18: He Proposed to Me

Chapter 18: He Proposed to Me

He proposed to me
He proposed with a diamond ring
I couldn't believe it
I started crying
He placed it on my finger
And I said, "Yes"
He proposed to me
My baby proposed with a diamond ring
I couldn't believe it
I looked in his eyes
And I said, "Yes"
[He Proposed to Me: Kelly Price]

April woke up bright and early with a full on smile on her face realizing that what had gone down between her and Dave last night was far from a dream. Her man had officially proposed on bended knee and poured his heart and soul out to her and this time he was well prepared. He had sealed the deal with a beautiful diamond ring swirled with blue diamonds that had his name written all over it. April looked over her shoulder and sighed. She was on cloud nine and nothing and no one could take this feeling away from her. She was happily tangled up between the covers with her man right by her side. He was knocked the hell out. She had come for his soul last night and it probably hadn't even fully set back into his body yet. She had his ass low key snoring. She had to mentally pat herself on the back for a job well done.

April turned around in his arms and faced him. She couldn't help but to look at him and koolaid smile. He was the best and his proposal was just them. She absolutely loved it. To her it was perfect. It wasn't over the top, their family wasn't there, and it was just them in that moment like she liked it when they had intimate moments. April took her finger and lightly traced his lips. His lips had been all over her body last night from the top of her head to the very tip of her toes. She took this moment to admire the man she had fallen head over hills in love with. She loved every single thing about him his flaws and all. She didn't care that they had never made it to the couch in the studio. They were still on the floor tangled up in a blanket and wrapped up in each other. She could care less that her body was a little sore from sleeping on the floor and from Dave beating her shit down properly because they had both given their all to each other and she'd do it all again without a care in the world.

"I fuckin love you David" she whispered not wanting to wake him up. "I thank God for you each and every day" she said as her eyes teared up. She couldn't even stop herself from crying as the tears slid across her nose and down the side of her face. These were tears of joy. These were tears for all of the love he poured on her every single day, for taking the time to repair her heart and faith in love, for showing her what real love was and felt like, for showing her she was worth it, and for not walking away when shit got hard. These tears were for holding her down like no man besides her father and uncle had held her down and for being the man that he was. She couldn't stress it enough that he was the definition of a man and she was so proud to call him her fiancé and soon to be husband. Dave had earned her heart and her love fair and square.

"For the longest I thought that I didn't deserve a happy ending or happy endings weren't for me but you are my happy ending" she cried as she gently ran her hand over his face confessing to him.

"And your mines" Dave sleepily said as he slowly opened his eyes. She should've known his ass wasn't going to stay sleep when she started touching on him. Luckily she didn't care that he had even heard her. "I love you to ma" he said and poked out his lips. April happily kissed him morning breath and all.

"Are you crying" he looked at her and moved her hair out of her face hearing her lightly sniffling.

"Yes" she nodded. She didn't care if he saw her crying either. She was too damn happy at the moment.

Dave yawned and took his hand and wiped her tears away then pulled her closer like she wasn't already close enough. "Why ya crying" he asked concerned.

"Don't mind me these are tears of joy. I'm happy that's all" she replied as she now toyed with one of his box braids. She just had to touch him, hold him, and be in his arms. It's where she wanted to be forever.

"Happy enough to start planning our wedding" he said cheesing from ear to ear. He had been waiting far too long for this moment. There was no more just talking about it. It was time to talk and put all of their ideas and plans into action.

"Hell yea my fiancé/husband said once he proposed it was go time so Papi the green light is on and I'm on go" she said ready to pull out her wedding planner book. She had already started he just didn't know. All he knew was what she had told him about her dress.

"Bet how bout we get up off this floor and head to the bedroom first"

"Sounds good my body hurts anyway" she groaned.

Dave chuckled. "That's all on you. You came for a nigga's soul and like always I gave that shit to you without hesitation and on a silver platter and I had to make sure ya back was cracked properly" he said as he gripped the shit out of her ass. She had given him some good loving last night.

