30: Another Family Day
Chapter 30: Another Family Day
Dave and April arrived home safe and sound only to be greeted by silence and Teddy wagging his tail in excitement at the door. To be so little he was one of the best guard dogs ever. He never missed a beat and most likely he had heard them when they had pulled up. Dave looked down at him smiling from ear to ear his baby boy was up meaning they were about to go and blow it down before bed. April let them be as they locked up behind themselves, set the alarm, and left their luggage by the door. They would come back for them later on in the day. By now they were both dead tired and couldn't wait to hit the sheets. The whole flight home had been one big mood. Since April had reassured Dave that they could stop practicing and actually try for a baby he had been on cloud nine and the feeling was still mutual. By now if April did have second thoughts about having another baby at the moment there was no way in hell that she could break Dave's heart and stomp on his dreams because Papi was beyond ecstatic and it was one of the cutest things to see.
Luckily when April had answered him for the second time she was absolutely positive it was something she wanted to do so right now they were going to ride the wave and get the baby train started. Having a baby with Dave is something she always wanted. How could she not? Dave on daddy duty always made her heart flutter and her ovaries swoon in excitement ready for the next. To her it just all balled down to timing but when all was said and done time literally waited on no one so she said fuck her plans and listened to her heart because she knew everything would work out in the end. Shit might get a little rocky and somewhat stressful but with the support system they had they'd be just fine. But what she wasn't going to do was get wrapped up in it. She didn't want it to be a chore or a stressor every time they got intimate. She still wanted to have fun and let things be and not think about it too much. She just wanted it to happen whenever it was supposed to happen. You know go with the flow and naturally.
Dave scooped Teddy up in his arms, April rubbed his head, and they quietly made their way upstairs making a quick pit stop to check on the girls. They checked Kairi's room first and found her bed empty then they checked Charlie's to see the same thing. By now they already knew where the kids were at so they trailed down the hall to the guest rooms and peeked inside the first one only to find both of their mothers in bed knocked out with Kairi tucked in between them and Charlie next to April's mother sleep in her bassinet. They couldn't help but smile. This was another reason why they loved their family the way they did. This is why family days were a must for them. It was moments like these that solidified not only their relationship but their foundation as a whole. The fact that their parents were just as tight made everything better. There was no hatred, ill will, bad blood, or low key dissing one another or their parents talking shit about either one of them behind their backs. You know how it is when your boyfriend or girlfriend's parents don't like you so they talk about you when you're not around. That wasn't the case here and they were grateful for that. Everybody got along and you could tell by how they treated and acted towards each other that it was all genuine. They really loved each and everyone that was apart of their little family.
Before leaving the bedroom April pulled out her phone, turned off her sound, and took a quick picture just to capture the moment. It was one of those pictures that she needed to get printed out and blown up. She knew both of their mother's would love it and add it to the rest of the pictures they already had. Once she was done they closed the door back and went straight to their bedroom making sure to close the door behind themselves. They continued to move in silence pretty much moving on autopilot as Dave placed Teddy on one of his many dog beds while April came out of her clothes and Dave soon followed suit. They headed straight to the bathroom, took a quick shower together, and when they were done they got dressed and ready for bed. April placed her scarf on, pulled the covers back on the bed, hopped inside, and sighed. Vacation was definitely the wave but nothing beat the comfort of your own bed especially when you had a good one.
Dave chuckled knowing she would be dead to the world in a few minutes and he'd be right behind her once he finished blowing it down. He opened his nightstand draw, pulled out a pouch of gelato and blunt wraps, opened the pouch, took a deep whiff, smiled, and of course Teddy had made his way to his side because what's a session like if he wasn't included. Dave rolled a blunt, scooped up Teddy, and sparked that shit in the bedroom. He knew that by the time April needed to get up to feed Charlie the smell would be out of the room by then.
