21: Never Scared

Chapter 21: Never Scared

No, I ain't bad, just don't kiss no ass or take shit
And I'm a grown man, find you somebody to play with
If you'on like me when you see me, better not say shit
I'll choke yo ass out like Dre did that bitch
You better tell these pussies they ain't fucking with no rookie
I'm a Bankhead nigga, I'll take yo cookiez!
So don't make it a me or you situation
I'll have yo partner down at I.C.U. visitation
Like, hope for the best, but I'on think he gon make it
Not the way he was shiverin and shakin on the pavement
I'll tell you wha, if you make it, call'em grace cuz he amazin
Find out these verses wasn't the only thang blazing
And just when you thought that I was done I was saving
The best for last, nigga kiss my ass
Like Della Reese, they my folks, it's best you just let'em be
Cuz I don't do shit for pretend, them FED's just ain't never see nigga!
[Never Scared: Bone Crusher ft. Killer Mike & T.I.]

"What the fuck happened" Dave asked as his mug instantly graced his face. April knew he was a little upset you know with it being the holiday and all. The last few days had been enjoyable good days.

"I don't know just yet but Unkie sent me the 911 text so either Agnes fucked up and did some dumb shit or they found out the reason behind how I've been feeling lately" she replied and rolled her eyes referring to how she felt like something bad was going to happen to her. "I knew it wouldn't be long before she crawled her way out of that dusty ass hole again and luckily I came prepared" she said happy as hell that she had packed a duffle bag for this very moment because at this point if it wasn't Millie whoever it was could still get it.

"That's why you brought the duffle bag out the house for" he questioned with his brow raised thinking he should've known what it was when he saw it but he had gave it no thought because he was too distracted by the way she looked tonight.

"Yup" she said popping the P. "I had a feeling some shit was gonna pop off but most likely Unkie is letting us enjoy the rest of the night and let's not forget we do have a visitor so we can't even call a family meeting right now" she said because this was something Vonnii couldn't be a part of and if they did call an emergency meeting not only would it ruin the night but it would be rude to leave Vonnii hanging while they talked shop.

"Look I know I asked you to do this but everything has been on the up and up. Are you sure you want to do this" he questioned because if she didn't want to he wasn't go to make her do something she didn't want to do. Dave was right though things were good but this was something April had to do and not just for him. She had to do it for herself. She knew Millie wouldn't stop unless she ended it besides it was her fight to begin with and now she had nothing stopping her or in her way.

"It's time to end it. No loose strings come February. I'm done with all this Agnes and Profit back and forth shit and all of their lil flunkies and if it's someone new then they can get it too" April answered confidently. She had been waiting for this moment for a long while.

"Heard ju" he said. "Let's go enjoy the rest of the holiday before you go fuck some shit up" he chuckled.

"Say less" she laughed as he helped her off the island. They walked out of the kitchen hand in hand but April knew Dave high key had her on his mind but he had nothing to worry about or did he...The party continued well into the wee morning hours until everyone dispersed into their bedrooms while others camped out wherever they could. April knew how the night was going to end so she already had fresh blankets and pillows ready for those who crashed elsewhere besides a bedroom.


The Next Morning

New Year over and done with and the festivities had come to an end April had woken up in Dave's embrace and smiled. It was definitely a good way to break in the New Year but her mind was elsewhere at the moment and she was ready to get to the bottom of the bullshit call Agnes because at this point she knew it had to be her. She couldn't see it being anyone else. April eased out of Dave's arms and the bed altogether just as her phone went off. Today she wasn't worried about waking Dave because his ass was literally slumped at the moment. He had gotten fucked up for the holiday. Looking down at her phone it was a text from her father and uncle in their group chat with just the three of them basically for times like this. She read the message. It was short and simple.

Daddy🕵🏾‍♂️❤️: Do what you got to do and meet us in the office just you.

She sent back a simple ok and went straight to the bathroom to handle her business. April did her usual routine making sure to shower as well just so she would be on go when the time came to roll out because she knew tonight was the night. She dried off and finished the rest of her routine then threw on some house clothes and made her way out of the bedroom and down the hall to what use to be her home office still not waking Dave. He was definitely slumped because he'd normally be at her neck when she moved. Let alone she'd have to tell him she had to use the bathroom or one of the girls needed her so he'd let her out of the bed. Making her way to the office she opened the door, stepped inside, closed it behind her, and focused on her father, uncle, and Senior. From the looks on their faces she knew it was worse than what she thought. She just wondered how bad it actually was because all of them seemed to be pissed off and fuming.

"Who's the threat, what's the threat, and how bad is it" she asked and took a seat across from them back on her boss shit as usual getting straight to the point. The shit had been on her mind ever since she had gotten the text last night and now all she wanted was answers.

"It's Agnes and this time she pushed it" Ian replied through gritted teeth with his voice laced with pure venom and proceeded to let her in the know as well as provide the much needed documents she needed to let her know that this shit was legit.

