27: Rolling With The Homies
Chapter 27: Rolling With The Homies
"Friendships should have a solid foundation built on Alcohol, Profanity, Inappropriateness, and Shenanigans!"
[Author Unknown]
"Papi I need to finish up" April said in between moans as Dave dicked her down up against the shower wall as the water sprinkled their bodies. Her arms draped around his neck with her legs wrapped around his waist she whined her hips as best she could trying to meet him stroke for stroke. She had been in the shower getting ready for a much needed girls day when he smooth walked into the shower like he normally did while she was showering and whispered that good shit in her ear as usual and got her all worked up. There was nowhere for her to run and he had successfully managed to get her hot, bothered, horny, and cornered so she gave in.
"Ma shh just let me fuck" he said and groaned in her neck as he thrusted in and out of her trying to feel everything he could as her pussy swallowed him whole and locked around him.
"Ok" she whimpered and clawed at his back as he picked up speed and did his thing.
"I love how ya tryna make me late but when ya ass needs to be somewhere I let you be" April said as she slipped into her matching black panty and bra set then looked over at Dave lying in the bed in a pair of sweats bare chest with his arms behind his head like he was a fucking king or some shit. Then again he was her king. They both knew that but that wasn't the point this time around. She was busy trying to get ready for her day while he was busy low key trying to make her stay.
"Making you late wasn't part of my plan but I guess you forget a nigga is back on road at the end of the month so I'm tryna get all the pussy I can get. My girls are taking a nap too so it was the perfect opportunity to get shit crackin" he said like it was nothing. Then again to him it was nothing. They were trying to get in as many sessions as they could before he left again knowing that this time around he wouldn't be able to come back and forth home because he would be touring out of the country. He would be traveling to London, Amsterdam, and a few other places. Of course he would be home for Kairi's birthday but he'd be gone the next day or later on that night so they were trying to roll with the time they had left together.
"Trust I already know and I'm trying to keep my mind off of it because this month has breezed on by. When you leave I'm gonna miss you because FaceTime is cool and all but it's not enough when I want to cuddle and just be by ya side but you know I have plans today" April said. How could she forget about tour when they had been attached to the hip since he had been home? At this point she honestly couldn't wait for tour to be over.
"And ya getting ready right now and you still have time to spare" he shot back never taking his eyes off her. She was happy he didn't dig any further into him leaving soon because she wasn't ready to face the music just yet. She loved when he was home. She enjoyed his company, having his attention, joking around with him, seeing him with their girls, their nightly talks, their much needed sessions, and just him being home period. She wasn't ready to let him go again. To her these past few months of him being gone had seemed to be dragging by and taking their sweet time when any other time it seemed like time flew by.
"Uh huh BARELY" she said and walked off to her closet and grabbed one of her Gucci duffle bags then walked back into the bedroom and placed it on the foot of the bed. She was getting ready for a girls night out and she couldn't wait to catch up with her sisters. They even got Vonnii to tag along. They had been planning this day since their family day and tonight it was finally going down. They were going shopping even though they didn't need to and April had scheduled them a two hour session at her favorite luxury spa for full body massages, cocktails, and facials. After that they were going back to April's old spot to get dressed and ready for the night since they knew that the men would most likely end up at her and Dave's place tonight. So it was the perfect spot to get ready at. They were getting dolled up to go out to eat at a popular restaurant to end the night. So the plan was to get some retail therapy in, get pampered, eat, drink, and catch up because they had loads to talk about.
"Ma, don't be like that. You know I love you" he said with a smirk on his face and a hint of mischief in his voice that she knew all too well. She knew at the moment he couldn't be trusted because he was up to no good.
"Sure you do" she said as she went back and forth around the room packing her bag with her essential items not trying to get him riled up because she knew he wouldn't mind a part two. She knew going back and forth with him was going to get him all hot and bothered and she knew for sure he was still gunning for her. He really didn't care if she was late or if the girls had to wait for her. He was straight out for self.
"Damn what you need an overnight bag for" he questioned with his brow raised watching her placing her things inside.
"Uh because I won't be home till late night and I need to bring a change of clothes so I can get ready for dinner tonight" she replied.
