23: New Beginnings
Chapter 23: New Beginnings
"No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!"
― C. JoyBell C.
January had breezed by and February had finally approached and everybody in the Blackmon Brewster household was on go. They had all the vehicles shipped to LA a few weeks ago leaving behind one of the trucks, a sports car, and the family car. Furniture from the guestrooms and all of their clothing had been shipped as well and now everything they needed was at their new home ready to be put away and put back together. The move was a little stressful and a little hectic but between April Dave and the crew they were all able to get shit done. Everyone for the most part was excited and ready to get the ball rolling. To top it all off April, Dave, and Ebony's parents well Uncle Ny-Reek had come along to help out with the transition and be there for Charlie and Kairi while April and Dave got things done. They wouldn't be staying for long though. Originally Ananda was going to stay with April for a month but since she had a family now there was no need for her to stay that long when she had all the help she needed.
As far as Charlie and Kairi they had taken the move well for the most part and Charlie's first plane ride was a success. She was a little antsy in the beginning especially since she was teething but with her Pop's by her side he made sure that his little baby was good while Kairi chilled under April the whole time. Right about now all of the couples were doing their own thing trying to unpack, unwind, and settle in. Dave had, had a free weekend during tour but instead of spending it home with the family he and the boys had gone out to LA and met up with Chris, Trey, and August to get the girl's bedrooms painted and put their furniture together. While April had also flew out to LA for a day to decorate their rooms to her liking and make sure everything was in place. She and Dave had wanted to make sure that the girl's rooms were already done and out of the way so they would feel more at home. As far as April and Dave they would be camping out on the floor for a few days because they couldn't decide on what bedroom set they wanted but they didn't mind. It was pretty nostalgic for them.
April hadn't even called Royalty yet to let her know that they had made it. She wanted to surprise her so she had been talking to Nia and plotting on picking her up once the house was somewhat put together so she could spend the weekend with them. Between April and Kairi Dave and Chris didn't know who was more excited to see Royalty but what they did know is that they couldn't wait for all of their girls to finally be together. It was Sunday February 2nd to be exact and April, Dave, and the kids had been in their new home since the 31st of January just settling in and getting use to their new surroundings. April couldn't sit still for the life of her though. She was always on go. There was always something she needed to do.
"Ma I'm a need you to sit ya ass still for a lil while. You've been up on ya feet all damn day. It's no rush or a time limit to have the house put together" Dave said as he walked into the kitchen to see April listening to music and dancing while putting away the new dishes. She had been trying to get all of the bathrooms and kitchen sorted away first. She had cleaned and decorated the bathrooms earlier that day and now she was focusing on the kitchen since these were the essential rooms and easiest rooms to get done.
"I know papi but I'm almost finished. I just wanted to get it out of the way" she said as she looked back at him then went back to what she was doing.
"Ya not gonna listen to me are you" he chuckled and walked up on her then wrapped his arms around her waist.
April laughed, put the plate she had in her hand down, and turned around in his arms facing him. "Papi I promise I hear you and I will sit my ass down once I'm done. All I need is a few more minutes" she said looking up at him.
"You better be because if you don't you already know what's gonna happen" he looked at her smiling mischievously plotting as usual...typical Dave shit.
"Oh so ya threatening me with punishment I see" she said and laughed. Of course he was it was his MO.
"Keep it up you know that wheelchair is ready and waiting and since we have some house shopping to do I don't think you really want to be out in these streets in a wheelchair ma. You know me I don't give 2 fucks. I'll happily push you around" he said smirking watching her gulp. She knew his ass was serious. Let alone he was waiting for her to slip up just so he could so-call punish her and she was here for being punished but not when they had a bunch of errands to run outside of the house. She couldn't see herself being pushed in a wheelchair in public like that unless she had a medical reason to be. She wasn't counting the day he had happily pushed her out of the W hotel. That was required and just from the hotel to the car not out and about and in and out of stores.
"No can do we have too much to do this week" she said pouting trying to get him off her heels knowing damn well pouting didn't work on him when she wasn't with child or when she didn't have the girls by her side to give him the puppy eyes as a trio. "Just let me finish up in the kitchen and then I'll go sit down for a few" she said. She had a lot to get done.
"Whatever I'm telling you now if ya not done in a few minutes like you said we're gonna christen the kitchen first and come tomorrow you'll be back in that wheelchair"
"See you love threatening me with a good time and you know I'm always down for the cause but I can't participate in a wheelchair session this week so the quicker you let me go the faster I get to finish up in here. Besides I already know you done put the girls down for a nap so you only came down here so I could stop what I'm doing to spend some time with you" April said laughing calling his bluff. He had been on the road all month long and this was really the first time they had some alone time so she already knew what type of time he was on. She didn't mind though she felt like they needed some we time. They had been spending a lot of time with the family which they didn't mind but they wanted to enjoy just them for a minute even though they'd be seeing their parents tomorrow since they would be dropping the girls at April's old spot so they could watch the girls while they did some furniture shopping.
