24.1: Always Plotting

Chapter 24.1: Always Plotting

"Royalty" Chris answered yet said it like it was a question. April nor Nia had told him anything all he knew was that April was plotting on getting her for a weekend. He had to smile though because shit was working out between the two of them and he didn't have to be the middle man anymore. Let alone not only did his girls get to see each other when they wanted to he'd most likely would be able to see Royalty more often then his regular two weeks or when she had some extracurricular activities going on. So from where he was standing it was benefitting everyone involved.

"Yup ma picked her up not too long ago she's staying with us for the weekend"

"Now I gotta call my babies. I know she was excited as hell" Chris said smiling.

"Hell yea she ran straight into the room right pass my ass like unkie didn't exist and up to the girls shouting sistas and my LeeLee. Damn girls hugged each other like they thought they'd never see each other again" he said smiling. The way their kids were he already knew their bond with each other was locked tight and sealed. He also knew they were going to be a damn mess when they got older but he couldn't wait to see what the older versions of them would be like. He wondered who would be the one all about school, or the hot head one ready to pop off, or who would always be in some shit. Either way he knew they would be miniature versions of their mother and aunts it was inevitable.

"Yea she's been missing her Apple and her sisters for some time now. I'm happy as hell that y'all are close by so they don't have to miss out on spending time together anymore. Ro had low key been sad bout not being able to see them" Chris said genuinely happy that the four of them were finally able to see each other after months of just FaceTime calls. Royalty had been moping about and counting down the days until they had arrived so he knew she was beyond excited.

"Well excuse everyone else in the room" August said to both Chris and Dave and their side conversation. He wanted details as usual. "So big bruh you didn't know my RoRo was at lil big sis and bruh's house am I right" he questioned but didn't wait on an answer. "I'm right which brings me to A. Lil big sis picked up my RoRo or B. Nia dropped her off. Either way as you can see I'm wondering how the hell did that go down. Yes I know she's Ro's god momma but how did that pick up or drop off situation go down. Sure I know they had the sit down but like are they good, good" he said and asked hitting him with back to back questions.

"Wayment say what say huh" Shooter said and scratched his head as August piqued his interest. He didn't know anything about April being Royalty's god mother nor did Bully and Errol.

Dave and Chris just laughed. They understood why August was questioning what he was and why Shooter was lost. Shit when April had first told Dave about Nia asking April to be Royalty's god mother he was pretty much lost for words. He had told her to keep her eyes open because he didn't know what Nia really had up her sleeves but after seeing their texts and hearing them over the phone he let up. He could tell that Nia was all about the girls being able to have a healthy relationship but his guard was still up for obvious reasons. With their track record he didn't have time to keep a blind eye.

"If you didn't know Apple is officially Royalty's god mother or should I say momma. She wasn't just talking shit online on New Years when she posted mommy loves you under their pic. She and Nia talked bout what had gone down in the past and by the end of the talk she asked Apple to be her god mother and of course Apple said yes. It's official and written on paper" Chris said. He had made sure that he had got it in writing for personal reasons. He didn't have time for the bullshit or to have his child in the middle of any bullshit. Besides Nia had no problem making official. She signed the papers without a problem.

"And to answer ya question lil bro ma went and picked up niecey niece. She and Nia have a mutual understanding and respect for each other. They both have kids by the same man and both want the kids to be able to bond. They talk and text often not on no best friend shit but just keeping up to date on niecey niece" Dave said looking around the room at everyone.

"Lil sis has done it again. She's definitely grown since she left here. She's always been a kind hearted woman but to even be able to pick up the phone and text or call Nia I commend her because I know it took a lot" Trey said thinking about the whole April, Chris, and Nia ordeal and for April to be a part of any of it was commendable. It was commendable because she didn't have to sit down with Nia at all, she didn't have to treat Royalty the way she did, and she didn't have to be cordial with any one of them but she did. The love she had for those little girls were out of this world.

"I keep telling y'all it's those three lil girls" August said without a doubt.

"It's exactly that and wanting to keep positive vibes around her at all times" Dave nodded. "She'll do anything and everything for them to be able to be around each other. She was just as cheesy as they were" Dave said laughing. She had just been sitting there smiling from ear to ear watching them catch up, talk, and act like they had never gone months without physically seeing each other.

