32: The Millie Effect
Chapter 32: The Millie Effect
In every relationship there's going to be arguments, fights, smiles, tears, and ups and downs. Things said out of anger, mad exes, attitudes, and jealousy. But at the end of the day if you truly love the person you will stick around through the good and the bad.
[Author Unknown]
Fresh out the shower and still wrapped in her towel April plopped down on the bed and lied down. Her head was all over the place at the moment and she felt like she was going to be in a sudden funk. She felt like this might be another one of those calm before the storm type of situations again. Hearing Millie's voice had triggered something inside of her and knowing that she and Dave had to talk about her yet again just put her in a mood. For one she and Dave were on vacation with the family while also working on their wedding preparations. Like what a way to sour the mood when no one was even checking for Millie's ass. Two she could forgive but she would never ever forget and right now when it came to Millie April wasn't at the stage of forgiving shit. She was on her neck without physically being on her neck. She would never lay off her ass. She could be cordial all day long but she would never close her eyes around Millie not even one. To April she couldn't be trusted. Screw me once shame on you. Screw me twice shame on me and it won't be a third time. She wouldn't allow her to keep fucking her over like she had done Dave and Kairi time and time again.
It would always be that way when her life had been threatened and on the line. A hit she'd never forget. She couldn't forget. She still felt a way about it and probably always would. April may have kept her mouth quiet and shut and kept her thoughts to herself for the sake of Kairi and Dave but that shit really never left her mind. She was strong yes but even our strongest have weak moments and sometimes those weak moments end up making you stronger. The hit still felt fresh to her though. Why wouldn't it be? It wasn't like someone had planned to jump her. No, someone and not just any someone but her fiance's ex/baby mama had paid an ex friend of his five million dollars to kill her so excuse her for not being over it yet. Mind you it had only been five months ago so not long ago at all. Or how she knew Millie needed to be buried six feet under or maybe even nine knowing how April was but she just couldn't do it to herself and her family. They meant too much to her. But above all and what came first before her and her feelings was and will always be her child...Kairi.
Granted April wasn't feeling Millie at all but she wanted this for Kairi. This was the very reason why she had kept Millie alive. She wanted Kairi to be able to have her mother around no matter how much she couldn't stand the woman. In order for April to deal with this she was going to have to keep her feelings about Millie to a minumun if at all. She couldn't afford to get swept up in her bullshit again nor did she want to send bad vibes Kairi's way. April wanted no influence on how Kairi treated her mom. She wanted her to be her own judge and see her mother for who she really was. She didn't want her to know that she and her egg donor were far from friends and probably would never be. As far as Kairi she was still a child and this wasn't a place for a child to be in. One things for sure April wasn't going to just willynilly let Millie in without her putting in the necessary effort like Dave said because when shit goes left she and Dave would have to pick up the pieces just like they were already doing. They were already dealing with shit they didn't need anymore. Besides there was no telling what would happen if Kairi actually spoke to Millie. She could either be happy, sad, get triggered, have another panic attack, or it could just be a toss up of all of her emotions bursting out at once. Shit she could even start acting out.
April was beyond pissed but hiding it well. The whole family was on their first vacation together and she didn't want to discuss shit that had to do with Millie at all. She didn't want to talk shop. She didn't want to ask if anything suspicious was going on. She didn't want to ask if she needed to beef up her security again. April didn't want to go back to constantly feeling like she had to watch her back to see who else they were sending her way. Most importantly she didn't want her children in any dangerous situations or caught in the crossfire. She just wanted to be whatever normal was. For once she just wanted some time with the family where it was nothing but good vibes and no bullshit brewing in the background but shit like that happened far and a few in between. April wanted to forget about yesterday's problems and focus on today. Yet here she was on vacation while wedding planning with Millie's intentions stuck in her head. She didn't know what it would take to leave Millie's ass in the dust. Like how far did she have to go for people to finally say enough is enough because honeslty that hit should've sealed that deal? That should've been more than enough to say good riddance.
