24: Always Plotting

Chapter 24: Always Plotting

"Whatchu over there cheesing bout" Dave asked as he looked over at April cheesing looking at her phone. They were cuddled up in their new bed lounging around while Charlie was cuddled up on his chest fuckin up her teething ring while Kairi was at school. Of course he already knew why she was cheesing but he wouldn't be him if he didn't fuck with her.

"Don't do me you already know" she said as her fingers moved a mile a minute across her phone.

"That cheesy ass smile better be for me" he said as he playfully mugged her. He had been enjoying these past few days with just her and the girls. It had just been them, laughs, good vibes, and he got to love on them. He had missed waking up and going to bed beside his woman, Kairi busting into their bedroom like she owned the place, and Charlie and his solo talks. Charlie was the gatekeeper to all of his little secrets since she couldn't talk.

April looked at him and shook her head. "Nope this cheesy ass smile ain't for you"

"Pop's baby you see how ya momma does me" he looked down at Charlie who paid him no mind. She had more pressing issues these days.

"Whatever my littlest baby is gonna be cheesing later on too just watch"

"Yea for me duh" he said picking with her. He knew exactly what today was. She had been like this since last night.

"Boy bye when my lil baby sees her big sister she's gonna be super cheesy" April said smiling. She was finally getting Royalty for the weekend and she couldn't wait. She hadn't even told Kairi that she was coming over and Royalty didn't know April was coming for her so it would be a surprise for the both of them.

"Why do I got the feeling that I'm bout to be kicked out of my own home this weekend" he said still looking at her.

"Now you know my baby is gonna want to see her unkie and then after that ya out" April said laughing as she sat up in the bed looking over at him and Charlie in awe.

"Ha...ha...ha very funny" he faked laughed. "I'm in the house tonight forget ya'll girl's time" He said even though he already had plans for the night.

"With all this space I don't expect you to leave the house. You got options. You can go to ya man cave and chill, go to ya studio and make me some new music, or finish putting the beds back together in the guestrooms. I would say you could finish putting ya stuff in the closet but you want to be like me so I'll hook that up for you since you asked me to make yours look like mines. Just remember I'm not touching any of ya kicks that's all you. Orrrr you can hit the gym and get some leg exercises in" she said laughing and moving to the end of their king size bed out of his reach.

"Ha...ha...ha Pop's baby ya momma got jokes today" he said looking down at Charlie then mugged April. "Y'all gonna leave my fuckin legs alone" he said. People stayed coming for his legs. He didn't give a fuck though he'd just tell them to suck a dick and keep it moving but he knew he couldn't tell his woman that shit. Well he couldn't tell her in the manner he would normally tell people on the internet. Let alone he knew it was all jokes coming from her but he was going to fuck with her regardless.

"Papi I love you just the way you are but those legs ain't matching ya arms" she said playfully. He knew his legs were type skinny but he was ok with that. He didn't feel insecure about them at all. Besides he thought he had some nice looking legs.

"You know if you was a troll on the internet I'd tell you to"

"Go ahead and say it" she dared him as she cut him off eyeing him. "Go head"

"Ma you started it though" he said fake pouting like she and Kairi did him.

"You want me to suck it though don't you" she hopped off the bed laughing.

"I mean if you want to do it I ain't gone stop you" he said. He'd be a fool to turn down some head.

"Welp I don't" she continued laughing.

Dave looked at her and chuckled. "See the jokes on you. I was waiting for ya ass to slip up. One word...wheelchair" he said and mischievously grinned.

April stopped laughing and looked at him. "Papi don't be like that. It was just a lil jokey joke. I got shit to do I can't be out in these streets looking like Knees"

Dave chuckled at her talking about Profit then darkly chuckled. "Not my fault. You should've thought bout that before letting ya mouth get you in trouble"

April slowly climbed back in bed and straddled his lap. "Papi I'm sorry" she said batting her eyes but it wasn't going to work. He had been plotting and wanting to give her the wheelchair treatment and she had willingly set herself up for the cause. He didn't care how minor it was he was still going to punish her.

