27.1: Rolling With The Homies
Chapter 27.1: Rolling With The Homies cont...
"Meeee" Mimi dragged smiling heavily. They could tell from the smile alone that her Valentines were a good one. Every time Shooters name was mentioned today or her phone went off she'd just be sitting there hella cheesy.
"Aww shit what did my brother do" April asked as she and the rest of the girls gave Mimi their full attention ready to sip on some tea.
"Let's just say Valentines was simply amazing. My baby finally asked me to be his woman. You know he didn't have to actually ask because we already know that I'm his and he's mine but the way he asked me and the fact that he even asked me was worth it" Mimi said still smiling. She had a glow about her.
"Awww" the girls gushed happy for her and waiting to hear what else had gone down and how he asked her.
"Wait before you even get into the details I thought you and Shooter were already together. I mean from New Years it didn't look like y'all weren't together" Vonnii said and asked and the girls laughed. They could see why she questioned it. Anybody looking on the outside in would think they were already together. Shooter and Mimi was definitely a couple they just didn't need conformation because they already knew what they had.
"V that man has had her ass since the first week they started talking" Ebony said and laughed. They all knew what was up with Mimi and Shooter but unlike the men they knew he had never officially asked her to be his.
"Yes, yes he did and it was all good because I was stuck on his ass too" Mimi said not caring at all. Shooter had her and that was that.
"You know me I Stan" Vonnii said and the girls broke out in a fit of laughter because Shooter had been using that shit like it was his.
"Yea bae has borrowed ya I Stan he uses it often these days" Mimi said in between laughs while the waiter brought out their appetizers.
Vonnii laughed. "I don't mind. If anybody was going to use it he and August looked like they would" Mimi and Alaina shook their heads while April and Ebony laughed knowing Vonnii was absolutely right.
"Thank you" they all said to the waiter as he placed their food down onto the table.
"You're welcome enjoy and if you need anything let me know" Aaron said and walked off.
"Ok details now" Alaina said looking over at Mimi then picked up her fork.
"Welllllll he woke me up and told me he had some plans for me so we got up and got ready for the day. So I'm walking ahead of him heading to the living room and had to stop in my tracks because bae had the living room table filled with bouquets of roses. One even had blue face hundreds wrapped around them. The cutest chocolate brown teddy bear was sitting on the couch surrounded by bags from some of my favorite stores" Mimi said getting into detail. She didn't want to leave anything out. They had been holding out on their Valentine's for this specific day so she had to tell it all. It was better than sharing it over the phone. "He honestly could've stopped right there and I'd a been happy but he didn't. He told me I could open my gifts later but we needed to make our way out because he set up some spa time for me. He took me to a luxury spa, we got a couples massage, and he even got a facial with me" Mimi gushed. All the stops that Shooter had pulled for her had her looking at him differently but in a good different. He surprised her. He really didn't look the type to do all of what he did but clearly he was.
"Love to see it" the girls said smiling and eating. They loved to see a manly man out of his element and doing things because he wanted to make sure that his woman good and well taken care of especially when he had a woman who was giving him the same energy.
"Brother doesn't look the type to go all out but I wouldn't expect anything less from him" Ebony said then took a sip of her cocktail. Since meeting and hanging around Bully, Shooter, and Dave she knew it was more than meets the eye with them. It just took the right females to bring out that special side they had locked within them.
"Word" they all agreed.
"That wasn't it though. We went grocery shopping so I could cook him dinner because I didn't feel like going out to eat and when we got back home he let me open my presents and bay bee my mans' went all out. He got me some shit from Vicky Secret, Bath and Body Works, a Louie bag, and y'all know those Jays I wanted to get he even copped those because he knew I didn't have time to get them on my own. Now we all know I could've ordered them online but I like to see certain shit in person. Any, who I made him a steak and lobster dinner fit for my sexy ass black king, we ate, talked, and you know he wouldn't be him if he didn't crack a few jokes and shit but it was a damn good night" Mimi continued while the girls ate and sipped on their drinks listening.
