15: Papi's Home
Chapter 15: Papi's Home
"Hey ma Lil Butt just called me so I'm a make my way to ya parents to pick them up" Dave said as he entered the kitchen. Everyone had left a few hours ago so it was just the two of them. They had a late morning just cuddled up in bed enjoying the silence and moment they had together before they got the girls.
"I told you she not playing no games" April laughed. "I'll take something out for lunch so it'll be almost done by the time y'all get back" she turned and looked back at him. She was in the fridge reaching for her green olives.
"Nah just take something out for dinner. I want some shit from the Jamaican spot"
"Cool well you better get going before she calls you again" April chuckled knowing Kairi was not playing when it came to her decorating the Christmas tree. From the time April put the tree in the house she had been talking about it.
"You tryna get rid of me" he asked as he walked up on her and playfully mugged her.
"Of course not but I know my Love Bug has been dying to put up the tree" she said as she kept her eyes on him.
Dave eyed her up and down then smirked. She had been walking around in a sports bra and booty shorts all day and right now he had her cornered.
"Nope not happening Papi go head and pick up my babies" she hit him with her favorite line and tried to walk off already knowing what was on his mind. He would've gotten a little something popping earlier but they had both been too tired to bust a move and he could tell that she was actually exhausted.
"What you tryna run for I ain't even do shit" he said and devilishly smirked thinking about how they had the house to themselves right now so they had the opportunity to get it in anywhere without being interrupted.
"Because I know what that look on ya face means. You can get at me tonight when the girls are sleep but I'd like to be able to decorate the tree too since you be doing me dirty these day" April said and backed up some only to bump into the kitchen counter. Dave knew she still felt a way about having to walk around their parents all fucked up the day after Thanksgiving but he didn't care she asked for it and not only that she loved it. He had laid it down on her just like she liked and then some.
Dave laughed. "Ya good you haven't done anything to be put on punishment so let me just tap that spot for the one time" he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and licked his lips then scooped her up and placed her on top of the kitchen counter and stepped between her legs and pulled her close. It had been weeks since he had some grade A so he was willing to be a little late picking up the girls. Besides they were chilling with their grandparents anyway so they were good.
April bit down on her bottom lip giving it some thought and sighed. Dave knew she wanted it but she was trying not to give in. "The girls Papi. Later on I gotchu we can break in the tub and a few more places" she said. They had christened the house but they still had a lot more rooms to cover.
Dave sighed. "Ma I know you feel that shit" he groaned as his dick jumped and tapped her.
April groaned herself. "I do Papi I do but I know how bad Love Bug wants to put up the tree. If you go get the girls I'll snatch ya soul on sight when the girls aren't around" she said trying to bribe him. He thought about it and smirked.
"And when you say on sight does that mean every time we're alone I get to whip my shit out and let you do some soul snatching" he asked hoping that's what she meant because if so he was going to catch her ass alone all day long and whip his shit out everywhere.
April shook her head and laughed. "Yes Papi" she answered and he was going to hold her to it.
"Bet, I'll see you when we get home" he leaned down and kissed her lips then straightened up and adjusted himself in his sweats and put her back on the ground. He was plotting on her ass something serious and after she talked her shit last night, stood her ground, defended him, and made sure he was good he owed her a damn good session.
"Later Papi be safe I love you"
"I will ma I love you too" and with that he left her alone, went about his business, grabbed what he needed, and bounced making sure to lock up after himself.
"Daddy" Kairi said excitedly as soon as Dave walked into the living room. She was in the middle of feeding Charlie. Ananda had been watching her to make sure she was doing it correctly and making sure that nothing happened. Dave couldn't help but smile at the scene before him. He took out his phone and took a picture of the two to capture the moment and sent it straight to Chris. They stayed swapping pictures these days. Kairi was always down to help out her little sister in any way she could and anytime she got a chance to feed her she was always excited.
"Hey Lil Butt" he said and bent down and kissed her forehead. "Hey Triple B" he looked down at her and carefully kissed her forehead as well as she kept her eyes on him yet never stopped eating. She was a greedy one and at this stage in her life food was life to her."Hey mama" he leaned down and hugged Ananda.
"Hey son you came right on time my grandbaby ain't playing games with you she wants to put up the Christmas tree and she wants to do it like yesterday" she said and shook her head laughing making sure she kept her eyes on the girls. That's all Kairi had been talking about since she had walked through their front door.
Dave laughed. "Yea ma was telling me she's been on her heels for days" he said with his eyes still on the girls. He needed this family time right now especially after last night. He just wanted good vibes and happy times. It was holiday season and this year he was bringing in all the holidays with his family just like he dreamed. He loved touring and being able to do what he loves and chilling with his brothers but he wanted and needed some alone time with his family.
