31.1: Life Is Good
Chapter 31.1: Life Is Good cont...
Dave heard a voice that he hadn't heard in months talking back to him. By now he already knew exactly who it was and April was now all the way tuned in and alert. Nonetheless he braced himself and accepted the call wondering what the fuck she wanted because these days they had nothing to talk about. The one person they did have a reason to talk Millie hadn't been interested in her since the day Dave called it quits for the final and last time.
"Hello" he said as he eased out of the chair then signaled for April to do the same. Once she was up he grabbed her hand and led her away from everyone's earshot especially Kairi's. She didn't need to be a part of her mother's fuckery anymore.
She sighed. "Hey I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now but I really need to hear Kairi's voice" Millie said sounding a little defeated. She didn't sound like her usual up to no good self. She sounded like she might actually be having a bad or off day but that wasn't Dave's problem well she wasn't Dave's problem anymore.
Dave pulled the phone away from his face and looked at it as if it was crazy then placed it on speaker phone. Maybe he had heard wrong. He had to. He hadn't heard a single word or a peep from Millie since New Years night when shit hit the fan not even a tell Kairi I love her when she thought her life was about to end. She had been in Edna Mahan Correctional Facility since January 2nd the morning after and never once called to speak to Kairi which was honestly understandable after the last stunt she pulled. Who would call up the person they wronged like that? It wasn't like she had started another petty IG argument. She had helped plan and paid for a hit on his woman so calling him was something she was avoiding. Let alone before that she had long stopped calling for or even checking up on Kairi. She literally hadn't seen her since her third birthday. Kairi hadn't seen her face or heard her voice in a year and three months going on four and now she was calling out of the blue of all days asking to speak to her.
Dave pinched the bridge of his nose. He really didn't know how he felt about them talking but what he did know was that he was conflicted and he had every reason to be. Sure the only reason Millie had been kept alive was so she would be able to have some type of relationship with Kairi but now that she was calling to actually speak to her he didn't know what to do. Then Kairi's fourth birthday had recently passed and even still with Millie having no excuse to call her she still hadn't. All this time April hadn't said a word. She just stood there listening. He knew she was completely off Millie but right now it wasn't about him or her. It was about Kairi and did they want her to speak to Millie at the moment or even at all.
"Why" he asked before even thinking but shit it was a damn good question. Why after a year and three months had she wanted to finally talk to her. She had every opportunity in the world to play her role and each and every single time she dropped the ball. So why was this time any different? Dave didn't have time for her to play with Kairi's emotions again especially with her experiencing panic attacks.
She was cool for a moment but ultimately ended up suffering a second panic attack. Luckily it wasn't as bad as the first one but since the second one she's actually been great. Both he and April were doing all the right things to make sure she was good but even with that Millie had left her with invisible scars and the impact was deep. The second panic attack happened one weekday morning a few months back. April had gotten an emergency call from her LA office and had to quickly leave the house. With doing so she had to take Charlie along for the ride because she hadn't stored that much milk for her to be gone all day. Kairi had woken up confused thinking that April not only took Charlie but left her behind. So right now they had no time to play games with Millie.
Even with April doing her usual routine before she leaves the house, the girls, and Dave Kairi had still been triggered. April never left the house without saying see you later because she hated goodbyes or even kissing the girls and Dave. Some days that she had to leave them home she even kissed them all over their faces until they laughed so they knew the issue wasn't her. It was Millie. So just like any other day April did the same but Kairi had still woken up and thought she had been left behind. Both Dave and April could understand why she had felt that way but with each panic attack it just showed them that Millie had left a mark. Something as simple as going to work and taking Chalie with her had been triggering. At this point it was clear as day that Kairi had abandonment issues. She always thought April was going to walk out and never return but that was far from the truth. Between Dave, April, Kairi, and Charlie they were all stuck together. Their family had already been Gorilla glued together and nothing and no one was going to change that or break them a part. They could try all they wanted to but they wouldn't succeed.
Dave could see why the panic attacks happened though. April had consistently been in Kairi's life since the day they met and when Dave finally made up his mind about his and April's relationship April had became a permananent fixture in their lives. Then with him being on the road touring from place to place it had been just April and the girls together for months on end so their bond had grown stronger and had been sealed. No female had ever been consistent in Kairi's life like that besides Dave's mother and his sister whenever she was around. So for April to come in and stamp her mark on Kairi's little heart and do everything Millie was supposed to be doing he understood the reason behind her panic attacks. He just hoped and prayed like he did the first time that this would be her last one. She was far too young to be experiencing them to begin with.
Millie knew calling Dave was a long shot but she had to try. Kairi had been on her mind all damn day and after telling herself that she shouldn't call she ended up failing miserably. Going against her better judgment she picked up the phone and dialed Dave's number. She was honestly surprised that it was still the same. She thought he would've changed it by now. "She's been on my mind all day" she confessed. She doubted he believed her. Why would he? Everything she had pretty much said to him had been nothing but a lie. So she knew her words meant nothing to him.
Dave chuckled. She sounded sincere but he really didn't know what to belive when it came to her anymore. As far as he saw it she had only told him the truth once during the duration of them knowing and being with each other and that was that he was 100% Kairi's father. Other than that everything else was pure and complete utter bullshit. He looked over at April who held an emotionless face. He didn't know how to take it. He had never seen her so emotionless before. He was used to her expressing her disdain just by a certain look but tonight she held none.