April wished she would just disappear already but no Millie couldn't leave well enough alone. Fuck a fly she couldn't be swatted she was a whole ass filthy ass rat and no matter what she got involved in her ass would never die off. Millie didn't know how much of a mess she had actually caused, created, and how much hard work April had been putting into making sure that not only was Kairi good but also Dave. Millie didn't get to see the invisible scars she really made in all three of their lives or how much she impacted them. Between Kairi's panic attacks and Dave's own triggers April had a lot on her hands. She was trying her damn hardest not to set off any triggers but with the way Millie had done them April never knew what the hell might set them off and walking on eggshells wasn't it. Now before she left the house she had to make sure that Kairi knew that she was coming back. Not only that but she even made sure she made momma and daughter dates with just Kairi. You know just to remind her that the life she was living was an everyday thing. This is how their life was now and no one was going anywhere.
She was raising all of the girls like she had been raised minus all the 'black mafia' shit like August would call it because none of the girls were old enough to be in that life. As far as she was concerned it wasn't their business until need be because it was definitely a part of their lives and before they got old enough to be fed to the sharks April was going to make sure they were well prepared for life's ups and downs and ain't shit people. Right now April was just making sure that they were growing up to be respectful young ladies. She wanted them to learn that love started at home and that family meant everything. Family was a mixture of blood and people who somehow eased and weaseled their way into our lives and somehow made it better. Family could be filled with just friends but family was family no matter the relation. At the end of the day she just wanted Kairi to know that she had her back and would always put her first and even when they didn't see eye to eye nothing would change. She would still be her mother and love her just the same.
April had picked up all of Millie's slack but Millie never thought about that. Granted at the end of the day April, Dave, and Kairi were straight and home life was good but it was far from perfect. It took hard work and dedication to make shit shake not just love because love wasn't enough. What she had come to learn was that when it came to Dave and Kairi is that actions spoke louder than words so she always made sure her words were followed by her actions. She understood why they were the way they were. They had trust issues and a few others. Sure she wasn't clean herself she had her own issues as well but unlike Dave and Kairi April had not only gotten closure but she got professional help. She had dealt with her issues and still working on a few.
She was completely off of Millie though and didn't feel like wasting her precious time and energy on her. She had already given her way too much as it is. She didn't even bother to go back outside and join the family. She was done for the night. She really didnt feel like talking about what was going on or being asked what was wrong so she shot the family a group text and told everyone that she was staying inside because she was tired. She knew no one would question it because she did have a busy day between looking at venues and momma duty so April had a valid excuse. April even shot Dave a private text and told him that she was fine and to enjoy hanging out with the crew. She just needed space to clear her head as best as she could before it ruined not only her vacation but everyones. She didn't want to be a party pooper or Debby Downer so she removed herself from the equation. Of course she knew Dave wouldn't stay away for too long though.
April finished her night time routine, tossed on a long silk nightgown, turned off the lights, hopped back in bed, and stared off into space. She tried to calm her thoughts by listening to the ocean waves crashing against each other but it was hard. She hated feeling like this and she knew if she couldn't control her thoughts that she would end up in a dark place yet again. So many nights she lied awake and thought about how life would be if she had gone through with it and killed Millie. She wondered if it would've really fucked up their happy home. She felt like if she never had that gut feeling and spoke up that she would've been six feet under. She wondered if Millie had gotten what she paid for as in if her hitman succeeded would Dave still be on the save the Millie campaign then. If she was dead would the fact that Millie was Kairi's mother would that shit still save her ass from getting what she so rightfully deserved. Would Dave have said think of Kairi then? Now make no mistake if something had actually happened to April Dave would have no say so in it because her family would've lit fire under Millie's ass and watched her burn like it was an every day occurance. No matter what Dave could've or would've said would've been enough to spare her. April was trying so hard to move on but this shit right here took time. She couldn't just brush or laugh this shit off. It was too serious to do so.
"Ma you sleep" she heard Dave call her. She had been so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't heard him open, close, or walk through the bedroom door.
"Nope" she said somewhat on autopilot as her eyes remained on the dark ceiling.
"So why ya laying in the dark" he asked as he turned on the lamp on the nightstand on his side then looked over at her.
