26.1: Our First Valentine's

Chapter 26.1: Our First Valentine's cont...

"Aight ma we ain't doing a part two with that bullshit you pulled the last time we went out on a date" Dave glanced over at her as they made their way down the road. He knew he didn't have to refresh her memory. She knew exactly what he was talking about.

April looked at him and laughed. "I'm not even bout to waste my breath on that bitch Keisha fuck her" she said not really here for Keisha at all especially after learning that she was scheming with Millie's ass from jump. "It's a no music type of night Papi nor will we talk bout bitches that make my ass itch. I just want to talk and enjoy the ride" she said looking over at him. "So no I won't be getting on ya ass tonight" she said and laughed.

Dave chuckled. "Sounds good to me what's on ya mind" he said and questioned glad that she wasn't about to waste her precious breath on Keisha. He didn't want to talk about her or anybody associated with Millie. That whole chapter was dead, gone, and buried nine feet deep for extra measures. He had thrown that all away in the trash and burned that shit.

"Nothing much just you and this whole shit we got going on. Like ya no longer my boyfriend you're my fiancé I'm really bout to be ya wife and you my husband. We've pretty much survived and made it a year together. Mad shit has happened where I straight questioned would we even be here right now" April said with her eyes still on him and a little smile on her face. She was right though a lot of shit had happened and if it was anybody else that had to go through what they did they would've walked away a long time ago and never looked back. But they learned a long time ago that they weren't those types of people. Any other nigga would've walked better yet ran away if they had found out she was pregnant let alone by her ex fiancé just like many women would've walked away at the first sign that his ex/baby mother was going to be a problem. Then for that whole putting a hit out on her he knew damn well most would've walked away and never thought about returning. Yet here they were still together, still deep in love with one another, and still going strong.

"You know how we do. People can try to rain on our parade all day long but we do what we need to do to come out on top. We know what's at stake and we know what we'll do for each other and for love" he said. Mad curve balls had come their way but each and every time they hit those bitches out of the ballpark. "We know our shit is worth fighting for and we know that we will always fight for each other so I plan on making this shit we got last forever"

"Scratch that it's a couple of forevers" April said smiling brightly.

"Fuckin facts ma fuckin facts" he nodded his head agreeing as they finally pulled up to the restaurant.

"Ouuu we're bout to eat good. I haven't been here in a long while" April said dancing in her seat.

"I know how you are bout ya seafood. I know it's not Sammy's but I figured it would work"

"Oh it definitely works just don't put no shark on my plate" she said laughing referencing one of his songs from his Karma 2 mixtape. It was his song Nobu which happened to be the restaurant he had taken her tonight.

"See that's why ya my number one fan ma" he looked over at her and grinned. It amazed him how much she actually listened to his music. Then again she was a fan way before they had even gotten together or met and since they had gotten together she had still been listening, downloading, and purchasing his music. Shit when he first met her she was rapping his music. There were plenty of times where he had walked in on her listening and rapping along to his music. The fan in her never died. Not only was she a true fan but she was his number one cheerleader.

"Of course" she said as he parked the car. They were in his McLaren of course. He was going to drive it every chance he got. Dave killed the ignition, hopped out of the car, closed the door behind him, and made his way over to the passenger side to help April out of the car like the gentleman he was.

"Thank you Papi" she said as she eyed him up and down and bit down on her bottom lip. Dave knew she had wanted a piece of him since this morning but she was trying her best to keep it PG for the sake of their date night just like he was.

"Don't worry ma I'm a handle that shit later" he bent down and whispered in her ear.

"Oh I know you will" she shot back and winked as he closed the door behind her and locked it.

Dave cupped her hand in his intertwining their fingers as they made their way to the entrance of Nobu Los Angeles. He opened the door for her, took a quick glance at her ass, ushered her in, and wrapped his arm around her waist. Nobu was packed tonight then again it was Valentine's Day so Dave knew it would be crowded.

"Good evening welcome to Nobu Los Angeles do you have a reservation" the hostess asked with a smile on her face.

Dave nodded. "Yes for Brewster"

"Ok yes I have a David Brewster for two. Give me a few minutes and I'll have someone right with you" she said as she looked down at the computer then back at Dave confirming their reservation.

"Bet" he said and he and April moved to the side stepping out of the way.

A few minutes later they were ushered to their table. The waiter introduced himself, gave them a few minutes to order, and a few minutes after they were ordering their meals along with their drinks.