April looked over at Dave who had Teddy in his lap chilling as he now sat up against the headboard. She couldn't help but laugh a little and shake her head at the both of them. It was nobody but Dave's fault the way Teddy had turned out...like father like son. The way Dave was hitting the blunt and savoring the moment she just knew that her baby was dying for the blunt. With the way he smoked she was surprised his ass hadn't tried to find a connect while they were out on vacation or had a full blown fit. "Ya feeling better now" she asked and chuckled. She knew he was low key going through it while they were on vacation but she was so proud of him. He hadn't let it get to him. He had been too busy focusing on her and enjoying himself to let it get to him.
"Hell yea" he answered then blew out a cloud of smoke relieved. That shit was hitting. He felt like it was one of the best blunts he had in a few days. Then again maybe it was since he hadn't smoked in a few days.
"Enjoy Papi" she said and got comfortable beside him patiently waiting for him to finish so he could give her, her bedtime booty rub down. She internally groaned knowing that in just a few days around this time he wouldn't even be in bed lying beside her. He would be out touring the world and securing his bag.
"Oh I am" he looked over at her and said then focused on Teddy. "Teddy B you helped ya grandparents hold the fort down" he asked as he rubbed Teddy's head. "Were ya sisters behaving? You can tell me they ain't in here" he questioned as if he was going to get an answer while Teddy just laid in his lap catching contact just chilling and wagging his little tail.
"This can't be life" April mumbled and yawned at their antics but she'd have it no other way.
"Too bad it is so deal with it" Dave said and laughed. Eventually Dave finished off his blunt, placed Teddy at the foot of the bed, spooned April, and as usual he rubbed on her ass until they both fell asleep.
Morning came and went. Days passed and before they knew it, it was Friday the day before the boys were set to go back on the road. During the week Dave had made sure he spent time with the girls and like he said he had taken Kairi out on a daddy daughter date. The day after they had come back home Dave had kept her home from school, took her out for breakfast, took her to the Disney store, and let her rack up on a few things. He even took her to the aquarium and that there just made her whole day. By the time they had come home she had 101 stories to tell April and by bedtime she was knocked out like a light no story time involved.
Now it was Friday afternoon and the family was at April and Dave's having another one of their family days just chilling before everyone went their separate ways. Well the boys went back on tour and their parents back to Jersey although their mothers would be coming back pretty soon since they were still in the middle of wedding planning. The women had cooked a feast as usual just switching it up a bit. This time they had a huge seafood boil with all the works and T-bone steaks since Bully wasn't into seafood like that. They were making sure the guys were well fed and had a good meal before going back on the road and that they were surrounded by family because they knew how much they would be missed. They had music playing, there was laughter in the air as usual curtesy of August and Shooter, all the kids were home including Royalty, food and drinks were nonstop, and of course the men were back and forth to the basement aka Dave's man cave/studio blowing it down.
"Ok it's been a few days now since y'all been back home so how was baecation" Ebony asked April and Dave as she cuddled back into Bully with a drink in her hand. Normally April would've been given out the details but she had kept them to herself since her and the girls were all doing the same thing at the moment. Which was getting in all the time they could with their men before it was time to say see you later once again. But she knew the question would come up eventually. She just thought it would come up on their next girls' night and not in front of the whole family.
April and Dave looked at each other and smiled from ear to ear. How was baecation? Shittttttt...it was LIT! "It was one to remember" they said in unison still feeling a way about it. It was nothing but good vibes and now good memories. From it being a complete surprise, to enjoying and having some fun in the sun, to having some alone time, the romantic beach dinner, and the sexcapades that went down it was definitely one to remember and let's not forget they were officially done practicing.
"Yessss that's that level me and bae approaching" Mimi said as she looked over at Shooter all smiles. They had definitely came a long way and were definitely going places. They were both still very much smitten with each other.
"Aww" all the women gushed looking over at the two. Shooter kissed her in her hair. The men in their family weren't afraid to show affection at all. They loved on their women and it showed even down to the little ladies in the making. They didn't care who was around or what they were doing. Even the men in their family who didn't have a significant other treated the girls just the same. They showed that they cared, loved, respected, and appreciated them to the fullest.
"We'll get there" Shooter said as if he was promising her. Besides Mimi was right they were approaching it to the point it was right around the corner.
