29.1: 1 Year Anniversary/Baecation
29.1: 1 Year Anniversary/Baecation cont...
April woke up from stirring in her sleep a few hours later and woke Dave up in the process. It was 6:30am on the dot once again meaning it was time to go feed and change Charlie. Dave sleepily looked over at her and lightly chuckled knowing what time it was himself. Even with her being miles away she was still going through the motions but he was used to it. It was their early morning routine.
"Relax ma go back to sleep. We're on vacation" he said reminding her that they weren't home and pulled her closer to him and started rubbing on her butt to help her go back to sleep.
"Can't help it my body knows what time it is" she said sleepily then buried herself deeper into Dave as usual. If she could sleep in his body she probably would. It didn't take much for her to go back to sleep let alone Dave. He was right behind her. A butt rub always did the trick.
Dave yawned and stretched as he woke up to an empty bed. Hours had passed since they had arrived in Nassau and he felt like he had got enough sleep to officially start his day. Realizing that he had woken up alone it didn't bother him much like it would when he was at home. Normally he'd be on point with April trying to get out of bed. He'd try his best to keep her in bed beside him for a little while longer but he knew she was taking in the beauty they were surrounded by. Getting up and going to his luggage he opened it up and grabbed his toothbrush then headed to the bathroom. Doing his usual routine he finished up in the bathroom and went in search of April which didn't take him long at all. He found her standing out on the balcony.
Making his way to the balcony connected to their bedroom he saw the doors open and the sheer orange curtains swaying back and forth in the wind as April's silhouette danced in front of him. She was standing there in an orange floral print silk robe that stopped at her thighs looking like she herself was a part of the beautiful island. He just had to step back and just look at her in awe. Not even seeing her face and only her back side she was still beautiful. Her shape, her curves, her chocolate legs, and even her curly hair held together in a pineapple were enough to make him say damn as he admired part of her beauty that was her body. He knew that she knew he was watching her. She always knew when his eyes were on her. She always felt his presence and hey there was nothing wrong with checking out his woman and appreciating what was in front of him. For him it was a sight to see and he was happy to see it each and every day. Finally taking a few steps towards her he joined her out on the balcony and took a deep breath taking in the beauties in front of him...his beautiful fiancé and the beautiful island. Walking up on her he wrapped his arms around her waist feeling both the warmth of the island sun and her body dancing all over his skin. It was warm and inviting so he happily embraced them both.
"Morning Papi" she said as she looked away from her phone and looked over her shoulder with her plush lips poked out for a kiss. This is how he liked his mornings. There was no tension looming in the air and she was ready and waiting for their morning kiss.
"Good morning ma" he smiled, leaned down, and kissed her awaiting lips tasting her vanilla bean lip balm on her soft plush lips.
"Daddyyyyy" he heard Kairi's voice booming through her phone.
"Is that my Lil Butt" Dave said all excited and happy to hear her voice. He should've known April was out here talking to her. Just because they were on a little baecation didn't mean that she wasn't going to take the time out and check on the girls and with what had happened to Kairi the other day he knew April was going to be all over it. That's what he loved about her. She wasn't going to brush her off or act as if what Kairi experienced was minor. It was just as important to her as it was to him.
"Yessss" Kairi dragged just as excited causing both April and Dave to laugh. Dave was happy that she sound like she was in better spirits and that's all he could ask for.
"Here you go Love Bug has been asking bout you" April said and passed him her phone.
"Lil Butt you were looking for daddy" Dave asked while looking at his baby all smiles this morning which made him smile even brighter and took away the little ache he had in his chest. This is the face he was used to seeing. Of course April had her on FaceTime. That's what they all did. Why have FaceTime and not use it?!
"Yesssssss" she dragged cheesing.
"Good morning Lil Butt"
"Good morning daddy" she said still cheesing. The smile she had on her face no one could take away. He knew by the way she was acting and how she sounded that she had a good and peaceful night.
"How did you sleep" he asked looking at his twin. Some days she favored her mother but most days she looked just like him. She was a whole little mood. She was literally his mini me from her looks to her mug all the way down to his moods. She was his carbon copy just in a form of a little girl.
"Good me and baby sis and grandma and nana had a sleepover" she replied still excited as her eyes lit up.
"Niceeee did you have fun" he asked seeing the excitement written all over her face. He knew she would be good in their parent's care. He had told them about her panic attack when they had first arrived so he knew that they would do whatever they could to make sure she was good. She was in good hands.