April looked over the documents then back at her father as her blood began to boil, rage slowly crept in, and her legs bounced up and down as she tried to control her anger. She tightly folded her hands together, placed them over her mouth with her thumbs resting under her chin, closed her eyes, and slowly rocked her head from side to side. Her eyes popped open and she darkly chuckled. This bitch had definitely pushed the envelope.

"Unkie do y'all have her or are y'all still watching her" she questioned with her eyes locked on him hoping like hell that they had her in their possession and if not he needed to drop the coordinates pronto. Shit April would personally ride out and go pick her up herself.

Ny-Reek passed her his phone. "We got her and she isn't going anywhere trust me" he said as a matter of fact as April looked at the live feed of Millie in another warehouse strapped to a seat once again. Part two volume three was about to be lit.

"Good, good" she nodded happy that they didn't have to go out and chase after her.

"You know what this means right" Senior asked looking just like Dave when he was mad and also wondering did she have it in her to complete such a task. Little did he know April was definitely about that life.

April sighed and focused on him then nodded her head she knew exactly what needed to be done and even though it was something she didn't want to do it still had to be done. She didn't want to take it there and go that far but what else was there to do. "I know Pops. So when are we rolling out" she answered and questioned ready to get shit popping.

"Late night so you can handle what you need to with the girls so by the time we leave Charlie has what she needs" her father said. She knew he was referring to her pumping milk so Charlie would be good for the night while they were gone.

"Bet do y'all have everyone in position" she asked looking between the three of them making sure shit was handled. She needed every I dotted and every T crossed. There was no room for fuck ups.

"Everything is taken care of Peanut" her father assured her which she didn't expect anything less when it came to them making sure shit was straight.


"Note that you don't have to do this. Someone else can handle it" Ny-Reek said giving her a way out but wanting her to go ahead and let some steam out.

"I appreciate you looking out for me Unkie but this shit started with me and will end with me. I've sat on the sidelines way too many times. I can't sit this one out. She's come for me, she got me, and I'm a handle her if it's the last thing I do" April said. She was ending all of this back and forth shit tonight and with the information she had just received it was no way in hell she could or would sit this shit out. She was mad that it had come to this but it had to happen. What Agnes did couldn't be undone. It was too extreme to let her be.

"Bet" Ny-Reek nodded. He knew she wasn't going to back down anyway but he had to make sure she was straight with her decision.

"Peanut I'm down for you handling ya business but after you do this I don't need you getting stuck in ya head and in a dark place. I know how you get bout certain shit"

"I'll be fine daddy" she said and he just nodded. She knew he was going to have a one on one with her after all this shit was over and done with. "Anything else" she questioned.

"Nah go do ya thing and enjoy this family time" Ian said knowing she needed this time to get her mind right because this shit was a big deal.

April nodded. "Thanks for looking out for me like always" she thanked them before getting up out of her seat. They all nodded and she went on her way with her mind racing a mile a minute with the information she had just heard and the documents she had just seen. April went back into her bedroom to see Dave still knocked out cold which was a first for her but nonetheless she crept back in bed and cuddled into him and silently cried. The game had officially changed.

Hours had passed and the day went on like it normally did and like they had all predicted they had broken the internet and set that shit ablaze but April's head had been too busy elsewhere for her to even bother looking at what people were saying about her. Right now she could care less. She had bigger fish to fry besides internet trolls and keyboard gangsters. She could handle that later. She hadn't even told Dave or her sisters about the meeting she had earlier. But they would soon find out. Trey and Vonnii had left earlier that day but would be coming back. They all wanted to just hang out and chill but that would most likely be postponed to the next day. April had shit to do tonight and she knew the family was going to want to be by her side while doing so. Things like this were a family affair.

"Aye I need y'all to meet me in the office like now" April said and walked off. She had been spending the day with her babies and right now it was time for business. They knew by her tone alone that something serious was up and definitely wrong. Everybody looked around the room at each other then got up and followed behind her. She didn't even bother to take a seat when she entered the office. She just stood there waiting for everyone to join her. She knew the girls were going to pop off and the men were going to want to paint the city red but there was no need this was all on her.

"Ma what's wrong" Dave asked concerned as he stood beside her already knowing about the 911 but not knowing the full extent of it.

"I'm bout to fill y'all in" she said boss tone present. He just nodded his head ready to know already even though he thought she should've filled him in beforehand but he wasn't going to harp on it this time around. Everyone silently entered the room and took a seat while some stood. No one bothered to ask what was up they just sat and stood there looking at her waiting on her to speak up. April took a deep breath and held her head up high. This was not the time to look like a weak bitch.

"Last night I got the text that I've been waiting for. I was hoping it was nothing but me being paranoid but I told y'all I had a feeling that someone was coming for me and my gut was right" she said and paused. "Someone put a hit out on me" she said with no emotion yet there was no hint of it being the slightest of a joke. She knew she made bitches mad but not mad enough to want to take her life. The room went completely silent and the atmosphere changed with the quickness. It was as if no one knew what to say.

