21.3: Never Scared (The End)
Chapter 21.3: Never Scared cont...The End
"SWITCH" April and Alaina yelled as they quickly ran to each other and slapped hands and switched who they were fighting. It was some shit they use to do back in the day when they were growing up. It was one of those shits where you wanted to fight the bitch for coming at your sister wrong and asking for some shit they didn't want and even though you knew your sister was handling her own you still wanted in. April ran over to Millie and started whooping on her ass while Alaina did the same to Kae.
"YESSSSSSS WHOOP THEIR ASSES SISTAS WHOOP THEIR ASSES" Ebony shouted hype as hell as she looked between both fights watching her sisters proudly.
April and Alaina whooped and wailed on Millie and Kae's asses until they were black and blue and tapped the fuck out defeated like no other. Millie lied out on the floor slumped and just done with life not wanting anymore of what she had so willingly signed up and asked for as Kae did the same. Kae definitely had more fight than Millie had in her and was definitely getting some shit off but in this fight when April knew that her back was against the wall and people had really sat down, came up with a plan to kill her, and paid someone to do so her and Alaina knew that this was no ordinary fight. It was literally kill or be killed and no one was having that. April had a whole ass family who depended on her and Alaina had a sister that no one was about to take from her but God and he was the only person allowed to do so. That was the one person she knew she couldn't stop from coming after April.
"I'm done just get it over with" Kae said tiredly as she laid on the floor sprawled out just done with life right about now and willingly ready to meet her maker.
"I bet the fuck you are with ya delusional ass" Alaina said standing over her then walked off like she just wasn't in a fight.
April walked off on Millie and straight up to Alaina and stood in front of her starring her down. Alaina knew what she was doing. It's what she did pretty much after every fight she had. She was checking to see if she was ok.
"I'm good Thing 1" Alaina smiled at her looking over her as well. She hadn't called her that name in so long but she felt the need to say it. She felt like she needed to hear it. She felt like she needed to let her know that yea things were fucked up in their sisterhood but just because they didn't have thing 3 didn't mean that she Thing 2 would ever leave her side. She would never falter. She would always be there just like she had been for her. Besides before Hazel even came into their lives they were Thing 1 and Thing 2 and that would never change.
"Good looking out Thing 2 good looking out" April smiled back at her happy with how she was looking. There wasn't a mark or scratch on her but April couldn't say the same for herself. "Now go chill with ya man while I end this shit here" she said then looked over at Millie.
"Bet" Alaina nodded and walked off as April watched her walk back to her spot next to August who had his arms already open and waiting for her.
"You did good lil baybeh" he said and kissed her forehead.
"Thanks lil daddy. Did you get my good side" she asked.
"All ya sides are good" he said and winked.
April looked at the two of them and shook her head smiling before she walked off and made her way over to her father. She loved how the men in their family loved on them and rooted them on. They were always in their corner no matter what. It didn't matter if it was their fathers, their uncle, their brothers, or their men they were always there. "Daddy where's my beautiful shiny piece of hardware" she asked as she now stood in front of him asking for her glock of the night smiling at him.
From the look on her face Ian knew that she indeed was having fun but he knew she was tired. She had already gone through so much in the past and now she was going through more shit and these people weren't even from her past. They came from her exes past and her fiancé's past. They had nothing to do with her but blamed her for everything. He knew she was tired of people coming her way when all she wanted to do is sit down, stop constantly looking over her shoulders, breathe, and enjoy her blessings without any unnecessary drama or people wanting to take her away from her family or try to break what they had.
"Here you go Peanut" Ian passed her a gun with his eyes locked on her as well as Ny-Reek and Senior's. April was kind of bummed that Senior had to see her in this light but hey he was family now and he knew what the game was. She knew it wouldn't make him like her any less anyway. Besides she wasn't the one who had started any of this but she damn sure was about to end it all.
"Thankies daddy" she said as she examined the gun, took out the clip, examined it, and checked the barrel, then put the clip back in and walked off to a beaten battered and bruised Millie. She hated that it had come to this but it had to be done. It was time to remind a bitch that she was the wrong bitch to fuck with and when her life was threatened she was going to make sure you feared her.