"You can't just come back home and get ready" he questioned. "Ya gonna fuck around and have me and my babies roll up on ya ass"
April looked at him and laughed. She could definitely see him in the family truck with the girls in their car seats trying to pull up on her on some I was just in the neighborhood type of shit. "My babies better be in here in bed sleeping by the time I get in"
"I'll think bout it"
April paid him no mind as she walked off and headed back to her closet to grab her outfit and shoes for the night then walked back into the bedroom while Dave's eyes continued to follow her every move.
"You know if Lil Butt sees you dressed and shit with a bag in ya hands she's gonna be on ya heels"
"I already know but that's when you come in and sweep her off her feet to have a daddy daughter day" April said. She knew that Kairi wanted all parts of girl's day but tonight it was only for the adults. She'd make it up to her though. As far as tonight momma needed some time with her sisters and have adult conversations without being charged for swearing or looking around to make sure she wasn't in earshot before cursing. If anything the last time she actually had some sort of a girls outing was when she and Ebony went to get outfits for Dave's album listening party and that was back in November. Normally her girl's day included her kids or she'd have to wait until they were sleep to have a so-called girl's time. So a night out was long overdue and with Dave going back on the road and their parents going back to Jersey soon she knew she wouldn't be seeing a day like this for a long while. She was about to be right back on full momma duty by the end of next week and doing it by herself as well as wedding planning because Dave and their mothers weren't playing any games. Time was ticking.
"Ya lucky you need this time out because I'd let her give you the puppy eyes so you can stay home with us"
"I can't with you" she said and looked at the clock to see how much time she had left to get dressed and ready. "I never make it this hard for you when you go out. I may pout a lil bit but you're straight ready to keep me home" she said as she double checked to make sure she had everything she needed for the night. Once she was sure she was good she continued getting dressed.
"Ma you know I'm fuckin with you" he said not sounding convincing at all.
"Uh huh" April said as she slipped into her light gray sweater pants feeling Dave's eyes all over her ass mentally undressing her.
"So what y'all got planned"
"Shopping, a two hour session at the spa for massages and facials, then back at my old place to get dressed for dinner" she replied.
"Sounds like a good night. Remember a girl's day is just that a girl's day so this is a day for you. Take the money I gave you and get some shit for ya self. My babies are good and if not you already know what's up" he said and mugged her before busting out with a smirk. He was plotting again.
"Yup and I can't wait" she said excitedly. She really couldn't wait to have time to herself and just be April unfiltered.
"Enjoy ya girls night ma you deserve it. Besides I already know y'all bout to talk bout y'all Valentine's Day and shit anyway" he said and laughed already knowing what was up.
"Stop acting like you know us" she said and laughed as she slipped on the matching long sleeve crop top. He was right though they were definitely going to talk about their Valentine's Day. It was a must especially since it was all of their first Valentines with their men except for Alaina. So they had to spill some tea.
Dave licked his lips and sat up in bed. "I'm not use to this shit ma" he said eyeing how her body looked in her outfit. "I'm a have to kill a nigga bout mines" He said. He really wasn't use to her getting dolled up and going out on a night on the town with her girls. Every outing had pretty much been in the house with family or going out somewhere with him.
April shook her head and laughed. "Of course you aren't" she said sarcastically. "Let's forget that we didn't use to date before we got back together" she said and laughed again. "When we got back together I was pregnant and it was winter time in Jersey so I had to dress warm and then I had to wear baggy clothes when I was out and about. Now my body has a lil more oomph to it, my stomach is officially gone, and yes its winter time in LA but it isn't a Jersey winter so I get to dress like myself again" she said and smiled. Lately she had been in leggings and sweatpants because most of the time she was in the house. "Wait till summer hits and you get to see all of this in a summer dress" she teased knowing he was going to hit the roof once summer hit. Sure he saw her pregnant in a summer dress and he loved it but this new body right here was going to be hitting and hitting hard.
"You shitttttten me" he dragged then ran his hands over his face being all dramatic and shit when honestly he had pretty much saw her in everything by now.
"Chill Papi you already know if someone is checking for me they can look all day long but they can't touch" she said and smiled at him being him...overprotective as hell. It never failed.
