3: Operation Redo
Chapter 3: Operation Redo
"So what's with the emergency meeting" Bully asked as he and Shooter entered Dave's sprinter. It was just the three of them inside of it. He didn't want everyone in his business. Dave had been on tour for about a good week now keeping it local for the most part. You know just a few states away getting the East leg of his tour dates done. So he had been on his sprinter and in hotel rooms when he wasn't on stage. But right now he really needed to talk to his day ones. He had some heavy shit on his mind and needed a little advice before he let the situation overwhelm him.
"Word you hit us up like it was a 911" Shooter said as he took a seat. They had both been on the road with Dave since tour started.
Dave looked at him and shook his head and jumped right on in. There was no use in procrastinating. "So this past weekend I may have...proposed to my woman" Dave confessed and looked between the two of them waiting to see how they would react. He hadn't told anyone let alone he and April hadn't talked about it since he asked or even mentioned it afterwards.
"Say what" Shooter leaned forward in his seat a little shocked.
"It's bout to really go down. I knew it was coming but not this soon" Bully admitted excited. He was happy that Dave was officially locking his woman down and making shit official. It was one of those when you know you know situations.
"How did you do it? How did it go down? You didn't even tell us you were planning to ask lil sis" Shooter went on as usual. He wanted to know all the details right along with Bully.
Dave wiped his hands over his face and leaned back into his seat. "I didn't plan on it. It sort of just happened. Did I mean it? Absolutely but it wasn't the way I saw it going down" Dave replied still not believing how the shit came out of his mouth.
Bully looked at him and chuckled. "Please tell me you didn't ask lil sis while you were piping her down and piping her down for the first time at that"
Shooter burst out laughing already knowing the answer by the look on Dave's face. "Damn bruh it was that good. I mean like Bully said we knew it would happen eventually but damn the pussy made this nigga get on bended knee while he was knee deep" Dave and Bully burst out laughing. Leave it to Shooter's ass to joke about something this serious but right about now Dave needed the laugh.
"Like I said it wasn't how I planned it but it happened. It wasn't because of what we were doing or how good it was. It was because of how she looked at me. She looked at me like I was the only person in her world. She looked at a nigga with so much love and admiration. She saw me and I'm not talking bout looking at me but she actually saw me in that moment. Granted she always sees through me but this shit was her looking at me like she knew for a fact that I was her soulmate" Dave stopped and paused for a second. That moment had been a surreal moment for him. He had never seen her look at him the way she had until that day.
"It was at that moment that I had her mind, body, and soul all in the palm of my hands. Marry me just kept playing over and over in my head and before I knew it I said it out loud" Dave said filling them in on how his proposal to April had gone down. Was he embarrassed? Absolutely not but it definitely wasn't how he saw it going down. He pictured it happening so differently but this wasn't the case. He needed a do over and this was the reason why he sent them the 911.
"I get it and I ain't even gonna lie like I told you before what y'all have is rare. We can all see how y'all look at each other. The shit is pure but damn it what ya gonna do now" Bully said and asked getting comfortable. "You asked her so you know it ain't no take backs"
"I meant what I said and I wouldn't dare take it back. I asked her when were we gonna get married the first time we chilled when she cooked for a nigga, had the Henny on deck, and blunts already rolled. I'm a do it properly. She deserves a better proposal than that but I need to handle a few things before doing so. Shit I ain't even have a ring for my baby" Dave said and sighed just thinking about it again. After all the wedding talk that they had he damn sure wanted to make sure he at least had a ring for her when he asked yet all he had was his heart, her mind, her body, her soul, and his dick buried deep inside her when he asked.
"I know shit like that doesn't mean shit to her but I'm not even bout to do her like that. I need to have a conversation with Pops and Unc bout marriage because I'm not trying to be like those couples who get married then shit gets a lil hard and separation or divorce pops up. In this shit we got it ain't no way out. My parents are married and her parents are married. I want to make an honest woman out of her. We got kids, a dog, and a house with both of our names on it. That ain't girlfriend type of shit. I want our girls to see her as my wife. She deserves and earned that title. I want them to be able to look at us and want the same thing for themselves when they get older. Let alone I need to get a blessing from Unc" Dave explained. He really wanted to reach out to Ian and make sure he did things the right way.
