31: Life Is Good

Chapter 31: Life Is Good

"A good life is when you smile often, dream BIG, laugh a lot, and realize how blessed you are for what you have."

"Yessssssss this is it" April said as her eyes lit up in amazement as she let go of Dave's hand and took in her surroundings. Dave couldn't do shit but smile. He still couldn't believe that they were finally at this point in their relationship but here they were and he couldn't be any happier at the moment. "Papi can you see it" she asked looking back at him with a smile plastered on her face as she aimlessly walked around the room imagining how their actual wedding reception would turn out.

"I can see it ma" he smiled as he made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"I'm serious Papi" she said as she placed one of her hands on top of his loving the closeness of their bodies against one another. "This lil setup is nice as hell but once mommy and mama put their spin to it plus the wedding planner this shit is gonna be legit" she said as they continued to make their way around the room looking at the mock wedding reception.

Dave had to admit that he actually liked the setup as well but he knew it could be better. By the time his mother, April's, and the wedding planner put their stamp on it, it would be out of this world and even better...as it should be. "I can see it ma and I'm feeling it but I'm like you it'll be fly as fuck once our moms and Tesha add to it" he said looking around the room getting a feel for it himself. From the looks it was nice like she said but it could definitely be amped up to match their fly exactly. For one it was a huge room. It could definitely accommodate all of their guests plus more, it had the look, the feel, and most importantly he could see them in that moment. He could see them walking inside the venue standing side by side with their heads held high. He could see the smiles on their faces as they held hands with their fingers intertwined as they were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. David Brewster Jr. Dave could see April dressed in a beautiful white gown standing in the middle of the floor as he stood in front of her for their first dance. He could see it all.

"Exactly this is nice but I need it to really match our fly. It's not giving me the glam and sparkle I need. It's giving me fancy but not fancy enough. I'm being mindful of the budget but this ain't matching the budget Papi" Yes she said budget. Why? Because they had one. Dave knew that April could pay for the wedding alone but that wasn't going down in his books. So they had sat down and come up with a number they were both comfortable with each other spending. Then Ian had wanted to pay for the whole thing but April didn't want him to. She felt a way about it because he had came out of pocket for the first one and even though she didn't use the money for it they still ended up opening a business together with it. But of course Ian being Ian and the father that he is wouldn't accept no for an answer so instead of paying all they decided to let him pay for half including the dress. The other half would come from Dave and April. So he knew what the budget looked like and they definitely had more funds to play with. So if his woman wanted a certain look she was going to get whatever she asked for...as long as it was in the budget.

"Well that's what we're here for" He already knew what was about to happen. He knew once their mother's and the planner walked inside the room that it would be nothing but wedding talk and April would get swept away in planning. He was cool with it though. This is what he wanted and had been asking her to do from jump. They were finally making more progress when it came to their wedding in general. Besides he wanted to make sure that April got everything she wanted when it came to their wedding. Like he said it had to be better than her last. For him this was their first and last wedding so he wanted to make sure that it was almost perfect because of course it wouldn't be them if it was perfect. Nothing about them was perfect besides the fact that they were perfect for each other and together.

They would all be viewing the venue together but their mothers and the wedding planner wanted them to view it beforehand before giving them their input. It had been that way all day. They had already viewed where the actual wedding would take place and now they were currently viewing where their reception would be held. About twenty minutes later their mothers and the wedding planner joined them.

"Peanut this is it" Ananda said smiling as she looked around the room herself. It was nice but even she knew that it could be better. As far as the spot this was definitely it. It had way more potential than what they were seeing. It wasn't a bad set up by any means it just wasn't speaking Dave and April.

"Agreed" Faye said sounding just like April and the rest of the girls. Dave shook his head.

"It is mommies" she said to both Ananda and Faye and just like that she was gone. Both Ananda and Faye had looped their arms around hers as they went about the room talking, planning, and taking photos of the spot. Dave smiled even more. He loved the relationship April and his mother had and the fact that he had the same kind of bond with her parents was a plus.