"If they want to live they bet not touch shit and they bet not look for too damn long either"
"Calm down" she said as she sat down at her vanity and tended to her hair. She had done a twist out the night before so she had to take down her two strand twists and fluff out her hair to her liking. "When we first started talking it was summer time. I'm pretty sure you saw me in a summer dress or two before we got back together"
"I definitely did and I felt a way bout it then but ya body wasn't like this. Did you forget bout that extra booty meat ya packing and the milk that's still in those tig ole bitties so those shits are full and sitting. Ya body in bananas ma"
"Why thank you" she laughed and blushed. "Trust I know its mines but it all belongs to you. Not gonna lie though I'm loving the extra weight if I do say so myself"
"Yea I'm a need you to finish getting ready and act like you got somewhere to be because if you keep talking I'm a have that ass bent over" he said all serious.
April bit down on her bottom lip and closed her legs as she finished getting herself together. She was not about to get caught up in Dave and end up missing out on a night out with her girls. "Noted"
"Uh huh" he said and laid back down and picked up his phone trying to let her be before he said fuck her plans and have his way with her.
April finished getting ready, double checked to make sure she had everything, and once she was done she made her way over to Dave who was on his phone talking shit on his live about her going out. He was on his shit but she could care less because she was going out. She wasn't asking for much. It was just a simple day out to chill and be herself.
"Aight Papi sorry to interrupt ya live but I'm out"
"Aye y'all I'll be back my wife bout to bounce so I gotta give her a proper see you later because we don't do goodbyes over here" he said and ended his live. "Come on ma I'll walk you to the door" he said and got up out of the bed then slipped on a pair of his East slides and grabbed her duffle bag.
"Ok" April said and grabbed her purse then made her way out of the room and went straight Charlie's. She went to her crib and lightly kissed her forehead. "Love you" she whispered and eased out of her room trying not to wake her up from her nap then went to Kairi's room to see her still knocked out with Teddy laid up beside her napping as well. It was Friday after school and she had been sleepy after her and April's afternoon snack time so her and Charlie were napping at the moment which April was happy about because if not she'd make it hard for her to leave. April kissed her forehead then rubbed Teddy's head. "Love you" she whispered then slowly and carefully eased out of the room trying not to wake her up. She already knew that if she was caught Kairi was going to hit her with twenty-one questions and a pair of brown puppy dog eyes that she would hate to resist. Not trying to get caught April and Dave walked silently down the stairs.
"Aight Papi I'm out of here the sprinter is already outside and the girls are waiting for me" she said. She had gotten a text from Alaina about five minutes ago letting her know that they had arrived.
"Damn y'all doing it like that" he looked at her. "I ain't know y'all was on that type of time ma" he said as he opened the front door to see a black Mercedes Benz Sprinter in front of their house. "That's yours ain't it" he questioned but didn't require an answer.
April laughed. "Yes it's ours and yes we have some shopping to do so it was only right. Besides I felt like it would've been a waste of gas for everybody when we're all going to the same places. So I had Dwayne pull it out the garage" she said. Dave had no idea what was actually parked in their garage when it came to April's vehicles. She had a vehicle for every occasion. Maybe it was time to show him the lot since he had missed out on it when she had all the vehicles transported for the move.
"I want to be just like you when I grow up" he said jokingly.
April shook her head at his antics. "Aight I gotta go. Triple B has enough milk till last her to the early morning but I'll definitely be back home before she even runs out and dinner is on you since it's Friday but you already know that. So with that said I love you Papi and I'll see you later"
"We're good ma I got it. Have fun and make sure you hit me up. I love you too and tell my sisters I said what up" he said then bent down and kissed her then passed her, her bag.
"Will do" she said and pecked his lips once more before walking out the door with Dave watching her every move to make sure she got in safely. "Thanks Dwayne" April said as her driver opened the door for her.
"You're welcome Ms. Blackmon" he said and closed the door behind her then nodded at Dave before making his way to the driver's side and hopped inside.
"BABES" she shouted excitedly as she settled in the sprinter. She had gotten Dwayne to pick everyone up beforehand so they would be on go by the time they reached her. Everybody was sitting back chilling and dressed like she knew they would. There wasn't a pair of leggings or sweatpants in sight and that's what she loved about her girls. Sure she wasn't knocking it because they all dressed like that in the house, when they were running errands, and on lazy days but when it was time to go out they were always on the same page and always on point. They loved getting dressed and today were the perfect excuse to get dressed.
"Sistaaaaa" Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi said just as hype as her as always.
"VVVVVVVV" April dragged making sure she didn't leave her out. She was actually happy that she had agreed to come along.