"How sorry are you" he asked with his eyes on her while patting Charlie's back soothingly then looked down to see she had fallen asleep. "Hold that thought Pop's baby finally fell asleep"

"I got her" April said and rose off him.

"Nope I got her. You just keep ya lil ass right here" he said and slowly got up and walked out of their bedroom then doubled back. "Ya ass better be in here when I get back" he said and walked next door to Charlie's bedroom. He had been so use to her staying in the bedroom with them but he was happy that she finally had her own space. Let alone, he and April could do as they pleased without thinking they would wake her up. Dave placed her in her crib, took her teething ring from her little grasp, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead then looked around the bedroom smiling at his and Chris's work. They had done a good job on her room and April loved it and so far Charlie was doing a good sleeping in a room by herself.

"Where you think ya going" Dave asked with his brow raised as he caught April walking down the hall as he was coming out of Charlie's bedroom.

"Huh" April said trying to speed pass him.

"I thought I told ya lil ass to stay in the room" he said as he approached her before she could get any further stopping her in her tracks.

"I'm going to take something out of the freezer for dinner" she said trying to walk off.

"That's already handled. I know my babies are gonna want a pizza and wing night" he said as he walked up on her backing her up against the wall.

"Shit" she mumbled looking up at him as her back pressed flesh against the wall.

Dave kept his eyes on her and chuckled. "I would say cat got ya tongue but I know that's all dick...my dick"

"I don't eat dick I suck it Papi" she said and smirked.

"See shit like that is why I'm always on ya heels" he chuckled. The shit that came out of her mouth always did it for him. She was slick with the tongue, she had no filter, and he loved that shit. She wasn't scared to speak her mind.

"Sorry Papi at the moment I got shit to do"

"Yea me" he said and lifted her up off the ground and in his arms with the quickness.

April wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed his lips then pulled back. "Can we reschedule that wheelchair session for either Valentines or our anniversary. My baby is coming over tonight and I know my babies are gonna have me on my toes so I need to be able to keep up with them this weekend"

"You weren't thinking bout none of that when you started talking out the side of ya neck" he said then nipped at her bottom lip.

"You know it was all fun and games though"

"Yup but as usual ya mouth done got you in some shit you can't get out of"

April sighed and leaned her head against the wall.

"Don't be doing all that extra shit. You started this shit ma and you know my way of ending it"

"Understood and I'm bout my shit but ya gonna have to catch me at a later date"

"Ya lucky I know my babies done missed each other and I know they're gonna have you running around. Just know at bed time you owe me" he said with his brow raised not trying to hear any protesting.

April raised her brow. "Owe you what"

"You already know"

"Nah I don't so say what you think I owe you" she said and he knew she just wanted to hear him say exactly what he wanted her to do. She got off on that shit.

He smirked at her. "For coming at me wrong and not being able to give me exactly what I want you owe me some mouth action"

"Ohhh so you want ya dick sucked" she said but he knew she already knew what it was. "I guess that cat is gonna have ya tongue then too"

"A 69 can always be arranged"

"Bet, now can I go" she asked.

"For now" he said then kissed her lips and put her back down.

"Pizza and wings is still on you tonight though" she shot back.

"Whatever you still want me to pick up Lil Butt" he asked.


Dave nodded. "Walk with me talk with me"

"Ok hold on let me grab the baby monitor"

"Aight" he said and leaned against the wall watching her walk back to their bedroom. A few seconds later she was back and they were walking down the hall and downstairs. "You know I'm proud of you right" he said as he glanced at her as they made their way into the kitchen.

"For what" she questioned curious as she took a seat at the island.

"You and this Nia shit. You've been handling it like a grown ass woman. You don't even get in that mood or in ya feelings like you use to when her name was mentioned"

April chuckled. "I don't have time for the bs and she hasn't switched up. She's been true to her words so far and you know at the end of the day this is all for my girls. Besides I don't need any more unnecessary drama in my life. I've literally had enough" April said and shrugged. If she could help it and had a say so she'd keep herself out of all possible drama. She also didn't think of Nia as a threat.