"Because that's what you do when ya on ya way to sleep" she answered never once peeling her eyes off the ceiling. She knew Dave saw the look on her face and most likely he didn't believe her but she didn't care. Tonight he just needed to take her word for it.
"Ma please don't shut down or shut me out" he stressed.
April turned her head to the side and looked dead at him. "Just give me tonight" she softly pleaded. She needed to get her mind right and make sure her mood swings were in check right along with her attitude. She needed to mentally get right or else she'd be no good for anyone.
Dave saw the look on her face and her eyes matched her mood perfectly. She was trying her best to stay afloat and not go into her sunken place. This was the aftermath of Millie calling. She might have been Kairi's mother but to April she was the person who tried to get her knocked off so shit hit different in her eyes. "Aight ma I'll be right back. I'm a hop in the shower" Dave said then bent down and kissed her forehead before walking off and heading to the bathroom.
See they questioned how this would affect Kairi but never once questioned how it would affect April. Sure she was asked how she felt after the fight but what about after all the dust settled down? April was no fool if Millie and the rest of the gang could plot on the outside then what made the inside any better especially when they had skilled criminals inside. Yet no one had thought about that. Well her family did because none of them were here for play, play when it came to their's. All she could think about is what paparazzi had been asking them right along with people on social media. People always asked about Dave and Chris's friendship and how were they able to remain cool and raise their kids together. But no one ever asked April about how it was dealing with a bitter ass baby mama for the rest of her life. Or how said bitter baby mama and her ain't shit crew tried to take her away from said children.
Then again you can't ask if you don't know what's going on behind closed doors because yet again they saved Millie's ass from being broadcasted and blasted all over the news and social media outlets. They had kept it out of the news for Kairi's sake so she wouldn't know that her mother was really up to no good and wasn't shit. They skipped a whole ass trial. Let alone keeping it out of the news also spared the rest of Millie's crew from being put on blast. No one questioned how that made April feel. Sure it was her chose and her idea because she was thinking about Kairi but April low key felt like Millie just got a slap on the wrist and a go to jail card. She didn't have to be paraded outside with news casters or paparazzi in her face asking her why she did what she did. No one would ever be able to ask her. She should've been treated like the fuckin criminal she was. Her ass just kept getting saved. After everything she had done the world should've known all about her and her crew's bullshit. People needed to be warned.
This is what happens when you actually love your child though. You do anything for them even when doing anything fucks you over in the long run. You wear your super mom cape for your babies and that's exactly what April did each and every time. Millie could never. Sure she got her ass beat and yes she was in jail but the bitch was still breathing. She wouldn't even be in jail for life and her scars and bruises would eventually heal and fade away. Not to mention her ass was still sitting on millions so what was really taken from her...nothing but some of her freedom for the time being. But there was nothing more that April could do to make her feel real pain and at the end of the day she just wanted Kairi to be good even if that meant she wasn't.
"Ma come sit on the balcony with me" Dave said as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and water droplets running down his chest. Yet April hadn't bust not one move like she normally would to take a peek at him.
"I'm good" she said but it came out more like a whisper.
"Ya not and that's not what I asked you" he said drying himself off a little more before sliding on a pair of fresh boxer briefs and then some basketball shorts.
April took a deep breath. She had to remember that Dave hadn't done anything to her and she didn't feel like petty arguing tonight. She didn't have it in her and knowing her if they had an argument right now it would be a bad one.
"Look I know ya not good and I know ya in ya head so before you get caught up and stuck let me bring you out of it" he looked at her pleading. He felt bad. All it took was one phone call from Millie and April was shutting down on him. This is what he had been scared of if she had actually gone through and killed Millie. Millie had ruined a lot of shit for him but this right here couldn't happen. He wouldn't allow it to. April had been the best thing he never knew he and Kairi needed.
