18.1: He Proposed to Me

18.1: He Proposed To Me cont...

"Bout time" Alaina said looking at April as she met up with her before she could even sit down. "Congrats sis I know you've been waiting on this forever and thinking that it wouldn't happen but Dave has come in and restored that broken heart of yours and I'm so glad that he put a ring on it. Now let me see" she laughed and hugged April.

April laughed. "Oh this" she said wiggling her hand before keeping it still letting her see her ring.

"Dangggg brother did that. It's so you and so him at the same time with his Crip self. Yea I'm a need bae to come hard when it's our turn" she said dead ass and of course they wouldn't be them if they didn't laugh. Yes Dave was a whole ass Crip and the whole family knew it but they didn't care or judge him. He didn't bring that shit home or around their children. For him being a Crip was more so being in a brotherhood than anything.

"Oh he better But we all know lil big bruh got you" April said and took a seat at the table between Alaina and Ebony while their mother and Mama Faye sat side by side at the other end of the table plotting on her and Dave.

"That is a bad ah- I mean a bad ring" Ebony said catching herself from cursing since Kairi was in the room with them. "Congrats sis you know I love to see black love and you and brother give me all of those vibes. I'm tryna be like you when I grow up"

They laughed. "Thanks sis the way you and Bully are I already know it's going down. That man ain't letting you leave him not even for a second" April said.

"Agreed" all of the women said besides April. They all saw how Bully was with Ebony so they could definitely see marriage in their future.

"Mommy and Mama Faye it looks like y'all already started planning our wedding for us" April said jokingly looking at them with a book in front of them looking like they were sharing notes.

"Oop wait a minute now don't forget bout me" Mama Joyce spoke up and dramatically clutched her chest. "Before we get into you spilling tea and us sipping on it I just want to say congratulations daughter. I know it's not my son and that he had his chance and I get that. I've been where you are at some point in time and I know how it feels to think that you aren't ever going to find someone to love you like you want to be loved and someone who deserves what you have to give so I'm happy that you are finally getting what you put out" Mama Joyce said and paused keeping her eyes on April.

"I watched you from the sidelines throughout you and Chris's relationship and what you went through isn't too far off of what I went through so to see you finally restored to the vibrant happy woman that I first met I'm happy to see it. I wish you and Dave nothing but the best" Mama Joyce sincerely said. She knew her son had fucked up a good thing and being a woman she couldn't help but to be happy for April. She knew just like everyone else knew some things just weren't meant to be. So instead of being mad or in her feelings and being a hater she found peace and accepted what April had going on in her life. At the end of the day she couldn't hate on another woman for finding real love and happiness.

"Thank you Mama J I really do appreciate that especially with Chris being ya son and all of this going on and y'all being a part of it. Thank you" April said and smiled happy that everyone was wishing them well and were genuinely happy for them.

"Girl I told you, you will always be my daughter I don't care who you would've married and been with" she said as a matter of fact and smiled at her.

"Trueeee" April laughed.

"I'm a just keep it simple sis because I want to know how everything went down" Mimi said ready to sip on some tea. "Congrats babes now details please" she said straight to the point ready.

"Well excuse me I'll just save mines for last" Mama Faye said dramatically and laughed.

"Sorry Mama Faye" Mimi said looking over at her.

"Ya good boo besides I want to hear those details too so proceed" Mama Faye said and looked at April.

The women laughed but nonetheless April proceeded to tell them how it had gone down. "Well he had put Love Bug to bed, told me to take a shower, and while I was in the shower he was busy decorating the living room. He had a blanket on the floor, had all the pillows laid out, blue and white rose petals scattered around, candles on, and music playing. He had set the whole mood. I honestly thought it was just a cute lil date night in but he had other things planned" April said making sure to keep certain things to herself. She didn't need their mothers knowing how she had been personally asked to be naked and dressed in her blue sheer fur trimmed robe. "We talked bout how things were when we first met, being apart, and just making it back to each other. It was just a beautiful night honestly"

"So did he really get on bender knee? You know he's type hard body" Mimi curiously asked.

"You know that man is a softy when it comes to sis. His ass is a thug teddy bear" Alaina said laughing. "He looks mean but he ain't...well depending on who you are"

"Hey now that's my fiancé" April said laughing loving how the word fiancé felt coming out of her mouth and finally being able to say it out loud and around family.

"Oop ok, ok" Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi said while the older women were still waiting on the rest of the story.