Granted as they looked around the room they did let him add his input and ideas so all in all it was a win. In the long run they were just happy that the place looked like the actual photos because this day could've been an epic bust. They continued walking around each adding their own ideas and scratching certain ideas off the list but ultimately it was down to April and Dave. Both Faye and Ananda knew that they could add all the ideas they wanted but if Dave and April didn't like it then they both had no choice but to understand and respect it. Luckily for the most part Dave and April had loved their ideas. They weren't outlandish or looked like they were planning a wedding for someone else. They understood the assignment and were getting the job done. Once they were done adding and bouncing around ideas they all sat down and had another meeting with their planner. They were going into further detail about a few things and once it was done wedding planning was officially over for the rest of the weekend. Meaning it was time for everyone to kick back and relax their feet. They had flown out their wedding planner and made sure all of her expenses were paid as well as her time and services.

Their wedding planner was a young black woman named Tesha Savoy who was actually one of Dave and Errol's childhood friends. She was one of those cousins who weren't actually your cousin. You know a play cousin. She was an event planner who had a successful business. It was small but it was growing. She planned everything from baby showers, birthday parties, regular parties, brunches, and so on but this was her first wedding. When they had first started planning like legit coming together and planning with their mothers it was cool but they all realized that they were going to need some professional help. Both Dave and April agreed to work with someone black. They also wanted someone who was recognized but someone who also needed an extra push to really get them out there and get their feet in the door. They had looked and searched for someone but hadn't really felt for anyone until they stumbled upon Tesha. Dave ran her background credentials to April, spoke good about her character, showed her some of the events she planned, and once they called her up and got their first consultation they knew she was the one.

For starters the first thing she mentioned is that she never planned a wedding and April was happy that she was upfront about it. She had wanted to see if she would lie about it and just say yes to get a check. Even though she was a family friend of Dave once he crossed that door to her office she was nothing but polite and professional. She spoke with her head held high, she kept eye contact, she gave her credentials, showed her work, and she was knowledgable. Tesha was confident, about hers, knew her shit, and she was a fuckin boss. April had no choice but to get her on the job. Dave on the other hand knew she was the one since their first consultation but after the second meeting it sealed the deal. The second meeting Tesha hadn't dropped her professionalism at all. She was still professional and even today after being flown out, gifted a few days of vacation, and doing her job she had remained nothing but professional up until the very end of their meeting. Once they were done and the wedding books were closed she was then cousin Tesha. Even with this being her first wedding event both Dave and April had faith in her. They knew she could get the job done especially with their mothers by her side. Any, who it was time to have some fun...

Everyone was back at April and Dave's villa just chilling. They had ended up booking two villas side by side so they had way more than enough space to accommodate everybody. Music played throughout the backyard while Ian, Ny-Reek, and Senior were on the grills making shit shake. The older women were in their swimwear sipping on cocktails lounging in their pool chairs while the younger women sat with drinks in their hands with their feet dipped in the pool. The kids were in their little colorful mermaid tail floats in the pool with Dave and Chris. While the rest of the men were sitting back cooling smoking and drinking just living it up and shooting the shit. They had only been out there for three days so far. The past two days had been dedicated to all things wedding but now it was all fun and games. First off the whole family had actually made it for their first family vacation including brother Long Lost and Vonnii. Honestly they all really needed this trip as a unit. They had been through a lot together. From the bullshit that had gone down with Hazel, Millie, Profit, and the rest of the Scrubby Do gang, the move, the kids getting closer, and trying to grow the family a lot had happened. Let alone just the hustle and bustle of everyday life could be a bit draining so this was the perfect time for everyone to sit back unwind and just be.


"Damn I know this is a family vacation and all but damn can I borrow my fiancé for a minute" Dave said as he walked up on the girls as they sat around the pool sipping on drinks and talking. It seemed like as soon as they stepped foot inside the villa the girls had come and dragged April away. Between their children, her sisters, and their mothers still trying to talk wedding he had no boo loving time. They just wouldn't let him be great. Yes it was a family vacation and everyone was out here but he wanted some one on one time with his woman and not even on some slick shit. He was still feeling the vibe from earlier when they were wedding planning so he just wanted to live in the moment for a little while longer.