"Yessssss we watched movies, made chocolate chip cookies, and went outside and played basketball with grandpa and papa" she replied and April shook her head. Of course their fathers had been serious about the whole basketball thing and the fact that they had a basketball court at their house didn't make it any better. She knew they were going to get some use out of it.
Dave chuckled. "I'm glad you had fun Lil Butt. Where ya sister at" he said and asked as April looked off towards the beach with a smile on her face and wind blowing her hair looking like a scene in a movie. The look on her face spoke happiness and contentment.
"With grandpa and papa" she answered and pointed the phone at the two grown men crumbling in front Charlie. Dave laughed watching them entertaining her and her just a smiling and laughing at them. Triple B had all of them wrapped around her little fingers just like all the girls in their family. At this point they were all spoiled. He also knew that whatever Kairi wanted to do they were going to make it happen. They'd do anything to keep that precious smile on her face.
Dave and April talked to Kairi and Charlie a little while longer before hanging up. Now with momma and daddy duties out of the way it was time to officially start their day and focus on each other.
"I think when we get back I'm a take Lil Butt out on a date. You know a lil one on one daddy daughter time" Dave said as he looked off towards the beach.
"Aww Papi you know she'd love that. I think it would be good to keep up with y'all dates. It's just been y'all two for so long and now things are changing around her. You know me, the baby, and we'll be seeing more of Royalty. So I think she'd like to have some daddy daughter time"
"That's true I just don't want anyone to think I'm excluded my baby girl when we have more than one child now" he said a little concerned because he didn't want it to seem like one was more important than the other. They were all equal in his eyes and he loved them just the same.
"Papi I promise you're good. Yes we have more than one child now but that doesn't mean you're singling Charlie out. There's nothing wrong with taking my Love Bug on a daddy daughter date with just the two of y'all. They can all go together and they can go separately. As they grow they'll be interested in certain things that the other one isn't so one on one daddy daughter dates aren't bad or excluding the other. It's just like they'll be times when Chris just takes Charlie out. It is what it is. Yes he includes all the girls but sometimes it'll just be Charlie or just Royalty or both. Same thing applies to me. We have a blended family and we already came into this relationship with certain routines. Just as long as they all know that we love them. That's it and that's all that matters" April said keeping it real with him. She saw no problem with him wanting to spend one on one time with Kairi.
Dave thought about what she said. It was true and like she said as long as they all knew that they loved them then that's all that truly mattered. "Bet" he said and kissed her.
"So Papi how's does eating breakfast by the pool sound" April asked as she looked up over her shoulder at him. They were still outside on the balcony hugged up boo loving after checking on and talking to the kids.
"Sounds good to me what ya cooking"
"I don't know just yet let's go check the fridge"
"Bet" Dave said and spun her around and effortlessly lifted her up in his arms making her laugh. "Feed me"
"Papi" she giggled as she wrapped her legs around his waist making her bare pussy come in contact with his lower stomach. He was in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts.
"What all I said was feed me" he said and smirked then pecked her lips feeling the warmth between her legs against his flesh.
"Yea but you know how you said it and I know you feel that warmth"
"Get ya mind outta the gutter ma" he laughed and walked them back inside the bedroom then slid the balcony doors closed one by one. "And hell yea I feel that shit but I'm actually hungry for something other than cake"
April laughed. "Whatever that's all you. You forget that I know you and I know exactly what type of time you're on right now" she said as they made it out the bedroom and Dave put her down.
"I meannnn I'm glad you know" he laughed. "But this time I actually meant breakfast" he said as he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers.
"Sure you did" she said as they made their way downstairs hand and hand and to the kitchen. Dave let her hand go and April made her way to the fridge while he took a seat at the island. "Ok Papi what kind of breakfast do you want? Something light or do you want me to go in" she asked since they were pretty much stocked with more than enough food to make either or.
"Hook it up ma. You know I'm a miss home cooked meals so do ya thing" he said. "It should be some grits in there too"
"Gotcha" she said as she started taking things out of the fridge and placing them on the counter then went to check the cabinets to see what else they had. "Damn did you tell them what to buy or left it up to them because it's looking a lil like our pantry in here" she said grabbing more stuff.
Dave laughed. "That was me. I wanted to make sure we were good while we're out here"
"I see" she said as she bent down and got the pots and pans that she needed all the while feeling Dave's eyes dancing all over her. "Like what you see"
"Is that even a real question"
April laughed. "I guess not"
Dave let her grab everything she needed before going to the fridge to grab everything he needed to make him a green smoothie. He didn't want to be in her way. He knew how much that annoyed her when she was trying to get things done in the kitchen and people just seemed to need to get things out of the kitchen at the wrong time according to her. Nobody needed anything until she stepped inside the kitchen is what she'd say. They moved about the kitchen in sync and making light conversation all the while enjoying each other's company just living in the moment and enjoying the time they had together. Breakfast finally done April fixed their plates while Dave grabbed them some bottled waters.