Dave chuckled. "Stop acting like you know me"
"News flash Papi I do and you just want to cuddle, feel on my booty, and whisper that good shit in my ear" she said then laughed and turned back around to finish up the kitchen. "How bout you let me finish up in the kitchen and keep me company and after that I'm all yours" she said trying to compromise with him.
"Sounds like a plan" he said then leaned down and kissed her neck and nibbled on it before letting her go and walking off to take a seat at the island.
"Was my baby still going through the motions" April looked over her shoulder and asked checking on Charlie.
"Pops baby is going through it ma" he said and sighed.
"This is ass I wish I could take the pain for her I can't wait till they come in and let her be" she sighed herself. They were talking about Charlie and her teething and how much pain she had been in lately.
"She fucked that teething ring up but she wouldn't go to sleep until I rubbed her gums"
"Hopefully this doesn't last too much longer. Her lil chicklets should be showing any day now"
April continued putting away the dishes as they shared light conversation well until she zoned out on him for a few seconds forgetting he was there as the beat to T-Pain's song A Million Times featuring O.T. Genasis came on. She sang along to the song just in a straight mood until O.T. Genasis part came on. She placed the plate she had in her hands down, bent her arms, placed them in front of her on her Snoop Dogg shit about to break shit down like somebody's old ass Cali uncle as she rocked from side to side with ease and started Crip walking with perfection like she did that shit on a daily. Dave looked at her with his mouth open shocked and speechless. He knew she could dance and she could definitely twerk that ass and throw it in a circle but he didn't know she could Crip walk. As soon as the song went off April picked the plate back up like she didn't just do that shit in front of him.
"So you bout to act like you ain't just turn into a whole ass gang member" Dave questioned her as he looked at her with his head tilted to the side and hands folded and lying against the island waiting for answers.
April burst out laughing. "I'm not a gang member I just got that foot work"
"What other Crip nigga you been fuckin with" he questioned curiously.
"You're the only crab ass nigga I ever fucked with" she said laughing already knowing where this was about to go. He just couldn't help himself.
"Stop being disrespectful my Locette" he said jokingly.
"Keep, it up I'm a start blood walking" she hated that name. At least Bloods had a better name for their women. Ruby red sound so much better than locette.
"Yea aight you keep it up" he mugged her.
"Papi chill I'm just someone who likes to dance and I think both the Crip walk and Blood walk looks like some good foot action"
"Uh huh"
"Here you go bout to be jealous over nobody" she said and shook her head.
"Nope I'm a just leave it alone" he said eyeing the back of her.
"Good...I'm done" April said putting away the last dish. The kitchen was finally done and to her liking for the most part.
"Now bring that ass here so I can love on you"
"I'm coming I'm coming" she said laughing as she made her way towards him then ran past him. "You thought"
"Oh so that's what we're doing" he mugged her and ran after her. Well took a few steps with his tall ass.
"I think I'm sleepy how bout we take this to the bedroom" April said fake yawning.
"Where else are we gonna go we ain't got no furniture" he said laughing as he caught up with her, effortlessly scooped her up in his arms, and headed for the stairs.
"Papi we got a lil furniture now" she said laughing as they made their way upstairs.
"Ma folding chairs don't count" he said as they made it down the long hallway and to their unfurnished bedroom.
"Ya just making up excuses to get me in the bedroom. Just say you want some alone time in bed with me" she teased acting as if she hadn't been the one to mention the bedroom or that he hadn't said he wanted to love on her.
"Now we both know all I have to do is put that Papi shit down on you and you'll willing meet me in the bedroom" he looked down at her and smirked then placed her on the ground and closed the door with his foot.
"Boy bye" she said and made her way to their mattress palette on the floor. They didn't throw away their bedroom set they ended up putting it in one of the guest rooms and just keeping their mattress for themselves since it was still relatively new. They would've been chilling in one of the guest rooms but Dave hadn't put any of the beds back together yet. Only the dressers had been together since he had never disassembled them. "Now come join me I'm in dire need of a booty rub" she said and laid down waiting for him.
Dave took off his slides and joined her. As soon as he was comfortable she made her way beside him and cuddled into him sighing. He looked down at her and smiled then took his hand and ran it down her body and went straight for her ass gripping it. "So what we gotta do tomorrow"
"Bedroom, living rooms, dining room shopping and I want to start looking for decor too" she answered smiling. She couldn't wait to make their house a home. She had so many ideas and projects she wanted to do to their house and since they were finally here she didn't have to window shop over the internet she could see the items face to face.
"Sounds like it's gonna be a long day. You know how you be back and forth in stores" he said laughing but he didn't mind going shopping with her. He loved that she was excited to make their house theirs and the fact that they were out and in the open with their relationship was even better and since they had let the cat out of the bag about Charlie they could move more freely with or without the kids.
