30.1: Another Family Day
Chapter 30.1: Another Family Day cont...
Ananda looked at August and laughed. "Baby boy they're definitely not in trouble" she said as she stood in the middle of the living room while both April and Alaina stood up from their seats. Shit if they were actually in trouble August wouldn't have to assume shit you'd already know and feel the tension in the air.
"Guess we can go to the office" April said and led the way. The whole walk to the office had been filled with nothing but silence with all three of them in their heads. April and Alaina didn't know what the talk was going to be about so they were trying to think about what it could be while Ananda just hoped the conversation would go well. They finally made it to the office, stepped inside, April closed the door behind them, and they all took a seat.
"Damn sista the office came out nice" Alaina said as she looked around the room. It wasn't a hundred percent complete but for the most part it was done. All April had to do was hang some pictures up on the walls and add a little more decor.
"Thankies it's almost done. You know I have to add my extraness to it though" April said smiling.
"Bet" Alaina said and nodded. "Ok mommy what's going on I feel like we're sitting in the hot seat" Alaina said and focused on their mother.
"Facts" April said and agreed looking at their mother as well. To her it felt like her and Alaina had done something they weren't supposed to and instead of getting yelled at right then and there their mother decided to make them wait it out before saying something to them about it.
"Relax y'all aren't in trouble at all. I just wanted to talk to y'all bout ya sister" Ananda said. It was sad that they were so used to getting bad news that, that was first thing they thought these days. One day it would change though.
April didn't know why but her stomach felt like it was two seconds away from dropping down to her ass. She didn't know what to think but what she did hope was that Hazel was ok. She knew she couldn't be plotting again because if she was they would most likely be having a family meeting instead of just talking to their mother. Sure they weren't talking to each other but she would never wish any harm against her unless it was coming from her.
"What did she do now" Alaina straight up asked. She wasn't here for beating around the bush. She couldn't handle playing another twenty one questions about who what where and why. She needed to know straight up what was what these days.
"Is she good" April questioned following up.
Ananda sighed but kept her eyes on them. She didn't want to scare them or overwhelm them. Yes it was a serious conversation but not to the point that they needed to be worried. "Calm down she's fine. She's doing well and no she hasn't done anything this time around. She actually started going to therapy and so far so good but it's still the beginning. She still has a lot of work to do"
"Oh ok" April and Alaina said and both sighed relieved. With them not talking to each other they knew nothing about what was going on in her personal life and with the way things had gone down between them the first thing that popped in their heads was that something bad had happened. Neither of them liked that they didn't know what was going on in Hazel's personal life but it really wasn't anything they could do about that. For right now this was how their relationship had to be.
"As you know or may not know spring is around the corner so she has a new spring collection coming out meaning it's time for photo shoots. The three of y'all are the faces of the company and have been since day one so if she can she would like to keep the tradition going. Now before y'all try to come for me I'm just telling y'all what we talked bout and what's going on. I did NOT give her any answers or give her the idea that y'all would be ok with it. What I did do is tell her that I would talk to y'all and ask y'all how y'all would feel bout doing a photo shoot with her. Granted I know y'all aren't on speaking terms and I understand why so if y'all don't want to do this that's absolutely ok. I'll let her know but if y'all do decide to do it she did say that she would do whatever she needed to do to make y'all feel as comfortable as possible" Ananda said and explained herself. She didn't want April and Alaina to think she was doing anything sideways or like she had last Thanksgiving. She was coming in peace and advocating for all parties involved but this time doing it respectfully and taking into consideration how all three of the girls felt. She was being the bridge that she needed to be to help bring them back together even if it had to be done in baby steps.
Alaina immediately looked over at April while April kept her eyes on their mother. She stayed silent for a little while letting what she said soak in before addressing her. She didn't feel like she was being set up this time around so she was calm cool and collected with her response this time around. "From a business and personal standpoint I don't think I'd like to see new faces. The formula we have has been working good for the company. It's great for business and the marketing is there. Sure I don't mind the other models being in the catalog but it's just nostalgia for us to be on the cover and throughout the spread. Like you said it's been us three on the covers since day one so switching up wouldn't be a good look. When people see the new collection they expect to see the three of us plus models throughout it" April said speaking on her boss shit. She was thinking about it from a business standpoint and how their marketing had been. "My whole thing is how is she doing mentally because I don't want to involve myself with her if all she's going to do is be on some bs. I'm protecting my sanity and peace of mind at all costs so she has to be good" April said. She was all about her bag but if that bag was going to compromise her sanity and peace of mind then it was an absolute no for her. Nothing and nobody was going to destroy or compromise all the hard work she had put into herself family included.
