29: 1 Year Anniversary/Baecation
Chapter 29: 1 Year Anniversary/Baecation
"I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything. And when we're together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you."
[Author Unknown]
Dave watched April walk away and out of their office with a little pep in her step and a smile on her face which only made him smile even more. He knew she was excited about their little getaway trip but she was also worried about Kairi. He really didn't want to leave Kairi after her panic attack but he had been planning this trip for a while now and it was paid in full. As much as he didn't want to leave her he also knew that between his parents and April's that Kairi would be just fine. Just like he knew once April finished packing she would dedicate the whole day to Kairi making sure that Kairi knew that she would be there for her like she always was. This just made him pissed all over again and pissed at himself because here was April cleaning up another mess that Millie had created. He was pissed that he had even started the whole argument to begin with and he was too stuck in his head to see that he had come at the wrong person and the one who he should've held all the hostility towards was nowhere in sight as usual. The only good thing about that is that he knew exactly where she was this time around.
Dave knew the first time April and Kairi met and with how their day had gone that they would have a bond like no other. They had been inseparable since day one. Just like the entire time April had been pregnant with Charlie and going through the motions never once had she pushed Kairi off to the side. She played her mother role to the T and never slacked off. If anything she made sure to give her more love and attention during that time because she didn't want her to think anything less. She didn't want her to think that just because she was having a baby that her love for her would change. Even while he was away on tour and April had to play both roles mother and father and was stressing her ass off because she didn't want to ask for help she always made sure the girls were good. They were not only her pride and joy but they were priority number one so he felt bad that the one day she had to herself that he made her feel like she didn't deserve it when she deserved more than a day. Let alone she'd be back to holding down the fort on her own by the end of next week.
He shook his head and leaned back further into his chair. He had stayed behind in the office just to get his mind right. He had issues but he didn't think they were that bad but today proved that they might not have been extreme but they were definitely bad. They both truly needed this trip to just focus on each other and with the way he showed his ass he planned on making this one of the best baecations/anniversaries ever because he knew he was also one foot in the doghouse as well. He was going to make sure that his woman forgot about their problems better yet his and enjoyed the hell out of their trip. His bag was already packed. He had gotten everything together last night.
Dave was hoping like hell that with the way he had just showed his ass that April wouldn't get stuck in her petty ways and torture him by not giving him any cheeks while they were on vacation. He knew he had some ass to kiss so he was willing to do all that he had to do to make sure that he was not only in her good graces but to ensure that he was getting some Grade A. They would be arriving early Sunday morning and leaving late Tuesday night. Their stay wouldn't be long at all and they wouldn't be able to do a lot of shit but he wanted to make sure that while they were out there that they enjoyed each other's company and at least get one outdoor activity in. He knew how she was about cars so he was plotting on an ATV excursion where they rode around touring the island.
An hour or so passed and Dave had finally left the office. He had stayed in the background for most of the day just watching April dote on the girls. They lied around and ate snacks, watched movies, played with Kairi's toys, and she even did her hair so it would last while they were gone so their parents wouldn't have to do it. Looking at her with Kairi he wouldn't even be mad that even after they talked it out that April read him for filth. He had seriously done way too much instead of just speaking his mind like he normally did.
Hours Later
"Ma you sure you got everything" Dave asked as he grabbed their luggage getting ready to take it downstairs while she slipped into a jogger set. Their driver would be arriving soon and their parents had already arrived and were already hanging out with the girls planning out their time together.
"Yup summer dresses like you requested, my necessities, sandals, bathing suits, and shades" she replied as she mentally checked the items off her list. She had made sure she had everything plus more just to be on the safe side.
"You got ya hair stuff" he questioned knowing she'd be pissed if she forgot her hair supplies.
"Body oils for my massages" he asked with his brow raised hoping she did and if not he was going to grab it himself.
April looked at him and chuckled. "Uh huh"
"Ma, don't be like that" he sighed. He really wanted a massage. He could already see her straddling his waist rubbing him down as they lied on the bed with the beach in perfect view while the ocean waves crashed and made some natural music. Just thinking about it he knew it was about to be a whole ass vibe.
"I have the oils" she said and laughed. "I packed everything but some lingerie. You said you'd handle that"
Dave looked at her and licked his lips. "I handled that while you were hanging out with my babies" he said. He had found a sexy ass black set. Shit made him wonder why she had never worn it and why was she holding out. She still had the price tags on it. Shit made him want to find out where she got it from and order more of the same set but in different colors. He was definitely going to make her model that shit for him. He didn't want the usual Victoria Secret he wanted that Savage X Fenty type of show and he knew she would give him exactly that.
