26: Our First Valentine's

Chapter 26: Our First Valentine's

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." – Dr. Seuss, Author

"Papi I swear if you think you need to cancel on me just write me a rain check now" April said as she lied on top of him. They were in the family room watching TV. Well he was watching TV until she had kindly walked in and interrupted him making him pause the movie he had been in the middle of watching. He didn't mind though. Besides he was watching a movie he had already seen way too many times to count so it was pretty much background noise at this point.

Dave looked down at her and chuckled. "Ma, why would I have to cancel on you? I'm off till next month" he asked. She had been so excited about Valentine's and he had already planned a little something so he had no intentions to cancel on her. He had a free day. He had made sure he had nothing to do this whole month since they had to move, Valentine's, and their one year anniversary was all in the same month. He wanted to make sure he could spend some much needed time with her and to love on her like he wanted and needed to. He felt like with everything going on he needed to assure her that shit was good and he was there for her. He didn't want her thinking that she was alone.

"You know how it is ya off from tour yes but there's still the studio and I know you got some shit to do there. Not to mention I know you have ya eyes set on some different shit right now" she said and pouted which was true but this month was dedicated to family and family only so work had to wait. He was about to kick off his second leg of tour overseas so he wanted to get in all the time he needed with April and the girls and even with the additional projects he was looking into they had all been on pause.

"Ma you do realize that was just one date that I had to cancel and it was over a year ago. Sure it was supposed to be our original first date but that doesn't mean I have to cancel on you every time I plan something" he asked and said as his hand mindlessly ran up and down her back.

"I know Papi I know but you've been keeping tomorrow's plans at arm's reach. I'm in here all excited and thinking bout what's planned, what am I wearing, how I'm going to style my hair, and all that good shit. You know I hate to be all excited for nothing" She hated to be excited about plans and a few seconds later some shit happens and everything is ruined.

Dave couldn't help but laugh. She had been excited and in and out of her closet looking at her clothing. She was extra giddy and he loved that she was excited. There was no way in hell he'd cancel on her especially after seeing her in action. Now he knew what she looked like on their first date night where he had to cancel and now he couldn't bear to do that to her again unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Ma I'm not canceling anything and even if I do get a call from whoever they'll just have to wait and I'm pretty sure they would understand" he said sure of himself. "You come first"

"Oh I know I come first but just know if you play me this room right here will be ya bedroom until I get out of my feelings"

"Get fucked up" he said and mugged her.

She shrugged. "I'm just saying if you cancel on me just get use to sleeping on the couch instead of in our comfortable California king size bed up against all this chocolate"

"You'd really make me sleep in here and take all my chocolate away from me" he questioned to see just how serious she was.

"Yes and yes I'll just have a sleepover with all my babies Teddy B included" she answered. "So you won't even have a smoke buddy"

"You thought" he said and smacked her ass. She could talk all the shit she wanted but it wasn't happening just like he knew Teddy would dip as soon as he got a whiff of the goods.

April mugged him and rubbed her ass cheek. "Any, who I'll let you get back to ya movie. I got shit to do" she said and climbed off of him.

"Yea like me" he shot back watching her walk away looking at her ass jiggling in her sweatpants.

"Oh no sir this cookie belongs to me and will be staying in the cookie jar until tomorrow and that's IF there's no cancellation" she said as she looked at him over her shoulder and proceeded to walk out of the room.

Dave got up with the quickness and followed behind her. If she thought she was keeping the goods away from him she had another thing coming. "Stop playing games you don't want to play" he said as he followed her upstairs to their home office. They had decided to share an office again. He had one side and she had the other. Besides the room was so spacious they wouldn't bump in to each other unless they literally tried to.

"Oh no Papi this isn't a game" she said and sat down at her desk and opened up a draw trying to pay him no mind.

"You know like I know you can't keep that pussy away from me" he said as he walked over to her desk and took a seat on it daring her to challenge him.

