29.4: 1 Year Anniversary/Baecation
29.4: 1 Year Anniversary/Baecation ending...
"Yes Papi yes I'll have ya baby" she answered without an ounce of hesitation. She had said it with her whole chest loud and clear. Honestly she would've agreed to anything at this point just to get him to fuck her good and release the nut she had been holding. So if she needed to say yes and let him plant his baby boy then so be it. As soon as she answered Dave picked up speed and gave her all he had. By now he was fuckin her like a man on a mission. Then again he was. Dave was about to deliver that seed and hope to Allah that it planted.
"YES PAPI YES FUCK ME" she shouted taking all the dick that Dave was giving her as she played with her clit. She was on edge and ready to explode. Her body was hot, her pussy was jumping, and she was ready to go.
"Damn ma" Dave moaned as his head dropped and eyes closed. He was feeling everything and at this moment he was low key on cloud nine. The Henny had him fucked up but not enough to miss out on the answer he had just received. So right now he had to hit her with the daddy stroke and make it count.
"Eyes on me Papi" she said. April needed to see those eyes on her while they came together. It made the experience ten times better. Dave opened his eyes and tucked his lips between his teeth.
"Yes...yes...YESSSS" April screamed as she held the sheet balled up in her hands for dear life as her orgasm hit strong and let loose. Orgasms with Dave felt better than they ever had when she was with someone else. Sure they were good but it was something about your person keeping their eyes focused on you, breaking you down, and making you come as if that was their main goal.
"Shittttttttt" Dave dragged as he bust inside of her making sure he emptied every last drop inside of her praying to Allah that this moment wasn't a dream. He was riding on a high and didn't want to come down from this moment.
"Happy anniversary Papi I love you" she said smiling up at him breathless.
"Happy anniversary ma I love you too" he said as he pulled out her, placed her legs down, and slumped over on the side of her. He had put in some work tonight.
April and Dave laid side by side face to face smiling at each other like fools in love as they tried to catch their breath. Then again that's exactly what they were. They knew the night was far from over but they were definitely taking a break. They were both damn near running on E. They had been making love and fucking for hours on end with little breaks in between. Would their night really be over? Absolutely not but right now they were good and more than satisfied. If they fell asleep right now they wouldn't even be mad. They had both shown up and showed out and made the night worth it. This would be one hell of an anniversary to remember and it was certainly one for the books.
The Next Day
April woke up the next morning with the sun beaming brightly through her closed lids. Her curls were flat and clung to her face as if she had sweated her ass off throughout the night. The sheets clung to her body like glue, she felt sticky, her body felt sore, her limbs felt limp, but all in all she couldn't help but feel simply satisfied. She took a deep breath, placed her hand over her eyes, and lied there quietly only to realize that she had woken up in bed alone. Papi was not by her side.
"Papi" she called out to Dave wondering where he was at. She thought he'd be in bed right beside her spooning her as always or at least rubbing on her booty already up and waiting for her to wake.
"I'm right here ma" Dave said as he walked out of the bathroom looking all fresh, clean, and rejuvenated with a little extra pep in his step than he normally had after night of countless rounds between the sheets.
"Why you not in bed with me" she asked as she still kept her eyes shielded from the sun.
"I was getting the tub ready for you" he said as he took a seat beside her on the bed. He couldn't help but smile at her. Once again she had shown him a good time and if her body was up to it he wouldn't mind something a little light today especially since they weren't leaving until late tonight.
"Ouuu my Papi loves me" she smiled sounding just like him as she slowly peeled her hand away from her eyes and looked at him.
"Always and forever now let me help you to the bathroom" he said and peeled the sheet away from her body. "Looks like you were involved a very sticky situation" he laughed looking over her naked body. She looked like she had a wild and crazy sex filled night...well she did curtesy of him. After doing what they did last night a shower was the last thing on their minds. By the time they were done they had both rocked each other to sleep.
"I did" she laughed. "There's no telling what the hell I look like right now"
"Either way ya still look beautiful"
April blushed. "The love I'm feeling it" she joked but she loved how even when she thought she looked a mess he still let her know that she was beautiful. "Now pick me up" she said and put her hands up in the air on her Kairi shit. Dave laughed and scooped her up in his arms. "Are you joining me" she asked as they made their way to the bathroom.