"Oh no sir Papi momma is on vacation. Water will not suffice at the moment" April said as she looked over at Dave and went back to the fridge.
Dave looked back at her with his brow raised and head cocked to the side. "So what you tryna drink then" he curiously questioned.
"I'm bout to make a mimosa" she said like it was nothing. He hadn't seen her lift a drink since the night he had proposed to her and even then she didn't even drink a full cup of that red wine.
"Ohhhh so we on that type of time" he said and rubbed his hands together. Shit just went up a notch. He was about to turn her ass out on the night of their anniversary.
"I'm just saying Charlie has enough milk to last even when we get home. So by the time it's time to feed her when we get back I'll be good to go" April said as she opened the bottle of complimentary champagne and some orange juice then proceeded to make her drink and topped it off with a fresh strawberry. She was about to take full advantage of being on vacation. It was about to be a Henny type of situation.
"Yea it's going down. I'm bout to see what this session hitting for" he said plotting on her like always. At this point when wasn't he plotting? He had been trying to get a session like this with her for God knows how long and with the way she was trying to let loose he was all for it.
April laughed already knowing what it was and she was down for the cause. "Come on" she said and picked up her plate and drink then started walking towards the door.
"Right behind you" he said and licked his lips watching her ass sway in her floral silk gown and robe set being careful not to drop his food. They made their way outside to the table and chair set by the pool and took a seat. "Damn I done been here a few times now but this view is something that gets me every time" he said looking pass the pool and enjoying the greenery and the beautiful ocean watching small waves crash back and forth against each other. The view looked like a picture.
"I definitely know what you mean. It never gets old" April said then silently prayed over her food. She had been to the Bahamas way too many times to count and the view had never gotten old. "We're gonna have to plan a trip for my babies though" she said. She wanted them to travel the world and see and experience everything they could at an early age. She knew Kairi had done some traveling already because when Dave wasn't working he was always somewhere where the weather was hot with Kairi right by his side along with his parents. This was before April had entered his life though but she planned to keep it going.
"I'm thinking as soon as summer hits we take a lil family vacation" he said. He had been thinking about it for some time now so why not make it happen.
"Sounds good to me now what's the plan for today" she looked over at him and took a sip of her drink and moaned a little bit from the taste. She wasn't really into alcohol but damn did she miss being able to have adult drinks.
Dave looked at her and grinned. "Aight I know we don't have enough time to do a bunch of shit but I did book us an excursion for later on today"
"Ouuu Papi what we doing" she asked excitedly ready to have some fun.
"We're taking an ATV tour of Nassau" he said all hype. Since April loved cars he figured she would enjoy riding around on an ATV doing some sightseeing and since he liked riding around on ATVs he figured it would be a win, win.
April looked at him and pursed her lips. "I'm so happy that I packed more than summer dresses" she said happy that she packed herself some extra outfits. "But on another note I can't wait" she said excitedly. ATVs were definitely something she could get into. She used to love when the dudes in her old hood rode around on their Atvs, mopeds, and motorcycles in the summer. The streets would be lit and she'd be right out there.
Dave looked at her and scratched his head. All he had been worried about was seeing her in a summer dress that he didn't even think twice about her needing other suitable outfits. "I didn't even think bout all that" he admitted with a silly grin on his face.
"Oh I know you didn't" she laughed. He had a one track mind when it came to certain things.
"My fault ma" he said then dug into his cheese grits.
"Papi ya good shit even if I didn't pack anything but summer dresses we could've still went and bought something"
"True shit...so besides that I figured afterwards we can come back and chill on the beach and just enjoy the pool and shit"
"Sounds like a good plan to me. You gonna take a stroll on the beach with me Papi" she said and asked looking over at him hoping that he would. She'd love to hold his hand while they strolled along the beach talking about any and everything under the sun. She wanted to listen to his voice, hear him laugh, see him smile, and watch him unwind. She knew that once he was back on the road he wouldn't really have time to relax. He'd be traveling and on go, doing shows, and a few interviews in between. So while they were on vacation she wanted him to enjoy himself and just be. April didn't want him to think about tour, how long he would be away from home, and how long he had to wait to see the kids and her. She just wanted him to relax.