"Hopefully not but I can always shop by myself if ya not up for it"
"Damn it we got an early morning tomorrow. We gotta go to the school and register Lil Butt and take a tour of the school and stop tryna play me we're doing this shit together " he said and playfully mugged her.
"We'll be aight we don't have to get everything done tomorrow. But we definitely have to go to the school though"
"Shit this is bout to be a busy ass month period though. We still have to plan Love Bug's birthday party and my baby doesn't have any friends out here yet besides her sisters"
"I was thinking we could go back home for her birthday that way she can enjoy herself and celebrate with everybody" he suggested.
"Sounds like a plan. What do you think bout turning the house into a princess palace? You know decorate it in her favorite colors, have someone come do their mani and pedi. Make it look like a lil salon. You know how she is about her girl time why not just bump it up a notch and let her have an official one. She can have a full on girlie day with her girls" April asked looking up at him.
"I like that and she'll love that. We'll get some games and all that extra shit for her" he added.
"Cool this is gonna be cute and fun"
"She bet not try to kick my ass out either. She be serious as hell when it's her so-called girls time. I can't even enter the room without her coming for me" he said pouting. He was use to Kairi being all over him but since their family had grown and she got to experience certain things with April she wasn't on him like she used to be. But make no mistake she was still a daddy's girl she just enjoyed being around her mother and doing girlie things with other women.
April laughed. "It's called girls time for a reason Papi. It's no boys allowed"
"Yea aight I'm a be there I ain't going anywhere and I'm a get me a manicure and pedicure too" he said as a matter of fact.
April couldn't do shit but laugh. His ass stayed getting manicures and pedicures anyway so it was nothing new. He was definitely a man who liked to be pampered and she loved that he took care of himself the way he did. Besides she enjoyed his pretty ass tatted hands rubbing all over her so she was here for all the manicures he wanted. "Oh I already know you just better hope that she doesn't come for you. She'll hit you with the no daddy as soon as you step foot inside the room" she said and laughed. Kairi took her girl's time serious.
"Whatever I'll shut that whole shit down" he said jokingly.
"You'll do no such thing" April continued laughing.
"Shittttt" he dragged.
"Uh, uh stop being nasty Papi I feel ya hand creeping" she said feeling his hand creeping between her thighs.
"I'm giving you a booty rub"
"My booty is in the back Papi not between my legs"
"Well consider this a body rub then. All I can reach is all I'm a touch"
"You stay making up shit as us you go" she said and shook her head.
"Look at you sounding like ya lil big bruh"
"Lawd don't tell him that" April laughed.
"I'll think bout it" he said and got quiet then spoke up. "So our first official Valentine's Day is coming up"
"Ouuuu yes, yes and our one year anniversary" April said excitedly and hopped up and straddled his waist cheesing. They were about to hit their one year mark and she couldn't thank God enough that they had lasted this long and still going strong with all the curveballs that had been thrown their way. With everything they had gone through most people would've expected them to flat out call it quits from jump.
Dave laughed and placed his hand right back on her ass this time adding his other hand palming both cheeks. "Facts ma...hmm how bout instead of getting married on Valentine's since we think its cliché' how bout we get married on our anniversary. It's still the same month just bout what two weeks apart" he suggested.
"Papi I don't know why we didn't think bout that from jump. I love that idea better. It would be more meaningful" she said smiling just thinking about it.
"Facts so you and our mothers can add that to y'all wedding books" he said laughing.
April shook her head. "Man I know once we get settled in they're gonna be on my heels for real. Every time we talk now they mention the wedding. First it's how's my grandbabies and as soon as I answer it's wedding talk. Have you found the venue? Any progress with your dress ideas? Colors and everything else"
Dave chuckled. "Well get ready because it's going down and since you not trying to give me my baby boy before then I'm a need you to get the ball rolling" he said and huffed acting like a big baby.
April bent down and pecked his lips. She really wanted to give him his baby boy so bad but just not now. She wanted to be able to fit in her dream wedding dress and be able to participate in all the fun festivities that were going to go down because she just knew her sisters were going to throw her a bomb ass bachelorette party. She just wanted to have some fun before being barefoot and pregnant again. She felt like she had just given birth. Charlie was about to be five months at the end of the month. Yes time was passing by but not enough her baby was still new. Then she hadn't had a blunt since the night she slept with Chris and the only drink she had was a few sips of red wine the night Dave proposed to her so she wanted and was due for a good time. She could care less about a drink but she damn sure missed smoking on a good blunt. Shit so much had gone down she needed a nice fat one just for her no sharing. She also needed to get Dave off this baby talk because he had it bad. The way he was acting was is they had no kids at all or that his sperm was drying out so he had to plant a seed now so he wouldn't miss his window.
"Papi you know a promise is promise and if I said I'm going to do something you know I'm going to do it. I know you want ya baby boy like now and trust I'd love to give him to you but you have to wait this one out. It's not like I'm saying no I'm just saying be patient with me. I want to walk down the aisle by myself and feel good and comfortable in my body and in my dress. I want a wild night with my girls and a wild few nights with you. Wedding night you can shoot up the club all you like and do as you please" she said looking down at him and ran her hand over his wife beater covered chest trying to reassure him that he would eventually get his wish just not now.