"I know babes" she said still smiling at him. Since Valentine's all the couples were feeling a certain way about their spouses especially Mimi and Shooter since that was the day they had finally made their relationship status official.
"So whatchu saying is we're not gonna get details" Alaina said looking at April ready to sip on some tea.
April laughed as she ran her fingers through Royalty's hair while she laid her head in her lap. She had been attached to her hip as soon as she stepped foot through the front door along with Mama J. Well not completely attached because she had left her as soon as her eyes came in contact with her sisters but since it was close to nap time she had found her way back to April. "First off I'm gonna plan a family vacation soon because I think we all need and deserve some fun in the sun. Other than that baecation was a whole vibe. I didn't know how bad we really needed one until we were out there but y'all brother came all the way through. I'm not talking bout the typical date night. I'm talking blue rose petals scattered in the sand, a candlelight dinner on the beach, and after dinner we sat on the beach on a blanket surrounded by more candles wrapped up in each other just talking and living in the moment as we watched the sun set" she said as she recalled their anniversary night because she knew that's what they really wanted to hear about. It had been absolutely amazing. Sure she kept out the rated-R details but everything else she let them get their sip on including their ATV adventure around the island.
"Can't be the same Jr I raised" Senior joked and laughed and everyone joined in. But he knew Dave had it in him. April had brought out a lot of things and emotions in him so he knew that Dave would always pull out all the stops for her and do things he never would've done for anyone else. Shit Senior was the same way when it came to Faye so he completely understood. You do special things for the ones you love.
"Really Pops" Dave chuckled and shook his head at him. He knew it was all fun and games though.
"Hush I knew my baby had it in him. It just took the right person to bring it out of him" Faye said and smiled over at Dave. She was so happy that he had found his person and wasn't just settling for just anything or anyone. To see him how he was today made her happy because she knew his love life wasn't always like this. It was far from it and wasn't really a love life at all. "Now I'm just waiting on my baby boy to bring home someone special" she said then focused on Errol.
"Same" all the women said looking over at him. He was the only one besides Chris and Uncle Ny-Reek who didn't have a significant other. As far as the girls thought of him they all thought he was a good catch. He was young and trying to find his way in the world like many others but all in all he was one of the good guys. He was cute, chocolate, smart, had a good head on his shoulders, and he was very attentive and mature for his age. Sure at the moment he didn't have a stable job or income but that would soon change. He would be working under Uncle Ny-Reek very soon.
Errol looked around the room filled with family and sunk a little bit in his seat. He didn't mind the attention but he hated being the center of attention on things like this. "Mommy we're talking bout big bro and Lil Birdie right now" he said not really wanting to talk about his nonexistent love life. Right now he was single as a Pringle and if the right woman walked his way he'd be ready to mingle. He was ready he just hadn't found the right one or even someone who was worth entertaining.
Ebony cleared her throat with her eyes on him. "But inquiring minds are wondering" Ebony said what everyone else was thinking.
"Yup" Alaina, Mimi, April, and their mothers said in unison. He had been around consistently since Thanksgiving of last year and they hadn't seen or heard about him having a girlfriend, a friend, or even a cuddy buddy. So they wanted to know what was up without being the ones to ask him.
Errol wiped his hand over his face. "I'm just chilling at the moment and working on myself" he answered sounding just like Chris. It wasn't that he wasn't looking but nothing was hitting for him at the moment.
"Ain't nothing wrong with that nephew" Ian said looking over at him trying to save him before the women could grill him for real. He was right though. There wasn't anything wrong with wanting to get yourself together before stepping into a relationship. Anything that was for the betterment of yourself was a good thing.
"Well since he's out in Los Angeles hopefully he can find him a friend" Faye said. She just wanted him to have a special someone but also someone who was worth it like they all had.
Ding Dong
The gate buzzer went off.
"Saved by the bell" Errol said happy as hell that he was out of the hot seat even if it was only for a second. He got up with the quickness and walked straight out the living room and went to the kitchen to make himself a much needed drink.