They had all missed nights like this and for Vonnii this vibe was a little different for her. She didn't have many friends in LA. They were more work associates than anything so she didn't have many moments like this where she could sit back and talk and gossip with other females so she was enjoying it. It felt good to sit around a group of women and be able to talk and no one is trying to throw shade or be caddy. This was something she could get used to. They hadn't switched up on her at all and they still made her feel welcomed and like she belonged.
"Sounds like a good ass night to me sis" April said.
"It really was. We finished eating and went back to the bedroom to watch a movie so we're sipping on our drinks just chilling and watching the movie when his ass pauses the movie out of nowhere like it wasn't at a good part" Mimi said and smacked her lips thinking about it because the movie was getting good. Everyone laughed at her sitting there pouting. "But it was worth the pause because Shooter got all serious and poured his whole heart out to me. He let me know exactly how he was feeling. Not one joke escaped his lips. So you know when he asked me I had to yes without a doubt no hesitation no nothing" she said and looked over at April.
"Sis you know I've been through the ringer with my share of fuck boys so to finally have a man that's for me that makes me happy. I don't see him going anywhere. I know that he'll always be there for me just like I'll always be there for him" Mimi said and teared up.
"Aww babes no tears" April said smiling at her. She knew all too well the feeling that Mimi was feeling and it was a damn good feeling to have someone that you didn't have to doubt or think twice about.
"I'm just happy. I don't know if I ever thanked you but thank you for setting us up. You don't know how much I appreciate it" Mimi said and reached over and placed her hand on top of April's and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Sis ya good besides I knew you was crushing on my brother anyway so I had to make it happen. I thought y'all would look cute together which y'all do and both of y'all are a damn mess. Y'all were made for each other" April said and laughed. Mimi didn't have to thank her for anything she was just a friend looking out for a friend.
"Trueeeeee" Alaina and Ebony agreed making Mimi smile even more.
"Sorry to interrupt ladies but dinner is here" Aaron the waiter said back with a tray filled with food. He cleaned up the table, took their dirty dishes, and then set their plates of food in front of them.
"No problem" April said and let him do his thing.
"Would y'all like a refill" he asked looking around the table.
"Sure" they all answered.
"Same drinks or would you like to try something new" he questioned. One by one they told him what they wanted. He jotted it down and double checked it before walking off again.
"Damn this is good. Tastes just as good as I remember it" Alaina said as she dug into her food. She hadn't been to Beauty and Essex since she and April had moved back to Jersey. It was a spot she, April, and Hazel use to frequent on days just like this.
"Facts it still tastes the same" April agreed. They kept the conversation to a minimal since they were waiting for the waiter to come back with their drinks.
"Here you go ladies enjoy" Aaron said with a smile as he placed their drinks down then went about his business.
"Ok well I done spilled my tea so who's next" Mimi asked as she looked around the table ready to take a sip herself.
"Meee" Alaina said and smiled. "My day was perfect. Lil daddy woke me up by tossing a duffle bag full of money on the bed and told my ass to get up and get dressed because he was taking me shopping. He wasn't saying nothing but a word. So you know me I love retail therapy so I got my ass up and headed straight for the shower" she said making them laugh. "We got dressed you know matching each other's fly as we often do. He passed me the duffle bag so I walk out our bedroom before him and the closer I get downstairs the more I smell something good coming from the kitchen. His ass had a chef in our kitchen going in. Shopping and food how could you go wrong. A man after my heart, closet, and stomach is my kind of man" she said and cheesed. The girls looked at her and laughed.
"We had steak omelets with onions peppers and cheese in it with some of the best waffles I've ever tasted. They were crispy as hell and soft and buttery in the inside with mimosas on the side. He even had the drinks in our fancy wine glasses" Alaina added. "He took me shopping and he let me shop till I dropped without pestering me bout when we're leaving. He just let me do me and stayed by my side the whole entire time. I even gave him a lil show and modeled a few pieces for him" she said and bit down on her bottom lip. "We spent the whole day out and about like this was our first time in LA and we were sightseeing and enjoying the moment. I loved it"
"The smiles and the happiness we love to see it" Ebony said smiling. They were all blessed to have men in their lives that loved, cared, and treated them the way that they did. They knew it wasn't many men out there like that so to have the men they did have they felt blessed.