"I hear you but that doesn't mean I have to like it" he said sounding butt hurt.
"Papi don't be like that. You know I got you. I think you have a serious case of baby fever though. You've been like this for months on end now"
"Maybe I do but I'll be aight. I just feel like I came with Lil Butt and you came with Pop's baby and we have Teddy but we're missing one made from the both of us. Not to mention Teddy and me are tired of being the only men in the house. We just talked a lil while ago and he was like daddy this ain't it" he said making shit up. She had known it was more to the story though. He wanted a little him and her and she couldn't blame him for wanting it.
"You know what I can't with you and putting words in my baby boy's mouth. He adores his sisters"
"Ya right he does but he asked for a brother and you know how I am bout my kids. I give them whatever they ask for" he said partially telling the truth even though the girls did have him wrapped around their little fingers.
"Whatever the next time y'all have one of y'all so-called talks tell him he has to wait just like you"
"Whatever we're still practicing though and like I told you before ya getting off and rid of those BC's a month or two before the wedding. I got a baby boy to make" he said as a matter of fact and sure of himself.
"See I can't trust ya ass you be plotting I'm bout to fuck around and swallow the load instead of letting you shoot up the club" she said as a matter of fact. She could see herself getting pregnant before the wedding and telling him and all he'd be doing is cheesing and saying my bad and not meaning it.
Dave laughed. "Either way I'm down for the cause and we both know you don't like to be wasteful so it's win, win" he said and smacked her ass making a small moan escape her lips.
"I bet you are but it seems like you want ya baby boy by any means and I told you I didn't want to be just a baby mama and yes you put a ring on my finger but sir we have to make it to that aisle and say I do before another baby pops out of this pussy. Or I can give in and give you what you want right now but we won't be getting married next year it's either going to get pushed back because I don't want to walk down the aisle with a stomach or you can get to work and make this wedding happen in a few months" she said. If he wanted a baby so bad he was going to have to really sit back and do some serious thinking.
"Hmmm" he looked up at her with his wheels turning. All she hoped was that he really sat back and gave it some thought instead of trying to rush things.
"Any, who while you let that simmer what's the plan for Valentine's Day and our anniversary" she asked changing the subject wondering if he had anything in mind. She couldn't decide on whether to celebrate them separately or together since they were so close in dates and with them having kids and living in LA they had no baby sitter on deck. Let alone she didn't want to interrupt anyone's Valentine's plans by asking for a sitter.
Dave looked at her licked his lips and smirked. "Just know that we're celebrating both. It's our first Valentines together so I want to make it special for you and you know our one year anniversary is definitely important so we gotta do it big"
"So what ya saying is ya plotting and most likely you already got something planned" she said cheesing wondering what he had been planning.
"Maybe I do maybe I don't" he teased her while still running his hands over her booty.
"Well hey I'm here for it just let me know what I need to do"
"You'll know what to do when it's time"
"Yesss talk ya shit Papi I'll be ready" she said excitedly. She needed this.
"You better be" he chuckled.
"Uh huh just don't have me all excited for nothing"
"I wouldn't do such a thing" he chuckled.
"Uh huh don't come in here telling me I need to get dressed for something then tell me you gotta go to the studio"
Dave chuckled. "So ya never gonna let me live that down"
"Maybe one day I will but who knows" she said and shrugged. She was no longer mad that he had canceled on her for their original first date. She understood why he did what he did. He simply needed time to get himself, his thoughts, and his feelings together. But at the same time with his unpredictable schedule she knew shit could change at any moment.
"Nah ma I'm all yours for both so just be ready when I send out that signal" he said and chuckled.
"Aww shit Papi you sound like me let me find out this bout to be a continuation to that epic ass weekend" she said getting even more excited. That was one amazing ass weekend and she'd love to get another one popping. She could have him all to herself. She could love on him and he could love on her. It would just be another bomb ass night.
"Just be ready"
"Oh trust I will...any, who before I try to pick ya brain on what you got planned how have you been. You stay asking bout me now it's my turn to ask bout you"
"Ma you can ask all you want but I won't be telling ya shit just be ready. Other than that I'm all the way good. We're finally in LA in a spot we can actually call ours without it being attached to our past with both our names on it. I got you out of jersey. I don't have to be back on the road till the end of the month so I got time to unwind and chill with you and my babies and since everybody is pretty much doing the same shit we'll have some me and you time" he said as he continued rubbing and stroking his hands over her ass squeezing it every now and then. "Not to mention I'm in the land of weed so life is good" he said and chuckled making her smile. She was happy that he was good.