"Don't be stealing from my plate" April said looking over the table at Dave.

"Keep that same energy ma" he said knowing damn well he'd see her fork trying to come for his plate like it always did.

"But Papi you love me" she said and playfully pouted.

"Ya right I do but ya not tryna share with me but you expect me to share with you" he said and reached over the table cupping her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. "Didn't you tell my babies that sharing is caring" he asked looking over at her with his brow raised. He was going to share with her regardless just like she was going to share with him. It's what they did.

"Tss of course but that doesn't apply to me at the moment. My food is my food and ya food is our food" she said trying to keep herself from laughing.

Dave laughed. "You thought. I'll share with you only if you share with me"

"Tss ok" she said just as the waiter came over with their food. "Thank you" April said to the waiter.

"You're welcome. If you guys need anything just let me know" the waiter said with a friendly smile on his face.

"Bet" Dave nodded and the waiter went on his way. He was happy as hell that the waiter was doing his job and keeping it professional and not busy gawking over April. Not to mention he was happy that they didn't have a female waitress as well because he knew April would be on her heels tonight if she tried something foolish. He knew April was officially off people and she wasn't going to hold back. Let alone he didn't feel like putting a nigga in check tonight or having April switching characters. He just wanted a cool peaceful night out with his woman.

Dave and April looked over their food and silently prayed.

"Hey Papi" April called him and looked up at him curiously. He knew she had something on her mind.

"Sup" he nodded for her to continue.

"How do you feel bout us having different religions" she questioned.

He wondered how long had that question been on her mind. They had been together for almost a year let alone they had already spent so much time together when they first started talking and she had never brought up the topic. He put his fork down and kept his eyes on her. He really hadn't given their religions any thought. He was just happy that they both believed in God and that she wasn't one of those people who thought a higher power didn't exist. "I honestly never thought bout it but I don't have a problem with it nor would I push my religion on you and the girls. You know I wasn't always a Muslim and I've been to church before. Church didn't suit me so I decided to try Islam and I like it better. For me it gives me more structure" he answered and picked back up his fork. "Now when the girls get older and want to choose something else then they're free to do so. So I don't mind if y'all want to go to church or whatever else comes with y'all religion"

April nodded. "Understood I'm just happy we both believe in God whether you call him Allah or I call him God we both know there's something greater out there and we're both praying to the same God"

Dave just smiled. It was as if she had read his mind. He had never been this close to anyone to the point they knew what was on his mind, finished his sentences, and knew all of his moods but he was glad that it was April who knew him the way she did. He couldn't see himself having this type of connection with anyone else but her. She got him and she understood him.

"Facts" he agreed. "How's ya food"

"You should know ya fork has been back and forth in my plate" she answered laughing.

"Well in that case it's good" he laughed because he had definitely been fuckin up her food right along with his. Like she said sharing is caring.

Dave and April were in middle of a conversation pretty much talking about whatever popped up in their heads when he heard her phone go off. Tonight was a no phone zone unless it was about the girls. You know an emergency.

"Damn" he heard her mumble under her breath as her cheeks flushed looking flustered.

"What's up" he curiously questioned wondering what had her so flustered when he was right in her face. From the look alone he knew it wasn't about the girls.

April looked up from her phone and bit down on her bottom lip. "Wouldn't you like to know" she replied and laughed a little taunting him. He knew she was fucking with him.

Hell yea he wanted to know who the fuck had hit her up and why the fuck was she so flustered when he knew damn well he was the only one who made her feel that way. Dave mugged her with the quickness trying his best to remain calm and not fuck up the mood or the night. That was that damn jealousy and one day it was going to get the best of him. "Ma" he said not here for the back and forth.

April looked at him and laughed then looked back down at her phone.

"You love fuckin with me" he said still mugging her.

"Of course I do. I thought that was a given" she chuckled. "But let me stop before you start ya shit. I was just looking at this sexy fine ass nigga" she said with her eyes now locked on him looking all lustful.

"It better be me" he said as a matter of fact.

"Jealous ass" she laughed. "Yes it's you but a different version of you" she said and smirked. "Get out ya feelings Papi you know you're the only nigga who does this shit to me. That was just a memory alert and that pic was definitely worth the alert so I had to change my lock screen"

"Like I thought...now let me see" he said with his hand out for her phone.