"Brother you had her all day for two days straight now" Alaina said as she looked up at Dave then went back to sipping on her drink.

"Lil sis who team is you on" he asked and shook his head fake disappointed in her that she would do such a thing like that to him.

"The home team, the winning team, and Queen Petty team" she answered and laughed.

"Oop" April laughed as soon as she heard Queen Petty. Hey she couldn't help it if she was where the petty reside. She wore her crown proudly.

"Damn shots fired ma. Lil sis done came for you. You ain't gotta sit here and deal with this" Dave said being all dramatic making the girls laugh. They knew what his ass was up to though. His ass stayed plotting on April and they all knew it now.

"Man take her ass and don't make me come and get her" Ebony said shaking her head at his antics.

"Says the one who just sent bruh a message to dip off and link up" Dave said with his brow raised knowing Ebony was plotting on some alone time with Bully too. He knew what time it was when Bully got the message and got all cheesy and shit.

"Oop" all the girls looked at Ebony and laughed as April got up and joined Dave.

"So what y'all plotting too" Ebony shot back and rolled her eyes then laughed. They had all been texting their men plotting on some alone time later. Well everyone besides April and Dave was wondering when she was going to shoot her text his way because his inbox was still sitting on their last text and it had nothing in it about hooking up later.

"Not me" April said laughing.

Dave mugged the shit out of her. "Ma keep playing me" he said then looked over at the girls. "I'll bring her right back though" Dave promised as he grabbed April's hand in his and led her away from the pool.

"MOMMA" Kairi and Royalty called April as she and Dave passed them. They were chilling and sharing a pool chair dressed in their colorful bathing suits with their cute little heart shaped sunglasses sipping on homemade strawberry mango slushees curtesy of nana Ananda.

"Nope momma will be right back she's got a business call" Dave said looking over at their girls hoping that would sway them from wanting their momma. All he wanted was a few minutes of her time and her uninvited attention.

April shook her head and laughed. "I'll be right back my babies I promise"

"Ok" they said and went back to talking about God knows what. Most likely they were talking about the baby dolls they had been gifted by April's parents. By now every time either one of their parents came to visit they always had something for all three of the girls. They never came empty handed. If it wasn't some type of toy then it was different kinds of activity books and books in general or clothing.

"Thank you" Dave said under his breath making April laugh because she had certainly heard him. Dave led her to a little spot not too far from the family but still enough space between them to be considered somewhat alone.

"How can I help Papi" April asked as they stood side by side looking and taking in the view before them. It was beautiful. Between the ocean view and the greenery it was just a whole mood. It made you feel calm and at peace.

"I want some of ya time and attention ma. I'm still feeling the vibe from earlier" he said and made his way behind her and took a seat on the plush grass.

April followed suit and took a seat between his legs and leaned up against his chest. "Aww babes you know I was gonna make some time for you but I definitely feel the same way. Like the save the dates have been sent out, the official invitations have been sent out, and now seeing the venues up close and personal just made it feel even more real. We only have five months before we finally say I do" she beamed. Yup there was only five months before the actual wedding and so far everything was coming along smoothly and when planning did become a little overwhelming they had each other and their kids to help them destress. The date was locked in and they were ready for it.

"Five months" he repeated. To him it seemed like it took them forever and a damn day just to get to these five months. It felt like time was taking its sweet ole time to get to the big day. At the same time he couldn't believe that in five months everything would be official for the world to see because in their eyes everything about their relationship had been official since the day they had linked back up. But damn he couldn't wait to hear Mr. and Mrs. David Brewster Jr when they finally said those two words...I do. He had always thought that the women were giddy and the most during weddings but for him he was just as excited. Ok he wasn't overly excited like women but that man was excited and ready nonetheless. He was embarking on a new journey and writing a new chapter in his and April's book of life. It was another major milestone. If someone had told him a year and a half ago that this would be his life right now there would be no way in hell that he would believe them. Yet this was his life now. Before April had even stepped foot into his life he was only trying to fuck and duck chicks and now he had a fiancé three kids well four if you counted Teddy because let them tell it Teddy were their baby boy. Not only that but he was waiting for April's pregnancy test to say positive. So he was out here living and loving family life. "We're really bout to do this shit"

"You already know the countdown has officially begun" she had a whole ass countdown on her phone all the way down to the exact time of the wedding. She was more than ready.