"Bitch I know you lying" Alaina said and darkly chuckled and jumped out of her seat along with Ebony and Mimi both ready for the fucks interrupting her as the men looked on pissed as hell to the point you could see steam coming out of their ears and damn right speechless. They just couldn't believe it but they knew she wasn't bullshitting.

"Before y'all all go mad daddy, Unkie, and Pops have already found the person stupid enough to ask of such a thing and she's already in our possession" April said looking around at her pissed off family. From the looks on their faces she knew they couldn't believe what she had just said. Shit if she hadn't heard it she might've not believed it either but she knew shit like this happened.

"Who was stupid enough to plan their own funeral" Alaina asked making April smirk.

"Why Agnes of course" she answered and darkly chuckled herself. Millie clearly hadn't learned the first time around and she had yet to learn that April and her family was not to be fucked with but she'd soon learn.

"Ma all jokes aside Millie put a hit out on you" Dave asked seriously with his mug on fierce as he now stood in front of her. He couldn't compute that shit but he knew what had to happen and this was one of those situations he dreaded. It wasn't because of Millie but because of Kairi. He couldn't believe she would stoop so low and do something that stupid and drastic and not even consider the consequences.

"Positive but I'm not bout to give y'all the run down. Y'all will hear it tonight. Shooter and August y'all have been dying to see how I get down well tonight I'll finally grant y'all wish" April said looking at them. They still hadn't said anything. They couldn't believe it. Yeah sure a fight talking shit online but a hit no one saw that coming. They were baffled especially being the ones that always had shit to say. Then again what could they say?

"When you say hit are we talking an actual hit like what do you mean I'm tryna figure out if I'm hearing right or not" Chris asked wanting to know how serious this shit was because this wasn't a play joking type of situation. Shit April was the mother of his children so he was concerned about her safety and her life being on the line and would Millie go as far as hurting their children.

"As in paid someone to knock me off" April answered and darkly chuckled again as she tried her best to stay calm and unbothered.

"I...I can't" Dave said and stormed out of the office fuming. April didn't even bother to chase after him. She let him be. She knew he had to mentally sort some shit out in his head. This shit would be different from a beat down. This shit was life threatening meaning Millie's life was now on the line just like April's.

"I knew she didn't value her life but I didn't think she was this stupid. Where the fuck did she even get that kind of money from? She can't possibly still have that Hazel money" Bully asked confused knowing Millie needed some serious money and not any play money to put out a hit on someone like April.

"All of ya questions will be answered tonight. Trey is here so one of y'all might want to give him the heads up so he won't miss out" she said knowing that Trey wouldn't want to miss out on this shit. If Trey decided to fall through Vonnii would have to sit this one out. This was a family affair and they couldn't risk her being there no matter how cool she was.

"Bet" August finally spoke up with his phone already in his hand.

"What time we rolling out" Ebony asked looking like she had been ready to go and most likely she was.

"Ten" Ny-Reek answered looking down at his Rolex.

"Bet that'll be here in no time" she devilishly grinned. No one was about to knock off anybody in her family not with her around.

"FYI" April said looking at the girls. "This is MY fight. Y'all are only there to watch. It started with me and it will end with me" April said and repeated the same shit she had told her father, uncle, and Senior.

"Say less" Alaina nodded pissed but she knew April could handle her own and had been dying to tag a bitch and this was one who deserved what she was about to get. Besides she knew she had never taken Millie off of her hit list.

"Heard ju" Ebony pouted.

"Uh huh" Mimi said not satisfied with what April had said. She knew April didn't want her in the mix when it came to things like this but she wanted in. She knew how they got down and besides she was Shooter's woman so she wanted to make sure they knew she was about family.

April knew they all felt a way but they had fought enough of her battles. This one was all on her. She was a big girl and knew how to hold her own anyway. She did have a dark side though. She hoped and prayed like her father said that she wouldn't get stuck in a dark place because it was never a good thing or a happy ending. She didn't want her family to see her in that light. Shit like this excited her. She loved to get her hands dirty and with this shit right here her hands were about to get filthy. She was about to have a field day curtesy of dumb ass Millie. Shit her life depended on it.

"Lil brother you look a lil confused" April said looking over at Errol.

He nodded. "Can't lie I am Lil Birdie. Why would she go to the extreme" he said and questioned.

"I can list a few reasons off bat. There's no more Dave and no more Kairi in her life meaning her bag is no more and the lifestyle she was used to living is nonexistent at this point. She not only got her ass beat in a booth by me but my sisters' man handled her ass. As well as she no longer gets funds from Hazel for doing fuck shit. Then to top it off her husband is in a fuckin wheelchair thanks to Bully and Shooter so she's taking care of an ain't shit nigga hand and foot" April answered. Anybody would be mad at that but that just meant it was time to woman up and do better but she knew some people just didn't learn.

"Shitttt" he dragged. "I'd be salty too but not to the point where I'm a put a hit out on somebody especially not a public figure"

"Hey it is what it is I trained for this very moment" she said and she did. She knew the type of money she made and the life she lived that somebody was always in their feelings and possibly lurking and with the way Millie felt about her she knew she was still in her feelings from the first time around. She was not about to end up like those people on the ID channel. Shit she knew people killed for much less.