"How bout this...call back tomorrow so I can see if this shit is real" he said. Where did the petty reside? Inside David Brewster Jr of course curtesy of Queen Petty herself she had definitely rubbed off on him. Then again Dave was known for being an ass sometimes and that was way before he even met April.
Millie took a deep breath. What did she expect for him to let her back in with open arms? Nope she knew he would put up some type of shield and fight.
"Look I ain't even tryna be funny and I know you don't have much time left but you gotta let me think bout it. Kairi's been through a lot this past year. You've been in and out of her life more times than I'm embarrassed to admit. So if you want to talk to her make an effort to reach out to her. Call her back tomorrow" he said what he said and he meant it. He couldn't afford to keep tossing Millie in Kairi's life. It was like dangling a piece of her favorite fruit in her little face only for it to be rotten and nasty inside when she finally bit it. He didn't want Millie hopping in and out of her life as if she wasn't a priority when she was supposed to be number one. So if she wanted to talk to Kairi she needed to make a real effort. She had no more chances left. This was her last and final one and if she couldn't make this one count then he was done. Kairi would just have to speak to her when she was old enough to decide for herself if it was something she wanted to do. He wouldn't allow Kairi's feelings to keep getting hurt like that especially by someone who was supposed to love her and be there for her unconditionally.
"If you call every chance you get and make her a priority then I'll let you know how she's doing and if you show and prove that you want to be a part of her life then I'll let you talk to her. She's not something you can give back when you feel like you've had enough of her" Dave continued. Kairi wasn't a pet or play thing. You couldn't return her back to the sender at the end of the day. He didn't want to bring people in her life that only wanted to be around for a season. Protecting her came first and that's exactly what he was going to continue to do. Her own mother wasn't looking out for her so he had to be the one to do so.
Millie nodded her head as if he could see her. "I can do that" she said but she really didn't know if she meant it herself. All she had known was that Kairi had been on her mind all day and she just wanted to hear her voice.
"Aight we'll see but if you really want to know she's doing great. She's a happy kid and still wants and needs for nothing" he said keeping it short and simple. Honestly he was done with letting Millie dictate shit in his life. He wasn't going to allow her to play with his feelings and emotions as well anymore. Yet he didn't have time to be bitter, cold, or anything else that wasn't helping his mental. He had already given her years to toy with his emotions and he was done with that whole era. What Millie failed to realize was that playing with Kairi's emotions only made matters worse because when Kairi's feelings were hurt so was Dave's.
"Does she...ask about me" Millie questioned but in all actuality she knew she wasn't ready for the answer. "Does she know where I am" she sounded off before he could even answer the first question. She just needed to know.
Dave pulled and scratched on his beard looking as if he was in deep thought. Then again he was. What was the benefit of answering those questions? If he gave her the answers what would she do with them? It wasn't like she could go back in time and make things right. Why now? Why now after all the sleepless nights and shedded tears did she want the answers to those questions? It wasn't like they'd help her sleep at night. Why couldn't she be there from the jump like she was supposed to be? Why couldn't she just be a mother? Yes he helped make Kairi but he didn't do it alone so why now. Trust he knew the answers to her questions but there was really no point in answering them at the moment. He felt like if he answered the questions now they wouldn't hit and impact her the way they should. Or maybe they would but he didn't feel like she was ready. He more so felt like she was calling Kairi to pass time while she was locked up. Kairi didn't need a new pen pal she needed her mother. She needed her mother to do right by her for once.
"I don't think ya ready for that talk. The answers ya searching for won't help or bring you peace. By no means am I trying to be a hard ass but that's just how it is right now. But like I said if you really want to talk to her make the effort to be there 24/7 and not when she happens to cross ya mind. I know you can only do so much from where ya at but you can still be a part of her life through the phone. Call and ask bout her and her day on a regular. You can be there if you really want to" Dave expressed himself and how he felt about the situation. Sure she was in jail and there was but so much she could do from the inside but he knew for a fact that she could call regularly and send letters. It could work she just had to want it.
Millie sighed once again. "I hear you" she said keeping it short. "I gotta go just tell her I said hi and that I thought about her. I'll call back whenever I get the chance" and with that the phone disconnected.
Dave placed his phone in the rim of his towel that was still wrapped secure around his waist, wiped his hands over his face, and looked over at April. She really hadn't said a word the whole time and neither did her facial expression change. But he didn't feel like dwelling on Millie's phone call right now. He wanted to continue enjoying their vacation and being celebrated. He'd think about Millie's phone call another time right along with the other shit that he had been pushing to the back of his head.
"Come on Papi let's go back and join the family" April said as if she was reading his mind.
"Bet" he said and grabbed her hand. He knew they would have to discuss the phone call later let alone how they both felt about Millie actually talking to Kairi. He didn't think they were ready for that conversation but now it had to be done.
"Dang I thought y'all had dipped off and forgot bout us lil people" Shooter said as soon as they fully entered the yard.