April shook her head as she continued getting ready. "I bet you did. Do you have everything" she questioned.
"Yea I'm good and I double checked. Oh yea grab ya passport"
"Oop yes Papi take me out the country and get me another stamp. I'm on it" she said extra excited and with that Dave laughed as he walked out of their bedroom allowing her to finish getting ready while he took their luggage downstairs.
It wasn't much longer before they were saying goodbye to everyone, making sure that Kairi knew they were coming back and that she was good, and making their way to the airport. Finally on their private jet waiting for it to take off they sat buckled in and both excited. Just as April was about to ask him where they were going the pilot had let the cat out of the bag making April cheese and dance in her seat. She really couldn't wait now. She was really about to have some much needed fun in the sun.
"Ouuu so you do love me" she said excitedly looking over at him as he sat in the chair right next to her.
Dave couldn't help but smile seeing her excited. He knew she had traveled all over the world by now but to see her excited about traveling out the country with him did it for him. "Of course I do" he said and leaned over and kissed her lips. He wasn't about to get too carried away since they had security with them but once it was safe to move around he was taking her ass straight to the bedroom in the back. He was hoping like hell that she'd let him have some fun with her during their flight. They were going to be up in the air for five hours straight with no stops so they could definitely put those hours and the bedroom to good use. Dave was here for all the mile high fun he could get. He looked at her and devilishly smirked. April looked away from him laughing. She knew what it was.
"Why you turn away" he asked and chuckled.
"Because I know you and you got that look in ya eyes" she answered still not looking at him.
"What look" he questioned already knowing the answer. It was the same look every time he was up to no good when it involved her.
"The look"
"What look" he kept at it. Dave took his pointer finger and turned her head making her face him.
"You're tryna take me to the back" she said lowly.
Dave could care less if security heard them. They knew what it was. Besides uncle Ny-Reek wasn't with them so if security heard then so be it. They were all grown they knew what it was and just what type of time they were own.
"I mean why not. We'll be in the air for five hours and I'm tryna see how you get down in the mile high club" he said and rubbed his hands together on his Birdman shit...PLOTTING.
"I'm sure you'd like to know but Papi you've been a very bad boy so why should I treat you" she shot back and smirked at him.
"I have so let me make it up to you"
"I'll think bout it" she chuckled and looked away from him once again.
"Ma I dicked you down in the shower yesterday and yea it was good as always but I know you need more than a taste. So let me lay you down on that bed and give it to you nice and slow" he whispered in her ear making her body shiver.
April bit down on her bottom lip and crossed her legs tight. "I didn't know I was on a flight with the great U.S.H.E.R" she said and laughed.
Dave mugged her. He knew what she was doing. She was going to make him work for it. "Just think five hours in the sky, a few days on an island, and once we're back home I'll be busy on daddy and Pops duty. Right now this dick is all yours with no interruptions. No phone calls, no kids, no nothing just me, you, and this dick"
"I mean when you say it like that you do have a point. A whole month without a good dosage of vitamin D ain't it but I'll be fine if you let me mold it" she looked at him ready to burst out laughing at any moment. Hell yea she was still trying to get a mold of him.
Dave mugged the hell out of her. She mind as well toss that whole idea in the trash. Far as he was concerned she didn't need to bring this subject up again. "We've discussed this already and the answer is still no and will remain no. I got the best and only toy you will ever need" he said and grabbed himself. Luckily security was sitting behind them and honestly they weren't even paying them any attention. They had five hours to sit back and chill.
"This bout to be one long ass month" she said pouting and seconds away from whining. She didn't want to think about him leaving but the sad reality was that he'd be gone before she knew it and no matter how hard she was trying to save face she just wasn't ready for his departure.
"Then let me help you get ready for this drought" he said knowing just like she was going to miss out on the dick he was going to miss out on that grade A. "We're gonna need it"
"I guess ya right" she said and shrugged acting like it was no big deal like she wasn't that bothered.
Dave sat back and chuckled as their jet finally took off. He knew damn well if he hadn't fucked up he wouldn't have to work this hard. But hey he made his bed so he had to lie in it. That also didn't mean he was about to quit either. He knew she was hot and bothered by all the good shit he was whispering in her ear and the way she was squirming in her seat he knew it wouldn't take too much longer to make her crack and get exactly what he wanted.
"You've been a bad boy though so I don't think you deserve all this loving" she said and ran her hands over her body.