"Gotta be big bruh he's the only one missing" August said with his arm draped around Alaina sitting back cooling as usual.
"Yea it's him he just texted me a lil while ago" Trey said confirming that it was indeed Chris at the door. Long Lost was not so much long lost anymore.
"Bet I got it" Dave said as he got up out of his seat with Kairi attached to his arm then made his way out of the family room. She had been stuck to him like glue ever since their daddy daughter date just asking him questions about the animals she saw. "Who is it" he asked through the intercom just to make sure it was actually Chris.
"Breezy and I have a special delivery for my bestie" Chris answered and of course Dave buzzed him through the gate then went and opened the front door to let him in.
"Oh hell nah" Dave said trying his best not to laugh as he looked at Chris pulling up to the house in what he guessed was a new car since it had a huge red bow on it.
Maybe once upon a time it was new but now not so much.
"Ouuuu daddy you said a bad word" Kairi said with her hand held out ready to collect her money. The way people were using their curse word blockers on her these days she hadn't been racking up that much. In a way she had stopped them from cursing as much as they did.
"I got you Lil Butt but go get ya momma first" he said and placed her down so she could go get April. Dave could care less about cursing right now though. He was too damn ready to laugh and knew April was about to have a fit let alone Kairi was going to rack up nicely today once everybody got sight of the car.
"Ok" Kairi said and took off to get April. "MOMMA" she yelled on her way back to the family room like she didn't know how to use her inside voice.
Dave made his way outside and shook his head as Chris hopped out of the car and closed the door behind him cheesing. "She's gonna kill you" Dave said laughing as he looked over at Chris then back at the car wondering where the hell did he even find it and what possessed him to even buy it.
Chris laughed and shrugged. "Hey she wanted a family car and I got her that"
Dave put his head down and shook it. "Dead man walking it was nice knowing ya" he said and laughed but he knew that this couldn't be it. It was just Chris being Chris.
"I know you fuckin lying" April said as soon as she stepped out the front door and her eyes landed on the car. She didn't even have to put two and two together she already knew what this was supposed to be...a JOKE! It just had to be. "Bye Maurice get off my property" she said and rolled her eyes at him getting ready to walk inside the house. She couldn't believe what the fuck she was seeing right now. Luckily for her Kairi hadn't heard her or she'd be waiting with her hand out at the door.
"Bestie don't be like that. You wanted a family car for you and the girls and I got you just that. You haven't even seen the best part" Chris said trying to contain himself as he opened the door and honked the horn.
As soon as April and Dave heard the horn that was it. Dave was officially rolling to the point he had to clutch his stomach while April balled up her fist at her sides and mean mugged the shit out of him. "Please tell me that's not the same horn from Ant-Man" You know the horn from the janky looking old brown van. Just as she asked the question everybody had seemed to make their way to the front door wondering what the hell was that sound. Once they noticed what and who was outside the whole family erupted in a fit of laughter as they made their way outside to see the antique parked before them.
"I thought it would be a nice addition to your collection. I know you don't have one of these. I mean look at it you have more than enough space, our girls car seats can fit inside, you might even be able to squeeze another one in there, and this is the type of horn that demands your attention. Everybody can hear it which is good so the girls will know it's you when they hear it. It's like a safety feature. Imagine pressing the horn and all you hear is mommaaaaa as you see the girls running to it" He said trying to keep a straight face. A car sales man is what he wasn't.
"Yea momma with their hands covering their faces embarrassed so you can take that Wonder Years station wagon back to wherever you got it from. I don't want it. Thank you but no thank you. No push gift, a late as hell gift that was a bet that I won before my damn baby was even born, and this is how you do me. Where's the love? I even let you ride around in whatever car you wanted to ride in when you lost the bet" April said and pouted. She knew this had to be joke but that didn't mean she wasn't going to pull out the dramatics. "Love Bug and my baby come here" April said calling for Kairi and Royalty. They made their way to her side with Kairi standing at her right and Royalty on her left.
"Hey daddy" Royalty said with a huge smile on her face looking at her father. It was his turn to have her that's why she had come along with Mama Joyce.