"Hey girl hey" she said just as hype.
"Sorry to interrupt Ms. Blackmon but are you ready to go" her driver asked.
"Yes" she replied. She had already sent him the itinerary for the day so he knew just where to go next.
"Ok" he said and left it at that as he took the sprinter out of park.
"So y'all got the plans for today but did any of you want to add anything on or are we still doing as planned" April questioned the girls as she got comfortable in her seat.
"Nah I'm good I think it's gonna be a lit day" Mimi answered.
"Same here" Alaina and Ebony said in unison.
"I'm good over here too" Vonnii added.
"Bet, just let me know if y'all want to add something so I can tell Dwayne beforehand"
"Bet" they all said while they made their way to their first destination which was the mall.
"Am I the only one whose man tried to keep home" April asked as she looked around at the girls. They looked back at her and laughed.
"Hell no ya brother was trying to guilt trip me into staying home" Ebony said in between laughs. "Talking bout I need to rest I've been too busy with work and trying to get my office together. Like sir I love you too but can I have a chill day with my girls too" she said and they laughed. "They forget they already had their day. Let alone they'll be back on the road together for a damn month. That's a month worth of chilling with his bros having a men's day"
"Hello...shit Shooter's ass was being reasonable up until he saw my ass getting dressed" Mimi said and shook her head. "Mind you we haven't had a girl's day in months even before we moved back"
"Exactly" April nodded.
"Poor yall lil daddy was cool with it. He knew I missed these types of outings so he tossed me some dough and told me to have fun" Alaina said all cheesy.
"Lucky you" April and Ebony said in unison.
"I had no problem with Trey either" Vonnii said smiling. "He wants us to get to know each other so he told me to enjoy myself and passed me some funds that I kindly passed right on back. I can spend my own money. Then he added in a don't worry just be myself because we've all seemed to hit it off on New Year's" she said and chuckled.
"Awww we're here for it and hey we invited you for a reason" April said happy for Trey that things were still on the up and up with him and Vonnii.
Ebony looked at April and laughed. "Who does she sound like" she asked.
"Me" April said laughing.
"Exactly like you"
"Whatever" April said and playfully rolled her eyes. "I feel you V but you'll get used to it after while because the men in our family love to spoil us even when they know we got it"
"Hey I love being spoiled just like the rest but uh this is still new to me so I don't mind continuing to spoil myself" Vonnii said. "We're still in the talking stage so I ain't trying to accept any funds and have someone hold something over my head if it goes left"
"Understood" April said. She and the rest of the girls knew exactly what she meant.
"Any, who we know with the way you were slow rolling that ass out the house that brother had to be on ya heels or my niece caught you sneaking out on a girls day without her" Alaina said looking over at April.
They laughed. "Yea Papi was definitely trying to keep me in the house but he knew I needed a day out before they go back on tour so he let me be. As far as y'all niece she was sleep because if not y'all would've seen me sneaking out the house for real for real. I'd a rolled out the garage on my ninja shit" April said and laughed.
"Trueeeeee" everyone said besides April and Vonnii. Vonnii didn't know how serious Kairi was about her girl's day but if she stuck around long enough she'd definitely see that girl's day to Kairi wasn't for play, play.
"Ugh but am I the only one feeling a way bout them going back on tour" Ebony questioned looking between April and Mimi with the look of sadness on her face.
"Nope" April and Mimi said together with the quickness. They were all fed up with tour.
"I've been trying to get as much we time in with Shooter as I can. I know this time they won't be able to travel back and forth so I've been trying to get in where I fit in. I'm just happy that this is it for a long while minus the occasional shows because I want my baby back home" she said and pouted.
"Same here we done got a month to just sit down, chill, and focus on us and it's like the month just started and now it's damn near over. I'm a miss cuddle time. You already know I'm a be at ya spot though sis so I hope y'all got those guests rooms ready" Ebony said and looked over at April like she better be ready for company because as soon as the boys left she was going to be right there.