"Same here I wouldn't want to see new faces either. Sure it Hazel's and April's company depending on how you look at it but to me it's more of an our type of thing. I just don't want to say yes and end up getting screwed over in the long run" Alaina said. It was a family business and she wanted to keep it in the family. Sure other models did model the pieces and took photos but she, April, and Hazel were the main focus. They were the look, did damn good with marketing, and their photo shoots were always bomb. The three of them together was always a good look. The chemistry was always crazy with them. They were always able to bring out each other's different personalities when it came to their photo shoots so they needed that same type of energy.
"Agreed" April looked at Alaina and nodded.
Ananda nodded. She had heard them loud and clear and by no means did she take anything they said as a joke. She couldn't stress enough that she understood why they felt the way that they did. If it was her that all the fuckery had happened to she would have done the same or probably worst. Shit she could remember all the times her and her own siblings were at odds with one another but none of them would ever do what Hazel had done. Yet Ananda was their mother so she saw the situation in somewhat of another light as well. She understood why Hazel felt the way she did. She understood why April had to get petty and do what she had to do to Hazel. She understood why Alaina stood strong and tall when it came to standing beside April. She understood Hazel's fucked up way of crying for help. But what she also understood was that her children needed each other. They needed a chance to actually talk and hear each other. They needed a chance to put everything out on the table and to go from there.
"Well she just started therapy she's a few sessions in and like I said a lil while ago so far so good. Not only that but she actually knows what she did was wrong and she's sorry but that's not up for me to bring to y'all. I think that's something the three of y'all need to sit down and discuss. I'm only y'all mother and y'all aren't lil kids anymore so I can't make y'all sit down and talk. That's all up to y'all. What I will say and suggest is that IF this is something y'all choose to do then sitting down and talking is something y'all might want to do before the actual photo shoot" Ananda stressed. She knew the ball was in April and Alaina's court so it was up to them to decide on what they wanted to do. Whatever they chose to do Hazel was just going to have to be ok with it because it was a stretch to get them all working together and in the same room as it is.
Ananda continued. "Y'all don't want to get to the photo shoot and y'all are constantly budding heads, talking shit to each other, or have attitudes. At the end of the day its work and you want the photo shoot to be a success because if we haven't learned by now especially with being in this family is that a photo is worth a thousand words. So y'all want to be on point enough to stand each other for a couple of hours while working together. You also don't want the people around y'all going home with stories to tell" Ananda expressed herself. This could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing but for the most part it's something she knew needed to be done. They couldn't avoid each other forever. There would eventually be occasions where they would have to be around each other or in the same room.
"That's understandable but if we do decide to go through with this I'm a need either you or daddy or both of y'all present" Alaina said. She didn't think them all being in the same room together without supervision was the best way at the moment. She could see a little fight popping off or a little tit for tat especially with how Queen Petty was...aka April. Alaina knew that April without child was a different breed and with what had happened between her, Millie, and Karrueche April was no longer taking the high road on certain situations. So somebody had to be there if they didn't want anything to pop off.
"Absolutely agree" April said. She knew how she was so someone definitely needed to be there just in case someone needed to be a referee.
"We'll both be there" Ananda assured them. There was no way in hell that they wouldn't be. She knew how her kids were and if they agreed to this then she already knew what had to be done.
"Alaina if this is something you want to do then do it. I won't make you choose sides nor will I be upset that you want to do it" April said truthfully. She wouldn't hold Alaina back. She knew how much she enjoyed it. She loved getting her makeup done, her hair done, playing dress up, getting her pictures taken, and afterwards leaving with brand new clothing. This was a favorite past time for all of them. They enjoyed taking photo shoots together and walking out with the inventory so the world could see what they had to offer.
"Now you already know I ride for mines to the wheels fall off. There was two way before there was three but thanks for thinking bout me" Alaina said. She didn't have to pick and choose sides. She knew where her loyalty lied since day one. But she was happy that April had no problems if she wanted to go through with the shoot. She already had issues with one sister she didn't want it with another one. She couldn't handle that. It was bad enough that she already didn't like the way their sisterhood had turned out after being so close and tight for years.
April smiled at her even Ananda had to smile. She loved the way her girls went hard for each other. That's how she had raised them. She just wished her third baby never did what she did and remembered that they were supposed to be a team and not competing against each other. "Always" April said.
April then wiped her hand over her face, sighed, and then focused back on their mother. "I think bout everything that's happened since finding out she was bit by the green eyed monster. Mommy I'm a keep it real with you and maybe I should say all of this to Hazel but she fucked up big time. Yet at the same time the more that she's not around and the more that I see myself growing as a person the more I miss her. All petty shit aside mommy I miss my fuckin sister and my best friend. Two of my daughters know nothing bout her and that's just unrealistic. They don't even know that I have another sister. It's not how we were raised. We're all bout family. Family is and has always been law for us. Not to mention I'm literally bout to go dress shopping and get married and she's not here. The wedding is in eight months and there's no Hazel" April said then took a quick breath.