"True but either way I'm proud of you" And he was. He knew she was tired of being the bigger person but in this instance being the bigger person was paying off.

"Aww thanks Papi" she said and smiled at him. She had really been on her grown woman shit about their situation and he was feeling it. She hadn't slipped up or said anything petty about Nia. She had been keeping the peace. He had heard their conversations, saw their texts, and both of them had been friendly, cordial, and all about the girls. It was never any sideways shit being said or any low blows being thrown by either of them.

"Lil Butt is gonna be excited" he said as he reached inside the fridge and grabbed his Essentia water. He swore by that water. Shit the way he saw it he should have been sponsored by the company by now.

April smiled. "She really is and I can't wait. We haven't seen her in months. Facetime is cool and all but it's not the same"

"True shit" he agreed.

"So what ya getting into while me and the girls are partying" she asked.

"Meeting up with the bros for a lil while to catch up for a second" he replied. He needed to make sure that his plans for Valentines were still a go.

"Bet so what time are you heading out" she questioned.

"I don't know it'll be some time tonight though" he answered. They were all meeting up at Chris's spot since he was pretty much the lone wolf out of the bunch.


"Ya gonna be aight with all three of the girls tonight"

"Yea I should be fine. You know once they get together they cuddle under me for a lil while then smooth bounce on me and be in their room playing and shit"

"Bet just know that if ya need me I'm here"

"Thanks Papi I'll be fine though"

"Aight now that that's out of the way and on a personal level we're good how are we doing on the business side? I know I haven't had much time to really sit down with you and see where we're at but I'll be home all month so we can work on the project together while I'm here" he said as he leaned against the kitchen counter focusing on her. They had been working on a major project behind the scenes that no one had known about. They didn't want to bring it up until they had finalized everything and made it happen but since he had been on the road he hadn't been able to help out, give his two cents, or put all his focus on it. It was pretty much all on her at the moment.

April looked at him and smirked. "Well look at you. I thought you didn't want to do business with me anymore. I mean you'd be a fool not to" she said and laughed. "But you haven't mentioned it in a while" she said and he hadn't.

Dave chuckled. He knew she wasn't serious. "Ma like you said I'd be a fool not to want do business with you. I'm sorry though. I've just been preoccupied which you already know"

"I'm fuckin with you Papi but honestly all I need is for you to check it out for ya self and give me the green light. The plans are already drawn up and finished. I've already started looking into construction companies and things like that. Most likely I'll probably use the same guys daddy uses for his projects. Our realtor already knows what we're looking for but I have her on standby because I wanted to look at the locations with you" she said filling him in on the progress. They wanted to open up a low income apartment building catered to people who wanted to live nice, safe, and in affordable homes particularly in the black community. They wanted to give back and help in any way they could and being kids that grew up in certain conditions they felt like since they had the funds why not help out the community.

"Bet" Dave nodded liking what he heard and happy that she had still been working on it instead of putting it on hold. "We'll set up a conference call to let her know what's going on and while I'm home we can go looking"

"Sounds good to me she's waiting on our call any way"

"Cool and I'll look at the plans and shit over the weekend so we can get the ball rolling"

"Ok cool I'll call her Monday. How do you feel bout working from the ground up or buying a building that has the bones but needs some work" she asked.

"Either or would be fine but it all balls down to the budget" He knew they had money to blow but he also wanted to make sure that they weren't knee deep in and going over the budget that they had set. Just because they had the funds didn't mean they needed to spend it all. He just wanted to make sure that they were working smarter and not harder as well as having multiple streams of income together as well as a part so when it was time to sit back and relax they didn't have to think about funds they could continue to live the life they were already living.