"Aww shit! Please tell me that's not a gun in lil big sis hand" August said as his eyes widened a little scared not for her but for Millie and put his phone down. He didn't mind recording the fights but he was not about to record a shooting and even if he wanted to he wasn't about to record this one. He just didn't want any incriminating evidence that serious enough that it could lead back to April. That was evidence he didn't want.
"It is it is" Alaina said with her eyes locked on April's every move wondering which side she was going to go with. Would she stick with her brain and get rid of Millie because she would never go away no matter what or would she go with her heart and think about Kairi and not pull the trigger. Either way she knew Millie was going to shit her pants and that right there she couldn't wait for. She hadn't seen April draw her gun out on someone since their days of chilling in the hood when packing heat was a necessity.
"Shittttt this is bad this is bad" Chris said more so to himself. He knew April knew how to handle herself and hold her own but if she had a gun pointed at you there was no way in hell that she was going to miss her target. Shit he was surprised that with all the shit he had done to her and put her through that she hadn't pulled one out on him a long time ago. He knew if she was mad enough and not thinking clearly she definitely would've.
"Hey she asked for it. The girl got seventeen million and decided to go out and pay someone to kill lil sis when all she had to do was take that money and run" Trey said and shrugged waiting to see what would go down next.
"And that's facts! I'd a kindly took that money and disappeared in the night and woke up where the sun is bright and inviting" Mimi said agreeing with Trey.
"She really did. All she had to do was leave her alone and live her life but she kept poking the bear and the bear is done being poked and provoked" Bully said and looked at April and then at Dave. He knew this had to be hard on him and an awkward situation to be in but Millie had brought all of this on herself and now she had to pay the price. There were but so many times someone was going to have a heart and let her slide by. He was sure if it was anybody else besides April that Millie would've been properly dealt with from jump.
"Pops you sure you ain't my father me and lil sis is too much alike" Shooter jokingly asked Ian. Tonight watching April was like watching a female version of him-self. He didn't know she was really like this. He could tell that she had actually enjoyed herself. Of course he knew this was something she didn't want to do but still in all it was enjoyable for her. She had let out some steam and finally got some shit off her chest.
"This nigga here...baby shhh" Mimi looked at him and shook her head and then focused back on April. This was a first for her and now she understood what April had meant about keeping her hands clean and she appreciated that April cared about her that much to want her to keep them clean and not letting her get involved in something she couldn't get out of even though she would still ride out for the family on even given day. April had given her something that no one ever had...a chance. Since day one April had looked out for her and she was going to make sure that she continued to do the same just like she had done for her.
"Nigga" Ian chuckled with his eyes still on April. He knew she had a major decision to make and although she had met back up with him and Ny-Reek again privately that day to talk again he knew her mind wasn't exactly made up. She had been struggling with this mentally.
"Sis is tired of the bullshit. They need to leave her alone and let her live her life. She doesn't bother anyone or goes out looking for trouble. The shit always comes knocking on her doorstep. But hey she gotta make examples out of these whack bitches so people will know she's not the one to fuck with" Ebony said. She didn't give a fuck if April killed Millie. Sure she'd feel sorry for Kairi but Millie was never going to learn her lesson. She was always going to be the thorn in April's side and that was something April didn't need.
"Big bro you good" Errol asked concerned looking over at Dave who looked torn between the two. He knew that Dave didn't like Millie, love her, care for her, but at the end of the day she was still his child's mother or lack thereof but still she was her egg donor. He probably wouldn't care so much if she had died another way but dying by the hands of his fiancé had to be a hard pill to swallow.
Dave didn't answer him he kept his eyes locked on April. He didn't know what she was going to do. He was pissed that she was even in this situation to begin with. Here was Millie dragging him along for another ride that he really didn't ask to be on. He knew they couldn't let her slide but he also knew that one day Kairi would come asking about her just like he knew if April killed her Millie's blood would be on her hands and he couldn't have that. He couldn't let Millie destroy his home. He couldn't do it again. She had already fucked up the family and home he tried to build with her he couldn't let her do it to the one he had just gotten. This was the shit he prayed and wished for. It was still new, still fresh, still blossoming, and everybody was getting what they needed and wanted from it. They had all gained from it.