"But yes Papi got on bended knee. He had asked me to get him some water and once I came back he was on bended knee with the ring case in his hand. I dropped the water bottle and I walked back out of the room. I didn't think he was serious" she said and laughed thinking about how she had reacted last night. He had truly caught her off guard.

"APRIL" all of them shouted making her laugh.

"What I had to collect myself a lil bit. We were cooling talking bout how everything was and how we got to this point. I didn't think he was going to ask me. So when I made it to him he poured out his heart Dave style no script and it was beautiful" she said and broke down what he had said to her of course leaving certain things out again. She didn't need them to know how he had originally asked her or how she had sealed the deal by coming for his soul or how he beat her shit down like he couldn't get enough of her.

"Awwwww" they said once April finished telling them everything while the older women wiped their eyes.

"Don't cry grandma and Nana and Nana J. Momma why grandma and Nana and Nana J crying" Kairi asked as she looked at Mama Faye, Ananda, and Mama Joyce worried.

"Those are happy tears Love Bug. They're crying because they're happy" April replied.

"Ohhhhhh" she dragged and shrugged. "Can I go play with my toys I got for Christmas" she asked over and done with girl talk.

"Sure go head"

"Can baby sista come" she asked as she hopped out of Mama Faye's lap.

"Sure" April said and got up. "I'll be right back" she said and grabbed Kairi's hand and walked off to the living room to see the men still in there talking. "Sorry to interrupt Love Bug wanted to play with her toys and chill with her sister" April said as Kairi let go of her hand and walked straight over the Charlie's bouncy chair pushing it over to her. April couldn't help but smile. Kairi didn't care if Charlie couldn't play with her yet she just loved having her by her side so she could talk to her and show her what she was doing. She liked to teach her things. "Thankies Love Bug" April said then placed Charlie inside the bouncy chair making sure she was straight.

"Ya welcome momma" she said watching April's every move.

"Ok call me if you and ya sister need me ok" she said then bent down and kissed both of their foreheads.

"Ok" she nodded.

"Hey if y'all leave out let me know so I can come get the baby" April said looking over at the men.

"Bet" they said and with that April walked off.

"So, Peanut have you started thinking bout ya dress" Ananda asked as soon as she stepped foot back inside the room.

"On ya heels" Ebony said and snickered.

April chuckled. "Yea I actually have a few pics of what I like at the moment. I think I'm gonna get it made though"

"Ok we're gonna have to jump on that ASAP you know how long that process goes" she said.

"Yup" The first time she had gotten her dress made it seemed like it had taken forever but it was worth the wait. It was beautiful.

"And when are y'all thinking bout getting married" Mama Faye looked at her and asked.

"And where" Mama Joyce added.

April, Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi laughed. "We didn't get that far into everything just yet since it happened last night but what we have so far is February 2021. Of course a destination wedding so it's a wedding/honeymoon for us and a vacation for everyone else. We're thinking Barbados though and a beach wedding of course" April replied giving them what little details she had.

"I like that" Ananda said jotting it down in her wedding book specifically made for April. The same would be done for Alaina and Ebony as well.

"Wedding party and what colors" Mama Faye asked looking up from the wedding book she and Ananda had been sharing.

"Right now we're in between on a wedding party but we want an all-white wedding therefore everyone at the wedding looks like they're a part of the wedding regardless. So even if there isn't a wedding party we can still take pictures with the girls and the guys and they'll still look like groomsmen and bridesmaids. I like it that way so it's no pressure on anyone and with the way our family is set up now it wouldn't be uncomfortable and there won't be any hassle with what to wear. I know my sistas gonna look good regardless and show up and show out like always and I know my brothers are gonna match their fly" April said looking around the table at her sisters.

She couldn't help but to feel a little saddened. There was one missing who she thought was going to be by her side like she had been for hers all these years. April had never mentioned her feelings to anyone not even Dave. She honestly wasn't ready to open that can of worms just yet. Hazel was supposed to be there during these moments. She was supposed to be able to text her and tell her the news just like she had Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi. She was missing out on so much and although April was mad at her at the moment she still missed her. She still loved her and cared for her. April just wasn't ready to talk to her because of course she still felt a way and she felt like Hazel wasn't ready to be truthful. She felt like Hazel needed to work on herself and her issues before doing so. So right now she was going to silently miss her and pray that she got the help she needed no matter how bad she wanted to deck the shit out of her because she definitely still wanted her round but she'd take a little one two combo as well.

"You already know" they said in unison all hype already thinking of ideas.