April shook her head laughing and passed him her phone showing him the picture she had been drooling over. "It's the fade fresh cut and trim for me. It's the biting on the bottom lip, the furrowed brows, the sexy mug, the tats, the chain, and the eyes for me. You're giving me those bedroom eyes. I'm not even gonna lie I stole this one. Yes I damn sure did" she said and bit down on her bottom lip. He knew she was telling the truth she had to steal it because they knew nothing of each other during the time he had taken this picture let alone his chest wasn't covered in tattoos like it was now. He just had a few.

Dave chuckled looking over the picture. He remembered the day he had taken it. It had been one of those days where he had been feeling himself as usual. He thought he was a fly ass nigga. "A nigga does look good in this" he said and passed her back her phone.

"Damn sure does. I told you fade Papi can get this shit popping on a handstand all day every day. That's that I want to have ya baby hit different" she said in a tone that he knew she was speaking nothing but facts. That whole baby thing was going to get her in some shit though but he wasn't going to acknowledge it at the moment.

"Well damn say it with ya chest poor braid Papi can't get no love" he asked and mugged her again. Braid Papi wanted the same treatment. Shit at the end of the day he was the same person.

"Of course braid Papi can but ya gonna have to wait for that one. That's a wedding night two for one special. But fade Papi would've gotten that during our first session...minus the baby" she added.

"I don't know whether I should be hype or offended"

"You'll figure it out" she said and shrugged her shoulders laughing. He knew she was picking with him.

"Keep it up I'll have ya lil ass popping that pussy on a handstand tonight" he said with his brow rose challenging her.

"You won't get me. I know the game ya tryna play"

"You sure bout that" he questioned then licked his lips. She had really been trying to keep herself out of so-called trouble so he wouldn't put her in that damn wheelchair. He already had one planned and was waiting to use it but he knew before he went back on the road he was definitely adding on that second one with or without her causing trouble.

"Absolutely sure" she said then blew him a kiss.

"I'm a be all in them guts tonight"

"Papi" April said and looked around the packed restaurant.

Dave laughed. "But you just said ya gonna pop that shit on a handstand. Stop playing you know I'm getting you off" he said and leaned back in his seat knowing she was most likely wet at this very moment.

"So um how long are we gonna be here" she asked laughing while avoiding his statement as she fidgeted in her seat.

"Enjoy ya food ma we got all night" he said and licked his lips again looking at her ready to get up and say fuck dinner but he was a man of his word so he was going to make sure she enjoyed their night out. Besides she had gotten dressed, did her hair, and got her nails and eyebrows done just for this night so he wanted her to wear her dress for a moment longer and honestly he was enjoying the view. Since being home and taking care of the family April had no need to get dressed to the nines like she use to so seeing her in a dress tonight was a good look. He didn't mind because he knew there was no reason for her to get dolled up just to rip and run around the house and tend to the girls. April playfully pouted and went back to eating. Their date continued on with no interruptions which they were both thankful for. Dave paid the bill, tipped the waiter, and they made their way out of the restaurant only to be bombarded by flashing lights and paparazzi.

"DAVE EAST APRIL BLACKMON" They heard their names being called while the flashes from the cameras kept going off but they were both use to it. There had been a couple of celebrities at Nobu tonight so they knew paparazzi wasn't too far behind but they had hoped that they would miss the circus act by the time they left...guess not.

"I gotcha ma" Dave said as he wrapped his arm around her waist protectively while their security gathered around them. April didn't say anything she just kept walking with her head held high and a smile on her face.

"APRIL IS IT TRUE THAT YOU AND DAVE ARE ENGAGED" another shouted. Mind you Dave had been calling April his wife publicly since they had gotten back together so he thought people would've known that it wasn't for play, play. Then again they hadn't made an official post about it nor had April posted up her ring. Then again he knew everyone had seen it tonight because he had posted up a picture of them together in their bedroom in front of their full body mirror and her ring was definitely on display and shining brightly. You couldn't miss it even if you tried.

"APRIL, APRIL HOW ARE YOU DEALING WITH SOCIAL MEDIA AFTER ANNOUNCING YOUR DAUGHTER CHARLIE BY YOUR EX-FIANCE' CHRIS BROWN TO THE WORLD" another asked. Yet April hadn't answered anything she just kept walking with her head still held up high and a smile on her face.

