29.2: 1 Year Anniversary/Baecation
29.2: 1 Year Anniversary/Baecation...
"Oh nahhhh ma you ain't have to do it like that" Dave said looking over her with nothing but lust, love, and awe in his eyes. April had just come downstairs fully dressed for the night and damn did she look good. She looked like a breath of fresh air. He had given her some time to herself to go and get ready for the evening because he had some special plans for them. When he had told her to bring an outfit for dinner he wasn't expecting her to go all out but then again knowing her it was only right. He didn't expect anything less.
"Is it too much" she questioned looking at him then down at her dress. He didn't say what he necessarily had planned so she didn't know if she was overdressed or not. Nonetheless she had felt beautiful tonight.
"Nah ma it's just right. It's perfect. You look beautiful" he said looking at how her chocolate brown skin looked against her navy blue floral dress and how she filled out the top portion out to the T. It wasn't even a fancy ass name brand dress but she made it look like she spent a million bucks on it. It was a simple floral bandeau top dress. The top was connected only to the back portion of the dress but from the front it looked like it was a two piece. It was made for the island and what he had planned for her tonight it definitely fit the vibe. She looked like an island girl and the way her skinned glowed made it even better. She looked like she was kissed by the sun. She was doing a whole lot of floral prints during their trip and the way the different color flowers looked against her skin he was becoming to love floral print on her. The different color blues, green, tan, and red complimented her skin tone. She looked absolutely beautiful and the way her kinky curls popped and framed her face brought the whole look together. She had on makeup but it was subtle and light just enough to enhance the features she already had. She looked like perfection and Dave was glad that she was all his.
"Thank you Papi" she blushed happy that he liked what he saw. She still couldn't get over the way he always seemed to look at her in awe. It's like he never got tired of what she looked like or how she looked when she threw it on. It was almost as if every time he looked at her he was looking at her for the very first time. "You don't look too bad ya self" April said while looking him over and trying to keep her drool in her mouth. He was on his model shit once again. She loved street wear on him but when it was time to actually throw some suave shit on he pulled it off each and every single time just like he did tonight. He looked good in his magenta purple blue tinted silk pants set. Every time he moved or his muscles flexed the colors shifted.
"I try" he said then licked his lips and rubbed his hands together feeling himself as he should. He really looked like he was doing a spread for someone's magazine. She could see him on the cover of GQ. He even paired it with a few pieces of jewelry. He had his Sky-Dweller Rolex on that was a present from Nas from some years back, a gold diamond encrusted Cuban link and tennis necklace adorned his neck, one of his many pinky rings, and a bracelet with KCB on it which was Kairi's initials. He really didn't need any jewelry on but he felt like it was a move. It completed his look and besides he knew April loved that shit. It was something about him with no shirt on or him in his beater flexing with his drip on that did it for her.
"Trust you don't have to try hard" she said honestly. She didn't care what he had on he always looked good to her. That man could be wearing a paper bag, a black trash bag, or a damn laundry bag and it would still do it for her.
"Well you know" he said and smirked making her laugh as he brushed off his shoulders. "Come on ma we got somewhere to be" he said with his hand held out for her.
"Ok" she said and grabbed his hand feeling all giddy inside. It almost felt like it was their first date. The feeling that Dave gave her she couldn't explain it. It didn't matter how long they had been together she always felt butterflies. To her it was like she finally got a chance to talk to her high school crush and instead of going out on a date and going through the motions she ended up in a full blown relationship with him. It's like he turned out to be everything and more than what she had ever expected him to be. He gave her those spine tingling chills, made her toes curl, made her smile from ear to ear, heated up her body from the top of her head to the very tip of her toes, and always made her feel giddy. He gave her feelings that she never wanted to live without. They had only been together for a year and sure they both knew it was the cupcake phase but they just hoped and prayed that as the years passed when and if shit got hard that they could still have times like this where they still gave each other the feels.
Dave led her to the front door, opened it, and helped her out. "So where are we going" she asked curious. He hadn't told her anything about what he had planned for the night. All she knew was that by the end of the night it was going down between and on the sheets and everywhere else they could get it in.
"You'll see in a minute so just enjoy the view with ya fly ass man" he looked over at her and winked. He couldn't wait until she saw what he had planned. He honestly still couldn't believe that he was doing the shit he was for her but how could he not. She made him want to go all out and be romantic from time to time. For her he'd make anything happen. If he could he'd grant all of her wishes he would. Doing romantic things for her did something to him. He felt like he was finally giving his all to someone who not only loved him but appreciated him going the extra mile. It made him feel good.