They had a solid foundation that he and April made sure was solid as they built it up brick by brick to what it is now. They had love real genuine love for each other and their children and they all felt and saw that love that they all had for each other. He had a woman a real woman and an actual fiancé. He was really about to say some vows, say I do, and be someone's husband. His daughter had love real love and a mother who loved her cared for her and one she could forever depend on. April, April now had everything she needed, wanted, and dreamed of. She finally had love real love, children 3 little girls who absolutely adored and cherished her just like she did them. She had a man and not just any man but a man who worshipped the ground she walked on, and loved her like no one had ever loved her. They had what all three of them wanted and needed a family and here was Millie about to put the smallest crack in their foundation. Dave knew this would affect not only Kairi one day but him and April as well and he couldn't have that because he knew that once that crack appeared it would slowly get bigger and bigger until nothing could seal it back.
Dave looked on watching April point the gun at Millie right between her eyes as Millie stood shaking on her knees crying pleading and just begging for her life when she didn't give April the same sentiment. He knew April was tired mentally physically and emotionally. Dave cautiously stood up with his eyes still locked on April watching as her breathing remained relaxed as she looked at Millie with no emotion in her eyes but he could read her. She was conflicted just the same.
He slowly approached her and stood right behind her. "Ma, don't do it" he said softly but April could hear him pleading.
"I'm sorry but I have to. If I allow her to live she'll just keep coming back" April said. She had sensed his eyes on her the whole time but she couldn't look at him. She didn't want to look into his eyes. She'd crumble if she did. She'd see the face of the one who wasn't here...Kairi.
"David I get it I do" she said and sighed. "Go back to ya seat...please"
"April please...please...please don't do this! I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm jealous. I'm bitter. I know I ain't shit. I can't even be a mother to my own child. I'm nothing and no one and I'll never be. I didn't want this I never did but shit got twisted and life kicked in and the man I thought loved me used me. I never signed up for this life it just fell into my lap and before I knew it this was the new me" Millie cried and confessed but April had heard it all. Shit was different when your life is practically in another person's hands. They always had a sob story to tell but they never cared about what they said or how they treated others until it was too late. It was like being in a high school and always being picked on and one day you've had enough so you finally clap back and whoop your bully's ass.
"Ma you don't want to do this" Dave said softly trying to get through to her.
"David it's either ME or her. You chose her the first time so what's it gonna be" April asked. She was tired of him picking and choosing. She knew how he felt shit she could feel it all through her bones but she needed this moment.
"It will always be you but you can't do this. I can't let her do this to us...not again"
"But I have to" April said and pulled the trigger"
"CLICK" the gun clicked and everyone went silent. If anyone of them had thought she wasn't going to unload she had just proven them wrong.
"AHHHHHH" Millie screamed and started frantically patting herself down looking for where she got hit.
"Calm down bitch it's only one bullet in here. I guess we're playing a lil game of rush and roulette" April chuckled lying. "This is for sending for me when I never sent for you" April said and pulled the trigger again.
CLICK and still no bullet came out yet Millie screamed again as everyone remained quiet with their eyes open wide.
"I never asked for this. I didn't want this. I was willing to be cordial with you and be cool with you. But from the moment you walked through the door that day you were on some bullshit. Not only that but that very next day you went online and typed out a whole I love you David and how you wanted to work on ya family essay like you didn't just sit down with me the day before knowing that he and I were dating. Not only that but you took it up a notch and showed up at the club he was performing at making a scene and acting as if you were his woman. Ya disrespectful as hell and you don't care about anybody but yourself. You didn't even think bout my child when you came up with this half ass plan. You've been trouble since I met you" April said thinking about everything Millie had done and been a part of.
"IM SORRY APRIL IM SORRY" Millie shouted and cried. She had really screwed up this time and it was nobody's fault but hers. When ole girl sat down and came up with that shitty ass plan she could've gracefully bowed out but she didn't so hey this is what she chose.
"You're a lil too late for a sorry but hey you can keep begging and maybe I might change my mind" April said and shrugged.
CLICK she pulled the trigger again and still no bullet came out.
Dave took a deep breath. "Ma please put the gun down"
"Sorry no can do" April said. She knew what she was doing. She had thought long and hard about it.
"Think bout Kairi" he pleaded as everyone looked on.
April chuckled. "That's all I've been thinking about" she said. "Trust me"
"I'm not leaving ya side then" he said and stood firmly behind her. If she was going to kill her he wasn't going to let her do it without being by her side. It wasn't just going to be her burden to bear.