She looked at them in pure awe which made it worst for him and his wants for having another baby. He wanted their child to get the same love and affection that she was giving the kids they already had. He wanted to see her give their child the same look of awe and love she gave the others. He wanted to build with her so bad that the urge of impregnating her was strong. He was seriously trying to let her be because she had valid reason for wanting to wait but every time he saw her with the kids made it worst. She was an amazing mother and he knew this time around when he had his next child that the experience would be totally different from when Kairi was born. The baby would be born out of love. He didn't have to worry about April walking away and leaving his child behind. He didn't have to worry about April walking in and out of his child's life because she had to run back to a nigga he didn't even know she was fuckin with that was supposed to be his friend. He didn't have to think about having his child for a week and passing him off to April for the weekend because it was court mandated all to find out that her mother was the one watching the baby because she was out in the streets ripping and running. This time it would be different and he was here for every single part of it.

"I bet she was. The first time I saw her with my baby Kai I knew what it was and when I saw her with both Kai and RoRo I knew they would always come first and would be tight. She loves the fuck out of her kids so I can see why she let go of her feelings bout Nia. It's not bout her and Nia or how they feel or felt bout each other anymore. It's bout those three lil girls. I respect it" Shooter said. They were both being grown women about the situation they were in.

"Yup now we're just waiting on y'all to get with the program and give our girls some cousins. It's time to add to their lil crew" Dave said. It was time for them to start having kids. Shit him, Chris, and April were the only ones with children.

"Count me out me and lil baybeh need more time we ain't ready" August said chuckling. That was his story and he was sticking to it until he and Alaina felt like they were ready to add to their family. He wasn't about to jump into anything that serious because everyone else was doing it. Besides he was low key scared because he didn't want to be like his father. He didn't want to be a sperm donor and a let down.

"Ya never ready even when you think you are" Chris said which was true. "You can plan it out it out from A to Z and when that little baby is born you don't know what to do and you aren't as ready as you thought you were"

"Yea well I know for now I ain't ready" August said and they all laughed at him. He was dead ass serious. They could catch him in a few years and then he'd be ready but as for now nope.

"See me on the other hand I'm still trying to get over the one I lost that I didn't even know bout and wrap my head around that whole situation. It's hard sometimes when I'm thinking bout what could've been and sometimes I think maybe it was for the best because Hazel didn't really want or love me like I wanted and loved her. A baby probably would've made shit hard and I'd a been stuck with who knows what" Trey said then sipped on his drink that he had been babysitting. That abortion shit with Hazel was still sitting heavy on his mind and heart. He couldn't believe that he was going to be somebody's father and he never had the option to be there or to speak his peace. Then to find out that she actually had three abortions was mind blowing. It made him think that she never wanted children to begin with and maybe her childhood played a part in that. Maybe she was scared that she'd turn out like her ain't shit donors. But hey she was no longer his problem he was checking for someone else these days so all he was worried about was his own damn feelings and how to cope with the lose of his unborn.

"Damn sorry for ya loss bruh" Errol said looking over at him and Trey just nodded. That was some sad shit to hear let alone go through. He had missed out on a lot so most of the time if he was hearing a story from them most likely it was the first time he was hearing it. But that was changing because he wasn't going anywhere. He was officially apart of the family. He was a Triple B.

"Take it a day at a time and it gets better. It still hurts but it gets better. Some days are good some days are bad but think of it as having a guardian angel. You know a lil piece of you who's making sure ya straight and makes you want to live and do right" Chris said. He may have not had a woman who aborted his child but he knew what it was like to have a child die. No matter how he learned about CMB Jr his death still hurt and took a toll on him so he understood how Trey felt. But to make that feeling of hurt and sadness lessen he thought of CMB Jr as his guardian angel and it made things a little bit better for him to cope with.

"Yea that's how I've been dealing with it but I still want kids they won't be coming soon but I do want them" Trey said and shrugged not wanting to dwell on it any longer then he had to. He wanted the whole family thing so he definitely saw kids in his future.

"What bout y'all" Dave asked looking between Errol, Shooter, and Bully not wanting Trey to continue focusing on the bullshit Hazel had cheated him out of. Fatherhood was a beautiful thing and for Hazel to do what she did out of selfishness was crazy.

"Count me out I have no girl at the moment so it won't be any time soon" Errol said and chuckled. "And I don't want to have a kid with just anyone so I'll wait"

"Can't fault you for that" Dave said. He knew all too well.

"Same here" Chris said but he also knew he played a part in that. It wasn't just on Nia.

"My shit still new but if it happens it happens. I need a lil Shooter in my life" Shooter said smiling. He could definitely see kids in his future and even saw Mimi as being the mother of his children. He didn't see her going anywhere.