"Ok" she left it at that knowing whatever it was, was a surprise at this point and trying to get any information out of him would be pointless. So she enjoyed the scenery as she followed alongside him until they were off the property and walking towards the beach. She lifted up her dress some so it wasn't dragging in the sand happy that she hadn't worn heels and kept it cute with a pair of cute sandals. You couldn't see her footwear anyway. Had she known that they were going to be on the beach she would've worn a pair of her barefoot sandals. As they made their way further along the beach she started to see blue rose petals lying in the sand. "Papi" she looked over at Dave smiling as the butterflies in her stomach woke up and started flapping their wings and started soaring. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"How can I help you" he looked at her smiling himself.
"What's all this" she said motioning to the rose petals. Blue roses were definitely their signature.
"You'll see" he said as they kept following the trail of blue rose petals until she saw all the lights. There were more rose petals and candles lit in a shape of a heart around an arch with sheer white curtains draped around it with a romantic table setting. When she thought he couldn't top what he already had done he had gone out, showed up, and showed out yet again. Her Papi was a whole ass romantic. This shit had her body feeling all types of warm, her heart pumping with excitement, and her feeling all types of loved like she had never felt. Dave stayed doing sweet shit for her but she would've never expected a romantic candlelight dinner on the beach. He damn sure didn't look the type but that's what she loved about him. He was more than meets the eye and full of surprises.
"Papiiii" she dragged as she looked over at him with tears in her eyes. It was only something he could do and honestly he did it quite often and he did it without wanting anything in return but to see her smile.
Dave looked at her watching the flames from the candles dance over her face and noticed the tears that threatened to fall. He immediately stopped walking and stood in front of her bringing her hand he already had cupped in his to his chest and brought her closer until she was almost flush to his body. By now he knew what kind of tears these were and although he didn't like to see her cry he did love to see her cry tears of joy and pleasure. He knew shit like this was hard for the both of them to come by and when they had moments like this he couldn't help but to go all out for her and make them memorable. He took his free hand and dabbed his index finger under her eyes before she could let a tear slip. He would always be there to catch her tears before they could fell.
"Ma get used to it" he said and planted a sweet kiss to her lips. For as long as he lived he would always make sure she had days like this. He would always show her his romantic side and spoil her like she deserved. He would always let her know that she was special, loved, and doing shit like this for her came easy.
"I'm trying Papi I'm trying but you just keep surprising me" she admitted. She honestly didn't think she'd ever get use to shit like this. Sure she had been on vacations with a significant other before and although they were good times the extra effort for shit like this wasn't there. It didn't exist.
"And I'll continue to keep surprising you. Now let's go take a seat and get this one year anniversary dinner started right" he said smiling. To Dave April deserved these moments and he was going to continue to give them to her. He high key loved the fact that he was the one and only person who had given her moments like these. Things like this made him feel like what they had was extra special and that he was giving her, her first. Just like he knew she was taken on vacations, treated out to dinners, and shopping sprees but he knew they weren't as special as when he did them for her. He wasn't there for many of her firsts so to be the one to go the extra mile made him feel good. It made him feel like it was supposed to be him doing all of these things for her all along. He was meant to do them and the fact that he would be her last made it even better.
April giggled and dabbed under her eyes trying her best not to ruin her makeup. "You the best Papi" she said and snuggled into him then poked her lips out for another kiss.
"I know" he said and kissed her lips then led her over to the table, pulled out her seat, and once she was seated he pushed it in for her then went to take a seat himself.
"This is beautiful" she said admiring the table setting and the beautiful view of the ocean as the waves crashed back and forth giving her that calm and serene feeling. It was almost magical. If he hadn't already proposed to her she would've thought that this would've been the night.
"I'm glad you like it" he smiled at her watching her taking in their surroundings. She was in complete awe. He loved watching her and seeing her reactions. There's no telling how many times she had been to the Bahamas but to know that he made this trip and this moment feel like a brand new experience made him want to pat himself on back for a job well done.
"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Brewster my names Charles and I'll be your waiter this evening" a tall handsome black man said as he now stood beside their table breaking Dave and April out of their little moment. They hadn't even notice him walking their way or even stepping to the table.