"Word you do. You already know he's good on what y'all have and he's already given you a green light but that was just for y'all being in a relationship. Asking him is the respectable thing to do" Shooter said. "And it would definitely be a good look for the girls to see. Like you said what lil sis does isn't girlfriend shit. She already moves and holds herself as if she's already your wife"
"I fucks with it. Shit happens but at least you know lil sis is ya person and it wasn't just a random hook up with a chick who had that voodoo pussy" Bully said and laughed knowing that some women out here had that pussy that had you ready to risk it all without even fully knowing them or what came along with even being with them. But what Bully didn't know is that April indeed had that voodoo pussy. She had Dave's ass going crazy.
"Straight facts then ya ass could've ended up in some bullshit but what bout the ring" Shooter questioned.
"I was thinking bout hitting up the girls and meeting up to do some ring shopping. I know what she likes but I want their input but at the same time I'm thinking maybe this is something I should do on my own" Dave answered.
"Honestly I've been low key looking for a ring for her since the night shit popped off with Agnes at the warehouse" he admitted and smirked as he thought about how April was by his side when he needed her the most. It was also the first time April had snatched his soul. Shit if he would've had a ring right then and there he would've asked. Then she had proved time and time again that what they had was real and not only was it real but she was actually down for what they had going on and him and what came along with him.
"By the look on ya face it seems like something more went down that night that we don't know of" Shooter said chuckling as he watched Dave smirking.
"Wayment so when do you plan on actually proposing again" Bully questioned.
"Before New Years or on New Years" he answered. "I don't want to enter the new year or walk through the front door of our new home without her at least being my fiancé" Dave answered. He had been thinking long and hard about this for a while now. He wanted to make everything official. Sure they hadn't been dating long but he knew for a fact that April was the one. She was his person he knew it and they all knew it. They had everything else but the rings and last name. He didn't want to be out here playing house. They both deserved more than that.
"Nigga it's November you ain't got but so much time" Shooter said and shook his head wondering how the hell was Dave going to execute this with so little time and while on tour.
"I know a nigga on crunch time and I have to do all this shit while I'm on the road" Dave sighed. He had a lot to do to make this proposal special for April especially if he wanted it done before or by New Years but he also didn't want it to be half assed or rushed.
"Timeout I'm here for all of this but uh you forget one important part. Did lil sis actually give you an answer" Shooter asked squinting his eyes because here Dave's ass went into planning but didn't tell the most important part.
Dave and Bully laughed as they looked at Shooter. "That's for me to know and you to find out at the retake"
"Nigaaaa" Shooter dragged and leaned back in his seat looking like a kid who was about to have a temper tantrum.
"You'll be aight nigga and this conversation stays between us. So all that pillow talk I know y'all niggas be doing leave my shit out of it. I want this to go as smooth as possible and to be special"
"Say less" Bully and Shooter said. He knew they'd keep their mouths closed. He trusted them with his secrets and this one right here was big one. So he needed them to be quiet just in case he didn't get the girls involved in it.
"What bout lil sis though" Bully questioned. "If you're telling us don't you think she told the girls? You know they talk everyday"
"Nah she's keeping quiet. I think she knows what it was. She knows that I meant it and was coming from a good place but she knows that isn't how I'd ask her"
"I get it. It's like yea he asked me to marry him and her girls are looking down at her hand like where" Bully chuckled.
"Exactly, you know she's got everything but she isn't bout materialistic things and shit like that so not having a ring is no big deal but it's something I want her to have. I won't take that moment away from her. I want her to experience everything she didn't when she went through this shit the first time with Breezy so it's gotta be special and meaningful. She's just waiting on me to let me get a do over" Dave explained. At the end of the day April was like most women she wanted a rock on her finger but she wasn't about to hound him over something like that. Keeping it real if she wanted to walk around with an engagement ring on her finger until he asked her again she could damn sure do it because she had plenty of diamond rings in her jewelry box that would fit the bill but he knew she also wouldn't do that to him. She wouldn't take away his moment either.