April nodded. "Bet"

"So how long do you think it would take you to get ya wedding dress" he questioned switching the subject on her. He was trying to figure out some shit in his head. You know to see if he could make some shit shake to have the wedding happen earlier.

April looked at him and shook her head curiously. "I thought we were talking business how are we back on personal and specifically our wedding"

"Our business meeting is done now I'm back on my regular shit so answer the question"

"So bossy...but why"

"I just want to know" he said not giving her too much of anything.

"What are you up to Mr. Brewster" she asked looking at him with a little twinkle in her eyes.

"For real ma how long would it take" he questioned again.

"It honestly depends on whether I find one that's already made or if I'm getting one made from scratch or if I'm getting one that's already made but getting it customized to my liking. I've been looking online trying to get a feel of what I like but I actually have to make some time to go out to go dress shopping. I need to see them in person"

Dave nodded. "I'm a need you to jump on that"

"Have you been talking to our mothers" she asked with her brow raised suspicious.

He chuckled. "Nah I just think you should start looking so call up the girls and our mothers and make it happen"

"Can we at least get settled in before we get into all that" she asked.

"You got to the end of the month and after that it's all things wedding" he said dead serious.

"You know it's usually the woman who gets all wedding crazy"

"I got shit to do. Besides I said once I popped the question it's go time" he laughed. He wasn't trying to rush her but he wanted to officially get the ball rolling for obvious reasons.

"Uh huh now I know ya plotting" she said and shook her head but he didn't care.

"I'm always plotting on you that's nothing new"

"Where's the lie I'm happy you finally admitted it" she said and laughed.

"Yea, yea, yea I'm a leave you in here with ya wheels turning I gotta go get my Lil Butt"

"That you do. I'll see you when you get back"


A Few Hours Later

Dave had went and picked up Kairi from school and now he was back in the house spending some daddy daughter time with the girls while April was low key getting things ready for the girl's slumber party. He had felt like he had been missing out on daddy daughter time while he was touring so he wanted to make sure he spent as much time with them as possible. So right now they were in Kairi and Royalty's bedroom playing. Besides once Royalty came over he knew they were all going to dip on him and do their own thing which he didn't mind. They hadn't seen each other in months so he knew they were all going to be super excited and wanting to have as much sister time they could get in before the weekend was over.

"Hey Papi" April called him as she now stood at the doorway.

"Sup" he said and stood up. "I'll be right back my lil babies" he said as he looked at Kairi and Charlie.

"Ok" Kairi answered for the both of them as usual while she continued playing with her toys and Charlie who was in her Minnie Mouse walker.

Dave made his way to the door and walked out of the room.

"Just letting you know I'm bout to head out and get my baby" April said looking up at him already dressed with her purse in her hand.

"Better go before Lil Butt sees you dressed and be on ya heels ready to go with you" he said lowly trying not to be heard.

"I already know"

"You sure you don't want us to tag along though" he questioned wanting to make sure she was good with going over to Nia's place by herself.

"I'm good Papi besides security will be close by" she assured him. She didn't feel the need to have them come along and it would mess up their surprise.

"Ok call me if you need me. I love you and be safe"

"I will Papi I love you too" she said and poked her lips out for a kiss.

"DADDYYYYY" Kairi shouted and dragged.

"Only ya child" Dave said then kissed April.

"Boy bye that's all you" she laughed and walked away.

Dave walked back into the room to see Kairi playing with Charlie making her cheese and of course he wouldn't be him if he didn't take a picture or record the moment. So he took out his phone and took a quick little video. He didn't even bother to disturb them he just sat on the floor and let them be. See these moments these were precious moments he had been missing out on. Day by day his two little girls were growing up right before his eyes but not only physically growing but their bond had been growing. The two of them loved each other and although Kairi could tell Charlie she loved her which she did on the regular Charlie still loved her she just couldn't express herself verbally. Charlie watched her every move. She noticed when she walked in and out of the room and when she wasn't around she definitely felt it. They were his little babies and he couldn't wait to add another one to the bunch.