"After what happened I don't deserve it but I'll spend every day on this trip making it up to you in each and every way possible" he said it and he meant it. He was willing to put in the work.
April looked down at her nails then looked over at him. "Oh I know but um first things first can I ride that face" she said and asked then licked her lips seductively. There was no way in hell that she wasn't going to test out that dick and get her mile high club card back. Let alone she had him all to herself on their private jet with no interruptions. Shit she planned to ride the fuck out of that face and dick to the moon and back until her ass was seeing shooting stars.
"Say less" he said and unbuckled his seatbelt and eagerly unbuckled hers as well making her laugh.
"Down boy"
"Shittttt" he dragged as he got up out of his seat and scooped her out of her chair and headed straight to the back of the jet. Security didn't even look their way. He already knew that they already knew what was about to go down. As soon as they reached the bedroom he placed April down on the ground, opened the door, and made sure she walked ahead of him so he of course could watch her ass jiggle in her joggers then closed the door behind them and leaned against it. He took a minute to look around the room and nodded in approval. It would definitely fit the bill. This wasn't his first time in the jet's bedroom but he appreciated how she kept her shit looking. She spared no expense to get it to look the way that it did.
April took off her slides and came out of her hoodie. "You might want to grab the do not disturb sign Papi" she looked over at him lustfully as she got in the bed. Dave tilted his head to the side ready to question what she needed a do not disturb sign for. Before he could even get in his head he stopped himself right along with April. It wasn't worth it nor necessary. Besides what she did before him was none of his concern. "Aht, aht I'm a business woman Papi. I'm used to being up in the sky for hours at a time traveling back and forth. Sometimes I need my beauty sleep without being interrupted. So let's not go there" April said not here for him to fuck up the mood and end up crapping all over their baecation and anniversary. It was their first one and she just wanted to enjoy it without any unnecessary drama.
Dave chuckled. "I'm good over here"
"Good now either ya gonna stay posted up against the door or come show me a good time" she said as she leaned back on her elbows ready and waiting as she kept her eyes locked on him. Dave's eyes frantically scanned the room looking for the sign. April laughed. "Papi it's on the door"
"I knew that" he said as he saw the sign hanging on the doorknob then opened the door and placed the sign on the outside of the doorknob then closed it back and locked it.
"Now can I please have a seat" she said as she wiggled out of her joggers and panties altogether. She was ready.
Dave slipped both his hoodie and t-shirt over his head and tossed them across the bedroom not caring where they landed.
"You might want to remove ya beater too Papi. You know I can be quite a squirter at times" she said. Dave smirked and removed his wife beater and made his way to the foot of the bed looking her over. He loved what he saw in front of him. Yet he didn't say one word. He didn't have to. What he wanted to do to her was written all over his face.
"Hmm like I said you've been a very bad boy and I hate to reward bad behavior but I feel like having some fun so remove those sweats and briefs and show me all that dick. After that I want you to join me on the bed but with your head at the foot of the bed. I'm feeling a lil frisky so while I'm riding that seat you call a face I want to suck on that dick while I'm staring at the clouds" she said and smirked then bit down on her bottom lip.
"You ain't gotta tell me twice" Dave said as he came out the rest of his clothes with the quickness and got into position then stuck his tongue out ready to start lapping from his honey fountain.
"Good boy" April said and winked at him as she stood on her knees and removed her shirt and bra and tossed them across the room before getting into position.
"Guess we're playing the quiet game again" Dave said looking at her pussy starring back at him as she now hovered over his face. That pussy was looking good. It was freshly trimmed, smelled fresh, and looked damn right edible.
"I mean you can turn the TV on or put that playlist to use but that's all up to you" April said not caring if they had background noise or not. She was here for the thrill.
"Quiet game it is. Let's see if you got better than the last time we had to play it" he said and chuckled then took his tongue and tapped it against her pussy. As soon as his tongue came in contact with her pussy she lowly moaned in anticipation ready for him to attack. If he was going to eat it she wanted him to feast on it. Lick it up, tap it, slurp it, and suck it up.
April hungrily licked her lips watching Dave's dick standing tall and on hard. Placing her hands on his thighs she blew the head of his dick making him shiver. April smirked then wrapped her mouth around his head and slowly bobbed her head up and down just paying attention to the head and the head alone. She knew that if she kept playing he was going to try to feed inch after inch of him in her mouth but she felt like playing with him until he couldn't help himself. She wanted him to fuck her face and try his best to make her gag. Make it nasty. While Dave on the other hand took his hands and palmed the shit out of her ass and feasted upon her. He hungrily licked on each of her lips then slid his tongue between them parting them with ease. He knew all he had to do was touch the right spot and April would be bouncing all over his face and sucking him off like a caramel apple lollipop. He wanted her to try to suck the color off his shit. He moved his tongue around her pussy in the figure eight motion making sure he added pressure every time his tongue came in contact with her now swollen clit. It seemed as if as soon as he touched her clit it hardened.