"We haven't even talked bout it since that night. Luckily it didn't make shit awkward. We lived in the moment and it was a good one" Dave continued still not giving them any inkling that April had said yes or no.
"Bet" Shooter nodded. "Go head and bag and tag that woman" he said and of course they all laughed. "Damn so ya really gonna be a wholesome family man"
"Nigga I been a wholesome family man. I just want to make this shit official" Dave reiterated. Since April stepped back into his life and basically adopted Kairi all he wanted to do was make their house a home and do right by her. He wanted to give her a loving husband and to give Kiari a loving mother that would never turn her back on her not even for a second.
"Say less but don't rush either. Marriage is serious and I know lil sis is the one for you but don't put too much on ya shoulders either. She'll wait for you to get it right. Right now it's November and ya on tour she'll understand if it doesn't happen soon" Shooter said being serious. "Besides you already asked her so she already knows what time it is"
Dave leaned back in his seat. Shooter made a valid point. Did he really have time to sit and talk to his father and Ian and find time to get a ring that he actually liked? Shit he honestly didn't even know if he'd make it home for Thanksgiving and he really didn't want to miss that. He didn't have a show that night but going back home would take up traveling time. Let alone he wouldn't have time to properly look for a ring or have it in time to show both his father and Ian. He meant what he said when he asked April to marry him so he didn't want her to be sitting at home thinking about when she was getting a ring or when was he going to properly propose to her. At the same time he didn't want to rush himself and yes he was pretty much on borrowed time but he really didn't want to enter the new year or the threshold of their new home without her being his fiancé.
"Agreed" Bully said and nodded. "But Thanksgiving is coming up and it'll be at lil sis's place so if you do make it home for that then you can talk to Pops and Unc that day and still have enough time for a one on one with Unc" Bully said letting him know that he still had a chance to do what he needed to do.
"Facts so this can actually work out in my favor" Dave nodded a little relieved but that's if he had time to make it home. "So all that I really need now is to finish looking for a ring"
"You going to ya jeweler or lil sis's" Shooter asked.
"I can do both" Dave answered. Then it dawned on him. "This shit could actually work. I can get some pics of what ma likes and link up with my jeweler and get some shit made to my liking"
"Looks like my man's got a plan" Bully chuckled.
"Bet, because I've been looking for a while and I haven't found shit. I don't know why I didn't hit Giovanni up and get something made sooner. He does good work, he's reputable, and the prices be right" Dave cheered up. This is why he made the call he knew his boys had his back.
"Word let us know if you need help"
"Say less" Dave nodded. Now he could stop worrying so much.
"You know I was relieved to see lil sis the day we left to go on tour" Shooter said looking at Dave. "I really thought we was gonna have to send a BOLO out for her or we'd be visiting her in the hospital. It was good to know she was alive. I mean her walk was type fucked up but she was alive" he said and there wasn't the slightest of a smile or a smirk on his face so both Dave and Bully knew his ass was serious.
Dave and Bully couldn't do shit but laugh. They never knew what would come out of Shooter's mouth. All they knew is that he was going to say some unexpected shit.
"Nigga, who the fuck do you think I am? The Hulk or that I've been in the pen for years and just came home" Dave said still laughing. Yes he had broke her shit down and had her ass in a wheelchair but he was not about to kill anything but her pussy.
"You might as well have been. You got back with her at the very beginning of her pregnancy so that was what seven months then an extra six weeks. My nigga you better than me" Shooter said shaking his head still wondering how the hell did Dave manage to do that bid. It must've been love because he just couldn't see himself just willingly doing that shit.
"All I'm a say is what's understood doesn't need to be explained" Dave said and chuckled. April had taken care of him during her pregnancy and showed out the night she sent out her kitty signal. He wasn't even trying to think about all the shit that had gone down that night while he was in front of them. The shit that had gone down that weekend was wild and unexpected. He had found out what April liked, what made her gush, splash, moan, tap out, and everything else. They had done some shit to each other that weekend. Shit he honestly couldn't wait for his next break just so he could get some shit cracking with his woman. She had that shit that made a nigga come home every night.