Dave and April laughed. "Chill bruh"
"There's no stopping it Papi they're bout to be on ya heels" April said laughing. She knew like he knew between Shooter and August they weren't going to let up and right about now he really needed the distraction.
"See even lil sis knows what's up" Shooter said being his usual goofy self with his ass all up under his Mimi. Mimi ass couldn't move a damn muscle these days without him being either beside her or close by. By now they were official with it. Since they had started talking back in August around April's baby shower they had been kicking it heavy for ten months and almost at the one year mark. They loved to say that they were dating for four months since Shooter had officially asked her on Valentine's Day to be his girl but the crew wasn't with the shits. The way the family saw it they had been together for ten months and about to hit their one year anniversary because they were attached to phone and hip since day one. They were the cutest though.
"Man gon head" Dave said as he guided April to the cooler. He needed a drink and a fat ass blunt right about now. Here it was again like clockwork when he was being celebrated by his family and wedding planning Millie calls. He felt like between him and April every time something good was happening something bad or ass had to happen to counteract some invisible forcefield or some shit. They could never just have a moment without an unwanted visitor sailing through like hey I know you're happy and all but did you miss me. At this point he wondered when would the cycle end because he was tired of the same ole rinse and repeat. They were stuck with Millie though. People loved to talk about how after eighteen you don't have to deal with the other parent but no. It didn't work that way. Once you had a child with someone you were attached to that person until you, the egg or sperm donor, or said child left the earth. It is what it is.
"Aww shit Papi look what I spy with my lil eye" April whispered as she nudged him looking at the scene playing out before them. Two somebodies were getting a little close and comfortable with one another.
"Oh shit" Dave smirked looking as well feeling like a proud big brother. Low and behold they had caught Errol and Tesha the wedding planner/family friend in the cut lying in lounge chairs side by side laughing and damn near cuddled up. "I mean I always wondered if or when he'd speak up he's been crushing on her since we were kids" he said still looking at the scene. It was true growing up Errol had always liked her but once puberty hit and girls weren't so yucky anymore that like had turned into a full blown crush. Instead of telling her how he felt about her he decided against it since she was considered a cousin. Besides he didn't want to ruin their friendship but hey maybe things were different this time around. They were no longer children or hung around each other like that anymore so just maybe things could be different.
"Papi they look so cute" April gushed at them before taking a quick picture before looking away. She didn't want to fuck up their little vibe they had going on by being extra nosey.
"This is bout to be an interesting couple of days" he said wondering what else would go down while they were on vacation. They had been there since Friday night and still had a whole week to go.
"Yes, yes it is" she agreed. "Well Papi I'm back on the clock it's time to get my babies bathed, in their jammies, and in bed" she said as she watched Kairi and Royalty damn near sleep on one of the lounge chairs. Luckily for her Charlie had already been down for the counting. Chris had pooped her out in the pool and once she had eaten that was it.
"Bet, need any help" he asked but he already knew the answer though.
"Nope, I got it" she said like always.
"Aight call me if you need me and come find me when ya done"
"Heard ju" she said and poked out her lips for a kiss.
Dave licked his lips then grinned. He scouted the yard to see where everyone was at and when he thought the coast was clear he went in for the kill. He took his right hand slid it down the side of her waist and eased his hand down to her ass then gripped it and all its glory. She had on a sexy ass blue monokini and since she had been out of the pool she had this sheer white coverup on looking like a whole ass meal so right now all he was feeling was nothing but ass in the palm of his hand.
"Oop" April said as she placed one of her hands on his chest. "Later...now gimmie kiss so I can go"
"I'm holding you to it" he whispered in her ear then kissed her. "I love you"
"I love you too Papi" and with that she walked off and headed for the girls to get them ready for bed.
Dave grabbed himself a small bottle of Henny out of the cooler then made his way over to the rest of the men who were sitting and standing around one of the tables with either a drink in their hand a cigar or both. Senior and Ian were playing Dominos while they all talked shit around the table.
"Damn Jr didn't think we'd be seeing you for the rest of the night" Senior said as he glanced up at Dave then back down at the dominos in front of him. By now the whole family was onto Dave and April's little adventures. They didn't know how they got down they just knew that it went down. He had knocked her ankles loose one too many times not for them to notice.
"Aye now" Ian said as he looked across the table at Senior. He had already known too much about April's sex life as it is. He couldn't deal with anymore. It seemed as if every time they had to check somebody that he learned something new that he didn't need to know.
"Says the same one who keeps asking when we're gonna get a grandson" Senior shot back and chuckled.
"You'd be the same way if you heard the conversations I've heard" Yup Ian was scarred for life. That was the one thing he didn't need to know or better yet April couldve said what she said in a different manner. The way the shit had rolled off her tongue had made it seem worst than what it actually was. She was too vulgar with it.
"True" everyone who was at the actual event said agreeing before they burst into laughter. Shit Dave still couldn't belive she had been fucking around with chicks period. She seemed like one of those strictly dickly types. Then again with the way she was in the bedroom he could definitely see her ass as a try sexual. But he knew for a fact that she couldn't be in a relationship with another femle she loved the dick too much well his anyway. Dave wasn't about to sit here and talk about his sex life though especially not with their fathers and uncle so he did what he came over there to do.