"Bet" he laughed. "You ready for this shit"

April looked out into the ocean and laughed. "That shouldn't have even been a question. If I didn't want my dream wedding and I knew my parents wouldn't be mad I'd have ya ass back in Vegas getting hitched"

Dave laughed. "Good cause it really ain't no turning back now" he joked. He had always wanted a wedding though so just going to get hitched wouldn't work for him. He wanted that one day just like many other men did.

"Now you already know ya ass is stuck with me" she laughed but they were always serious when they said that shit.

"Just how I like it" he said then placed a small kiss to her neck as her cocoa and shea butter scent mixed with a little outside engulfed him. He loved his cocoa shea butter baby.

"Any, who you know how much I love these lil moments but we need to head back before we have three lil girls on our heels" she said and laughed knowing it wouldn't be much longer before Kairi and Royalty came looking for them and with the way Charlie was setup these days she'd probably be right by their sides crawling damn near walking. Yes Triple B not only had a mouth full of teeth these days but she could finally crawl and looked like she was ready to walk any day now. Little baby legs be getting down just like her daddy. Triple B was developing just fine.

"True shit" Dave nodded agreeing. "Go head though I'll meet up with you in a few"

"You good Papi" April questioned with her brow raised a little curious but she honestly had nothing to worry about. He was good.

"I'm good ma...life is good" he smiled. He just wanted to sit still for a second and let everything sink in. He wanted to smell the roses and fresh air while he could. From where he was sitting he could feel the positive energy surrounding him. It was days like this that made him feel like everything he had ever gone through in life had been worth it. It wasn't always fun and games some times it felt like all he was dealing with was hurt and pain. But throughout it all it helped mold him into what and who he stood for today so yea when all was said and done his life was good.

"It truly is Papi" she said as she got up then cupped his face in her hand. "Enjoy it" she kissed him before walking off and making her way back to the rest of the family giving him some time to himself.

Dave didn't know how long he had been sitting there but he knew it had been a little minute. He had just been sitting there chilling and really thinking about what was going on and changing in his life. The past few months had been nothing but good to him so taking in that time was needed. Before he knew it he was up on his feet and heading back to the yard.

"CONGRATULATIONS" the whole family screamed out in excitement as soon as he stepped foot in the yard.

"OH SHIT" he yelled and clutched his chest. They had caught him off guard. "I got y'all money" he said before Kairi and Royalty attempted to come for him. He already knew what time it was and what time they were on. They had already hit him up a few times already.

"Ok" Kairi and Royalty said cheesing. They didn't have their swear jars with them but their purses would definitely fit the bill. April had bought them matching mini Boite Chapeau purses from Louis Vuitton for this trip specifically for the money she knew they were going to rack up and the chapstick they claimed they needed. So he knew exactly where those dollars were going.

Dave made his way over to the family. "Yo what's this for" he asked a little confused as he looked at April standing there holding a cake that had to be only made for him while the rest of the family stood beside her with smiles on their faces. He was also wondering where the cake came from because he had been all through the fridge for the past few days and hadn't seen it.

"Papi I know you didn't think we wouldn't celebrate this but we had to. It's a major achievement. We just wanted to congratulate you on not only scoring some legit modeling gigs and officially being out on the scene but for also getting a major role on a Hulu series. We're so proud of you so congrats Papi we love you. Please enjoy these blessing and moments because you've worked hard for them, earned them, and they're yours" April said then placed the cake down on the table.

Dave cheesed showing his teeth and all. Those were always the best smiles. He appreciated the family being happy and proud of his achievements. It felt so good to have genuine people praise him and show him love without secretly hoping and praying for his downfall. He didn't have to fish for compliments or hope that people saw him making moves. They always saw it.

