2: Now What
Chapter 2: Now What
"Ok my lil princess I'll see you later and you better call me" Chris playfully said as he said goodbye to Royalty. It wasn't his week to have her but Nia had let him scoop her up for a few hours to have some daddy daughter time. When it came to co-parenting Royalty they were in a better space but it could be better but Chris wasn't going to complain. He didn't want any more issues than the ones they already had so any extra time he had with her he was good with it.
"I will" she laughed and promised as he put her down.
"I love you"
"I love you too daddy" she hugged his waist. "Tell lil sista and baby sis I love them too and my Apple"
"How bout you tell them yourself" Chris said and smiled as he took out his phone, went to his camera, and pressed video. "We'll send them a video"
"Ok" she cheesed.
"Ya ready"
"Yes" she nodded excitedly.
"Ok go" he said as he made sure he had the camera on her.
"Hey my Apple, lil sista, and baby sista it's me big sista and ya baby. I love you" Royalty smiled then blew them a kiss. Chris couldn't wait until they moved to LA. They would all be able to spend more time together instead of flying back and forth on the weekends. He knew his baby's wanted to be close to each other.
"Ok I'll send it to Apple. Now get in the house" he said then bent down and kissed her forehead. He hated when he had to let her go. He just wanted to keep her to himself and never let her go but he had to. This thing called parenting was sort of hard when you and your child didn't live in the same house 24/7. The plus side about co-parenting with April was that there weren't any specific days he had to see his child. He could see her whenever he wanted to and he loved that. If only things could work out that way with Nia life would be even better.
"See you daddy" she walked off inside of the house and before she shut the door she looked back at him and waved. Before he could walk off Nia called his name.
"Chris...Hey can we talk for a second" Nia asked as she looked up at him unsure only making Chris wonder even more about what was so important that they needed to talk about.
"Sup" he said and leaned against his car.
"First off if I didn't say it already congratulations on the new baby" Nia congratulated him and small smiled.
"I know you've been taking Royalty with you to Jersey and you know that I don't mind. She's around a group of good people that care for her and love her. Every time she comes home she tells me how much fun she had, what y'all done, she talks bout her sisters, her unkies, grandparents, and her Apple. She gets excited when she talks bout them and I don't want to snatch that away from her or make her feel as if she can't reach out to them when she's home" Nia said and paused. Chris just kept quiet with his eyes on her trying to see where she going with the conversation.
"I don't mind if she wants to talk to them when she's home but I feel like before I allow her to do so that I need to have a conversation with April so we can have some type of resolve before I do"
Chris damn near laughed in her face. "You do know that you aren't her favorite person right" Chris continued eyeing her but when he thought about it, it did make sense because their children were involved but Nia was one of the roots to his and April's demise. He didn't know how April would feel about having a sit down with Nia. The only reason why April never came for her was because of Royalty and she didn't feel the need to go after the woman when at the end of the day it all fell on him. He was the one who went out and fucked up their relationship.
"I know and I doubt she wants to sit down and talk to me and I can't say that I blame her but our daughters are sisters. We at least need to be cordial for their sake" she said and Chris wondered if hell had finally frozen over because Nia was finally sounding like an adult for a change.
"I get it I do but I can't promise that she'll want to sit down with you but I'll talk to her bout it" he said truthfully. He would talk to April and see how she felt about talking to Nia because Nia actually had a valid point this time around. At the end of the day they didn't have to be friends but they could at least be cordial for Royalty's sake so she would be able to talk to her sisters, April, and her grandparents whenever she felt like it instead of talking to them when she was with him. Besides he knew Royalty wanted to be able to speak to them whenever she felt like it and she stayed asking him when she was with Nia if she could call them but Chris didn't know how Nia would take it with her reaching out to them or them reaching out to her.
"That's all I ask. I know I played my part in y'all relationship. I did what I wouldn't want another woman to do to me so I know I'm in the wrong. Just tell her that I'm coming from a good place. We don't have to do a face to face we can have a conversation over the phone but I definitely want to talk to her" Nia said and from what Chris could tell she was sincere about it but when it came to her he always had one eye open. He refused to walk around her blindly. If she tried to fuck over April it wouldn't end well but hey he was going to keep positive vibes about the matter because so far his family life had been going strong.
"Bet, I'll see what I can do" he nodded.
"Thanks" she turned away ready to walk off. Chris didn't even give her time. He unlocked his car doors and opened his door.
"See ya" she said and looked back at him.