"Aye unc, can I holla at you for a minute" Dave asked as he looked over at Ny-Reek. He was trying to let shit be but he needed some answers and knew Ny-Reek would be the one with all of them.
"Bet" Ny-Reek nodded and stood up from the table. He already knew that it had to be important.
"Damn we can't listen" August asked as he looked around to make sure the girls weren't creeping up on him looking for their money. Luckily the girls were in the house and far away from earshot. As usual he wanted to be a part of the 'know'.
"You know David Washington wants nothing to do with us peasants" Shooter joked.
"Man they just won't let you breathe" Bully said laughing. "I fucks with it though" he said here for both Shooter and August's fuckery.
"Y'all gotta chill" Dave laughed but shit if he could be the next Denzel Washington then he was here for it.
"Now you know ya ass is in the no chill zone" Chris looked at him and shook his head in disbelief before laughing.
"True shit" all the men said and laughed. They knew what type of circle they had.
"Come on nephew" Ny-Reek said ready to talk shop because if it was anything else he would've asked for his father or Ian. Dave and Ny-Reek walked off to a secluded area around the villa so they could have a little privacy. He would've talked about it with the rest of the guys but he didn't feel like souring the mood for everyone. Also with the women in earshot he just didn't want shit popping off and turning left when they were all here to have some fun, relax, and forget about the outside world.
"So what's on ya mind nephew" Ny-Reek asked then took a pull from his Cuban cigar as he looked out into the dark ocean. What normally looked like ombre blue waves crashing now looked still, endless, and dark as the night sky reflected and the stars twinkled above it.
"What's going on with Agnes up in Union" he questioned getting straight to the point.
Ny-Reek turned and looked at him curiously. This had been the very first time Dave had asked about Millie since the night it all went down. Shit by the time that night was actually over he hadn't cared what happened to her after April had man handled and thrashed her ass. That night he had just been happy that they kept her ass alive no matter how bad they wanted to put her ass six feet under and deserved it. Dave knew if he'd a left it up to Ny-Reek or April's family period that Millie would've been dead and gone without a trace. What she had done should've cost her, her life but she had gotten a pass.
"What's with the sudden interest" Yup Ny-Reek answered a question with a question. He needed to know.
"She just called asking to speak to Lil Butt. So I need to know before me and ma make a decision whether or not to let that shit go down. I need to know where she's coming from and if she's on some bullshit can that shit potentially lead back home" he answered. He needed to know what Millie was really up to these days. Having trust and faith in her is something he just didn't have in her anymore. Besides he was tired of her playing with Kairi's emotions. Let alone he knew about the bullshit that goes down in jail. Just because Millie was locked up didn't mean she couldn't be in the middle of some bullshit. He had dealt with her bullshit for far too long to just willingly let her back into Kair's life with open arms. As far as he saw it he was just being cautious and he'd be a fool not to. If she could use her child for funding her and her husband's lifestyle and pay for a hit then she could not be easily trusted if at all. Shit like this was going to take some time. This was something he couldn't just say yes to without giving it thought.
Ny-Reek gave him his full attention. He was personally tired of all the people involved in trying to break up their happy home and make them suffer. Lord himself knew that all parties involved had been touched by an angel because if it was up to Ny-Reek four families would've been dressed in all black having funerals back to back. If he had his way those funerals would all be closed casket. Make no mistake though he still planned to hit three when they least expected it. It had only been five months since the showdown and Ny-Reek knew all of them were still looking over their shoulders waiting for some shit to pop off. But Ny-Reek wanted them all to get well adjusted and comfortable and when he knew they were good he was going to attack and that was simply something that had to be done. Not only was it street code but it was the law of their family. He knew just like you could sit at home and plot on someone you could still sit your ass down in jail and do the same thing and that right there he wasn't risking. Ny-Reek had eyes on all of them.
"For the most part shes been trying to lay low and get in where she fits in so far ain't nobody really fuckin with her per my orders. They're watching her to see what she falls into. She fucked with one of my babies so I ain't making it easy on her ass either. She can't do what she did and think she's bout to breeze through her sentence without consequences. Whether you want to hear it or not her ass ain't supposed to be breathing right now anyway. I can't speak on her intentions though. No one knows that but her" he paused and took a pull of his cigar before continuing.
"Just like if she's plotting no one knows that shit but her but when she is busting her gums she's stuck in the past. She's telling them stories bout you, the parties, the trips you took her on, and the jewelry you bought her thinking it'll help her out in the inside. But as far as meeting up with people she doesn't need to she hasn't been up to anything. So far so good but she ain't built for jail so she's got some work to do in the inside. They'll fuck around and eat her ass alive"
Dave shook his head. He was listening and he heard him loud and clear. "Unc you sure she's not in the middle of some shit? I can't keep going through this shit with her and putting Kairi in the middle. I'm tired of saving her when she doesn't deserve to be saved" Dave asked and stressed. "Ma kept her alive for Kairi and I would like for Kairi to have some type of something with her but it's hard to trust her. She's in jail so she has all the time in the world to call and talk to her and yea she reached out today but how long will she stick with it" Dave continued. He was sort of upset that today of all days that they even had to talk about Millie or even wonder about what she was getting into while she was incarcerated. He low key thought they were done with her because he didn't think she would ever call for Kairi again. Guess he was wrong.
