25: Bittersweet
Chapter 25: Bittersweet
1: something that is bittersweet
Especially: pleasure accompanied by suffering or regret
"I love you momma's baby" April lowly cooed as she looked down at a now sleeping Charlie. She was on diaper duty at the moment well finishing up anyway. "Sweet dreams" she said then carefully made her way out of the room trying not to wake her back up. Since Charlie had been teething they had been trying to let her be and get as much sleep as possible because once her gums started hurting that was it. Making her way down the hall back to her and Dave's bedroom she walked inside, closed the door behind her, made her way to her side of the bed, slipped out of her slippers, then climbed into bed and made her way straight over to Dave and cuddled into him sighing.
She was high key happy that he was home even if it was for only a month. She loved that he was out doing his thing and making bank but she was ready for him to come home and stay home. She missed going to sleep beside him, smelling the scent of his Dove men's body wash, cocoa butter, and weed blended perfectly together. She missed being in his warm embrace and feeling warm and safe. Sleep always came easy when he was home well if he wasn't the one disturbing her sleep. She loved the fact that their new journey had officially started and he was right by her side at the starting line. Home felt like home when he was near. It felt good knowing and feeling home right beside her instead of having to facetime and text and spend time a part.
April fell asleep with ease and yet another smile on her face but it didn't last long with the constant tapping against her lower back. She already knew what it was and knew that her man was indeed sleep but that handy dandy tool in his Ethika boxer briefs was wide awake and asking for some special attention. How could she ignore its plea? Who would she be if she ignored it? She wouldn't be April if she let that steel pipe hitting her back be. Licking her lips she slowly turned around in Dave's arms since he was spooning her and eased her way down the length of his body and bed until she was face to face with her attacker.
For a split second she thought about letting him be because she knew he was tired but she quickly changed her mind. He had woken her out of her sleep more times than she could count and now it was her turn. She couldn't do much with Aunt Flo still hanging around but like Papi said her mouth still worked. Easing her hand inside of his briefs she found exactly what she was looking for with ease. Shit she could find that steel pipe in any type of dark. April wrapped her hand around his hardened dick, eased it out of the dick opening of his briefs, and wrapped her lips around him without hesitation like she had been waiting for this very moment to happen. Her toes instantly curled feeling the warmth he provided her mouth as she slowly bobbed her head up and down and around his shaft making him squirm and moan in his sleep. She knew he'd be up and woke in 2.5 seconds and looking down at her ready to pounce but nope today he was the only one getting some play. Removing her hand from around his dick she placed it on his thigh and went to work sucking him in as her cheeks hallowed around him feeling his veins bulge in her mouth.
"Shit" she heard him moan and felt the covers leave her body making a chill run down her spine feeling the cool air against her flesh but she didn't stop sucking him in and out of her mouth. She looked up at him and winked as she lied on her side servicing him. "Nasty ass" he moaned. "Let me turn around" he said never taking his eyes off of her as the sun rose giving him enough light to see her with her lips wrapped securely around him holding his dick hostage. Releasing him from her mouth making the pop sound she allowed him to lie on his back then smooth climbed on top of him straddling his waist with her ass facing him then went back to slurping him in like he never left. It was something about sucking a dick backwards that hit the throat differently. It curved down with ease and was easier to handle but she knew she wouldn't stay in this position for too long because even though it felt good as hell Dave loved to see her face while she sucked him off. Wrapping both hands around his dick she jerked and sucked him off at the same time letting her spit coat him evenly as well as run down her hands and drop against him and soak through his briefs. Dave's eyes rolled back in his head as he bit down on his bottom lip enjoying the feel of her spit and warmth of her mouth consume him and gobble him up.
"Ssss" April hissed against him making his toes curl and knuckles crack. She was about to snatch that soul. Removing her hands from around him she placed them on his thighs sucked him in until he curved her throat and passed her tonsils trying to suck his whole dick and if possible his balls.