"Hey my princess" Chris said smiling back at her. "Hey niecey niece"
"Hey unkie" Kairi said with a smile.
April cleared her throat and looked at Chris. "That is what you want us to ride around in" April asked looking at Chris still pouting knowing that if the girls seen her pouting they would pout too. Everybody watched on as they all looked at Chris pouting and of course laughed while August did what he always does...record.
"Ouuu momma you said bad words...run it" Kairi said with her little hand held out.
"Lil bruh you got that right" Shooter looked over at August and asked wondering if he had gotten April on camera cursing just in case she tried to avoid paying her dues.
"You know I do" August said already knowing what was up.
April sighed and the family continued laughing. "You did momma you said the H word and the D word. That's two dollars welllllllll four dollars. Two for me and two for sista" Royalty said looking up at her.
April dropped her head and the family kept laughing. She looked over at Chris and rolled the fuck out of her eyes but she was low key proud that her baby was on it when it came to her math. "Momma got yall when we get back inside the house"
"Ok" Royalty and Kairi said in unison with smiles on their faces.
"Sista daddy said a bad word too" Kairi said to Royalty ratting on Dave.
"Two dollars unkie" Royalty looked at him and grinned while she wiggled two fingers in the air.
"The future bankers of America" Shooter said shaking his head. They were about their money just like they were.
"Facts" everyone said agreeing with him while Dave playfully mugged the girls. He couldn't believe Kairi had ratted him out but she did.
"Any, who" April said with her eyes still on Chris.
"Bestie I promise you and the girls will be aight. All y'all need to do is make it from point A to point B but it drives good, has low mileage, and is good on gas" Chris said sounding like a used car sells man.
"Well you can go to point C and see ya way out. I'm gone" April said and turned around ready to head back inside.
"I feel like this is a what are those type of moment but a more like what is that" August said laughing as he looked at the ancient car. It was literally the same damn car as the one in the show The Wonder Years just a different color. It was a navy blue Dodge Polara station wagon. The only difference was the damn horn and of course the color. Let this had been when April didn't have any money she'd be grateful for the car but she knew what was in Chris's garage and what his pockets looked like so she wasn't accepting this. Just like she knew Chris knew exactly what she liked when it came to cars. They had the same damn taste and literally most of the same damn cars just different colors.
"See and that's what you want us to be subjected to" April said. "My babies and I aren't riding around in that. You better go donate it and give it to someone who really needs it"
"Come on Apple at least come take a quick look inside"
"Mama J please come get ya son. Maurice is out here wild'n in the burbs for respect" April said and looked at her.
"Oh would you look at that I think my phone is ringing" Mama J said and everybody laughed. She was staying out of this one.
"What Mama J is trying to say is her name is Bennet and she ain't in it" Shooter said laughing.
"All jokes aside Apple come on just check it out"
April sighed. "Aight my babies go back on the porch. I don't want anything to happen to y'all just in case the car decides to do something stupid since it's so old" April said looking down at the girls then watched them walk away and join everyone else. She then made her way to the driver's side and rolled her eyes hard as hell at Chris.
"Big bruh I would tell you to tell big bruh that lil big sis rolled her eyes at you but we all know he ain't gonna do shit bout it because she ain't roll it at him" August jokingly said in his feelings and not thinking about what he had just did.
"Ouuuuu unkie Aug" Kairi and Royalty said then ran up on him with their hands out.
"By the time y'all leave tonight all y'all gonna be broke besides me" Trey said shaking his head in disbelief at how they kept getting caught slipping. Kairi and Royalty were hitting them up left and right and so far he was in the clearing.
"Add me in nephew" Ny-Reek said and dapped him. He hadn't slipped up yet and didn't plan to. Besides he always gave the girls money to put away in their banks anyway.
"Unkie broke today" August said looking down at them patting his pockets acting as if he didn't have his wallet.
"No you're not" Royalty said. She wasn't buying it. She just knew her unkie had some dollars.
"Man I got y'all when we get inside" he said and huffed.
"Yes" the girls cheered.