April chuckled she already knew the same day that the boys were leaving that Ebony was going to have her overnight bag packed and be right at her and Dave's front door and she didn't mind. They had gotten each other through tour time and it had been good company. "Well you already know you're always welcome and ya room will be ready and waiting for you sis. But yea I'm a def miss Papi. We've sort of been dodging the tour subject. Like I know he's out making his bags and enjoying what he does but I love having him home. No sleepless nights unless he's the one waking me up out of my sleep, the girls get their daddy and pops time in, ugh the endless booty rubs" April said and pouted. She just hoped that sleep would come easy without those magical hands rubbing and massaging her booty. "This time I won't even be able to visit him at all but hey we'll be aight"
"It's only a month it'll fly by" Alaina said looking at them.
"Yea just remember that when lil bro has to hit the road for tour" Ebony said looking at her.
Alaina pouted. "Don't even remind me. He's already spending his nights in the studio and I know once he finishes this album he's gonna be on the road for a long while promoting and touring"
"Shit how do y'all do it" Vonnii questioned. "Like this is all new to me. I'm use to always being on the go and traveling to different places for work but I've never dealt with a celebrity or anyone who travels as much as they do or more than me"
"I'm not even gonna lie in the beginning of me and August's relationship tour use to bother the hell out of me. It was difficult and annoying to deal with. You be so busy spending all this time with ya man and bonding with him to him being gone for months at a time and when you do get to see him it's still in passing. But you eventually come to terms that it's his job and just like you need to put food on ya table so does he" Alaina said and shrugged. "You make it work if you love that person no matter how much ya miss them when he's gone. Then with us we went from being together damn near 24/7 to a long distance relationship for a few years. So if we can make that work I can definitely handle tour" Alaina answered sure of herself. A long distance relationship was hard work. It could make or break any relationship no matter how good it is. But it didn't compare to missing August while he was on tour so to her tour was light work.
Vonnii nodded. "That's understandable and the fact that y'all dealt with being in a long distance relationship and still managing to be together like y'all are is commendable. That's a lot to take in and some people wouldn't know how to handle that"
"That's true and thank you" Alaina agreed. "It was worth it" she said and smiled. If she could change anything she wouldn't. In the end them being in a long distance relationship made them work harder to make something out of their relationship and it paid off.
"For me I'm used to being gone from my loved ones for long periods at a time. I was in the army. There were times when a year could go by and the only time I got to see anyone is by FaceTime or Skype so I'm sort of use to it in some instance. But it's a lil different when you're in a relationship and you actually love that person so no matter how long they're gone you're gonna miss them regardless. It comes with the territory" Ebony said and paused. "It's just up to the people in the relationship to make it work if they really want it to work. Bae will be gone but I guarantee we'll still be hitting each other up on the daily and letting each other know that we miss and love one another and can't wait to see each other" Ebony continued. If she could handle being gone from her family for years at a time then she could make it during tour with Bully.
"Damn thank you for ya service" Vonnii said to Ebony. "So tour isn't anything new to you it's just a different type of tour"
"My pleasure" Ebony said with a smile. "That's exactly what it is" Ebony nodded then they all looked at Mimi.
"Now me I'm still getting use to Shooter being gone because we've only been together for six months. So between our relationship being new and half of it is him being on tour everything is quite new to me. I love having him around and being up under him so when he's gone I do miss him. The thing with our relationship is that I may not be able to go to every concert and show but I'm still able to link up with him depending on what day it is. If it's the weekend I'm on go and depending on where he's at I'm a definitely catch a flight" Mimi said all google eyed and cheesy.
April looked at Mimi and laughed. "My brother got that ass smitten"
"Facts" all the girls said in unison including Mimi. Mimi knew what it was and she didn't mind not one bit.
"But for real I like Shooter a lot and I know being on the road traveling from state to state is a part of his job so although I'm still getting used to it I know it's important to him so I have no choice but to miss him and deal with it"
Vonnii nodded again. "Remind me to ask you how you feel about it once you get used to it" she said and laughed a little.
"Oh so you planning on sticking around then I see you V I see you" Mimi said laughing making Vonnii blush.
"I do" she shyly nodded. "I like Trey and I'd like to continue to see where this goes"
"Aww" the girls gushed making her blush even more.
"How bout you though since y'all have kids" Vonnii asked and turned her attention towards April.
"This isn't my first rodeo dealing with someone in the music industry so I'm use to tour life but I will say it definitely hits different for me since I've been with Papi. When I was dating Chris tours came often so it was always go but back then I was able to fly out wherever he was and visit. I didn't have any kids it was just me and work and since I'm my own boss I could change my days around to be able to travel along with him or just pick up and go" April said and paused.