"I held her hand and had her back during everything she's been through since the day she walked into my life and because she was so deep in her feelings she just said fuck me and screwed me over when all she had to do was talk to me. We talk bout everything so there was no way in hell that she couldn't tell me of all people how she felt" April said and wiped her eyes before the tears could fall. Sure she was mad as hell at Hazel well not even mad anymore it was more so disappointed. She had a soft spot for her and it had been that way since the day they met. Let alone even though it had been a little over a year that all of this had happened she still thought about it. To her it was still fresh. She felt like it somewhat wasn't over like there was a lot of things unsaid that needed to be said. She figured maybe she should speak her peace and whatever happens afterwards then so be it.
Ananda and Alaina didn't speak or dare interrupt her. They had always known she had missed Hazel. How could she not they had been by each other's side for seventeen years?! Ren and Stimpy, Lilo and Stitch, and SpongeBob and Patrick that's how tight they use to be and now they hadn't seen each other since Thanksgiving and before that months on top of months of no contact. It had been a year plus since things popped off. Even on Thanksgiving when they exchanged words it wasn't words of pleasantry. April had wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. Yet she was still trying to get use to their new situation that now didn't include her but it was kind of hard.
"The first thing she does is mention Chris and his wrongdoings and lord knows I know he fucked me over and doesn't deserve to be in my presence but he's a fuckin dude he's not my blood. It could be anybody else but what I don't expect is for my own sister to fuck me over. I can't stress enough that literally since the day I met her I've fought each and every one of her battles. Whenever she called I answered, shoulder to cry on I'm there, and any time she needed me I was there no questions asked. I straight shared everything I had with her without giving it two thoughts. But I didn't get the same energy. At least with Chris I can say he finally owned up to his shit, knew he was wrong, and did all that he could to make things right and he's still working on it and bettering himself. Hazel hasn't done any of that. She'll point a finger before admitting she's in the wrong" April said and sniffed then wiped her eyes. At this point the tears weren't from being angry. They were more so mourning tears. She was mourning the relationship she once had with her sister. She didn't know how they used to be thick as thieves and now they were basically strangers to one another.
"Peanut you need to tell her how you feel. Y'all will never get back right if you don't and that's IF you want a relationship with her but what you need to do is speak your peace. Holding it in and just telling us isn't going to give you the peace of mind and closure that you need" Ananda said as April got up and made her way beside her on the couch and cuddled into her. "Come here baby girl" she said and looked over at a teary eyed Alaina. She knew all of her girls were low key going through it but it was up to them to do what they needed to do to get to a point where they could be cordial around each other. They all needed to speak their peace. The first time around everybody was seeing red, seeking revenge, and not really there to be friends but now the smoke had cleared, the dust settled, and they were all seeing things a little more clearly.
Alaina joined them on the couch and cuddled into Ananda as well. "I miss her too. Since she came into our lives it's always been the three of us and then she does this. She did what she did and ended up with nothing" Alaina said. She still couldn't believe what Hazel had done. "Like, what was it for and what did she get out of it because from my eyes she ended up alone, no friends, no man, half of a family, and her pockets got hit hard. She has absolutely nothing to show for what she did"
"Baby girl like the saying goes hurt people hurt people" Ananda said and kissed Alaina in her hair. "She had a troubled upbringing before us and no matter how much we loved, cared, and doted on her she still let that takeover her and it festered into something destructive. We didn't see any of the signs. Does that excuse her behavior absolutely not because we've all been through shit some worse than others but it's up to us to make something better out of the situation. Hell I've been through my own share of shit and I've saw and done a lot of things but I didn't let any of that beat me down. I made something better out of myself but that also doesn't work for everyone. Just like y'all have been through some shit" Ananda said which was very true. Everybody had a struggle just like everybody didn't handle certain things the same way. Some people made something out of themselves while others let it fester and grow into something monstrous. "Sometimes you can come from a loving family and a good upbringing and still end up the complete opposite"
"So true" April and Alaina both agreed. They knew they could've grown up to be queen pens, heavy in the streets, and doing God knows what but they didn't go that route. Sure they had some street in them and they did do a few things to get their hands dirty but they weren't out there heavily. It was just to get by, do some shit for the family, and sometimes just for fun.
"I just wish it never happened" Alaina admitted.
"Same here but it did and there's nothing we can do bout it but live with it, deal with it, and move on" Ananda said. "Remember y'all don't have to do this if you don't want to or if you're not ready to. I don't need an answer today so think bout it and sleep on it. Take your time and don't rush it. If you're not a hundred percent sure then don't it" Ananda advised them.
"Ok" they both said and if the day came and they felt like they weren't sure they were going to take their mother's advice and not do it.
"Well we should probably get back down stairs and join the family before they be at the door knocking with their ears pressed against it wondering what's going on" Ananda said and laughed. She said wanting to make light of the situation. She didn't want them to be stuck in their heads or not part of the festivities when they were all having a good day surrounded by family.