"Nah I'm a give you some time to ya self to sit back and relax. I know you need it" he said and placed her down in front of the toilet. As soon as her feet touched the floor her legs felt like they were about to give out on her. Dave laughed. "Hey you asked for it"
"I know but damn it" she said and sat down on the toilet to relieve herself. "It was worth it though" Just thinking about last night gave her body chills. She was just going to have to walk it out and power through it. Everything that had gone down between them last night had been absolutely worth all the soreness her body felt and the glass noodles which were now her legs.
"Fuckin facts" he said smirking. He let her handle her business and watched her closely as she made her way to the sink to wash her hands. Once she was done he scooped her up and placed her in the tub filled with bubbles. He knew her body needed to recoup after last night.
"Yesssss" she said and closed her eyes as the hot water comforted her sore body and aching bones. "This is the life" she said as she got comfortable and leaned back against the tub. The only thing missing was a bath bomb but hey it still hit.
"Enjoy ma" he said then bent down and kissed her lips.
"Thank you Papi"
"Ya welcome ma and thank you for a good time last night"
"Likewise" She said and winked at him then watched him make his way to the door. "Aye Papi don't think I forgot bout you. I still owe you a massage" she said before he could make it out the bathroom. They had been so busy into other things last night that a massage was the last thing on their minds. Everything had gotten a massage last night except for his back.
"When can I redeem it" he turned towards her and asked with a huge smile on his face. He knew his baby wasn't going to forget about him. She'd never leave him hanging.
"Well after I finish up in here and get some food in my system then I'm all yours" she said. She couldn't let them leave the Bahamas just yet without giving him what he wanted. So if a massage is what he wanted a massage was what he was going to get.
"Bet" he said and finally made his way out of the bathroom.
April spent about a good hour and a half in the bathroom from resting and soaking in the tub to spending some time in the shower washing away all the sins she committed last night. She wasn't wheelchair bound but her legs were damn sure two steps away from being out of commission and that was only because of her bath and shower. She even took the time to co-wash her hair because at this point it was sweaty and a tad bit crispy from the whipped cream and little facial she had gotten the night before. She didn't even bother to do anything major to it. She slapped some moisturizer in her hair, combed it through, put two cornrows in it, and called it a day.
Once she was done she slowly made her way out of the bathroom to see the room in disarray. It looked like all hell had broken loose. The blanket was tossed on the floor looking like a palate and two bottles of Hennessy was on the floor lying on their sides empty. She didn't even know they had killed off another bottle. She was surprised she hadn't woken up with a hangover. Pillows were scattered all over the floor mixed with all the candles and roses while a lonely can of whipped cream sat in the middle of the bed. Let alone it looked like they had fucked on top of the pile of money. Everything was out of place. Sure she knew someone would come and clean up after them but she had to straighten up some. She couldn't let them see that type of mess. Just as her stomach started to growl Dave had walked back inside the room.
"You just couldn't leave it alone" Dave said laughing at her knowing how she felt about messes. She couldn't stand them. She always said they were an eye sore.
"Don't do me I couldn't look at it. It looked like a hurricane went on in here"
"Well I mean it did. It was called hurricane Papi" he chuckled making her laugh. Last night had been nothing but a mood. "But come on I came to get you for breakfast"
"Thank God I'm starving" she said and made her way over to him while he looked at her with a stupid grin plastered on his face. She already knew what he was looking at. "Leave my legs alone"
"Hey I'm just surprised ya up and walking" he laughed.
"Yea...yea... yea" she said and grabbed his hand. They made their way downstairs to the kitchen. Breakfast was already done and ready. It was a nice spread on the island. She knew Dave hadn't cooked. Sure he got by in the kitchen but it wasn't like what was in front of them.
"Before you ask they had a chef come and make us breakfast" Dave answered before she could even ask.
April laughed. "Poolside"
"You already know" Dave answered. They fixed their plates and went outside to eat. Poolside had been their spot whether they were eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It just made those times feel a little more like vacation. As usual they talked about whatever came to mind. They didn't even bother to go back inside the house once they finished breakfast. They just sat outside taking in the sun.
"Hey ma how you feel bout letting me redeem that massage now" Dave asked as he ran his hand gently up and down April's bare thigh. They were still outside but now they were on the daybed chilling.
"I'm ready whenever you are" she answered as she looked up at him. She had been cuddled up in his arms since they had got in the daybed. She just wanted to hold onto him a little while longer because she knew by the end of the week her side of the bed would be cold and lonely because she'd be sleeping on his side.