"DAVE HOW IS IT TAKING CARE OF YOUR FIANCE'S EX-FIANCE'S CHILD" another asked and by now both April and Dave were feeling a way but Dave knew to keep calm because it wasn't worth it. He wasn't going to let that shit ruin their night with their messy ass questions. He couldn't understand why they even asked that question like his little girl wasn't calling April momma or the fact that April was her mother at this point.

"HOW IS IT HAVING A BLENDED FAMILY" another yelled and April stopped walking mid stride slipping up Dave a bit but not enough to make him stumble. He knew she wanted to speak her mind just like he knew she was tired of being asked about social media and how their family was ran just like he was.

"You don't have to answer ma" he whispered in her ear feeling her tense up in his arm. He was hoping that she wouldn't have an outburst. He didn't need anyone else to see the side of April where she gave no fucks. Bad publicity wasn't worth it.

"I know" she said and nodded then took a deep breath and started walking again. They both knew it was the price of fame where good and bad went hand in hand.

"APRIL HOW IS IT BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN THAT WORKED WITH YOUR CHILD'S FATHER LET ALONE BEING ENGAGED TO HIM" paparazzi just kept firing off question after question. This time it made Dave stop in his tracks they were getting out of line with their questions. Honestly they had been crossed the line.

April clutched the hand he had wrapped around her waist calming him down as they finally made it to his car. Dave opened and closed the door for her and April leaned over and opened the door for him as usual. He hopped inside, started up the car, and pulled off without hesitation trying to get as far away from the restaurant as possible. As soon as they came to their first red light he glanced over at April and sighed letting go of a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He hated this shit sometimes. He wished people understood boundaries.

"I'm good Papi" April looked over at him and said before he could even ask then cupped his free hand in hers. "So relax remember this isn't new shit" she said but he knew she was saying it more so to herself. It might've not been new shit but he knew she was tired of hearing it. This is why she had been staying in her own bubble lately.

"Fuck them ma we know what it is just like we know what we got and our family is all the way good" he said with a mug on his face trying not to get too pissed. "Wait till the wedding comes and they see those pics with all of our family and all of our kids then they'll know this shit is real"

"Exactly, so what's next" she questioned switching the subject as she glanced at him then out of the window. He wasn't even about to let her get trapped in her head or stuck in her feelings let alone dwell on what had just happened and neither was he.

"The better question is what are you putting on for me tonight" he said and smirked making her turn her focus back on him just like he wanted. Dave didn't want the night to be ruined or the mood to turn shitty and sour especially when they had been having a good day and night before that.

"Wellllll" she dragged. "You've already seen me in blue and I'm saving white for our wedding night so I was looking at this sexy lil red number I got that's like the blue set you love" she said smirking then licked her lips seductively.

All he could think about was her lips dancing over his body, pressed against his, and wrapped around his dick. He was a Crip but red was one of his favorite colors so he couldn't wait to see her chocolate body draped in red lingerie. She could walk into the room naked like the day she was born and he'd be satisfied but he enjoyed when she put on her sexy shit for him. It excited him and made him want to slowly pill it off of her. "Well when we get home I'm a need you to let ya hair down, change ya clothes, throw it on for me, and meet me in the pool room" he said as he glanced at her then focused back on the road.

"Oh it's bout to go down tonight Papi. I'm feeling it" she said excited showing off her smile. That's all Dave wanted to do was make her smile.

"Act like you know" he said and licked his lips. He couldn't wait to get home. He had been planning this night for weeks now so to see it all unfold was worth it.

"Anything you need to get while we're out because once we're inside ya mines till it's time to get the girls tomorrow" April said as a matter of fact.

Dave thought about it. He had handled everything beforehand. He had his weed, cases of Belaire', bottles of Hennessy on deck, and all the frontos and backwoods he needed so yea he was good. "Yea I got everything I need ma"

"Good, good" April said and licked her lips hungrily like she was ready to attack him any minute.

Dave stopped at a red light and looked over at her. "You look a lil hungry" he said and licked his lips again. He was hungry too. Dinner was good but he was ready for desert.

"I am. Hmm I wonder how good you are behind the wheel" she questioned. He knew then that she was up to no good and he of course like always was here for it. He wanted to see what she had up her sleeve.

"I think I'm pretty good" he said sure of himself.

"Well let's see just how good you are" she said and unfastened her seatbelt with the quickness. "We're bout a good five to seven minutes maybe ten tops from home so you should be good" she said as she moved over closer to him and leaned over and unbuttoned his slacks with ease since he loved to drive leaned back with the seat all the way back.