"Yesssss" all of them said hype.
"But word I love lil daddy" she said and happily sighed. "He always makes sure that I'm straight. I thought that when we got home that would be the end of our day but nope we just cuddled up around the house till late night just talking and making more plans for our future" Alaina continued. "The night was far from over though. He told me to go get dressed because we were going out to eat. So you know I went and showered and threw it on because I had to look sexy for my lil daddy. Once again I had to match his fly. It's what we do. I finish getting dressed and I'm in this sexy ass black dress and he walks into the bedroom looking like he was ready for a photo shoot for GQ and you know his ass is skinny swole now too lawd" she said and fanned herself and they just laughed. She was a damn trip.
"By now I'm like fuck it we can stay inside and get tangled up in the sheets but nope I went with the flow. He told me I didn't need my purse so I tossed that bitch on the bed and followed my man. We walked downstairs and once again it's smelling all types of good. He walks me into the living room and when I say lil daddy did his thing he did his thing" Alaina said all smiles as everybody looked at her in awe wanting to know what else did silly ass August have planned for her.
"Go on" Vonnii said and they laughed. She had been on it today. She wasn't missing shit.
"He had the table set to perfection. Rose petals were scattered around the table, candles lit up the dimly lit living room, and he had music playing in the background. It was a big mood. He helped me in my seat, kissed me with those plush pink lips of his, and made his way to his seat. The chef from earlier had come in with dinner and left afterwards. It was just a vibe all the way around. Like honestly with us we've done so much already and we try to up the ante but Valentine's was absolutely perfect" Alaina continued with a smile. "And of course I wouldn't be me if I didn't look him out. I waited to the next day just to make it seem like I didn't get him anything" she said and laughed.
"Only us" April said laughing already knowing how she was because with certain things she and Alaina were one in the same.
"Exactly" Alaina laughed. "So the next morning I got up acting like I had to be somewhere to be and had him walk me to the garage. Lil daddy flipped his shit when he got in there and saw his precious Lamborghini Aventador with a big red bow on it. He loves his car and wanted a switch up so I got it wrapped for him"
"Big moves sis big moves" Ebony said and nodded.
"Yessss he deserved it" Alaina said all hype. "He loved it so y'all know I spent the rest of the day and night tangled up in the sheets hopping all on the Febreze' can"
"I'm fuckin done" Vonni said crying laughing while April and Ebony put their heads down and shook them. Everybody knew about August and the whole Frebreze' can.
Mimi looked at her and smirked. "Oh we know you did"
Alaina laughed. "Yes, yes now whose next" she questioned.
"Y'all make me want to keep my day to myself" Vonnii said jokingly.
"Hey now we're a nonjudgmental type of sisterhood here. Valentine's isn't a main holiday for us because its Valentine's every day for us whether we're spending money on our significant others or vice versa or just spending time with them. We show love to each other everyday and not on one specific day. Valentine's doesn't have to be extravagant at all. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. So with that being said ya next because we know that our brother still went out for you even though y'all are taking things slow" April said and smiled at Vonnii. She didn't want her to feel uncomfortable at all. This was just girl talk and nobody was trying to outdo anybody. They already knew that Vonnii and Trey were taking it slow as it is so they didn't expect it to be one of those types of celebrations where he went above and beyond. But they knew he had looked her out and made sure that she had a good day.
"Straight facts" the girls all agreed. They all felt the same way. They weren't here for the anything you can do I can do better thing. They were all just happy for each other. They didn't need a measuring stick to see who pockets were longer, how many gifts were giving, and any of the other bullshit that came along with females trying to outdo one another.
"So in other words spill the tea V" Ebony said ready to sip with her cocktail in her hand looking at Vonnii.
Vonnii smiled. It really felt nice to be surrounded by woman like them. She could tell that they were being genuine so she let them in. "FYI this is the first time I celebrated Valentine's in years so I definitely enjoyed it. I don't really do the dating scene. I'm always traveling and on the go so I'm not spending time meeting guys like that but Trey definitely made this one, one to remember" she said and blushed.