"Shit" he said damn near shouting and took his hands and started rubbing and squeezing her ass. He needed to feel her...to touch her. "Suck all that dick ma all of it" he commanded as he smacked her ass which only made her go in. She loved when he hyped her up and told her what to do in bed. All you could hear were his grunts and moans, the juices in her mouth pouring on him, and the gat sound as he fucked the shit out of her throat. She went ape shit on him enjoying her personal Papi flavored blow pop. "Turn around let me see you suck Papi's dick ma" he said and smacked her ass making her moan. She was about ready to grab a towel and give him the red light special and say fuck it all. Fuck stopping at the red light he could put the pedal to the metal and GO.
April removed his dick from her mouth then tapped it a few times against her tongue as spit trailed from both her mouth and his dick covering her lips and chin damn near covering the bottom half of her face. She didn't even bother to wipe it away. She turned around, got between his legs, laid flat, and went right back to work with her eyes on nothing but him. She knew she didn't have much time before the kids woke up and she still needed to get some sleep so with that in mind she showed his ass no mercy. Even with Aunt Flo here she could still feel herself gush. It was something about not being able to get dick but still being able to pleasure Papi that did something to her. Yes it made her horny and a little annoyed that she couldn't get any but in some sense she was able to get herself off too.
April bobbed her head up and down tasting his pre-cum mix with her spit as she sucked him like a vacuum and swirled her tongue around him while doing so giving him sloppy toppy just like he liked. Dave fucked her face thrusting up and down making her eyes water but she never stopped pleasing him. She was enjoying watching him squirm and moan by her touch. April felt his body jerk. She already knew what was coming next. He was about to explode all in her mouth and she was about to happily swallow it all. Waste not want not...
"I'm bout to nut ma" he groaned as he fondled her breast threw her sports bra.
"Feed me" she said with her mouth still wrapped around his dick as it came out muffled but Dave knew exactly what she was saying while she picked up speed making sure to graze the head of his dick with her teeth every now and again and tickling it with her tongue.
"Don't stop" he begged her as he pinched her hardened nipples as he kept feeding her inch after inch of himself. "FUCK" he shouted as his back arched off the bed and emptied his warm seeds in her mouth and down her throat. April sucked him off until she milked him down to the very last drop making his body flinch with each motion she made then removed him out of her mouth. She stood up on her knees with her eyes still on his and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand satisfied with a gut full of his seeds.
"Open wide let me see" Dave said as he tried to get himself together as his chest rapidly heaved up and down.
April opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. "All gone you know I don't like to waste Papi" she smirked, got off the bed, and went straight to the bathroom to straighten and clean herself up. Once she was done she made her way back into the bedroom with a damp washcloth and wiped him off like he did her.
"Aww my baby cares bout me" he chuckled looking down at her wipe him off. She was the only woman who had ever done that for him and he appreciated it because it was something she didn't have to do. It was the small things that mattered to him.
"Yea...yea...yea" she said and laughed then walked back to the bathroom and tossed the rag in the dirty clothes hamper, turned off the light, and made her way back into the bedroom and joined Dave in the bed and cuddled into his awaiting arms.
"Gimmie kiss" Dave said as he looked down at April who was a few seconds away from finally going back to sleep like she hadn't just snatch his soul. April leaned up and kissed him then got comfortable. "So what did I do to deserve an early morning soul snatching" he curiously questioned even though he didn't mind not one bit.
"You kept tapping my damn back in ya sleep and I owed you some mouth action according to you. Let alone you know I don't like being in debt" she said and yawned ready to go back to sleep before it was time to get up and get back on momma duty.
Dave grinned. "Man it feels damn good to be back home. Thanks for paying off ya debt ma. Ya still getting that wheelchair treatment though but until then get some sleep" he said and rubbed her booty knowing it would help her fall asleep faster.
"Trust I'm here for it. You've been gone way too long. I need it and I want it" she said then yawned again.
"And I'm here to give you exactly what you need now sleep"
"Uh huh" she yawned again and closed her eyes waiting for sleep to kick in.
"MOMMA" Kairi and Royalty yelled as they burst through her and Dave's bedroom door waking April out of her sleep as they hopped in the bed and made their way over to her. She still couldn't get over Royalty calling her momma she had been My Apple for so long. It was foreign but it felt so right because to April she had always been her child. So to hear her call her momma like Kairi did made her heart a melting mess. She had been momma since the day she had become her God mother and April was grateful that Nia was even allowing it and willing to share that title with her.