"You know she's talking bout ya other half and Shooters' ass" April said laughing. She could definitely see the two of them doing just that.
"Hey they can't help it" Alaina said laughing.
"Mommy you can go ahead I want to talk to Alaina for a second"
"Ok, I love y'all and don't forget no matter what's going on your father and I will always be there" Ananda said then kissed both of their foreheads before getting up and walking out of the office making sure to close the door behind her. She knew April and Alaina had some things to discuss so she gave them that time to do what they needed.
April pulled her legs up in the couch and folded them crisscross apple sauce and focused on Alaina as Alaina did the same. "So what's on ya mind" April asked wanting to know where her head was really at.
Alaina shrugged. "Well for one I'm happy mommy talked to us instead of calling us up and throwing us all into a room together without warning" she answered and laughed a little.
"Humph tell me bout it I don't need a part two to that shit she pulled on Thanksgiving" April said and laughed. She respected her mother for coming to her instead of throwing her in the lion's den expecting her to turn the other cheek. She got that shit off once and that was the only time she was going to get that shit off.
"Honestly I think bout Hazel more often than I'd like to admit. Things would be so much simpler if she was just a friend. You know you can argue, fight, and go on bout ya business like they never existed. It's different with Hazel she's not blood but she's blood. She deserved everything she got for doing what she did but that doesn't stop me from missing her. I don't think this is something we can just say ok to though either and it's something that I don't want to do alone" Alaina admitted.
"Same here that's how it's been for me I just want to punch her for the one time and shake her like bitch why. Then after that I'll probably feel better. Maybe since she's getting help it would be easier to talk to her and still even then mommy and daddy would have to be close by. You know I wouldn't make you do it by yourself if you chose to do it though. You know I'd do anything for you but I'd definitely have to feel comfortable. I've been through a lot, sat quiet, got ran over, and made myself a doormat but that isn't me anymore. I won't pretend to like anything or anyone to make someone else feel good" April said. She was done with putting her feelings on the back burner too appease other people.
"And we won't let that happen. So we're gonna go back downstairs, finish enjoying family day while the guys and our parents are still here, and then we'll go from there"
"Sounds good to me and don't hesitate to pick up the phone or stop by if you get in ya feelings and need me. I'm still one call away, a few blocks away, and the door is always open" April said reminding her that she was always there for her just like their parents were. She didn't care what she was doing, what time it was, or anything else that caused her to be busy. She would always and forever be there for her little sister.
"I love you Thing 1. I know we barely use our nicknames these days but we'll always be Thing 1 and Thing 2" Alaina said and opened her arms for a hug.
"Always babes I love you too Thing 2 always and forever" April said and engulfed her little sister in her arms hugging her tight. Alaina was right they would always be Thing 1 and Thing 2 so maybe it was time to bring it back.
"Well let's go" and that's exactly what they did.
Later that night...
"Come on now ma you know the drill" Dave said as he looked over at April as they packed up his bags for the month long tour. She was pouting and had been pouting ever since they stepped inside their bedroom and grabbed his suitcases. She had been saving face all damn day but the facade was over and done with. She was sad he was leaving but all in the same happy because it was the last leg of his tour. Meaning once tour was over he'd be home on a regular basis besides his usual studio sessions, shows here and there, and whatever else he was dipping his hands into.
"I'm sorry I can't help it" she said and plopped down on the bed huffing and puffing like a big ass baby.
Dave laughed. "Before you know it I'll be back home to shower you with kisses, pipe, and booty rubs"
"Uh huh yea tell me anything" she said still pouting. They just had a nice ass month together. Between moving, furniture shopping, turning their house into a home, family days, and the bomb ass baecation they just had she just wasn't ready for him to leave. Not to mention she had that lovely dose of vitamin D at her beck and call even if she had to sneak and get it. Then with April finally on board with the baby she was low key ready to see what would happen.
Dave shook his head and chuckled. "So you want to talk bout it or what" he asked switching the subject. He was asking her about the conversation she had with her mother earlier. He knew that she had been in her feelings and had shed a few tears. He always knew. Just like he knew this was something they needed to talk about and deal with while he was home.
April sighed and looked over at him as he continued packing. "Well as you know Alaina and me including Hazel are the faces of Hazel's clothing line? Any, who she has a new spring collection coming out and she wants us to do a photo shoot like we normally would. She wants to keep the tradition going and honestly so does me and Thing 2" she said and proceeded to let him know all of what was going on.
Dave stopped packing. He kept his eyes focused on April and took a seat on the bed then pulled her onto his lap. "Listen I can't tell you what to do or how to feel but you have my full support in whatever you decide to do" he said and he meant it.
"If Hazel was Errol and he did all that she did what would you do" April asked curious. She wanted to know if Errol was in this position would Dave be willing to toss all of the bullshit to the side and say fuck it. Or would he just write him off and love him from a far.