April looked at him and laughed. She knew he was about to be in weed heaven. He loved him so Cali weed. He always said it hit harder. "I already know where ya ass is headed tonight so have fun and make it home safe and sound" she said. She knew he was going to make a weed run. The stash he had was almost done and he couldn't have that. "But I'm not gonna lie I like the sound of we time. I love our family and spending time with them but I miss you and we time" she admitted.
"Me too especially nights like this when the girls are sleeping and we're just lying down vibe'n and shit" he said. He too had missed these nights as well as these moments. "How bout you how are you"
"I'm like you I'm all the way good. Now granted I have my days but I'm good. We've finally got the fuck up out of Jersey and moved into our forever home so I get to woosah and finally get to do some house shopping. I got you till the end of the month and my babies are all in the same place. All I need is a date night and a bomb ass dick appointment" April replied. They hadn't really been on a date since their first one and she had low key been looking forward to their next one. They had spent most of their date nights in the house having little movie and dinner dates trying to avoid paparazzi and flashing cameras.
"Ma I got that covered. I'm a give you a reason to get dressed in those dresses I like, get ya hair done, ya nails done, get all pretty for me, and I'm a make sure by the end of the night that, that pussy is dripping wet. I'm a give you all of the bomb ass dick you want and need" Dave said sure of himself and of course April was here for it. "I'm bout to show you off ma. Honestly I don't think we've actually had a true dating experience. With you being pregnant and trying to keep it hush we weren't able to go out like that. Granted our date nights inside were cool but its bout time that we actually hit up some spots and have some legit nights out on the town"
"Well it sounds like we need to change that Papi. Take me out, wine and dine me, and show me off Papi. Show me a good time"
"You already know what type of time I'm on. But I can put you down for a dick appointment now. My schedule is clear, the girls are still sleep, and we don't have any furniture so we can't make the bed creak" he said dead ass serious then licked his lips and squeezed her ass cheeks.
"Papi why are you like this" April asked laughing.
"Like what" he playfully questioned.
"Always horny" she replied. "We can never just chill without you trying to come for my goods"
"Correction I'm trying to come inside you and to answer ya question I'm a always want the goods. I wanted it since the first time I laid eyes on you. Then when we got back together I still had to wait. Then once I got the green light tour started. Then I could only get some during the holidays so as far as I'm concerned I'm making up for lost time. You owe me and abundant amount of grade A super soaker wet, wet so I'm just trying to collect what's due"
"I swear ya gonna use the same excuses for the rest of ya life. We could be married with kids of our own ten years from now and you'd still be using the same shit" she said shaking her head.
"And these are valid excuses. Did I mention that a nigga just came home from tour and as soon as I made it back we were up in the air moving so I haven't gotten any? Tss what a good way to welcome ya husband home"
April laughed. "I haven't had time to properly welcome you home Papi but you'll be aight. You know I got you"
"You got me right now" he said all hopeful with his brow raised.
"See what had happened was" she said as she tried to ease off him.
"Where you going"
"I came and sat my ass still for a lil while now I gotta get back to work"
"So basically what ya saying is ya gonna be stingy tonight and I'm a have to play with Palmala" he said mugging her.
"Palmala has been holding you down all month long another night won't kill you" she said laughing. "You can even watch the last video I sent you again"
"Ok bet and when you see my shit all swole and hard don't be over here staring at me. I don't want to see no drool or you licking ya lips. I offered you the dick and you refused it"
"Don't forget Cocoa. She'll keep you nice and wet" April said and snickered. Tonight he was going to be spending time with the palms of his hands and cocoa butter.
"Bye" Dave said and removed his hands from her ass. "I ain't going to the bathroom either. I'm a do it right here"
"Fine by me enjoy ya self" she said, got up, and rose off the mattress laughing altogether. Normally she wouldn't turn him down when they had some alone time like this but she was tired. She knew she wouldn't be any good in bed tonight and he'd a really been doing all the work.
"I don't even want any anymore I'm a just go take a cold shower" he said looking at her pouting hoping she'd give in.
"Aww poor Papi" she laughed and walked off to her walk-in closet. She was happy as hell to have her own closet again and with the way their bedroom was set up and the amount of space they had they both had their own walk-in closets with more space than a little bit.
"Whatever ya supposed to be sitting still"
"We both know I can't do that" she shouted back and headed for a box ready to put her belongings up. It was definitely going to be a project and would most likely take her a few days or more to complete. She had a lot of shit.
A Few Days Later...
April and Dave's house was looking like a full on circus. Men were in and out of their home making deliveries and putting furniture together. A few days ago they had gone furniture shopping and purchased all of the main furniture for their bedroom, the family room which was the second living room, the formal living room, the dining room, and now all they had to do was get décor and make their home look the way they wanted it to. Dave was upstairs in their bedroom watching a set of men assembling their bedroom set while April was downstairs directing another group of men on where she wanted the furniture to go and what rooms she wanted them in.
"You can sit that table right there" April said to a group of men who seemed to be more interested in her instead of doing their jobs.
"Ok" they said together placing it right where she wanted it then stood there gawking at her like they didn't have anything else to do.