"You already know" he answered. "Anything you want to do since we're out here"
April thought about it for a second. "Nope I'm just glad we finally have some alone time. We can just make today a fun day under the sun. Just know I'm plotting on you on our anniversary" she said and smirked. She already knew he had something planned but she wanted to make sure the night ended just right. She was trying to get a session like the first time they had sex. They hadn't really had a night like that since then. Yes they got it in and the sex was always great but it wasn't like that night so while they had the freedom to do whatever they were going to do just that.
"Plot on me ma plot...on...me" he said and April laughed. He was serious though.
April and Dave finished breakfast and lounged around outside by the pool until it was time to get dressed and ready for the day. They were excited about their excursion. Sure they had both rode an ATV before but this time around they were in the Bahamas about to ride around sightseeing on ATVs on their first official baecation so it was a little more special.
"Oh hells nah ma is you shitten me where the rest of ya shorts at" Dave looked April up and down looking at the booty shorts she had on. Well they weren't really booty shorts but they were pretty short and destressed showing slight skin and with the way her ass was sitting in them didn't make it any better.
April looked at him and laughed. "Papi this is all the shorts I need besides you'll be with me so calm down" she said not seeing the big deal with what she had on.
"Nope nah what else you got in that bag" he looked at her and folded his arms across his chest. Yes the shorts looked good on her and he loved what he was seeing but he didn't want anyone else to see what was his.
"Papi you can't be serious" she looked at him and pouted. She wasn't about to change her clothes. She thought she looked good in her little outfit and besides her cheeks were covered.
"Do the bend down test" he said mugging her.
"Really" she said in disbelief.
"Do it"
"Oh my God" she said and huffed but nonetheless she turned around with her ass facing him and bent down in front of him. He was trying to see if her ass cheeks were showing and if her ass cheeks were showing it was a no go for him.
"Nah ma that ain't it" he said and shook his head.
"Papi my ass isn't even showing. Ya bugging we're on vacation shit let me be. What ya gonna do when we go to the beach" she said and asked knowing that if he had a problem with her shorts then he was definitely going to have a fit when he saw her bathing suit.
"Man I'm bout to make you a Muslim" he mumbled but she heard him.
"Boy if you don't get ya ass on I'm not covering up shit. My ass is still covered and you'll be with me so I'm all the way good" she said. She was not about to cover up her body to appease him especially not on vacation. Besides she really didn't wear too many outfits that actually showed way too much. She showed just enough and what she was comfortable showing.
"Yo I swear to Allah if I have to whoop somebody's ass while on vacation you better be prepared for what comes after"
She shook her head already knowing he meant bail money and wheelchair punishment which wasn't necessarily punishment because she enjoyed herself. Then again knowing him he'd punish her on a day where they'd have to be around family and she couldn't have that. As far as bail money that was nothing but getting arrested out of the country was something that they didn't need to happen. "Calm down ain't nobody worried bout me or checking for me but you and like I always tell you people can look all day long but they can't touch"
"I wish a nigga would" he mumbled still with his eyes on her. "You look good though" he said and licked his lips liking what he saw in front of him. He knew if he liked what he was seeing then other niggas would too so he hoped like hell that niggas was respectful about it.
"Thank you" she blushed. "You got everything" she asked as she placed her phone in her mini Louie Vuitton backpack that he had gotten her for valentines then double checked to see if she had her wallet, lip balm, and a few other items.
"Yea you got the portable charger" he answered and asked as he patted his pocket to make sure he had his wallet.
"Yup anything you need me to hold" she looked over at him and asked.
"Nah you good let's get up outta here"
April and Dave made it to their ATV Bahamas tour excursion on time and ready to see all that they could see. The day was beautiful, the weather was lovely, and the tour had been worth every single penny. They took hundreds of pictures and videos and even stopped at one of the local restaurants and had lunch with their tour group. Bahamas was a beautiful place. The people were friendly and inviting including the tourists and the food was amazing. Altogether it was vibe. Dave and April enjoyed seeing each other letting their hair down and just being themselves and not thinking about what others had to say about them and their relationship or thinking about the troubles they carried. After their excursion they went back to the villa, changed into their swimsuits, and went straight to the beach. It was just a carefree day under the sun and enjoying all that Bahamas had to offer.