"Hey I couldn't give you mediocre last night" she said and kissed his chest. "Come on" she slowly got up feeling her body ache with each and every movement she made. "Shit I left my robe in the living room"

"Take the cover I got my sweats" Dave said as he got up morning wood hitting hard and April's eyes on him. "I see you drooling ma" he chuckled as he slipped on his sweats adjusting himself the best he could as he held his dick down with the elastic of his sweats.

"I bet you do and I can give two fucks" she said and stuck out her tongue then wrapped the cover around her naked body.

"Get that ass upstairs before you be in some shit" he said serious as hell. She knew his ass wouldn't think twice before bending her ass over and she was down for the cause but she also knew that Kairi would be waking up soon. She didn't want to experience getting her ass piped down just right and having Kairi burst into the bedroom.

"Wait till I get ya ass alone" she said and opened the studio door, looked around, and made her way out as if she was doing the walk of shame.

"Here for it" he shot back. He was always down to get in a few extra rounds. They had been without for so long that he felt the need to get at her any time he had the chance to. He felt like it was making up for all the lost time.

"Oh I know" she said as they made their way back upstairs making sure to keep quiet. As soon as they made it to their bedroom April checked the clock to see how long she had before Kairi woke up because she wanted to take a shower, cuddle, and talk to Dave some more.

"Ma you realize that you woke us up on Triple B time" Dave said as he slipped out of his sweats and headed to the bed.

April laughed. "My fault Papi" she said double checking the clock realizing that it was early as hell. This was the time Charlie woke up for a diaper change. She dropped the cover and followed him to bed.

"Come on come lay with ya fiancé" he said with his eyes on her naked body watching her get into bed. As soon as April was in bed she made her way to him and cuddled into him sighing on her Kairi shit. Dave placed the covers over them and wrapped his arm around her waist and sighed himself. He had her right where he wanted her to be and she was right where she wanted to be and right now they were enjoying the moment.

"Barbados Papi" April said thinking about their wedding. She'd a loved to do Jamaica again but she wasn't even about to do that and taint what they had.

Dave chuckled at her little outburst. "That doesn't sound bad at all and it would be a cool vacation spot"

"True it would be. I think it would be nice though. They say it's best to go between mid- December through mid-April" she said as she mindlessly ran her hand up and down his chest. She had already been doing her research.

"Cross December and January off. Those are holiday seasons. I wouldn't want to share that with our wedding or anniversary"

"Hmm what bout February it'll be a lil cliché but we can do Valentine's Day or around that time" she suggested.

"You just want extra gifts huh" he said jokingly.

"Boy bye it's Valentine's Day everyday over here" she said as a matter of fact because Dave spoiled her. He didn't care what day it was.

"I'm glad you know that" he said and kissed her in her hair. "I think February would be cool though it's nothing major going on that month because March we have Lil Butt's birthday and then the following month is yours" he said as he thought about it. February would be best and they wouldn't have to move anything around to make shit work.

"Bet we're on the same page. I was thinking the same thing. I hate when things overlap but we do have a lil problem" she said and looked up at him.

"What" he asked and furrowed his brow wanting to know what was up because from what he knew everything was good.

"Welllllll" she dragged. "Mommy and Mama Faye have secretly been planning our wedding behind our backs and on the low, low" April said and laughed.

Dave laughed. "Why am I not surprised? That sounds like some shit they would do"

"Exactly...when I came back in the house from surprising you with ya car Mimi asked when was the wedding on some joking shit because of how happy you were. As soon as she asked that shit our mothers were pretty much like yea when. So I'm giving them simple answers and shit trying to not let the cat out of the bag. I'm like mommy you can't be planning my wedding well at least without me. Why the hell she and Mama Faye got quiet as hell? So sis joking and shit like they probably been planning since the shower how bout both of their asses got up and tried to walk off" April said and shook her head. She should've known what it was. They had done the same shit for the baby shower including Mama Joyce. It seemed like they were always plotting on them.

"So since the shower they've been planning our wedding" Dave said laughing.

"Hell yea...I swear only them. They stay plotting on us"

"Facts next thing you know as soon as we tell everyone bout our engagement they're going to be on to the next event planning"

"A baby shower" April cut him off and finished his sentence.