"See that's the thing I love the dick just as much as you love this pussy but you've never really been in the dog house. I'd hate for you to receive that kind of treatment because getting no vitamin D will not work out in our favor because we both need, want, and desire those moments but it's still doable" she said as she stopped what she was doing and looked up at him smirking. "Trust I've been without for years so a few days or weeks ain't shit" April said as a matter of fact. The way she said it Dave knew she meant it and he wasn't trying to test the theory when Valentine's was literally right around the corner. He wasn't about to fuck shit up especially when he wanted to get in a little session so he kindly stood up and walked off.

"Love you" she said and laughed as if she had won something then again she had.

Dave turned around and eyed her. She knew he wasn't leaving the room until she put some respect on that love you. He didn't even know why she tried to play with him like that. She could tell her family love you all day long but not him. He needed that I in front of it.

"I love you Papi"

"That's what I thought. I love you too ma" he said and walked out of the door while she stayed behind laughing at him.

Valentine's Day

Dave carefully crept back in bed with a smile on his face. He had been up early morning setting some shit up for Valentine's Day. He had to make sure that all of his girls woke up with smiles on their faces. He wanted them to know that no matter what Papi, daddy, and Pops would always be their Valentine's. He didn't care how old they were. Daddy was always going to love them, make sure they knew it, and not to settle for anything less. So while they were home and lived under his roof and even after he was going to make sure that there was at least a teddy bear, a box of chocolates, or both would always be there for them on Valentine's Day. Dave wanted all of them to have a happy Valentine's Day especially April.

It was their first one together and as a couple. Let alone she had been holding down the fort while he was out making his bags with no complaints and doing a damn good job so she deserved a night out with her man. With the way April had been feeling lately he wanted to make sure today was almost perfect even though she told him he didn't have to do much. All she really wanted to do was get dolled up, sexy, and go out on a date. She kept saying that he didn't have to go all out because one Valentine's Day was an everyday thing in their household so one day out of the year to express how much they loved each other or to buy gifts weren't necessary when she felt loved every day. Two she said he didn't need to spend much because they had just furnished the house so he should keep that money in his pocket. Three they were getting married so put the money to use on the day they needed it.

He couldn't help but to admire her reasoning but who would he be if he didn't do a little something for his woman. He knew it was the little things that mattered and when she and her girls talked on the phone discussing their Valentine's Day he wanted her to be able to smile and chime in. Dave also couldn't get over the fact that she was a billionaire and not just a billionaire but she was sitting on billions and could spend whatever she wanted and she did but for the most part she never really broke the bank well her version of breaking the bank and wouldn't allow him to break his on her. April knew how to not only make money, keep money flowing in, but save it as well. She was somewhat frugal, loved to budget, and just because she had dough it didn't mean she was willing to blow it all. He still loved that money didn't make her and still to this day he hadn't seen her gloat. She had him moving his money differently and saving more. Sure he invested and saved but he was looking at money in a way where it could be generational wealth where it could be passed down because he couldn't take it with him when he died and he wanted to make sure that their kids would never want or need for anything. Then again he knew her childhood played a major part in how she treated money and not just hers but his money as well. Just because they had money today didn't mean they would have it tomorrow so he loved that she wasn't out here trying to get him to break the bank on her. He did it because he wanted to and thought that she deserved it.

Long story short he had spent bread on his woman but didn't break the bank and he damn sure couldn't wait to see the smile on her face when she saw what he had gotten her. He was going out for her but still keeping it light since he had major plans for their anniversary at the end of the month. It was time for a vacation better yet a baecation and to have some fun in the sun with just the two of them so he had to make it happen. He had already made travel plans and booked everything else. He had sitters for the kids and all. Everything was planned out to the T and he couldn't wait to have her all alone and to himself for a few days. They needed the alone time together and he was making it happen. Dave felt like they did have some alone time since moving but it still wasn't completely alone because they still had the girls.

He just wanted a few days where they weren't on momma and daddy duty, having a family day, or waiting for the girls to fall asleep so they could chill uninterrupted. He wanted some time where they could cater to each other and their needs. Besides they had never vacationed together so before they got married he wanted to do so. He wanted them to get use to traveling together because he wanted to travel the world with her, the girls, and make new memories. Eventually sleep crept in and before he knew it the sun was shining brightly and hitting April's chocolate skin making her glow as he looked down at her smiling. He couldn't wait to get the day started and see that smile that he was dying to see spread across her face.