"This bout to be epic but I'm kind of scared for her. You got a lot of pent up shit in you lil big sis" August said serious as he carefully watched her. There was no reason to downplay it and he knew she didn't mind him keeping it real with her.

April shrugged. "It is what it is just be ready at ten sharp. I gotta go check on Papi" she said. Millie was about to get the ass whooping of her life.

"Wait" Alaina somewhat shouted making April stop where she stood. "Before you go please tell me Hazel has nothing to do with this shit" Alaina curiously asked then looked between April and their father. She wouldn't know what to do if Hazel was behind this. They could fight all day long but this here she couldn't see her doing.

"Hazel might've started some bullshit and we might not be seeing eye to eye at the moment but that's something I can't see her doing. She might be stupid but she ain't that stupid" April admitted. There was no way in hell she could see Hazel being a part of some shit like this. Jealous yes, wanting to kick her while she's down yes, but to do something as serious as putting a hit out on her there was no fucking way that she was a part of that.

"That ain't it. She has no part in this" Ian answered without a doubt. He didn't care what Hazel had done he knew damn well she wouldn't risk her life or her families doing some shit like putting a hit out on her sister. Let alone he believed that if she knew something this serious was going on that she wouldn't hesitate to let him or Ananda know.

"Besides I made sure that she had nothing to do with this. That's been checked, double checked, and triple checked. Hazel has nothing to do with this" Ny-Reek assured her.

"Thank God" Alaina said and took a deep breath relieved. That thought had never even crossed April's mind though. She knew Hazel had her issues but she wouldn't do anything drastic like that. Sure there was no telling what she was capable of and what she'd do these days but that right there wasn't it.

"Sis I know this is a lot to take in and I know you aren't good, good but are you at least ok" Mimi looked at her and asked concerned because she knew if someone had put a hit out on her she wouldn't know what the hell to do or how to react. Yet here April was standing as if she was having a business meeting for work looking all calm cool and collected.

April looked at her shrugged. "I'm use to a bitch getting mad and wanting to throw hands but I ain't ever had someone want me dead but I'll be fine" she said trying to brush it off. She really didn't know how to feel. Yes she was livid, angry, and wanted to fight but how mad could a person possibly be at you to want the worst to happen to you. Sure she didn't like Millie but April would never wish death on her but now she couldn't help but think that they should've been gotten rid of her and Profit from jump. "But I'll see y'all in a few" April said and walked off before anyone else could ask her anything.

April had gone looking for Dave only to find him in Kairi's room sitting at the foot of her bed watching her sleep. She knew that he knew she was there but he didn't say anything he just focused on Kairi. "I'll be in the bedroom" she said and walked off letting him be.

She made her way to their bedroom and closed the door behind herself and took a seat on the edge of the bed. She hoped like hell that this wasn't about to fuck up what she and Dave had and worked so hard for. There was no telling what was going on in his head at the moment. April knew he didn't like Millie, didn't fuck with her, or even wanted anything to do with her but what she had done and what needed to be done April knew he would most likely feel a way. Shit he couldn't even stay in the room as she informed everybody on what was going on. At the same time her life was threatened and on the line so something had to be done whether he liked it or not. Not long after she had entered the bedroom Dave had finally walked inside, close the door, and leaned against it with his eyes locked on her.

"Talk to me" April said as she looked at nothing in particular.

"I'm fuckin livid. You know I'm not here for anybody coming for mines and for her to order a fuckin hit out on you is beyond me. I know you can't and don't want to sit this one out and she deserves what's coming her way but all I can think bout is Kairi. I know she doesn't want her or loves her and when it comes to a mother she has one but I wouldn't wish death on her no matter what she did" Dave expressed what was bothering him.

"Understandable and I thought bout Kairi too and how it would affect her. She'll ask questions when she's older and even knowing how Agnes is I hoped that one day she would realize all of her wrongdoings and try to fix whatever she could've had with Kairi but my life is really on the line. She really paid someone to off me David" April said as she wiped her eyes as tears threatened to fall. Kairi was the first person on her mind when her father told her the news. She never wanted to completely take her away from her mother but shit her mother was trying to take April away from her and honestly Millie had given birth to her but April was more of her mother than Millie had ever been.

"How am I supposed to live my life watching my back like that? I already have to watch my back and the people I come in contact with now. I don't want to have to keep checking to see when someone's gonna take me out. I have people depending on me. My fuckin kids need me, my mother, my father, and my sisters need me. You need me. I can't just shake this one off and turn my blinders on"

"Ma I get that I do" he sighed and took a seat beside her.