Both April and Dave couldn't help but smile hearing the waiter call them Mr. and Mrs. Brewster. She knew it was all Dave's doing. He always let that shit be known and she loved confirming that shit especially to all the hating ass naysayers. To them they were already married and moved like a married couple but they both couldn't wait to make it official for the world to see. They wanted everyone to know that they belonged to no one else but each other. They weren't playing around when they were calling and claiming each other as husband and wife. This wasn't a fake relationship or a PR stunt. What they had was real. If it was anything that April had done wrong in her last relationship was giving Chris married man privileges but with Dave that shit came effortlessly, naturally, and without a doubt because she knew that he was it for her. He put out the same energy she did without hesitation and earned those privileges since day one.
"Good evening Charles" they said in unison.
"I'm going to start you lovely couple off with our fresh stuffed Dungeness crabs as an appetizer alongside your drinks. Mrs. Brewster I heard you like fruity drinks so I have rum punch for you and Mr. Brewster I have Hennessy Pure White" Charles said as he placed down their drinks in front of them including waters alongside their hot and ready stuffed crabs.
"Thank you" April and Dave said and as soon as the waiter walked off April looked dead at Dave with her brow raised.
"Oh so tonight is that Henny type of night huh" she asked but she already knew the answer. They were both plotting on this night.
"Ma, act like you know. We're bout to enjoy tonight, this meal, get a lil or a lot fucked up, and you bout to get fucked" he said dead ass as he grabbed her hands in his so they could pray over their food.
"Ouu Papi I am here for it" she squealed. April was excited to see how tonight would go down and how it would end. They already had a crazy and exciting sex life so she didn't think drunken sex would change anything but she was here to see where it would lead. Maybe it would hit a little different. They bowed their heads and both said a silent prayer before digging into their food.
"So how you feeling our trip so far" Dave asked then took a sip of his drink.
April leaned forward with her eyes on him, placed her elbows on the table, and placed her hands under her chin. "Seems like we just got here and we're already bout to leave" she replied and pouted. "But I love it. I can definitely get use to these types of baecations. It's been an experience. How bout you" she replied and asked. She had truly been enjoying this time with Dave and saw plenty more baecations in their future. She got to see him relax and be himself. There was no daddy or papa time, no friend Dave, no son Dave, and no work Dave. It was just Dave and to see him enjoying himself without a care in the world was priceless.
"This shit is a whole vibe I'm a need another one but I need a week alone with you"
"Agreed" she said. These few days weren't enough.
"Waking up digging in those guts, waking up to you sucking the melanin off my shit, and turning over feeling you up because I can without interruption is a vibe in itself. No Triple B on my titties and no Lil Butt glued to ya hip" he said and April laughed. He was enjoying the freedom they had to be wild and carefree. He could do whatever whenever to her without the girls needing either one of them or their phones going off because work was calling or family chats. It was just the two of them.
April crossed her legs under the table. "If you keep talking like that we might have to say fuck dinner and head back to the villa" she warned him as her pussy clenched just thinking about what was about to go down tonight and all he had said and already done to her.
Dave chuckled. "Nah not happening I want you to enjoy this shit and I want to enjoy this shit with you" he said. He had put a lot of effort into tonight and didn't want anything to go to waste. Let alone he knew once they entered the villa that they most likely wouldn't be leaving out of it until it was time to leave and go home.
"Oop heard ju Papi loud and clear" she said. She knew he liked doing shit like this for her but he also enjoyed things like this as well. So if he wanted to sit back and enjoy it then she was going to let him. He deserved moments like this as well.
They continued eating, drinking, just laughing, talking, and connecting with one another. By the time dinner was finished they were full and a little tipsy. The liquor had definitely set in and they both knew more was coming. Since they had been on vacation Dave hadn't touched not one blunt so he kept the drinks coming. Now let this had been Jamaica he would've been smoking without a care in the world but Bahamas was a little bit different.
"Come on ma let's go find a good spot on the beach and watch the sunset" he said looking over at her all dreamy. He was really feeling this moment. The shit felt like a straight movie.
"Papi I swear you are Michigan J. Frog out in these streets. No one would know that my hubby is this damn romantic but I love that shit. Save all that shit for me. You are definitely my thug teddy bear" she said. April loved every single side of Dave especially hood Dave but romantic Dave was straight Papi and that shit fuckin did it for her. The fact that nobody got to see that side made it even better. It was extra special.