"Bet" Shooter said. "You the real MVP though" he laughed.
Dave laughed. "Fuck you"
"I'm glad the shit finally went down. Ya ass was just like Shooter but you was keeping that shit to ya self or at least you thought you was" Bully said and laughed. "Ass would be low key looking at lil sis like you was ready to pounce on her ass at any given moment. But I guess you thought we ain't notice that shit. Nigga would be walking behind her on purpose with ya eyes glued to her ass. Every time her ass moved ya eyes was darting and you was damn near drooling" Bully went on clowning him.
"Or the many times his ass would have her in his lap and the next thing you know when that nigga needed to get up he had to make sure lil sis was dead in front of his ass" Shooter added in laughing. "Nigga found every excuse in the book to touch lil sis"
"Well damn this how we doing shit. Fuck y'all I had to take what I could get during those trying times" Dave continued laughing not knowing that they had picked up on any of the shit he was doing because he thought he was low key with it. Guess that's why April was worried about what other people would think. She must've saw the looks.
Bully raised his hands laughing. "But on a serious note who got E to come to the listening party" he asked talking about Dave's little brother Errol.
"Word I was wondering the same shit" Shooter said.
Dave smiled thinking about how April had come through for him once again. "My wife" he answered proudly. He knew then that he had to make shit happen and shake shit up just right for her.
"See that's why I fucks with lil sis. She does shit she doesn't have to do or is even asked to do and it always comes from a good place" Bully said. "She always has ya best interest and not only that she looks out for each and every one of us and it makes our family tighter and stronger so we all look out for each other. From our peoples to hers all the way down to Chris, Trey, and August we're all tight"
"Facts" Shooter and Dave agreed.
"I'd never imagine that one person could bring all of these families together and it not turn into pure shit" Shooter added. April was definitely a real one and wanted everyone to be straight and to win.
Dave still couldn't believe she pulled that shit off but he was happy yet grateful that shit did. He and Errol had been too prideful to come together and squash their beef and here it took April to at least put them in a position to come together and talk. She had definitely been a god send.
"It's just what she does. I still don't even know what she said to make him come but I'm happy that he did. Y'all know I haven't seen or spoken to him in months. I get we go through shit but this ain't the usual argue and hug it out situation" Dave said.
"Y'all gonna have to push that pride to the side and talk. At the end of the day y'all are brothers. It ain't like y'all are strangers. Y'all ain't got shit to lose" Shooter said and he was right.
"True I told him that I wasn't going to jump on him or rush him but when he's ready I'm here to talk. I even sent him a text telling him I was on tour and if he wanted to come on the road with us he was more than welcomed to come. He left me on read but at least I know he read it" Dave said and shrugged. The ball was now in Errol's court and he just hoped he made a play.
"Bet at least you did that. He'll come around though. You could tell that he missed hanging out with you and being around us. Even with the new crew he fit right in"
"I felt the same way even mommy and Pops were all smiles that night. So we'll see how it goes" Dave said and nodded hoping that Errol would make the move and hit him up. He was ready to squash everything and make it right. He wanted his brother to be a part of the family and get on the same wave they were all on.
"Speaking of lil sis I like how she checked ole dude on ya interview" Shooter said and laughed. "That shit was clean as hell"
"Nigaaaa" Bully dragged laughing. "I knew I forgot something. Lil sis be on her petty shit but that classy ass clap back was epic"
"At this point I wouldn't even mention her. I'd be too scared that she'd snatch up my job and livelihood from me" Shooter confessed wondering why people always seemed to test April and what she and Dave have like she wasn't capable of doing some real live petty shit just to get even.
Dave laughed. "Fuck that nigga he tried to be messy on the low and out of all days he tried it. He knew that shit was a personal question. He thought some bullshit was gonna pop off. I'm secure in my relationship. It ain't no secrets. If I thought it was that major I'd a mentioned it to her before I even dropped the album. Shit we all know Agnes ain't shit so she had nothing to worry bout. Even if it was bout another chick she still wouldn't have shit to worry bout" Dave said truthfully. He was happy where he was at and he wasn't checking for anybody else and everybody knew that shit and if they didn't know they knew now.