April climbed out of bed, grabbed her matching silk robe, slipped it on, and went out to the balcony attached to the bedroom. It seemed as if as soon as the fresh night air hit her face she could breathe better. She didn't feel all clammy and suffocating. It felt calm and peaceful. A few minutes later Dave joined her outside with a freshly rolled blunt in his hands. His ass had made sure he was able to get some weed this time around. April damn near rolled her eyes at the sight of the blunt. She wished she could smoke a nice fat ass blunt and disappear into oblivion for just an hour or two but nope she couldn't and with them still trying for baby she mind as well say goodbye to weed for another year or two. Dave took a seat on one of the chair out on the balcony, lit his blunt, and looked over at April.
"Ma, talk to me. Where are you right now" he questioned then took a pull of his blunt.
"Papi I'm here. I just need a moment to collect my thoughts and I'll be fine" she anwered with her back facing him and her eyes glued on the ocean.
"Understood but we need to talk bout that phone call"
April laughed. Of course he would want to talk about this right now. "The same phone call that's already got me feeling like I do" He just couldn't give her some time to deal with it.
"I know it's something you don't want to talk bout but we have to"
"I know we do" she said and turned around and faced him. "But it won't be tonight" she said for the second time.
"The sooner we talk bout it the better"
April took a deep breath. "I understand that I do but I'm not in the right frame of mind to talk bout that call tonight" she said then bit down on her tongue to prevent herself from lashing out at him because she damn sure felt it brewing.
"And that's why we need to talk bout it" he pushed.
"It won't be tonight" she repeated. She knew with how she was feeling that a conversation at the moment wouldn't be right. It would cause more harm than good.
Dave leaned back in his chair but kept his eyes focused on her. "Ma it's for Kairi and your sake so we need to talk bout it" he pushed her some more instead of letting her be and taking heed to the warnings.
"Here you go with this tunnel vision shit for Agnes again and don't throw Kairi into this shit. You out of all people know that since day one I've been bout Kairi. Everything I do, the way I move, and everything else she's my priority. I ask you for one night not to talk bout Agnes but here you are pushing me to talk bout her when we both know I'm not in the right frame of mind to do so" She knew talking about Millie right now would be no good because with the way she was feeling and thinking her answer to Millie's question would be hell fuckin no and she wouldn't give it a second thought.
"Whatchu mean tunnel vision for Agnes" he scrunched his face wondering what she meant.
"We're not bout to do this tonight" she said talking about how he refuses to acknowledge everything she says as a whole and only takes what he wants from it. He stayed doing that shit and April didn't like it one bit. "I'm willing to talk bout the phone call but if it's alright with you I'd like to talk bout it when we get home. I can't speak for you but I refuse to talk bout Agnes this week. We're in the middle of planning our wedding let alone we're on vacation. Her ass isn't going anywhere so she can wait right along with this conversation. I don't want to talk bout shit but wedding and family so if you can't do the same then I don't know what to tell you" she said getting ready to walk back inside. He was fucking with her mood too just like he did every other time Millie was in the middle of some shit. "Now if you don't mind I'm going back inside to go to sleep. I have a busy day ahead of me. You know being a mother" she said and started to walk off. Yup she threw a jab and didn't give not one single fuck because what you're not going to do to her is act as if she didn't have her child's back when she absolutely did.
"Tell em why ya mad son" Dave looked at her and chuckled. He was on his shit tonight and with the liquor running through his veins it made it even easier. It wasn't intentional but he couldn't stop himself.
April abruptly stopped walking and looked dead at him. "Are you serious right now like all jokes aside are you fuckin serious? The same nigga that's supposed to be helping in this moment but ya only making shit worse" she fumed.
He chuckled again. "All I said was tell em why ya mad son" he repeated again as if it was nothing then brushed it off. So basically fuck her feelings and how she feels.
April closed her eyes tight as they filled with unshed tears and her nose started to sting and get stuffy. "Wow" She couldn't believe this shit but it never failed. Whenever Millie was involved Dave was always there to play captain save an old hoe. She calls he runs even when he knows the outcome. Sure he didn't necessarily take flight in her arms but he always got in his feelings. He wasn't seeing his fiancé distraught and stuck in her head anymore. He was busy bypassing it all even when he knew something was clearly wrong with her. It was the Millie Effect. "Are you drunk right now" she questioned puzzled by his shitty ass behavior and how quick shit went left like minutes ago he wasn't the same nigga asking if she was ok.