The conversations never dulled, the laughter never stopped, and their love for each other only seemed to blossom even more. By the end of the night when it was time for bed and cuddles they laid out on the balcony cuddled up talking under the night sky. They had both realized that this trip was something that they both needed. With everything that had gone down within the past year they needed this getaway. When everything seemed to be going left in their lives they really had no time to just get away from it all. Sure they talked but there really was no escape. April had the kids so traveling or just going somewhere to clear her head wasn't an option and for Dave he had been traveling and touring for work nonstop so it was no sit down and let me get my mind right. Here they could just let all of the shit go and not be reminded of April's rocky or lack thereof relationship with her sister Hazel or how Millie had really put a hit out on her. Let alone Chris's ex-girlfriend Kae had been lurking in the bushes and planted the whole hit idea in Millie's head. It was how Millie was now sitting in jail for just plain ole stupidity at this point and how yet again someone had come for her and as bad as she wanted to do some permanent damage she couldn't because she loved her family way too much. She couldn't be the one to cause them pain.
For Dave it was how his baby mama had tried to sabotage his life, ruin his happiness, and cause their daughter unwanted trauma and mommy issues. It was how every time he thought he could breath and just be Millie had to come and slither her way and cause chaos. It was how his so-called boys were so pressed for money and blinded by jealousy that they wanted to ruin what he had and how life seemed to constantly throw both him and April curveball after curveball. But either way the trip was proving to be good for them. It brought them together, made them experience something new, and they felt that light airy stress free presence surrounding them. Life wasn't perfect it was far from it but nothing was. There would always be good times and bad times but they knew with what they had that no matter what it would always be worth it. They had each other, they had a family, friends that weren't even considered friends anymore they were family, they had unconditional love, and that's all that really mattered.
April of course had woken up before Dave once again but this time she couldn't go back to sleep so she just lied there in the silence listening to the ocean speak as it relaxed her. The ocean sounded so peaceful, calm, and inviting. Instead of trying to go back to sleep she placed her head on Dave's chest and listened to his heartbeat while lightly running her fingers and hand up and down his chest to his stomach just lightly caressing him. Just feeling the ripples of his muscles, the smoothness of his skin, and his chest hair while his chest lightly rose and fell each time he took a breath. She of course knew that he would wake up soon or was most likely already awake and had been since her head landed on his chest. She couldn't help by lie there and smile. It was officially their one year anniversary and a huge milestone for them. They had successfully made it a year straight without breaking up or splitting up and that right there was something to be proud of.
All the odds were against them when they had first gotten back together but every bump every curve and every curveball that came there way hadn't succeeded in tearing them apart. Their love was too strong to tear them apart. It was unbreakable. They had the type of love that was worth fighting for. In one year she had not only gotten her person back but she birthed a baby girl of her own and also became a proud mother of three beautiful and special little girls. She finally had a family of her own, she was a girlfriend turned fiancé nine months into the relationship, and in nine months she would be married to the love of her life and officially Mrs. April E. Brewster. She thought this couldn't be her life but today proved it was just that. It was their life and they had gotten everything plus more than what they had dreamed of. She had originally planned to wake Dave up with a little morning head to get his day started off just right but she decided against it knowing that today was going to be a long day, long night, and an early morning for them filled with nothing but passionate, rough, mind blowing sex. So instead she decided to live in the moment and soak it all in.
It couldn't be said enough just thinking about her life story was definitely one for the books and a whole ass movie. Either or if you read the book or watched the movie it was well worth the read, view, and every dollar spent. As cliché as it is she found her man in the damn mall of all places while rapping his song and literally bumping into him and from the very moment he stepped into her life he had turned it around and he flipped that shit upside down and she was thankful for it. He took her out of her two year plus slump, pumped warm blood in her veins, melted the shit out of her cold broken heart, and each day he ripped off band aid after band aid until she was band aid free. He healed her scars without wanting anything in return. From jump it was just a friendly friendship between two people who liked each other but wanted a solid foundation for the basis of a serious relationship together just in case they saw something more in each other.
April could genuinely smile. She could laugh. She could love. She could give love. She could receive love. She could walk with her head held high and confident knowing that her man was all hers mentally, physically, and emotionally. He wasn't checking for anybody but her and that's what she loved. Her man was loyal like no other and never put doubt in her mind or her heart. Even if they hadn't made it official she would always be thankful for and in debt to Dave for entering her life and for doing all that he's done when he didn't have to do most of what he's done. He had been the best thing she never knew she needed. He gave her back her life and he was her life. Dave wiped away her tears when she cried. Built her up when she felt down and when she thought all hope was lost he made her feel like she was worth it. She was worth getting to know. She was worth loving. She was worth sharing his child with. She was worth being called momma. She was worth being called his fiancé. Everything that they had been through had all been worth the trouble and she thanked God for him sticking around when he didn't have to at all. He was one of a kind and he was her rock. He was her black king and her knight and shining armor that had come to her rescue when he didn't even know she needed to be saved.