"Jr we're so proud of you and the man you have become and the success that you've been achieving. Congratulations on your new ventures in life. I pray that you flourish in whatever you do and want in life" Senior said proud as hell of his boy.

"I can't even put it in words how proud we are of you" Mama Faye said all smiles and lost for words.

"Thanks Pops and mommy I preciate' it I love y'all too" he hugged his father and then his mother who couldn't contain her smile even if she tried. Her baby her first born was out in the world doing things she never thought he would. She was proud. He had beaten a lot of statistics and the odds that were against him since the day he was born.

As soon as he finished thanking his parents the rest of the crew followed suit and gave him his props and wished him nothing but the best. After receiving a little recognition Dave made his way over to the table to get a better look at his cake. He knew it was April's doing and the rest of the family had approved.

"I mean it's not every day that you get a call like that" Shooter said happy for his brother. He was finally getting a little more acknowledgement out in the industry. Sure they were done thanking him but that didn't mean they were done talking about it.

"Word" damn near everyone said agreeing.

Here Dave was thinking they had come to Barbados for wedding purposes and a little family vacation. You know some fun in the sun but here was his woman yet again acknowledging his success right along with their family. He knew the idea was hers and once the family heard her out they had come together to make him feel special. He loved how they always came together to make sure that they were all being seen. It didn't matter who you were in their family they were always going to celebrate you and acknowledge you. With his eyes on the cake he couldn't help but laugh at it. To him the cake spoke major volumes. One it was a Backwoods and Hennessy themed cake. Two it's what April used to call them when they had first started hanging out and one of his favorite drinks. It was decorated in all things Backwoods. From the packaging all the way down to the blunt, a sack of weed, weed covered strawberries, and small bottles of Henny that said Henny Thing Is Possible on the labels. Of course it wasn't real weed. He knew his woman wouldn't dare waste any weed like that especially when he had better ways to use it. Dave looked at his day ones with their women standing tall beside them, his little brother, his parents, April's parents, his new set of brothers, Uncle Ny-Reek, Mama Joyce, and then their three children. It wouldn't be complete if he didn't take the time to take in his women. His smile grew. This is all he wanted. He wanted to be surrounded by the people he loved and positive vibes.

"I didn't know y'all were gonna do all this. The hype was enough but I preciate' the love and support. I can't believe most of this is happening but a nigga is blessed to have y'all in my corner and by my side during all of this. I couldn't do it without y'all" Dave thanked them. Everyone had been so supportive and hype for him when he had told them the news. He also knew that April was low key going through the motions about it all but for the most part she was very supportive. She had been very excited about the news but what came along with the news was more time away from home. He had faith that they could do it though. They could make it work. Everything else was working.

"Daddy can we eat cake now" Kairi asked as she tugged Dave's hand and looked up at him then over at the mermaid cupcakes next to his cake. He knew April wouldn't leave them out. Kairi was done with the congratulations. She wanted some cake and she wanted it now.

"But I don't I want to eat cake right now Lil Butt" Dave said messing with her knowing how bad she wanted a cupcake.

"Daddyyyyy" she dragged and pouted.

"Please unkie" Royalty joined in. They were not about to play with Dave and this no cake business.

"Ok, ok y'all can have a cupcake...just one" he said smiling at them.

"Yes" Kairi and Royalty cheered and did their little dance as usual. He knew damn well they were going to come creeping back for more when they thought no one was looking.

Of course he wouldn't be himself if he hadn't went to share the excitement with his fans on his IG live well that's after taking a few pictures of and with his cake. He talked his shit while April got ready to cut and pass out cake to whoever wanted it.

"The family loves ya boy. Look what they done got me" Dave said as he showed off his cake. "This is when ya family already knows what type of time you on" he said as he watched a few comments that were congratulating him yet again. He chilled on his live for a little while longer before banging on them so he could finish enjoying his day getting love from his family. "What flavor ma" Dave asked and licked his lips.