"Exactly but what I do know is that I want all of my baby's to be in it"

"I actually like that idea I remember how stressful it was the first time. I think it would be less stressful and more fun this way" Alaina said. "I think it would be more focused on y'all like it should be"

"Exactly" April agreed. "Like I told Papi even if it's no wedding party his brothers are still gonna be on some groomsmen shit. They're still gonna look fly they're still gonna make toasts and all that so he'd be good. He wouldn't be missing out. They would still be by his side every step of the way"

"True and we'll still do the same for you" Ebony said but April already knew that. They were going to hold her down.

"Ayeee so it's a win, win for everybody. No one will have that pressure on their backs. Of course daddy has to walk me down though"

"Oh you ain't even gotta worry bout that. You know he wouldn't have it any other way" Ananda said as a matter of fact.

"True" April nodded.

"Who would you invite" Mama Faye asked.

"Welllllll" she dragged. "I wouldn't mind if it was everybody that's here now but I know we have a large family and some people that do support us so I'd say pretty much the people who came to the shower minus Layla's punk ass. But I'll talk to Papi and see who he wants to invite for sure because we really don't want it to be that many people. We want something intimate and not for the cameras just us, family, and a few friends" she replied. She knew she didn't have to say minus Chris's family they already knew that.

"Sounds good to me" Mama Faye said while Ananda continued jotting notes down.

"Like I want the vibe to be lit but calm you know have everyone come celebrate our wedding with us but we'll still be able to separate from everyone and have our honeymoon and while we're doing us everyone else is having fun and on vacation"

"I like the sound of that" Ebony said cheesing she wouldn't mind being out and about on the beach catching some sun and chilling with her man.

"Ok well first things first we have to make sure we secure a date then from there we have to work on ya dress" Ananda said.

"Cool" April nodded. She already knew the drill. Now that Dave had his do over she was already focused on her dress.

"I am so glad it's you" Mama Faye said and shook her head smiling. "I knew you were a special one from the very beginning. I can remember the day I found out about you. I didn't know it was you because Junior was keeping you to himself but he had come over the house one day and you sent him a text and he was smiling so damn hard. He looked like he had gotten a text from a high school crush and then when I found out that you were my good sis Ananda's daughter I was too damn thrilled. I didn't know how the hell you had ran into my boy after all this time but I was happy you did" Mama Faye said smiling as she reminisced.

"Thank you for loving him the way that you do. Thank you for not only loving him but loving my grand baby the way that you do. I knew he wanted this and he tried to have it but no matter how hard he tried it just didn't work. It didn't work because the person wasn't you. You are his person and I'm so glad that he proposed to you. Congratulations daughter I'm so glad that he chose you to be his Mrs. Brewster"

"Aww Mama Faye I can't help but to love them they love me just the same. It was never going to work with Agnes. God was saving him for me" April said smiling brightly.

"Amen" they all said and raised their hands in the air.

"Just know we're in charge of the bachelorette party and it's going down" Alaina said and April already knew it was going to be a lit event. Alaina knew just what type of time she was in and how to get the party started.

"Here for it sign me up" April said laughing. The women continued to talk about the wedding and planning and just having that womanly moment with each other just bonding. They just gave April the vibe and love that she needed. Boy how things were the first time around when she was about to marry Chris. Her family was there every step of the way but the vibe now was definitely different and felt damn good. She couldn't wait to meet Dave at the aisle in her white dress.

In The Living Room...

Nothing could be heard but the sound of laughter as the men sat around the living room shooting the shit, laughing, and congratulating Dave for locking down his woman. Not only were they happy for him but they were proud of him especially his father.

"Ok, ok all jokes aside I knew this was gonna eventually happen but I didn't think it would be this soon. We all know you love lil big sis so it was bound to happen buttttt" August said and dragged as he looked at Dave. Dave already knew he was about to come for him. "Ya one of those hard body Harlem niggas but I just need to know did you get on bended knee and if so did you ask her with that mug on ya face" he said and asked dead ass serious making everyone laugh but he wasn't joking. Dave wore that mug on his face on the daily so he just wanted to know how it went. He was in the same shit as the women. "Like was it one of those yea ma will you marry a nigga or what" August said with his own mug on his face acting like Dave.

"Nah lil bruh it would be more like yea ma you know a nigga love you" Shooter said acting like Dave then licked his lips how he be doing. "And I know you love me so what's good will you marry Papi" Shooter said with a mug on his face as the laughs kept coming.

"Y'all gotta chill. Y'all know me. Yea my mug is always on but y'all know I ain't ask her like that either and yes I got on bended knee" Dave said in between laughing. "I proposed to her like any man would propose to the woman they love and no I didn't mug her while asking. I was honestly too nervous for all of that" he admitted.