"See ya" he said and hopped inside of his car, started it up, and sped off. Only lord knows what drew him to Nia because he damn sure couldn't see it. All he could think of was that it was the late night party nights filled with liquor and whatever else he was into at the time. Let alone she was easy. That had to be it because she wasn't his type at all.
Before even bringing up the conversation to April this was one of those conversations he needed to discuss with his brothers just to double check to see if this was a good idea or not. Chris knew by now with all the time that had passed and the way April was living her life that she wasn't worried about Nia at all or so he thought. She had already been there and done that but he still knew anything could pop off. Luckily he was on his way to Trey's crib to blow some shit in the air and chill along with August. He had been so busy lately working on his album that he really didn't have time to chill with his boys. It was work and family time for him so he definitely needed this day. Chris pulled up at the same time August was getting out of his ride so he knew he was right on time.
"Big bruh what's good" August greeted him and they clapped it up.
"Shit what's good with you" Chris asked as they made their way to Trey's front door.
"Same shit new day" August answered and rang Trey's doorbell ready to sit back and chill as well.
"Sup" Trey answered the door and let them in. They clapped it up and headed straight to the man cave. Trey already had shit set up. Food, liquor, and weed were on deck and Chris couldn't wait to indulge. He went and washed his hands, fixed him a plate, and made him a drink.
"Bruh what's on ya mind" Trey looked up at him and asked as he muted the TV. He was watching sports highlights on ESPN but he could tell by the look on Chris's face that there was definitely something on his mind.
"Y'all not even gonna believe me" Chris looked at them and shook his head. He really couldn't believe it either but he had heard it with his own ears and saw it come right out of the sources mouth.
"At this point anything is believable" August said. It seemed like these days everything seemed possible especially when it came to what was going on in their family.
"True" Chris and Trey agreed.
"Nia wants to have a sit down with April" he said but was quickly cut off.
"April who...the month because lil big sis is baby free and all bout the smoke these days. Sure she's in a good space but Nia that's totally different. That woman was pregnant at the same time she was, popped up at y'all crib, spread the news, and put everything online and basically said fuck her and her feelings" August said interrupting him knowing that these days with April anybody could get it and she wasn't backing down or bowing out.
"I'm with lil bruh on this. I mean lil sis in on her kumbaya shit when it comes to family but Nia might still be a sore spot for her" Trey added. "I haven't heard her mention Nia or anything since shit first popped off with y'all but that's some serious shit"
"That's why I'm talking to y'all bout it first. I told her that she wasn't April's favorite person but them talking is more so for Royalty, Charlie, and Kairi. When she's with her mother she doesn't get to talk to her sisters, her Apple, or her grandparents and it's not right especially when I know she wants to talk to them whenever she wants" Chris said and wiped his hands over his face. This was one of those damned if you do damned if you don't type of situations and with them moving to LA and being that close to Royalty he already knew that something needed to be done.
"When ya put it like that I get it I do but she probably has Nia on her hit list too. I can see lil big sis whooping her ass for principal. You know how they are bout law" August said.
"The only thing you can do is bring it up to her and see how she feels bout it. You know she loves Ro so she might be up to it. Ro and Kai are tight and she adores Triple B so maybe April is willing to at least talk to her over the phone" Trey said and shrugged. He knew this could end up in one or two ways and honestly he wouldn't mind seeing Nia get her ass whopped because she was dead ass wrong by fucking with Chris when she knew he was in a whole ass relationship. It wasn't like she didn't know about April it was the fact that she didn't care. Chris and April's relationship was public as hell everyone knew they were together so she couldn't even use that shit as an excuse. But he also knew that Chris was in the wrong as well and it took two to create the bundle of joy named Royalty.
"True" Chris nodded knowing that April was all about her girls. They were her priority.
"It'll work out...hopefully. At the end of the day lil big sis is all bout her girls and her girls are all bout her so if she needs to take one for the team she'll do it" August said as if he was reading Chris's mind.
"This is true too" Chris agreed. "Well enough bout my baby mama and bestie what's going on with y'all" Chris asked looking between August and Trey.
"So I've been kind of talking to someone" Trey admitted looking between Chris and August. "Before y'all hype it up its just talking I'm taking my time. I don't think I'm ready to fully put myself out there not right away anyway"
"Trust we get it. You've been in a relationship so long that ended up in a way none of us saw coming so take ya time and actually get to know the chick ya talking to" Chris said happy that Trey was finally at least easing his way out there. Trey and Hazel had been done for months but he knew talking to someone else other than Hazel was new to him. He hadn't talked to someone else or played the field in years so he had to ease his way back out there.