"Not chocolate" she shot back and winked at him. "It's red velvet Papi"

Dave eased behind her, put his phone in his pocket, and whispered in her ear. "Chocolate better be on the menu tonight...with frosting"

"Man if you don't get away from the damn cake with y'all shenanigans" Ny-Reek said ready to pop Dave in back of the head for messing around with his niece in front of the damn cake that he wanted a piece of.

"I keep telling y'all to save that shit for when no one is around. Y'all got my grandbabies out here" Ian added. Luckily for him the girls were off in their own world eating their cupcakes at a surrounding table.

Everyone laughed.

"Please back up some Papi I don't need daddy going through the motions today" April said. She was not about to even start the conversation with him at all. Just like he didn't want to see it she didn't want him to see it either. Well certain shit because nothing was really going to stop Dave from loving on her no matter who was around them. Dave backed up just a smidge but not before placing a tender kiss to her neck.

"Is that enough space in between us Pops" he asked looking over at Ian laughing.

"Somebody playing with fire" Chris chimed in laughing.

"Son, tell him" Ian said looking over at Chris.

"Yup that's my cue" April said and smooth dismissed herself. She wasn't about to stay there and be a part of that conversation.

Dave laughed as he watched her walk away and made her way over to one of the empty lounge chairs. The vibes had definitely been good ones lately. See this June had definitely been one for the books for him. Like he said life was good. It seemed like all the hard work, long nights, and networking had finally paid off. So not only was it June his birthday month but June this year happened to be extra lit. Now it seemed like everything good that happened now was just a bonus. Four months had passed and tour was officially over and done with but work was never really done. Since tour had ended so many other doors had opened up for Dave and with each door opening he was stepping his feet in many other circles he thought he'd never be a part of. Not only did he secure one bag but he secured two major ones. One was in the making and already in the works while the other one was a blessing in disguise. So a celebration was definitely needed even though they had been celebrating for what seemed all month. Between his birthday passing and having an epic party at club Drais in Vegas with all of his loved ones, homies, and industry friends' curtesy of his woman and family many other things happened.

Like for instance Father's day was one to remember. The family had come together once again to have a celebration for all of the special fathers/men in their lives. They threw a big cookout/pool party at his and April's place and dedicated the whole day to all the fathers. Not to mention the night April had planned for him to make sure Father's Day ended just right. Now here it was the end of June and the family was chilling heavy and celebrating him and with him nonetheless. Why were they really celebrating him? Well Dave had finally scored his first modeling gig which was a huge success by the way but he would also be staring in a new Hulu series about the rap group Wu-Tang. Dave would be playing as Method Man. He had been playing with the idea of modeling and now he was fully on board, booked, and making his way on the scene. But the Hulu series he had never seen coming let alone playing the legendary Method Man. That shit just literally fell in his lap.

Dave had a small role on a TV show a few years back but with this new Hulu series it was definitely what he needed to get himself fully into the acting world. To see this shit coming into fruition before his eyes had been something he was blessed to even experience. He didn't know what his new schedule would look like but he as hoping that it wouldn't be too much. He'd think about that later though. Right now he just wanted to enjoy his roses while his family was passing them out.

"Aye big bruh don't forget bout us peasants when you become a big time actor. Remember we were here first" Shooter joked as usual. That was something Shooter didn't have to worry about. It didn't matter what Dave did in his life or how many new friends he made Shooter just like Bully would always be his day ones.

"I mean my bruh does have a point" August said with his hands up and shrugged cosigning with Shooter as usual. Those two were the new Frick and Frack.

"Last time a nigga checked we were some of his actor friends" Trey said as he pointed between him and Chris. Shit they were in a couple of movies. They weren't major actors and shit but give credit where credit is due.

August and Shooter scratched their heads some confused. "I know his ass ain't talking bout Texas Chain Saw the shit was back in what 2012 its 2020. Besides I said big time actors" August said to Shooter and laughed. It was all love though August loved messing with his brothers. It was what little brothers do. They love to poke fun of you and get on your nerves. Besides August knew his brothers were out there making money moves anyway.

"But were you" Trey shot back and laughed.