"Fine by me" she shrugged. "Y'all bitches bring the mean out of me and I love it. Sometimes I get so tired of being the nice guy and finishing last. I always have to think bout others before I think bout myself. It's my gift and my curse. I like to give people the benefit of doubt. I let y'all run amuck until y'all poke me too hard and bitch you and cream cheese poked me too damn hard. You paid someone 2.5 million to kill me and I know in this game it's kill or be killed but the only people I can think bout while my life hangs in the balance is David and Kairi" she said and I sighed then pulled the trigger again making Millie jump and scream and still no bullet came out.
"I know if I pull the trigger and the bullet pierces between ya eyes that ya dead on sight or if I aim it at ya cold heart you'd be gasping for ya last breath. I know if I do this that my family will be hanging in the balance and we might not make it through it. See I know that precious seed wasn't planted inside me. I know that I didn't carry that lil girl for 9 months. I know I didn't feel her kicks and her move around my womb. Just like I know I didn't give birth to her. My blood does not flow throughout her veins. My DNA code wasn't written in her sequence. Her eyes don't look like mines. Her hair doesn't mimic mines. Her features I can't see a lick of me when I look at her" April looked at Millie and started to unload everything that had been sitting heavy on her heart. No one dared to utter a single word or crack a joke. They knew she needed this moment and she needed Millie to hear her...truly hear her.
"But you can't tell me that that lil girl that beautiful smart lil girl is not mines. That is my child and I thank you for giving birth to her. I love her as if she came from me. I don't care what anybody says Kairi Chanel is my daughter. She's my child. Blood doesn't make you family and you don't have to give birth to a child to be their mother" April said and took a deep breath then pressed the trigger again and still no bullet came out. Still no one said a word they just listened to April pour out her heart. They all knew just how much her family had meant to her. They knew that she loved Kairi to the moon and back and it showed every day.
"I don't like you and you don't like me and we'll probably never like each other. But see unlike you I worry bout my child's feelings. I know that one day when she gets older she's gonna walk into the room and she's gonna ask bout you. She's gonna ask what happened to you. Where did you go? Why did you leave her? Did you love her? Did you care about her? She's gonna want to know where you are and what you been up to? She's gonna ask her father what happened to the two of you. She's gonna ask me how did I come to be her mother? She's gonna ask a million and one questions and she deserves to have them answered" April said getting everything that she had in her mind and her heart out. This is why when they had told her the news earlier that she had went back to the room and silently cried. All she could think about is Kairi and how she would feel.
"She's gonna be crushed to find out that her donor was a piece of shit because I know between me and her father we aren't going to sugar coat shit for her because she doesn't deserve to be lied to. But what I can't do because I love my child is kill you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself and look at her knowing that I took someone away from her even though you didn't want her, still don't want her, and tried to take my life away let alone take the one mother she does have away from her. I don't want to look at her and know that I caused her pain when in reality I'd actually be doing her a favor" April continued on. She hoped that Millie understood what was coming out of her mouth and that she would see the bigger picture.
"See I have this vision in my head that one day you will get ya shit together and realize that you fucked up and that you want to get to know her and I don't want to be the person to take that away from her. I don't know if you will change but I hope for her sake that you sit down and truly think about her. Every child needs their mother and father and if they don't have them they need them. Who knows one day she might call you up and ask you questions and I hope that when she calls you answer and you give her the truth. But I guess that's just me wishful thinking. I like to see the best in people even when they show me their worst"
"You're missing out on something beautiful. I can't stress enough that she's one amazing lil girl. She's given me something I've longed for...unconditional love and I will continue to love her, care for her, and be there for her because that's what real mothers do. So no I can't and I won't kill you but ya not getting off the hook that easily. So hey you do the crime you do the time. You'll have a long time to think bout all that you've done" April said and cheesed. Nope she couldn't kill her but she damn sure was going to make sure she spent time in a cell.
"Luckily I have all the confessions I need to send you away to ya new home. No worries I would make you sign over ya money to Kairi but we don't want that shit. So you can split that between you and ya husband and while ya at it send some to ya mother and make sure she's straight. Then again maybe ya best bet is to say bye to ya husband and split that money with ya mother because unfortunately for you he's gotta go bye, bye" April said and shrugged then pulled the trigger again making Millie jump in her skin. She pulled the trigger again and again till it couldn't be pulled anymore then took the gun and started pistol whooping her ass with it. Still Dave remained by her side but backed up some to give her as much space as she needed to get the job done.