Dave scratched at his beard in deep thought. "That's kind of hard to answer. Me and lil bro already had a few situations where we had to throw hands and walk away from each other. But then again that's what siblings do. One day we get along the next not so much. If it was me I'd probably run down on him and whoop his ass because we have the type of relationship where he's supposed to be able to tell me everything especially how he feels. Most likely I'd cut him off but honestly speaking I couldn't see me going that long without talking to my lil brother. Shit we just started talking again and that was because of some shit I did"
April nodded. "That's understandable I get it. It's like I'm torn because when I sit back and think bout how she let Trey come at me and didn't defend me not once and how she put Agnes on her payroll to publicly humiliate me I just want to fuck her up for the one time. She told her intimate details bout my life and I'd never tell the world her secrets like that. Like I still feel some type of way then on the other hand it's like shit could've been worse. She could've been on the same committee with Agnes and Karate when they put a hit out on me. I miss her and honestly I feel like there's something missing in my life without her by my side" she admitted and paused and started playing with her hands. She never really told Dave how she felt about Hazel once everything was said and done. She had honestly been keeping her feelings to herself when it came to Hazel. The whole situation with Hazel reminded her of how you have a fallen out with your spouse so now your family and friends don't want to fuck with them anymore and then y'all somehow get back together and now everybody is confused and playing fake to save face. She didn't want those vibes around her. She only wanted genuine people in her corner.
"My babies don't know her or know of her and Royalty hasn't seen her in over a year. We don't even mention Hazel around the kids at all. Important milestones are happening in my life and she's not there to see it and be a part of it" she continued. "Everything I pretty much told her when we had that sit down is coming true and she's really not apart of it. I honestly feel like she had more than enough time to reach out to me after the fact and say sis I know I fucked up but can we talk. Of course I'd a been pissed, petty, and everything else but most likely I would've made some time for her to hear her out. You know how I am I give people chances even when some don't deserve it" she said. Sometimes she hated being who she was. You know caring about how others felt before herself, giving out chance after chance for people to redeem themselves when they've done her wrong, having a big heart, and a list goes on.
"Ma it sounds like you need to go ahead and talk to her. You need to sit down face to face with her and tell her how you still feel. You, her, and lil sis need to sit down like adults and talk just the three of y'all and that's it. A year or so has passed and y'all have had time to soak all that happened in. Many things can come out of this it could be good or it could be bad but I think you owe it to yourself. If y'all do feel as though y'all can make it work just know it most likely won't be like it was before. She'll have to earn ya trust and if she wants to be back in ya life then she'll do whatever she needs to make things right"
April nodded she was listening and taking in all he had to say. She knew talking to Hazel wouldn't be a walk in the park or that their relationship would be like it once was. Things were said and things were done that couldn't be erased. Just like she knew if she and Hazel ever got back right that she would still have to keep her at arms length. Some things she wouldn't be able to confide about to her. But that was life and with the way April's life was there was no telling what would come to be of Hazel being back in her life or in her life at all.
"As far as the photo shoot I agree with mama y'all need to talk beforehand but I think you should do it. Regardless of what's going on it's a family business and y'all have been the faces of the company so y'all can women up for a few hours and get the job done. Y'all ain't gotta be buddy, buddy just cordial. But also remember you don't have to do shit unless you want to. If ya not comfortable and ya not liking the vibe then fuck it. She can start a new tradition" he said straight up. He could give her all the advice in the world but he damn sure wasn't going to make her do anything she wasn't comfortable with. That just wasn't happening and he wouldn't allow that shit on his watch.
"Looks like I got some shit to think bout" she said and sighed. This whole shit was a mess.
"You do and take all the time you need to do it"
"Most definitely I just know that some people would wipe their hands clean with her ass and forget bout her because what she did was some bullshit. Trust I understand why but-"
Dave cut her off. "First fuck what other people think. This is bout you and ya sister and if you want to make amends or not is completely up to you. A lot of people won't do most of the shit that you do and that's why I fucks with you and that's why I love you. You do what you think is best for you and not only you but the people around you. It's time you do something for ya self and forget what others have to say or think bout it. In the long run this shit is bout you and how comfortable you feel so don't bend over backwards and try to appease others if ya not feeling the shit"
"Ugh I can't wait to marry you Mr. Brewster" she said and turned around in his lap and straddled him. There was no way around it he was the best. Once again he gave her exactly what she needed...advice and clarity and never once did he push his views about certain things on her.
Dave wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled. "And I can't wait to marry you either future Mrs. Brewster and as much as I love you ya not slick. Get ya ass up and finish helping me pack unless you're bout to give me the goods" he said then pecked her lips. No matter how much she tried to stall him he still had to go to work.