"I don't know if I can deal with three of you. I thought one was enough then met Youngin and now it's like having two of you so a lil you man I'll wait" Bully said joking but he was dead serious about it being two Shooters. August and Shooter were too much alike. They were almost one in the same.

"Tell us how you really feel bruh" August said as he and Shooter looked at Bully.

"Don't even sweat it bruh I know hate when I see it. It's all good though I bet if we ain't show up to the party they'd a been hitting our lines and shit wondering where we were at" Shooter said.

"You already know without us this whole shit would be whack as hell. We keep the party going" August said.

Bully put his arms in the air surrendering. "It's all love though" he laughed trying not to get them started. Once they were started up that was it.

"Uh huh just hurt our feelings why don't ya" Shooter continued. "What bout you though? You and sis thinking bout kids"

Bully nodded. "We definitely want kids it's just a matter of when. For the moment we just want to enjoy the ride and if it just so happens it is what it is. But be expecting a lil Bully in the future" he said. Yup he wanted the whole family thing as well and being with Ebony and the way they loved each other just made him want that family life even more. It could happen today, tomorrow, or a month from now and he'd be happy if she walked into the room and let him know that she was expecting.

"Bet" all the men said except Bully. "What bout you I know y'all just had Triple B but what's next"

Dave chuckled but he wasn't going to tell them how bad he actually wanted and was plotting on the next one. "Definitely want another one it's too many girls in the crib. We need another lil boy. Teddy is my baby boy but he needs a brother and I need a son" he said laughing downplaying his want for a baby when at the moment he was currently experiencing major baby fever. His want for another child was on a hundred. He had always wanted children but it was never this damn bad.

"You do know it could be another girl right" Errol said with his brow raised.

"Allah wouldn't do that to me" he said laughing. Of course he knew if he and April had a child there was a possibility that it could be a girl but he was putting a little boy in the air.

"Well let's hope Allah is by ya side when it's time" Chris said laughing his ass off because as much as he put that shit in the air God gave him Charlie Ava...another baby girl. So Dave needed to be putting that shit in the air since the day before yesterday and then some.

"Facts" they all said agreeing and laughing remembering how Chris was during the time April was pregnant with Charlie. He kept talking about a baby boy and got the complete opposite.

"Enough family talk and please no business talk let's just cool out and relax" Trey said.

"Bet" they all said.

"Wayment this is the last one then we can do what we do" August said and looked around the room and got serious. "How is lil big sis dealing with social media right now because I've been seeing a lot of fuck shit being said and I've been coming after niggas heads left and right for the disrespect" he said. People were still talking about what they now considered a throuple...April Dave and Chris and their so-called mystery baby. "My lil baybeh tryna keep it cool since she can't be out here going ham because of her job but she ready square up" With the shit being said on the internet Alaina was ready to ring doorbells and knock niggas and bitches out for GP.

"Tell lil sis these mothafuckas ain't worth her job but from what I know ma hasn't been on any social media platform since the night she let it be known and if she has she hasn't mentioned it. But yea I've had to come at a couple niggas and chicks myself. I'm not understanding why people so mad at shit that doesn't concern them. What we're eating ain't making them shit and the stories their coming up with are fuckin ridiculous" Dave said and yet again his mug graced his face. They were trying to come for April like she had cheated on him or as if they had never stopped talking while he was with Millie. They were coming up with a bunch of scenarios just pulling shit out of thin air and their stank asses.

"Yea it's to the point I had to cut off all my comments period. I already had to keep them off when posting Ro and now with Charlie and April being her mother I've just been keeping them off on everything I post. People have been saying some off the wall shit. There have been a few good ones but with so many bad ones they override all the good" Chris admitted. It was just like when they were dating when people use to be calling April every name in the book but her name. They were saying things like she was stupid for going backwards. How could she have a baby by him? How does Dave even bother with her and all her extras? How could Dave settle for her when she could always run back to Chris? It was just a bunch of shit being said and everyone was pointing the finger at April. But there were a few who commended each and everyone of them for being grown about whatever was going on and being able to do what was right for their kids. There were also women saying that April had the best of both worlds. Some were even questioning what could they do to make their ya own situations better when it came to co-parenting. But at the end of the day they were still seeing more bad than good.

"Shit these blogs been worse than some of these people. Their headlines have been trashy ass fuck and disrespectful ass hell" Errol added with his own mug present.

