something. Calm all that shit down I ain't no nigga in the streets either. If you ain't walking up on me to give me some dick then fall the fuck back" she angrily spat back. He had a habit of walking up on her as if he was trying to intimidate her but guess what he picked the wrong one today because she was with the fucks and wasn't backing down. She had backed down enough as it is.

"You need to fix ya mouth and ya fuckin tone when ya talking to me. I ain't here for all that shit you give to everybody else" he barked all in her face.

"I ain't ya child and I don't have to do shit but stay black and die. You don't intimidate me and never have. I ain't ever been scared of a nigga and it won't start today. Save all that hostility for the real bitch that got you in ya feelings. You'll chew my head off before you even think bout coming for her. Save all that shit for her and not me because I'm the one who's been here for you. I've never faltered. I've always been loyal and my love ain't ever been questioned"

"We're not talking bout Millie right now. I'm talking to you bout you" he said all in her face pointing at her heated as fuck.

"What did I do to you? What more do you want from me? I've given you my all since day one. I've apologized and I've been here for you. What else do you need me to do because this right here isn't it. I've done the whole toxic relationship and I refuse to do that shit with you. We don't do toxic and you know that" she said talking with her hands in the air.

"I don't want a toxic relationship either ma and you know that. I've told you what I wanted from you. I just need for you to tell me everything and I want this baby. I also need you to stop throwing Millie in my face"

"Oh like my one night stand that you can't seem to stop throwing in mines. I do tell you everything just not bout Millie. Like I said it's pointless. You don't even want to talk bout her now when she's the root of our problems. Shit she's the root of ya probems. I need you to let her go but you can't and I understand because ya not ready yet. But you also have to understand that it's not fair to me either"

"I knew I had to talk to Chris even before you stepped into my life but when I met you being and wanting to be with you gave me that extra push that I needed to finally bust a move. But you can't do that for me yet because ya still stuck. As far as the baby it'll happen when it's supposed to happen. I'm not bout to rush and stress myself any longer. I don't want to have a baby with you until you handle ya business. Having a baby won't solve any of our problems and I don't want to bring a baby into the world when we're at odds. Let alone you keep harping over a baby when ya ass is never home. So I'm supposed to be raising a busy body nine month old and a energetic toddler barefoot and pregnant while you go living ya best life touring around the world boy bye. Let alone I'll be working while I'm pregnant" she paused letting all that shit sink in his head. "I don't know if you realize it but I pick up all of Millie's slack and I have to deal with shit that I thought I would never have to deal with. I'm on eggshells at home and you haven't even noticed"

"You do realize that I just went through a whole ass pregnancy with you right and the baby isn't even biologically mines. I wouldn't do that shit for just anybody"

"And I thank you every day for that and I appreciate you for being there for me and her but what does that have to do with anything" April said and asked confused on why was he even bringing that up.

"I'm just saying if I can go through that with you then you can wait for me to deal with Millie and what the fuck you mean I'm never home"

"Do you hear ya self? One, that doesn't have shit to do with any of this let alone I didn't put a gun to ya head and tell you that you had to be by my side. That was ya choice and still is ya choice. You forget that we both re-entered this relationship with baggage but when we originally started you already came with baggage. You had a whole ass child and I didn't complain not even once and I still don't. Shit I couldn't wait to meet Kairi. And I said what I said ya never home. You spend more time on the road then you do at home"

"Yea but the difference is when we stopped talking you didn't have a damn baby either" he snapped. "Then I get back and that shit super fresh. That seed was just fuckin planted. Now you acting like I'm on the road bullshitting when I'm out here doing this shit for us. I know you got money and I know if I wasn't working we'd be aight but part of my job of being ya man and their father is to provide. So that's what I'm out here doing"

"So what was I supposed to do pop a plan b or get an abortion? Oh or was I supposed to stop living my life and wait for those rose colored glasses you been wearing to shatter before you came back to me? Was I supposed to wait until you finished playing house to live my life" she asked fuckin furious. "Look I have no problem with you being a provider. I respect that and ya hustle but we got a whole ass family and we need you at home too"

"Ain't that what normally happens when y'all chicks have slip ups" Dave slipped before he could even catch himself let alone thought about it. It just flew out of his mouth. "My fault ma I didn't mean that" he said trying to backtrack but it was already too late. He had already said it.

April laughed. "But you wanted me to be that same mother figure to Kairi. I get it shit would've been so much simpler for you if Charlie wasn't born and then it would just be Kairi. But I can't do shit bout that. I can't make shit easier on you to satisfy how you feel bout that. My child wasn't a mistake nor was she planned and the sooner you get out of ya feelings bout me fuckin another nigga and carrying his seed the better. Real talk if you really feel a way bout my child then this isn't gonna work. She will always come first"

"I didn't mean it like that"

"Yea but you said it though and you keep bringing her up like she did something to you. She's innocent. Ya beef is with me so keep it that way and don't throw my child into it. Just like Kairi Charlie didn't ask to be here either and so what she was a product of a one night stand it happens and it happened so deal with it. Hmm you know what" she said backing away from him. "Maybe we need to go cool off for a few and then get to talking bout the real issues instead of circling around the same shit and wording it differently"

"Bet" Dave said and stormed off on her.

-Hey boo's guess who's back 😂. Did you miss me because I've missed you 🥰. Welp happy reading guys I hope y'all enjoyed. Yup I hit y'all with a cliffhanger because who would I be if I didn't 😝. By the way stay tuned for part 2!
-Y'all don't even have to question it because yes there is trouble in paradise 🥴. At this point I don't even know what to say but brace yourselves. Some of you guys might end up hating me or trying to gather a mob to catch me outside how bout that 😂. But as always there's always a method to my madness.
-But nah as you guys can see Dave and April seem to have it all but they're far from perfect. They love each other but they have their issues. I felt like I needed to give April a voice when it comes to Dave because she be playing peace keeper with his ass. But I also feel like they both have a reason to feel how they feel.
-Dave is troubled and can't get pass his relationship with Millie while April is getting the backlash from it all.
-How are y'all feeling Dave and April at the moment🤔
-I had asked on my page a little while ago what topics did you guys want to see Dave and April tackle during this one on one so if you missed out on that this is the last time I'm asking you because I finished part 2 already. I won't be picking every suggestion but I'll def pick a few.
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

🛑PS guys I haven't read all of the comments from the last chapter but I did see a few words of encouragement so I just wanted to thank you guys. I appreciate it a lot and to know that some of us are going through the same thing makes me feel like I'm not alone. Hope all is well with you and I wish you guys nothing but the best. Love ya 😘🥰

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