When April said he had baby fever he couldn't deny it. They had a fresh baby at home who he absolutely adored and even though she was only five months he couldn't help but to want another one. He knew having a baby back to back would be a little overwhelming but he yearned to have that with April. He wanted that special blend that nobody else would have but them. He wanted that special piece of her that was mixed with that special blend of him. Shit was crazy a few years ago this shit would all be a distant want and dream because although he wanted it he couldn't see who he'd be able to actually be able to settle down with. Millie wasn't it and fuckin and ducking he just couldn't see things falling in line the way that they had with April. Now he had a whole ass fiancée, two adorable little girls, about to get married, and living in a fly ass mansion with all the amenities they could ever want and need. So he did what he usually did during times like these he sat back, enjoyed, and appreciated the moment.

"SISTAAAAAA" Dave heard Royalty shout in excitement as she ran into the room bypassing him and ran straight over to her sisters.

"SISTA" Kairi screamed excitedly and hugged her cheesing from ear to ear getting Charlie all excited.

April walked into the room and took a seat beside Dave just a smiling. Dave wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer to him smiling himself as they both looked on watching the girls.

"My LeeLee I missed you" Royalty said and kissed Charlie's forehead making her smile showing off her two little bottom teeth as her little feet moved about kicking in her walker. They all made sure Charlie knew exactly who Royalty was. Every time they facetimed whether it was with Chris or Nia they made sure that they saw each other.

"By the way I already picked up dinner" April said to him with her eyes still focused on the girls.

"Bet" Dave nodded. "Sooo ya gonna act like you don't see unkie sitting right here" Dave said as he playfully mugged Royalty making her laugh.

"Sorry unkie" she said and ran to him smiling.

"Hey niecy niece I missed you" he said and hugged her.

"I missed you too unkie"

"You been good" he asked giving her the she better be look.

"Yes" she nodded.

"Good" he said and just like that she bounced on him and went right back over to her sisters. "Those are ya kids" he said shaking his head.

"Yup" April said proudly cheesing. Eventually they showed Royalty her side of the bedroom letting her know that, that their house and this bedroom belonged to her as well and that she was always welcomed and that they would always be there for her no matter what. Just because they hadn't seen each other in a while didn't mean anything had changed.

Kairi's Side

Royalty's Side


"Aight ma I'm bout to dip" Dave said as he walked inside their bedroom with his phone in his hand texting the boys. They were all in a group chat.

"Ok cool have fun and be safe" she said as she rocked Charlie to sleep. The girls were in the theatre room watching Moana and eating snacks.

"Bet I love you" he said and leaned down ready to taste her lips.

"I love you too Papi" she said then kissed him.

"And I already know tell ya bestie you ain't off him until you get ya shit" he said and laughed as he put his hoodie on then grabbed the zip lock bag he had his pre rolled blunts in and placed them in his hoodie pocket.

"That part"

Dave kissed Charlie's forehead, made his way out of their bedroom, and made his way back to the theatre room and said bye to the girls. With that he headed down the hall, downstairs, out the side door that led to the upper garage, went to the key box, and grabbed the keys to his McLaren. Twenty five minutes later Dave was pulling up at Chris's place at the same time as Bully, Shooter, and Errol.

"What's crackin" Dave said as he locked up his ride and met up with them.

"Shit" Shooter said ready for the festivities.

"Same here it's been a busy week a nigga tryna chill" Bully said as the front door opened.

"Shit I been chilling Lil Birdie spot got all the good shit" Errol said. He hadn't had to do anything but unpack his shit and settle in.

"Bout time y'all niggas showed up I thought y'all women were gonna keep y'all home tonight" Chris jokingly said as he fully opened the door and stepped to the side letting them in.

"The jokes" Shooter said walking inside.

Once everybody was inside Chris locked up and walked off as they followed behind him until they were in his entertainment room where he had everything to get the night started off right.

"Speaking of our women mines still ain't fuckin with you" Dave said and laughed as he took a seat getting comfortable.