Dave burst out laughing as he cupped her hand in his. "Michigan J. Frog though ma"
"Yes I swear no one would believe this shit unless they saw it firsthand"
"Good they don't need to know anyway" he said as they casually strolled down the beach in search of the perfect spot.
"True" she agreed. Every one didn't need to know and with the way some of these females were she knew they'd try to find out for themselves and she wasn't having that.
"Aight let's sit right here" he said as they came to a halt to a blanket laid out neatly on the sand with a few candles lit around it. It wasn't too far from the villa at all. It was honestly on the beach right in front of the villa.
"Yea you tryna get ya baby boy tonight. You pulling out all the stops" April said wondering how he was even able to plan all of this. Somebody was definitely helping him and whoever it was she was thankful for their input because they were both enjoying the night and it would forever be burned in their memories.
"I mean if ya ready to give me a real try I'm all for it" he said being completely honest with her as they came out of their shoes and took a seat on the blanket.
April didn't say anything as she made her way between his legs and leaned her back against his chest and happily sighed. She was in her head. He really had her thinking about the shit. Could she really handle a pregnancy right now? Dave would be touring but he'd only be gone for a month. Then there was Charlie who would be exactly five months come tomorrow. Even though she wanted her kids to be close in age she still wanted Charlie to at least be one before she tried for another baby. Then Kairi had been through some major changes. She had just been uprooted from what she called home and was states away in a new home. Let alone she was in a new school and to top it off she was no longer the only child. Although she didn't have any problems with being a big sister because she absolutely adored her baby sister she was still getting use to sharing her daddy so April didn't want too much to change around her at once. She would rather wait until she was adjusted a little more before popping out a baby but at the same time if it happened then it happened. She didn't want any of the kids to feel slighted. Yet at the same time she did low key want to give Dave what he had been asking for. She too wanted that little piece of him and her. Sure she knew it would be a little struggle and an adjustment but maybe they could make it work. Yet she didn't want to give him a definite yes until she was sure herself. She didn't want to get his hopes up.
"Those wheels are turning huh" he chuckled and kissed her in her hair.
"I mean maybe" she said then leaned her head back and kissed him under his chin.
"That's different than ya usual response so I'll take it. Usually you be shutting a nigga down" he joked but he understood her reasons even though he still hoped she'd say yes. He knew they were still adjusting but he also knew that they would be alright in the long run.
April laughed. "I bet you will" she said and got quiet again. Would it really be such a bad thing if they had a child so soon or better yet started trying for another one since it was no guarantee that it would happen on their first try? Was it worth sacrificing her dream wedding where she wanted to be fit and slim in her wedding dress? She didn't know but it was food for thought. Honestly she knew that they could make it work to some extent but she didn't want to add too much on everybody's plate including the kids.
April sighed in content with a smile on her face just all around happy. This is where she thought she'd never be. She low key prayed every day that her life with Dave and their children weren't a dream because moments like this she just couldn't believe. She didn't want to wake up one day and realize that all of this had just been in her head. Yet she cherished each and every waking moment. Love...a word that she once felt like she'd never have or be able to give to someone after everything she's been through but she had love and she had someone to pour her love all over. She drenched it over her man and in return he did the same to her. They bathed in it. Head over heels in love and she didn't care how mushy or corny they looked. The type of love they had most people could only dream of. The love she had for Dave and received from Dave were a love she knew she'd never get from anyone else nor did she want it from anyone else. No one could love her the way he did. The type of love they had for each other scared her at times. It was frightening. It was dangerous. It was the type of love that she knew she'd kill for and he'd do just the same without hesitation.
"I love you ma" Dave said in her ear and placed his head on her shoulder watching the sunset and how the sky danced above the ocean. The sky looked like a mirror image in the ocean. This shit was a mood for him. It was something he never knew he needed and now he craved for more moments like this. He never thought he'd be sitting on the beach watching the sunset with his fiancé. He'd a never known love felt like this. What they had was real love and it was far from fake. What they had was far from a fairytale or maybe it was but just a hood fairytale. From the moment she entered his life he knew that she was different and when they had fallen in love it hit different. It was a different kind of love. It was the rarest kind of love.
"I love you too Papi" she said and brought her knees up to her chest then fixed her dress. "You know the last time I hopped my ass on a plane and flew to an island my ass was running away from you and soul searching"
Dave chuckled. "You told me you were soul searching ma not running away from me" he said but he always knew he had something to do with her trip to Jamaica.