"DAMNNNNNN" everyone shouted and looked on watching April unleash the beast on her ass once again. Hey she might've been getting her ass whooped but at least she was going to be able to live another day. April had given her more of a chose then she had given her.
"Fuck that I fuckin Stan" Shooter said looking at April proud as hell. "I want a bitch to come at me wrong just so I can call my sisters" he said dead ass serious.
"Facts big bruh" August said.
"Next time ya ass will think first before you come for somebody again" April said and stopped hitting Millie with the gun then looked over at Kae smiling. "Bitch you ain't off the hook either" she said and made her way over to her and pistol whooped her ass too.
"Had I known lil sis was gonna have all this smoke I'd a definitely had a belt made for her ass. She deserves a medal or something" Shooter said with his eyes locked on April.
"I'm done with ya ass" Ebony said laughing.
"Yo y'all smell that" Alaina asked with her face scrunched like she smelled something rancid in the air then sniffed to see where the smell was coming from.
"It does smell a lil shitty in here" Mimi said with her finger under her nose.
Alaina stood up and walked up on Millie as the smell increased. "Ewwwww Agnes shitted herself" she said looking down at her disgusted then turned around and made it back to her seat covering her nose. Millie's pants were soiled. They were soaked with urine and she smelled of feces.
Shooter and August looked at each other and laughed. "Lil big sis literally beat the shit out of her" he said making them all laugh.
"She should've took one of her man's diapers" Errol said with his nose turned up.
"Shawty smell like she close to death" Trey said shaking his head.
Although Dave did smell shit lingering in the air he paid it as well as their family no mind as he kept focus on April while he made it back to his seat. He was grateful ass hell that April hadn't killed Millie. Sure she was barely hanging on but she didn't kill her. He should've known that she had Kairi and him in mind when she made her decision. He also knew that whoever else decided to pop up on April wouldn't get the same treatment just like he knew if it wasn't for Kairi Millie would've been dead no questions asked.
"Whew" April said as she stood tall and wiped her arm across her forehead wiping away the mixture of blood and sweat. "I'm tired this was a workout" she said looking down at an unconscious Kae then walked off on her and made her way back to her father.
"Are you satisfied Peanut because you know how this goes we won't leave until you are" Ian stood up looking down at her and asked.
"I will be as soon as they have them in custody" she replied.
"Are you sure" he questioned again double checking.
"Positive you can have them picked up now" she nodded. She had thought long and hard about the situation she was in earlier. Yes she wanted to kill every last one of them that planned to kill her but she knew that she couldn't. She couldn't kill Millie because of Dave and Kairi of course and as bad as she wanted to get Profit, Hood, and Kae she just couldn't. She didn't want their deaths to be on anyone of their hands. She didn't want their blood on their hands. She didn't want them to close their eyes at night and go to sleep to have them haunt their dreams. She didn't want them to have to think about what they had done when they all embarked on their new journey.
She thought killing them would be too easy. Profit had begged to be killed and so had Kae. She wanted them to sit in a cell, rot, and think about that shit and let it stew that it didn't matter what they did to her they couldn't stop her. So she came up with her own plan to do what she wanted with them, record the necessary parts of the conversations she had with each one of them, and hand it over to a friend of the family who was pretty much her cousin who worked for the FBI. She knew that he would be able to get the job done and make sure that they got handled accordingly without her being all in the mix. Buttttt if they just so happened to end up dead she wouldn't blink an eye or be sad because she would know just who got the job done and knew that said person was making sure that she was beyond straight.
"Bet" he nodded, took the gun from her, wrapped it up in a towel he already had waiting, and bent down and kissed her forehead. "I'm proud of you" She just looked up at him and smiled.
"I'll make the call now" Uncle Ny-Reek said with his phone in his hand. "Go change ya clothes and put them in the bag in the bathroom already waiting for you" he instructed her.
"Ok" she said and walked off and walked straight to Dave and put her hand out for him. He grabbed her hand, cupped it, and followed alongside her as they now silently walked off and headed to the bathroom.