"I honestly don't mind them helping but I want this to be an us type of thing too"

"And it will be. They might be planning but you know they won't overdo it. Let alone we have to approve" he said. He didn't mind their mother's helping either just as long as they knew that it wasn't their wedding but his and April's. He wanted shit to be the way they wanted and dreamed it would be especially since it wasn't any do overs. This was it for them until it was time to renew their vows.

"True just know they're gonna plan an engagement party once they get word"

"I already know" he chuckled. "How you feel bout an all-white wedding though"

"I think it would be dope. It'll look like everyone's apart of the wedding without actually being a part of the wedding"

"That's what I was thinking too"

"I have a confession though. I may have already started planning and putting our wedding book together"

"How didn't I know this" he questioned.

"Well you were out touring so when I could get some me time I'd write down my ideas amongst other things" she said and shrugged. Planning their wedding had become a stress reliever for her and something to look forward to.

"Do I get to take a peek" he questioned.

"It's ya wedding too Papi. You can look and add to it what you want and then we can come together and compromise"

"Bet how you feel bout a wedding party"

"I'll leave that up to you to decide. If you want one then it's a go and if not I'm still cool" April replied. She really didn't care too much about having a wedding party this time around. She was good with everyone showing up and just celebrating with them.

"I'm a lil iffy bout it we got a lot of family so that would be a big ass wedding party"

"I know without a doubt that I want my babies in it that's a given but I don't think we necessarily need a wedding party. If everyone is wearing all white it'll still be like they're apart of the wedding and we can always take pictures with them standing beside us as if they were ya groomsmen and my bridesmaids. Regardless though you know ya boys are still gonna make a toast so you don't have to choose a best man they got you"

"That might actually work and no one would be uncomfortable or having to choose whether or not to be in it or not" he said and she knew he was talking about Chris, August, and Trey. At the end of the day it was their wedding and they would all understand. Yes they were boys/brothers now but that didn't mean they had to be in the wedding.

"Listen Papi we have time to think bout it so don't get all in ya head and at the end of the day it's our wedding and our day. Its bout us all that matters is that we're good. You already know everyone is gonna show up anyway and they'll be down for whatever we decide"

"True" he nodded. He wasn't going to sweat it at the moment.

"I hope you ain't got shit planned today because as soon as I send out this group text with my nails freshly done and this rock on my finger it's gonna be a full house parents included" April said already knowing what was in store for them.

Dave chuckled. "Nah no plans besides checking out my new ride but I figured you'd want to have a girl's day instead of sharing it with me"

"I mean I haven't had a girl's day in a long while but its holiday season and this news is as much yours as it is mines so no I don't mind sharing it with you besides like I said its holiday season so why not everybody's together anyway"

"Sounds like a plan. We're gonna have to clean the living room and order some food and shit"

"Bet I can handle the living room and order some food and you can go pick it up"

"Facts give me a reason to be out in the streets in my new shit" he said all hype and yawned. He couldn't wait to take his new ride out for a test drive.

April laughed. "Go back to sleep Papi"

"Don't be tryna dip on a nigga either" He said knowing that she'd let him fall asleep and dip off to go clean up the house.

"I'm a take my ass back to sleep too" she laughed and yawned. April eased her way out of his arm and made her way on top of him.

"Oh you tryna get shit cracking huh" he said excitedly then took his hands and ran them down her back until he had her ass in the palm of his hands.

"Calm down Papi I thought we were going back to sleep" she laughed.

"I mean I thought we were but you just hopped on a nigga like you ready for a round and I'm tryna get down"

"Go to sleep"

"Let me sleep in you" he said dead ass serious.

"PAPI" April said. She couldn't help but to laugh again. "That's just like saying let me put the tip in"

"Can I"

"We both know if I let you in we're not gonna get any sleep" April said. She knew better just like she knew between her and Dave it would be a wrap either way.

"We'll be aight its holiday season, a nigga is home, we ain't got shit to do, and got nothing but time"

"Go to sleep" she said getting ready to get off him.