She laughed a little. "It was a mixture of both. You called yourself leaving me alone. You deleted me from every single one of your social media platforms like I didn't mean shit to you. It was like ok we can't be together but the least we could do was be friends but you dipped. Even without us being together I was still repping my set. My ass was on your street team" she said and laughed again. "You know damn well I was the only woman out there promoting and supporting ya ass and you just decide to up and leave and make me disappear. You hurt my damn feelings" she said and pouted but she wasn't mad about it anymore. Everything they had been through was worth it in the end just like the day she left him.
Dave burst out laughing. "Repping your set and on my street team, then again I guess you did create a street team for me. Every interview, new song, sponsorships, and everything else my hands touched you were posting up and making sure that people were seeing me. So I guess you were repping your set. Even with me being gone you knew what it was" he said. He had seen every single one of her posts about him. She was posting and promoting him more than his damn label was. She was his number one fan and it showed in everything she did. She was the definition of support. Without being with him she had held him down and he couldn't thank her enough.
"Exactly and you had the nerve to get rid of me I swear how dare you" she chuckled.
"I didn't want to but hey you sent me a petty ass text afterwards where you pretty much said fuck me" he said remembering the day he had received the text from April basically telling him to have a good life and fuck him all in the same sentence. He should've known from that text alone that she was where the petty reside.
"Yea...yea... yea I know but any, who back to what I had on my mind because I'm pretty sure we've talked bout that before. I bring it up to say that I took that trip trying to get away from you, my life, and soul searching. I literally spent the first few days stuck on nobody but YOU. Waking up the first person on my mind was you. Before bed the last person I thought bout was you. I was just wallowing in my feelings and questioning everything. Now I don't have to question a damn thing. I know exactly where ya heart lies" she said and put out her hand. "Your heart lies right in the palm of my hands and so does mine in yours. I knew then that I loved you. It was too early to tell but it couldn't be anything else but love"
"Oh it's bout to be one of these types of nights" he said and moved her hair to the side then placed a soft kiss on her neck getting a whiff of her perfume. He loved these types of nights. They were both open and vulnerable with each other and the way they expressed their love for one another was out of this world. The way they connected and spoke to each other he'd a never thought that someone out in the world loved him the way April did or that he could have conversations like this with another person. He had thought that what they had was lost because he didn't know any better than what he did in his last relationship. But now both he and April had it all. What they had was better than the American dream.
"I'm just telling you how I feel. Last time I was on an island I was by myself dealing with a bunch of shit going on in my head and in my heart. It was so much going on that I had been dealing with and keeping to myself that the walls I built up came crashing down on me all at once. That was just a year ago. Now I'm sitting here on the beach in the Bahamas in between ya legs with an engagement ring on my ring finger confessing my love to you. Papi we done made a fuckin year together. We survived every bullet that came our way and now we're celebrating our one year anniversary let alone we're in the middle of planning our dream wedding. If someone had bet me a million dollars last year that this shit would be going down I'd a lost out on a million because I didn't see this shit coming at all" she said and paused as she looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful night. "We're not perfect to say the least but I'd do this shit over and over again if the outcome is this. If I had to live my life over for an eternity I'd find you each and every time because you are my person and I am head over hills in love with you" she said as she continued pouring out her heart and soul to him. She couldn't keep it to herself. She wanted him to know how she felt about him. She needed him to know that he was loved and special.
Dave smiled from ear to ear as he wrapped his arms around her. "I wonder if we'll have enough words to say when it's time for our vows" Dave joked but he absolutely loved this shit and he knew that no matter how many times they confessed their love to each other they'd still be able to have some bomb ass vows.
"Shush" April laughed and leaned into him some more feeling the warmth of his body as a light breeze came through.
"I can't lie. Ma I was just as miserable as you but you already know that. What did it for me was dropping by ya crib to talk to you once you came back from that very same trip and you slipped up and told a nigga you loved him. You told me you loved me ma. You loved me" he said and sighed himself. He thought he'd never hear those three words come out of her mouth and here they were one year in and still going strong and their love for each other blossomed every single day. Hearing those words had done something to him. They spoke to his soul. He never knew hearing the words I love you would hit so damn strong but it did.