"Do you really because if my people hadn't found out the news my ass could've been dead. Fuck planning a wedding y'all would've been planning my fuckin funeral. I ain't ready to die. I have too much to live for. Shit my baby is only three fuckin months. If I go she won't remember shit bout me but the stories y'all tell her. She won't remember my scent or the conversations I've had with her. She won't remember shit. Kairi just got me and I promised her I would never leave her. That's my fuckin daughter. I don't care who gave birth to her. We were stuck to each other the day we first met. Then there's my baby Royalty. Me and her mother just got to a place where we could be cordial for our kid's sake. Shit I was just asked to be her God mother. That's three lil girls that need me. It's either me or her" April said as she cried. If her father and uncle hadn't found out what and when they did her life would've been snuffed before her time and her kids would've been without her and motherless. If something would've happened to her sure Royalty and Kairi would remember her but Charlie wouldn't remember anything.

"David I'm finally fuckin happy and at peace with my life. I can't take this shit lightly" she stressed.

Dave placed his head in his hands and sighed. The thing that bothered him was that Mille was still Kairi's mother.

"You don't have to come. You can sit this one out" she said and wiped her eyes again. She wasn't trying to be mad at him because he was worried about how Kairi would feel without her biological mother around period but at the same time it wasn't like Millie was even there or cared for her to begin with. Millie hadn't seen or called Kairi since she showed up late to her party. A whole ten months no contact. At this point Dave hadn't even asked her if she was ok like she didn't just say that his fuckin baby mother had actually went out and put an actual hit out on her meaning someone was gunning for her and wanted her dead. She didn't know how she felt about that but she didn't have time to go back and forth with him over that when she was already in her head thinking about other shit.

"You know damn well I'm not gonna let you go do what you gotta do without being by ya side" he said and turned her face towards his and wiped her tears. He was pissed that she even had to deal with something this serious let alone it was someone from his past that had put her in this space. There was no way in hell that he wouldn't be by her side though. Yes he was fucked up about the situation but in the long run April was the woman he was in love with, she was his woman, his fiancé, and the mother of his children, and when one was going to war they were both going to war.

April looked him dead in the eyes. "Then act like it" she said feeling some type of way. "All I ask is that you don't look at me differently after this. I'm not me during these moments" she said honestly.

Yes he knew she was petty and could hold her own but he didn't know to what extent or how she really got down. "I'll be aight like I said ya stuck with me and I ain't going anywhere" he said sure of himself. April was stuck with him since the first time they chilled and when he put that ring on her finger that solidified everything.

"You say that now" she said knowing this wasn't going to be the usual ass whooping.

"I'm sorry ma I didn't even ask you how you were feeling"

April shrugged. "How are you supposed to feel when someone's trying to permanently get rid of you? Like she couldn't collect her L's like everyone else and go bout her business. Shit I collected L after fuckin L and I haven't killed or tried to kill anyone"

"Some people just can't deal" he said and shrugged.

"I see but I need to get my mind right so I'm a just lay here until it's time for me to get dressed" she said wanting and needing to be alone.

"Do ya thing ma I'm a go talk to Pops and Unc" he said and pecked her lips then got up from the bed. April just nodded, leaned back against the bed, and focused on the ceiling.


10:00 pm

"Peanut I swear you better whoop her fuckin ass you hear me. Let this be the last time this bitch speaks ya name and come ya way. From the day you first met her she was on some bullshit. Ain't shit holding you back this time so do what ya gotta do. I love you and have fun" Ananda said and hugged April and kissed her forehead before she could walk out of the door. Ananda knew how she was feeling and she prayed like hell that by the time April was done with Millie that this was it for that whole chapter. She was tired Millie her damn self and with her doing what she did she felt like handling the situation herself but she knew it wasn't her fight. It was April's.

"I love you too mommy. I'll see you later. Be safe" April said and made her way out the front door. She hopped inside the truck with her father, uncle, Senior, and Dave. The whole way there she hadn't uttered a single word. She kept her face forward free from emotion and was just there. Dave being Dave let her be and kept her hand cupped in his squeezing it every now and again just to let her know that he was there for her. Ian and Ny-Reek already knew what type of time she was on. She was about to unleash the beast and not just because her life was being threatened but for the ass whippings she should've been handed out to a few other people. It took them an hour and a half to get to the location but to April it felt like forever. As soon as the truck stopped she perked up and smirked. She had been waiting far too long to tag Millie's conniving ass.

"You ready ma" Dave looked at her and asked seeing a hint of mischief in her eyes. This was about to be fun for her.

"Born ready" she said as she hopped out of the truck and followed behind her father, uncle, and Senior with Dave right by her side.

No one said a word but they damn sure kept their eyes on April whose eyes resembled Shooter's when he had a chance to play with Profit. Her eyes were dark and filled with excitement. Ny-Reek put in the passcode and unlocked the door then proceeded inside as everyone followed along. Another day another warehouse and a prize waiting inside all you could hear were their footsteps making their way along the drab and dreary ass warehouse. It was another one of Ian's properties. It was dimly lit, the air was stale and dreary just like the rest but they were all use to it by now. Sitting in the middle of the room strapped and bolted down to a metal chair looking just as cliché as the first time sat Millie but this time she was wide awake and looking scared as hell. The way Millie was sitting and facing she couldn't see them enter the room but she damn sure heard them.