"TSR tried to come for lil sis but bae killed their asses ASAP" Bully said. "She was all in their comments coming for anybody that had some fuck shit to say bout all of y'all. Shit got so bad she threatened to snatch their company away from them" he said and chuckled because he knew she wasn't joking she'd definitely try to come for their shit. "I had to take her phone away from her"

"People stay doing the most but can't take the heat when it's dished to them" Trey said.

"Exactly most of these chicks just mad that her child's father is around and does what he needs to do and they co-parent just fine. Then she gotta nigga who treats her child as his own and is cool with her baby father. They hating and they hate to see it and lets face it niggas just mad because they ain't got a woman like lil sis and they're dealing with ain't shit bitches" Shooter said. "I had to tell Mimi to ignore that shit too then when the girls jump in they want to come for them but it ain't happening on my watch"

"Fuck them you can't make everybody happy and at this point I could care less how they feel just don't be disrespectful" Dave said.

"Fuck them and fuck all that we not bout to harp on the bullshit tonight. We bout to smoke these blunts drink this liquor and do what we do" Chris said not wanting to dwell on the bullshit any longer. This shit wasn't new to him. He hated it but he knew it would never stop because people loved to talk especially when it wasn't about them. This is the same shit he told April to be ready for because he knew once it was out that was it.

"Bet" they all said done with it.

Dave and the boys chilled for the remainder of the night making use of Chris's man's cave/game room. Drinks went around the room, blunts were lit and smoke heavily in the air, and they were enjoying the moment alone while they had it.


1 o'clock rolled by and Dave was just getting in the house. He had enjoyed himself and now all he wanted to do was lie up under his woman, talk, give her a booty rub, and take his ass to sleep. He was tired and it seemed like his body was finally settling with the move. They had been on go for the past week moving, unpacking, furniture shopping, and he had just gotten off the road from touring. Sure they weren't done with getting the house together but he just needed a little break, a good night's rest, and if possible his woman would bless him with a massage tonight. Dave locked up the house making sure to check all the doors then set the house alarm. He turned off the remaining lights and made his way upstairs making a pit stop at Kairi and Royalty's room to see them knocked out cold in Royalty's bed. After silently laughing at them he closed the door leaving it ajar then made his way to Charlie's room. She too like her sisters was knocked out cold with Teddy sleeping beside her crib.

He backed out of her room leaving the door slightly ajar as well and made his way down the hall to his and April's bedroom. Opening the door all he could do was shake his head. The bedroom light was still on, music was lowly playing, and light was coming out of her closet so he already knew she was in there unpacking and getting her closet to her liking instead of using this time to get some rest because he knew she needed it. Dave slipped out of his kicks, stepped out of his clothes, put everything where it belonged, and made his way to her closet and leaned against the door frame watching her with clothes in her hands shaking her ass. So instead of interrupting her he just stood there letting her do her thing while he enjoyed the show watching that ass shake effortlessly in her sweatpants.

"Hey Papi" she said as she looked over her shoulder still dancing sensing him watching her. He loved the fact that he could see her in these moments. These were the moments where she was simply April. She wasn't worried about anybody talking, looking, or pointing fingers. She was carefree and only exposed to him and with her he never knew what he might walk in on. She surprised him everyday.

"Hey ma" he said making his way towards her smiling.

"Hey Papi how was ya night? I hope you enjoyed it" she said as she turned around and faced him.

"It's always a good night when us men linkup"

"Good, good and before you say anything I'll sit still after you shower because I know that's where ya headed" she said then poked out her lips for a kiss.

Dave kissed her and pulled her body closer to his wanting to feel the warmth she always provided and the closeness he needed. He was type clingy when it came to her but he couldn't help it she was the same way with him. Yet it wasn't that overwhelming clingy where they couldn't breathe or felt like they were smothering each other. They just liked to be around each other and love on one another. "I'm glad you know" he said smiling at her. "You think you can work those magical lil fingers on me tonight"

"You know I don't mind Papi. You want a regular one or you need me to pull out the oils"

"Damn I walked in wanting a regular ass massage and now you talking oils hook ya man up ma" he said. It was going to be a good ending to a good night.

"Well go get in the shower and I'll get my shit together and get that oil ready for you"

"You the best mami" he said and kissed her again.

"Tell me something I don't know" she smirked.

He shook his head, un-wrapped his arms from around her waist, and pulled back. "By the time I'm done you better be out this closet"

"I will...now go" she shooed him.