"Woah there" he stopped her. "Where you going"

"Getting off ya horny ass" she said and chuckled.

"You knew what you were doing when you hopped ya sexy naked ass on top of me"

"We're gonna need some sleep Papi"

Dave sighed. "Ok" he said and continued to hold her in place.

April yawned. "Love you" she said and kissed his chest.

"Don't do me"

"I love you" she said and shook her head.

"Better had I love you too ma" he said and smacked her ass.

"Man I'm going to bed" she yawned and got comfortable on top of him as he rubbed on her booty just the way she liked. April and Dave didn't last long at all. As soon as he started rubbing on her ass she was out like a light with him right behind her. Before they knew it Kairi was bursting into their bedroom as usual. They got up showered, April made a light breakfast, and they spent some time with Kairi.


"Papi I need you to take a picture of my hand for me" April said smiling as she looked at her ring. She absolutely loved it. Dave chuckled but nonetheless he grabbed her phone, unlocked it and went to her camera.

"Make sure you get the right angle too"

"Sound just like Shooter's ass" he mumbled and shook his head. He took a few pictures knowing how particular she was about pictures. They had to be the right ones so he took multiples so she had enough to choose from.

"Thankies Papi" she said as he handed her back her phone then looked at the photos. "Oh yea this is the one" she said then showed it to him.

"Ya welcome" he said watching her. He had been watching her all damn day just living in the moment.

April chose the picture she wanted, opened up her and her sister's group chat, and sent the picture with the caption...I think I love the sound of Mrs. April Elegance Brewster! How bout you? Girl talk at my spot at 1 with food and drinks!

Once she sent the text to her sisters she sent one to her mother and Mama Faye knowing they were all about to hit her line at the same damn time. A text just wouldn't suffice. Just like she thought both her and Dave's phones were going off at the same damn time.

"Good morning mommy" April answered the facetime smile just beaming brightly. She was over the moon.

"Let me see it let me see it" Ananda chanted excitedly. April put her hand into the phone proudly showing off her ring.

"Yesssss now that's a ring I can't believe it! I'm so happy for you Peanut. You and Dave definitely deserve and worked hard for this"

"CONGRATS PEANUT" she heard her father yell in the background.

"Thanks mommy thanks daddy" April said still smiling.

"You know we're coming over right" she said like April didn't already know or even set a time for them to come through.

"We're expecting y'all" she said laughing.

"Good, good" they continued talking for a little while longer before hanging up.

"Papi it's bout to be a party" April looked over at him laughing. He had just gotten off the phone with his mother as well.

Dave looked at her and shook his head chuckling. "A party and tears mommy was crying"

"Aww babes she's happy for you" she said as she made her way into his lap.

"I know...you might want need to put that order in now. It'll be one in no time"

"Already did I'm a go get the living room together though" they had been chilling in the family room.

"I'll help"

"Nah I got it"

"You sure" he questioned ready to help. He didn't mind. Besides it was his doing anyway.

"Si Papi" she kissed him and got off of him. April walked away with Dave's eyes watching her every move and went to go clean and straighten up whatever was out of place.

A Few Hours Later...

April, Dave, and Kairi were dressed in some chill clothes and ready for the day as 1 o'clock hit and like clockwork the doorbell was going off. They already knew what time it was. It was time to do a little celebrating with their family.

"Papi you getting that" April looked up at him as they sat on the couch cuddled up watching Kairi play with her toys and Teddy.

"Oh nah they're here for you. They not bout to run me over to get to you besides I know you want to show off that ring" he chuckled knowing she couldn't wait to put her hand in their faces.

"That is true" she chuckled then got off of him and the couch altogether. She straightened up her sweater then made it to the door. "Who is it" she playfully asked.

"Sissssssss" she heard Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi drag.