Sure it was their anniversary but April felt like she needed to make sure the day was about him. She wanted him to know that she loved him and was still in love with him. She wanted him to know that she cared about him. She wanted him to know that she appreciated him not only for being him but for sticking by her side, for loving her when she thought love was lost, and for giving her another blessing in letting her be in Kairi's life and allowing her to be that mother figure for her. April just wanted him to know that she wasn't taking him for granted. She saw everything he did for her and she saw him for who he was. He wasn't just the Harlem rapper Dave East. He was David L. Brewster the love of her life. So today she wanted to cater to him.
April finally got out of her head and eased her way off Dave's chest and tried to make a break for it but was unsuccessful. He was on her heels like always. Today there was no slipping.
"Ma where ya going" Dave groggily asked with his eyes now set on her.
"I'm going to freshen up and start breakfast and for that I need you to stay in bed" she replied smiling at him.
"So what ya saying is you're bout to make ya husband breakfast in bed" he said with his brow raised.
"That part" she answered. She loved when he called himself her husband and lord knows she couldn't wait for them to actually get married. She was ready for the adventure. She was ready to be his wife. She was ready to sign her name on the dotted line and give him everything he asked for.
"Then what you still laying here for"
"You know what" April said and shook her head.
"I need a kiss first" he said and playfully poked out his lips.
"I can do that" she said as she leaned over some and planted a soft kiss to his lips. "Happy one year anniversary Papi I love you" she said as she looked into his eyes and smiled. Out of all the men in the world that she could've ended up with this one right here she didn't see coming.
Dave smiled from ear to ear hearing those words. They had made it. "Happy one year anniversary ma I love you too" he said then leaned up and kissed her.
"Now like I said you stay here and I'll be back"
"Heard ju"
With that April slipped out of the bed fully naked and searched the bed for her nightgown.
"Looking for this" Dave said as he held her silk floral nightgown in his hand smirking. Last night had been a whole mood. April looked at him and bit down on her bottom lip teasingly while thinking about how he made love to her last night. He had pulled one of his usual wait until she goes to sleep and wake her up with some tongue action that turned into a full blown session.
"Keep looking at me like that and I'll have ya lil ass straddling my lap, riding this dick, and saying fuck breakfast. You know me I'll take everything on ya menu" he said wishing she would keep looking at him lustfully just so he could bring her back to bed.
"As much as I love the way you talk that shit to me it ain't happening Papi" she said and walked over to him and grabbed the garment then slipped it on and made her way to the bathroom before he could continue plotting on getting her back in bed. She did her usual morning routine, freshened up, and made her way out the bathroom and bedroom altogether and headed straight for the kitchen to get breakfast started.
Breakfast took her about an hour plus to get done but she didn't mind. While cooking she spent time on the phone with Kairi on FaceTime listening to her making plans for the both of them for when they came back home. So far she wanted a spa day because she wanted a new nail polish color and she wanted to make rainbow cupcakes to take to her big sister. Even Charlie had a little babbling to say. April couldn't wait to hear her first word and with the way Charlie was she knew it would be coming soon. She just wondered what it would be but she had a feeling that it wouldn't be momma. Her babies were daddy girls. After she finished cooking she hung up with the girls and nicely plated the food. She made herself a mimosa once again, made Dave a smoothie, then put everything on a tray, and slowly and carefully made her way up the stairs and back to the bedroom. Dave of course was on the phone. She already knew it was Kairi. Before they had hung up Kairi told her that she was going to call her daddy next.
"Breakfast is ready" April said smiling at Dave and made her way to the bed and carefully placed the tray on it. Today she had a lot to smile and be happy about.
"Daddy I gotta go" April heard Kairi rushing Dave off the phone. Dave had her on facetime.
"So you just gonna leave me like that" Dave said looking at her pouting giving her the same face she gave him when she's pouting.
"Yessss we going to walk Teddy at the dog park" she said all excited.
"Is my baby boy being good" Dave of course asked about Teddy while April climbed in bed and sat in front of him with the tray of food in between them.
"Yesssss" Kairi replied.
"Ok go take my boy on a walk. I love you Lil Butt" he said smiling at her. April looked at him in pure awe. She still had it bad for daddy Dave. He loved his kids and it showed and even with them having Charlie he hadn't skipped a beat when it came to Kairi. She was still a daddy's girl.