"Then let's go"
April laughed at his eagerness as she leaned up off of him and got off of the bed watching Dave follow up with the quickness. They couldn't get in the house quick enough. As soon as they entered the house and closed the door behind themselves Dave was ushering April up the stairs.
"What type of massage do you have in mind better yet requesting" April asked as she walked inside of the bedroom and made her way to her suitcase to grab the oil.
"You know what I like" he answered as he came out of his shorts leaving on his Ethika boxer briefs.
"Say less lie down on your stomach and get comfortable. I'll be right back" she said and made her way out of the bedroom and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. She grabbed a bowl, added some water inside of it, placed the bottle of coconut oil inside, then placed it in the microwave for a couple of seconds. Once it was done she took the bowl out of the microwave, emptied it, dried off the bottle of coconut oil, then made her way out the kitchen and went straight upstairs to the bedroom.
Dave was in position laid out on his stomach with his chin resting on a pillow in the bed with his phone in his hands. April grabbed her phone, unlocked it, turned on some music, slipped out of her silk robe, joined Dave on the bed, and climbed onto him straddling his waist. She opened the warm bottle, poured some oil in her hand, closed the bottle, placed it down beside her, and rubbed her hands together. She started rubbing the warm oil all over Dave's back. She started at the lower portion of his back moving upward making sure she put some elbow grease in it to make sure the pressure was just right. As soon as her hands came in contact with his skin he put his phone down and placed his hands under his chin enjoying the TLC she was not only giving him but his body. He loved when she touched him.
April sighed. "I'm gonna miss this"
"Me too but we'll take another vacation soon"
"Definitely" she said tuning out her thoughts and let the music take over as she continued working her magic hands on his back.
Dave on the other hand didn't mind her silence he was just enjoying the moment like he had since they had stepped foot on the island. Her soft petite hands against his skin, the music playing, and her straddling him was a big mood. Its all he wanted and needed. Thinking about where they were at now and where he would be at by the end of the week made him mentally groan. He wasn't ready to go back on the road but he had to. He had to make his bags. He was going to miss her and these private moments that they shared. Even when they were at home and had to sneak around while the kids were at home or wait until they fell asleep he was still going to miss these private moments. In these moments they got to talk about everything under the sun and be intimate with each other whether they were sexing or just cuddling.
"Damn" he groaned as she hit a spot on his upper back. That shit felt good. "Stay right there ma"
"Gotchu Papi" she said as she continued to tend to the spot. She was trying to keep her thoughts PG13 but with Dave leaving at the end of the week, them having a few more hours of alone time, the music hitting right, and massaging his gorgeous ass back with her straddling his waist in just a silk nightie her thoughts began to run a little wild. Then she thought about all that had gone down just a mere few hours ago and she knew she was a goner. She continued on with his massage going between his lower back to his upper back to the middle of his back and repeat trying her best to tame her wild thoughts and her needy and aching pussy. "Papi I need you to turn around so I can get the front" she said ready to run her hands all over his chest and see his tattoos glisten. For a second she wondered how her name would look on his body which brought her to something she had been thinking long and hard about.
"Bet" he said and April lifted off of him while he turned on his back. He adjusted the pillow behind his head and got comfortable. April grabbed the bottle of oil, opened it, poured some in her hand, closed the bottle then placed it back down beside her, then rubbed her hands together and started at the bottom of Dave's stomach. "What's on ya mind" he questioned as he looked up at her then placed his hands behind his head.
"Well for starters I'm really trying to keep my thoughts on some PG13 shit but I'm struggling at the moment" she replied and laughed.
"Don't...my dick been hard for a lil while now but I'm just trying to enjoy the rest of my massage" he chuckled. "I'll handle that shit afterwards though" he promised her and he would.
"Noted" April said and bit down on her bottom lip. She should've known what type of time he was on. Of course once she finished massaging him he was going to want some action. He wanted that massage with a happy ending. He always did and that's how it always went down with them. The day where he didn't want any from her would be the day they had a serious problem.
"What else is on your mind" he curiously questioned. He could see her wheels turning without her even having to say something was on her mind.
"Well I already started plotting on ya ring but how do you feel bout getting tattoo wedding bands as well. I mean I grew up on the whole don't get a nigga's named tatted on you because then your relationship is doomed but I've been giving it some thought" she said and expressed what she had been thinking about. Everybody she knew always said don't get a man's name tatted on you and she even believed the same thing. Of course she understood why that's why she never got any man's name tattooed on her but with Dave she actually wanted it. Now it didn't have to be smack dead on her neck or on her chest but a cute little something on her ring finger along with a little spin to it would be dope.