"She's sexy as hell ain't she" Dave said as he walked into the living room, walked up behind her, grabbed her hand, spun her around with ease, and gripped her ass giving them something to look at. From his tone alone April could already tell he was mugging the fuck out of them. "That's one of the reasons I made her my wife" he said before anyone could dare answer making April blush then turn around in his arms facing the men.
"Papiiii" April dragged shaking her head as they all looked away.
"What they're busy drooling over you instead of doing what they came to do" Dave said not giving a fuck if they heard him. He wanted them to hear him.
Someone cleared their throat. "Excuse me miss where do you want this to go" one of the men asked her as he and another man held one of the end tables.
"You can put that right over there by the loveseat" April replied pointing to where she wanted it to go.
"Here I thought I was bout to tell you I'll be back so I could pick up Lil Butt from school but I ain't going anywhere. So go head and put ya shit on and go get her. I'll handle shit here" he said in a tone that she knew he wasn't asking her he was telling her. She loved how protective he was of her but sometimes he could be a bit too much. But she wasn't about to argue with him at the moment it was pointless.
"Ok Papi" she said. "Just know if the furniture isn't in the spot I want it then ya moving it ya self" she said as she removed his arms from around her.
"Understood" There was no way in hell he was about to leave her by herself in a house full of men walking in and out with the way some of the men were looking at her. They could look all day long but they couldn't touch and he wasn't going to give them a chance to think about touching her. Dave thought they should've been a bit more respectful with that shit since they were supposed to be being professional and here to do a job.
April walked off and made her way up the stairs and to their bedroom closing the door behind her. She slipped on a pair of slides and the hood she had on earlier that day. She didn't feel the need to get dressed to the nines to pick her Love Bug up from school. She grabbed her purse and phone, checked herself out in the mirror before walking out of their bedroom and closed the door behind herself then made her way downstairs and to Dave.
"Aight Papi I'm gone. We might be a lil late coming back though I think I'm a go grocery shopping while I'm out" she said. They had been eating out for the past few days or their mothers would drop off some food they had made but she was ready to get in her kitchen and do her thing.
"Ok, ma be safe I love you"
"I will I love you too" she said as he bent down and kissed her lips then she went about her business. She grabbed her house keys off the key rack and the keys to their black Range Rover that they already had out since they were now using it as the family truck. Speaking of family Charlie was with Chris for the day. He had been watching her while they were getting the house together today which she was thankful for. April knew he was happy to finally have her in his home and show her what would also be her new home and bedroom. Any, who April unlocked the truck, hopped inside, locked the doors, put on her seatbelt, and started the car. A few minutes later she was pulling out their winding driveway, out their gate, and on the road.
"Momma" Kairi said smiling as she ran to April with her jacket and book bag already on and ready to go.
"Hey my Love Bug" April said smiling and scooped her up in her arms hugging her then placed her back down. "Hi Mrs. Dacosta how was she today" April looked up and asked her teacher. She was a cute petite afro Latina woman who was pleasant and cheerful. She oozed good vibes and April liked that about her.
"Hi Ms. Blackmon Kairi was good today. I don't have any complaints. She isn't mugging anyone anymore and she's opening up more to the other kids which is good" she replied and laughed a little. Everybody was coming for her baby's mug but she couldn't help it. She got it honest.
April chuckled and looked down at Kairi then back at her teacher. "She can't help that mug but give her a few more days and she'll be more comfortable"
"Yea I'm not worried. I know this was a big move for her"
April nodded agreeing with her. "Yes it was but let us go we won't hold you up"
"It's no problem at all Ms. Blackmon" she said smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow Kairi"
"Bye Mrs. D" she said giving her a small smile and a wave. April and Kairi walked out of the classroom and school altogether and headed for the truck. April unlocked the doors, took off Kairi's unicorn book bag, picked her up, placed her in her car seat, strapped her in, double checked the seatbelt, closed the door, and went to the driver's side and hopped inside. Seatbelt on and car started April made her way down the road.
"How was your day Love Bug" April asked looking at her through the rearview mirror. They hadn't even been in the car that long and she was already looking like she was about to fall asleep. She was still trying to get use to the time zone. LA was a three hour difference from Jersey.
"It was fun" she sleepily replied.
"That's good what did you learn"
"More colors momma but I already know them" she replied and yawned.
April shook her head smiling. "Ok we'll see what colors you learned again today when we get home but first we have to go food shopping ok"
"Ok and can we get confetti cake so me and sista can make cupcakes" she asked looking over at April.
"Sure Love Bug" April replied smiling. Kairi couldn't wait to see Royalty and since the house was being furnished April was going to do a little pop up on Royalty soon.
"Yes" she said all hype. With Kairi damn near sleep April headed straight to the super market. She didn't want to be out all day when she knew Kairi needed a nap. So they made their way to the supermarket, got everything they needed, and headed straight home.
"Hey ma" Dave answered on the second ring. April had called him as soon as they pulled up.