"I'm up I'm up" April said laughing as she yawned and stretched then sat up in bed to see Royalty on her left side and Kairi on her right. "Now how can I help y'all"
"We need your help. Unkie's trying to get us to drink those nasty green juices he be making in the mornings" Royalty said with a frown on her face clearly not here for Dave's infamous green smoothies which she didn't blame her. They were an acquired taste.
"Momma we don't want green juice. We want French toast and strawberries" Kairi said hopping into her lap getting comfortable as usual. She loved to be up under her and April didn't mind.
"Pleaseeeee" Royalty begged even though she didn't have to. April wasn't going to make them drink those damn smoothies. He could keep that wheat grass, bark, and ginger shots to himself.
April laughed. "Yes y'all can have French toast and strawberries. Did y'all brush your teeth and wash your faces" she said and asked looking over them.
"Yes" they answered together.
"Ok give me a few minutes and I'll be downstairs. I need to wash my face and brush my teeth"
"Ok" they nodded and hopped off the bed and ran out of the room.
"STOP RUNNING BEFORE Y'ALL FALL" April shouted and shook her head and got out of the bed. She sounded like a whole ass mother these days then again she finally was.
"Good morning ma" Dave said all chipper with a smile on his face as he entered the room just as she got out of bed. "Say morning momma" Dave said with Charlie in his arms wide awake making her wave at April.
"Good morning momma's baby good morning Papi" April said smiling. She loved family life. She loved waking up to her soon to be husband and their little girls. She even came to terms that she would most likely never be called mommy and she was ok with that because momma sound so damn good coming from her little girls.
"Ya daughters are mad rude except for Pop's lil baby" Dave said as he followed her into the bathroom. Nowadays nothing was done in peace. Someone was always following behind her to the bathroom or knocking on the door while she was in it.
"No you are for trying to make them drink those damn smoothies" she said as she went and used the toilet.
"Bunch of tell tales" he said and sucked his teeth. "My lil baby liked it though" he said smiling at Charlie.
"Papi don't lie I know she scrunched up her face"
Dave laughed. "Ok so maybe she did"
"Exactly" April laughed and finished up on the toilet, wiped herself, flushed it, and made her way to the sink.
"You like my smoothies though" he said as he looked at her through the mirror.
"Blame that on the baby in ya arms. That was all pregnancy cravings. Besides I had to tweak them to my liking" she shot back as she turned on the faucet to wash her hands. No lie she thought those green smoothies were the shit when she was pregnant with Charlie especially after she made a few changes to them.
"You love hurting my feelings"
April looked at him through the mirror and proceeded to brush her teeth. His ass loved playing victim.
"Triple B ya momma look like she tryna roll her eyes at me. I know she ain't bout that life though or ready for those consequences"
"And you stay trying to start some trouble" she said as she finished up. He was looking for more excuses to punish her but she wasn't about to fall into his trap. He already had her down for one wheelchair session as it is and she knew before he went back on the road he was going to add another one or two on.
"Girl bye" he said trying to keep a straight face.
"Boy bye I'm done" she said laughing as she rubbed her face moisturizer in. Once she was done she turned around and put her arms out for Charlie. Dave passed her over without his usual I just got her spill. Most likely it was because he was still thinking about how she had snatched his soul only a few hours ago.
"Hey my baby" April said and rained kisses all over her little face making her laugh which only made April smile even more. She loved to hear her baby laugh. "So last night my oldest baby asked bout her nanas and papas and aunties and uncles so I figured if you were ok with it we'd have a lil family day today since I have to take her home early tomorrow" April said and asked. She knew he didn't mind but she wanted to ask just to make sure he was cool with it since they had been enjoying this alone time.
"Thanks for asking ma even though you didn't really have to but you know I don't mind"
"Cool I'll send everyone a group text"
"Bet so now that ya finished up in here can you make some breakfast a nigga is hungry" he said and rubbed his stomach.
April looked at him and chuckled. "Come on" she said and walked out of the bathroom with him following right behind her looking at her ass as usual. April grabbed her phone on her way out of the bedroom and made her way down the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. Kairi and Royalty were already in the kitchen playing on the floor with Teddy. April placed Charlie in her bouncy chair and sat her next to her sisters.
"Good morning baby boy" April said and rubbed Teddy's head making him bark and jump in excitement making the kids laugh.