"CONGRATULATIONS" the family yelled as soon as April opened the door making her blush and smile. She knew if no one was happy for her that her family was definitely happy not only for her but for Dave and Kairi as well. She wasn't even this excited when Chris proposed to her. Sure she was happy that he did but really it wasn't based off of what love and forever was supposed to be. It wasn't based on the type of relationship she had now with Dave. He didn't hit Dave's proposal at all. Sure the ring was beautiful, he spent a grip, and he had gone all out but it didn't mean anything to her. It was just a proposal from a one sided love and was never genuine. At the time it wasn't something that he wanted to do it was something he needed to do to keep her. But this shit with Dave was because he wanted and needed to; to lock down the foundation they built, for their love to continue to flourish, for their kids the ones they had and the ones yet to come, for them to continue building, and for them to have their couple of forevers.

"Thank you thank you but damn for it to be winter the sun is definitely shining a lil too bright" April said and put her left hand on her forehead shielding her eyes purposely.

"YESSSSSSSS" all the women shouted looking at her ring as the sun hit it just right making her diamonds dance.

"Damn big bruh done broke the bank" August said looking at it sparkle.

"Yes, yes but where are my manners I know my baby needs to get inside. Come, come" April said moving to the side letting everyone inside then closed and locked the door behind them. While everyone went and took off their coats and kicks April went back inside the living room and hopped back in Dave's lap. She hadn't even bothered to reach for Charlie because she knew Chris was going to be on his you had her for nine months shit so she let him be. She was going to snatch her up as soon as he took off her winter gear.

"The family's here Papi" she smiled at him watching him watching her. This had been going all day.

"I heard their loud asses" he whispered and chuckled making sure Kairi hadn't heard him.

"Congratulations Junior" Senior said cheesing as he walked into the family room with Mama Faye beside him with her eyes laced with unshed tears. April got up off of his lap and moved to the side allowing him to get up from the couch.

"Thanks Pops" he said with his smile matching his father's then stood up from the couch and hugged him.

"The ring looks good on her" Senior chuckled as he pulled back.

"She loves it too" Dave smiled brightly still happy that April was in love with her ring.


"Mommy is you still crying" Dave asked chuckling as his mother looked up at him cheesing and crying at the same damn time overjoyed.

"I'm sorry Junior a few years ago I didn't even think that this was going to happen and here you are with ya own family, a woman who loves you as much as you love her, and you done asked her to marry you" she confessed. She was so happy for him and proud of him for even taking his relationship into something more permanent and serious. She was happy that he wanted to be someone's husband.

"I guess I had to find the right one" Dave said and looked over at April then back at his mother and pulled her into his arms hugging her.

"And that you did congratulations Junior" she hugged him tight and pulled back.

"Thanks mommy" he said then bent down and kissed her forehead releasing her from his arms.

"Go head mommy before you try to race us over there" Alaina said laughing looking at her mother trying to reach April before anyone else could.

"Don't come for me if I ain't send for you baby girl" Ananda playfully shot back as she made her way to April with her arms opened wide making them all laugh.

"Hey mommy" April smiled as she got off the couch.

"Hey Peanut congrats you know we're bout to have girl talk" she said and hugged her. April already knew what time it was and she wouldn't be surprised if she brought over her own wedding book and wanted to start planning today.

"Thanks mommy"

"Now let me see that gorgeous finger candy" Ananda said and April happily put her hand out showcasing her ring.

"Yea my son did good" Ananda said looking it over then looked over at Dave smiling.

"Thanks mama" Dave said and opened his arms waiting for his hug.

"Ya welcome son" she said and happily walked into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much" she pulled back and looked up at him. Dave didn't even have to ask her what she was thanking him for. He already knew what it was. There was no need to explain. She was thanking him for loving and caring for April the way he did.

"Ya welcome mama"

"My Peanut is getting married" Ian said cheesing as he walked up on her all smiles.

"Yes, yes I am daddy" April said smiling back at him and hugged him tightly. She had cried in his arms so many nights wondering if love was for her and questioning everything so to have him here in this moment congratulating her when she thought all was lost was a damn good feeling.

"You know I had to make sure he didn't put an earring on ya finger right. I had to make sure you could actually see the diamonds" Ian said as he held her in his arms and looked over at Dave laughing. This had been an ongoing joke between the two by now.

"What" she laughed. "You know this was happening" she pulled back and asked him as she looked between him and Dave.