"Agnessssss" Alaina and Ebony dragged causing her to jump and turn her head trying to scope out the scene behind her because she damn sure remembered the voices.

"Missed us" Ebony asked smiling as her and Alaina stood in front of her shaking her up even more while everyone else including Trey went and took a seat getting ready for the show. Millie couldn't even look them in the eyes. She knew she had officially fucked up and she was now back inside the lioness's den and today the lioness was finally coming out to play.

April took off her coat, passed it to Dave; he kissed her, and walked off joining everyone else without acknowledging Millie. He had no words for her at the moment while April remained silent and behind Millie. April bent down and double knotted her Timbs and stretched her limbs. Ny-Reek, Ian, and Senior stayed behind her watching in the shadows but she knew they would come out when need be.  April slowly walked up on Millie then tapped her shoulder from behind.

"I told ya ass to tread lightly but you didn't listen. Now you take it to the extreme and try to get me knocked off" April said through gritted teeth and smacked the shit out of her from behind causing her head to rock to the side and a groan to escape her lips as the sound of the smack echoed around the empty ass room making Millie's ear ring.

"ROUND ONE FIGHT" Shooter shouted excited.

"Lil Baybeh pass the snack bag" August said as he looked over at Alaina as they all sat on a huge modular sectional from the first time they witnessed Millie get her ass whooped. They had all raided April' and Dave's pantry grabbing all of the snacks she had gotten everybody. She made sure to keep the kitchen stocked for when everyone visited whether it was her house or her and Dave's.

"I'm fuckin tired of ya bum ass and I been tired since the day we first met" April said and casually stepped in front of her. "You just couldn't gracefully take ya L's and bow out but that's cool I'm here for it. I got time today" she said then grabbed a chair and dragged it slowly towards Millie making the metal of the chair scrape at the ground pulling Millie's eyes to hers then took a seat directly in front of her. April leaned forward in her seat with her eyes trained on her as if she was prey then again she was. She was the lioness and Millie was the definitely her prey. April tilted her head to the side never once taking her eyes off of her. She could tell Millie was scared. She reeked of it. April chuckled and leaned back in her seat.

"You look scared Agnes. Are you? You should be. If I was you I'd be" she asked and Millie gulped but never opened her mouth to say anything. April knew that Millie knew that she had officially fucked up and no matter what she said or did it wouldn't help her case. Her luck or lack thereof had officially run out. "Remember when you first showed ya ass I told you that I don't bite I shoot. Well Agnes the time has come but before doing so I'm a give you the opportunity to fight back. See I love a good fair fight and honestly I haven't whooped someone's ass in years and I myself have collected quite a few L's and never delivered those ass whoopings that should've been sent out so for ya sake I hope you got some fight in you. I didn't come to play tonight...well maybe I did because this is fun for me" she devilishly smirked.

"What you did can't be undone" April said and got up from her seat, pushed it back, took out a pair of keys that her father had given her not too long ago and proceeded to unlock the locks around Millie's wrists and ankles listening to the locks and chains fall to the ground making a loud thud causing Millie to jump. This gave Millie the perfect opportunity to strike yet she didn't bust a move. April stood tall wanting and daring her to do something anything.

"You want me dead bitch. Do it I'm right here" April taunted and copped the shit out of her and still Millie remained seated. It was as if she knew that nothing she did was going to help her situation so she mind as well accept defeat. "I can't believe Papi was walking the streets with such a weak bitch" April said disappointed then walked off to the side of the chair, lifted her leg, and kicked the chair from underneath Millie making both the chair and Millie fall.

"Lil sis not playing tonight" Shooter laughed looking at Millie looking hopeless.

"Bitch just a shit talker" April said and turned around facing the crew hoping Millie would at least throw a punch. "Keyboard gangster" April mocked her.

"Fuck you bitch" Millie said seething making April turn around and grin from ear to ear watching Millie get up off the floor looking pissed.

"Yessss tell me how you really feel" April clapped taunting her some more.

"YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME" Millie shouted looking enraged.

"Actually no I didn't. If you weren't so half assed and trying to use people you would still have ya family. But I know you know that I know you were never interested in my fiancé. You were more interested in what he could do for you and ya pimp aka ya husband. Neither did you want my daughter so God sent them my way. It's ok Papi's well taken care of in more ways than one and Kairi is well loved and cared for. She wants and needs for nothing. By the way we know bout Keisha, you calling the cops on Papi, and everything else. Wayment did you catch that though I said my fiancé" April said and smiled brightly then put out her ring finger showing off her ring so Millie could see that it was indeed real adding more fuel to the fire.

"I FUCKIN HATE YOU BITCH" Millie yelled as she stormed her way in front of April and spat in her face landing right on the corner of her mouth.

"AWW SHIT" everyone shouted and jumped up out of their seats waiting to see what was going to pop off next and hoping April thrashed Millie's ass. They all knew that spitting on someone was one of the most disrespectful things a person could do to someone and for her spit to land on April's face was a big ass no, no. April roughly lifted up her shirt and wiped her shirt across the corner of her mouth wiping away Millie's DNA as her eyes darkened. She slowly turned around and faced the crew then silently walked over to Dave, stood in front of him, and took off her ring.