"Shit" April moaned and placed her hand at the base of his dick and took him all the way in until her mouth met her hand. Head bobbing up and down she twirled her tongue around his dick making his legs twitch. She removed her hand and swallowed him whole until he was in the back of her throat. Spit collecting in her mouth and spilling out the sides she sucked in her cheeks trying to squeeze him for dear life.
"Shitttttt ma" Dave dragged and groaned as his toes curled in his socks. She of course was trying to come for his soul early as usual. She'd have it no other way while and he hadn't even made her sprinkle yet and her juices had only begun to drip.
He smacked her ass making her lowly moan once again and went in. He removed his hands and spread her lips wide and attacked her clit as her juices now coated his lips getting wetter by the second. He wanted that shit to leak.
"Pamhmmpi" she mumbled with his dick still in her mouth. Luckily he knew exactly what she was saying because she sound like she had speech impediment. That dick was lodged so deep in her mouth he could give two fucks what she said.
Removing him from her mouth she stared at his dick mesmerized before attacking and licking all over his head like a melting fudge Popsicle. Pre cum seeped out of the head mixing with her spit and even though it was just a droplet she still took the time to appreciate and swallow the little droplet because wasting is what she didn't do. Taking both of her hands and wrapping them around his dick she squeezed and twisted it left and right as she sucked on his head. Every now and then she grazed her teeth along it like he liked making sure she pleased him all. She wanted him to feel everything. Sure she wanted to make him pay for what he pulled earlier but right about now she wanted to have fun with her Papi and pleasing him always pleased her. Getting him off made her gush. So right now in her eyes it was a fair trade.
Dave tried his best to let her do her thing because she did it well but he couldn't help himself. He thrusted his hips up and down trying to fuck her mouth. He wanted to feel it all. He wanted to feel her warm mouth filled with saliva wrapped around him and squeezing and sucking him off. He wanted it all as he ate his favorite slice of cake like it was the last slice. He wanted to get her off just as bad as she wanted to get him off.
"Just like that Papi just...like...that" April lowly moaned as she grinded her pussy all in his face then went back to pleasing him. Freeing one of her hands she reached down and grabbed his balls and gave them a massage. She knew sucking his dick and massaging his balls always made him bust faster and she loved to see him squirming and fidgeting underneath her. She felt like she had power over his body and she loved it.
"Ma I'm bout to bust" Dave panted feeling himself about to come undone. It was his first nut of the day so he wanted to give it to her just right. "Get up and stand on ya knees" he commanded her giving her that daddy bass that she loved in the bedroom. That bass mixed with his already sexy Harlem accent mixed with the voice of a soldier had her ready to obey every single command that he gave her. Taking her eyes off the night sky she rose off him and did exactly as he said. On her knees with spit covering the bottom portion of her face dripping down her chin she looked up at him already knowing what was next. April opened her mouth wide as she watched Dave get out of the bed and stand at the edge with his dick in his hand stroking himself with his eyes dancing all over her body. "Good girl" he kept his eyes glued on her then bent down, grabbed her neck, and kissed her hungrily spit and all.
"Yummy" April said tasting her juices all over his tongue and lips. They were saturated on him.
Dave pulled back still stroking himself. "Always now open wide" he said as his body slightly jerked forward. April did as she was told with her tongue hanging out her mouth and stood there ready and waiting for him to feed her as she watched him steadily bringing himself closer to the edge. He bit down on his bottom lip and balled his toes as his cum shot out and sprayed her mouth filling it with his kids and splashing against her cheek. "Fuckkkk" he dragged loudly looking at her swallow everything he fed her while still gripping himself as heat flooded his body. She swatted his hand away then wrapped her hand around his dick then wrapped her mouth around the head, swallowed him whole making him shake, then slowly made her way down the shaft of his dick then back to his head and sucked on it until she got every last drop out not caring how sensitive he was. Once she was done and satisfied she removed her hand, licked her lips, and wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand.
"Ahhhh" she said with her mouth open wide showing him that she had swallowed it all like always. "Wait I think I missed a spot" she said as she wiped away the droplet that had landed on her cheek with her finger then sucked it off.