"So how did it go then" Senior asked curiously.

"I hooked up the living room and we had a lil date night. We were just chilling and talking bout our relationship just cooling like we normally do when we're alone. I had already planned on asking her on Christmas I just didn't know when but I made up my mind at the dinner earlier that day." Dave said but was cut off. He had honestly had the ring and the proposal on his mind that whole day before he proposed to her.

"I bet you made up ya mind as soon as you saw that hot ah ride" Shooter said jokingly back using his curse word blocker. A dollar was enough for Kairi today. He wasn't about to fill up her swear jar nope.

"Facts" all of the men said besides Dave.

"Man whatever like I was saying so when I felt like it was the right time to ask her I asked her to go get me something to drink and while she did that I was in the living room giving myself a pep talk and waiting on bended knee with the ring case in my hand when she came back. Like I said I was nervous as hell but I did it and she loved it" Dave said and shrugged acting like it was nothing trying to save face. He hadn't proposed to her because of the car. Even if he hadn't gotten the car he was still going to propose to her on Christmas. To him the proposal was done when it was supposed to be done, done just right, and a good way to end the holiday and their night altogether.

Shooter looked around the room to make sure Kairi was in her zone. He didn't like talking about a certain someone in front of her just like the rest didn't. "Dang I know Agnes is somewhere rolling around at the bottom of the crab barrel right now feeling a way and don't even know it done went down. Her spidey senses are probably tingling something terrible right now" Shooter said and shook his head.

Dave shrugged. "Not my problem" he really didn't care how Millie would feel about it. She wasn't his problem anymore and he damn sure wasn't going to let that shit effect what he had going on.

"Aight bet so you done asked Lil Birdie to marry you so when is it going down or is it gonna be one of those engagements where y'all take decades to actually get married" Errol curiously asked.

Dave chuckled but he knew a lot of people did that shit. They'd propose to their woman and have her all ready to start planning and the next thing you know years done went by and they still aren't married or even close to getting married. "Nah I told her from jump that whenever I asked her she'd have a year to plan and that's just what we're gonna do so as of right now it's looking like February 2021"

"That's what I'm talking bout" Errol said. "Get it done"

"So what we wearing all blue" Bully asked jokingly.

Dave laughed. They stayed coming for him. "Nah no blue but we're thinking all white. Besides ma said no blue and we bet not show up with any blue bandanas either. She said it ain't no crip wedding"

"Let me find out that's why you got her blue diamonds" Shooter said laughing.

"That was gonna happen regardless. I wanted her to have a piece of me and a piece of her all wrapped in one" Dave chuckled. Even if they were doing a blue theme wedding he'd a still got her blue diamonds. He wouldn't be him if he hadn't.

"Why February though? I would think more so summertime" Senior questioned. April didn't seem like the type to want to have a winter wedding and he knew Dave wouldn't want a winter wedding either.

"It's gonna be a destination wedding. So the weather will be good around that time" Dave answered. He couldn't believe he was actually sitting around shooting the shit having wedding talk with their fathers and his boys.

"Here for it" Ny-Reek nodded and spoke up.

"Come on now Unc you gotta stop hanging around the girls" August said and shook his head making everyone laugh.

"Bet, I'm a remember that ish the next time you say some ish that my lil baby girl says" Ny-Reek said.

"Chill Unc"

"I can't wait this ish bout to be lit though. Bachelor party bout to be on hell of a party we're going all out. It's either go big or go home" Shooter said and rubbed his hands together already plotting just like the girls had been.

"As it should" they all said.

"Just remember it's not happening tomorrow" Dave said and chuckled. He had just proposed and although he was ready to seal the deal it felt like they were trying to marry them off the next day. He wanted to make sure that they planned it accordingly so it would be as close to perfect as it possibly could. He wanted this to be the wedding of April's dreams and better than her first.

"True, true" Shooter nodded. "But it's gonna be lit and an epic ah- night" he said catching himself from slipping up since Kairi was still in the room playing with her toys. "One more question though and I'll leave it alone"

"Sup" Dave asked.

"Bachelor party with or without the girls" Shooter asked and leaned forward in his seat.

"Bruh you already know the answer to that one" August said. "Ain't no way he's letting lil big sis out of his sight for a bachelorette party so you already know what it is. Just count them in"

"He gotchu right there" Ian said laughing. August was speaking nothing but facts. The way they got down and partied Dave knew they were going to do some big shit and there was no telling what they'd try to get into that night.

