22.1: Clearing The Air
Chapter 22.1: Clearing The Air cont...
"What's up Papi" April asked as she joined everyone in the living room then took a seat on his lap. They had all been just shooting the shit waiting for her. She had just put the girls down for a nap. Everyone was cuddled up including their parents even uncle Ny-Reek and Mama Joyce were sitting side by side but they were just cool people. The only person missing was Trey as usual but they gave him a pass because they knew it was because he had his friend with him but he was supposed to be arriving soon which would give them enough time to truly talk before they had company.
"Ok it's nothing too major but I feel like after everything that went down last night that we all need to talk. A lot of shit went down, a lot was said, and we all got to a chance to see my baby in savage mode. I don't think any of us besides her family knew what she was actually capable of but now we all know for a fact that she can hold her own" Dave said smiling down at her and kissed her in her hair. He was truly proud of her. "I think a lot of us have a lot to get off our chests because it wasn't just bout ma yesterday. Chris and I were dragged into it as well. So if anyone of y'all has something on ya chest here's the chance to speak ya peace. I think we've come a long way as a family and I wouldn't want some shit like this to fuck with our unit" Dave said as he looked around the room. "So who's first" he asked. He really wanted to see where everyone's heads were at.
Ananda raised her hand. "Sup Mama" Dave asked as they all looked at her and gave her the floor.
"I see somebody done got ya lips so did you whoop their asses" Ananda asked with her eyes on April. Everyone who was at the event yesterday burst out laughing. They knew Ananda was asking a serious question and they were all use to getting asked that very same question themselves after a fight by their own mothers but they also knew that April had done way more than whooped Millie and Kae's asses. She brutalized them and gave them just what they asked for.
"Yea the dumb bitch tagged my lips and my arms are scratched up from her digging her nails in my skin but I damn sure did mommy. I dog walked both of their asses" April said proudly. She had gone in yesterday and gave both Millie and Kae just what they had so desperately asked for...her attention in the form of a brutal ass whooping.
"Dog walked my ass Mama lil big sis is a fuckin savage. She whooped Agnes ass so bad she shit herself" August said laughing. "Straight had her in there begging for her life"
"Literally" Shooter added.
"Eww nasty ass lil girl" Ananda said frowning in disgust right along with Mama Faye and Mama Joyce. "Well hey that's what she signed up for. She shouldn't have come for mines when mines didn't send for her" Ananda shrugged with the shits. "Did you enjoy yourself and get everything off of your chest" she questioned hoping that she did. She knew April confided in Dave but she also knew that she needed to physically let some steam out. She had been bottling things up for far too long.
"I truly did mommy but I think I blacked out for a second. I had to. I knew I was there one moment and the next I was gone. I just started thinking bout everything I had gone through and the people that caused me pain. If her ass hadn't plotted on me I might've felt bad for beating on her the way that I did but I don't feel bad because she deserved that and so much more" April said and shrugged. She knew beforehand that whoever she had to physically come for was always going to get their ass beat on behalf of everybody that shitted on her and done her wrong and that person just so happened to be Millie. She could've whooped Kae's ass first and it would've been Kae who would've gotten her ass thrashed on behalf of everybody. It was bound to happen. She snapped and she couldn't stop herself even if she tried.
"She did mommy you could visibly see the switch" Alaina said. She saw that shit go off and knew the moment it went off and when it did go off she was a little nervous but it had to be done. It was time to let go of all the hurt and pain she had endured.
"Yea auntie this one was a bad one but sis was able to come out of it on her own" Ebony said. She had noticed it too but she wasn't worried about it. She knew that once she felt like she whooped everyone's ass in her head she'd be good. She was just going down her mental checklist of everybody that had wronged her.
Dave sat back and listened and from what he could put together that hadn't been the first time that April had blacked out and now he wanted to know more but figured he'd wait until they were alone to pick her brain about that. He just hoped that she didn't have many other blackouts and that, that was the last one because things were going good for her now.
"I knew Agnes was getting her ass mangled because of me" Chris spoke up and wiped his hands over his face. "I knew I was one of those people she had in mind. I'm not even bout to sit here and lie I'm happy as hell that she unleashed the beast on Agnes instead of me" he said seriously making everyone laugh but he wasn't joking. He didn't need to be in the middle of no physical fights that involved women ever again. "Bestie I know I've apologized and I know actions speak louder than words so I'm not even gonna apologize again. I just hope that my actions have been showing and proving to you how truly sorry I am. I don't want no sauce" he said looking at April with his white flag raised.
August looked over at him and laughed. "I bet you don't big bruh. Lil big sis pulled the hammer out and had ya ass shook over there chanting this is bad this is bad" Leave it to August to come for a nigga when it wasn't the right time.