Dave nonchalantly shrugged. "I mean I could be" he chuckled. Yeah it was definitely a mixture of liquor and his own feelings going haywire.
"Ok well that's my cue" April said and walked off trying her best to be the bigger person. She knew he was going through the motions just like she was but instead of sleeping on it he decided to get wasted as if it would solve his problems.
"Where you going" he questioned as he stood up from his seat and stumbled back some. April knew then that he was indeed drunk. That man could drink Henny like it was water but tonight Henny had betrayed him and April wanted no parts of it. All it took was one phone call to pop their bubble and then they're left with nothing but madness while Millie continues to skate on by.
"To sleep" April said as she fully entered the bedroom and went straight to her phone and called Bully. She needed someone to come and get Dave before shit escalated. He answered on the third ring.
"Lil sis what's good" he questioned a little concerned because it was type late and he knew Dave had gone back to their room.
"Hey brother sorry to interrupt you and my good sis but if y'all want to see y'all brother tomorrow somebody better come get him" April replied calmly as Dave started making his way towards her. She knew her man and wasn't scared of him in the slightest but he had to go before they woke the whole house up arguing and right now they didn't need that.
"Where good stay where ya at" Dave said loud enough for Bully to hear him.
April sighed. "Come get him please"
"I'm on my way. You want bae to come or ya good" Bully said and asked.
"Nah I'm good I just need him gone"
"Bet" and with that he hung up.
"So that's what we're doing" Dave said as he now stood in front of her looking down at her with his mug on full display.
"Yes ya fucked up right now and I'm in no mood to fight with you. So hopefully by tomorrow you'll come correct because right now ya not being the Papi I know and love. So before this blows up and ruins our week I rather you go. That bitch is in both of our heads and I ain't feeling that shit"
Dave sighed. He knew she was right just like he thought getting wasted would be better than hashing shit out the right and healthy way. Boy was he wrong and now his own woman didn't want to be bothered with him.
"Lil sis it's me" Bully said from behind the door.
"Ok" April said then looked at Dave. "Goodnight Papi I love you and I'll see you tomorrow"
Dave sighed again. "Night ma I love you too. Sweet dreams" he said then kissed her forehead and walked out of the bedroom joining Bully on the other side making sure to close the door.
April sighed and took a deep breath before she hopped back in bed and pulled the blanket over her body. She wanted to go and get the girls and bring them back to the room but she didn't want to wake them or have them asking her what was wrong because they damn sure paid that much attention to her. So that night she went to bed alone and cried herself to sleep. See this was the Millie Effect. She was the root to their problems and no matter how much she shouldn't exist she has to and not for her sake but for Kairi's.
April woke up the next morning in Dave's arms. She couldn't do shit but groan and roll her eyes. She knew his ass wouldn't stay put for long. His ass was lucky he came while she was sleep because if not his ass would be sleeping outside by the damn door. Peeling herself away from him she got out of bed, went to the bathroom, freshened up some, then made her way out of the room and went right next door to the bedroom the girls were sharing. Like every day Charlie was wide awake and ready to eat like she wasn't going to pass right back out after eating.
"Good morning momma's baby" April whispered and picked up Charlie out of the crib then eased back out of the room trying her best not to wake Kairi and Royalty. April still didn't feel like being around Dave so she went straight downstairs to the living room to feed Charlie.
"Dada" Charlie said as she looked up at her cheesing with her little arms strectched out in the air grabbing one of April's breasts.
"No sir no ma'am" she looked at Charlie and laughed. "I ain't ya dada I'm ya momma" Yes Charlie was talking too. Well not talking, talking but her little ass could definitely say dada, ma, and pa. Her first word was actually dada. Chris had taught her to say it and boy once she learned it she never stopped. Everybody was dada to her. Of course April was a little upset because she figured since she spent the most time with her that mama would come first but nope. Just like the daddy's girl she was it was dada and pa all day long.
"Dada" Charlie said again still cheesing.