"Nephew I can't tell you what to do but you and my niece will figure it out. Just because she called and asked to speak to her today doesn't mean you have to let her. You're my lil baby's primary custodial parent so it's up to you to make those hard decisions and a decision like this can't be done overnight. Take ya time her ass got all the time in the world she'll be aight. Kairi comes first"
Ny-Reek couldn't imagine taking Ebony away from her mother but if she had been anything like Millie he wouldn't hesistate to do so. People love to cry and holler oh that's her mother or oh that's her father but what about the welfare of the child involved. What about the sleepless nights, the crying, the many questions about where or why said parent wasn't around? Just because it was your egg or your sperm didn't necessarily make you a parent. Some people just couldn't be parents. They either had no parental bone in their body's or after all the hype of being pregnant dies down you realize that being a parent was something you really didn't want to be. By the time the baby is born all the hype has disappeared. It was just the thought of it that was more interesting and having people at your beck and call. That happened to be Millie so Ny-Reek knew why Dave was being cautious. Shit he'd be a fool not to. He knew that between Dave and April they'd do whatever to make sure that Kairi was good. They just needed to talk about it amongst other things but he was going to keep his mouth closed about that.
"Always...you know I don't want shit to do with her but I'm a need you to keep me in the loop since she's trying to reach out to Kairi"
"Bet, and thanks for the lil talk unc" He appreciated Ny-Reek for being there. That was the cool part about their family. He could go up to any one of the elders and talk about real shit and get legit advice even if it was something he didn't want to hear or accept. They always kept it real. There was no point in sugarcoating shit.
"No problem nephew" he said and they clapped it up.
"I'll leave you be I kno you got a lot on ya mind. Don't forget though ya on vacation and if I'm not mistaken the main reason ya here is to plan ya wedding. So don't let that shit fuck up what you got going on. If anything focus on that" Ny-Reek said leaving him with a few words of wisdom just like he had April not too long ago on an island. He swore they were one in the same. They had more in common than they thought.
Meanwhile in Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women...
Millie hung up the phone and sighed as she leaned against the wall. The call didn't go as bad as she expected it would but at the moment she would take what she could get. She knew after all the problems and drama she caused that she was asking for too much anyway. Any other day she wouldn't have even called or thought about calling but like she had told Dave Kairi had been on her mind the whole day. She just had this nagging feeling. It wasn't one where she thought anything was wrong because she knew Dave wouldn't let that happen. She really didn't know what the feeling was. She had never really experienced it when it came to Kairi. She had been clean since the beginning of the year and with her head clear it was most likely the guilt starting to set in. This had been the longest she had been clean and quiting cold turkey was the worst but she did it whether it was involuntary or not. When she had first been taken in she had spent her first two months in the infirmary while going through withdrawl. Well besides the pain pills she had been put on to keep her pain at bay. April had done her ass something terrible. She had black eyes her face was swollen beyond recognition, a busted lip, and a few broken ribs amongst other things. Let's just say when it came to her pride she had little to none left after that ass whooping.
These days she had nothing but time to think and with a clear clean sober mind her thoughts were the worst. They were eating her up from the inside out slowly ripping her to shreads. Kairi wasn't the only person she had fucked over but she was the one that plagued Millie's head day in and day out like clockwork. She had been so fucked up on New Years that when they had came for her she had no choice but to comply and with what happened the first time around she already knew not to press her luck. She had been hopped up on pills, alcohol, and a little white girl that whole day and sure her high had been coming down but that first blow from April had brought her out of her high and sobered her up with the quickness. Shit had got real. Even still being hopped up on drugs and alcohol she had heard every single word that had come out of April's mouth before she pulled that trigger and that shit hurt. Not only did she mean them but how she said them had hit hard. She wouldn't be surprised if that shit had hurt whoever were there feelings that night too. April had come for her jugular and ripped that shit the fuck out with her bare hands with no care in the world then had the nerve to dangle it in her face afterwards. Millie just knew she was dead that night but no she had been saved not only by the grace of God but Kairi.
Millie owed her life to Kairi. If it hadn't been for April's love for Kairi she would've been fucked. Maybe that's why Kairi had been on her mind all day. The little girl that she birthed and gave no fucks about had literally saved her life and didn't even know it. Now had she changed? Hell no that's not how it worked. But now she didn't have a choice but to think about her life and the things she had done to not only herself but to others as well. She was finally getting hit with another dose of karma and it was nobody's fault but hers. She was the blame. See you could fuck around all day long but eventually all your shit and dirt will come to light and bite you in the ass.
"Colon ya time is up" one of the correctional officers said pulling her out of her thoughts.
Millie just nodded and went along with the usual routine until she was back in her block and in her cell. She rarely made phone calls these days unless it was to talk to her mother. She was the only one she really had in her corner even if she was disappointed in her. She had screwed some of her family over one too many times and with her sitting in jail for conspiring to put a hit out on someone they were done with her. Some didn't even want to be associated to her. That fuckin hit! Sure she didn't like April and she definitely despised her and was jealous of her but if it wasn't for Karrueche she would've never thought about putting a hit out on anybody. That wasn't her MO. Getting high, fucking, sucking, partying, and plotting on a nigga is what she was about. Every day that she sat in her cell she thought about Karrueche and how she wanted to strangle the shit it out of her ass because she had got into her head and fed her some bullshit. That night her whole life had flashed before her eyes. That night everything changed. She went from a petty criminal to a whole co conspirator and now she was facing years in jail.