"Baby" Alaina tapped his arm laughing.
"Bruh I heard that shit too. He had that panic look on his face like please don't look at me as if Lil Birdie was gonna look at him and come for him next" Errol said dying laughing. By now everyone was dying laughing at Chris. He had also realized that night that Chris had really did a number on April to have him sitting there shook as if she was going to come for him. He knew about their relationship, the cheating, and the baby so he knew it was a lot but he knew it had to be more to the story. It had to be deeper.
"Looked like his ass was shooting silent prayers up to God" Shooter added laughing.
"Nigga don't forget Trey's ass with the 'that could've been me' shit" Bully added laughing.
"Don't act y'all would've been thinking the same shit if y'all were me. I'm not gonna sit here and act like I didn't fuck her over when I know I did time and time again and in the worst ways but I'm not bout to get into all that. I already got my ass handed to me years ago. I ain't looking for a part two" Chris said making both Ian and Ny-Reek look at each other and laugh. They had set his ass up good a few years back for fuckin over April but that was a story for another day. He really didn't want to get into that.
April laughed and looked at Chris. "Not gonna lie I definitely thought of you while whooping her ass but ya good you've shown a lot of growth and we don't have those types of problems or problems at all anymore. Now I may think bout the past once in a blue but you and I are in a good place. You're a great father and friend. Bestie Chris is so much better than boyfriend Chris. I do owe you an apology though for throwing shit in ya face again. It wasn't my intentions at all but cream cheese lil baby crazy brought it up so sorry for making you hear the same shit we both don't want to hear or talk bout anymore" she said sincerely. What people failed to realize is that when shit was thrown in Chris's face that it was also thrown in her face and vice versa. April hated that shit because those were her lows and the times she considered herself weak for staying with a man who didn't want to be kept, had community dick, had a baby on her, and wasn't there for her when she needed him the most. It was a constant reminder of everything bad.
"Bestie ya good besides it wasn't ya fault anyway. I just wish people would leave that subject alone period especially when it doesn't have shit to do with them. I know what I did just like you know what I did and we've moved on from it. I just wish they'd let me live. I torture myself enough as it is. I'm constantly reminded that I fucked up and no matter how hard I try to better myself and be better to you they remind me that I once had it all and lost it all" he said and sighed. He was tired of the constant reminders like he wasn't trying his best to be better man for himself and a better friend to April. He regretted everything that he had done to fuck them up and he was trying his best to make things right.
"You live and you learn and you've definitely been learning the error of your ways and I'm proud of you for admitting your faults and trying and doing right to change them. People will always talk as if they know some shit but that's it they just talk. But when the shoe is on the other foot and it's them they don't want the same treatment" Mama Joyce said to Chris. He had definitely been doing and trying his best to be a better man and so far he was doing a damn good job. He had improved a lot. He might have not been ready for a relationship but he was working on himself and making sure he was right with himself and that's all that mattered.
"Thanks mommy" Chris said and smiled at her.
"Quick question whose cream cheese" Mama Faye asked confused.
"Chris's ex who helped Agnes with this whole lil plan" Senior answered.
"Cream cheese though" Mama Faye said and scrunched her face making them laugh.
"Mommy it's Karrueche but since ma is Queen Petty she called her cream cheese" Dave said laughing.
"You mean cream cheese and lil baby crazy all in one sentence" August added.
"Ohhhh ok I'm not even about to try to pronounce that so cream cheese it is" she said nodding.
"I said the same thing" April laughed. "Anything you come up with is fine Mama" April added still on her petty shit.
"Krispy Krunchy Karrot Koochie or whatever you come up with is a go but there's a few for you for starters Mama" Mimi said.
"Please not the coochie word" Ian said and shook his head.
"Why not" Mimi asked confused.
"You don't want to know" Alaina said laughing.
"Sorry daddy" April said and scratched her head. He still wasn't over the bumping coochie comment and he most likely would never be.
"We'll fill you in later sis" Ebony said laughing.
"Ok but um I think I'll go next" she said and looked around the room and then laid her eyes on April. "I've known you for years and yes I started out as your personal assistant and made my way to your head secretary and now I'm a mixture of both. I know that our relationship started off as a business relationship but it's been between business and personal for years now. Y'all have all accepted me as part of the family and trust I love it so I will always have all of y'alls backs but stop singling me out. I want to fight too" Mimi said and pouted. "Shit, just tag me in one time. I can hold my own. I do understand why you didn't let me tag in yesterday and I appreciate that but sissssss let me in" Mimi said.