"What a good morning it is" Dave mumbled looking over at April bent over in her boxer briefs with his head tilted to the side to get a good look.
April looked over at him and shook her head then stood straight up and made her way to the sink, washed her hands, then grabbed everything she needed to start breakfast.
"Hey Papi can you grab my phone and go to the family group chat and tell them we're having a family day today and 4pm should be good" she asked as she looked over her shoulder at him then went back to getting breakfast together. She knew it was last minute but she wanted to put out the word early enough.
"Bet" Dave said as he grabbed her phone, unlocked it, and went to their family text thread. Everyone including their parents was in the family group chat but they also had one for just the crew as well.
"Don't forget to tell them sorry for the last minute but Ro had asked bout them"
"Finish cooking I got this"
"Oop well excuse me"
45 minutes later breakfast was done and they were all at the kitchen table eating as a family.
"Momma are y'all going back home when I go home" Royalty asked looking over at April all sad.
"My baby we are home. We live here now. We'll always be here. When you go home we'll still be here" April answered. Her little baby really thought she was leaving her. She knew this time apart was a little trying for the girls including herself but she was going to make sure that they never had to spend that much time apart ever again.
"You promise"
"I promise my baby and you know momma never breaks her promises" April said confident. She didn't want Royalty to even think for a second that they were headed back to Jersey.
Royalty cheesed. "Ok"
"Ro you do know ya stuck with me right. I don't care where I go I will always be there and make time for you and love on you. Ya my baby"
"I know momma you're stuck with me too" Royalty said cheesing from ear to ear. This is the shit she was missing out on years ago and never thought she would ever get these moments but here she was living out her dreams of a family.
"Me too" Kairi said cheesing looking between Royalty and April.
"Yup we're all stuck together like glue. Y'all three lil babies are stuck with momma and momma isn't going anywhere"
"Yes" Royalty and Kairi said together and bust out in a little chair dance making April and Dave laugh.
"See this would be extra complete if you would just give me my baby boy" Dave said and whispered in her ear and gave her thigh a little squeeze under the table.
"Wedding night" she said and dug back into her food. Dave's baby fever was getting to be a little too much. It felt like he was trying to wear her down so she would just say ok and be pregnant as fuck on their wedding day or possibly just given birth. Trust she had experienced baby fever before but Dave's shit was off the chart. He wanted a baby now like she hadn't just pushed one out only a few months ago. Mind you Charlie just started teething, was still being breast fed, trying to get all of her motor skills, wasn't walking or talking yet and he was already trying for the next. Shit could she be the baby for a little while longer before they added on to the family? Could April enjoy watching her grow some before raining on her parade? April knew if she said fuck it and gave into what he wanted it would be overwhelming this time around.
If she was to get pregnant now she'd be taking care of an infant, a toddler, a puppy, going through the motions with morning sickness, missing out on work longer than she planned, and with Dave still on tour she'd be going through the beginning stages without him. She didn't want to do any of this without him by her side. She wanted him there just like he was with Charlie. Hands down Dave deserved his baby boy no questions asked and April was willing to give him exactly that. All she was asking for was a little time and some patience which she had learned that her Papi had no patience these days. She was also seeing firsthand that men's baby fever was extreme compared to women's well for her at least. She wondered how many other women had gone through the same thing and what did they do during that time.
Dave pretty much had her going back and forth in her head about what she should do about the whole baby situation. She had never wanted to be just a baby mother. She had always wanted to be engaged or at least married when kids came about but she also knew that sometimes things didn't work out like that. She had wanted what her parents had. Sure when Ian and Ananda first started having children it wasn't easy by any means but they were at least married. When she had gotten pregnant with Charlie she didn't mind being a single mother and being alone. One Charlie was born from a one night stand and two there wasn't anyone in her life romantically during that time so she had accepted what it was. But what she knew was that the next child she had she wanted to be in a committed relationship, engaged, or at least married which she was. April just wanted for it to be official. She hadn't kept that information from Dave he knew what it was from jump when they had gotten back together. They had the committed relationship and the engaged part but he just couldn't wait for the actual wedding to get her pregnant like it wasn't next year so the wait wasn't that long.
"I'm trying" he said only loud enough for her to hear.