"Damn what the hell did you do now" Shooter said looking over at Chris as he took a seat hoping that he hadn't done any fuck shit to land him in the hot seat.

Chris looked at him and shook his head laughing. There was no way in hell that he had done anything that damn bad. "She's still waiting on her ride" he replied.

"Oh you mean that truck you was supposed to BEEN got her for the bet" Shooter said. They all knew about the bet and was wondering what hot shit he was going to get for her.

"That part" Dave said and took out a blunt and his lighter ready to put some smoke in the air as usual.

"Lil big sis bout to come for ya ass you're playing with fire like you don't know who you fuckin with" August said looking over at Chris shaking his head. He and Trey had gotten there a few minutes before they rest of the guys.

Chris laughed. "Nah I definitely don't want those problems but I got her" he said and he did. A bet was a bet and he had every intention of getting her ride.

"Damn did you at least get her a push gift" Trey asked looking over at him as he leaned back into his seat already comfortable with a drink in his hand.

"NOPE" Dave answered for him and laughed.

"Triple B is ya baby too where's ya push gift" Chris shot back and asked as he eyed him joking around.

Dave rubbed his hand over his head and chuckled. "See bout that"

"So what y'all are saying is neither one of y'all got lil sis a push gift" Shooter said shaking his head dramatically. "Damn shame"

"I hope y'all give her something good for Mother's Day" Bully said.

"Y'all know she's not bout gifts or materialistic shit like that but she def wants her ride. But make no mistake I'll never forget to get her something for Mother's Day that's a must. I know she'd go above and beyond for Father's Day" Dave said. He hadn't really thought about a push gift like what would he get her that she didn't already have.

"Now if a nigga missed Mother's Day then put me in the hot seat" Chris said laughing. That was one day he was never going to forget or miss out on.

"Y'all foul" Errol said laughing.

"Wayment didn't lil big sis let you ride around in one of her rides for the weekend even though you lost the bet" August asked Chris remembering he had definitely been driving around in one of her cars the weekend of the baby shower.

"YUP" Dave answered for him again and laughed.

"That's true I did but I got bestie. I didn't think it was necessary to give it to her while she was still in Jersey. I figured it would make more sense to give it to her here since they wouldn't have to ship it right back and on top of that she's only been here for what a week"

"All I know is that she said if you don't got her shit she knows where you live so don't make her run down on you" Dave said delivering her message for her.

"Sounds like you need to get Lil Birdie her shit like the day before yesterday" Errol said laughing.

"Man she stays threatening somebody but I got her" Chris laughed but he truly had her. It was already in the works and being customized to her liking. "Any, who make y'all selves at home its food and drinks here and of course games and shit" he said looking around his man cave. He had everything you could want and need in it. It was basically an in home Dave and busters type of set up times ten.

"Bet" they all said in unison.

"What y'all niggas doing for Valentines though" Bully asked looking around the room.

Trey looked over at him and shrugged. "I'm keeping shit light since I'm still in the get to know you stage with V so I'm a cook a lil something at my crib and have a lil date night" he replied. He didn't want to go all out or put their relationship in the spotlight just yet. He also wanted to do something for her. Trey wanted her to know that he was very much interested in her, loving how they were moving, and he loved spending time with her. He wanted to let her know that she was still special.

"Sounds like a plan" Bully said and nodded.

"Mimi has been talking bout a spa so I booked a spa day for her and I'm a ask her to be my woman. I mean we all know she's mines but we done felt it out long enough I'm ready to make it official" Shooter said looking all cheesy.

"Nigga I thought you been asked her to be ya woman" Chris said looking at him. From the way Shooter and Mimi were around each other and acted he just knew that Shooter had snatched her up because they were definitely claiming each other. There was no I'm just talking to her or I'm just fucking with him type of vibe going on. Shit they were perfect for each other.

"Facts, with the way y'all act I would've sworn you already popped the question bruh" August said agreeing. All of the men thought they were official.