"They'll be good to go once grandma's lil baby is done eating" Ananda said smiling at them.
"No rush" Dave said he needed to handle something anyway.
"Papa's baby done hurt my feelings trying to leave so soon like she ain't gonna call me after the tree is done" Ian said and fake pouted at Kairi knowing as soon as the tree was up and decorated she'd be hitting his line.
"Sorry Papa" Kairi said and laughed making them laugh.
"Hey Pops can I talk to you for a second" Dave asked looking over at Ian.
"Aww sh-snap no more Unc" Ian jokingly said as he caught himself from cursing.
Dave laughed. "I figured why not" Dave said and shrugged. Ian was another father figure anyway and he would soon be his father in law so he had no problem calling him Pops'.
"Well alright follow me" Ian said as Dave followed beside him and walked to his office. "What's on ya mind son" Ian asked as he took a seat behind his desk while Dave sat in one of the seats in front of it.
"Are you free tomorrow? The ring is ready" Dave said and cheesed. He had gotten the call right before Kairi had called him to pick her up and if they weren't putting up the tree he'd already be on his way to get it. His jeweler had sent him a picture of the final product but he needed to see it in person.
"Aww shit hell yea I'm free" Ian smiled hyped up. He wouldn't miss that day for the world.
"Bet...I'm a scoop you and Pops up in the morning and we'll head out and get it" he said still cheesing.
"Damn so you really trying to marry my Peanut" he said then leaned back in his seat and chuckled happy for the both of them.
"Hell yea I'm ready. I know she's ready and I'd be a fool not to lock our shit down"
"I'm happy it's you. You know what you have and you know how to treat her. I told her she'd get another chance at love, happiness, and marriage. She just needed to let shit go, better herself, love on herself, and let everything else fall into place" Ian said thinking about how April was ready to give up on love and how she had broken down crying on his shoulders when her and Dave had ended their relationship. She had been distraught and questioning everything she knew about herself and love. It had her questioning if she even deserved it. He had hated to see her like that but he knew she needed to hit rock bottom to realize that shit happens and it was time to man up and make a change and let shit be. He needed her to know that she should be focused on herself and making herself happy, niggas come and go, and if it's meant to be then it will be.
"Man you said this shit was going to be a test and it was a hell of a test to get us to where we are now. I had to really sit down and think bout everything that was going on, me breaking up with Agnes, and then finding out ma was pregnant by Breezy this shit had me all fucked up and questioning everything too. But I'm happy as hell that I stuck with it. She's worth it. My daughter has a loving mother now, two sisters that she dotes on, and more family that loves on her. I have a best friend and a woman wrapped in one that I can count on all day every day. I have a new baby that nobody can't tell me she ain't mines, a solid brotherhood, sisters that ride for me just like they're my brothers, and two extra parents who are always there, and a family people would kill for" Dave said and smiled. It was all worth it. The misery he went through and the backtracking had all been worth it. "Life is good" he smiled because throughout everything that had gone down he and April had weathered the storm and came out on top.
"It truly is" Ian agreed. "So when are you gonna pop the question" he asked. Dave had never given Ian or his father an actual date during their father and son talk.
"Soon real soon" Dave answered and rubbed his hands together. He was keeping the day a secret. He had been planning it out for a little while now trying to dot every I and cross every T to make it extra special for her.
"Ok, ok I'll just mind my business" Ian laughed and threw his hands up in the air. At the end of the day he was just happy that his Peanut was about to get her couple of forever's with the man she loved and a man she knew loved her just the same.
"It ain't even like that Pops" Dave said and laughed himself.
"Ya good but before we get going and before Papa's baby be knocking on the door coming for you what happened last night" he said and joked. He knew Kairi would definitely knock on his door and drag Dave right on out. Just like that Ian had gone from joking to being serious.
Dave laughed thinking about it. Kairi wouldn't even hesitate to come and get him. Then he got serious as well thinking about what had gone down the night before. "Tour was good, the show was lit, and ma surprised a nigga but we might've added niggas to the hit list. Niggas been in their feelings and on some hating shit and me and the boys were already going to clean up house but ma and Ebony came out so you already know how that went. They helped us clean house and we got into a lil scuffle. So I might need to write down some names for you to see what's what" Dave said as he kept eye contact with Ian. He knew he was going to find out about last night especially if April and Ebony was in the mix.
Ian nodded and passed him a piece of paper. "Jot em down and I'll see what I can do. Anything happen to my Peanut or my niece" he questioned.