"I wouldn't be opposed to it. I kind of already thought bout getting ya name on me myself but I'm feeling the wedding band idea" he replied. He had no problem whatsoever getting her name tatted on him. He knew she was his couple of forevers so he could definitely see her name on him. Sure he once had Millie's name on him but he had gotten it covered a long while ago. She never deserved a place on his body at all but April was different. He knew that they'd be together no matter who or what tried to break them apart. Through thick and thin they would always be by each other's side and they would always love each other. If he had to walk away from her today and had her name permanently marked on his body he would have no regrets because she was real love. "Have you been looking at tats" he asked.
"I have and I found one that I actually like but of course I want to add a lil something to it" she replied. She had stumbled upon wedding band tattoos while she was planning the wedding and as soon as she saw it she loved the idea. They both loved tattoos and each other so she thought it would fit them.
"Ya gonna have to show me. You know I can't be walking around with some weak shit on me especially not on my ring finger. It gotta match not only my ring but my fly" he said and chuckled. He honestly couldn't wait to see what his actual ring would look like. He knew for a fact that April had good taste in jewelry so he knew his shit would be nice as fuck.
"Boy bye" she laughed as she made her way up to his chest steady massaging him and looking over his tattoos. By now she had seen every inch of him but still she liked to admire the work of art. As far as his wedding ring she had been looking at a few rings just to get an idea of what she wanted to get him. She wanted it to match his fly just like he did. She wanted it to be dripped out but also match hers as well.
"Like what you see" he looked at her smirking as he slid his hands up her thighs and went to straight for her ass as usual. He couldn't keep his hands to himself to save his life. April didn't mind though she loved booty rubs.
"Always do" she shot back while Dave on the other hand started massaging her ass and kneading it.
"For real though you'd really get my name tatted on ya body permanently" he questioned. "Like you know that's a forever type of thing"
April made her way to his shoulders and starting massaging them. "Yes I would. I've been thinking about it for a long while now. It doesn't even have to be your name per say it can just be a nice wedding band"
"I fucks with the wedding band but if ya gonna get my name I'm a need that shit in a place where I can always see it" he said and smacked her right cheek making a moan escape her lips.
"Mhmm so I'm guessing what you're saying is you want ya name on my ass specifically the right cheek"
"I mean I wouldn't be opposed to it" he mischievously smiled at her. Hell yes he'd like to see his name tatted on her ass and he was feeling the whole wedding band idea as well. The way he saw it they could do both and call it a two for one special. Besides he knew if she put his name on her finger there wouldn't be any more space left for a band because her fingers were slim.
"You do know if I do decide on that there will be people who will see ya name on my ass when I'm wearing a bathing suit our parents included" she said. She really didn't mind if someone saw Dave's name on her ass but she wondered what her parents would think about it. Then again she could high key see her parent's with their names tatted on each other.
"They'll be aight it is what it is. They know how we are and like you always tell me they can look but they can't touch"
April laughed then bent down and kissed him. "Let me find out you just want people to see ya name tatted on my ass"
"Would you look at the time" he said laughing.
"Uh huh" she laughed and they got quiet as they just sat there looking at each other with smiles on their faces. Yup they were that couple. They were in love, loved hard, infatuated with one another, cringe worthy at times, and at the end of the day they didn't care what others thought about their relationship or how they looked together. They moved together in silence April massaging and rubbing his shoulders down to his chest to his stomach rubbing and touching on every part of his body that she could while he continued kneading and massaging her ass. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, they could hear people outside enjoying the beach and the sun, and the R and B music playing in the background in the bedroom set the mood. It was a peaceful and calming vibe.
"Yo did she say she wants to sit on it" Dave looked up at April and asked curious.
April smiled while nodding her head. "You gotta listen to the whole song Papi it's a big mood" April said talking about Jazmine Sullivan's song On It featuring Ari Lennox. When she first heard the song herself she just knew she had to put it on her bedroom list. It was like the church version of WAP to her. It was beautifully sung and was on a topic she enjoyed.
Dave didn't say anything else he just lied there and listened to the rest of the song. By the time it went off he understood why she added it to her playlist. "I fucks with it. I ain't know Jazmine Sullivan was nasty like that. But what I want you to do now is put that shit on repeat and come sit on it" he said dead ass. Of course he would take the song literal.