April blushed and covered her face sort of embarrassed then uncovered it. "I so didn't mean for that shit to slip but I guess if it never slipped we probably wouldn't be here right now. Would we have met back up? I believe we would've but it probably would've taken much longer but hey players fuck up sometimes. I dropped the ball" she laughed. "When I imagined saying those three words to you I saw them coming out completely different and in a totally different way. I thought we'd be together when I said them"
Dave joined her laughing. "I don't care how you said it. I'm just glad you said it. I needed to hear it. You made my damn night ma. I walked into the studio super cheesy and the bros already knew what it was. From that point on I was determined to make it back home to you because you are my home. I'll admit I knew what we had was serious and when you gave me the out I ran because it couldn't be love. It just couldn't but it was. I'm man enough to admit that I was scared. I had fell fast and I had fell hard for you"
April laughed. "You definitely left cheesy I was just glad you seemed to finally wake up but that's neither here or there. We made it a damn year Papi" she said excited. With all the shit they had gone through they both knew it was only by the grace of God and their love for each other that they were still together because they both knew love just wasn't enough.
"We did ma and we got a lot of years ahead of us. You owe me a couple of forevers"
"That we do Papi that we do and trust I'll be here forever"
"I'm a let you know though I don't care how long we've been together or how old we get I still want to be able to have these moments with you where we just sit back and tell each other that we love one another. I don't ever want to get to a place in our relationship where we feel like we can't express ourselves to each other or we just assume that we feel a certain way instead of speaking up"
"Here for it" she said and kissed his arm. She wanted the same. She never wanted to go through a loveless or one sided relationship again.
"When ya old and gray I still want in"
"So what ya saying is you'll still love me when my hair turns gray" she asked jokingly.
"Ma like Musiq Soulchild said I'll still love you when ya hair turns gray and I'll still love you if you gain a lil weight. I'm here for it all but on another note I ain't want to tell you but you got a couple of grays in the back already" he said and laughed.
"See I was following along with you but then you had to come for me like I sent for you. I can't wait for the girls to grow up and see how long you last before you get gray hair" she said laughing. This is what she loved about them. They could have serious conversations and bam just like that they could be laughing and clowning each other all in the same breath.
"Ma you don't want that for me. My babies are gonna be angels so no gray hair for me" he said all confident.
April laughed. "Whatever you say you must not know bout we"
"We ain't it supposed to be me"
"Yup it is but you must've forgotten that our children are a part of us. See I was a good kid but I had my ways and you know how you are so yes we'll have angels to some extent but prepare for that gray hair" she said and laughed.
"Ma don't go there my girls are too precious for all the shit I well we done did"
"Boy I can't wait" April said in between laughing.
"Well wait because they got some time on their hands to still be my lil angels" he said not wanting to think about his little girls getting big and growing up. He didn't know how he'd deal with all of that. "Now back to us I wonder when you get old will you still be throwing that pussy back on me like you do now" he said really wondering what their sex life would be like once they got old and gray.
"And here we go just like that ya back to sex but hey as long as that dick still gets hard and those strokes are still hitting then I'm down for the cause. Besides the old folks at nursing homes still get it in so I know I'll be straight" she said laughing. "Speaking of that dick though I think we need to head back to the villa. Our night isn't over yet" she said thinking about the night she had planned for them. She had enjoyed the beautiful dinner set for two on the beach but now it was time to share a night full of love, lust, hunger, need, want, and passion. She just hoped everything was ready and set up.
"You ain't gotta tell me twice" Dave said and unwrapped his arms from around her, got up, scooped her up off the blanket with the quickness bridal style, and started making his way towards the villa all the while April just laughed.
"Papi the candles and our shoes I mean damn anxious are we" April said in between laughing as he turned back around and went back to the blanket, put her down, blew out the candles, and scooped her back up in his arms.
"So anxious now grab our shoes" he said. He was ready to get shit cracking. Dinner was over and now it was time for desert.
April couldn't do shit but keep laughing as he bent down with her still in his arms. She grabbed their shoes. As soon as she had them secured he was walking off and headed right to the villa. It didn't take them long to get there at all since they weren't that far away. Setting her down Dave looked at her and gave her a quick mug while he opened the front door to the villa. "Act like you know what's bout to go down" he said as he let her enter the house first.
"Ouuu sounds like you bout to put me back in the wheelchair" she said taunting him. She was looking for some punishment. She didn't mind spending their last day making love and sitting around the pool recouping. She could see them lounging around eating fruit, him drinking, her back on a water fast, relaxing her body in the hot tub, and just chilling.
"Be careful what you wish for. If I wheelchair ya ass ya gonna spend the last day here lounging around" he warned her as they made their way to the stairs. If she didn't know any better she would've sworn he was hearing her thoughts but that was the bond they had.