Meanwhile Chris held open the door for April and she hopped inside. It actually wasn't too bad inside so wherever or whomever he got it from had taken good care of it. "How you like it" Chris asked peeking his head inside.
"I don't" she answered. He was really out here playing with her emotions.
"Bestie it took me months to find this car and this is how you do me" Chris said pouting then started laughing. This shit was too funny to him. The plan was to surprise her with a car but since it had taken so long he figured why not play a joke on her.
"It took me nine months to carry ya child, months of morning sickness, and hours on top of hours to give birth to her and this is how you do me" she shot back. Two could play that game.
"Oop" the girls said and clutched their imaginary pearls.
"Man, just open the glove compartment" Chris said. April reached over and opened the glove compartment and saw a small white box with a small red bow on it. She picked up the small box and closed the glove compartment. "Open it"
April opened the box and cheesed once she saw the key fob sitting perfectly inside it. She hopped out the car with the quickness ready to do her dance and drop it down low and bring that shit up extra slow yet she didn't. If he had been Dave it would've definitely gone down. "Mauriceeeeee" she dragged. "Don't be playing with my emotions like this" she said looking up at him. Right now she was feeling like a kid in a candy store just waiting on their parent to give them the go to pick up whatever their little hearts desired.
"Nope it was fun but I'm done. I know you asked for a family car but let's be real you already have a few of those so I figure I'd get you something only for you. You deserve it. You've done a lot of stuff that you didn't have to do for me. You gave me two blessings, got pregnant for the second time and gave me another baby girl, and when you could've did whatever you wanted because of our failed relationship and shitty past you kept her and allowed me to be the father I should've been to Jr, and you let me be a part of the journey. Even with you being in a committed relationship and had a family of your own you still made sure that I was at every appointment, got to feel her kicks, and got to speak to her while she was baking. Even down to making this whole family here possible" he said and looked around at their family. "You're even the God mother to Royalty and that's something you never had to agree to but you love my baby just as much as I do. You did what you always do and looked out for her so I had to make this happen for you. Yea I'm super later but I had to get it customized to ya liking. So how bout you go to the gate and check out front and see what you really got" Chris said pouring out his whole heart.
"Awww" all the women said with tears in their eyes. They felt his words and they knew how much April had meant to him. Sure they would never be a couple again but they would always be the best of friends and family and that's what mattered to them the most.
April stood there fanning her eyes trying her best not to cry but as usual a tear had slipped through her defenses. Chris was appreciative and blessed for all that she had done when she didn't have to do any of it at all. She felt his words and to see the new version of him standing before her warmed her heart. He had grown and matured tremendously and it showed in everything he did now. April stepped closer to him and hugged him tight. "Thankies Bestie but don't forget you help make all of this work as well" she said as she looked up at him. She was thankful that he appreciated her but she appreciated him as well. He could've been a bitter baby father, full of shit, making her life a living hell, and not wanting Charlie to be around Dave and his family but he was the complete opposite.
He hugged her back. "Ya welcome and thank you now go before ya fiancé tries to come for me. You know he is bout you" Chris joked and looked over at Dave and nodded at him. They had a mutual respect for one another and Dave still wasn't bothered by their relationship at all. By now everyone knew what it was and at the end of the day they were all family and would always be connected.
April laughed. "Bet" she said then took off running down the long circular driveway with a smile on her face. She knew exactly what car the key fob belonged to but she was still excited to see what it actually looked like.
"Damn I ain't even know lil sis could run like that" Bully said looking at April sprinting down the driveway effortlessly.
"Unkieeee" Kairi and Royalty stepped to him with their hands out. "You said a bad word"
"I got y'all" Bully said as the family laughed. The girls weren't playing any games today. They were stepping on necks, on everybody's heels, and in everyone's pockets. No one was off limits.
"Ok" they said and skipped back over to their grandparents.
"Let me find out lil big sis was a track star" Shooter said looking at her as she faded away the further she got.
Ananda, Ian, Alaina, Uncle Ny-Reek, and Ebony looked at him and laughed. "That's the hood in her" Ian said and laughed.