Dave chuckled and walked off heading straight to the bathroom. He turned the shower on and set the temperature to his liking, stripped out of his boxer briefs, put them in the dirty clothes hamper then stepped inside the shower. In and out the shower Dave made his way back into the bedroom with his towel wrapped securely around his waist and water beads still dripping down his body with April watching his every move. Yet he didn't say anything he let her look as he continued on with his routine then made his way to bed in a fresh pair of boxer briefs.

"I swear I don't think I'll ever get tired of drinking you in. You could tattoo ya whole body and I'd still be trying to eye rape you" April said as she stood on her knees in the bed with the bottle of oil in her hand ready to rub him down.

He looked at her and chuckled. The shit she said never ceased to amaze him. "Understandable I feel the same way bout you but ya not bout to tattoo ya whole body. I like what you already have and being smothered in all that chocolateness" he said and licked his lips as he climbed into bed and lied on his stomach. He didn't mind if she got more tattoos just as long as they didn't take away from her smooth chocolate body that he loved.

April straddled his waist from behind, got comfortable, opened the oil, poured some in her hands, put the bottle down, rubbed her hands together, and got to work making sure she gave him exactly what he wanted and needed. "Poor Papi you feel a lil tense"

He groaned loving how her hands handled his body. "It's been a long month I just need a few days to sit down and unwind" he said. He was on go for months now so he just wanted to sit back relax and enjoy the moments that were going on.

"That's that road getting to you. You haven't had a chance to actually sit down. Its show after show state after state and nothing in between unless you had time off for a holidays and still then you were on go. On top of that we just moved" she said as she continued working on his back. "I promise I won't overwork you I know you need a moment to sit still"

"True shit" he agreed. "Right there ma" he said as she hit the lower part of his back.

"Got it" she said as she applied a little extra pressure to get him right.

"So the bros said mommy and mama Ana are gonna come for us before they head back to Jersey. They done spotted them with the wedding book going over ideas" he said chuckling.

"Well we'll just have to be a lil ready for those twenty-one questions" she laughed a little. Of course they were coming for them she expected it. She just wanted to get a little settled in and make sure that the girls were good before jumping into all things wedding related but between Dave and their mothers it looked like it was going to be impossible.

"So what colors have you been thinking bout" he asked getting ready to jot everything in his mental notes.

"I've been feeling rose gold and lavender but I'm loving rose gold more" she replied. "What bout you"

"Rose gold I like that but what bout adding mint green to it"

She sat there and thought about it for a little while. "You know what I actually like that and it's not a loud color its soft and I think it would look nice against the rose gold. We'll just have to look at some sample colors though to make sure it's what we really want"

"Bet so we got the new date and the colors what else we need" he said laughing trying to collect information for himself as well.

"We still need a venue but that means we have to look for locations to have it, then we'll need to find someone to cater the event, a florist, and the list goes on. Shit we might need an actual wedding planner orrrrr we can have it at a resort and pick one of their wedding packages and money talks so if they don't have something we want I'm sure with some extra funds we'll be able to have the wedding of our dreams. Besides we want our family to stay at a resort so them and our guests get to do more activities instead of us renting a property and having to find things to do. Everything would be all inclusive and if they want to go out most resorts have activities to do outside of the resort"

"I already know this shit is bout to be a movie. We can do the resort and put up some extra money for shit we want but they don't have. I'm thinking you and I can rent a property and do what we do without being interrupted. We'll start looking into that ASAP because the dates need to be locked down first so that location is number one on the list" he said. He was cool with celebrating with the family but afterwards he wanted her all to himself. It was to the point that he was thinking about flying somewhere else to have their honeymoon so they wouldn't run into anybody.

"True other than that I don't think it's much more for us to do just yet and um I'm thinking we should just go ahead and rent out a property for us. Wedding night is gonna be a lit event and with the way that we are and the shit we got planned for each other I think that would be our best bet. That way we don't have to worry bout getting any calls from the front desk bout any noise complaints or having our parents scarred for life and with the way ya plotting on ya baby boy I already know ya tryna beat this shit out the frame. So I rather be anywhere else that doesn't require us to be close to the family" she said.

"Yup renting a property is a must" he said as he thought about what she said. For what he had planned staying on a resort wasn't going to cut it. They needed the space and privacy to just be them and to enjoy the moment the way they wanted. "So now we have to lock down a location and a separate place to stay"

"Yes and yes" she said getting all giddy. "I'm have to make sure my glam squad is on deck along with ya barber"

"Definitely gotta have them. How you feel bout a wedding party you still iffy bout it or what because I think I made up my mind"

"I'm down for whatever you want to do. If you want one we'll have it if not then we won't" she said.