"Keep playing me I told you before I'm a send you to ya dada and let's see how you feel when you go to his chest and there's no milk" April said laughing as she got herself situated and Charlie latched on. "And please don't bite momma today" she said as she watched Charlie. She loved these moments. They were fulfilling and made her feel like she had a purpose. She felt like somebody needed her. April wanted to stay in this moment for a little while longer because she knew she and Dave had to talk and not just about Millie. She didn't like how he had come at her last night and if they weren't surrounded by family the situation would've definitely escalated without a doubt. It would've been a full on screaming match because she didn't like what happened last night at all. This shit had her looking at Dave a little differently like would this always happen if Millie kept calling or popping up. Sure she knew she'd still be in her feelings but would Dave keep going through the motions as well.
April high key knew what Dave was going through she had experienced it with Chris. Basically you know the person isn't treating you right and most likely will never treat you right but instead of leaving you stick around because it's familiar and it's comfortable. It's like you know the ends and outs and nothing new is to be expected because you already know what's what. You don't have to read the label warnings because you already know what's in store. But when is enough, enough? When would Dave finally get to the point where Millie no longer had control over his feelings and actions? He had to let go of Millie or this shit they had wouldn't work. Sure April knew without a doubt that Dave loved her and was in love with her. She knew that he was her person but her person wasn't at the let it go stage just yet so it was causing them more harm than good.
April had no doubt that he could do it. It just had to be done on his terms and on his time. All she knew was that it needed to happen soon because she wasn't willing to marry into this shit. She'd rather push the wedding back until she knew for sure that the hold Millie had on Dave was completely gone. It was sort of the way Dave had felt about Chris in the beginning of their relationship but April had more than proved to him time and time again that Chris was just the father of her children and her so-called best friend. It was nothing more than that. Chris no longer had control over how she felt. Honestly Chris wasn't even her best friend she just called him that. Yes he was around but not 24/7, he respected their space, and he respected their relationship. She wasn't on the phone with him day in and day out sharing the latest tea and just shooting the shit. He stayed in his lane and April stayed in hers. Why couldn't Millie do the same? After last night April knew that she and Dave needed some real help. They couldn't continue on like this. As long as Millie was still in the picture and Dave was in his feelings about her then it was a no go. It would be a no go because she knew every time she called he would use her being Kairi's mother as an excuse even when she was in the wrong.
Then on top of all of this her and Dave already needed to talk but she had been procrastinating when it came to topic of that talk because she didn't want him to think that she wasn't supportive of him when she truly was. See when Dave had originally told her about the role he got playing Method Man she was estatic and just as hype as he was. Why wouldn't she be? She wanted this for him and she wanted him to win. This was a huge step for her man and not only was she proud of him but she knew this was just what he needed to give him that push into something new and exciting. But after giving her the play by play as to what would be happening while he took this role she felt a little overwhelmed. He would be leaving once again to go back to stay at their home in Jersey while they filmed and once again it would go back to months of traveling back and forth. Now it wouldn't be a problem but once again April would be by herself and taking care of the kids and home while he was away. Granted she knew what tour life consisted of and how he would have to be gone for months at a time but shit was different when there were kids involved. Not to mention she actually had plans to go back to work herself because she couldn't afford to take much more time off than she already had. So now she wondered how was all of this supposed to work out.
Then add on how four months had passed and she yet to pop up pregnant. In the beginning her plan was to let shit be and go with the flow but now she was wondering what was going on with her body because the way she and Dave got down they should've been pregnant. Sure Dave hadn't said anything about it yet but she knew it had bothered him. It had to shit it bothered her. So yeah besides Millie they had a lot to talk about and knowing how they had been skating over topics April knew that this shit would spark a whole different argument. She really just wanted to finish enjoying the rest of their vacation and when they got back home they could hash it out in the privacy of their own four walls. Besides all of that she was dealing with shit pertaining to Hazel so right now April was holding it together but she was damn sure in her head where she didn't need to be.