"What bout security" he questioned as he leaned back some more getting ready for April to attack and put her lips and mouth to work.

"What bout them...they can mind the business that pays them. Shit that's me but you know what I meant. Besides with my lil ass they can't see shit" April said as she reached inside his slacks and briefs and pulled out his semi hard dick that was about to be on brick.

April leaned over some more and wrapped her mouth around his dick taking him in whole with ease like the pro she was. She knew just how to treat his shit and she always treated it right.

"Shitttt" he dragged and groaned trying to keep calm as he focused on the road trying to get them home faster and in one piece. April sucked him off as if her life depended on it taking him in and out of her mouth sucking and releasing him and doing it all over again coating him from the tip of his dick to his slacks that met her lips and repeat. Without letting him go she sat up in her seat and got on her knees getting comfortable and swallowed him down till she reached the base of his dick. Yes she was a certified soul snatcher and the collector of his soul and yet again his soul was up for grabs.

"Maaaaa" he dragged damn near breathless. "My...legs" he stuttered feeling his legs ready to shake and go limp and he couldn't have that happen while he was behind the wheel. The shit felt too good and all he wanted to do was pull over and let her have her way with him. April swallowed him down once more before releasing him from her mouth then gripped it tightly and slapped his dick against her tongue damn right teasing him. She let go altogether and leaned back over in her seat like she hadn't done anything as usual trying to look all innocent when she was far from it. Her ass was a sex demon. Dave knew damn well that at this very moment his soul was hanging in the balance and he needed it to pick a side immediately and the only way it would get to choose is if April finished him off.

April took her thumb and pointer finger and wiped the sides of her mouth, licked her lips, then looked over at Dave lustfully. He knew she wasn't satisfied and she wouldn't be until she snatched his soul and he was going to let her. He just needed to park first. He took a deep breath as he finally pulled up to their house, rolled down the window, punched in the gate code, then drove down their winding driveway.

"Pull into the garage so I can finish you off" April instructed him and without questioning or hesitating Dave did exactly what she told him to do making sure to close the garage door just to be on the safe side. He didn't want anyone to see his woman in this moment besides him. Dave cut off the car, leaned back, and got comfortable. He was more than ready and his dick was still hard and throbbing.

"Do you ma" he said looking at her then down at his dick that stood straight up still glistening with her spit. April looked at him and wickedly smirked, made her way into his lap, hiked up her dress, and straddled him. "No panties ma" he said and groaned almost breathless. He knew her ass was moving a little too freely tonight and that shit made him happy that he was with her tonight so no one else could see the way that shit moved except for him.

"No panties Papi" she said as she eased down onto his dick already juiced up and dripping.

"Shit" they moaned together as his eyes rolled back feeling her warm wet, tight, pussy engulf him fitting him just like a glove like it just knew his dick belonged to her. Then again it did. It always fit him with no complications. It was the perfect fit.

April bit down on her bottom lip loving how he stretched her out and filled her up. She placed her hands on his chest and slowly rode him up and down then whined her hips enjoying watching Dave's love faces as he grunted and moaned beneath her enjoying it just as much as she was. Dave knew this first nut was going to be a quick one but he didn't care because he had all night to make it up to her. He knew this first one was all on her and she wanted control so he sat back and gave it all to her and let her do her thing. She continued riding up and down his dick making sure every time she touched base that she came down harder and harder against him making herself moan as the fabric from his boxers added a much needed friction to her swollen clit adding more pleasure for her. She was trying to feel him all in her guts. Head now tilted to the back, bottom lip tucked between her teeth April came down harder on his dick then started twerking against him as best as she could since they were still in the car. Gripping his shirt into her small fists she fucked him trying to make sure that their first nut counted for something so matter how quick it was.

"Papi" she moaned with her eyes closed then popped open and locked on his as she clenched down on him making his toes curl in his shoes. He already knew that this was about to be the first of many car sessions because now he wanted to see how many positions he could get her in while in the backseat. He also realized that when it came to sex nothing really was off limits. She was adventurous and not afraid to try something at least once.

"You loving this dick ma" he said and groaned in a husky tone as he fucked her from the bottom thrusting in and out of her as they moved in sync with one another making her juices sound off throughout the car.

"Always" she answered as he body shuddered on top of his. He loved how they made each other feel and how they not only got each other off but themselves as well.