"Take this I don't want to get any of her tainted blood on my flued out ring" April said and passed Dave the ring and smooth turned around and headed back over to Millie and kicked the shit out of her knee making her groan and buckle over giving April the perfect advantage to wail on her ass. April cocked her fist all the way back and decked the shit out of her but Millie had come with a little oomph in her today because she rocked April back making her stumble. "Bout time you showed me what you got" April laugh.

"WHOOP HER ASS LIL BIG SIS" August shouted all hype.

"I know you playing" Alaina said looking at April ready to jump in.

"Chill sis you know she's been waiting for this" Ebony said never removing her eyes from the fight. She knew this is what April wanted. She wanted a challenge and not some fight where she was the only one fighting.

"I'm done playing with you jealous ass hoes" April said as she swung her fist connecting it to Millie's chin. "I don't bother anybody yet y'all can't seem to stop coming my way but I'm fuckin done" she said and grabbed a handful of Millie's hair yanking her down to her height. "I'm fuckin tired" she said as tears ran down her cheeks. They were angry tears.

"It's bout to get real" Shooter said with his eyes locked on the fight. To him this shit was worth the wait. April could damn sure hold her own.

April blacked out as she thought about every single loss she took and everybody that had done her wrong. She thought about all the love she had poured on Chris only to have him treat her like shit. She thought about the countless women he fucked and gave no fucks about her as they posted pictures for the world to see. She thought about the many times Chris had broken her heart and how she had placed band aid after band aid over it to repair it as best as she could only to feel useless, worthless, and unworthy of love. April thought about how Nia had rung her doorbell and announced that she was pregnant on the very same day she planned to tell Chris about their baby. She thought about everything during that whole ordeal. She thought about her own little baby that she lied up in the hospital and gave birth to that never even saw the light of day while Nia gave birth to a healthy baby with no complications.

She thought about how she should've whooped Nia's ass for GP and fuck her not having loyalty to her because at the end of the day she was still in the wrong too. She thought about how she put her happiness in a man's hands when it should've been in hers all along. April thought about how she lost herself and how she had really held down an ain't shit nigga. She thought about the pride she no longer had during those times and a little after. She thought about every business meeting she had where a man thought that she was just a pretty face and a nice body and thought that in order to seal a deal with them that her payment had to come in the form of sex.

April thought about Millie and how she had been trouble since day one. From the first time April heard her voice over the phone April knew she was going to be a problem. She thought about all of the shit she had said online and how that shit had hurt her feelings. She thought about her best friend/sister and how she had really felt about her all this time. She thought about how she had betrayed her so bad that she never saw it coming and how she had felt that after all of the bullshit she had did to her that she still missed her ass.

April wailed on Millie to no end whooping on her ass as if she was every single person that had done her wrong. Her fist connected to her face. Her Timbs stomped on her body and tears continued to fall down her cheeks as she beat her ass ignoring all of her pleas and cries for her to stop.

"Y'all stay talking shit but y'all are never women enough to stand up and back that shit up. Y'all are weak bitches pathetic bitches" April said as she gut punched Millie making her buckle over.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" she pleaded trying to fight back as best as she could as she caught April on the chin but not enough to rock her or even stop her. April was on an adrenaline rush and nothing was going to stop her. She couldn't hear shit she was saying only the thoughts in her head as Millie's body came crashing to the ground.

"Somebody might need to go stop her" Chris said looking on. He had never seen April in this light. Yet somehow he knew that Millie was getting her ass tagged on behalf of him and everybody else and this was one fight he wasn't about to stand up and try to breakup himself. There was no telling what might come his way. He could see April jabbing him for GP so he definitely didn't want any parts of that.

"Nah that bitch earned that shit fair and square. I keep telling people she not the one but they don't hear me though" Alaina said and shrugged knowing that April needed this moment to let it all out. Yea she was beating Millie's ass on behalf of everybody but at the end of the day she earned that ass whooping and putting a hit out on April only sealed the deal and made it worse. She was lucky she was still breathing. April could've came in from jump and took her out of her misery.

"Lil baybeh ya sure" August asked still recording as his stomach low key clinched every now and again seeing how April was attacking Millie.

"Positive" Alaina nodded and dug into her bag of nacho Doritos still looking on. This shit wasn't new to her she had seen April beat plenty of ass. Well maybe it was a little different because she had so much bottled in and was finally releasing her frustrations the way she liked to but still she was use to it.

"That bitch put a hit out on sis what is she supposed to do? Let her slide" Mimi said with her eyes locked on the fight as well.

"That's true" Trey said nodding. "You just don't let a person who takes a hit out on you breeze by. If that was anyone of us y'all know a nigga would be dead on sight"

"True shit" Bully agreed. He knew the rules of the street. You had to end a person before they came for you. Let that had been him or his boys they'd a got a nigga clapped with the quickness with no remorse and go to bed with smiles on their faces. So sure Millie was getting her ass beat but they all knew it had to happen.