"Ya gonna have to try a lil harder or me and you are gonna have to sit down and have a serious talk" April said and looked over at him then went back to her food. Dave just looked at her and playfully mugged her but she didn't care.
April looked around the kitchen table and smiled at her little family and got a little misty eyed. Moments like these she felt blessed to have but they were also bittersweet moments for her. She was missing her baby boy. She was low key feeling a way but trying her best to keep focus on what was going on around her and the kids that she was blessed to have after losing one. She looked at Royalty and smiled. She and Jr would've been the same age just a few months apart. Sometimes she wondered how life would be right now if Jr had made it. Would this whole blended family life turn out the way it had if he had been here in this very moment? Would Dave still love her like he did if Jr had been a part of the package and then she had Charlie with Chris?
It was crazy she thought about him every waking day and some days were better than most but she kept it to herself. It wasn't the fact that she didn't want to express how she felt but she just wanted to have him to herself in a sense. Yes the family now knew about him and he was no longer her little secret but she had kept him to herself for so long that she wanted to be a little stingy with him. Besides she didn't want anybody to pity her. She just wanted to sit down and give him some alone time just like she did with the rest of her children. April wanted to talk to him, tell him how much she missed him, how much she loved him, and how much she wished he was here. She wanted to let him know that she felt his presence, thank him for watching over her and his sisters, and she hoped and prayed that she had made him proud.
"Ma you aight" Dave asked as he looked over at her concerned. She had zoned out for a little while.
April turned and looked at him and nodded. "Yea I'm good. I was just thinking" she said and wiped her eyes before a tear could slip and rat her out.
"You sure" he questioned. She already knew he wasn't buying shit she was selling.
"Yea" she nodded and looked back over at the girls who had been having their own side conversation.
Dave kept his eyes on her for a few more seconds before going back to his plate. April knew he wasn't going to ask her 21 questions in front of the kids which she was grateful for but he was definitely going to come for her when they were alone.
"Momma can we go play now" Kairi looked over at her and asked.
"Yes but go wash your hands and faced first" April answered as she looked over at their plates to make sure they were finished eating which they were. They didn't play when it came to their French toast and strawberries.
"Ok" they said in unison and got up from their seats and the table altogether.
"Come on sista" Royalty said and grabbed Kairi's hand and started walking to the kitchen sink where April had the stool already pushed up against it from earlier when they had washed their hands to eat. April absolutely loved their relationship and their bond. They reminded her of her and Alaina when they were younger.
"Momma can we bring some toys to the family room so we can play with LeeLee too" Royalty asked as she dried her hands off with a paper towel.
"Go head but don't bring everything downstairs" April said not minding at all. That's why they had all the space they had so the kids would be able to play around the house and not just in their bedroom. Besides they knew if they brought out their toys then they had to take them back to their room and put them up when they were done. It had been that way since Jersey.
"Sista can you give me a towel" Kairi asked as she finished washing her hands with Royalty never leaving her side. She had been watching her the whole time. She would've helped her wash her hands but Kairi liked to do some things on her own. She was an independent child and loved to do what her sister could do so Royalty didn't bother her when it came time to do certain things. She just watched to make sure she was good and if she needed her then she'd step in. Royalty grabbed a paper towel off the rack and passed it to her.
"Thank you"
"You're welcome"
April couldn't help but smile she loved kids with manners. It made them so much cuter. She made sure they knew how to use please, thank you, and you're welcome.
"Ready" Kairi said and stepped off the stool and grabbed Royalty's hand. They had been attached by the hip since yesterday and both April and Dave knew that it would only get worse with the more time they spent together. But hey that was the point of this whole blended family thing anyway.
"Ok come on" she said. "LeeLee we'll be right back" she looked at Charlie who was now in Dave's lap smacking on some French toast. By now Charlie had tasted quite a few things. She was still breast fed but they were all definitely letting her try other foods thanks to her grandmothers. April and Dave laughed. Those girls were all about their baby sister and each other as well. As soon as the girls left the kitchen Dave was all over April.
"I know somethings wrong but I'm not gonna press you right now because it ain't the time but just know that whatever it is I'm here" Dave said looking at her trying to read her.