"You bout to nut on Papi's dick" he said knowing she loved when he talked that good shit in her ear. He knew that shit made her pussy go crazy and made those juices overflow and like he thought her pussy started trembling around him. With the way her pussy was operating around him he knew he was going to unload and empty his clip any minute.

"Yes" she nodded while she bounced up and down and clenched around him. He could feel that shit getting tighter and tighter around him as he hit her spot with precision.

"Take that dick ma it's all yours" he said as he wrapped his hand around her neck applying a hint of pressure knowing she was going to erupt any minute then smacked her ass to bring her over the edge.

"All mines" she mumbled as they fucked each other trying to bring each other to completion.

"Shittttt" they dragged and moaned together as they climaxed together mixing their special juices with Dave wishing one of his seeds passed the goalie. April slumped forward lying against his chest breathing heavily as he slid his hands over her ass and gave her cheeks a little squeeze feeling her body shudder in aftershock on top of him as his dick jumped.

"Gimmie lips" he said ready for more. He loved that he was the last man that would ever be tasting, touching, and enjoying these moment and sessions with her. After all the men and occasional women she fucked in the end he was and would forever be her last one. She had chosen him, given herself, her love, and her body to him. It all belonged to him. That diamond in the rough he found boy did it shine so bright.

April leaned up and kissed him passionately with his dick still buried deep and resting inside of her as her pussy pulsed and quivered around him.

"I know you feel that shit ma so I'm a need you to go in the house and get ready for me before I bust ya ass in this garage on top of the hood of my McLaren" he said then kissed her again. His shit was still on hard. He was definitely here for a part two, three, and four but he wanted her to see what he had done for her in the pool room so he wasn't about to get a part two popping in the garage. Besides he wanted full access and no restrictions when it came to their next round.

"I do Papi I do" she said and nibbled on his bottom lip before lifting off of him and made her way back to her seat and straight out of the car with the quickness not waiting for him to open the door for her.

Dave chuckled watching her speed walk to the door while he adjusted his dick in his pants before stepping out of the car. He locked it up and followed April inside the house making sure to lock up and put the alarm back on then made his way to the pool room to set the mood while April headed straight upstairs to their bedroom to get ready. Dave entered the pool room, turned on the lights dimming them to his liking, went to the fridge they had in the pool room and pulled out a box of chocolate strawberries that April liked, a bottle of Henny, a bottle of Belaire' Luxe Rose', and a bottle of Welch's Sparkling Rose' for April. He took his phone out of his pocket, went to his music library, and the playlist they loved to listen to during intimate moments. They had both been adding songs to the playlist so now it was their playlist labeling it 'Soul Snatching' because that's what happened when they had that particular playlist playing. Dave looked around the room making sure everything was to his liking, making sure he was still feeling it, and once he was satisfied he went into the bathroom, cleaned himself up, stripped out of his clothing, and changed into a pair of Versace swimming trunks that he had put away earlier that day. When he was done he walked out of the bathroom, went and took a seat in the Jacuzzi, and waited for April making sure he was sitting in the right spot so he could see her as soon as she entered the room.



April made her way to their bedroom, placed her purse on the edge of their bed, and went straight to the bathroom with a grin plastered across her face as their juices trailed down her leg. She didn't know what Dave had planned but she couldn't wait to see what he had in store for her. She loved when he planned little things for her. She appreciated that he stepped out of his comfort zone and went the extra mile for her when he didn't have to. The shit he did for her made her do and treat him the way she did. To her he already had done so much for her as it is. When it came to Dave April wanted him to always know and feel that he was loved and cared for. The energy he put out she wanted to make sure he received the same. She never wanted him to feel anything less. April knew they had both been through rocky relationships so she wanted Dave to always know that he was worthy of love because he made her feel worthy of love.

April walked out of the bathroom after cleaning herself up, stripped out of her dress letting it pool down to her feet and stepped out of it leaving it where it landed, then made her way to her closet and to her wardrobe that held her many lingerie sets in it. She strummed through countless pieces before stopping at the one she wanted and pulled it out of the draw. April slipped into the red three piece lace set, ran her hands over her body, and decided against putting on the matching robe. She figured why bother putting it on when she knew it would be the first thing to come off. She slipped into her red Giuseppe Zanotti Cruel Colline wing embellished high heel sandals, made her way back into the bedroom, stood in front of the full body mirror, and looked over herself. April was feeling herself. She felt sexy and the fact that she knew it would drive Dave crazy made her feel even sexier. She loved to see his eyes light up staring at her in love, awe, hunger, and lust. The shit turned her on even more.