"See it's shit like this that have me acting the way I do" he said smirking at her then joined her back on the bed.
"Oh you mean all jealous, over protective, and possessive" she said and laughed as she watched him lay down beside her.
"All of thee above but you forgot bout planting that seed. Now get that ass back over here. I need to make you wet the bed" he said and stuck his tongue out. He had to get her right. At this point they could care less who the hell heard them. Of course they were still playing the quiet game but if someone just so happened to hear a little moan or two slip then oh well. If they had a problem and didn't want to hear Dave drinking her up and slapping her ass cheeks they could pop in some headphones and continue to mind their business.
"I'm a tell you now it definitely won't take much Papi" she said and squatted over his face ready to take a seat on her favorite chair so he could finish her off.
"I don't give a fuck how long it takes just feed me"
"Oop" she said and took a seat all on that sexy ass face and patchy ass beard of his. "Shit" she said as soon as his tongue came in contact with her sensitive parts. Dave grabbed each of her ass cheeks and went right back to work eating her up like he never left straight eating her like he hadn't been fed all day. Papi was thirsting for those sweet juices. "Mhmm" she moaned trying to keep her eyes on the night sky as they flew to their destination. It was dark out, the clouds looked touchable, and her man was feasting on her. It was a whole ass vibe better yet a mood and the perfect way to get her mile high card reinstated because this wasn't her first time at the rodeo and wouldn't be her last.
Juices dripping and pussy clinching around his tongue Dave guided her up and down lapping her up. "Right there Papi right there" she said feeling him hitting her spot. Reaching for his hair and grabbing a few of his box braids her head dropped and eyes closed as she felt herself about to erupt. Dave picked up speed and started massaging and kneading her ass as she now took the lead and rode his face. "Fuck" she moaned then bit down on her bottom lip as her pussy quivered around his tongue and spasmed like an erratic heartbeat. Her pussy was thumping. "Don't stop Papi...don't stop...please don't stop" she begged and started winding her hips against him trying to smother his face with her pussy and her juices.
Dave didn't let up he stayed there and let her use him just like she wanted. He knew any minute that she was about to open the floodgates and he couldn't wait to get a drink. He was thirsty and the only way to quench his thirst was getting a drink straight from the source.
"Oh God oh God" she panted as her body got hot and let loose raining all over his sexy ass face. Dave drunk all that he could trying to drink her dry but it wasn't possible. After the floodgates rained upon him her pussy was still leaking juice. April squirmed and fidgeted in his hands trying to get away and just catch her breath but Dave continued getting his fix. Just like she didn't care about how his dick was still sensitive after busting he damn sure didn't care about her sensitivity.
"Papi" she moaned and rested her head against the window tapped out and out of breath.
"Almost done" he spoke into her pussy causing April's legs to shake. "Done" he said feeling satisfied and full.
"Whew" April said and slowly climbed off of his face and laid beside him panting and shivering in aftershock. He had eaten her up.
"Don't get too comfortable I still need to get my dick wet properly" he said as he turned on his side looking at her. He hadn't even wiped the juice from his face and lips yet and was still craving for more.
"Papi I'm tired" she said and yawned as she moved closer to him and cuddle him.
"Then it's only right that I put you to sleep the right way" he said as he caressed her body. He knew she was actually tired though. Not only had she come home early morning but she got up to feed Charlie a few hours later, then she was up cooking breakfast, and the rest of the day until it was time for them to leave she had spent with the girls. So he was going to let her sleep but not before getting them both right. Although the head was bomb as usual it wasn't cutting it this time around. He wanted and needed more. With tour quickly approaching and his break almost over he was going to get him some grade A whenever he had the chance and right now he definitely had the chance.
"Uh huh" she said and yawned. She was tired and the way Dave had eaten her up all she wanted to do was go to sleep.
"Nope don't close ya eyes on me now" Dave said and quickly made his way on top of her causing her to giggle. His ass was never satisfied when it came to her goods. If he could get it all day everyday he would. She knew off bat that he could go at least three times a day and if she let him he'd go for more. He had a strong sexual appetite and he was just like her.
"Papi" she laughed at his eagerness.
"You know what type of time I'm on" he said as he used his knee to open her legs. He had been ready to start a round.
"Do you Papi" she looked up at him and wiped his face off as best as she could.
"Heard ju" he said while he grabbed his dick and slid inside of her wet folds with ease. With her pussy still coated and juiced up there wasn't a hint of resistance. It happily welcomed him and hugged him tight.