Millie knew when April had pulled that gun out on her that she wanted and was going to kill her but her love for Kairi had outweighed how she had felt about her. She saw that shit in April's eyes and she felt that shit in the very pit of her soul that if it hadn't been for Kairi she would not be here today. Dave couldn't even save her. Shit if there was no Kairi she knew damn well after everything she had done to Dave alone that if the choice was his she'd probably be dead on command. With a simple snap of his fingers April could've pulled the trigger and brought everything to an end. She was lucky to be alive let alone they had kept the case out of the media. To anyone who didn't know the story it just looked like she had finally got caught slipping.
Normally when your life flashes before your eyes you see family members and celebrations you'll miss. You think about your favorite past time but it wasn't like that for Millie. She had fucked over so many people, was out in the world living wild careless and free, and not thinking about the consequences. So when her life flashed before her eyes all she saw were the problems she caused and the many people she had hurt. She felt like she couldn't even ask God for forgiveness. She had always been wild, careless, on the scene partying treating niggas like they would treat some of these women, and always about getting a bag. When she had met Profit shit changed. Everything she did had been amped up. What she thought was harmless fun had only worsened and gotten out of control and yes she knew it was wrong but it was also exciting. She got a thrill from the shit she was doing.
"So did you make the call or stare at the phone" one of her cellmates asked her. At the moment she was sharing a cell with seven other women which would've been cool if they all got along.
Millie sighed as she hopped onto her bed, laid down, and stared off into space. "I called"
"Ok andddd how did it go? What that sexy motherfucka sound like on the phone" she asked.
Millie laughed. "Tabi that man is off the market and engaged to a woman whose with the shits so be careful. Trust me I know" she said. She couldn't even lie. She knew April would go above and beyond for Dave. She'd paint the city red for her nigga. Millie saw first hand how Dave and April were about each other. She could look in his eyes and see the love he had for April. It was in the way he talked to her, the way he looked at her, the way he treated her, and she knew what she and Dave once had, had never came close to what he and April had. To Dave what they had was comfortability and familiarity and to Millie he was just a fine ass lick with quite a few perks. So she knew that what she and Dave once had was very different.
Tabi dramatically tossed her hands in the air. "Damn I ain't tryna fuck the nigga. I just asked a question" she said and laughed. She definitely knew Dave was dating and who he was dating. She even knew it was more than just dating.
"Good take it from me messing with him can bring you bodily harm" Millie said thinking about how she had got her ass rocked by April and her sisters. Each time they came for her she was never ready. Looks can be deceiving because they looked like they were quiet, innocent, and harmless but no they were pitbulls in a skirt. Their bark matched their bite. They gave no fucks and they were definitely with the shits and Millie knew that all too well.
"Whatever so how did it go" Tabi asked again.
"It didn't go how I expected it to go. One he actually answered the phone. Then again maybe he thought one of his cousins had got into some shit" she said and shrugged. "I know I'm the last person he wanted to talk to so I pretty much prepped myself to get my head chewed off but it didn't go that way" she replied. She didn't know why she was telling Tabi anything but for the past three months that she had been in general population Tabi had been more of a friend to her than the rest of the women. The rest of the women talked to her but they weren't really fuckin with her on that level. Well some of the girls. There were a few who didn't fuck with her and it had been like that since she stepped foot in the door but the others could be cool when they wanted to be especially when she was busy telling them stories about her and Dave.
"Bitch you need to learn how to tell a story" Tabi said pissed at her half ass storytelling.
Millie laughed. Tabi kept her and everbody else laughing. She was the goofy one out of the bunch. "Nothing really happened. He basically told me to put up or shut up. So if I want to talk to her I need to make more of an effort" she said and shrugged again. She wondered if she could really do it. It wasn't like she had an excuse now. She had nothing but time to make things right with Kairi.
"Well the nigga ain't lying. No kid wants to be an afterthought. Trust me I know" Tabi said repeating some of what Millie had just said to her not too long ago. "My mother raised me while my ain't shit father didn't want me. He'd tell me he was coming to get me and I'd have my cute lil outfit on, my hair all laid, edges slayed, my overnight bag packed, and spend my whole day sitting in front of the window for a nigga to pull a no call no show. So I feel where he's coming from and I feel sorry for lil mama" Tabi said keeping it a hundred with her not giving a fuck how she felt. She wished she had a father who kept his word, never broke promises, loved, cared, and was there for her. Millie didn't know how lucky she was to have Dave as a baby father. Some men could careless about their offsprings.
"Yikes Agnes that's gotta hurt" another inmate said as she entered the room with her eyes on Millie and her hand clutching her chest. She had walked in at just the right time.
Millie didn't even look her way. She had been trying to avoid all confrontations since she stepped foot into general population. She had no more fight to give. She also felt like she had gotten her ass beat enough for everybody and then some. She was still dealing with the aftermath of the ass whooping April had given her so she was trying to be easy on her body while it was still healing. She couldn't afford to be someone's permanent punching bag.