"I didn't think it would be this brutal though" Errol said looking on with one hand covering his eyes still peeking through his fingers as he watched April rag Millie.

Dave on the other hand just kept his eyes locked on April. He knew she was getting everything off of her chest. Did he feel bad for Millie? Absolutely not maybe if he didn't know what he knew now he'd feel a little way but right here and right now he felt nothing. He was just sad that this would possibly bother Kairi one day. But he was proud of his woman for not only holding her own but for also keeping her promise to him.

"I made a promise to Papi that I'd beat ya ass for shitting on him and our daughter" April said on cue as if she had been reading his mind. "I still can't believe bitches like you exist. This is for my family" April said through gritted teeth with her fist in the air about to throw another punch to Millie's face while she barley hung on.

"PEANUT" Ian casually stepped out of the shadows shouting her name trying to bring her back to reality to no avail. April's fist came crashing down Millie's face as she continued wailing on her never letting up as blood seeped out of her nose and lips and coated April's fist. "PEANUT" he shouted again with more authority yet April kept raining punches on Millie.

"MA" Dave shouted knowing April wasn't listening to her father. He knew she couldn't hear him she was too busy in her head. Dave got up from his seat and walked up to the fight about to break it up. "April" he said softly as he looked at her. He knew she had some shit pent up but she was a straight savage.

April abruptly stopped then turned around and faced Dave cutting her eyes at him while leaving Millie on the ground gasping for air as blood continued to trickle out of her nose and mouth. Dave knew she didn't like when he called her by her name but it had to be done. Her father had been trying to get her to stop. Dave didn't even bother to say anything else to her. He knew she was in her feelings so he just stepped back and went back to his seat.

"Peanut take a break" Ian said with his eyes glued on her. He knew she had come to play but he needed her to chill for a moment because the party was far from over. All of the guest hadn't arrived or had even been introduced just yet. He knew that once everyone found out who was a part of Millie's game that shit was going to get even realer.

April looked over at her father nodded then looked back at Millie who was lying on the floor worn out and fucked up. It looked like she had been viciously attacked then again she was. April had fucked her up and still wasn't done. April made her way to the seat she had been sitting in earlier, sat down, took a deep breath, raised her shirt some, wiped her face, and burst out laughing. No one knew what the fuck she was laughing at but the way she was laughing they could've sworn someone had told a joke but no. April was in her head thinking about silly bitches just laughing to herself then abruptly stopped. The crew just looked at her yet no one said a word.

"I wish y'all bitches would understand that the world doesn't revolve around me. I'm just living in it just like y'all are but the way y'all act it mind as well be because y'all blame me for all of y'all faults instead of taking ownership. I'm tired of being the first bitch y'all want to take down when shit doesn't go y'all way. I'm not out here gunning against y'all or plotting against y'all until y'all start plotting against me. I mind my business and tend to my family. I'm not out here worrying bout y'all but y'all stay worrying bout me" April said looking over at Millie disgusted.

Everyone just looked at her and focused on her letting her vent. They had all been waiting for this moment but most weren't really ready. The April they knew was petty for sure, quick at the mouth, a little rough around the edges sometimes, but still somewhat innocent. They knew she could hold her own but the way she had beat Millie's ass was something different. Millie was taller than her, rocked her ass a few times, but this shit looked like when the Hulk whooped on Loki's ass and smashed him into the ground. Only April's actual family knew how she had got down and the way she had been holding shit in for years and letting shit slide they knew that this fight wouldn't be a bitch fight. August had been right all along April had so much pent up that she was finally letting it all out even shit she had resting on her mental. It was all coming out. Sure she talked to Dave and unleashed all of her secrets and how she felt but to finally box out her frustrations instead of throwing jabs at the air felt so much better. It was a relief for her.

"I would ask you why would you be stupid enough to put a hit out on me of all people but I know you won't tell me the truth. Luckily I already know why. I know everything so I guess I'll just have to fill everyone in my damn self. Thanks for nothing" April said then got up, turned her chair around, and faced her family. "Get ya snacks brothers and sisters it's story time" she said then folded her hands together then laid them across her lap. Yes her back was facing Millie but she wasn't scared in the least. She wished she jumped stupid...

-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. 😩 editing this took way longer than expected but hey this is only part 1. Sadly I have yet to finish writing part 2 😬
-So April was right all along someone was out to get her and this time around it was Agnes again 🤦🏾‍♀️. She ain't learn her lesson at all but hey she gone learn today 😂
-Agnes really pushed the envelope and put a hit out on our good sis 🤦🏾‍♀️
-How are y'all feeling about Dave and how he walked out of the family meeting not even thinking about how Millie put a hit out on April or how she felt 🤔 He's worried about how Kairi will feel but at the same time what do y'all think about it 🤔
-Round 1 and our good sis ain't come to play. April can definitely hold her own and she's bout that life‼️
-It's story time‼️ Who do y'all think Millie hired to do the hit? Where did she get the money to even afford a contract hit 🤔
-Your thoughts 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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