"But with Papi I can't do that. If I can make it I'll try my best to but for the most part I can't. I'm busy holding the fort down and I'm on momma duty while he's gone. No lie the way I miss him compared to how I use to miss Chris during tour is on another level. I don't like when he's gone. I love when he's around and we're talking or cuddled up or the endless booty massages or just knowing that he's home does it for me. I'm pretty sure you've heard bout my past relationship so when you finally have someone whose for you, only checking for you, makes sure you come first, and the love is like out of this world and something you've never felt before then all you want to do is be around that person. So yes I'm used to it but at the same time I'm still trying to get used to it if you get what I'm saying" she said talking with her hands. Dave on tour definitely hit different for April.
"Meaning he got her ass all lovey dovey and on clink clink so tour sucks for her because she can't be a groupie hoe for her man like she wants to be" Alaina joked and laughed making everyone else laugh but she was right.
"Call it what you want but we all know if I could I wouldn't miss any of his shows and I'd be right on the road with him living my best groupie life" April said and laughed. "But back to you V if you're gonna be with Trey you're def gonna have to get used to it. It'll take some time, it won't happen overnight, and you'll get annoyed bout him constantly being on the road and the distance between y'all but if you think he's worth it you'll be straight"
"Besides when our men go on tour we use this time as girl's time and bond" Ebony added. Tour season wasn't all bad. Some good things did come out of it.
"Exactly" April, Alaina, and Mimi said agreeing.
"Understood besides we're taking it slow and at the moment tour hasn't been mentioned so I'm a just enjoy this time until then" Vonnii said. As far as she knew Trey was just chilling and working on new music so she didn't see tour coming up any time soon.
"Excuse me sorry to interrupt Ms. Blackmon. We've arrived at the first destination" Dwayne said as the sprinter finally came to stop in front of the mall.
"Ok no problem Dwayne"
"Yessss retail therapy here I come" Alaina said excitedly and clapped her hands.
"Well baes let's get to it" April said. They all grabbed their purses, phones, and headed out the sprinter one by one then headed for the entrance with April's body guards surrounding them heavily. With what had happened at Nobu involving paparazzi on Valentine's April wasn't trying to have a part two because she didn't know if she could keep her mouth closed the next time around. She had felt disrespected and felt like they were completely out of pocket. So if she could avoid them she would.
The girls entered the mall and shopped until they damn near dropped. They stopped by all of their favorite high end stores and made sure to stop a few regular stores making sure they left no stone unturned. It was a vibe as usual and even with Vonnii being there nothing felt different. It was still as if they had all hung out with her plenty of times beforehand. She fit in, didn't give off fake vibes, and she was slowly opening up more and more but still the girls being the girls still had their eyes open. By now they were just trying to be safe than sorry especially April. She didn't know how she'd react if someone came for again so she felt like she needed to have her guard up.
"I see you did some shopping for ya self" Ebony said looking over at April as they all sat back in the sprinter headed to their next destination. They had just finished shopping and had bags on top of bags.
April laughed. "I had to Papi gave me strict instructions. "Remember a girl's day is just that a girl's day so this is a day for you. Take the money I gave you and get some shit for ya self. My babies are good and if not you already know what's up" April said mocking Dave. He knew she was going to use the money on Charlie and Kairi instead of herself and he was absolutely right. These days she couldn't do any shopping without thinking about them first. If she was getting something for herself she was going to make sure she got something for them. Besides he did the same thing when he went shopping.
The girls laughed at her.
"Laugh all y'all want if y'all were me y'all would've listened too" April said as a matter of fact. "And y'all can front all day long but don't forget I know y'all just like I know my brothers so we all know y'all would've done the same thing"
"Tuh speak for ya self" Alaina said.
April looked at her and burst out laughing. "Now I know ya ass ain't talking. I can call lil big bro right now and squash this whole shit. I can recall a few times where lil big bro was like lil baybeh jump and you was like how high lil daddy" April said picking with her. Everybody looked at Alaina and laughed as she sat there pouting and trying stop herself from laughing because she knew just like they all knew what was what.
"Why you had to go there" Alaina said still pouting.
"You started it" April said and shrugged then looked down at her nails.
"You did sis you did" Mimi said laughing on her Shooter shit.
"Ya ass act just like brother" Alaina said looking over at Mimi shaking her head.