Any, who April finished feeding Charlie. She wiped off her mouth, her neck, burped her, and wiped off her mouth again before rocking her back to sleep. She fixed herself then carefully and quietly took her back upstairs and placed her back in the crib. She tucked her in then backed right on out of the room and made her way back downstairs. She really wanted to be alone and this gave her the perfect opportunity to collect her thoughts, get her mind right, and give herself a chance to breathe. April went straight outside and found her a spot on the outside daybed, took a seat, and looked out into the ocean. It kept her calm and right now that's exactly what she needed. She sat there and prayed about everything going on and around her and she even knew what to do about her and Dave's relationship. Something had to be done and something would be done.
"Peanut" Ian looked at April as he found her curled up sleeping outside on the daybed. He had been up getting in his daily morning run. Off bat he knew something was wrong just like he knew something was wrong last night when she never came back outside to join the fun. She had been so excited for this trip and waiting for the kids to pass out so she could really just chill and just be herself for a little while but nope that didn't go down last night. He knew how important this trip was to her so to know that something was wrong had him in his own feelings. "Peanut" he called her again.
"Yes" she groggily answered but kept her eyes closed.
"Why are you sleeping outside" Ian asked as he took a seat then lied down beside her. April was his emotional baby and he always felt her vibe but nowadays he minded his business a little because she now had Dave and it was now Dave's responsibility to make sure that she was good. But right now Ian could tell that his baby was doing anything but good.
April woke up with the quickness as she frantically looked around to see that she was indeed still outside. She didn't even know she had fallen asleep to begin with.
"Relax Peanut" Ian said calmly and soothingly.
April took a deep breath, wiped her hands over her face, and looked over at her father. She saw the way he was looking at her. She knew that look all too well. He was worried about her. Yet she was happy that it was her father who had found her sleeping outside. "Daddy I didn't even realize I fell asleep. I had came out here after feeding Charlie"
"So why come outside instead of going back to ya room" he questioned trying to get to the bottom of what was going on with her.
She shrugged some. "I just needed a little time to myself and outside seemed like the perfect spot" she answered as she now laid on both of her hands and looked at her father.
"Want to talk bout it"
April shrugged her shoulders. She did but she didn't. Yet Ian was her father and he always knew the right things to say even when she didn't want to hear it. "I'm just a lil overwhelmed I guess but you know me I always bounce back" he replied and somewhat laughed trying to make light of the situation because she didn't want him to worry about her. He was supposed to be enjoying their vacation.
"I see what this is bout to be. Ya not bout to let ya daddy in and I get it but just know that I don't care who you marry I will always be here for you. I know you have Dave now but I'm still here" he said it and he meant it. He could respect the boundaries but should she ever need him he would always be there for her without hesitation.
April smiled. "I know daddy I know. I just want to enjoy vacation. Shop talk can wait"
"Understood" he nodded. He knew then exactly what it was without her even having to say a thing. Now he was low key on alert.
"Hey daddy" she paused wondering if she should ask him about what was on her mind at the moment. "How do you feel bout marriage counseling well premarital counseling" she curiously asked. She had been thinking about this for hours now. It seemed like something she and Dave needed to do before going through with tying the knot. She didn't want to enter a new marriage with thoughts of Millie fucking them over looming in the background.
Ian tuned all the way in. He wanted to know why she asked and what was going on behind closed doors. He knew it wasn't any bullshit going on but something was definitely happening. "I don't have a problem with it. I think it's actually good for those who need it" he replied. He had absolutely no problem at all with marriage counseling. Some people needed that extra help in order to have a good and successful marriage. People didn't just go to marriage counseling for infidelity or all that extra bullshit. Sometimes couples needed to learn how to properly communicate or just needed a mediator during certain conversations and topics. There were a number of reasons why couples sought out premarital and marriage counseling.
"Do you think anything good can come from it" she questioned.