April chuckled and smiled at her. "You know ya my babes Mimi and I think of you as one of my sisters as well. Trust I know that I can count on you and I've known that for years. I just don't want you in the mix of all this shit. You saw how it went down last night. Shit can get crazy. Are you really up for some shit like that" April said and asked her.
"You know I am" she said.
"Lil sis she's been like this since yesterday. I tried to tell her that she was good but she wants in" Shooter said looking down at Mimi and gave her a smile. He couldn't be mad that she wanted to be in along with the rest of the women. He understood where both Mimi and April were coming from and supported both.
"Ok well if the time should ever arrive you better be ready if one of us tags you in" April said serious. What they did wasn't for play, play. They had no time for slip ups.
"I'll be ready" she said sure of herself.
"Ok" April nodded.
"So who's next" Dave asked looking around the room.
"I'll go" Errol said and focused on Dave and April. "I know this was some major shit and some shit we just can't act like never happened but please don't let this fuck us up. I just got here and from jump I've seen how all of y'all interact with each other" he said and looked around the room at everyone. "This is some mature shit and I'm proud to be a part of this family and call y'all my family. Big bro and Lil Birdie shit happens but this is a win in our book so don't let it set y'all back. Y'all are good for each other" Errol said expressing how he felt. He didn't want to see their relationship crumble and the family splitting up or having people choosing sides. He couldn't express how much he loved this blended family shit. It not only brought all of the families together but it brought his family together and he was thankful for that.
"Aww lil brother you have absolutely nothing to worry bout. See not only is Papi and my Love Bug stuck with me but so are you, Mama, and Pops with or without a ring. Sure I had to deal with these two bitter ass exes but I'm not gonna let them win. We've all worked hard for this shit. I just had a baby by a different man and this man beside me stuck with me and stayed with me through it all. He took it upon himself to have a man to man talk with her father and they both accepted what it was and worked together to make this shit work. Not only that but he claims my child as his own so nope we're good over here. Yes Agnes and cream cheese tried to shake some shit up but not enough for us to lose this" April said as a matter of fact. She wasn't going to let Agnes or Kae fuck up her home and put her kids in the middle of more shit.
"Facts" everyone said together. Agnes and Kae weren't stopping a damn thing.
"Tell him ma. We're good the Triple B's are here to stay" Dave said looking down at her in awe. Everything they had gone through was worth it. If he could change anything about how they had come to be and how their family had grown he wouldn't change anything. What they had gone through had taught him a lot about himself and the man he was as well as who April truly was and what she was about. What he learned was that they were about each other, their kids, and their family.
"Say less" Errol nodded happy with their responses.
"In other words lil bruh CLINK, CLINK" Shooter said jokingly picking with both April and Dave.
"Damn right don't act ya boy is the same way" April said laughing.
Dave laughed and held her in his arms a little tighter. "She knows what's up just like I do. It's either in or in it ain't no out and let's not forget bout that crip ass rock on her finger. But real talk I feel like this is partially my fault. I brought Agnes into ya life and put you in a situation you didn't need to be in" Dave said and sighed. He still felt a way about introducing her to Millie. He wished he had never done it.
"Same here" Chris admitted. They both thought it was their faults for Millie and Kae to come at April the way that they had.
"Nope don't y'all do that shit" Ananda said and shook her head not here for it. "Yes it was my grandbaby's egg donor and yes it was your clout chasing ass ex- girlfriend but that doesn't mean that this is y'alls fault. Those dummies brought this on themselves because they needed someone to blame for all their failures and shortcomings. They're mad that you have or had something they wanted" she said sternly looking between the two of them. She wasn't about to let that shit sit on their conscious.
"Don't forget about them being bitter and jealous" Mama Faye added in.
"Mix that together and you got a serious problem" Mama Joyce added.
"Exactly" all of the women said agreeing with them.
"It's not like y'all said to them hey go fuck with April. Granted I met Agnes through you but that's because y'all had my child together but the rest of that shit was up to her and you had no hand in it" April said looking up at him still cuddled in his lap. "As far as you bestie you just so happened to stumble upon one of our stalkers. That crazy bitch has been following our whole relationship together and seems to have been plotting on you from jump. So no I don't blame either of you or think that this is y'alls fault" she said honestly. "What I will say is the next time you decide to jump into bed with someone or get into a relationship please don't ignore any of the signs if you see them" she added.
"Oh trust this shit right here I don't want any parts of again. It ain't worth it" Chris said truthfully. He didn't want to go through any of this shit again. It wasn't worth it at all. He didn't know that bitches were out here that damn crazy. Sure he heard stories but to be in one he damn sure didn't want that again. He didn't have time to bring that type of drama around his kids.
"I bet ya ass don't" August said chuckling.