"Fuck" they said in unison as Dave buried his face in her neck and April spread her legs wider giving him an all access pass to beat her shit down.
"Thank you ma keep them open just like that" he said as he slowly thrusted himself in and out of her enjoying the feel of her. April kept her legs open letting him have his way with her. Normally she wasn't here for the slow sessions. She liked to fuck and feel it all but with them being high up in the night sky flying through the clouds and somewhat close to the stars she didn't mind him taking his time. Even with them sneaking around it still felt special. It was a first for them well in the mile high club anyway.
"Shit oh God" April said and repeated over and over again as he toyed and hit her spot like the expert he is.
"You like that shit ma" he asked as he took her left leg in his hand and pushed it as far as it could go not only stretching her limbs but stretching her pussy at the same time. Shit felt good.
"Yes Papi yes" she said as she slowly fucked him back winding her hips round and round while clinching around him.
Dave bit down on her neck trying to keep himself together and suppress his moans. He didn't need niggas to know that his woman had the kind of pussy that made a nigga moan especially with the way April made him moan. He was about ready to say fuck everyone aboard the flight and go in for the kill but he knew with the way they went down they would really be putting on a show for everyone. April wrapped her arms around him and scratched at his back feeling him hitting all the right spots at just the right angle.
"Ouu Papi you tryna make me tap out" she said breathlessly as her body shivered underneath his and if she wasn't busy scratching at his back her arms would be flailing and flapping around carelessly in the air.
"How quiet can you be" he asked as he picked up speed stroking in and out of her making her juices sound off. He wanted to beat her shit up for the one time and ram that shit so deep inside that it filled her up to the hilt.
"I...I...I can be quiet Papi" she stuttered. She knew he was about to break her down just how she loved and if she needed to be put on mute in order for him to strike that spot just right then she'd try her damn hardest to do so. Shit he was already fucking her deep but she knew he could go deeper. He was holding off so they wouldn't make too much noise but with each stroke April could care less and less.
"Good girl now open wider" he said as he removed his face from her neck then looked down at her watching her love faces as he fucked her good. Sweat glistening his body not in full beads just a light sheen he watched his woman in amazement as she took her hands, placed them right below her knees, and opened her legs as wide as she could at the moment. She didn't want to spread them too wide just yet. She was keeping some tricks in her bag for their wedding night. But nonetheless she had them opened wide enough. "See when you do shit like this I be ready to make you my baby mama" he groaned. Her pussy felt too damn good.
April looked up at him and smiled. She wasn't going to knock him for his baby fever especially not after the conversation she had with the girls. "Get ya practice in Papi and fuck me just how I like it" she said seductively. If he thought this was it he had another thing coming on their wedding night when she pulled out her ultimate weapon.
"See" he shook his head, leaned down flush to her body, wrapped his arms around her head, and gripped her head in his hands then started beating her shit all out of the frame as if he was finally getting to plant that special seed.
"Mhmm sss" April moaned and hissed for dear life feeling him stretching her out and hitting her spot each and every time that he thrusted inside of her. "Papi" she moaned out his name in pure pleasure ready to spell it out loving the way he felt inside of her. It was a feeling she never wanted to forget or miss out on. She cherished it way too much. She craved it. She fiend it...
"I love it when you let me fuck" he said then kissed her lips. "Shit let go" he said feeling her pussy clinching down on him tight.
"I can't" April she panting as her pussy held him in a death grip. She was clinging onto him.
"Shit ya gonna make me nut ma" he said and moaned into her lips.
"Paint em" she said already knowing he knew exactly what she meant. She wanted him to paint all over her damn walls. Shit she was about to bust her damn self so if they could do it together it was even better.
"Say less" Dave said as he increased his speed and started fucking her good and hard giving her long deep strokes making sure he hit her spot each and every time with precision. Their bodies lightly danced across the bed, sweat now glistened both of their bodies, and April's wet sticky and plentiful juices stretched and pulled as they gave each other their all.
"Shitttttt" they moaned together in pure ecstasy as they climaxed together.
"I love it when you do me like that" she said in between panting and shaking as she finally let go of her legs letting his warm seeds swim around freely.
"And I love it when you let me do you like that" he said and kissed her then took his time pulling out before he rolled off of her trying to catch his breath.
"Always" she said and yawned. She was done.
"Go to sleep ma" he leaned over and kissed her forehead watching her eyes struggle to stay open. "Rocked that ass to sleep" he said to himself and smirked proudly.