"I mean ya gonna be gone for a month and you have been giving me the business sneakily on the regular so you already know I want some before you go" she said seductively and bit down on her bottom lip ready for some action. Since they had gotten back home they had been back to their regular scheduled program getting it in whenever they had a chance and as far as her birth control they were right where Dave wanted them to be. The pills were in the toilet somewhere swimming with the fishes and the cases were in the bathroom trash. He had emptied the pack immediately then checked the medicine cabinet and her nightstand to make sure he had got the whole stash.
Dave smacked her ass ready to shove his shit off the bed and attack her. She was speaking his language.
"Shit" April moaned. That smack was just enough to wake her up and get a good ass round in.
Knock Knock
"Daddy...momma" Kairi said behind the door as she jiggled the doorknob.
April placed her forehead on Dave's and sighed. "Coming Love Bug" she said as she eased off of Dave's lap.
Dave chuckled. "Don't worry I still got time to deliver you with a good dose of vitamin D"
"Aight lil baybeh spit it out you've been quiet since we stepped foot in the house. What's going on? What's on ya mind and how can I help" August asked as he looked at Alaina through their bathroom mirror. They had just gotten out of the shower and were getting ready to wind down for the night. He knew that whatever was on her mind had to do with what her mother had called her upstairs to talk about. She had been cool while they were at April and Dave's but he could also tell then that she was saving face around everyone. He knew she had something on her mind. Everyone else might not have been able to see it but to August it was written all over her face.
Alaina looked back at him through the mirror, turned around, faced him, and leaned back against the bathroom sink with her hands holding her up. She looked sad, a little confused, and torn as if she had a bunch of shit going back and forth in her mind. She dropped her head and sighed.
With the quickness August took his hand and lifted her head right back up. "Lil baybeh what's bothering you" he asked again not liking that something was bothering her to begin with.
"I don't know what to do" Alaina finally answered as she looked at him and sighed once again.
"You don't know what to do bout what" he questioned ready to get this conversation over and done with because he could already tell that it was mentally draining her.
Alaina removed his hand from her chin, grabbed his hand, and pulled him out of the bathroom making sure to turn the light off behind them. She hopped in bed and August followed suit. "Mommy called us upstairs to talk bout Hazel"
August sighed and wiped his hands over his face. "What the fuck did she do now" August asked trying not to get worked up. Nowadays every time he heard Hazel's name he automatically assumed the worst and was just hoping that the next time he heard her name that she wasn't coming for Alaina next.
"Relax lil daddy she didn't do anything bad this time" Alaina answered trying to reassure him that it wasn't anything bad.
"So what happened that has you looking so upset" he asked wanting to know exactly what was on her mind because he knew if it was about Hazel then Alaina's mind was definitely wondering.
Alaina took a deep breath and told him about the conversation she had with her mother and April earlier that day. "Now I don't know what to do. She caused all this unnecessary drama when all of this could've been easily avoided. I'm so mad at how she made things but is it bad that after she did all she has that I still miss her" she sort of felt wrong for missing her. She felt like missing her was going against the family but Hazel was still also family. What Hazel didn't realize is that she put Alaina right in the middle of her shit with April even if it wasn't intentional. Granted Alaina never faltered and always knew what team was the winning team but who really wanted to think about which sister she should talk to and which sister she shouldn't. She loved her big sisters and now she was torn between the two. She felt like when Hazel came after April that she didn't think about what their falling out would do to their relationship and their bond. She felt like Hazel didn't think about her at all. She didn't even think about what this shit would do to their damn family.
"Lil baybeh it's ok to miss her after all she's still your sista. I think you need to think bout everything before you decide on anything. Whateva you decide to do you need to make sure you make it on a clear mind. Don't rush into it. Just because mama asked you today doesn't mean that you need an answer first thing tomorrow morning" August said. This shit between Alaina, April, and Hazel was something he thought he'd never witness. He loved their relationship. They were not only sisters but they use to be best friends and that's something he always wished he had when it came to his own siblings.
"I know. Like she didn't do anything to me personally but at the same time she did. We all know I don't play bout my big sister just like she doesn't play bout me. I'm a always come for any and everybody that tries to come for mines just like I would for Hazel. I know we all need to talk and it's something we can't let continue on without getting closure. But how do I know that if we go ahead with this photo shoot and we have this so-called talk that she won't turn on us again. Better yet since she already came at Thing 1 how do I know that I'm not next" Alaina sounded off what was on her mind and she had every right to feel the way that she did. If Hazel could do what she did to April than what made Alaina so different?
"That's the thing lil baybeh you don't know what she might do. If she's capable of coming at lil big sis then she's capable of coming at you and everybody else. You can't put shit pass her BUT who's to say that she didn't learn her lesson? Getting her ass beat twice back to back at that, lil big sis came collecting major funds, and she hasn't been around the family in over a year. That's a lot to deal with especially when you're use to always being around. Mind you y'all have been the only family she's known for forever now. You know me family is one of those difficult situations but I also believe that SOME not all people deserve second chances. By all means I'm not saying that you take her in with open arms but letting her in a little might not be so bad. Now IF she fucks up again then you whoop her ass again, wash ya hands with her, and love her from a distance" August said.