"Baby don't" Vonnii said laughing herself as she stood in front of him resting back in his arms. Yes Vonnii was there and yes it was a family trip. Was she family? No, but she was cool peoples and since everyone else's woman was there it was only right that Trey brought her along. They didn't mind anyway. Was she and Trey actually in a relationship? Technically no but Trey had only been focused on her so she was welcomed.

"I'm not bout to entertain this shit. I done been in a couple of movies and TV shows but I don't consider myself a big time actor but go head" Chris said and shrugged looking at August then laughed.

"Damn just put me in the dirt rest in peace Pookie Loc" August said all dramatic.

"What" they all said and looked at him before they burst out laughing. They knew exactly where he had got that shit from.

"Man I ain't doing this with y'all" Dave said laughing as he walked away. He knew it was all fun and games. Just like he knew if he didn't walk away they'd keep the jokes coming. So before they could really go in his ass was checking out on the conversation. "Mrs. Soon to be Brewster I don't think I've thanked you properly for the cake, love, and support" Dave said as he walked up on April invading all of her space then took both of his hands and gripped the shit out of her ass as if they were the only two people outside.

"Papiiiii" she dragged and lowly moaned. "You know you can't be doing all that out here" she looked around the yard to make sure no one was looking at them which they weren't.

"Then you should've worn a different bathing suit because that ass is poking out just right" he said with her cheeks still snug in the palm of his hands.

"Boy bye I could've been wearing a damn brown paper bag and you'd a still found a way to touch my ass but ok" she playfully shot back and wrapped her arms around his waist with her head tilted up looking at him.

"I'm glad you know" he laughed. "Now gimmie a kiss before someone comes over here and tries to break up this happy union we got going on right now"

April laughed. "Bless ya soul but happy looks good on you Papi" she said and poked out her lips for a kiss. Dave of course obliged and kissed her passionately still not giving a fuck who seen them. The way he saw it was that he was just loving on his soon to be wife and just happy in general. So he was going to show her some love like he always did. It wasn't much longer before she was swept away again leaving him to go bother his babies.


"Daddy pick me up" Kairi said as she stood on the top pool step. Dave knew she'd be back because she loved the water and with them teaching her how to swim that's all she wanted to do even though she didn't quite have the hang of it yet. April had her sitting on the sidelines chilling so her dinner could digest before getting back in the pool but here she was ready for some action.

"So demanding" he chuckled as he made his way over to her. He had been in the pool for a little while now just chilling. Kairi put her arms out and Dave scooped her up then dipped her in the water making her laugh and soon he joined in. He loved to see her smiling and laughing. Any time he got the chance to see her happy like this was a good time.

Since Dave had been home he had been spending more time with her and lightening the load for April when it came to the kids in general. Wherever and whenever he could lend a helping hand he did. Granted he was always snatching up the kids and doing shit with them but now he did a little more because no one involved was a single parent. He wanted the kids to know that yes daddy sometimes has to go to work for months at a time and yes Papi has to leave momma to hold down the fort but in the end everything he does is for them. No matter where he was going he was always and will always be there for all of them. He was honestly enjoying family life. To him it felt good waking up next to his woman and having their children barge through their bedroom doors. Sure most of the time when they barged in they were eight times out ten interrupting something but he didn't mind. This is what he had wanted all along. So now it was about cherishing the moments and smelling the roses whenever he had the chance to. He watched the big smile on Kairi's face as she tried swimming on her own then took a look around the yard at his family in its entirety. Life was in fact good.

"Daddy look at me" Kairi beamed as she played around in the water. Dave was convinced that by the time they got back home and got in their own pools that Kairi would be swimming like a pro.

"Do ya thing Lil Butt" he said hyping her up as he watched her little arms and legs just a moving.