"Hey Papi we're home and we went grocery shopping so I'm a need you to come help with the bags"
"Aight I'm on my way out"
"Ok" April said and hung up the phone, cut off the car, tossed both the keys and her phone inside her purse then hopped out of the truck. She opened the passenger side, unbuckled a sleeping Kairi, and picked her up and took her out of the truck.
"She sleep" Dave asked looking at them as he made his way outside.
"Yea I'm a go take her inside I'll be right back"
"Ya good ma I got it"
"You sure it's a lot. We had two carts full" she said looking at him. She had stocked up since their fridge and pantry was pretty much bare. She wanted to make sure that they wouldn't need to go out for food unless they wanted takeout.
"Yea go lay my baby down and get in the house. I already know how you do" he assured her.
"Ok" April said and made her way in the house, to and up the stairs, and straight to Kairi's bedroom well her and Royalty's bedroom. Both Dave and April had asked them about their bedrooms and they wanted to share a room. The room was big enough for them to both have their own space. One side was dedicated to all things Kairi while the other side was dedicated to all things Royalty and to keep the tradition going they both had gold crowns on their bedroom door and their names under them in gold as well. They didn't mind them sharing a room anyway and besides as they grew there would still be more space for them to have their own room when time came. But for now they were sharing. Besides April knew that even if they had their own rooms now they would both end up sleeping in the same room come bed time. Any, who April took off Kairi's sneakers, her jean jacket, laid her down in the bed, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead. Once she was done she headed to her and Dave's bedroom placed her purse down on the dresser, took off her hoodie, grabbed her phone out of her purse, and headed out the door and back downstairs.
"I told you, you were good ma" Dave said looking at her as he was making his way back inside with bags in his hands.
"I know but you know me" she said and shrugged then went to the truck and grabbed a few bags. A few minutes later all the bags were inside and April was washing her hands getting ready to put the food away. "So when did the delivery guys leave"
"Bout 30 minutes ago" he said and sucked his teeth.
April laughed and shook her head. "We're not even bout to entertain that shit. You know you do the most"
"Ya lucky I only grabbed it. I thought bout smacking that shit but I had to remember you had leggings on and with the way ya ass is setup now that shit be jiggling like a motherfucka and I'd a really had to whoop a niggas ass for looking at mines. Secondly I didn't want no sauce" he mumbled the last part knowing that if he would've did that in front of them April would've been on his heels and he didn't want those type of problems. Gripping her ass was enough.
"Ya shadow is gonna mess around a bust a move on me and ya gonna be ready to fight" she said shaking her head. She'd a never guessed he was this way by looking at him but her man was definitely the protective jealous type and that shit showed whenever another man that wasn't family was around.
"And it better be ready" Dave said trying to keep a straight face.
"I'm done with you. Where's my baby boy" she questioned looking around for Teddy. He hadn't been on their heels when they walked inside the house like he normally did. He didn't run up on them bark no nothing.
Dave laughed. "He got that Cali weed in his system he fucked down right now. He got a whiff of that shit and was out"
April shook her head again. "Damn shame" she said as she reached inside a bag.
"He'll be aight give him a few minutes and he'll be here to love on you and go check on his sister. But you gotta see this pic of Pops baby though"
"Let me guess you and Chris sharing pictures again" she looked up at him then back inside the bag.
"Let me guess you're being a hater again" he playfully shot back. It's what they did. They always shared pictures of the girls when they had them. If Dave was with Charlie guarantee Chris was getting a picture from him and vice versa.
"Whatever just show me the pic and while ya at it tell bestie I ain't fuckin with him" she said and smacked her lips.
"Ouuu somebody's big mad" Dave laughed and passed her his phone to show her the picture.
"Yup I ain't off his ass this is bigger than a picture. Tell him Charlie has been here for almost 5 months and the baby shower was in August. I have yet to receive my push gift better yet I won the bet and I haven't received my shit" April said. Chris had yet to present the car that she had won fair and square when they made the bet on the gender of Charlie. Yes she had plenty of cars and didn't need another one but it was the principle. It was her ride and she needed it now...JG Wentworth
Dave laughed. "I'll tell him"
"Uh huh" April said and looked at the picture of Charlie sitting up against one of her stuff animals in the middle of the floor in her room smiling showing off her two little bottom teeth that had finally started coming in. "Look at my lil baby and that smile showing off her lil chicklet's" April cooed smiling and sent herself the picture.
"Ain't nobody tell you to do all that. That was a Pops exclusive" Dave said and took his phone back.
"Sharing is caring and besides she's mines too but y'all seem to forget bout that" she said as she continued to put away the food.
"No that's not it you just have her more than us" he said picking with her. "Not to mention you had her to ya self for a whole 9 months plus the time I was away on tour"
"You know what I'm done with the both of y'all. Y'all need some new excuses and if you keep it up you'll be sleeping downstairs on a couch"
"Lies I'm a be right in the bed lying beside you because we both know you need ya nightly booty rub and we got a new bed set to break in so that's a dub. Try again"
April looked at him and laughed. "Sucks to be you Aunt Flo is currently visiting" she said and stuck out her tongue.