"Grant my wish Papi please besides I know you've been plotting on me. I don't mind spending the last day lounging around the pool but you gotta feed me fruit" she looked up at him and smirked.
Dave looked back at her and rubbed his hands together. Game time! "Granted ma now you know the drill" he said giving her the eye then looked towards the stairs. "Nice...and...slow"
April bit down on her bottom lip and made her way to the staircase and walked up each step nice and slow just like he wanted her to. Her ass swayed from left to right and from right to left while Dave eyed her every move in her flowing summer dress. Even with it flowing he could still make out her ass. "You like the view Papi" she asked.
"Do I" he said and licked his lips two seconds away from smacking her ass. He wanted to see that shit move and feel it against the palm of his hand as it shook.
April slowly approached the bedroom then slowly opened the door and took a peek inside. She couldn't help but smile. Yes Dave had the hook up but she had the hook up as well and it wouldn't be right if she didn't set the mood properly. Well in this case have someone set the mood for her. She slowly stepped inside and stepped to the side waiting for Dave to enter the room. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face.
Dave entered the room still focused on April and barely paying attention to his surroundings until he noticed lights flickering against the wall. "Oh shit aww shit" he said taking his eyes off April and finally taking in his surroundings.
April looked up at him and smiled. "I know our color is blue but they didn't have any. Either or I hope you like"
"Yea I had to bring the blue faux petals myself but ma how the hell or when the hell did you have time to do this" he said still looking around the room taking it all in. Of course he knew she hadn't done any of it but he was wondering when she had the time to make the calls and get the job done.
"Well I may or may not have my own hook up. I called the people in charge of the villa and had someone come set some shit up for you. I knew you had some shit planned but I also knew we wouldn't be out all night so I gave them a time, texted them when we were done with dinner, and they came and worked their magic" she replied as she took in the sight of the room as well. The room was dimly lit with red rose petals scattered around that started at the bedroom door then led to the bed with candles alongside them lighting the way to the bed like a makeshift walk way. On the bed more red rose petals were scattered on it as well as a bucket of ice with a bottle of Hennessy Pure White alongside some ready whip and plump fresh strawberries sat in the middle of the bed on a tray covered in more roses and rose petals. She wasn't much of a Henny drinker but tonight she was down to take a few shots. Henny hit different and everybody knew with Hennessy HENNY THING COULD HAPPEN.
"I love it ma" he said honestly. It was shit like this that made him go all out for her. She always made sure to add her own touches. The fact that she even took the initiative to do this was a plus for him. He wasn't expecting it. Sure having the room decorated was more so for her but he had to admit that he liked that shit too just as much as he did the first time around. It set the mood for what was about to go down. He appreciated shit like this. Here he was surprising her but she came through like always and surprised him as well.
April snuck off and headed to the bathroom while Dave was looking around to make sure that they had set everything up in there as well. She smiled seeing that they did. "I'm glad you love it Papi but there's more. Now let me help you out of these clothes" she said as she made her way back into the bedroom and stood right in front of him then made her way between his legs since he had made himself comfortable on the edge of the bed.
"Do ya thing" he said looking at her lustfully as April eye raped him herself enjoying the sight she saw in front of her. He was sitting down with his shirt open and tattoos on display.
April helped him out of his already opened shirt making sure to take her time peeling it off of him. "Stand up"
Dave stood up and watched her as she unbuttoned his pants, unzipped his zipper, and eased both his pants and his boxer briefs down until they were both at his ankles. He slipped his feet out of both while his dick sprung out on hard yet on its way to brick. Moments like these were moments where he tried his best to take mental footage of everything going on just so when he went back to that particular memory he could remember it all. Here he was getting undressed by his fiancé and enjoying the moment while she looked at him as if she was ready to devour him. He knew she did but she was holding out. The shit she did for him always made him feel like a king. She was the queen of the castle and he treated her as such and every queen needed a king and that's exactly what he was to her.
"Keep the jewelry on" she said then took off his watch letting him keep on the ice he had around his neck, his wrist, and on his pinky. She walked away and put his watch on the nightstand. "Come on Papi" she said this time with her hand held out for him. Dave happily grabbed her hand, followed her as she made a pit stop at the dresser, turned on their beats pill, and grabbed her phone. Usually they'd play the playlist off of Dave's phone but tonight she had a list dedicated just for this night. There was no need to skip or put it on shuffle the whole list was lit straight through.