Ian nodded. "I do. I believe it can help with better communication amongst other things. Think of it as going to see your regular therapist but this one helps out in all things marriage"
"I've been giving it some thought this morning. Daddy I love Dave like I never loved any man before but I think in order for us to have a successful marriage we need some professional help" she admitted and kept her eyes on him but it looked more like she was looking through him then at him. "I don't know... I just feel like I got pass my past relationship woes and he hasn't yet" she said opening up to her father about how she was feeling. "Hands down I know he's my person just like he knows. I know that he loves me unconditionally and he's in love with me. That man worships the ground that I walk on. Just like I know he'd make some shit shake for me but he needs help. I can continue to do what I do but I have doubts in the back of my mind and I don't want that. I just want us to be happy. Shit we both deserve to be happy" she said. She had doubts that Millie would ruin their well deserved happy ending even if she didn't physically have a hand in doing so. It bothered her that every time she called Dave ran and that shouldn't be the case. Or the fact that every time Millie wanted something Dave threw a do it for Kairi at April like she hadn't already been doing so.
Ian carefully listened to her. April knew exactly what she had at home and she was just trying to preserve it and he saw nothing wrong with that. "If you feel the way you do then I think this is something yall should talk bout. I do think y'all need it though. Both of y'all have been through a lot and bringing past issues into a new relationship especially a marriage isn't the way to go. Not only would it be good for the both of you but my grandbabies as well. When y'all are good they are good. So I say go for it" Ian replied. He thought this was something that they truly needed. He had saw that the day that April had called a family meeting to fill everyone in on the hit Millie had put out on her. Instead of staying in the room and sticking by April's side Dave said he couldn't and walked out and Ian didn't like that shit. Sure he understood that Kairi came first as she should and that the news had hit him out of left field but there's certain ways to do things. Ian thought Dave should've stayed by her side and once the meeting was over then go ahead and do whatever he needed to do to get his mind right and process everything as a whole. He knew April had felt a way about that. He knew that she had needed Dave by her side that day while she was sharing the news. Sure he knew Dave had her back but she was just told that somebody had been paid to kill her and regardless of whom it was he should've been by her side.
April sighed. "I swear adulting sucks" she said all dramatic. "Like can I hit the reverse switch and just come back home and you and mommy can take care of me for the rest of my life" she joked but she was dead ass serious adulting could be ass sometimes.
Ian burst out laughing. "That ain't how that works but you know you and my grandbabies can come home whenever y'all want. Y'all still got ya rooms" he said which they did. Ian didn't care how old his babies got. If they had to come back home for any reason home would always be there and so would he with open arms. They would always have a home to come to.
April pouted. "Daddy I said me not me and ya grandbabies. We both know that if I came home with the girls both you and mommy would go to them first and leave me hanging until y'all done tired them out" she laughed.
"Seeeee" Ian dragged and toyed with one of his locs.
"What had happened was" April finished for him and laughed. "What bout me though"
"Ya my first baby I'll always love you...but I got a soft spot for papa's babies" he joked.
"Man forget you too old man" she continued laughing and just like that she felt so much better even if her father didn't know the whole truth. That's all she needed was some time to herself, a listening ear, a little shoulder to lean on, and to gather her thoughts. She was serious about the premarital counseling. They needed it but one things for sure no matter what happened April was going to stick beside hers.
-Happy reading guys I hope y'all enjoyed. Yes there will be a part 2. I'm still working on it though. Once again thanks for being patient 😊
-Looks like there's a little trouble in paradise. Their relationship is far from perfect but I figured I'd show you guys some of those imperfections. I have a whole ass scene in my head and I can't wait to get it on paper😈
-Yes I know Millie's phone call was for Kairi but I wanted to show you guys that April definitely still thinks about the hit she put out on her. She knows that she kept Millie alive for Kairi but now she actually has to come to terms of what keeping her alive comes with. Her guard is up and should be up around her. I'm proud of her though she stays biting her tongue for Dave but I think I might have to unleash it for the one time 🤷🏾♀️😈😊
-I want to say that Millie has a hold on Papi but it's not necessarily a hold per say but every time she's involved Dave gets in his feelings. It's like he spares her each and every time. Sure he's down for the fights and shit but when it comes to giving her the exact same energy she puts out it's always think about Kairi like I stated in the story. They have a lot to talk about besides Millie though. It's a lot going on in their four walls.
-What are y'all thoughts 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑Hey boos I haven't really checked on you guys in a long while. How have y'all been? I hope y'all are well and life is treating y'all good 😊
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