"Good morning Papi I feel those eyes on me" April said with her eyes still closed and snuggled into him.

"Good morning ma I'm just enjoying the view" he said as he rubbed on her booty enjoying the feel of her ass against his hand as usual.

"Ouuuu then enjoy all the chocolateness you want Papi. I won't deprive you" she said and smirked as she finally opened her eyes.

Dave chuckled. "I know you won't ma by the way Happy Valentine's Day" he said with a smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day Papi" she said as she looked up at him with mischief all in her eyes. She was plotting and it looked like she was plotting on him. Shit he knew she was plotting on him and with Aunt Flo gone he already knew what type of time she was on.

Feeling her soft hands grip around his neck then travel slowly down his chest, down to his stomach, and down to his morning wood April squeezed his dick through his briefs making him groan. As much as he wanted to turn her ass over and get it in he couldn't. They all had moves to make. Besides their alarm was about to go off so a quickie today was out of the question no matter how bad he wanted it. If he was going to get some he wanted it all and not just a taste so it was a no for him. "Ma the alarm is bout to go off" he said as he felt her hand lightly stroking him up and down through his briefs.

"It's Friday we can be a lil late" she said with her eyes still set on him.

"Not this Friday we got shit to do" he said trying to keep it together as she kept stroking him making his toys curl but he couldn't give in. Any other day he'd say fuck it but today wasn't one of those days.

"Papi" she whined not liking his answer.

"I got you tonight ma but for right now I need you to release my dick, go in ya closet, and pick out an outfit for the day before the alarm goes off and its back to momma duty"

"Ouuu sounds like my man has a plan" April said excitedly and let go of him making him laugh and situate himself the best he could.

"I do now go find you something to wear and just remember you don't have all day" he said as he looked over at her knowing that sometimes she took way too long to find something to wear let alone getting dressed.

"Okie dokie" she said and kissed him then quickly hopped out of the bed and made her way to her closet and opened the door. "PAPI" she screamed in excitement making him smile and get up out of the bed and make his way to her. "Papi" she said as she walked further into her closet.

"You like it" he asked as he leaned against the door frame watching her with his arms folded against his chest smiling. This is what he had been waiting for. He loved to see her smile.

"Papi I love it. Thank you" She said as she picked up and looked over the navy blue rose bear which had been sitting in the middle of her island surrounded by bouquets of blue and rose gold colored roses from the Million Roses Company. By now blue roses were their thing. "Papi is this a Beauty and the Beast rose" she questioned as she stumbled upon a frosted blue rose lined in LED lights in a case shining brightly.

"It's inspired by Beauty and the Beast but you know how we are bout that blue" he answered smiling. When he first saw the rose he knew he had to get it for her. The red one looked nice but blue roses had been their vibe.

"It's beautiful" she said in awe looking over it as the lights reflected in her brown eyes making them sparkle.

"I'm glad you like it"

"Is that a Louie bag for mwah" she asked as she made her way to the Louie Vuitton shopping bag making him laugh.

"Yea, now look inside"

"Yes Papi yes to the fuckin yes" she said as she pulled out a Montsouris PM backpack in natural. "I wanted a new bag too"

"I know you already have plenty of backpacks but you said you needed a smaller one for when ya on the go with the girls"

"See we love a man who listens" April said laughing as she reached inside and grabbed another purse. He definitely listened to her. Sure there were some topics where he wasn't interested in but nonetheless he still listened just like she listened to him."Papi I have been eyeing this bag debating if I wanted it or not for a lil while now" she said as she held a red Bleeker Box purse in her hand.

"It looked like something you'd buy so I copped it" he said and shrugged. It was nothing.

"Yea I'm a have to get you right tonight" she said then glanced over at him and hungrily licked her lips.

"The feelings mutual ma but there's more" he said as he walked up on her and pulled two jewelry boxes out of the Louie Vuitton shopping bag. "You know when I buy me new shit I gotta get you right too"

"Ouuu" April said and did a little dance making him laugh again. "Aww shit Papi" she said as she opened the box that held an iced out gold Cuban link chain with her name on it. He had already bought her a Cuban link necklace but this one had some extra to it.