He knew how it felt to miss family members even the ones that fucked you over. It was a lot to hold onto and deal with. You never know what they have in store for you or what their true motives are until you let them back in and if they continue to do the same shit that messed up the relationship to begin with then that's when it's time to let them go. If he hadn't saw what their relationship was like firsthand he'd tell Alaina to fuck Hazel's thoughts and feelings with the quickness. But he knew that they all loved each other even with all the bullshit going on. He knew that it hurt all three of the sisters once everything was said and done. He knew that when they had time to themselves that they thought about what happened and didn't like it at all. How did he know? He experienced family betrayal firsthand as well so he was good in this department.
"I just wish everything could go back to normal. I miss being around both of my sisters. It was always a moment. I always had two people by my side that went extra hard for me. I could talk to them bout any and everything. I could pick up the phone and be crying or laughing and they'd be right by my side crying and laughing with me and in the same breath asking who hurt my feelings and who they gotta fuck up. Sure Thing 1 never falters but Hazel messed it all up. We had a good thing going. I moved back to LA thinking that I would at least have one of my sisters by my side until we would all be together again instead it's the complete opposite. I moved back and lost both of my sisters. Granted I didn't actually lose Thing 1 but she was no longer in the same state and home as me. So it was just me here when it was supposed to be me and Hazel" Hazel had really let her down and when she needed her she wasn't there.
"Lil baybeh ya never alone. Lil big sis was always by ya side even if she wasn't there physically. Then there's me you know I'm not bout to have you alone anywhere. I'm always and will always be there for you" August stressed. He understood what she had meant but he wanted her to know that being alone is something she would never have to deal with. "And it's ok to forgive ya sister. No one would blame you for doing so. You can forgive her you just won't forget what she's done. We all make mistakes some of us make bigger mistakes than others and cause a domino effect which is what Hazel did. No one will be mad at you for forgiving her. It's what siblings do. We fight, we argue, and somehow we end up talking like we weren't just coming for each other's throats a few minutes ago. Did she do some fuck shit?! Hell yea without a doubt but just know that this choice is yours and yours alone" he said and wrapped his arms around her. "Remember you ain't the one who fucked up she is and she is the one who has to put in the necessary work to make shit right. You can meet her half way but the rest is up to her and don't you think for a second that this is some shit that you HAVE to do. You can choose what you want in ya own time" he said and kissed her forehead.
"What would you do" she looked up and asked him.
August chuckled. "We're talkin bout what would I do when you mean what have I done. You know how my family is. I go right and they go left. I'd do anything to have a family as close as yours. You know my siblings are finicky just like my mother but if I had the chance to see if things could be better I'd be down for the cause" August admitted.
"Look on the bright side you can sit down and tell her exactly how you feel bout what she's done and how you feel bout everything now. This time around you'll be talking to her in a better place than you were last time. Last time everybody was seeing red and all hell broke loose. Did she deserve those ass whoopings? Did she deserve to have her bags snatched? She absolutely did because you don't fuck over family like that especially a family that didn't have to do shit for you at all. But maybe this is y'all do over. Y'all can put all y'all cards on the table and go from there. Who knows she probably feels ten times worse now than she did before. She lost it all in one sitting and now she has to constantly think bout what she's done and what she's lost. At the end of the day she didn't just lose money she lost having a relationship with her sistas even the relationship she has with ya parents aren't the same. I don't think anybody would want to go through that especially with how close y'all were"
Alaina sighed and buried herself into August. This was a lot to take in let alone a lot to think about. Even though Hazel didn't personally do the shit to her it still felt like she did. Alaina felt confused like no other. "I just don't want to disappoint anybody or get my parents hopes up for nothing if this is all a big ass grand scheme. Like this shit didn't just affect big sis. It trickled down the line. My sisters aren't close, my parents have to move differently when it comes to me and my sisters relationship, my nieces miss out on getting to know her, the crew is a member short, and most likely it will always be off if Hazel does pop back up on the scene. I doubt Trey would even want to be around her and then he has Vonnii. The whole vibe would be off"
"We all know how hard you go for lil big sis but this is something you have to do and think bout for yourself. You know she'd have your back in whatever you decide anyway. She's not gonna make you pick and choose. As far as ya parents sure they would love for y'all to come together but they know what it is. Don't overthink it. Just give it some thought and go with ya gut and ya heart and you'll be just fine. Besides I'll be by ya side every step of the way and I'll always make sure that ya all the way good and that you don't do anything alone. As far as Trey that's bro and you know how I am bout my bros but he'll be aight in the long run. He'll come around and there's a chance that he won't but you have to deal with her first before you start thinking bout how others would feel"
"I love you lil daddy" she said smiling at him. Sure August was silly as hell damn near 24/7 but when it came to his girl and his family and shit was serious then so was he. She knew that August knew in that moment that what she needed was some real talk and not him joking so he gave her exactly what she needed. He gave her an ear to listen to and a shoulder to lean on just like she did for him.