"Mhmm booty rub" she said and got comfortable. She was going to let him talk his shit all he wanted because she already knew what would go down the next time they had sex. She was good for making him tap out too.
Dave laughed at her then got out of bed. "I gotchu ma" he said then placed the blanket over her naked body. He slipped on his sweats and made his way out the room and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. Getting himself together as best as he could since it wasn't a full bathroom he grabbed a fresh wash cloth, ran it under the water, rung it out, and exited the bathroom and went right back into the bedroom making sure to close the door behind him. By now April was knocked out cold. He made his way to the bed, wiped off her face, removed the covers, wiped of her pussy off as best he could, and covered her back up. After cleaning her up Dave made his way back out the bedroom, to the bathroom, rinsed off the rag, rung it out, and placed it in the little hamper they had inside the bathroom. Once he was done he made his way back into the bedroom, closed the door, hopped back in bed, laid up under April, and started rubbing her butt while he waited for sleep to creep up on him as well. They had a few more hours left so he figured getting a little shut eye would be best.
"Hey Papi it's time to get up. We need to go back to our seats and strap in. We'll be landing soon" April said as she tapped a sleeping Dave and yawned. She was still tired herself but excited that they were finally about to land. She couldn't wait to see what he had in store for them.
"Mhmm" he said along with something else she couldn't understand as he continued to lie there and sleep.
"Time to get up Papi" she said and shook him a bit.
"I'm up ma" he sleepily mumbled as he slowly opened his eyes looking up at her. She looked like she had been up for a while now.
"Ok" she said as she watched him stretch and yawn then get up. She knew not to walk out and leave it to him to get up because he would do the same thing Kairi did when she was sleepy. Meaning as soon as April would walk out the room her little ass would go right back to sleep. Luckily it didn't take much longer to get himself together. The excitement of having her all to himself had set back in so he was on go. He hopped out of bed, stretched again, and slipped into the rest of his clothing and kicks. Looking over at April he could tell that she had gone and freshened herself up a little more and she was ready to go.
"Come on ma" he said with his hand out towards her. April grabbed his hand and they made it out of the bedroom, back to their seats, and strapped themselves in. Not long after the jet was landing.
"Ladies and gents welcome to Nassau Bahamas" the pilot excitedly said. April knew he wasn't going anywhere. He was going to stay in the Bahamas until it was time for her and Dave to leave.
Dave and April looked at each other and cheesed. The festivities had officially begun. Not too much longer after landing April, Dave, and their security team were making their way to baggage claim, grabbing their bags in the not so crowded airport, getting their passports stamped, hopping into their rental cars, and making their way to their destination and they couldn't wait. By now it was two something in the morning and they couldn't wait to get to the place that would be their home for the next few days.
"Ouu Papi we're staying in a villa" April said still hype as they pulled up to the property knowing it was about to go all the way down. She figured they would be staying at a resort since they were only staying but so long but nope. She should've known he had something up his sleeve and she knew just what was coming her way. He had some work to do and some ass to kiss so if a wheelchair session was coming her way then sign her up and make her appointment for the night before they left because she wanted to enjoy their time together in the Bahamas without needing any wheelchair assistance. Let alone she knew she had racked up one wheelchair session that she knew of for sure so it was definitely coming.
"Yea I didn't feel like dealing with another noise complaint and you know how we be when we don't have to worry bout noise or waking the kids" he said and glanced over at her smirking then focused back on the road so he could park the car. He had been plotting on these sessions ever since he had gotten home from tour and knew this would be the perfect opportunity for such a session. It was about to be session after session after session. He just hoped that she was ready for what was about to go down.
April laughed and could've sworn she heard some snickering but she didn't care. She just laughed it off. Everybody out of their vehicles with their luggage in tow they finally made it inside the villa after Dave unlocked the doors. As usual security went ahead first to scope of the villa to make sure the location was secure. While they checked their surroundings April and Dave stood by the door patiently waiting with April hugged up in his arms engulfed in his scent as it lingered on the both of them. She was covered in him...literally.
"Thank you Papi" April looked up at him smiling happy that he had taken the initiative and planned a legit baecation and one year anniversary trip. She didn't think he would go all out. She just figured it would be another date night but he had come through and surprised her. She low key needed this trip and not just because it was a baecation or even their anniversary. She needed it to relax, unwind, let her hair loose, get her mind right, and get ready for full time momma duty that was waiting for her just around the corner. April also made a mental note to step up her game because as of lately Dave seemed to be planning all of their dates and although she had a little surprise for him coming up months down the line she needed to get on her shit. Papi needed a little spoiling of his own and she was going to make it happen starting with their anniversary.