"Leave the poor girl alone Moe" Tabi said looking at her waving her off.
"Nope not gonna happen. She knows I don't like her ain't shit ass and I'm not bout to sugarcoat shit for her. I don't even know why ya giving her the time of day" Moe said still not giving a shit. She was one that gave no fucks, didn't sugarcoat shit, spoke her mind, and if she had a problem with you nine times out of ten she was going to let it be known. So Millie knew without a doubt that Moe didn't fuck with her. She felt the tension from the door and it was always thick and suffocating.
"Moe" Tabi gave her a look.
"I'm just saying" Moe tooted her lips and raised her hands in the air raising her imaginary white flag. "You saw all that shit she said on the Gram. She lucky as hell one of us mothers ain't pop her in her fuckin mouth for the disrespect. Wish I could be on the outside with my damn baby yet this bitch ain't have no excuse to be ain't shit. She just chose to be. I still can't understand how a mother could say the shit she said. She should've been fuckin embarrassed" Moe kept at it and yet Millie had never spoke up for herself which was smart yet dumb at the same time. If she planned on skating by from the drama or even speaking up for herself then she wasn't going to survive. It was a whole different lifestyle and system in jail. It was cool sometimes but it was a dog eat dog world and it was kill or be killed.
"When I wrote that it wasn't aimed towards all mothers or women trying to conceive. Was it rude? Yea it was but I was tryna get under someone's skin when I wrote it" Millie finally spoke up. She knew she couldn't play quiet for but so long. She had been in jail before and knew the system somewhat but she had never really stayed that long. This had honeslty been the longest she had ever been in jail. Normally if she got in some shit and got pinched she'd stay a few days and be right back to her usual bullshit as soon as she walked out but this time was different. She had some time on her hands and she wouldn't be home no time soon or even at all.
"Jesus be a fence" both Tabi and Moe said shaking their heads. They knew the tea just like everybody else on the outside knew. Just like they knew the world was now calling Millie Agnes. They had phones and IG accounts too. Was it prohibited? Absolutely, but it didn't mean that it wasn't happening. When there's a will there's a way. Cell phones made their way throughout the prison gates. You just had to have the money to buy it or something worth trading ass included depending on some. So they definitely saw what had been going on with Millie. Not to mention there were two women in her cell that knew more than what had gone down online Millie just didn't know it. Eyes and ears were always around, open, and lurking you just never know by whom.
"Don't act like y'all never did anything to get under a bitche's skin" Millie said as she glanced over at Moe.
"See but there's a difference. I might say or do some shit to get under someone's skin but I'd never toss a child into the situation. Everybody knows kids are off limits especially when you have a fuckin child ya self. If you'd a said that shit to me I'd a found ya ass that night and beat ya ass like a bitch in the streets" Moe said to her. Niggas said shit to get under peoples skin all day long but everybody knew the damn rule. Keep kids out of it. Kids weren't welcome to the party. They were innocent and off limits.
"I didn't know her baby was dead or that she even had a child. If I did I wouldn't have said anything about it" Millie said lying straight through her teeth. She had said what she said online because she knew full well that April had a baby and said baby had died. She knew because Hazel had told her. When she had finally met Hazel and had a face to face conversation with her about her whole plan and joining her to get revenge on April she had let it be known. Hazel had pretty much told her everything. Well to Millie it seemed like everything and if it wasn't everything it was more than enough to start a fire.
Hazel had sat down with her and talked to her like she was a long lost friend and they were simply catching up. See the thing is Millie had always known who April was even when Dave had introduced the two of them she knew who she was. But after talking to Hazel and getting some piping hot tea Millie thought she really knew April. She knew about the Chris cheating tea just like everybody else but now she knew about extra shit that had been going on between them. She knew it all. It was as if everything April had told Hazel about the conversation she had with Chris she had regurgitated it all to Millie. Being pregnant at the same time, the miscarraige, and the wedding she knew it all. Her budding relationship with Dave, how happy she was, and how she couldn't wait to meet Kairi, Hazel had told her everything. She even included bits and pieces from when April was starting her business. Hazel had made it seem as if April was just fucking her way to the top and Millie ran with it. So when it came to not knowing about April's baby it was a bold face lie. She did that shit to be spiteful. When she had heard that she already knew she had a one up on April because she had the one thing that many bitches wanted and didn't have...Dave's baby.
"Either way you shouldn't have said it" Moe said glaring at her.
"Period" Tabi agreed. She wanted to say more but she kept it cute. Besides Moe was doing enough talking for the both of them.
"If I could take it all back I would but I can't" Millie said but it really made her no nevermind.
As far as she saw it when she said what she said it was a job for her. She was paid to do exactly what she did which was somewhat succesfful but now it had just backfired on everyone involved in creating a problem where there was no problem. Now thinking back all the shit she had said about being a place holder for when a dude met his main chick, how April couldn't raise her child, and she couldn't have kids to give Dave a family like he always wanted had seemed to be smacking her all in her face right now. Not only was April Dave's main chick she was his main, his only, and his fuckin fiancé. Low and behold Millie had been the placeholder all along because ever since Dave had met April she had been his main. Dave hadn't been checking for anyone but April since they had met and Millie knew that even when they had broken up and they had given it another shot that Dave wasn't into her at all. He had been saving face and dealing with her only for Kairi's sake.