"Bet, I'm glad ya actually talking to someone. Keep one eye open but at the same time don't let what happened between you and Hazel fuck you up in the long run. Everyone isn't like her. It's still genuine people out here" August spoke up. For him to be the youngest he was pretty good when it came to giving advice.
"Yea that's why I'm treading lightly. I don't want to end up in the same boat. Right now it's just friendly conversation nothing more and nothing less"
"Bet take ya time ya still fresh out of a relationship. Enjoy the wave" Chris said and dug into his food.
"Facts" Trey agreed.
"I mean you know what type of women we have in our family so if she turns out to be on some bullshit well let's just say poor her. Hopefully she's not on the bullshit because she doesn't want that Blackmon smoke. That shit comes out in clouds" Chris said reminding him that the girls wouldn't let anyone hurt him the way Hazel did him. They had his back.
"Trueeeee" both Trey and August dragged.
"So where you meet ole girl at" August asked.
"That's the funny part. I met her at one of those coffee and tea shops. You know those places be having some bomb ass pastries and shit" he chuckled. He honestly didn't even know why he had walked inside of there but he was happy that he did. "When I first noticed her she was on her laptop looking all types of stressed and shit. They called her name to come and get her drink. She comes to the line looking all chocolatey, stressed, and smelling good. I keep to myself just observing and trying not to make a scene. I'm just trying to blend in with the people. Shawty looks up and notices me, gives me a small smile, grabs her drink, and turns around to go back to her table and trips over damn air dropping her tea" Trey chuckled thinking about the face she made when she thought she was going to land on the floor right along with her drink.
"Me being me I go to her aid while other people are looking on and help her. She tucks her hair behind her ear all shy and shit thanking me. I tell her it's nothing and she goes bout her business as the staff cleans up her mess. Lil mama grabs her belongings and rushes out the door" Trey said as he gives them the play by play on how the morning they met had gone down.
"So you know me being me and quick on my toes I ask the cashier what she had and ordered it for her just hoping she didn't get too far. The big man upstairs must've been on my side that day because she was standing outside looking like she was waiting on her ride. First glance she looks like a New Yorker. I could tell she wasn't from LA and when she actually thanked me for the tea I heard her accent. She's a Londoner" Trey said as he recalled the day he met his new friend. No one interrupted him they just let him talk. He looked happy to have found someone so they weren't going to drag him.
"I could tell me being Trey Songz wasn't going to help me get her number so I didn't ask for it. I simply waited with her until her ride came and kept it moving. But my ass showed up the next day and now we meet every morning and talk on the phone every night" he admitted with a smile. He liked her but he wasn't trying to go all out. This time around he really wanted to get to know someone instead of being introduced to someone.
"Him and lil big sis with these movie ass meet ups" August said laughing. "So what does she do" he asked knowing that the women in their lives had actual careers and that's what Trey was into. He didn't like needy chicks that needed a man to take care of them. He liked women who were about their shit.
"She's a travel blogger. She travels around the world going to different countries. She gets to know the locals, finds all of the hot spots, researches the culture, the different types of food, music, other things, and records her whole journey" Trey said still smiling. She wasn't the typical Instagram model or selling hair, doing lashes, nails, or anything in the cosmetic industry. She was pretty much living her life traveling, having fun, and getting paid for it.
"Ouuu someone with culture" Chris said laughing but all in all it was just jokes. He and August were happy for him.
"Say what you want all I know is that at the moment she's cool people and a sweet girl" Trey chuckled. He had been enjoying her conversations and chilling with her. It was a breath of fresh air and she had a different vibe about herself that he was attracted to.
"Nah it's all jokes" August said laughing.
"What bout ya ass how you and lil sis" Chris asked August.
August looked at him and smacked his lips. "We aight" he shrugged.
"Trouble in paradise" Trey asked and leaned back into his seat.
"She's on her monthly so I'm keeping my distance. I got her heating pad and snacks then I bounced on her ass. I swear I don't remember it being this bad. Her attitude is on a hunnid" August said and slumped back in his seat.
Trey and Chris looked at him and laughed. "Nigga you'll be aight. It can't be that bad" Chris said in between laughing.
"Then you deal with her angry ass. Every two seconds she's like ohhh mother nature hates me. Ohhh baby have my period for me. Ohhh baby y'all have it too easy. Ohhh baby rub my back. Ohhh baby ya not doing it right then two seconds later she loves me again and wants to cuddle. So I'm a ohhh baby and keep my ass here" August said mimicking a moody Alaina just done with her at the moment.
Chris and Trey continued to laugh. "You sure it's her friend and not something else" Chris eyed him knowing it could possibly be something bigger than her period.