"I don't want one. I just want it to be bout us. Like you said everyone will be there and doing their part so either way it's a win, win"

"Are you sure because I don't want you changing ya mind for me when all I care bout is meeting you at the alter in my white dress. I want to make sure that you're happy because it's ya day as well" she said still straddling his waist giving him a massage. They were just in the moment getting back to their usual Dave and April shit.

"I'm positive...like you said all white and we're still taking family pics so nobody would even know if we had an actual wedding party or not because everyone will look like they were a part of it. The only thing I do want though is for both parties to wear a flower or whatever you call that shit they be wearing that's the color of the wedding" he said. He had been thinking long and hard about their wedding especially when she gave him the ultimatum about their next child. He wanted to make sure everything was good just in case there was a possibility to make shit happen earlier than they originally planned.

"I like that idea then everyone will definitely look like they were actually a part of it. We can start looking for invitation ideas too. Shit that's what we need to be working on. We have to start making a list of who we want to invite. Then on top of that we definitely have to lock down the date and location so we can send out invitations ahead of time so everyone can do what they need to do to come"

"Bet so now when ours moms come knocking we'll be ready"

"Yes, yes" she said and yawned.

"Looks like somebody's sleepy" Dave chuckled and yawned himself.

"Well I guess you are too" she laughed then bent down and placed a kiss to the middle of his back.

"Aight put the oil down and let me rub that booty and put you to sleep"

"Yes Papi" she said as she slid off of him, crawled to her side of the bed and placed the oil on top of her nightstand while Dave turned off the lights. April then crawled back over to Dave who already had his arm out of the way ready for her to cuddle under him. "Papi those vows better be on point too. I want to hear that good shit you be whispering in my ear. That shit that makes me all warm inside and dripping down below. I want that shit that makes us late to the reception because I just had to get my husband right" she said as she mindlessly ran her hand lightly up and down his chest.

He chuckled. He could definitely see them being late to their reception because they couldn't keep their hands to themselves. "Just make sure yours match up. Tell Papi how much you love me and all that good shit. I want to hear it all. Don't leave shit out" he said it and he meant it. He wanted her to pour out her heart and soul to him like she did whenever they were alone. He wanted to hear those words loud and clear and let the world know exactly what kind of love they had. This shit wasn't fake. It wasn't for publicity. It wasn't an arranged business deal. It wasn't for TV. It wasn't for social media. This shit was rare, pure, one of a kind, and a love that could last till the end of time.

"When those words start pouring out just don't start crying if you do August and Shooter won't let you hear the last of it and knowing them they will make a movie out of it" she said laughing but he already knew what it was. She wasn't even in the room when they had that conversation and she knew what it was.

"If I shed a tear that day it'll be worth it" he said laughing. He honestly didn't care if a tear or two slipped that day. He knew that those tears were for a special someone and a blessing like no other.

"Just know that if you cry I'll be there to wipe away ya tears Papi. I don't care if you cry you're allowed to" she said and laid a light kiss to his chest.

"Just like I'll be there to wipe yours away" he said as he gave her, her nightly booty rub as he let out another yawn with April following up behind him.

"Good night Papi I love you"

"Night ma I love you too" he said. They said their nightly prayer and shared a kiss both with happy thoughts on their minds ready and waiting for sleep to kick in.

-Happy reading guys I hope y'all enjoyed. Like I said last week I have some outlining and brainstorming to do for this book. So until I get up to speed these upcoming chapters might be a lil late from my normal late Friday nights 😩
-The guys know they gossip just as much as the women. August is a damn mess with his nosey ass. There's nothing going to happen between April and Nia just as long as the mutual respect stays in place 🤷🏾‍♀️
-Welp everyone in the crew wants kids but when will they come and who will be the first out of them I just don't know or do I 😝. August ass is adamant he ain't here for it yet 😂 Trey on the other hand is still trying to cope with what he's lost. I feel so bad for him. Dave ass trying to act like his ass isn't plotting😂
-Between Dave and their mother's they are about to jump this wedding into high gear. Do you think April will get overwhelmed or just go with the flow🤔
-I don't know about y'all but I missed the April and Dave moments. I just be trying to include everyone so y'all can see other people besides them🤷🏾‍♀️
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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