"It's nothing Papi but thank you" she said downplaying it not wanting to talk about it and end up in a crying fit. She hadn't had a crying fit over Jr in a while and she was afraid of how this one might turn out if she burst out crying. Let alone she didn't want to worry or scare the girls.
"We'll talk later ma" he said then leaned over and kissed her temple.
"Uh huh" she said and got up from the table and started cleaning it off.
A Few Hours Later...
April had gotten herself and the girls dressed and ready for the day while they waited for the family to come over and have a little family day before Royalty left the next day. Dave on the other hand had gone on a store run and picked up some food that April ordered making a pit stop at the liquor store to get some drinks because April didn't feel like cooking that much food to feed everyone today. It was a simple chill day. Everyone was sliding through even Trey. Since everyone now resided in LA there was no need for him to miss out unless he was actually busy.
"MA WE'RE HOME" Dave shouted as he made his way through the front door making all types of commotion. From all of the sounds being made and all the extra voices she heard besides his she knew the family was right behind him.
April walked into the front entrance to see Dave and the rest of the men walking inside helping Dave out with the food and drinks.
"Welcome, welcome" April said with Charlie on her hip as she stepped to side to get out of their way.
"Lil sis" Shooter, Bully, and Trey greeted her.
"Hey Lil Birdie" Errol greeted her.
"Hey lil big sis" August said of course.
"Hey brothers" April said smiling happy that they could all make it.
"There goes daddy's chocolate baby" Chris cooed smiling at Charlie making her cheese and blow spit bubbles all excited. She was about her daddy. "I'll be right back to snatch you up" he said as they all followed Dave to the kitchen.
"SISTAS" April shouted as the girls walked inside grinning. "Girl's day immediately" she felt like she hadn't seen them in forever or even had a proper Girl's Day in a long while and she was ready to cut up some.
"Yesssss" they dragged and shared a group hug.
"Hey auntie's baby" Alaina said and scooped Charlie out of April's arms.
"Here we go" April said and shook her head. Charlie was about to be passed around like a hot potato.
"DADDY" Royalty yelled as soon as she saw Chris and ran right into his arms.
"There goes my big baby. I missed you" Chris said and scooped her up in his arms and spun her around making her laugh.
April stood there looking at them and smiling. This is why she did what she did sometimes it paid to be the bigger person. Everything was for the girls. She knew with her being Royalty's God mother that now she'd be able to see Chris more often and not every two weeks.
"This way everyone" April said as she and Dave guided everyone to the family room and settled in.
"This is nice AF" Errol said looking around the room.
"Thank you lil bro it's not done just yet but it's getting there" April said looking around the room herself. Everything was slowly coming together. She had the furniture but now she had to put her touch to it.
"Auntie Eb" Kairi said running into Ebony's lap smiling. She was used to seeing Ebony on a daily but since they had moved this was her first time seeing her in the flesh instead of on Facetime.
"Ouuu auntie's niecy poo I missed you" Ebony said and kissed all over her face making her laugh and squirm in her lap. Bully looked at the two of them smiling.
"E, don't forget what I said. Think before you decide to curse both my nieces come with swear jars. That's two dollars per curse. Meaning one for each jar" Shooter said looking over at Errol warning him. Shooter was already strapped and ready with his curse word blocker on strong.
"I'm already on it" Errol laughed. He already knew how Kairi was by now so he knew what double trouble could be and he wanted no parts of it. His dollars were staying right in his pockets.
"Wayment E you haven't met my big baby have you" Chris said with Royalty snuggled in his lap.
"Nope" Errol said.
"Ro you have another unkie. He's unkie Dave's lil brother. His name is Errol" Chris said looking down at Royalty. "Errol this is our other princess Royalty, RoRo, or just Ro" Chris said introducing the two.
"Hey RoRo I've heard a lot bout you" Errol said looking over at her smiling. Sure this was his first time meeting her but their family always talked about her so he felt like he knew her already.
"Hi" she shyly waved at him.
"Wayment where's mommy, daddy, and unkie" April asked looking over at Ebony since they were all staying at her old place together for the time being.
"Oh trust their on their way right along with Mama Faye and Senior and their wedding book" Ebony said laughing.
"Yea they haven't put that book down at all. It stays by their side" Bully said laughing.