"I know ya a lil classy but I also know you like this shit too" he said happy that she loved the necklace.

"Papi you know I'm a hood baby. I love this shit" she said all hype looking over the chain all smiles. "Shit I think I need some interchangeable letter so I can spell out Papi on this shit"

Dave laughed he had definitely thought about it but said nah. "I started to" he admitted as he watched her open the next box.

"Don't worry bout it I'm a call up G and make it happen" she said as a matter of fact knowing that he had gotten the piece from his jeweler. "Aww Papi" she said in complete awe as she picked up the old school charm bracelet just like she had gotten the girls for Christmas with a few charms on it.

"I saw how much you liked the girl's bracelets so I figured I'd hook you up"

"I love it Papi" she said and teared up. There was a gold angel, a set of wings, MOM, a ring, and a heart with a keyhole in it. He had really put some thought in all of the charms he had gotten for her. "I love it and I love you Papi" she said and hugged him tightly. Of course the angel and wings were for Jr. Mom was because she was a mother, a ring because she was his fiancé and soon to be wife, and the heart with a keyhole was because she had the key to his heart.

"I'm glad you love it ma" he said and bent down and kissed her forehead. "Now find an outfit I got the girls" he said and smirked.

"Gimmie lips first" she said as she stood up on her tippy toes and poked out her lips. Dave scooped her up in his arms just as their alarm went off while April wrapped her legs around his waist and placed both of her hands on his face and kissed him ignoring the alarm for just a little while. "Thanks again Papi I love it all" she said thanking him again.

"Ya welcome ma you deserve it"

She smiled and kissed him once more before he sat her back down and walked off with a smile on his face. See he didn't have to break the bank but he did spend a little bread and got to see the smile he loved on his woman's face and it was only the beginning.

"Good morning Lil Butt Happy Valentine's Day" Dave said as he walked into Kairi's bedroom to see her smiling with her new Teddy bear in her hands holding it tight. He had gotten her a teddy bear and a little box of chocolates as well as Royalty and Charlie minus the chocolates.

"Good morning daddy Happy Valentine's Day" she said still smiling. "Look what I got" she said showing him the glowing light blue teddy bear he had bought her as it glowed in her arms.

"That's from me. I hope you like it" he said smiling back at her glad he could make another one of his babies smile.

"I love it" she shook her head smiling.

"Good now come on let's get you ready for school"

The rest of the morning went by as usual. April cooked them breakfast, they ate as a family, and Dave took Kairi to school leaving April and Charlie at home so she could get dressed and ready for the day.


"Ma you almost ready" Dave asked as he walked into their bedroom. He had just gotten back from dropping Kairi off at school.

"Yes" she answered as she walked out of her closet fully dressed in a pair of destressed jeans with a rose pink spaghetti strapped halter with strings wrapped around her stomach looking edible. Let this had been New Jersey she'd have second thoughts about that shirt. She wouldn't have even picked it up knowing the weather in February was type brutal in Jersey.

"Damn you look good ma" he said eyeing her from head to toe looking at how her jeans fit her ass then licked his lips. Boy he loved the extra booty meat. He was happy to see her back in love with her body since she had finally shedded off all of her baby weight in her stomach area.

"Thankies Papi" she smiled and blushed.

"You got my lil baby dressed" he questioned.

"Yup now where are we going" she asked as she looked in her vanity mirror and fluffed her curls out some.

"I'm not going anywhere but to go chill with Pop's baby but ya going to the nail shop so you can get ya nails and shit done. Don't worry lil sis told me the shop you like and who use to do ya shit so I made you an appointment" he said knowing some women were particular about shit like that. Shit he was particular about shit like that as well because some people didn't know how to do shit correctly or to his liking.

"Damn Papi you the best" she said and bit down on her bottom lip. She had been biting her lip and giving him the eye all morning.

"I try" he chuckled. "Now go head before ya late and you know why" he said and grabbed his dick. He wanted her bad but what he really needed was for her to get to the shop and give him some alone time.

April laughed and shook her head at his antics. "Damn now I gotta think bout what car I'm driving" she said as she slipped on her blue fur coat and grabbed her Chanel purse off the bed.