"And another thing and this is for everybody please don't look at us as goals be your own relationship goals. Sure we all admire certain things bout each other's relationships but please don't forget that we are all in relationships with different people. What we do and what works for us may not work for you. But also take what you can from all of our relationships and learn from them" April continued. That shit Kae had said about her and Chris being relationship goals had been bugging her. Kae didn't know what she had been signing up for. The same shit April had gone through with Chris could've happened to her and she probably wouldn't know how to deal with that type of treatment. Just like April and Dave's relationship was healthy but people had to remember that when looking at these couples that they were on the outside looking in.
"Agreed" they all said.
"I like that one" Ananda said nodding her head agreeing.
"Put the same energy out that you want. Treat your partner the way you would like to be treated" Mama Faye added and they all took it in. This is why this whole blended family worked everyone contributed.
"Exactly don't go out giving half ass love expecting to get someone who goes above and beyond for you. But y'all know that already y'all have seen what bad relationships look like and what healthy relationships look like. Don't settle for less" Mama Joyce said. Sure she wasn't in a relationship but she damn sure knew what a shitty one was like.
"Agreed" they all said in unison as usual.
"Aight who's next" Dave asked again.
"Me" Shooter said. "Lil sis it looked like you were enjoying ya self. Shit I was enjoying myself we had another free paper view event and once again this is a fight I'd a paid for"
"Double feature paper view event" August added cutting him off.
Shooter chuckled. "True shit lil bruh but lil sis you definitely remind me of myself. You held it down" Shooter said proudly. "You deserve a belt or a medal for holding ya own between two bitches and even stomping out a nigga. So me and bae went out and got you a lil something" Shooter said as he grabbed a bag he had beside him on the floor.
"Just know that I tried to stop him but he was adamant bout this" Mimi said shaking her head.
"Get up for a second baby" Shooter said and Mimi obliged. Shooter got up and made his way in front of April. "I knew you weren't to be fucked with but had I known you was really bout that life I'd a had this shit custom made and since we're bout to be on the road again I figured this would do until I have a chance to" he said all serious as he opened the bag and pulled out a damn wrestling belt.
"Niggaaa" April dragged laughing so damn hard as everyone looked on and laughed as well. "Are you for real" April asked in between laughs with her eyes on the belt.
"I tried to stop him sis" Mimi said laughing. He had dragged her to Walmart earlier that day in search of that damn belt. They had to go to three different locations just to find it because he said his sister needed it.
"Dead ass this is for dog walking two bitches, striking fear in their hearts, pistol whooping their asses, and making one shit herself...literally. This is the I wish a bitch would try me so I can call my sisters belt" he said presenting it to her like she had really won a damn belt.
"Thank you brother I appreciate it" she said smiling as she took the black and gold plated toy WWE World Heavy Weight Championship belt from him and held it in the air.
"You earned it sis" he said and turned around and looked at Ebony and Alaina. "Y'all know I ain't forget bout y'all. That first fight was an epic one as well and I still look at that video to this day. Sis you rocked a bitch to sleep like a nigga in the streets and gave a nigga life. I had been waiting for that ass whooping for years so thank you" he said and passed Ebony the same belt he had bought for April.
Ebony laughed. "Thank you brother it was nothing"
"Shitttt it was something" Shooter said then focused on Alaina. "Baby sis this is for you for tagging a bitch and ending her the way you did and tag teaming with lil sis then walking away like you ain't just stomp a bitch out so thank you"
"Ya welcome brother" she laughed and Shooter made his way back to his seat and Mimi sat comfortably in his lap.
"With family like this ain't no way in hell shit breaking us up" Dave said still laughing at Shooter. "Next" he said looking around the room.
"Peanut I'm so proud of you" Ian spoke up. "I knew what needed to be done just like you did and I know you wanted to do it but you came up with another solution. You thought bout ya family, put them first, and was still able to win the fight. You did ya thing and now you can sit back, relax, take care of home, and live ya best life without the unnecessary bullshit" Ian said proudly. He had known that her emotions had been all over the place but she was able to pull through and do what she thought was best for her family.
"And start planning that wedding" Ananda added in.
"Thanks daddy family is law. I learned that from you, mommy, and unkie" April said smiling at him. "And yes mommy and Mama I will get on my wedding duties" she said shaking her head.
"Good" they said together.