"Facts but that whole wife thing he definitely ain't have to ask bout that shit" Bully said and shook his head. Interviewers knew they could be messy. It was like they just wanted to stir up the pot and then leave you to the wolves.
"Like I said fuck that nigga. I don't know what he was trying to get out of that question but ma shut that shit down immediately. He was acting like I'm the only nigga calling my woman my wife. That shit happens all day every day the only difference between me and those niggas is I'm serious bout mines and they not. I ain't bout to throw that word around loosely. I know what we have and I know the shit she does isn't shit a girlfriend does. She's wife material. I knew that shit from jump and now everyone else sees what I see in her. Bitches know what it is just like niggas know what it is" Dave said clearly not here for the shit the interviewer had tried to start. Let April had been any other female that shit would've thrown a whole wrench in their relationship and turned it upside down.
"All facts no caps" Shooter agreed.
"Bet but uh what bout Breezy" Bully questioned.
"What bout him" Dave asked sort of confused while Shooter looked between the two of them.
"You want to marry his ex-fiancé. How do you think he'd feel bout that. I mean we're all cool and shit but that's some other shit"
"Breezy is cool peoples. By now we're all pretty much brothers. We break bread together business wise and over the dining room table. I respect what he had with ma and I respect that he's my lil baby's father but I'm not bout to keep having talks with him bout what I want to do with woman. What am I supposed to say hey bruh I'm bout to propose to my woman ya ex-fiancé again? I'm pretty sure he doesn't even want to talk bout that shit and he'd be happy for her anyway" Dave said as he took out his weed and wrapping papers.
"Then let's say she pops up pregnant. What am I supposed to ask him how he feels bout that too? I honestly think that that's just rubbing shit in his face at this point and that's something I don't want to do. That's my nigga it is what it is but we both know what it is at the end of the day" Dave answered. He had respect for Chris but at this point he wasn't about to keep having these conversations with him like he was the gatekeeper over April. She was his woman now and whether he chose to marry her or impregnate her that was between the two of them. Whatever went on in their relationship was between them period.
"True shit" Bully agreed.
"Besides y'all already had the talk y'all needed to have anyway" Shooter added.
"Exactly the only talks we should be having are regular shit when we're just shooting the shit, business moves, and Triple B, Lil Butt, and unkie's baby. Anything else isn't needed" Dave said as a matter of fact.
"True" Shooter and Bully said both agreeing.
"It is what it is at the end of the day. I'm happy for ya and I hope this proposal goes the way you want it" Bully said.
"Thanks bruh preciate' it" Dave thanked him.
"Niggas really out here making big boy moves. I stan it" Shooter said as he looked at both of his brothers proudly. Every one of them had someone good by their sides, jobs that they loved and paid well, and it was a beautiful sight to see. They were no longer lil niggas in the hood trying to make...they made it. They had finally leveled up and were living the lives they could only dream of.
The three men continued to shoot the shit until it was time for Dave to hit the stage for tonight's show. At the end of the night he had his mind made up. Dave was going to try his best to make it home for Thanksgiving because one he didn't want to miss it especially with it being his and April's first one together as a family and two he really wanted to talk to his father and Ian. If push came to shove he was willing to have them meet up on his tour with him and talk then. As far as the ring he made sure he hit up his jeweler to see if it was even possible to get a custom ring made in time and luckily for him it was a go. The only thing is now he had to come up with a design of his liking and one he knew April would love. So all in all at the moment everything was a go...OPERATION REDO had officially started.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed 😊
-Dave wants a redo & Shooter wants to know if our good sis even said yes 😂 I guess y'all will find out sooner or later.
-Will Dave make it home for the holidays and how do you think his redo will go down or is it even necessary to even ask again 🤔
-Dave & Errol..what do you think went down 🤔
-Do you think Dave needs to talk to Chris about anything pertaining his & April's relationship 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
-Also If you haven't done so already please feel free to check out my new book A Dose of Me. It's a book of short stories with a lil smut here and there 😂🥰
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