April and Dave made their way to the bathroom and had yet to utter a single word to each other as they entered it. Sitting beside the sink was the bag of clothes Dave had brought out the house for her. She let go of his hand turned on the faucet letting the hot water run as he grabbed the bag, opened it, and took out a fresh rag so she could wipe off her face. He knew she couldn't wait to get home so she could take a hot bath and shower.
"Thank you" she said as she grabbed the rag and held it under the water avoiding the mirror. He just nodded his head and kept his eyes on her. He knew she wasn't going to say much. She was being typical April and right now she was trying to digest everything in her head so he let her be. She wiped off her hands, washed her face and arms, and then removed her boots and her clothing passing them to him so he could put them in the trash bag Ny-Reek had left for her. That entire outfit was getting tossed and scorched until it was no more. She slipped on the new set of clothes then placed on the pair of kicks Dave had packed for her.They put everything away, double checked to make sure they had everything then made their way out of the bathroom to hear all types of commotions.
"SHOOTER" they looked at each other and shouted as they rushed back inside and passed Ny-Reek the bag of clothes that she had just taken off.
"He knew damn well he should've sat this one out. Karmas a bitch he brought that girl into some bullshit from day one and now she done set him up knowing he can't do shit in a wheelchair" Senior said shaking his head. "Damn nigga can't even defend him-self"
April and Dave laughed. "We bout to get a front row seat" Dave said with April's hand still in his as they made their way further inside and took a seat on the sectional to see Shooter whooping on Profit's ass showing him no mercy. Profit didn't even bother to attempt to fight back. He took whatever came his way. He knew he deserved it and this was his punishment. He had been a piece of shit damn near his whole adult life and now all the shit he had done was just coming full circle.
By the end of the night Millie, Kae, Profit, and Hood were all fucked up and barely hanging on. They were seated and chained back to their original seats left in the dark warehouse as Ny-Reek sat outside the warehouse talking to the friend of the family who worked for the FBI letting him in the know and giving him all the proof that he needed to get them in jail and to stay behind bars. April had even went over the recordings to make sure she was good before handing them over to Ny-Reek. Ny-Reek wanted them all gone because he was one that lived by the code but he knew and understood why April had done what she did. He knew that her family mattered to her and in their family, family was everything. Trust and believe he was going to make sure that everyone who played a part in April's supposed hit was going to be heavily monitored from the inside so if push came to shove somebody was going to get dealt with and if they just so happened to end up dead then so be it.
It was early morning officially the second day of the New Year. By the time everyone had made it back to April's they had all hugged and went their separate ways. Right about now April and Dave were sitting in her Jacuzzi tub in silence as she leaned against his chest still not saying a word but listening to his heartbeat. She just needed a moment to sort her thoughts. What she didn't have was second thoughts for doing what she did though. She knew that one day Kairi would ask questions and they would answer them and one day her curiosity was going to get the best of her and she'd most likely go seeking out answers from Millie. She wanted Millie to be alive just for that. So Millie could look Kairi in her eyes and see everything that April saw in her when she looked at her. She wanted Millie to feel that pain that hurt that emptiness for being such a fucked up mother.
"You know I love you right" Dave said as he ran his hands over her stomach. "I will never choose her over you again"
"I know papi"
"Ma let me finish" he said and April just nodded. He needed to let her know what it was, how he felt, and what she meant to him and not only him but to Kairi. "Like I was saying I love you ma and I will never choose her over you again. That chapter is dead and been gone. Since the day we met it's always been you. Even when we weren't together it was you. I thank you for being you and thinking about Lil Butt and me like you do. I know you wanted to kill her and Agnes definitely deserves it but thank you for thinking bout Lil Butt because that's all I was thinking bout and how it would affect her. I also had you in mind. Agnes has done a lot of fucked up shit and I know if you would've gone through with it her death and her blood would've been on yours hands. I couldn't have that. I can't let her break what we've worked so hard for and built. I know the road ahead of us we'll have our ups and downs but not enough to shatter our shit like that would've. I couldn't have that stuck in ya head. I couldn't let her win again. I couldn't let her take you away from us. Yes you would've been here physically but I know how you keep shit locked up in ya head and you walk around fake smiling when you have nothing to smile about. I didn't want us to end up back at square one or feeling like you couldn't come to me and talk to me when you know we're each other's diaries" Dave said letting it all out.