"Y'all tryna come for me like y'all ain't the same way bout y'all women but ok. Must I remind y'all that they will be there as well so my question is where y'all gonna be when it goes down" Dave said as a matter of fact as he leaned forward in his seat with his hands folded eyeing all of them. Bully, Shooter, August, and even Senior and Ian scratched their heads and cleared their throats knowing Dave had them. "That's what I thought" he laughed and leaned back into his seat.

"Welp Unc seems like you and I ain't got those issues" Chris said laughing as he finally spoke up. He had just been chilling and listening.

"Facts nephew" Ny-Reek chuckled and clapped it up with him up.

"Laugh it up y'all got time ain't no telling who might walk into y'all lives before then" Dave said.

"I'm good I'm still on my me ish working on myself" Chris said and laughed. "What bout you Unc" he looked over at Ny-Reek and asked.

"I'm chillin on my me ish too nephew" Ny-Reek replied.

"We'll see" Ian said looking between the two.

"I don't know why but it look like you gonna be crying when lil sis walk out" Shooter said and leaned back in his chair and focused on Dave.

"We're supposed to be celebrating but I feel like y'all been coming for me all day" Dave said and shook his head.

"Bruh if you do decide to cry please don't let it be the ugly cry and just know my phone stays on deck so as soon as I see ya shoulders start bouncing and ya eyes tearing up I'm a be on ya heels boy" August said and laughed. He was dead ass he was going to be ready and waiting with his finger on the trigger ready to press record.

"Y'all sure y'all not related" Errol asked looking between August and Shooter laughing. He was still getting use to it being basically two Shooters. Either way he enjoyed them both.

"We're brothers from another" Shooter said laughing and clapped it up with August. He and August had really grown into brothers and fucked with each other heavy. It was as if they had known each other all their lives and the vibe was always lit between the two.

"Facts" August laughed agreeing.

"Ain't nobody bout to be crying BUT just in case a nigga do it is what it is" Dave said and shrugged. He didn't think he'd cry though. "But like I said we're not getting married tomorrow so let's just sit back and chill" he said trying to get them off of his heels.

"True, true" everyone said agreeing.

"Dang Trey done missed another one" Chris said and chuckled. By now Trey seemed to be missing out on everything.

"He'll be here for New Years though" August said.

"Bet" Dave nodded.

"Excuse me fellas can we join y'all" April asked as she and the rest of the women walked back into the family room.

"Ma is that really a question" Dave said smiling at her.

"Look at him" Senior said nudging Ian. "Got my boy's nose wide open"

"My Peanut's too" Ian said as they looked at April make her way over to Dave smiling from ear to ear looking like she was floating on a damn cloud over to him.

"If I'm not mistaken that's the same look you give me" Mama Faye said looking at Senior.

"Oop" all the women said laughing.

"And the same one daddy gives me" Ananda said looking at Ian with her hand on her hip.

Alaina looked at August and cleared her throat. "Same here"

Ebony raised her finger in the air. "Ditto" she said looking at Bully as she took a seat in his lap.

"Getting there" Mimi said looking at Shooter laughing as she made herself comfortable beside him and cuddled into him.

"Once again Unc we ain't part of this conversation either" Chris said and looked over at Ny-Reek.

"Me either" Mama Joyce chimed in.

"Aww" all of the women said looking over at her.

"Child bye don't aww me I'm living my best life. I look at myself with my own nose wide open. Why? Because I'm feeling myself" Mama Joyce said looking at them like she was all the way good.

"Yesssss" the women said hyping her up.

The family all chilled together and celebrated April and Dave's engagement while both of their mothers' low key were planning their engagement party. Between the holiday and the exciting news it was another good day where the family got to hang out, chill, eat, vibe, and joke around. It was always a party when they linked up and they loved family days.

"Hey bestie can we talk" April asked looking over at Chris.

-Hey guys I hope you enjoyed part 2 😊
-I'm so happy that everyone is genuinely happy for April and Dave. They have been through a lot and to see them like this makes me want to 🤧 but G's don't cry...we whine 😢
-Ananda and Mama Faye ain't playing their about to make sure that their babies have a bomb ass wedding😂
-Bachelorette and bachelor parties about to be lit. FYI it will not be happening soon 😂
-April low key misses Hazel. I think it's expected with the history they have. She still wants to deck her ass for the one time though 🤷🏾‍♀️
-Hmm wonder how Chris really feels about April and Dave's engagement...just stay tuned for the next chapter🤔
-Now I gotta think about how New Years is about to play out 🤔😩
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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