She released her hair from the high curly puff ponytail it was in, fluffed her curls to her liking, grabbed her phone, and made her way out of the bedroom. She walked down the long hallway, down the spiral staircase, and made her way to the pool room hearing music coming from inside the room. April couldn't help but smile as butterflies went off in her stomach soaring like this was the first time Dave had done something like this for her. He was the only man who made her feel this way. It was like he had the key to unlock all of her emotions. With Dave she felt everything and everything felt new. She took a deep breath, put her hand on the knob, turned it, opened the door, and stepped inside smiling in amazement. Papi had done his damn thing. The lights were perfectly dimmed; music played throughout the room, small battery operated candles flickered in the shape of a heart as blue and rose gold roses sat scattered around the pool. It was simply beautiful and this time he had outdone himself. She looked at Dave and their eyes locked making her stand still and in place. Dave knew how to take her breath away. So damn thuggish yet a damn teddy bear; her teddy bear and she loved it.

"I hope you like what you see Papi" April teased as she finally stepped away from the door, closed it, and slowly strutted her way around the pool with her eyes locked on nothing but Dave.

"I fuckin love it ma but I'm a need you to turn around, make ya way back to the door, and model that shit for the one time for me" he said as his eyes lit up drinking her in from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.

April giggled. "I can do that Papi" she said and slowly turned around giving him the perfect view of her bare ass and the strings to her thong wrapped around her slim waist. She slowly strutted back to the door, turned around, and winked at him. If it was a show he wanted a show was what he was going to get.

"Hold up ma let me find the right song" Dave said as he picked up his phone scrolling through their shared playlist. "Got it"

Dance for You by Beyonce' beat dropped and April looked over at him in pure awe. He was trying to make her show another side of her that he wasn't getting until their wedding. "Papi this is after we say I do and we hit the bedroom music" she said with her eyes locked on him.

"No worries I'm a still play it that night for ya performance. I just want a lil preview beforehand" he said and licked his lips getting comfortable. April shook her head but still she was here for it. "Aight ma do ya thing" he said with his eyes dancing all over her body as he restarted the song. April lifted up her head up high, strutted, and modeled her ass off as if she was one of Victoria Secret's models and she was on the run way. She stopped, posed, and sashayed her little ass all the way towards him. "Just like that ma" he said and bit down on his bottom lip as he recorded her. She made her way in front of him, slowly turned around so her ass was facing him, parted her legs some then bent down and touched her toes for the one time putting on a little show.

"See that's how you end up knocked up. You keep playing this game like you don't know what type of time I'm on" Dave said dead ass as he immediately stood up in the Jacuzzi causing the water to rain and cascade down his body and put his hand out for her but April didn't move she was too busy drinking a cup full of Papi and damn it tasted good. It was refreshing and hit the spot. The way the water ran down his chiseled chest making his tattoos pop April was ready to outline each and every one of them with the tip of her tongue. She could drink him in all day long. Dave chuckled watching her take a few sips of him in. "Seems like you like what you see"

"No...correction Papi I absolutely love what I see and I know the game I'm playing but you my dear future hubby just has to wait and play this game with me for a lil while longer" she said as she slipped out of her heels, took his hand in hers, and let him guide her down the steps and into the Jacuzzi letting the hot yet warm water warm her body up.

Dave chuckled. "You look sexy as fuck ma. I thought that blue piece looked good on you but this red shit is doing it for me" he said then bent down and kissed her and cupped her ass in his hands before she could even think about sitting down.

"I'm glad you love it" she said blushing as he felt her up. "I love the decorations Papi" she said looking around the room still in awe. He had definitely outdone himself this time around making her wonder how the fuck did Millie really drop the ball on a man like him because he was a hell of a man, a hell of a catch, and filled with so many surprises. She dropped the ball, fucked up her bag, and missed out and all April could do was silently thank her for being a damn fool.

"I was hoping you did. I asked Pop's baby if she thought you'd like it but unfortunately I'm still waiting on her answer" he said and laughed as she took a seat in front of him. She wanted to make sure she had the perfect view of her perfect man. He had taken her mind off of everything that had gone down at the restaurant and all she wanted to do was spend time with him and focus on nothing and no one but him. He deserved all of her attention.