Ny-Reek cleared his throat grabbing everyone's attention. "I'm a just let y'all know now my baby girls let her ass live last night and I respected her wishes to let Agnes be and turned her over to the Feds. But trust I have people on the inside making sure she doesn't try to start a part three but make no mistake that was her last warning. I won't be asking for permission and taking shit lightly the next time. She should've been thinking bout my lil baby from jump but she didn't and never has. I think bout all my baby girls from my older ones to my littlest ones and I don't play bout mines especially when one tries to come for their lives. I live by the code so next time she comes after mines get those funeral clothes ready" Ny-Reek said looking dead at Dave. He wasn't here for the shits and wasn't trying to continue to save someone who didn't want nor deserved to be saved. Agnes wasn't thinking about her child and at the end of the day Kairi would still have a mother...April. Besides she didn't think twice about sparring April's. "And that goes for cream cheese and the rest of the gang but honestly I don't expect Knees and Hood to make it for but so long" he said. He was already plotting on Profit and Hood. They had to go.
"Understood unc I only have one condition though" Dave said keeping eye contact.
"Sup nephew" Ny-Reek nodded for him to continue.
"If or when the time comes do what ya gotta do but ma can't do it. I don't want her blood or her death on her hands. I can't afford to lose her that way. She won't be able to look Lil Butt in her eyes and I can't have that. They love each other too much and Kairi can't lose another mother" Dave said expressing exactly how he felt. If Millie fucked up again then so be it he could get rid of her just as long as April had no parts in it when it came to ending it. Just get the job done without her.
"Understood and I respect ya decision nephew" he said and he did. He knew how much April and Kairi loved each other so he wouldn't do anything to fuck up their relationship.
"Unc that applies to me too if Kae should reappear I don't want Apple in it either. She doesn't even know her ass and didn't even know she existed. I'm for family so if she has to go then make it happen. You don't come for someone like that and expect them not to hit back. If something happens to Apple my girls are without a mother and like East said I can't have that either" Chris said. Kae just like Millie had proved that she was more harm than good. Her ass was looney as hell and he didn't want or need anybody like that in his life or around him and with the way she had plotted against April he didn't know what else she was capable of and he didn't want to find out.
"Understood nephew and I respect it" Ny-Reek nodded.
"Daughter I know you didn't want me to see you the way you were last night but I'm glad that I did. I now know for a fact that not only are you bout the family but you can also protect ya self and my grandbabies. I know if push came to shove you'd do whatever you needed to make sure they are good. The same way I felt about you from jump hasn't changed if anything I respect you even more" Senior said and he meant it. Seeing April the way he had hadn't changed anything at all. With her being Ian and Ananda's child along with Ny-Reek's niece he didn't expect anything less. She was a product of them so he knew she had to be hard body.
"See this is why I fucks with our family. The love and respect that we have for each other is unbelievable. After all of this shit that went down I just can't wait for this move to LA and for all of us to settle in and enjoy life. I think we all deserve to live our best lives" Ebony said as she looked around the room smiling.
"Fuckin facts" they all said together except for the elders.
"Just know we're gonna be back and forth. I'm not about to be missing out on my grandbabies" Mama Faye said.
"Oh we already know" Dave said laughing. Mama Faye along with Ananda and Mama Joyce didn't play those games when it came to Kairi, Charlie, and Royalty. He knew they'd be in LA every chance they got along with their fathers.
"The jet is at y'alls disposal just let me know when y'all need it" April said.
"Mines too" Chris said not minding if they needed to use his.
"The jet life yessss" Mimi said and laughed.
"Bae ya the only one who hasn't said anything" Ebony said looking up at Bully as she sat cuddled up beside him resting in his arm.
"Bae I'm just listening and enjoying the vibe. I enjoyed the fight and getting a chance to see lil sis unleash the savagery. As long as bro and lil sis is good I'm straight. The family is still together I'm good. We got rid of the bullshit so I'm just ready for this move and see what LA has in store for us. I will admit that yes I know lil sis didn't shoot Agnes but when she pulled that trigger I was like oh shit I thought I seen Agnes raggedy ass soul leave her body" he said and chuckled. "Excuse my language and I don't mean this to be disrespectful but between my baby, baby sis, and lil sis ya'll are some bad bitches. I'm happy as hell me and my boys are on the right team" he said and everyone laughed.
"Bae between daddy, unkie, and auntie we had no choice but to be bad bitches" Ebony said. "There weren't any boys so we had no choice but to be this way. They don't say it often but we're the lil boys they never had and add auntie into the mix that's how we're able to blend in both settings"
"Straight facts" April and Alaina said while Dave looked around the room smiling. He knew that they were all going to be alright and that Millie didn't succeed in anything but getting her ass whooped and sitting on death row.
"Hard body, pretty faces, well mannered, we're bout that life, and all business" Alaina said looking between April and Ebony smiling.
"As thorough as they come" Ananda said proudly.
"Don't worry Papa babies will be the same way" Ian said chuckling.