No matter how hard he tried to be that person for her Millie wasn't it for him anymore. On top of that April was helping Dave raise Kairi and instead of being called mommy Kairi called April momma. Then to top it all off April could indeed have children because months and months after saying what she did on the Gram April, Dave, and Chris had shut down the whole internet with pictures of their baby. So in the end after doing everything she did and making the money she did she still ended up losing. Everything she said April couldn't do and wouldn't be able to do she was doing them all and doing it well. These days she couldn't be too mad because in the long run Kairi finally had the one thing she needed which was a mother. Millie would never admit it but she was actually happy that someone like April had taken a liking to her daughter and was treating her as such. April couldve been a wicked stepmother but no she was everything Millie wasn't. That was the type of mother Kairi needed.
"Let me leave because the way she keep lying in my face is gonna end me up in solitary and a bitch ain't got time for that" Moe said and walked smooth back out the cell like she had never entered it to begin with.
"She doesn't like me very much does she" Millie said and nervously chuckled.
"I mean she doesn't really know you not to like you. But she just like me and a few others seen what you put out and word spreads so she's going by that. See there's a lot of us in here with kids and babies out in the world that we wish we could see and be a part of their lives but we can't. Some women in here will never see their kids again. Some have losts kids or struggled to have them so I can see why many don't like or fuck with you. But see I'm different. I like to feel people out before I cast my final vote" Tabi said as she lied down and placed her arms behind her head.
"I get it but that's not me. I was just in my feelings and wanted some get back" she sad somewhat telling the truth and forgetting to mention that she was paid to be extra messier than her usual self.
Tabi burst out laughing. "That get back done backfired on ya ass"
Millie couldn't do shit but laugh because it was true. "It did" she admitted but boy oh boy Tabi just didn't know how bad it had backfired. Or did she? That get back had her ass in jail while she was sitting on millions and couldn't do shit with it. Not only that but her millions had been divided in half and now split between both her and her husband Profit. At the moment she couldn't even stand his ass. The whole time while she had been getting her ass handed to her he hadn't pleaded for the, to stop whooping her ass not even once. So right now when it came to him she was on her fuck him mentality. No one in her family even knew they had been married up until this whole jail situation came to be. a Everything they had been to each other had been a secret.
"So ya fine ass baby daddy just put the ball in ya court. What are you gonna do bout it"
Millie scrunched her face and raised her brow pondering the question for a little while before answering. "I don't know" and she didn't. It had been so long since she had seen and spoken to Kairi. It had been the longest she had ever been without contact. She didn't know how a conversation would actually sound like with her after so long. Kairi had always been one of those moody kind of felt your vibe child. It's like she had her own sense of whose vibe was good and whose vibe was bad. She could sense things were off. Even their bond hadn't been as strong as her and Dave's. She knew that she loved her but she could never really relax around her. It was cool when they were together but it was always better when it was the three of them.
"Hmm how old is she" Tabi questioned.
"She's four she just had a birthday this past March" she answered. "My mom told me they threw her a slumber party. She had a lil girl's day theme" she said not going into too much detail. This had been the second birthday she had missed in a row and still she had no one to blame but herself. If she hadn't gone ahead and done some fuck shit she could've had the opportunity to celebrate with her in the flesh.
"Ok well that's the age where kids start to remember shit. Some can remember earlier than that. I say this to say that if ya gonna be there be there. Look you don't know me and I don't know you but a word of advice be there. One she didn't ask to be here. Two you don't want her to remember that you weren't there. Three it might not be a big deal to you now but best believe while ya in here in these four walls will tear ya ass right on up. You ain't got nothing but time to think so think bout that. But yea ya lucky I like you a lil bit because if not I'd a charged you for that piece of advice" Tabi said and laughed.
Millie laughed a little. "Thanks for the advice Tabi"
The room went silent more so a comfortable silence. Tabi had given Millie something to think about but she still didn't know if she would take her advice. How could she be there for Kairi while she was sitting in a damn cell? Sure she could call but would that really count as being there. To her logic she didn't think she could be there for her in the way she needed period but a phone call was definitely a start. Like Tabi said the ball was in her court but what was she going to do with it...
-Hey boo's happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed. Off I go I need to get started on writing the next chapter. Hopefully it won't take me too long 😊.
-Yup it was Millie on the line. I originally planned on leaving her be because she's played her role. I was just going to do an update on her pretty much at the end of the book but it fits in with another chapter so yea. I know some of y'all are low key rooting on Millie to change but y'all have to remember every story has a villain and she's the villain 🤷🏾♀️. Any, who how are y'all feeling about Millie finally calling to speak to Kairi🤔
-Do you think Dave was wrong for not letting her speak to Kairi & putting his foot down🤔
-Do you think Millie will take Tabi's advice🤔
-Looks like our favorite couple has some shit to discuss 😩.
-Y'all see lil brother Errol off in the cut kicking it with Tesha though 👀.
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem please feel free to color the ⭐️ please & thank you🥰
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