April laughed of course Charlie was with him when he put all of this together. "Well you can tell her that momma loved it. Thanks for doing this Papi" she said smiling at him. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face even if she tried.

"Anything for you ma" he said and licked his lips then dried his hands off on the towel he had beside the Jacuzzi, picked up a pre rolled blunt, placed it to his mouth, and lit it. April knew he was about to get right and she wished she could partake in the festivities but she was cool with being sober. "I gotcha chocolate strawberries and the Welch's Rose' you wanted to try" he said looking at his little setup he had on display. He had the bottles of liquor sitting in a bucket of ice and a tray of chocolate strawberries out of the box and ready to be eaten.

"Thanks Papi I hope it's good I heard a few good reviews bout it" she said as she grabbed a wine glass, opened the bottled, and poured her some while Dave cracked opened the bottle of Belaire'. She knew he was going to drink it straight from the bottle. He wouldn't be him if he didn't.

"Bet" he nodded.

"So what's the conversation for tonight" she questioned then took a sip of her drink and nodded in approval. It wasn't bad at all. It wasn't what she was used to but it would suffice. She didn't feel like pumping and dumping for the rest of the night so it served its purpose. It was non-alcoholic but had that bubbly affect.

"First things first I need you to start pumping milk for my baby starting tomorrow and store it until I tell you to stop" he said with his brow raised then took another pull from his blunt.

"Hmm ok I can do that but why" she curiously questioned wondering what he had up his sleeve now.

"I got some major shit planned for our anniversary so I'm a need you to make sure that my baby has enough milk to last her" he answered.

"Oop well say no more I'll get on it" she said thinking whatever he had planned had to be some legit shit and she couldn't wait to see what it was. "I would ask for more information but I know how you are" April said as she reached for a strawberry. She knew she could ask him a hundred and one times and he wouldn't give her not even the slightest of a hint so she left it alone.

"I'm glad you know" he chuckled then took a drink of his Belaire'. "I started to book a room for tonight but figured our spot would be better"

"I'm glad you decided on this. Our home beats a hotel on any day and what a good way to christen the house and we don't have to worry bout any noise complaints" she said and smirked happy with his decision. This was a big mood and she loved what he had done for her. But April had a big ass surprise of her own before the wedding and keeping it to herself had been paying off. He hadn't suspected anything and she was happy that he hadn't. She knew once he found out he'd be over the moon but until then it was her secret and her secret alone. April took a bite of her chocolate covered strawberry and moaned. She loved those damn strawberries. She couldn't understand why their strawberries were always sweet and ripe when the strawberries at the supermarket were always a hit or miss and most of the time a miss.

"Come here let me get that juice off ya lips" Dave said in a husky tone looking down at her lips hungrily and damn near ready to attack. She knew he was only holding out so they could enjoy their night and the vibes which she appreciated. Sure she was always down for a good round or two but she wanted to sit back and chill. April did as he told her and made her way over to him and stood directly in front of him and between his legs with the juice of the strawberry still covering her lips while he was still seated. Dave hungrily licked her lips and dove in for a kiss. April wrapped her arms around his neck and gave into him as she felt her body slowly melting into his just like it always did. She knew it was going to be a long night but she was going to enjoy every single minute of it and make sure he enjoyed it too. "You ready for tonight" he asked as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"Am I" she said smirking. "Round two"

-Happy reading guys I hope y'all enjoyed. I thought this would be the end of the chapter but it turned out to be 93 pages according to wattpad so part 3 will be out Fri/Sat it'll be focused on another couple though😊
-They finally had another date night which was a success but paparazzi tried to come for my babies. They need to learn boundaries. Do you think April will eventually address what's going on with their family or continue to stay in her bubble 🤔 If you were April or Dave how would you have reacted to paparazzi 🤔
-I had to hit y'all with another fade Dave pic because fade Dave hits different 😩 with his jealous ass😂 he knows damn well April isn't about to be drooling over another dude period and damn sure not in front of him.
-For all you lil nasty ones that was a lil scene for you 😂 I will not be telling you when a wheelchair session is coming you'll just have to wait and see 😜
-I love how Dave comes out of his comfort zone for April. She really has him out here doing shit he wouldn't normally do and this time he gets the same energy he puts out.
-April has a secret of her own 👀 what do you think her secret is 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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