Ian and Senior chuckled looking at her. "We had a whole talk him, Senior, and me on Thanksgiving. He asked for my blessing and asked us to come with him to pick up the ring. Me being me I had to make sure he wasn't putting an earring on ya finger" Ian said jokingly. "The only thing we didn't know was when he was going to do it"

"I should've known that's what y'all were talking bout. All y'all came downstairs all cheesy and ish" April said shaking her head laughing. She would've said something that day when she saw them but she had to handle her business that day and her mind had been on something better yet someone else.

"Ok...ok...ok daddy us next" Alaina and Ebony said ready to see the ring up close and personal and have some girl talk.

Ny-Reek looked over at Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi and cleared his throat. "Not before me" he said and walked passed them and over to April smiling.

"And this is why we act the way we do now" Ebony said and shook her head at her father.

"Congrats shawty doo wop" Ny-Reek said and engulfed her in a hug.

"Thankies unkie" she sighed and hugged him back thinking about the conversation they had in Jamaica.

"I told you it would happen. Sometimes we have to go through a lot and do some healing of our own and watch God put the pieces back together for us. I'm happy ya finally getting ya happy ending you deserve it" he said and kissed her forehead.

April teared up and looked up at him. "Thank you again for that talk. I really needed to hear it and it's helped me a lot. Thank you for being there for me and treating me like a daughter instead of a niece unkie"

"You know how it goes I got three baby girls. I'll always go to bat and be there for you Ebony and Alaina all day everyday" he said and April knew he meant that shit. Between her parents and her uncle they all treated each other's kids like daughters. It was the way they were raised. No one was ever treated differently.

April nodded her head. "I already know unkie" she said and smiled.

"Big bro congrats I can't believe you actually bust a move but I'm glad you did Lil Birdie is worth it" Errol said and made his way over to Dave smiling happy as hell for his brother. He knew that between Dave and April that they both loved each other and there was no one else better suit for his brother than April.

"I had to" Dave said and clapped it up with him then hugged him. "I found a diamond in the rough so I had to make her mines"

"Say less" Errol nodded.

"Man we'll be congratulating all day long go head I know y'all want to take ma and have some girl talk. It's food and drinks in the kitchen enjoy" Dave said looking at all the women huddled up around April.

"Boy" Mama Faye and Ananda said and looked over at him.

"You know what you right you right it's time for some girl talk" Ananda said and looked around the room seeing all the guys about to huddle up and do the same thing to Dave.

"I bet it is" Ian said laughing. "Peanut she got the wedding book" he said and ratting her out.

April looked at her mother and shook her head laughing. "I figured she did"

"Dang before y'all walk off can we at least get to see the ring and congrats our good sis too for making our bro want to tie the knot" Shooter said looking around the room trying not to look directly at the women. He wanted no parts of their wrath.

"I was thinking the same thing but I wasn't trying to get ganged up on" August admitted and scratched his head.

"Go head babes I'll meet y'all in the dining room" April said laughing and made her way over to her brothers smiling. "Now congratulate me" she said laughing as she posed with her ring on display making them laugh.

"Nah real talk though congrats lil sis I'm so happy it's you and not Agnes. With their back and forth toxic asses I thought if he ever bust a move like this I was going to have to be that friend to speak now or forever not hold my peace" Shooter said dead ass serious as everyone just laughed while he took a single out of his pocket and passed it to Kairi with no issues for the first time ever. She didn't even have to clock him.

"Thankies Unkie" she said and ran out of the room cheesing most likely going to add it to her collection.

"Damn say it with ya chest" Dave said and laughed but he understood. Shooter was a real one and sometimes it took someone on the outside looking in to make you see that some things aren't what they seem to be. He knew Shooter wanted the best for him and Millie wasn't that person.

"Thanks brother you've always been team April since day one and never faltered even when me and Papi walked away from each other. You checked in and you texted to make sure I was straight and just because me and Papi weren't seeing eye to eye you never once stopped being you and I appreciate that" April said and hugged him. Shooter was tried and true. He always made sure she was good.