"No problem ma. I told you I had everything covered" he said smiling down at her happy that he could make this trip possible.
"Ok Boss everything is secure" one of the guards said looking over at April and Dave.
"Bet" Dave and April said in unison. They left their luggage at the door and went in search for the best bedroom in the villa. They searched room after room until they found the perfect one. "Found it" they said together looking at one another cheesing. Oh it was about to be a whole ass lituation for the next few days. The bedroom was huge, had an ocean view, a balcony, and was just a whole vibe. It fit their whole mood for their trip. It was modern, had a luxurious feel to it, had an airiness to it, and yet it still felt homely. April knew that the crew would've loved it. She could see them all chilling which made her jot down another mental note to plan a little vacation for them all. She felt like they all deserved and needed a vacation shit their parents and children included. They could have their first family vacation.
"Stay here I'm a go get our luggage" Dave said while April continued checking out the room.
"I'll join you I'm type thirsty" she said. They hadn't really drank or eaten anything during their flight since they were preoccupied with each other.
"Aight come on the fridge should be stocked"
"Yessss I hope you told them to get some fruit" she said as they walked out of the bedroom.
Dave looked at her and laughed. "Who would I be if I didn't? I gotta keep you eating those pineapples and I had to make sure I had shit for my smoothies"
"Papi" she said laughing then shook her head at him. "Ole nasty ass"
"I'm just saying just know that I made sure we're good while we're out here"
"Oop ok Papi" she said as they continued on their way back downstairs. While Dave grabbed their luggage April made a B-line to the kitchen and turned on the lights. "Yea we're gonna have to come back with the crew" she said to herself as she looked around the spacious kitchen. Everyone would definitely be able to stay in the same spot. It really wasn't so much about the house because her family had definitely stayed in some nice spots but the vibe and the energy in the place they were in felt good. It felt refreshing. She opened the fridge to see it fully stocked just like Dave had said. She grabbed a bottle of water, opened it, and damn near killed the bottle. Yea she was thirsty. Only thing she had drunk was Dave and as much as he quenched her thirst she needed this.
"Is it stocked ma" Dave hollered.
"Yes Papi" she replied as she closed the door and met back up with him. She knew she was coming back down to make herself a fruit salad once they got showered and settled in. She knew the fruits were fresh and were going to be ripe.
"Bet" he said as they walked back upstairs to their bedroom. He placed their luggage down and closed the door behind him.
April walked off and made her way inside the bathroom, turned on the light, then headed straight for the shower and turned it on. She couldn't wait for the hot water to hit her body. "Papi come up outta those clothes. I need a shower and I don't plan on taking it alone" she said already knowing that he was going to join her anyway. Wasn't shit different about the day joining her in the shower was what he did on the regular and since they were alone there wasn't anything or anyone stopping him from doing so.
"Say less...you think you can whip something up to eat a nigga type hungry" he said and rubbed his stomach. He had been so hungry for something else that he hadn't even glanced at any food on the jet. Let alone they had the do not disturb sign out on the door so if it was food being served they damn sure missed it but he didn't care. The cake he was devouring was better than anything the jet had to offer. It was one of a kind.
April laughed as she came out of her clothes. "Yes Papi I was already plotting on getting some fruit anyway"
"Bet, I want more than fruit though"
"Papi I'll make sure you're well fed" she promised. She knew he needed more than fruit and she was going to make sure that he was all the way good.
They really didn't do too much they were pretty much ready to just eat, chill, get comfortable, and take it down since they were still tired from the day they had and the flight they had just been on. Jetlag was definitely setting in. They showered together, slipped into some house wear which April made sure she had packed her sexy shit. There was no way in hell that she'd be on a trip with her man wearing his shirt or her house pajamas so she pulled out her special shit. They ate something quick and light, made their way back to the bedroom, and took it down for the night.
-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. I know y'all have been waiting for a little minute but I was struggling to get my words on paper but nonetheless here's part 1 and I'm currently working on part 2 😊
-Baecation and their 1 year anniversary has officially arrived. It's about to go down 😝
-I really don't have much to say I just hope y'all enjoyed the lil mile high club scene 😉
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑If you are looking for something to read while you're waiting on me to update check out my short story book A Dose of Me. So far there's a few Dave East shorts & a Trey Songz short. I also just updated it a few days ago and I'm currently working on a part 3 to my latest short. But nonetheless enjoy 🥰
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