"Love you tooooo" she dragged and laughed. "Bye daddy"
"Bye" he said but it was too late she had already hung up.
April looked at him and burst out laughing.
"Yo did she just hang up on me" Dave asked confused as he looked down at his phone mugging it.
April continued laughing. "Yes, yes she did BUT in her defense Love Bug did say bye before she banged on you"
"She couldn't waited until I said bye though"
"She told you she had to go"
"After everything we been through that's how she does me. She gets around her grandparents and want to act funny after all the times I watched frozen with her this is how she do me" he said sounding butt hurt and just like Alaina when April came for her.
"Papi don't be like that. She's just excited to go to the dog park and walk her fur brother"
"Aye the disrespect why my baby boy gotta be her fur brother why he can't just be her brother" he looked at her knowing she knew Teddy was not to be toyed with. He was his baby boy and smoke buddy. Teddy was the homie.
"Papi that's my baby boy too but he is her fur brother. He has fur doesn't he" she said trying to stop herself from laughing.
"I don't want to talk bout it anymore. Feed me" he said acting like a big ass baby.
April raised her hands in the air surrendering then picked up a fork and butter knife. She was not about to go there with him today. Dave looked over the tray filled with food with enough on it for the both of them.
"Looks good" he said looking over the fluff French toast, fresh strawberries, banana slices, scrambled eggs with cheese, a side of cheese grits, sausages for himself, and thick slices of pork bacon for her. She had even made sure she put her bacon on a separate plate knowing how he felt about pork. He had to admit the shit did look good though. His mouth watered and he internally groaned knowing that this time next week meals like this would be store bought.
"Thank you now let's pray" April said and they both bowed their heads and silently prayed over their food. "Open Papi" April said as she cut a piece of French toast and held it out for him to eat with her other hand hover below it just in case it dropped.
Dave opened his mouth letting her feed him. "Damn you sure I can't take you on the road with me" he said after he swallowed his food.
"I bet if you could you would but sorry Papi I have to hold the fort down" she said smiling at him then took a fork full of French toast.
"You already know I wouldn't hesitate" he smirked. He wished she could come on the road with him but they had a family and their little girls came first. Besides with him going to the UK for the second half of tour it wouldn't be worth her visiting. She would spend more time on the jet than with him. "But what did I do to deserve breakfast in bed and you feeding me" he curiously questioned knowing that there was a slight chance that he still might be somewhat in the dog house.
"This is for being you. You stuck around when you didn't have to and never switched up on me. I just want you to know that I appreciate you and everything you do" she answered smiling at him making him smile from ear to ear showing his teeth and all. She loved when he smiled like that.
"Even with what happened the other day" he questioned.
April nodded. "Even with what happened the other day but we're not gonna dwell on that. It's our anniversary and I just want to cater to you"
"Damn do ya thing then ma. It feels good to be appreciated" he said liking what he heard and where this was going. It was a good feeling. He had lacked shit like this for far too long so when his woman wanted to show her appreciation he was going to let her. "Just don't forget that this is our day"
"I know Papi just like I know you have something planned. I figured I'd start the morning off a lil different and make it bout you" she said then fed him a fork full of eggs and grits.
Dave swallowed his food then sipped on his smoothie. "Thanks ma"
"You're welcome now eat up I want to go take a dip in the pool and enjoy the sun. This shit is gonna hit different when I do it at home" she said and pouted some. Sure she could take a dip in their pools and it would be fun and enjoyable but it wouldn't be under the Bahamas sun. She wouldn't have the beautiful view that she had now.
Dave chuckled. "We can always come back and next time we can bring the girls along"
"True, true" she nodded. "And spring break will be here soon"
"Facts but spring break might be earlier than it would be in Jersey so I might still be on tour during that"
"Shit we'll just have to play it by ear"
April continued feeding Dave and of course he wouldn't be him if he didn't get a chance to feed her as well because like he said today was their day. As soon as breakfast was done they went and got ready for their day to lounge around poolside and hit the beach as well.
"Papi take a picture of me" April said as she struck a pose in her bikini.
Dave groaned and adjusted himself in his swimming trunks. April had really been doing a number on him with the swimsuits she had been wearing. "You ready" he said with his phone already in his hand.
"Yup" she said and he took her picture. She squatted down low with her hands on her knees and looked back at it.
"So that's what we're doing" Dave asked as he took the picture and she struck another pose and of course he took another picture.