"Well think bout that on ya way downstairs" he laughed knowing she was really in her head debating on what car to take out of the garage. "Did you open ya bags" he questioned.

"No not yet"

He figured she didn't. "Go open ya bags first before you go"

"Ok" April said and made her way back into her closet and walked over to her new bags. She opened up the small red one first to see a knot of cash in it then opened the back pack to see a few stacks of money inside. "Thankies Papi" she said and smiled holding the money in her hands. "You didn't have to everything else was more than enough" she said honestly but that wasn't how he did shit.

"You know I never buy you bags and not put anything in them. Now take that knot of money and go get ya nails and shit done" he said and kissed her forehead. It was five grand in the small purse and fifteen in her backpack. Of course he knew she didn't need the money but he had never bought her a purse without putting money in it.

"Facts well I'm out Papi I'm bout to go blow a few stack and get my shit right. I'll see you in a few" she said all hype then leaned up and kissed him. He knew she needed this me time even if she didn't request it.

"Have fun"

"I will" and with that she made her way out of the room and left the house altogether giving Dave the alone time he needed to make more shit happen.

"Come on Pop's baby" he said as he picked up Charlie out of her crib then made his way out the room, down the hall, and downstairs to their inside pool and Jacuzzi room. He placed Charlie in her playpen that he had put down there when they first moved in. They had wanted to make sure she had a safe place to stay when down by the water.

"Pops will be right here. I got some decorating to do before ya momma gets back" he said and kissed her forehead then walked off to the bags he had stored there the other day. He had thought about going to a hotel for the night but their home was better than a hotel. All he had to do was set the mood and work his magic which wasn't hard to do. Dave moved about the room decorating it to his liking but still making sure he talked to Charlie while doing so. That's why his little baby Triple B was the gatekeeper of his secrets. She knew it all she just couldn't voice any of it and that's what he loved and when it wasn't Charlie it was Teddy during their little blow it in the air sessions. Just like in his song We Got Everything featuring Styles P said 'I tell my secrets to my dog I never heard a dog talk'. He meant that shit.

"You think ya mommas gonna like this" he asked Charlie as he stood back and admired his work then looked over at Charlie who was lying there chilling. He thought he was getting better with this whole setting the mood thing. "She better her lil ass stay having me do simp shit but shh don't tell her I said that" he said and chuckled. He didn't mind doing shit like this for her though. She made him want to do these types of things and she deserved to have these types of things done for her. "I wonder what she's got planned for me" he said more so to himself. He wondered what lingerie set was going to grace her body tonight, what would the conversation be about, and what would she pull out of her bag of tricks because somehow she never ceased to amaze him.

Dave loved that he didn't know everything about her and was constantly learning new things. Sure he knew the important shit and the shit he needed to know but when it came to certain shit like her Crip walking he wouldn't have guessed she was into shit like that especially when she wasn't into gang shit. April was a jack of all trades and he was here for it. He loved to see the real her and how her personality shined through. She really wasn't what people assumed her to be but most would never know. She only shared herself with a selected few.

"Aight Pop's baby let's go chill we're done here" Dave said as he put the bag he had the decorations in then made his way to Charlie and scooped her up in his arms then left out of the pool room like he was never there. "I could've sworn I told ya momma to hit me when she got to the shop" he said as he took a seat on one of the couches in the family room then pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Oh" he said looking down at his phone while Charlie reached for it noticing April had indeed sent him a text.

Ma👰🏾💍😛: Hey Papi I made it 😘

He read the message.

Papi🤴🏽🍆👅: My fault ma I was a lil busy but do ya thing. I'll see you when you get back 😘

He sent a text back and had some one on one time with Charlie while he had the chance to. Being with Charlie like this reminded him of all the times he shared these moments with Kairi. Lawd knows he didn't know shit about taking care of a baby and a baby girl at that but through all the trials and errors it was all worth it. He cherished those moments and now he was creating new moments with his littlest baby girl. This shit made him think about all of the backhanded compliments, all the shit talking, the hate, and backlash April was receiving on social media. How could he not love Charlie, claim her as his own, and take care of her like he did? People were so busy on the outside looking in that they didn't even see the bigger picture or tried to see it. They didn't know shit but they assumed the worst. Just because they couldn't co-parent with their child's mother or father didn't mean shit had to be the same for them.