"On it" April said as she hopped up off of him, picked up the bottle of oil, placed it on the nightstand, then grabbed her phone and played the song over. Once she was done with her phone she made her way back to Dave and climbed on top of him and straddled his thighs. She pulled his dick out of the dick hole of his boxer briefs not giving two fucks about the fabric that would be between them, she squatted above him, and slid down onto him with ease making them both moan at the contact. She was already wet and he had been hard for a while so getting the first round of the day in was a breeze. They remained silent no words being said just moaning, groaning, and cursing under their breath as April rode him to the beat of the song while Dave being the ass man that he is held on to her ass slowly rubbing it.
April and Dave spent the next few hours wrapped up in each other making love over and over again until it was time to shower, eat, and get back to the real world. There little baecation had come to an end and their little tropical getaway was now nothing but great memories. Even though vacation was over and they had a great time they honestly couldn't wait to get home to see the girls and Teddy. They had definitely been missed. 9 o'clock hit and they were back at the airport, on their private jet, getting ready for takeoff. April felt like she had forgotten something important but she knew she had packed up everything making sure she triple checked to make sure they had everything they brought with them including the mini duffel bag filled with money. Everything was accounted for. The jet took off and once again when the time came to unbuckle their seatbelts Dave and April were out of their seats and back inside the bedroom. They weren't there for sex this time around. They actually needed some sleep and they just wanted to sit back and relax before they were back on parental duty. April was cuddled up in Dave's arms with her eyes closed still thinking about what she thought was missing until Dave broke her out of her thoughts.
"Hey ma do you remember what I asked you last night" he asked as he kept his eyes on the ceiling. What he had asked her had been on his mind for some time now. He thought she would mention it but here it was hours later and she had said nothing about it.
"Papi you do realize that you asked me a lot of shit last night not to mention you were asking me shit while I was under the influence and dickmatized" she laughed. He joined her but she was right though. He had asked her some of everything while they were fucking.
"I know but I asked you something important" he said and looked down at her.
She knew then that whatever he had asked her was serious she could tell by the way he said it. April laid there quietly for a few minutes wrecking her brain back and forth thinking about all he asked her before it dawned on her. Sure she was under the influence and he had very much asked her a lot of shit but one thing one very important question stuck out to her. "PAPI" she somewhat shouted and then it hit her like a ton of bricks what she had forgotten.
He chuckled. "What I do" he asked sensing she knew exactly what he was talking about now.
"You asked me to have your baby" she answered and shook her head. Of course he did. How could she forget? How could she let a question like that slip her mind? Of course niggas asked chicks every day to have their baby while they were getting it in but she knew when Dave had asked her that question he was serious as fuck. He wouldn't just throw that around especially not now when he was going through baby fever.
"And what did you say" he questioned.
"I said yes" she answered. There was no use denying it or acting like she hadn't heard him.
"So my next question is did you take your birth control today" he asked because she took that shit religiously like clockwork like that little pill was keeping her alive.
April smacked the hell out of her forehead. "I've been thinking bout what I forgot for the past few hours and low and behold it was my fuckin birth control" she said more so to herself. She had never missed a pill. It was a part of her daily morning routine. That's when she realized that she hadn't woken up in the morning like she normally would. She had overslept and just went about her day.
"Are you planning on taking it" he asked. He wanted to know did she mean what she said last night or was it the Henny talking. Sure the Henny had him talking out his ass but what came out of his mouth he meant it. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "I won't get upset if you choose to continue to take them. I know you have it planned out" he said. He just didn't want to be disappointed but he also knew he couldn't just throw a curveball at her like that and expect it to go down the way he wanted it to.
April took a deep breath and exhaled. To say she hadn't given this topic some thought would be an understatement. It had crossed her mind every time he mentioned it and even hit a little different while they were on vacation. She knew he wasn't going anywhere neither was she and that they were definitely getting married. She knew why he wanted a baby with her as well. He had an extreme case of baby fever but there was more to it. He always told her that he wanted a special piece of him and her and she understood that but with Dave it was more to it than what he let on. The conversation she had with the girls played over in her head as well as his toxic relationship with Millie. Dave wanted a do over. Not necessarily a do over because Kairi was just perfect. She was priority number one, his heart, his joy, his twin, and his grace from God. She was an absolute blessing and changed him for the better.