"Look at her she over there blushing already" Mimi teased.
"I can't help it. I know Trey has been through some shit but he makes sure that I'm good and that he pays me attention. So yea we're taking it slow but it's worth it. I get to see him for him and he gets the same from me. So to see him in another light on Valentine's when he could've been sitting home stuck in his head, reminiscing, and in a bad mood was a good thing. He made the day bout me and I appreciated it because he didn't have to do anything for me. Any, who he picked me up with my favorite flowers pink roses and lilies in his hand and a huge teddy bear in his arms for me to cuddle with when we're not together because he knows how I feel about that cuddle time" Vonnii said and giggled.
"He took me to breakfast. Afterwards we went back to my place and I packed an overnight bag then we went back to his place" she said and smiled thinking about it all over again. She had really enjoyed herself and the time she spent with Trey. Let alone this was their first public outing and it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Honestly the more time she spent with Trey the more she fell for him.
"Brother really got her ass blushing over here. I love it" Alaina said smiling.
Vonnii giggled. "I can't help it. It was a simple but nice day for the both of us. We sat in the house cuddled up talking, playing his PlayStation, picking on each other, and just living in the moment. We even cooked dinner together and that alone was a mood because he knew what he was doing in the kitchen and when he thinks no one is paying attention or he's in his zone and focused he sings lowly to himself. To me it was like winning a contest and the prize is to chill with your favorite artist for a day and you get to see a side of them that you didn't know existed. So I got to see Tremaine and not Mr. Steal Your Girl or Trigga or Trey. I loved it. He made a simple day feel like a full on celebration" she said. Of course she spent time with Trey and got to see him in action but she didn't always get to see Tremaine because he was so busy trying to take things slow. It was like he wanted to put out but didn't want to put it all out. He was cautious with his feelings and heart and she couldn't fault him for that.
"I'm happy for y'all. Trey definitely deserves this. I think everyone deserves to have their share of happiness" April said smiling.
"Thank you thank you so who's next" Vonnii asked still smiling. April didn't know what would come of Vonnii and Trey but so far she could see them trying to work it out. She didn't see her going anywhere any time soon or if at all.
"Ebony" April said and smirked.
"Well damn" Ebony laughed but she was ready. "I had a good ass Valentine's though. I woke up to breakfast in bed. I don't know what it is bout men and breakfast but bae can throw down in the kitchen when it comes to making breakfast food but not so much for dinner" she said and laughed.
"Shit you already started off better than me. Shooter will get up and buy breakfast and come home and put it on a plate and claim that he made it" Mimi said laughing causing everyone to laugh.
"That definitely sounds like some shit he would do" Ebony said laughing. "But yea bae cooked me some fluffy ass pancakes with sausages and cheese eggs. He made me a mimosa and even sliced up some of my favorite fruits and made me a fruit salad. To make it even better he refused to let me feed myself he fed me until I was nice and full"
"Spoiled ass" Alaina teased.
"Damn right and I deserve it" Ebony said and stuck her tongue out at her.
"Yessss" all the girls said all hype except for Ebony who just sat there with a big smile plastered on her face. "He had woken me up and started feeding me that I hadn't even noticed how he set up our bedroom. He had the usual Valentine's shit you know the balloons, teddy bear, and roses. It was light pink and ivory roses everywhere. He was tryna get my hard body ass to weaken my defenses and it worked" Ebony said and let out a little laugh. Yes she and everyone else knew she was hard body but with Bully she had no choice but to turn into a mush ball full of emotions.
The girls laughed because they knew just what she was talking about especially April and Alaina. They remembered how shit use to be when they were younger and how Ebony use to be out in the streets on her bullshit. But she was absolutely right when she said that she deserved what Bully had done for her because with him he loved her hard body ass and all. Let alone he was the one to take the time to learn her so to Ebony Bully deserved to see all of her emotions uncensored and raw because he put in the necessary work to knock her defenses down without breaking her.