Dave followed behind her inside the bathroom and looked at the bubble bath already set up for them and smiled. The only thing that was missing was their bodies inside of it. There were red rose petals floating on top of bubbles, the lights were dimly lit, and a few candles surrounding the outside of the tub and sink. He loved it. He stepped inside the tub and slowly eased inside. "Ma you stay tryna boil a nigga"
April laughed as she watched him ease inside the tub. "Sorry you can't blame me for the temperature tonight. It wasn't me"
"Whatever, tell that to my balls" he joked.
"I'll make it up to them I promise" she said as she watched him watch her as she slowly and teasingly slipped out of her dress then her matching strapless bra and panty set letting it drop to the floor and pool around her feet then joined him in the tub and sat on the opposite side of him so they could be face to face.
"Oh I know you will" he said not taking his eyes off of her. April just shook her head then leaned back and got comfortable. "I remember when I use to love hate getting in the tub with you" Dave said as he grabbed one of her feet and started massaging it.
April laughed. "What"
"I use to love hate getting in the tub with you" he repeated. "You'd be all booty butt naked and untouchable. It was torture. That ass had gotten some extra weight on it and those tits were sitting up looking all pouty" he confessed. Those were definitely good times but they had been pretty torturous times as well.
April shook her head and laughed. "Aww Papi don't you know we love torture. We both tortured each other but that's over with now. You can touch me all you like inside and out but ya gonna have to explain how the hell did my breast look pouty" she said and laughed. That was the first time she heard that. Lips pouty yes but breast nah.
He joined her. "We do and you damn right I can. For the rest of our lives I can touch you inside and out even when my baby boy finally gets planted. There's no stopping me. As far as those tits looking pouty it was more so me pouting on the inside. Those shits had gotten extra huge. They were sitting up just right and I knew I couldn't do what I do to them now because you were extra sensitive then. They still sitting over there looking all full and suckable" he said looking at her then down at her bubble covered breast.
April laughed. "I can't with you but ya right you can and as far as my tits let's just hope they continue to look this way after breastfeeding" she said and pouted but hey it was for a good cause so it is what it is.
"They will you always had some nice ass tigo bitties" he said sure of himself.
"I can't with you" she said as she gently ran her hands up and down his legs.
"And this time around I know if you come back from an island and start throwing up that that's all me" he said and smirked at her.
"No the fuck you didn't" she said laughing. "Low blow Papi low blow"
"I'm just saying if you come back home from this trip and ya throwing up then I know what it is. My baby boy has officially been planted" he joked but he'd honestly love for it to happen.
"Let me shut up. I feel like ya coming for me"
"Not just yet but I'm bout to come on you and inside you"
"Oh so it's bout to be a nasty ass night is what ya saying"
"Exactly that"
"Me likely nasty nights" she said and made her way over to him and climbed into his lap.
"Oh I know you do. So my question is are we still practicing or" he said and asked as he now held both of her ass cheeks in his hand and rubbed them up and down.
"Practice Papi practice makes perfect" she smirked and kissed him. She couldn't wait for the day where he would no longer have to ask her if they were practicing. She couldn't wait to see his face when she'd finally tell him that she was ready for baby number two. She knew that would be the ultimate present and one day he would have exactly what he wanted. "And since we're practicing there's a balcony with my name on it. I'd love to get fucked with that breeze hitting my back" she said and bit down on her bottom lip.
"It's bout to go down"
-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. Hit y'all with a cliffhanger 😂 I know. I'm working on the last part and hopefully it comes out the way I want it to. I'm sort of stuck because I don't want to do too much when I'm plotting on a specific scene to pull out all the tricks. I also need some inspiration because I keep starting and stopping and thinking too much into it 😩 Any, who...
-Dave is a whole ass romantic and I'm here for it. I love that side of him. I know I'm the author but I can't help but to Stan my babies I absolutely love their relationship and how they both go out for each other. Papi came through with dinner on the beach and April surprised that ass with a lil romantic setting of her own 😝
-A lot of y'all are waiting on the wedding and trust me I am too but I'm trying to give y'all all I can because the way I have the wedding in my head it's basically the book being almost over. No it won't end after the wedding but it's close to it 😢
-Suggestions 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you🥰
🛑If you're looking for something to read while you're waiting on me to update please feel free to check out my short story book A Dose of Me. I've recently posted up another Dave East short. Enjoy 🥰
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