But April knew he wanted to have a baby with her not only because he loved her and wanted a special piece of the both of them and have that bond but because he wanted the chance to experience what it's like to have a baby while he was in a healthy relationship. He wanted to know what it felt like with the person he was in love with, happy with, had a solid foundation with, and was made out of love and not a one sided love. He wanted to experience what it's like to see the mother of his child give birth to his baby and not walk away as if the baby didn't mean anything to her. He wanted to see his child not treated as an afterthought or a paycheck or a get rich scheme. He wanted to see his child cared for, loved, and doted on by his or her mother like she deserved. He wanted to spend nights changing shifts to check on the baby. He wanted to walk inside the baby's room and see his or her mother standing beside her crib looking down at him or her in awe and telling him or her that she loved them.
He wanted to walk in from a day's work and see all of his babies in bed with the woman he loved. He wanted to see the same love and affection April gave to Kairi, Charlie, and Royalty poured all over a baby that he planted inside of her precious womb. When she thought about it she couldn't fault him at all. She knew what that feeling felt like with her first child and only with Charlie had she gotten to experience all of what Dave wanted now. She had gotten her second chance and in the process gotten a bonus baby in Kairi. They were a year in strong, Dave was the love of her life, she had a ring on her finger, their wedding was in nine months, and she had a man who stuck by her side when she was pregnant by another man and treated that child as if she came from him. Well then hey she finally knew her answer. He deserved it. Some plans just didn't go the way you planned them. Sometimes plan Z came before plan C. It's life it happens.
April took another deep breath and exhaled. This was a big deal to not only Dave but her as well. A baby wasn't an accessory and they already had a lot going on but she knew they could manage. She grabbed his hand, intertwined their fingers, and looked up at him. "I won't take them Papi. You can throw them out and yes I'll have your baby" she sincerely and confidently answered. She knew she still had birth control in her system so having a baby overnight most likely wouldn't happen but she was here for it whenever it decided to happen. Besides birth control wasn't a 100% and with the way her and Dave be at it a baby was bound to happen sooner or later.
Dave untwined their fingers and jumped up and out of the bed with the quickness like she had set a match to his ass with a huge ass grin plastered on his face. This smile right here was priceless. "You shitten me" he looked at her then wiped his hands down his face. He couldn't believe she was actually telling him yes to having his baby. He had been so used to hearing let's wait and how she had everything planned out so to hear a yes he was over the moon and overjoyed.
April laughed loving his excitement and glad that she could put that kind of smile on his face and bring him that much joy. "I'm serious Papi it's a yes for me"
"So what ya telling me is that I can throw away ya birth control and we can actually stop practicing" he asked just to make sure he was hearing right. He needed clarity. He needed to know that this wasn't a game or a joke.
"Yes you can throw them away and no more practicing. All I ask is that we keep this between the two of us. We're already in the middle of planning our wedding and both our mothers are on my heels as it is so I don't need the added stress and the twenty one questions. You know how they'd be" she said reassuring him. She wouldn't dare play around and joke with him on a topic she knew was dear to him. But although she said yes she wanted this to stay between the two of them. With the way their family was they would be hitting her up every other day with the 'are you pregnant yet' questions. Let alone she knew between their fathers and Uncle Ny-Reek that they were waiting on one of them to have a baby boy. So their family was definitely plotting just like she knew that their mothers were most likely already planning a baby shower because what comes after a wedding...a BABY.
Dave joined her back on the bed and scooped her up in his arms happy as fuck but he had to let her know that he was thankful. "Ma I know you have plans and I know you want to get back to work but thank you for saying yes. You don't know how happy you just made a nigga and yes this will be our lil secret" he said and kissed her. He was beyond elated. This was another dream come true for him.
"You deserve it" she smiled at him. "Oh and another thing" she looked dead at him all in his eyes.
"I'm a need you to stop asking me important shit while ya dicking me down"
"Hey what can I say when there's Henny...Henny thing is possible..."
-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. I'm on time this week 😝. Welp back to my notebook I go because I haven't even started on the next chapter 😫
-Our good sis said YES 🤦🏾♀️. He was plotting on her ass and been plotting on her 😂. I was adamant on making him wait but re-reading certain chapters, writing this anniversary chapter, and just thinking about the whole situation I just said fuck it. He deserves it 🤷🏾♀️. BUT just because they are no longer practicing does not mean that she's going to pop up and get pregnant overnight. But I am plotting 🤪
-How do y'all feel about April saying yes 🤔. Do you think she's giving in or it's something she actually wants to do 🤔.
-How do y'all feel about getting your spouses name tatted on you 🤔.
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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