"So I'm in bed getting fed and blushing that he really went out and did all of this for me when he gets out of bed, goes to his nightstand, and tosses stack after stacks of cash on the bed beside me. He gets back in the bed and stacks all the cash up and grins at me then proceeds to give me the I know you don't need this and that and I know you can take care of ya self spill that he normally gives me when he gives me money or buys me something. He just wanted to treat me. At this point I don't even know why he repeats himself because I like when he treats me even if he knows I got it but I let him talk" Ebony continues.
"Girl you know I know that spill" April said and covered her mouth laughing.
"Exactly" Ebony said laughing thinking about how she had to get on April's case not too long ago about letting Dave treat her. "So I ask him what's the money for and he's like I figured you'd like to go shopping so let's get to it. So now I'm smiling even harder but I tell him I don't want to go clothes shopping just yet because I still have clothes that I need to pack up that I left behind in Atlanta. I really don't want to do anything major until we get our own spot and yes sis I know that we don't have to move but we have to go eventually" she said and looked at April. April just put her hands in the air surrendering she wasn't going to argue with her. She understood why she and Bully wanted their own place.
"So what did you use the money for then" Mimi curiously asked.
"Welllll you know I got my huge ass office in sis's LA building and I couldn't find what I liked so he told me to get dressed so I did and we went driving from store to store until I found everything I wanted. He furnished my whole entire office from my fancy cherry wood desk all the way down to the paintings on the wall even the décor I swore I just had to have. He spared no expense to get me everything I wanted and needed to my liking. Not only that but he purchased me an IMac desktop so I could keep the pro for the home office. Literally everything I had on my list that I needed and wanted he got everything off the list plus more. I ended up getting my office furniture from a catalog so it'll be here sometime next week so once they deliver it and set it up he's gonna put up some shelving for me" Ebony said with a big smile still on her face.
"We love a man who not only gives us what we need but what we want" April said with a smile of her own. Their men paid attention to everything.
"Yessss" they agreed hype again and sipped on their drinks. They were pretty much done with their dinner but they were definitely going to order desert.
"I thought that was it because that was a big ass deal to me but nope we get back in the house and I go into my closet so I can take out the lil pink lingerie set I bought for the night and a YSL shopping bag was waiting for me with a new purse inside it. You know we love us some purses so I was like yea I'm a have to get him right for real for real" she said and smirked as the waiter came back to their table.
"Hey ladies sorry to interrupt did y'all enjoy" he asked.
"We definitely did" April answered. "We would like to see the menu again so we can order desert though"
"I can do that. If y'all are finished I can grab your plates and be right back with the menus" he said looking around the table.
April looked around the table to see if everyone was done and ready for desert. Everybody's plate was empty. "Yup we're ready"
"Ok" he nodded and started grabbing their empty plates. Once he grabbed all of the dirty dishes he left and came right back with the menus. It didn't take them long at all to figure out what they wanted so they ordered and Aaron went back to place their orders as well as refill their drinks again. April knew she was going to tip him well. He had been respectful, pleasant, did his job with no complaints, checked on them often, and his smile never left his face. He looked like a college student so putting a little extra money in his pockets she didn't mind. Aaron came back with their drinks and let them know that their deserts would be out soon before he took off again to tend to another table.
"So back to you Ebony how did the night end" Vonnii asked looking over at Ebony. They all laughed. Vonni had been sipping tea all day long but they didn't mind they were too. They didn't feel like they gave her all of their information or that she would run off and spill tea to the gossip blogs.
"The night ended well V. I put on my lil set, made his favorite meal, had his drink ready, blunt rolled, and by the time we were done eating he was ready for desert" Ebony replied and winked.
"Fresh ass" Alaina said and laughed.
"Damn right" Ebony laughed. "And of course I wouldn't be a Blackmon if I didn't have a present for my man. Like I said you know me and bae are hard body so I purchased him a new gun and had it customized to his liking" she said cheesing. The girls burst out laughing.
"I swear only you sis only you" Mimi said dying laughing.
Ebony laughed. "Let's not act like I'm the only one sitting at this table that would do that" she said and looked dead at April and then Alaina making them laugh.
"Right now she's talking bout you sis" April said to Ebony laughing.