"Feels like it's gonna be a long day. Between our moms and Papi over here I already feel the pressure" April admitted and leaned her head against Dave's arm.
"Act like you know" Dave said and wrapped his arm around her.
"Any, who no wedding talk right now this is family day and I finally got my baby" April said smiling at Royalty still cuddled up under Chris. She knew those two weeks apart were hurting the two of them. This is why she didn't mind Chris being active in Charlie's life the way that he was. Yes being a part would bother Chris but it would do more harm to Charlie and she couldn't have that. She didn't see how Nia could take that chance away from Royalty no matter how she and Chris felt about each other but at the end of the day that was their business and she wasn't about to get in the middle of any of that.
"All I know is that I haven't seen my RoRo in months and she has yet to come and give her unkie a hug but I bet if I cursed she'd be all over me looking for a dollar" Shooter said as he playfully mugged Royalty.
"Stop coming for my children" April said laughing.
"Facts though RoRo ain't said hi to nobody but her daddy" August said looking at her.
"She can't help it she missed her daddy" Chris said laughing. "You can go say hi to ya unkies though Ro. I'll still be here" he said looking down at her. The fact that he had to tell her that he would still be there bothered April. It shouldn't have to be that way.
"Ok" she nodded acting all shy as she got off his lap and hugged all of her uncles including Errol so he wasn't left out and her aunties then went right back over to Chris and made herself comfortable in his lap once again.
"Ok so I know we're all settling in but we need a girl's day like stat. The men already had their first one it's our turn" Mimi said looking at the girls. She was ready to have some LA fun in the sun.
"Yesssss" they all said in unison including Kairi and Royalty making everyone laugh. They were about Girl's Day too but their version.
"Momma can we have a girl's day today" Kairi asked now sitting in Alaina's lap. April knew she was going to be back and forth between Alaina and Ebony.
"Please momma" Royalty added looking over at her.
"Well it looks like we'll be in the man cave tonight" Dave said to all of the men already knowing the girls were going to squeeze in a last minute girl's day for Kairi and Royalty.
"Sure my babies but we're gonna have to wait till ya nanas come" April said.
"Yes" they said excitedly fist bumping the air.
"You know when one of the bros is quiet and his woman isn't around and he's in his phone he's definitely texting her" April said looking over at Trey smiling down at his phone. His ass hadn't said shit but hey lil sis since he walked through the door on his Shooter shit when he first started talking to Mimi.
"Facs" they all agreed now looking at him.
"Chilllllll" Trey dragged laughing. "V said hi by the way"
"Hey V" the women all said in unison making Trey smile. He liked the fact that they liked her and she liked them as well.
"If she isn't busy when we go out for girl's day let her know she's welcome to join us" April said. Vonnii was cool people so far and they had all wanted to get to know her since it looked like she wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.
"Bet, I'll let her know" Trey nodded. "She said just let her know when and she's down"
"Cool" April nodded.
"So how is that going" Ebony asked Trey wondering how he and Vonnii were doing.
Trey looked over at her and gave her a small smile. "We're actually cool. I'm feeling her vibe so far. She hasn't made me side eye her yet and hopefully it doesn't come to that. Besides this shit is still fresh and we're just friends who like each other at the moment. So we're just trying to see where this goes"
"Here for it" the girls said in unison.
"Aight real talk how y'all feel bout her" Trey put down his phone and asked wanting to know if they felt any bad vibes. He wanted to make sure he wasn't overlooking anything. He knew that they would give it to him straight and not sugarcoat it.
-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. I already know I'm super late but thanks for being patient. This chapter has 103 pages according to wattpad so y'all know I had to break it down. So part 2 will be up Friday.
-April done pulled a Papi and came for his ass in his sleep 😂
-So I figured I'd give y'all a little cuteness with the girls since Ro hasn't really been in a chapter for a long while. I love Ro and Kairi's relationship 😊
-Papi and that baby fever is going to have him in some shit. April is trying to get him to be a little patient but he doesn't know what that means 😂
-April is silently going through the motions. She misses Jr. If Jr had made it do you think April and Dave would be like they are today or do you think Dave would've let her be? If Jr was here do you think April and Chris's relationship would be different than what it is now 🤔
-How do you think the girls really feel about Vonnii 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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