"Who acts just like ya man" Mimi shot back playfully.
"Trueeeee" April and Ebony said together and laughed.
"Agreed" Vonnii said and cleared her throat before laughing causing them to laugh even more. She had saw how Shooter and August acted around each other on New Year's so she got a glimpse of how they were together.
"See even V knows" Mimi said still laughing.
"This wasn't even bout me. This was bout you" Alaina said looking and pouting at April.
"Yea...yea...yea trust if you were me you'd a listened to Papi too. Sure I still bought my baby a Louie bag because she wanted to match her momma's fly but for the most part I listened. That man has it out for me" April said and huffed. Yes she had spent the majority of the money on herself but Kairi had seen the red bleeker box purse that Dave had bought her for Valentine's and said she wanted one to match. So April being April got her the rose ballerina one which was just a blush pink color because why not. She couldn't help herself. She could see them both dressed up and twinning with their matching purses.
The girls laughed again.
"And why does brother have it out for you" Ebony asked in between laughs.
"He's trying to find any excuse he can to put me back in the wheelchair. I already have one on my back and I don't know when he's gonna attack so I'm treading lightly" April said and they all went silent before bursting out into a fit of laughter.
Vonnii looked at her and tilted her head to the side looking confused then raised her index finger in the air. "Wheelchair" she said more like a question.
"You sure you want to know" Ebony asked still laughing remembering just how fucked up April's walk had been after the first time she had fucked around with Dave. Her ass was struggling to get around the house.
"See now I'm really intrigued" Vonnii said waiting for her to answer.
"Let's just say that Papi beat this shit in the frame, out the frame, the sides of the frame for three uninterrupted days straight so by the time we were done my legs were literally glass noodles. The only way I was going to get around was by wheelchair" April said and shivered just thinking about it. Maybe she was long overdue for another wheelchair session because it didn't really sound bad at all.
"Well damn" Vonnii said. "But uh did you really use a wheelchair"
April looked dead at her and cheesed from ear to ear. "I damn sure did. Papi rolled me out of the W hotel with smiles plastered on both of our faces"
"Oop oh my" Vonnii said laughing. "Wayment timeout where the fuck did y'all get a wheelchair from" she questioned curious as her accent burst through. The laughs kept coming.
"I had a water birth at home so I purchased a wheelchair along with the rest of the equipment I needed. So since I paid for it I put it to use" April replied laughing thinking about how Dave tried to buy it.
"The more you know" Vonnii said and shook her head.
"Trust it was worth it but any, who enough bout me and my punishments are y'all ready for this spa" April said and asked.
"Yesssss" they answered all hype with their hands in the air.
The girls made it to the spa and got their full body massages along with their facials and cocktails. By the time they left everyone was feeling rejuvenated and even more amped about their dinner date. No one had really spoken during their spa venture. They were really just enjoying the moment and relaxing. By the time they got to April's place the men were gone which they already knew since they had been keeping in touch with them throughout the day. They were currently at April and Dave's place. As far as their parents they were gone as well so they had a free house. April showed Vonnii to a vacant guestroom while everyone else went to their own bedrooms. They had already planned to meet up in April's bedroom to get dressed once they were finished showering.
April turned on some music, stripped out of her clothing, and made her way to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature to her liking. Once it was to her liking she opened the glass door and stepped inside. She took a second to think about where she was at right now. She was back in her original home and the vibe felt so much better than the last time she was there. There was no negative energy swarming in the air at all or suffocating her. It felt peaceful like it did when she first purchased it.
Even though she didn't live there anymore the house was finally getting love and it was filled with life. She was happy that her family was able to make use of it and call it their home as well because those walls held a story of so much love, pain, sadness, regret, and now it was at peace. April couldn't help but to smile during her shower at how far she had come. By the time she got out of the shower the girls were entering her bedroom with their outfits and shoes for the night and by the sudden change in music she already knew Alaina was playing DJ and things were about to get a little ratchet.
In usual fashion the girls started getting dressed but it wouldn't be official if a twerk session didn't pop off and they didn't sing along to whatever song was playing in the background. Megan Thee Stallion happened to be playing which caused every last one of the girls to get hype as they placed their hands on their knees and started throwing their asses in a circle and chanting and hyping each other up. Megan had them all in April's room testing out their knees and for the most part they had them stallion knees and were keeping up.