"Exactly" Alaina added laughing looking over at Ebony as well. See this whole night was a vibe and what girl's night outs were supposed to be. Good tea was being spilled, laughter could be heard around the table, smiles stayed on their faces, and everybody was in good spirits. This is what they missed and this is just what they needed.
"Here you go ladies enjoy" Aaron said as he stood by the side of their table with their deserts sitting on a tray.
"Thank you" they said.
"No problem" he said and went about his business.
"Well we done heard from everybody but you so spill that tea sis" Ebony said looking over at April.
April laughed. "Well besides that shit show called paparazzi my day and night was bomb as hell but we're not gonna dwell on paparazzi. I know y'all already saw that shit play out on TMZ" For her it seemed like her days could go on without a hitch and be as perfect ass possible but somewhere along the line something was bound to happen. She always got the good with the bad.
"Yea we're gonna keep the good vibes going because I was ready to jump through the phone when I saw the shit" Alaina said getting pissed and that's what April didn't want.
"Calm down let me tell y'all what my thuggish teddy bear did for me" April said and smiled then proceeded to tell them all about her and Dave's Valentine's day from the time she woke up all the way down to how he set up the pool room making sure to skip the paparazzi scene.
"I'm sorry but Dave shocks the shit out of me and if I didn't come to the New Year's party or see how he talks bout you online and posts you up I'd be side eyeing you" Vonnii said and laughed but they knew where she was coming from. Dave was the definition of you can't judge a book by its cover. "Like he stays with a mug on his face and he looks unapproachable but seeing y'all two together you get to see that he isn't as scary as he seems...well around family"
"Don't let him fool you he's a sweetheart. He's still a scary ass nigga though" April said and laughed. "Papi can't help it though it's the Harlem in him" Dave looked like he was hard as hell but his ass was definitely a teddy bear around his woman and girls just like his mushy ass had been texting April throughout the night checking on her which she didn't mind. She was used to it and besides she did the same thing to him when he was out and about. To April it felt good to know that her man was worried and concerned about her whereabouts and wanted to see if she was safe and the fact that he wasn't overbearing with it was a plus. He didn't hound her he just checked in from time to time.
"Facts because he's hard but he's complete mush when it comes to sis" Alaina said agreeing then went back to her desert.
"Hell yea that man could be sitting in the room with all of us talking laughing and shit and that mug will still be present. I don't even know how he does it. Like soon after he laughs the mug is right back on his face and as soon as sis or one of his baby girls enters the room he's all smiles" Mimi added.
"Get off my man he can't help it" April said and laughed. "He has a beautiful smile though"
"He does have a nice smile" Ebony agreed.
"Speaking of Papi y'all he has a bad and I mean very bad case of baby fever. I've never experienced this shit before with a man. I've never seen it. I mean sure I dealt with my own baby fever but this shit right here is severe" April said and looked around the table to see everyone smirking back at her. Even Vonnii was smirking like she knew something April didn't and she hadn't even been around long enough to notice anything.
"Sorry to break it to you sis but WE know" Mimi said laughing. "We were just minding our black owned businesses"
"Huh" April said confused as she put down her spoon.
"How bout we save this conversation for inside the sprinter" Ebony suggested still smirking at her.
"Why do I feel like y'all know something I don't" April said.
"Excuse me Aaron check please" Mimi said with her finger in the air laughing.
-Happy reading guys I hope y'all enjoyed. Part 2 ended up being 82 pages long so once again I had to split this part into 2. So with that being said look out for part 3 😊
-Everybody had a bomb ass Valentines 😜
-Vonnii over here getting all the damn tea 😂. Do you think she can be trusted 🤔
-So the girls know about Dave's severe case of baby fever. Wonder how this conversation is going to go 😬
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑Happy Holidays boo's from my family to yours‼️ I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas. 2020 has been one hell of a year and some of us aren't able to spend holidays the way we normally spend them but I hope you still cherish the time. Tell your loved ones you love them often. If you can't be around family put that FaceTime and Zoom to use. What I've learned from 2020 is to expect the unexpected so be blessed you woke up another day. Stay safe and stay blessed ❤️ Love Y'all 🥰
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