"I can't speak for y'all niggas but we on birth control at my house. We're living young, wild, and free. Besides we just had a baby a lil girl by the name of Triple B" August said as a matter of fact. Triple B was everybody's baby. "And I had to go and pick up her pads so hell nah it's Mother Nature" August loved Alaina to death but he and Alaina both weren't ready for a baby. Now if it happened it happened but right now they were playing it safe.
By now Chris was full on rolling. "I don't remember you being in that damn tub when my baby mother/bestie was going through the motions squeezing and scratching the fuck out of my legs when those contractions hit while she was delivering my baby. Let alone I still got scratch marks on my light ass legs" Chris said. April had fucked up his legs something terrible. Luckily the marks were fading but shit they hurt like hell for a quite a few days.
"I was there in spirit" August said chuckling.
"Bruh I still don't know how you did that shit. I'd a been no good. Fuck around with me my baby would've been two days old while I'd a been in coma for two days after busting my head on the floor from fainting" Trey said clearly not here for it.
"I ain't even bout to lie to y'all niggas. I was in that bitch bout to walk a hole in her floor until Pops and Mama Ana came. Even when she came through the door I still was a lil fucked up. I ain't say shit to her ass. East ass was in there joking bout fainting and shit I'm like nigga as soon as I do I'm tapping ya ass in. But as soon as a contraction hit and I saw the pain in her face I jumped in high gear and was right by her side" Chris admitted. Yes he was a little well maybe a lot uneasy but in the long run he came through and it was a beautiful experience.
"Fuck that whenever lil baybeh and me decide to have a child we're keeping it regular. I don't want to see my shit all stretched out and my lil, lil baybeh popping out. Call me down when it's time to cut the cord" August said not wanting any parts of a water birth.
"Trust nigga I get it but it was her body and her decision so I rolled with it. She didn't want to give birth in a hospital bed because of Jr. She was kind of scared that something would go wrong and luckily when my lil baby came into the world I didn't actually see her popping out"
"That explains it because yea it's still a no for me" Trey said and shook his head but Chris understood where they were coming from. A water birth wasn't for everybody.
They continued shooting the shit until they ended the night. Chris made his way home while August was trying to bide his time until he felt like Alaina was good and sleep. About ten minutes later Chris was home since he and Trey lived close by each other. He took of his clothes, tossed them in the hamper, and went to take a shower. As soon as he finished his nightly routine he went downstairs to the living room, turned on the TV, and picked up his phone to check on his baby Charlie Ava. It was a little late but he knew that she and April was up at this time and April was most likely waiting on his call because he called during these hours on a regular. It was the norm for them since he had been back in LA. He checked on Charlie all throughout the day and this call would be his last one for the night.
Chris looked at the phone as he waited or April to answer so the call could connect. Three rings in she answered with Charlie wide awake but he knew she'd be out for the counting soon. "There's daddy's baby" Chris cooed watching her smile at him. She knew her father and his voice and Chris made sure of that. "Did mommy just finish feeding you huh" he asked knowing he wasn't going to get a response but he was still going to talk to his baby. He and Charlie always had full blown conversations and he never talked to her in that baby talk. He didn't want her to have any of those complications when it came time for her to start talking.
"How was she today" Chris asked April with his eyes still glued on Charlie. She wasn't his light bright baby anymore she had definitely gotten some color but she still favored him.
"She was good as usual. You know her eat, sleep, and shit is the name of the game for her. She was a lil fussy but nothing that lasted long enough to be a problem" April replied as she smiled looking down at Charlie who she had sitting up between her legs so Chris could see her. She was just sitting there starring at Chris smiling and blowing spit bubbles.
"Bet" Chris continued to talk to Charlie until she dozed off on him. Once she was out for the counting he focused on April.
"So what's up with you? How you been" he questioned knowing that she had been taking care of the kids by herself since Dave had been on tour.
April gave him a small smile. "I'm good for the most part just a lil tired but nothing I can't handle"
"You sure because if I have to I'll hold off on work" he said and he would. He worked on his own time anyway. He wasn't like the usual artists. He owned the rights to his music, had his own company, and played by his own rules. Even if he had a set date on when he wanted to release his album he would still hold off if he needed to be there for his children. Family always came first.
"No ya good I'll be fine if anything I'll just call mommy if I need help. You've already put a lot of shit on hold to stay for that month and I know you wanted to get that album just right. Us fans are waiting for some new C Breezy shit anyway and I'm not bout to come in between you and ya damn stans" she said and chuckled. Chris had a lot of fans but he also had stans and some of them were a little too much at times.