"Nah that's my bae all day everyday but you know how it is when you first meet a chick especially in our family. I wanted to make sure that she could handle all sides of me. Y'all know how I am I needed to make sure she could handle her own and she's def checked everything off my list. I was moving slowly because she wanted to move at a slow pace and now it's time to make it official" Shooter said. He and Mimi had been talking since August but neither one of them wanted to rush into anything. They wanted to see what was what and now that they did it was time to do the damn thing. It was only right. Besides they were already claiming each other and if someone decided to pop up and try to hit on either one of them they'd shut them down on sight because as far as they were concerned they were together.

"Look at my boy getting all serious and shit" Dave said laughing but he was happy for him. He was happy that he had found someone that could deal with him and was for him. He finally had what he wanted so badly.

"It be like that sometimes" Shooter chuckled.

"Well I'm taking bae shopping then out for dinner. You know the Blackmon women don't want or need for anything but I gotta spoil her sometimes" Bully said and shrugged. He loved to be able to spoil Ebony even if she didn't need or want for anything and he knew that just because she had it all didn't mean she didn't like to be treated every once in a while. She was appreciative and he loved to see her smile and watch her eyes light up when he bought her things.

"Facts" Dave and August said agreeing with him. Ebony, Alaina, and April weren't the type to ask for shit. If they wanted something they went out and got it. It was that simple.

"What bout you" Errol asked Dave.

"If Breezy is still watching the girls I'm taking ma out for the day and ending it with a nice lil dinner. We haven't really been on many dates so I just want to take her out and spend some time with her outside of the house" Dave replied not giving them too much information. He had the whole day planned out for her. He wanted to make it special and meaningful. He wanted her to feel special and loved even though he knew she already felt that way but sometimes it's better to let your actions speak louder than words. She had been holding shit down while he was on the road so he wanted to give her a day dedicated to her.

"Bet you know I got them so now yall know I'm not spending the day alone I'll be spending Valentines with my lil babies" Chris said. Dave had asked him a little while ago if he could watch the girls and since Chris had no woman he said yes. Besides he didn't mind spending time with his baby girl. He loved the fact that she was finally in LA and he could see her whenever he wanted and since he hadn't really been in Jersey like that besides the holidays he felt like he needed to spend some extra time with her. Let alone April had been taking care of her and never complained not even once when he couldn't come out or had to cancel because something popped up so he didn't mind taking care of his child while she had a night out nor did he have a problem watching Kairi. She was unkie's baby and he'd always be there for her as well because that's how they ran their family. Plus it was his weekend to watch Royalty and he knew she'd love to hang out with her sisters.

"And here I thought you were spending the day alone" August said jokingly and laughed.

"Fuck you" Chris said laughing sticking up his middle finger.

"Shit I guess I'm the only one not doing shit" Errol said looking around the room.

"You can always fall through and chill with me and the girls" Chris offered. He didn't mind the extra company.

"Bet, I'll think bout it" Errol said nodding. It wasn't like he had shit else to do.

"Aight so we know why Chris isn't dating but why aren't you" Trey curiously asked Errol.

Errol shrugged. "I had my eye on this one shawty but she plays too many games and I don't got time for that shit. We were dating and I was doing my shit you know calling and texting, showing her I was interested in only her, putting out the vibes and shit but she wasn't putting those same vibes out for me" he said and shrugged. He didn't see the point in trying to make shit work with someone when the other person wasn't trying to make it work. It was pointless and a waste of time when he could've been using the time for himself or someone else.

"So what ya saying is we gotta find you a girlfriend" Bully said looking over at him.

Errol chuckled. "Nah I'm good on that I can do that by myself" he wasn't really pressed about having a girlfriend at the moment but if someone came along he wouldn't block it.

"Aight lil bro I'll fall back but if you change ya mind I'll make you a profile on black people meet" Bully said laughing.