"It's only right" Ny-Reek said. "Our lil boys turned out to be just fine" he said jokingly.
"See it happens every now and then" Ebony said but they didn't mind it at all. They still treated and loved on them like the princesses they were to them.
"I just can't wait to watch the video though. I got some good ass footage" August said.
Alaina looked at him and laughed. "Lil daddy you had that shit on repeat all morning" he had been watching it as if it was his favorite movie.
"This one over here too" Mimi said ratting out Shooter.
"Of course they did" April said. She didn't expect anything less when it came to the two of them. But they all couldn't wait to sit down and watch it after August and Shooter put them together.
"Ma how are you feeling though? I know that was a lot to take in mentally and physically but what's going on in ya head right now" Dave asked as everyone looked at April wondering the same thing. He needed to know that she was good and if she wasn't how could he help her get there.
April looked up at him and around the room at everyone else. "Honestly I'm both mentally and physically drained. Being in my financial position I've thought bout everything that could possibly happen to me and my death was high on the list. I know that people will do anything for money but what I didn't expect was for someone to put a hit out on me for being me and blaming me for their failures. People really came together and plotted on taking my life and that's a hard pill to swallow" she said and sighed and Dave just tightened his arms around her wanting and letting her know that he was there and that he had her.
"I think of myself of being strong but I'm tired. I'm tired of defending myself. I'm tired of people blaming me for all of their problems. I'm tired of feeling like people can do whatever they want to me without any repercussions. I'm tired of being the fall guy. I'm tired of finishing last when all I do is live my life and put everyone before me. I can't take much more. I'm afraid if something else happens that that's it and I'll really lose myself" she continued as her eyes teared as everyone kept quiet still focused on her.
"I've worked my ass off to get where I'm at. I've helped so many people without ever complaining or wanting something in return. I've been through hell and back. I've been in a fucked up relationship, lost a child, lost myself, and I feel like I lost my damn sister and as much as I miss her because God knows I do I don't know if we'll ever get back to the way we were. Throughout all of that I have finally found myself, got right with God, found real love, made peace with my past, got my bestie back, my first baby girl is back in my life, I gained another daughter, and I gave birth to my miracle baby" she continued and took a deep breath.
"Not to mention I started a family and I'm not just talking bout me, my kids, and my man. I mean one night taking a trip backwards led me to this moment where I can sit with my family my mother, father, sisters, and uncle. Not only just them but my fiancée's mother, father, brother, and best friends or should I say brothers because blood couldn't make them any thicker. Then there's Chris when people swear we shouldn't even be friends at all but here we are besties sharing a child and Mama Joyce is still here by my side rooting me on even when me and her son aren't even together" April said as she looked around the room and smiled. She had been through a lot but she had a lot to be thankful for.
"So yes I know life gets a lil shitty at times but I know things eventually work out for the best. Life is good at the day end of the day. I'm just ready to sit back, relax, plan my dream wedding, and live my best life. I don't ask for much but I think I deserve it"
"You definitely deserve it ma. I don't know anybody else that does deserve it more than you" Dave said and kissed her in her hair.
"You truly do Thing 1 and we're all gonna make sure that you get ya due" Alaina said smiling at her. She loved her sister to death and she loved that she knew how to express herself and wasn't scared to express herself in front of everybody.
"My sister from another mister you already know what it is. We're gonna ride this shit till the wheels fall off" Ebony said smiling.
"Peanut you know me and mommy will always have ya back and make sure that you will live ya life to the fullest" Ian said smiling at her. They'd do whatever they had to do to make sure she was straight.
"And you already know you're my niece yes but ya also my daughter and just like I'm there for my own baby girl I'm there for you. Y'all three are my lil babies and you know how we Blackmon men are bout the women in our lives. So I'm gonna always make sure ya good" Ny-Reek added.
"You know mommy plays no games like daddy said we'll always be here for you no matter what time of the day or what ya going through we will always be there" Ananda said smiling at her.
"Now daughter you know ya stuck with me with or without my son. He could be married and all and sure I'll respect whoever his wife may be but you know ya my first" Mama Joyce said smiling.
"Daughter you already know ya stuck with us too. You've been stuck with us since the first time I caught Junior smiling at the kitchen table reading ya text messages" Mama Faye said smiling.
"What's the Junior and Chris said at the baby shower? What's understood doesn't need to be explained. We're the Triple B's and we know what family means and we look out for family" Senior said smiling.
"And this is why niggas and bitches be mad at me" April said and laughed looking at her family. "Y'all love the kid"
The gate bell went off.
"Trey's late ass" Chris said looking down at his phone and got up to buzz him in the gate and open the door for him.