"More like getting chased by dogs" Ananda added. She could remember clear as day the many times she saw April standing at the front door with her hands on her knees trying to catch her her breath from running alongside her sisters.
"Y'all know how the hood be with all the stray dogs or dogs that's supposed to be on the leash but magically the leash has snapped. We use to stay running and being chased by pit bulls and those small ah dogs that's more bark than bite but they're still gonna run up on you anyway. It was like as soon as she got a glance at one she'd be running for the heels" Alaina said laughing. Shit with the way April use to be running from dogs she was kind of surprised they had Teddy. Then again Teddy was small. She also got along with Chris's dogs too but she was used to being around them so there was no use in running from them.
"Been there" all the guys said. They had all had their share of running from dogs so they knew the feeling and couldn't blame her from running. Some dogs couldn't be trusted.
"YESSSSSSSSSSS" they all heard April scream and squeal. They could all hear the excitement in her voice so whatever car it was had to be dope. A few minutes later they heard a car start, an engine purring, and the gate to the house open. In came a matte pearl white Bugatti Veyron and that shit was mean.
"DAMNNNNNNNN" all the men said and walked out to get a better look at the car. They could care less about the girls coming to collect at this point.
April opened the door but didn't hop out. "Bestie you outdid ya self with this one. I love it" she said with the biggest smile ever. The outside was sexy as hell and the inside made it look even better. It had wine red leather interior, her name stitched in the headrests, and it matched her fly to the T. Plus it had all the bells and whistles. It was as if she had personally bought it herself. Chris hadn't missed the mark at all everything was on point. "This ish got me ready to go get dressed and go out for a lil ride" she said rubbing on the leather and taking a whiff loving that new car smell. She was thinking of every excuse to go out just to take a ride but she knew she wouldn't have a chance to properly enjoy it until Dave came home.
"I'm glad you like it" Chris cheesed he was happy that she actually loved the car. When he had gotten it customized he had hoped that he hadn't missed anything off the checklist but with the smile she had on her face now he knew he had done a good job.
"No I love it" she corrected him.
"SHOT GUN" Dave shouted.
"Yea aight son I'm her father I get the first ride" Ian said as a matter of fact looking over at him daring him to challenge him.
"Uh oh" Shooter and August said together.
"She's my fiancé" Dave shot back with his whole chest like he just knew he outranked Ian.
"Without me they'd be no her" Ian shot back while everyone now looked between the two.
"Pops you just had to go there" Dave said and shook his head defeated.
"Damn right" Ian said.
The family stood outside a little while longer looking and inspecting the car from the hood to the trunk inside and outside before they finally decided to head back inside. Once they were back inside they all opened their wallets and paid both Kairi and Royalty what they were due without hesitation because they knew they'd really be on their heels if they played with their money. As soon as they had their money in their hands they took off with smiles on their faces and straight upstairs to their bedroom to put their money in their swear jars.
"Bestie its food and drinks in the kitchen" April said as she got ready to get comfortable in Dave's lap.
"Bet" Chris said and took off towards the kitchen. He had held off on eating a big meal because he knew that they were going to go all out on the food today.
"Peanut and baby girl I need to have a word with you two" Ananda said as she looked between April and Alaina causing everyone to look at them as well. April looked over at Alaina wondering what the hell happened or what was going on. Alaina shrugged she had absolutely no clue.
"Sounds like y'all in trouble" August said trying to whisper but failed miserably.
-Happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed 😊. I had to hit y'all with a cliffhanger. Before I do the next time jump I need to handle some loose ends so bare with me. By the way thankies for being patient 😊
-I almost forgot Chris hadn't given April her damn ride so had to make that happen. I also felt like Royalty hadn't been around in a while and the girls hadn't racked up in a long while so I had to make sure they got their funds 😂.
-What do you think Ananda wants to talk to the girls about 🤔
-Welp on to the next I know y'all are most likely thinking the worse and...I love it 😈😂.
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the love and well wishes to me and hubby on getting our first home. We truly appreciate it 🥰
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