Before he knew it Kairi had dipped off on him and was now with her big sister playing around in their floats and splashing around in the water. Any other time he would've complained but he didn't mind at the moment. This gave him the perfect opportunity to lie up under April. Since summer had kicked off they had been doing a bunch of family outings and wedding planning. So any alone time he could get with her he was going to take it and use it wisely. Dave slipped out of the pool, grabbed his towel, dried off some then casually strolled his way across the lawn with his eyes on the prize only to see her with her head buried in her Ipad with her glasses on. She normally wore them when she was working to avoid headaches and such from the blue lighting. But since he knew it wasn't work he knew it was something pertaining to the wedding. She was on point when it came to the wedding these days. Since he had been home she had more time to sit down and actually focus on it.

"Hey Papi" April said as she kept her eyes locked on her Ipad. She didn't even have to look up to know it was him. She just knew. Then again who else would it be?

"Hey ma you mind if I join you" he asked but was already making his way onto the chair and smoothly took a seat behind her like he had been sitting there the whole time.

"Nope" she laughed. She already knew what it was. Leaning back against his chest April got comfortable while Dave was trying to see exactly what she was up to on her Ipad even when he already knew the answer.

"Whatcha up to" he asked as he looked down at her then over to the pool checking on the girls. They were in the pool with Chris on daddy/unkie duty.

"Looking over these ideas that we came up with today" she replied as her eyes danced across the screen.

"What bout them" he questioned. He was use to this though. April wasn't a bridezilla by any means but there were a few things that she had originally wanted and liked then suddenly didn't like. So far it hadn't been anything major but it damn sure was happening and he didn't see it ending no time soon until she found exactly what she was looking for.

"I don't know but after seeing the venue for the reception I feel like our color scheme may not work. This is giving me fairytale vibes. You know glam with white and rose gold, some bling, some sparkle, and pretty white flowers hanging from the ceiling" April replied excitedly as if she could see her new vision clear as day in her head. This is why they needed to come to Barbados and check everything out. They wanted to see everything up close and personal. They wanted to see if they could envision their dream wedding there and they could.

"That's not bad but I'm a need to see some pics because it's been mint green and rose gold pretty much from the start" he said which was true. He was still feeling the color combination but after seeing the venue he didn't know if it really fit the vibe anymore either. Of course he wasn't just going to let her switch up the colors at the spur of the moment but if she showed him some hot shit that matched their fly then he was all the way on board with it. Besides she wasn't changing everything she was just omitting the mint green and everything else was pretty much still the same.

"Ok I'm on it" she nodded and went to pull up the looks that she and Tesha had been discussing earlier. Just as she was about to show him the pictures that she and Tesha had been sending back and forth his phone went off. Something or someone was always interrupting their time together these days. "Here Papi" she said as she reached between her legs and grabbed his phone not even paying attention to the caller ID. She had been holding his phone for him while he was chilling in the pool.

"Thanks ma" he said as he grabbed his phone. "What the fuck" he mumbled looking at the caller ID wondering who was calling him from a women's facility. Granted he had some boys locked up in a few different jails but he wasn't expecting a call from anyone from a damn women's facility. The only women he could see calling him from prison were all accounted for. April and the rest of the women were safe and sound here in Barbados with him so he knew damn well it wasn't any one of them. He picked up the phone with the quickness thinking the worst like maybe one of his cousins done got into some shit. "Hello" he answered waiting to hear whose voice was on the other end of the line.

"Hello this is Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women. You have a collect call from inmate...It's me David"

-First off I really miss you guys but hey I'm back with another one. So as usual happy reading & I hope you guys enjoyed. You already know there will be a part 2. Damn cliffhangers 😠😂😝
-I bet y'all were probably thinking this was going to be the sit down with Hazel chapter but who would I be if I did that 😈 😂 It's coming soon though.
-Ok so we got a little time jump nothing too major but we're closer to the big day now. Wedding plans are going smooth. So far so good.
-So I was supposed to been upgraded Papi because he is out here making moves but it didn't work out the way I originally planned it. Got the pics ready and all but hey better late than never. But yea put some respect on Papi's credentials‼️😂 He's a whole ass model and actor out in these streets these days.
-So with Papi being all great out in this world how do you think this will affect his home life? Or better yet his and April's relationships? Between being a rapper, a model, and an actor do you think it will be too much on him?
-Who do you think is calling 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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