Chris laughed. "I got y'all but remember family comes first so if I need to come help out then I'm there"
"Ya good but thanks bestie"
"Sooo I saw ya baby today" Chris figured he'd ease his way into the Nia conversation by bringing up Royalty first. He figured it would go a lot better than just coming out with it.
"Aww how's my baby doing. I miss her" April asked smiling. She always lit up when any of her girls were mentioned.
"She's good she made you her sisters a video. I meant to send it earlier but I was cooling with the bros"
"Say less"
"But um I had a lil conversation with Nia concerning you and the family" he looked at her a little weary not knowing how she would react.
"Please tell me this bitch doesn't want any smoke. I'm knocking niggas and bitches off my list please tell me she doesn't want to join the list. I'm tryna keep the peace" April said hostile looking like she was ready for whatever.
"Calm down lil Capo" Chris said laughing.
"She knows I don't like her home wrecking ass" April spat and rolled her eyes. Chris knew then that April still wasn't off the bullshit that went down with Nia so there was no telling how this shit could go at this point.
"Put ya gun down and listen" he chuckled trying to make light of the situation. "Ya ass done had the baby now ya walking around wishing a bitch would"
She laughed. "Whatever what she want" April rolled her eyes and asked. So Chris told her about the conversation he and Nia had making sure he didn't skip any details. He didn't want to leave anything out.
"It's funny now that we have another child together she finally wants to right her wrongs and have a sit down. She wasn't trying to talk when she was out living the side chick life fucking you and getting pregnant but hey I digress" April sighed and looked at him. He knew she had more to say but she wasn't going to say it not to him anyway. "I know this shit is old but I still don't like her ass but I'd love to be able to talk to my baby whenever instead of every two weeks. We all would so if I have to be the bigger person YET again then I will do what I have to do for my baby and keep y'all in good standing. I know the bitch is caddy like that but" she dragged.
"She better come correct because I'm done letting bitches slide" she said it and she meant it. Chris knew damn well she meant it. He could see it in her face and hear it in her tone. She wasn't about to let shit slide with Nia if she came at her the wrong way.
"Understood" and he did just like he knew if it wasn't for Royalty she'd tell Nia to kiss her ass and keep it moving.
"I'm not bout to hop on my PJ or yours to come have a sit down with her ass let alone we won't be in LA till February. So maybe we can have a face to face on facetime so I can see if she really means what she says while she's talking to me"
"That'll work she better take what she can get" Chris said. Shit she was lucky enough that April was even saying yes.
"Let her ass know I'm not here for play, play. Any caddy shit I'm done, any low blows I'm done, any fuck shit I'm done. If it's not bout my baby I'm done. She's lucky I'll do anything for my children" April said and smacked her lips.
"Facts but I'll keep you posted"
"I'm a make her ass sign a NDA. Let my phone number, any of my info, and news on my baby get leaked I'm coming for her ass"
"You need to hurry up and beat Agnes's ass. Ya lil ass done got all mean and angry" Chris looked at her as she mugged him.
"Trust I'm on it but I'm just tired of people trying me and the people around me. Everybody was coming at me while I was pregnant and now I'm not so I want all the smoke bitches were blowing my way. I'll whoop that bitches ass for GP" she admitted down for the shits as usual.
"I get it but don't be walking around pissed for no reason or letting bitches get you in ya feelings. Don't be inviting negative energy in ya life" Chris said. He didn't want her to dull her glow for anybody especially not for ain't shit people. She had come a long way to fuck up her happiness and the new vibes she was on.
"True, true" she nodded her head agreeing.
"I'm a let you go though. I'll be down there soon"
"Bet and don't forget to send the video"
"Already on it good night and give my baby a kiss for me and don't forget bout my niecy niece. Give her one for me too"
"On it goodnight Chrissy"
"Night Apple" he hung up and sent April the video.
Chris had a long day ahead of him so he turned off the TV, made it upstairs to his bedroom, and hopped into bed just hoping that this little conversation between April and Nia didn't go left. He couldn't afford for his baby to be caught in the middle of some bullshit because he knew Nia was caddy enough to use that shit against him. Either way if she did do some fuck shit he knew that April would be the one to get at her ass and make sure she didn't toss Royalty in any of what was going on her ass was the plug.
-Hey boos happy reading & hope y'all enjoyed 😊
-Nia wants to talk to April hmm how do you think that will go 🤔 These chicks be lucky as hell that April loves her children 😫
-It seems like April isn't off Nia's ass...should she be or should she let it go 🤔
-Trey is finally stepping back on the scene but cautiously which I don't blame him. Do you think it's too soon 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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