"It's cool that mouth still works and she better be gone by Valentines" he said and looked down at her cloth covered pussy mugging it making her laugh.
"Yea...yea...yea any, who what you want for dinner before I start putting shit in the freezer" she asked.
"Hmmm you bought some shrimp" he asked as he took a seat on the kitchen counter like they didn't have stools at the island or chairs at the kitchen table.
"Always do" she replied.
"What bout the stuff to make Alfredo sauce"
"We got a fully stocked kitchen and pantry I have everything"
"Bet shrimp and chicken Alfredo and those garlic rolls you be making" he said as he rubbed his stomach. She knew he missed those good ole home cooked meals.
"Ok quick and simple I gotchu"
"So how was my baby today" he asked watching her move about the kitchen still putting food away. He would've offered to help but the kitchen was April's domain and she didn't like people touching shit or putting things in the wrong place. She'd always say everything has a place and there's a place for everything meaning don't touch shit she got it when it came to putting the food away.
"She was good Mrs. Dacosta said she's opening up a lil more and she's no longer mugging people" April said and chuckled. "I'll give her to next week and she should be fine"
Dave laughed. "They're gonna leave my baby's mug alone. That's that New York mug fuck with her and get rolled on but yea I ain't sweating it. She'll be fine once she gets use to her new surroundings and the people around her"
"Exactly" April chuckled and placed all of the bags into one.
"So you gonna let me help or are you gonna be booty" he questioned.
"Depends are you gonna eat all the shrimp before I can put the meal together"
"Ma stop playing you know I'm the official taste tester. I gotta make sure ya putting good shit into me and Lil Butt's bodies including yours since you got Pops baby drinking from you"
"Yea and fuckin with you we'll only have a shrimp a piece and it mind as well be chicken Alfredo"
"Ouuuu momma" Kairi said entering the kitchen rubbing her eyes with Teddy by her side. "Daddy momma said a bad word" she said telling on April.
"I know Lil Butt I heard her too. Bad momma" he said looking over at April snickering. "Get ya jar Lil Butt tell momma to run it" Dave said trying to keep a straight face like he hadn't just cursed right before she walked in. He got down off the counter, scooped her up in his arms, and took her to her jar that was sitting on top of the counter.
"Run it momma" Kairi said with her jar in her hands looking at April waiting for her to pay up.
"I swear you got spidey senses" April said as she reached inside of her bra and took out a single and placed it in the jar. She rarely cursed in front of her but she did slip up occasionally so she always kept a few singles on her just in case. She didn't like being in debt and Kairi didn't play any games about her money.
"Thank youuuuu" Kairi dragged.
"Uh huh ya welcome Love Bug" she laughed.
"Daddy let's go play"
"I was supposed to help momma cook"
"Nope y'all go play I'll call y'all down when dinner is ready"
"Bet I got the dishes just don't forget to call me to test it out"
"Later Papi" she shook her head laughing and poked out her lips for a kiss. Dave happily bent down and kissed her. "Don't forget what I said either. If bestie hits you up tell him he better have my goods or I'm running up on him"
"So little yet so hostile" he said acting appalled as he walked away with Kairi still in his arms and Teddy by their side leaving her alone.
April turned on some music, grabbed everything she needed to get dinner started, and got to work. While she cooked she couldn't help but think about what Dave had planned for them for both Valentine's Day and their anniversary. The way he had been talking about it and being secretive about it made her feel like it was going to be something big. Yet at the same time she didn't want to set herself up thinking it's something big when it wasn't. All she knew was that she was about to pull out some sexy lingerie and make the night worth his while. She had quite a few sexy pieces to wear that she couldn't wait to put on just to have him take it off of her. Whatever it was she was down for whatever and game for anything.
About an hour later dinner was done, served, and the family ate together like they normally did. They asked Kairi about her day, what she learned, and just talked. For the remainder of the day they just chilled and had family time.
-Happy reading guys I hope y'all enjoyed this little fluff piece. I started to break it into 2 parts but said nah it wasn't really needed. 😫 I got some writing to do.
-The Triple B's are FINALLY in LA and it's about to be lit‼️
-Papi is a damn mess with his jealous ass but I love it with his doing the most ass. He is serious as hell about his baby boy and he wants him like now. April done put her foot down and put some ideas out there since he can't wait. What do you think he's going to do? Will he calm down and just wait it out? Will he say fuck it and try to push the wedding back? Or will he try to get the wedding done in a few months 🤔
-Valentines Day in October must be nice 😂. What do you think he has planned for both valentines and their anniversary 🤔
-April ain't messing with Chris she wants her ride and he's playing games 😂
-More April & Dave moments to come 😊
-Suggestions 🤔 What would y'all like to see in April & Dave's relationship 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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