April wiped her tears from her eyes not trying to look like she was crying since company was now there and switched the subject. "Y'all know my Love Bug won't be sleep for long so y'all better enjoy these free curse word passes while y'all can" April said. If Kairi had been up every single one of them would've had to come out of pocket and with curses just flying out their mouths left and right she'd a definitely been caking today.
"Today I'd a given up my dough on the spot because this was one of those conversations where truck it wouldn't have worked" Shooter said serious.
"Hello...hello...hello did y'all miss me" Trey said walking into the living room with Vonnii by his side and Chris behind them.
"Long Lost has finally decided to grace us with his presence after our lil family meeting is almost done" April said shaking her head playfully. "Hey Vi girl"
Vonnii laughed. "Hey guys" she waved and took a seat beside Trey as everyone greeted her.
"So what did I miss" Trey asked as he wrapped his arm around Vonnii getting comfortable making her smile. She loved how he still showed her affection when he was around them. He hadn't changed up at all.
"We were talking bout what went down last night" Dave said filling him in.
"Yeaaaa" Trey dragged and scratched his head. "Bout last night that ish was epic" he said but it sound like he had more on his mind.
"Ya good unkie's baby is sleep so she can't come and collect" Chris said laughing. Trey had come prepared.
"Bet" he chuckled. "But nah last night was epic and a true eye opener for me. Shit got real. A nigga realized that, that could've been me" he said and shook his head. He wanted no parts of any of that shit. "So for the 200th time and I know ya getting tired of hearing it but I need to say it again and I need you to know that I meant it because one I was wrong and two I don't want any of those problems. I'm on ya team. I'm on the home team. Sis I'm sorry I ever came at you wrong" he said apologetically and he meant it just like he did the many times before this.
"Long Lost ya good I'm not bout to put you on the spot" April said laughing yet she wasn't about to air out their dirty laundry in front of company.
"I'm just making sure" he said as Vonnii looked on at how they all interacted. She didn't even mind that she didn't know what they were talking about but from what she could piece together she knew that Trey and April must've had an argument of some sort but they seemed to have made up.
August looked at Trey and laughed. Trey knew he was about to come for him. It's what he did. "Lil big sis had you and bruh shook up. Ole this could've been me ass nigga and this is bad this is bad head ass" he said laughing looking between Trey and Chris. The crew had no choice but to laugh at his silly ass. April definitely had the both of them shook and now they knew she wasn't to be fucked with and that she meant what she said.
"Just be lucky you haven't had her unleash on ya ass" Trey jokingly shot back but they all knew he was serious as well. The tongue lashing she had given him hit hard once he had sobered up the next day after their little get together and after seeing her the way he did last night he wasn't trying to be on that end ever again. After last night he had no doubt in his mind that she said what she meant a year and so ago that she'd get him got and come to his funeral and put flowers on his casket like she ain't have shit to do with his funeral.
"See unlike you I'm smart I know how to choose my battles and besides lil big sis loves me too much" August said.
"This is our family" Dave said laughing.
"Yes it is and I love it and I love them" April said smiling at him and snuggled deeper into his arms taking in his scent. They were both going to miss this time together come Friday.
"I need to talk to you though" he whispered in her ear.
"Bet, come on" April said and rose off his lap. "We'll be right back" April said looking around the room wondering what he had on his mind that they needed to speak in private about when they were all pretty much putting everything out in the air now.
"If y'all are gone longer than thirty I'm coming to break up the party. We just got here we want in on the festivities" Trey said jokingly.
"Lawd" April laughed and walked off with Dave right behind her as usual looking at her ass but she didn't bother to say shit.
"Kitchen" Dave said and April nodded.
"So what's up" she asked as she went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.
"Are we good" he asked as he walked up on her, scooped her up, sat her on the kitchen counter, and made his way between her legs.
"Yes" she answered honestly. "Why"
"I just feel like I should've trusted you more and had faith in you to do what you did yesterday" he replied. This is the part of the conversation where he didn't think they needed to have around the family. He didn't want all of them to know how he had felt or give them any idea that he didn't trust her when he did.
"Well ya definitely could've had a tad bit more trust in me but with the way I was last night I could see why you did what you did. My actions weren't predictable and you didn't know what to expect nor did I let you in on my plan for that very same reason. I didn't want to be stopped and I damn sure didn't need you in my head" she said and shrugged. He didn't know what he was getting into so she wasn't too surprised that he had stepped to her asking her to not kill Millie. She knew he had stepped to her for a valid reason.
"Maybe we should've talked bout ya plan beforehand" he said looking at her. Maybe if they had talked about it he wouldn't have been on her heels he'd a just let her be.