Charlie was as much his child as Kairi was April's and anybody who knew April knew that Kairi was her damn baby and no one could change that. It's funny before they posted up Charlie everybody was all over April and Kairi's relationship praising her on how much they loved how she treated and loved Kairi so why couldn't he do the same for Charlie. They even loved how she treated and claimed Royalty as her own as well but when it came to her own child and who was the father of her child it was a whole shit show. Why was it so different? Charlie was his baby and if anything ever happened between him and April which it wasn't he would still claim her and be in her life because he loved her and signed up to be that role in her life. He was her father.

Sure it was shock to find out about her and he did internally battle with the news in his head but he had been there by April's side pretty much from the start. He watched her stomach grow month after month, he rubbed her stomach, talked to Charlie while she was baking, felt her kicks, and even when he didn't attend any of April's doctor appointments in the flesh he hadn't missed any. April had recorded and shared them all with him and even when he wasn't in the room with April giving birth he was still there in the same place only feet away going crazy waiting for Charlie to be born. Everything he did for Kairi he did for Charlie and no matter what the outside world said he would continue to do so because she was his baby. He couldn't wait to hear her call him Pops and see her busting through his and April's bedroom door alongside her sister.

Charlie also gave him baby fever. He was trying his hardest and his best to let her be the baby for a little while longer but she made him want what he saw in her and Kairi with April. It was like his first baby was all him and Millie, April's first two children were her and Chris, but when it came to him and April they didn't have that. He felt like they were missing out. He felt like they needed his baby boy to complete their family. He knew it was a lot on a woman to have kids back to back but he also thought having them back to back would be good for the kids. Also while April was already in baby mode with Charlie a new baby would fit right on in so why not get it out of the way.

Dave also knew that April was getting a little fed up with pushing her to have another baby but the way his baby fever was set up no matter how he tried to control it nothing was working. It made him wonder were there any other men out there experiencing it like he was because it was hitting him heavy. Luckily at the moment he didn't feel slighted in the least when she told him he had to wait for his baby boy because she gave him valid reasons and no wasn't in any of them. But he also felt like they were already risking it all for each other so why not do it with a bang. Why not have their little boy then chill out and enjoy the kids then in a few years possibly have another one if that's what they both wanted. It's what he wanted. They could have two and after that call it done. Sure he knew it was going to happen eventually but he wanted it like now. He couldn't fault her for wanting to look fit in her wedding dress but he thought she would look even more beautiful totting a little piece of him on their special day. Sure she would look beautiful regardless but he knew it would do something to his soul to see her in her wedding dress pregnant with his child. It would be like finally getting what he wished for his wife and his baby boy at the same time.

"Two damn girls two...we're def gonna need a boy. I'm a need someone to be on y'all heels when I ain't around to chase away those nasty ass lil boys. My lil girls are too good for these lil heathens" he said dead ass serious looking at Charlie as he had her sitting on his lap facing him. "Triple B you better stay away from the boys they got the cooties. You don't want those but if they come ya way Pops got those cootie shots ready for y'all" he said and scrunched up his face making her laugh. "Don't laugh Pops is serious"

"Really Papi" April said laughing at him as she posted up against the arch in the family room with her arms folded looking at them.

"What the fuck ma I ain't even hear you come in or the alarm" he said looking over at her wondering how long had she been standing there.

"I bet you didn't. You were too busy telling my baby bout boys having the cooties" she said and made her way to the couch and took a seat beside them. "Hey momma's baby" she said and leaned over and kissed Charlie's cheek making her smile.

"She's not exempt. I started telling Lil Butt the same thing around her age"

"Lawd my poor babies are doomed luckily they have a long while before they're interested in the opposite sex" April shook her head and laughed.

"It ain't no poor them it's poor me because I'm a have to keep all the dogs away. Any, who did you enjoy ya self" He didn't care what she said it was a no boy zone in their household and that went for Royalty too. He wished somebody's dirty ass little boy would come for one of his precious little girls.

April looked at him and pinched the bridge of her nose. He knew she wasn't about to go back and forth with him about what he said. "Yes I missed Rosa. She hooked me up" April answered and put her hands out showing him her nails. He loved that she kept her nails done. They always looked clean, pretty, and well groomed.