"I love you too lil baybeh. Now how bout you turn that frown upside down and come apply that natural pressure to this Febreze can" he said and grabbed himself.
"Say what" she looked at him and burst out laughing mad that he called his dick a Febreze can but she knew why he called it that.
"You know exactly what I'm talkin bout. Ya friend is gone so what's good"
"From family to dick straight like that" she said and shook her head.
"I'm sorry it's been a long week. You know how you be when Flo comes to visit" he said and groaned just thinking about the shit he had to deal with while her period was here.
"Yea, yea, yea speaking of family did your mom ever hit you back" she questioned knowing he had called her a few days ago just to check on her like he normally did but she hadn't answered when he called.
"And just like that the Febreze can has deflated" he said acting all dramatic. But Alaina knew he was putting on.
Alaina laughed. "Stop acting, you know I'll handle you afterwards but since you're talking to me bout my family it's only right that I do the same" she said. She knew how bad he wanted a good and healthy relationship with his mother but it just never seemed to go in his favor.
"You mean our family what's yours is mines and mines is yours. But yea she called me back. We didn't stay on the phone too long. You know how we are. I say hello, I ask her how she's doing, she says hello, she tells me she's doing fine, and then there's the awkward silence. She asks me how I'm doing and I tell her I'm good. She says that's good. I ask her if she needs anything. She tells me yes or no and when it's all said and done the awkward silence is back and I'm just done so I say bye and hang up" August said trying to act like it wasn't a big deal but it was. He couldn't for the life of his understand the dynamics between himself and his mother. All he wanted was his mother's love and the way she gave it to him was sparingly and came from afar.
"Ya right lil daddy it's our family. I'm happy she called you back regardless of how the conversation went. I know you just wanted to hear her voice. Just know like I always tell you ya still have my mommy. You know she'll answer each and every time you call her" Alaina said which was true. Her mother loved her some August. He always kept a smile on her face and she always treated him like he was one of her own. Her whole family adored him and he fit right on in. If one day his family decided to cut ties and walk away from him Alaina's would be there arms opened wide to love on him and support him like they already do.
August smiled. Ananda had definitely been that loving and supportive mother figure he always wanted and needed. They were close, had a good relationship, and she always made him feel like he was a part of the family. He felt like he was her son even when it came down to Ian. "I already know lil baybeh I already know" which he did. He always felt the love in their presence. It wasn't fake or one sided. The love they had for him was truly genuine. "Speaking of family the girls called. They want to chill with their favorite auntie and uncle" he said talking about his three nieces from his late brother Melvin.
"Ouuuu now you know I always got time for my baby girls" Alaina said smiling. She loved his nieces and claimed them just like they claimed her. She knew a weekend with them is just what August needed to get over the bland conversation he had with his mother and honestly having the girls around for a few days would do her some good too.
"Good they'll be here next weekend"
"Bet" she said and started jotting things down in her mental notes to get the house ready for their visit. She needed to make sure the pantry was filled with their favorite foods and snacks and make sure that their rooms were ready for their stay.
"Now that that's out the way let's get back to the matter at hand. You, me, and this Febreze can" he said with his hand back on his dick.
"I guess I can help you with that"
"I know you can help me with it" he shot back.
Alaina laughed. His ass could never be serious for but so long. "Well let me handle it" she said then licked her lips ready to handle him and that's just what she did.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed. At this current moment I really can't tell you guys when the next update will be. I am working on it though. Thank you for being patient and still supporting my baby ASWWL. I truly appreciate it 😊
-Any, who I know how some of y'all be on mama Ananda but she truly means well. She's not out to get anyone. She's just being a mother and wanting her kids to be like how they use to be even though she knows it won't be the same. Luckily she came to the girls correct this time around and she's not trying to push her views on them. But I honestly can't fault her for wanting her kids to have a relationship especially with how close they use to be.
-Some of y'all might think that having a talk with Hazel is pointless but it's definitely needed especially for their mental growth. As you can see all 3 of the girls actually miss each other and it does weigh on them. They've been in each other's lives for 17 years so you can't just throw that out without having some type of talk where all the cards are laid out on the table.
-Now y'all know how April and Alaina are they don't play bout each other. If they do end up talking to Hazel what do you think will come out of it? Do you think they will participate in the photo shoot as well? Do you think Hazel has ulterior motives or that she's actually sorry and sincere🤔
-I don't know about y'all but I'm loving how both Dave and August are both there for their women 😩.
-What would you do in this situation 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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