"I wanted to but I couldn't. You'd a fucked it up. That was my moment. I spared her life for Love Bug but I needed that moment right there for myself. I needed to do what I wanted to do without thinking bout everybody else for once"
"I get it and I understand but are you sure we're good because I don't want and we don't need issues in the trust department" he asked making sure.
"I'm positive Papi we're good. Last night was a night filled with emotions so it is what it is. But I'm good and we're good. Besides I know ya ass trusts me. We wouldn't be where we are now if there was no trust" she said as she toyed with his beard looking him in his eyes.
"Bet, I love you ma" he said and licked his lips eyeing her.
"I love you too Papi now let's go back and see what tonight has in store for us"
"Say less but let me get those lips first" he said looking in her eyes then down at her lips.
"A kiss Papi and nothing more because I feel like you might want to take another risk and I know ya plotting on my eggs like you don't know I'm trying to fit in a wedding dress" she said with her eyebrow raised.
Dave chuckled. "I'm a let you be I ain't bout to have ya father walk in on us and really scar him and when it comes to my baby boy I'm a forever be plotting till you give me what I want. I think you'll look beautiful in a wedding dress and a gut full of me" he said keeping in a hunnid with her.
"You know what I'm done with you. I want to fit into my dream dress, enjoy my bachelorette party, and have a wild and crazy night filled with passion on our wedding night but you don't want me to be great" she said and pouted.
"You'll still be able to do that just no drinking and smoking and a lil tweaking to ya dress" he said smirking at her. He was going to try his best to let her be great though but if his baby boy came before then they'd just have to work with him and around it.
"I'm not trying to be sober at the bachelorette party"
"Welp you better hope my soldiers miss their target" he teased her.
"Yup I'm out of here" she said ready to get down off the counter.
Dave laughed. "Aight ma I'm a let you be now kiss me" he said and poked out his lips. April looked at him ready to roll her eyes but nonetheless she kissed him. "Thanks ma now let's go" he said then picked her up off the kitchen counter and placed her on the ground. Dave and April joined the rest of the family and got back into their spot and got comfortable.
"Hey before we get into the festivities I just wanted to say that I fuckin love each and every one of y'all. So if you don't hear me say it often just know that I do. Thanks for always having my back, hyping me up, rooting me on, and just being there for me. Thanks for all coming along for the ride last night and doing what y'all do. Like I told Papi I never expected our family to turn out the way it did and for all of us to be as close as we are but in the words of lil big bro I love this shit. I get to be around strong men and women every day, people who are bout shit, and people who know the meaning of family. I can call anyone of y'all and y'all wouldn't hesitate to answer my call just as I would for y'all. Our family is the shit and I wouldn't trade this shit for anything in the world" April said looking around the room at each and everybody proud to call them her family.
With that the crew continued on with the night on good vibes. Everybody got everything off of their chests and they picked up where they left off like it was New Year's Eve all over again just enjoying the night and togetherness. They cracked jokes courtesy of August and Shooter, made each other laugh, and actually sat back and got to know Vonnii a little more. The girls even exchanged numbers with her and made plans to catch up with her when they moved to LA. They thought she was cool peoples, her vibe was cool, and they thought she'd be cool to have around. No one had even brought up the shit show called social media. They didn't feel like dwelling on or addressing any negativity at the moment. They just wanted to chill before the boys went back on the road for tour and everybody else went back to LA to their regular scheduled programs. So yes Millie tried to come through like a wrecking ball right along with her new friend Kae but the Triple B's were still on top and nothing and no one could break their bond and they bet their lives on that.
-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. Thought I'd a been done editing but as usual I ended up adding more shit so lucky y'all 😊
-Well the family meeting has gone down and everyone has spoken their peace. Agnes didn't stop shit. I understand why Chris and Dave feel the way they do but it's definitely not their fault.
-Shooter and August I can't help but love them I love the laughter they bring to all of the serious moments 😊
-I feel bad for my hubby Chris though I made him so damn bad at the beginning of this book geesh 😫 I too understand why he feels the way he does about ppl throwing what he did in his face. He's trying to be a better man and so far he's had a glow up. He accepted responsibility for his wrongdoings and now he just wants to be great. No matter what he does someone is always going to bring up what he did to April 😭
-Our good sis April needs a vacation though she needs some we time 😝 How do you think she'll end up though? Do you think that this situation with Millie and Kae will set her back or that she moves on from it 🤔
-Dave is plotting heavy do you think he's going to get his baby boy before or after the wedding 🤔
-I swear every time I write a family scene I fall in love with everybody all over again. I love the way they support and love on one another 😊
-LA is coming up next...what are some things that y'all would like to see 🤔
-I have to write and Shooter and Mimi chapter one of these days 😬
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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