"You done switched it up on me. You bout to claw the fuck outta my back with those claws" he said looking at her stiletto nails.

April laughed. "Don't act you know you like me scratching you up. I made sure she buffed them though so I'm not clawing momma's baby and they aren't even super long as they normally would be" she said looking them over herself. He could tell she loved them. They were matte black with bling on them but not too much. She didn't like to go all out when she was on momma duty. Normally she wore coffin shaped nails but before Charlie she was a long stiletto kind of girl and her nails were always done up with some fly shit. Now she kept them shorter and simple.

"Let me see...touch my arm" he said trying to see if they were sharp like they use to be. April ran her fingernails across his arm.

"See not bad"

"Oh aight ya lucky" he said. They didn't feel sharp at all but he knew she would still be scratching him up and honestly that shit hurt sometimes but it also felt good when he was dicking her down and she had no choice but to scratch him up.

"Boy bye thanks for getting my nails and toes done though" she said and poked out her lips.

Dave kissed her. "You know I always make sure ya good" which he did. He kept her nails and toes done and when she wanted her hair done he handled that and paid for it as well. He knew she didn't need him for shit but keeping her nice and laced made him feel like she did need him for something. That was another reason why he went out for Valentine's April never asked for anything so it made him want to do for her.

"True, true you do"

"I see you got them brows done too" he looked her over.

April looked at him and laughed. "See I'm not even bout to do you knowing damn well you can't talk bout nobody's brows but yes I got them done"

Dave mugged her. She stayed coming for his eyebrows. "Keep it up"

"You started this one but I'm not bout to entertain you. I already know what ya up to. You won't get me Papi not this time" she said laughing. "Any, who what's the move for tonight"

"After school I'm a drop the girl's off at Chris's leaving you with a few hours to get ready for tonight then we're out"

"Sounds like a plan" she nodded.

"I want you in a dress tonight. I don't care which one just as long as it's a dress" he said and licked his lips. He loved to see her dressed up in dresses. He knew when she put them on she was putting them on for him to see.

"Any other requests Papi" she asked seductively.

"You know how I like ya hair"

"Wild and free I gotchu Papi" she said and smirked. "Well let me go get the girl's overnight bags packed"

"Aight me and Triple B will be right here. We need to finish our conversation" he said looking at Charlie.

"Uh huh" April said and got up and walked out of the family room not even bothering to entertain him.

Hours Later

April had packed the girl's overnight bags, made some cute Valentine's treats for all of the girls, made sure Charlie had enough milk, and Dave made sure he had Royalty's teddy bear and chocolates before he left and dropped the girls off. Right now he was blowing it down in his and April's bedroom while they listened to music as they got ready for the night. He loved when they were alone he could just be him and do as he pleased without having to go to another room.

"Ma we need that high session immediately" he said as a cloud of smoke left his mouth as April walked out of the bathroom in her towel looking like she wanted to get fucked. He had been behaving himself all day but he was about ready to pounce on her and make his move.

April looked at him burst out laughing and continued on her way.

"What's so funny" he questioned with his brow furrowed and raised eyeing her.

"It's funny that you want to have a high session with lil ole me when ya already plotting heavy for another baby. So please enlighten me on how that would even work let alone I'm still breast feeding Charlie" she said and placed her hand on her hip waiting for him to answer with her own brow raised.

"Shit I ain't think bout all that" he said and scratched his head. She was right it was going to be a no smoking zone for her for a long while.

"Of course you didn't" she said and walked off.

"GUESS NO SMOKING FOR YOU THEN" he shouted and chuckled then made his way to his closet. "Oh shit" he said as he saw two jewelry boxes sitting on top of his island like they had been there all day but he was confused because he had been in his closet at least once today and hadn't noticed anything besides the jewelry, glasses, and shades that was already there.

"I was wondering what took you so long" April said smiling at him from the door. "Happy Valentine's Day Papi"

"Ma you didn't have to get me shit" he said as he picked up one of the boxes. He felt like Valentine's Day was a woman's holiday and the payoff for men were to see their woman dressed up and at the end of the night have some bomb ass sex.