"No problem lil sis me and Bully knew what it was when we first saw y'all together"

"Straight facts you helped change his life. Homie thought going back and forth with Agnes was going to change some ish when he knew it wasn't. Trust I understood him trying to keep his family together but sometimes you gotta know when to throw the towel in and wait for the right person to show you what you've been missing and you've done that. Congrats lil sis and thanks for being you and showing our brother what he's been wanting so bad and missing out on" Bully said and hugged her.

"See had I known it was going to be one of these types of days I'd a had tissue on deck" April said and teared up looking between Bully and Shooter. "G's don't cry" she mumbled and wiped her eyes trying to get herself. "Thanks Bully I appreciate that. Like I said to Shooter y'all never faltered. Y'all have been the same and treated me the same since day one and I'm happy to call y'all my brothers"

As soon as she finished talking they all heard a throat being cleared and looked over to see who it was. As soon as they saw who it was they laughed. "I feel like ya counting me out lil big sis" August said looking at her like someone had just stolen his puppy.

April walked over to him shaking her head. "Now you know I wouldn't do that to my lil big bruh" she said and laughed a little.

"Oh I aight I was bout to say I was ya lil big bruh first" he said and laughed.

"That you were all I did was add more brothers to the family but you'll always be my lil big brother" she said and she meant it. He had always been her little big brother but ever since they all had their kumbaya in LA April and August's relationship was back on track like nothing have even changed. If anything it had gotten better.

"But nah lil big sis congrats you definitely deserve this. At first I questioned it but I see it clear as day now and I rock with it. Big bro is a good dude and I know he has ya best interest at heart and loves you" August said. April loved when August and Shooter were busting jokes but she had to admit she loved to see them serious at times.

"Aww lil big bruh thankies I really appreciate that coming from you and how you are bout ya brother" she said and hugged him. April knew that he had always seen she and Chris together but he had finally realized a long while ago that somethings just aren't meant to be and that was her and Chris. They just weren't meant to be.

"Bet" August nodded and looked over at Chris who had Charlie in his arms.

"Oh it's my turn" Chris said and laughed. "All jokes aside congrats Apple. I'm happy you're finally getting the energy you put out. Some things aren't meant to work because it isn't for us or the person we're with isn't for us. Sadly I wasn't that person for you so I'm happy that you were able to finally find happiness and love in someone who gives you the same energy and love you give them. After everything you've been through you deserve ya happy ending"

April wiped her eyes and looked up at him. "Thank you Chrissy thank you. Thanks for being transparent and opening ya mind to what we have going on. Thanks for sticking around and not being in ya feelings but being able to celebrate with us just like everyone else" she said. She knew it was probably low-key hard for Chris to see everything that she had going on with Dave that he once had in the palms of his hands. She was happy that he was man enough to see his flaws and want to do better and be better and to also not hate on what she had going on but to accept it.

"Ya my bestie I'm here for it" he smiled at her and side hugged her since he had Charlie in his arms.

"Well I think that's everyone in the room. If I'm not mistaken all the ladies are in the dining room waiting for me along with my Love Bug AND since Triple B is a lil baby lady that means she comes with me sorry Chrissy" April said and put out her hands for Charlie.

"She ain't a lady yet but I ain't bout to have the women come in here and put me on the chopping block so here just don't hog her" he said as he passed Charlie off to April.

"Boy bye that's what I thought" April snickered and walked off with Charlie in her arms then stopped before she walked completely out of the room. "Papi you should go show them ya new ride while it's light out" she said then dipped off and made her way into the dining room to see all the women talking and smiling. She couldn't help but smile as she made her way to the table.

-Hey guys happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. Stay tuned for part 2. It'll be up sometime this weekend. Sorry for not updating last Friday but I'm back 😝. I'm just hoping that my inspiration & motivation last long enough to get a few chapters done ahead of time. 2020 just ain't it 😭
-My babies are planning their wedding already 😭 I can't wait until it actually goes down but it's no rush it ain't happening soon 😂
-I don't know about y'all but I love when August and Shooter have serious moments 😌
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you🥰

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