April sighed. "I thought long and hard about it. Lawd knows I wanted to get rid of her for good but I couldn't. Y'all mean everything to me and I wouldn't be able to deal with the downfall. I did it for us and I'll always do it for us. Family is everything and y'all are my family. But I'm done with letting bitches slide. That era is done" she said it and she meant it. She didn't want to be that bear that kept getting poked anymore. One poke was enough and she wasn't going to keep being that person who kept turning the other cheek to make sure someone else was alright when she wasn't.
"Understandable but just don't go changing up on me and who you are. Don't let her take you away from you. I love you just the way you are" he said and kissed her in her hair. He didn't want her to change. To him she was perfect the way she was.
"I won't but just know that I'm done so if anyone of y'all got another ex that pops up just know I'm not here for the fucks"
She said and shrugged and cuddled deeper into him and yawned. She was tired as hell and it felt like she had been drained mentally physically and emotionally. She felt like she needed to press the restart button and get a do over.
"Understood" Dave nodded. He hoped that no one else from his past would pop up because next time it wouldn't be anything nice.
"Can we stay like this until you go" she asked and sighed. She could feel herself getting sad all over again. After a great Christmas, their engagement, and a great New Year she just didn't want him to go especially after all of this shit with the bird brain crew had gone down. She just wanted to lie on his chest, cuddle in his arms, and let him love on her. "I don't want you to go"
"I wish I could stay especially after all this but Papi gotta go make the bags to bring home to his three girls"
"I know I know but it didn't hurt to ask" she playfully groaned.
He chuckled. "Come on let's hit the shower so we can get in the bed"
April and Dave showered and did the rest of their routine. Dave checked over her from top to bottom. She had a busted lip but it wasn't bad and her arms were scratched up from Kae clawing at her so he made sure he put ointment on them and bandaged them up before bed. He wasn't feeling that shit at all. Her body was free of blemishes and now she had scratch marks that looked like they'd take a little while to heal and with Kairi around and asking questions he knew she'd stay covered up in long sleeves just to avoid it. He hated when she felt uncomfortable in her own skin and he hoped that this wouldn't put her in a mood.
After playing April's personal nurse they hopped in bed, did their nightly prayer, cuddled up, and talked until they had fallen asleep hoping that the new year would bring them so much more joy and happiness. For the first time since April had gotten the gut feeling that something was going to happen to her she could finally go to sleep without any bullshit on her mind. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and that not only her but her family would be good. Millie was finally gone for the most part and after what had gone down today she knew that she had absolutely nothing to worry about when it came to her and she was sure of that. So tonight she might've been exhausted and mentally drained but she damn sure went to sleep with a smile on her face. Everything was almost right in her world.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed. Yes I know that I was supposed to publish this right after I posted the last part but I'm happy I didn't 😂. I had to do some editing and while editing I was able to come up with more stuff so that was a plus. So yes I hit y'all with another cliffhanger the other day but it was worth it🤷🏾♀️
-Y'all this chapter and part right here had me all over the place literally. April has some of my personal characteristics so when it came to how to deal with Agnes I just didn't know what to do. For one it took me forever to finish and then I got stuck on real life morals so I was conflicted as hell. Hubby gave me the hit idea and said kill her 😂. He gave me valid reasons why and I agreed with them but in the end I just couldn't do it. Like with the way April puts everyone before herself I had to make sure she got her shit off but I also had to make sure that she stayed true to herself. I felt like if she would've killed Agnes then all she and Dave had built would be ruined. Like it would put a crack in their foundation and if that happened Agnes would have won to some extent if you understand what I mean.
-Y'all know April loves her kids so she couldn't kill Agnes because of Kairi. Now granted I think she deserved to be knocked off and if there was no child involved she'd a got, got but what would y'all have done and why 😂 Would y'all have let Agnes live or gotten rid of her 🤔
-What do you think about April letting them all live but handing them over to the feds 🤔
-Welp we're about to hit those LA streets. What would y'all like to see 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑 If you've been reading this story since the first book up until this point and you haven't voted or you just voted on 1 chapter please go ahead and do so...it's free 😂 thank you🥰. I be seeing a lot of ppl lurking like come out of lurk mode and join the party 🎉
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