"I'm just helping you out for that month long drought ya bout to be on" she playfully shot at him. Shit she was going to be in a drought her damn self but with him being gone she did have some time to buy a little toy to help her get by. She just had to wait until he was on the road to do so.
"Shit then I can think of some better pictures than these" he said being nasty as usual thinking about the lingerie set he had picked out for her.
"Oh I know you can but that's for later" she said already knowing where this conversation was headed and what was on his mind.
"Bet" Dave said and took a few more pictures knowing how picky she was about pictures. "Come here"
April strutted over to Dave who was sitting on the pool steps with his feet in the water. "How can I assist you Papi" she asked more like teased him.
"That's not close enough. I need you here" he said with his eyes on her then patted his lap.
"Ouu Papi you want me well you can get this lap dance here for free" April playfully sang, made her way onto his lap, then straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Dave wrapped his arms around her waist. "Keep it up and I'll have you bent over this pool deep stroking that shit" he said as his dick stiffened in his trunks.
April felt him underneath her and clenched her pussy but she wasn't giving in. "Can't do that here Papi this ain't home"
"Shitttttt" he dragged as he moved his hands down to her ass and palmed it.
"Besides pool sex ain't it. It isn't as glamorous as it looks. It's not a good lubricant" she said. She had got it in enough to know that sex in a pool wasn't hitting. Now poolside would work but since they weren't home Dave couldn't bus her shit wide open outside for the world to see. Lord knows with her luck she didn't need that type of leakage or publicity. People would crucify her. They would have a field day, her parents wouldn't be able to look at her, and porn companies would be reaching out to her trying to strike a deal. April didn't need people to see how she got down or how nasty and in tune with her sexuality she was. In the bedroom all bets were off.
"Well when you say it like that I don't need shit fuckin up those juices and that PH balance" he said dead ass. He needed her pussy to stay just the way it was...clean, healthy, pink, warm, juicy, and sweet.
"Exactly so talk to me I want to know where ya head is at besides it being on me" she said and chuckled before he could say some slick shit. She had been avoiding having sex with him since they had woken up this morning. She was holding out until later on.
"Ma honestly I'm just enjoying the moment. I finally got you to myself on this fly ass island getting in that alone time that we needed. There's no work, no parental duties, no family, just phone calls to and from our girls, and other than that it's just me and you" he honestly answered. Like he said he was enjoying the moment and cherishing it. They really didn't have too many moments like this these days so he wanted focus on the right here and the right now while they could.
"Same here this was definitely a good surprise. I thought you were going to surprise me with another date night. I wasn't thinking a ride on the jet to the islands"
"Good because this shit was hard keeping it to myself. But nah I had to switch it up on you. I didn't want it to be predictable" he admitted. Lord knows they couldn't hold secrets for shit well major secrets. Trying to keep secrets from each other only ended up weighing on their minds and shoulders and made their hearts heavy but for shit like this holding secrets were doable.
April laughed. "I know the feeling"
"Let's go hit the beach"
"You sure bout that I mean I don't need you trying to hover over me trying to cover me up since you don't want anyone looking at my body" she teased. As much as he didn't want men drooling over her he had really been on his best behavior when they were around others.
"They just bet not look too long" he said and sighed. He knew he had a gorgeous woman and he knew that people knew that as well and although most people were respectful there were others who weren't. He just hoped he didn't have to deal with a disrespectful one today.
April couldn't help but laugh. She didn't mind women looking at him well sometimes. But it didn't bother her much because she knew that she was the one wearing the ring and he was coming home to her every night. They woke up every morning in the same bed and went to sleep together each night in that very same bed. "Come on"
April and Dave went to the beach and tried their hand at building a sand castle which was an epic fail. They took a few dips in the ocean and took more pictures until it was time to head back to the villa. They both wanted to take a little nap before their date night especially since they both knew they would be up all night. They knew what type of time it was going to be. This date night was going to be one for the books.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed this little fluff peace 😊. I know I'm late but I'm here. Between my constant brain farts, what's going on in the world, and my life outside of wattpad getting some writing done has been a bit of a struggle 😫. But any, who I've already started writing part 3 to this chapter and now I'm wondering how the hell am I going to top my Peace Sign chapter 🤦🏾♀️😩. As usual thank you for being patient 😘
-I really think Dave and April needed this baecation. A lot of shit has happened to them and yes they talk to each other but I think they needed some one on one time. You know just to focus on each other without interruption. They're always on go and taking care of their family that they don't really have time to themselves.
-But yes my babies done made a year together without breaking up. Mad shit was happening but they never called it quits so I can't help but to root for them 😝
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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