"Valentine's is a two way street over here so get use to it. I knew you were going to hook me up so it's only right that I did the same. Now open it already" she said smiling up at him watching him open up the box in his hand. "I had uncle Tony hook you up before we moved"

"Shit ma really" he said as he looked at the iced out chain with a picture of Kairi holding Charlie in it. It made his heart warm. It was a bad ass chain but the fact that there was a picture of his little girls in it made it even better. "This shit is dope" he loved it. Only she would get him something like this.

"I know you normally wear ya fallen homies around ya neck but I figured maybe you could change it up a bit. No disrespect to them but I thought having ya lil girls around ya neck would grant you some peace out in these streets" she said softly. Dave knew she wasn't being disrespectful or trying to make him forget about his dead homies. She was coming from a good place and a pure heart. Besides he'd love to sport his babies around his neck any day. He already wore a Cuban link bracelet with Kairi's initials on it so he was definitely feeling the chain.

"I already know ma. I love it its dope as hell thank you" he said smiling as he held it in his hand watching the diamonds dance and shine without effort.

"Ya welcome Papi" she said smiling back at him.

He placed the chain back in the jewelry box and picked up the second box and opened it. "Yeaaaa I'm wearing all this shit tonight" he said cheesing and getting hype. She had bought him the matching bracelet.

April laughed. "Do you Papi. I love when ya rock ya bracelets. I thought bout getting you an ankle bracelet but I didn't know if you wanted to hop on that wave"

"See I be out here tryna do my thing and make sure ya good yet you stay following up on a nigga I love this shit and I'd def would wear an ankle bracelet. It's gotta be some fiyah shit though" he said as he put the jewelry box down and made his way over to her.

"I treat you like you treat me you know that and hey sometimes you deserve to be spoiled even when I know ya ass is plotting on me" she said laughing.

"You know I'm a fuck you good tonight right" he said looking down at her.

"I don't expect anything less" she shot back and bit down on her bottom lip. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to finish getting ready before you cancel on me. I want my date night and I want my man to show me off"

"Noted now go finish up" he smirked then smacked her ass as soon as she turned around to walk off. He'd love to cancel and fuck her all night long but he promised her a date night and that's what she was going to get.

They had both finished getting dressed, took a few pictures together, and made their way out of the house. They were trying their best to behave because with the both of them throwing it on, having the house to themselves, and the way they were feeling if they didn't leave they would definitely be all over each other. As bad as they wanted that they also wanted and needed a night out. For Dave he wanted to see her all dolled up just for him and have her on his arms showing her off like couples do and for April it was the same but she also needed an adult night out. She had been at home taking care of the family and chasing after the kids that she needed a night to unwind and be around other adults. She could also get all dolled up, throw on whatever she wanted without thinking about someone finding out she was pregnant and trying to hide her stomach like their first date. Her stomach was back to being flat and there were no seeds planted so she was free to do her thing tonight and enjoy another date night with her Papi.

-Hey guys happy reading. I hope y'all enjoyed. There will be a part 2 but unfortunately the 2nd half isn't complete as of yet but stay tuned. I know I've been MIA and I didn't know it was 2 weeks until my sis told me today. I'm not even going to lie my procrastination levels are high right now and my focus is shot. Even with me having the next few chapters outlined I'm still like blah. I promise I'm not going to leave y'all hanging but just bear with me y'all know I got y'all. I appreciate y'all for being patient though 🥰
-It's Valentine's Day in November I love it 😂. April got Dave out here spoiling her and setting moods. I wonder if Charlie and Teddy could talk would they tell all Dave's secrets or keep them to themselves 🤔. He's trying to set the night off right though. I love that April gives him the same energy he gives her. She spoils him just the same.
-Papi wants his baby and he wants him like now but he knows he has to wait and he's trying but it's not really working. He's seeing what he and April have with other people and what they don't have with each other 😩 Do you think he's going to keep pushing her to have a baby 🤔 Do you think April will finally get fed up and snap 🤔 Do you think he'll eventually get in his feelings about it 🤔 Or do you think April will give in 🤔
-Another couple's POV will be popping up in part 2 😁
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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