"Ayeeeee fuck it fuck it up" April, Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi said hype as hell as they watched pieces of Vonnii's shell chipping away piece by piece as she twerked to the music. She was moving her ass like she had forgotten she was around people and was at her own home throwing it down and they loved it. It was cool to see her loosening up. She had been cooling all day mixing and mingling but she had seemed to just mesh in with them and they were here for it. There was no reason to not be your-self around the girls when they were always themselves and true to themselves around any and everybody. With them what you see is what you get well depending on if it was business or not. So they were happy to see Vonnii being Vonnii.
"See what had happened was" Vonnii said laughing as the song went off and saw everyone looking at her. Shocked nope they weren't. They knew it was more to Vonnii than what she had let on.
"Girl bye we love to see it" Mimi said laughing and waved her off.
"Facts" the rest of the girls agreed and continued getting ready.
"Trey doesn't know what he got on his hands" Alaina said laughing.
"AGREED" they all shouted causing Vonnii to blush.
"Aight y'all we need to be heading out. Our reservation is for 8:30" April said as she peered over at the clock. It was 7:25pm and with the way LA's traffic was set up they needed to be making moves towards the front door like now.
"Bet but we gotta take some pics first" Alaina said with her phone already in her hand ready to take a selfie as usual.
So with that in mind they all finished getting dressed, added their finishing touches to their hair and makeup, slipped on their shoes and accessories, and took a few pictures. April made a mental note to have someone take a group picture of them before the night ended because she wanted to capture the moment. Everyone who brought along overnights bags made sure they had everything packed up because they were all going back to separate locations once dinner was done. They double checked to make sure they had everything and when they were done they headed back downstairs and out the front door.
Dwayne was already outside waiting on them. April put on the alarm and locked up the house behind them before joining them inside the sprinter. Dwayne knew their next location so they sat back and chilled. They were still hype from their little twerk session so Alaina turned her music back on and they sang along to the songs and cut the fuck up in their seats. It was a party. Before they knew it they were pulling up outside the restaurant with security surrounding the sprinter once again because April still wasn't fucking with paparazzi.
"Good evening welcome to Beauty and Essex do you have a reservation" the hostess said and asked with a smile.
"Good evening yes reservation for Blackmon party of 5" April said smiling back.
"Ah ha Ms. Blackmon I see you. A waiter will be right with you ladies momentarily"
"Thank you" April said and they stepped to the side to make sure they weren't in the way. It was Friday so it was packed but it wasn't overly packed. The vibe was actually mellow and chill and she knew that the girls would like it. She and Alaina had been there plenty of times along with Hazel. The wait wasn't long at all and before they knew it they were being ushered to their table for the night.
"Ouu I like I like" Ebony said looking around the restaurant taking in the décor.
"Big mood" Mimi said looking around as she took a seat at the table.
"It is" Vonnii added looking around as well before taking a seat.
"Good evening ladies my name is Aaron and I'll be your waiter for the night. Can I start you off with a drink" he said and asked and one by one the girls gave them their choice of drink. The waiter left and placed their drink orders, gave them some time to look over the menu, and by the time he came back with their drinks they were ready to place their orders. One by one the girls placed their orders, Aaron double checked to see if they were correct, then made his way back to place their order.
"Ok I think we've held off long enough so whose first" April said and asked as she looked around the table. They had been waiting on this moment to sit back, relax, eat, drink, and actually talk.
-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed part 1. Stay tuned for part 2 I'm going to try to have it posted on Monday but don't quote me 😫
-Dave playing too many games trying to keep our good sis in the house like she doesn't deserve a day out🤦🏾♀️
-I know y'all are waiting for a real session but it'll happen in due time 😬
-As you can see the girls are DONE with tour but luckily this will be it for a long while. It's time for the guys to come home 😊
-I know y'all are interested in how the other couples spent their valentines so y'all will get a glimpse in part 2😁
-What are y'all ideal girls day and do y'all actually have girls day or do y'all like staying to yourselves 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑 Be on the lookout I'll be having a little tips and tricks note for wattpad authors popping up in this story soon. I get quite a few messages from people wanting advice when it comes to writing and wattpad in general so I'm going to share what has personally worked for me. I'll also will be giving you guys a chance to plug yourselves in as well so stay tuned 🥰
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