"Oh hells nah" he said and shook his head laughing. "I like meeting chicks the old fashion way...In person"

"Can't blame you ain't no telling what you might end up with on the internet. Chicks be looking like a whole ass snack, body right, blemish free skin, pretty eyes, and everything else and as soon as you see her ass in person you looking at a whole other women" Shooter said shaking his head.

"Facts" everybody agreed.

"That damn Photoshop can't be trusted" Chris said.

"Welp I'm glad I ain't gotta deal with that shit no more" Dave said grinning. He had met a lot of females who did the Photoshop and filters thing heavily and when he had seen them in person it was all a lie even down to the skin complexion. "And don't forget to check the pics out to see if the background is warped bitches be walking around with one ass cheek bigger than the other and the bathroom door all warped" he said and everyone laughed because they had all seen some shit like that.

"Fuck around and end up like Craig from Friday when ole girl said she looked like Janet Jackson and pulled up looking like Andell from the Parkers" August said laughing.

"Fool you do know that's the same person right" Trey asked looking at him.

"Yea I do but still she said Janet Jackson but she looked like Andell" August said making them laugh as usual.

"I don't know why I even bother anymore" Trey said and shook his head.

"Me either" August said still laughing.

"Oh yea they're plotting on y'all too" Bully spoke up looking over at Dave as he lit his blunt.

"Who plotting on who" Dave questioned with his brows furrowed.

"Please don't say it's bout to be some more bullshit" August said. They had, had enough drama everybody was looking forward to cooling and winding down. They didn't need anything popping off.

Bully chuckled. "Maybe I should've rephrased that with all the bullshit that's been going on. I was talking bout Mama Faye and Mama Ana"

"Oh hell yea" Errol added already knowing where this was going.

"Before they leave they're gonna run up on you and lil sis. They been walking around with that wedding book" Bully said laughing. He had been seeing them sitting at the dining room table all through the book and coming up with different ideas but he didn't dare interrupt them. They looked too damn excited and besides he didn't want those problems.

"By the time y'all sit down they're already gonna have everything done and y'all are just gonna have to show up" Errol said. He had been seeing them plotting as well.

Everyone laughed. "Shit I'm a be real with y'all at this rate I'm plotting too" Dave admitted but he wasn't going to go into detail especially since they were at Chris's house. He didn't want him to feel uncomfortable in his own home even if he was cool with what was going on.

"I bet ya ass is" Shooter said.

"It'll be here in no time so what's the rush" Errol asked.

"Just wouldn't mind if it happened sooner than next year" he said and shrugged it off still not trying to go into detail.

"Either way you and Lil Birdie better get ready because they're definitely coming for y'all"

Dave laughed he already knew what type of time they were on. Neither he nor April could talk to their mothers without the wedding being mentioned. "It can't be that bad" he said then focused on Chris. "Aye speaking of lil babies guess who's at the crib" Dave asked changing the subject.

-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. I'm super late I know but I've been a lil busy as well as it's time for me to actually sit down and do some more outlining for this book. I feel like when it comes to April and Dave they have pretty much accomplished and got what they wanted besides their wedding and their own children. So with that in mind I'm going to try alternating chapters between the mains and the other couples and see how that goes for a lil while. There is also a part 2 to this it'll be up Friday so stay tuned 😊
-Welp Dave is plotting as usual. He's trying to get married a lil sooner so he can get that baby boy but will it actually work out in his favor 🤔 and he thinks he's about to get a wheelchair session popping 😂
-Valentines is coming up so that means I have some work to do 😩 Shooter is about to make Miss Mimi his woman officially because we all know she's already his😝
-Seems like Chris isn't the only single one out of the bunch. Errol might just need him a woman after all😜
-What would y'all like to see between April and Dave as well as the other couples 🤔 Since I have some outlining to do I might be able to work some things in 😊
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

🛑For my boos who write how the hell do y'all deal with adding pictures to your stories? I swear finding pics are frustrating like no other. It's not even the fact that I'm looking for pics it's that I'll have an idea of what I want in my head and when I go looking I don't see any of what I actually want 😭😂

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