"You already know that ain't happening. She's good her feelings might be a lil hurt but I got that handled but overall she's good. She stood her ground, talked her shit, and made cleanup even easier" Dave answered. There was no way in hell he'd let anything happen to April or Ebony. Niggas might've said some shit that they shouldn't have but no one was stupid enough to put their hands on the girls. That would've been a whole different game bigger than a fuckin scuffle.
"Bet" Ian nodded his head. By the look on his face Dave already knew what time it was. He knew as soon as he and the girls bounced Ian would be on the phone with Ny-Reek and his father ready to pass out orders. "Well let's go. I'll be up bright and early tomorrow" he said and laughed. They laughed, shared a hug, and made it out of the office and back into the living room to see both Kairi and Charlie in their coats and ready to go.
"Ya ready my babies" Dave asked he looked down at them.
"Yes" Kairi answered and nodded her head speaking for the both of them.
"Ok tell Nana and Papa bye"
"Bye Nana bye Papa" she said and hugged them both.
"Bye Nana's babies make sure you call us so we can see the tree when ya done" Ananda said and kissed her forehead and then Charlie's.
"Ok Nana"
"See you later Papa's babies" Ian said and kissed the both of their foreheads as well. A few minutes later Dave and the girls were out the door, in the truck, and headed to get something to eat.
"MOMMA WE HOME" Kairi shouted once she entered the house. "TEDDY WE HOME" she shouted again and took off her hat looking around the room for both April and Teddy.
Dave just looked at her and shook his head happy that Charlie was woke because if she wasn't Kairi would've damn sure woke her. She always had to make it known that she was home and he couldn't do shit about it because she got the shit from him. "Lil girl stop all that shouting" Dave said. "Come on let's go take ya coat off.
"Ok" they walked to the mud room he sat the car seat down, took off Kairi's coat and boots followed by his own coat and boots, then hung them up and place their boots to the side.
"Come on let's go find ya momma" he said as they walked out of the mud room. They made their way back to living room to be greeted by Teddy but still no April. Dave took the food along with Charlie into the empty kitchen, put the food on the island, walked back into the living room, took Charlie out of her car seat, and took off her coat her hat and her little mittens.
"Pop's baby" he cooed as she looked at him smiling watching her smile back at him. His little baby was getting big. She was about to hit the third month mark on Christmas.
"Daddy you seen momma" Kairi asked as she sat on the floor playing with Teddy.
"No, I'll be right I'm a check upstairs"
Dave got up with Charlie still in his arms and made his way upstairs. Normally April would've come down once she heard Kairi yell out for her or come out of the kitchen but so far she was a no show. He checked their bedroom, their bathroom, and then made his way to their home office. He opened the door to see her at her desk and on the phone.
"Ok and ya sure everything is good" he heard her ask as she looked over at him and Charlie and smiled. "Ok I'll be there Monday to do the paperwork. Ok bye" she said and hung up the phone. "There goes my baby" April smiled then stood up from her seat and made her way towards them.
"Whatchu was doing" Dave asked as he passed her Charlie being nosey as usual.
"I had to get some work done. I gotta go out Monday to handle some shit" she said as she looked up at him and then back at the baby.
"Bet I need to go out tomorrow for a lil while too"
"Ok cool where my other baby at" she asked.
"Downstairs playing with Teddy B"
"Welp come on I'm hungry and I know she's ready to get started on the tree"
"That's all she's been talking bout but gimmie my baby back"
"Well damn" April smacked her lips and passed Charlie back to him and walked off.
"Don't be like that. You had her to ya self for weeks. Besides she said she missed me ain't that right Pop's baby" he said and followed behind her closing the office door behind them.
April shook her head laughing. "She told you no such thing"
"Yes she did" he laughed.
"Uh huh"
Dave and April went back and forth until they made it downstairs and joined Kairi. They ate lunch together and now they were in the living room decorating the Christmas tree.
"Ok Papi now you gotta help my Love Bug put the Angel on top of the tree" April said as she held Dave's phone. He had her on his live showing them decorating the tree. Kairi had been all smiles throughout the whole thing.
"Lil Butt ya ready" Dave asked her looking at her all cheesy. He loved these moments with her and now to be sharing this moment with his fiancé and baby girl made this moment even more special. He knew this moment had not only been a special one for him and Kairi but also for April. It would be one that they would never forget.
"Yes" she said excitedly and he scooped her up in his arms.
"Here you go Love Bug" April said and passed her the beautiful black angel dressed in a beautiful silver gown with sparkling white glittered wings. They had an all white Christmas tree with fake snow on it covered in silver, black, and iridescent ornaments.
"Thank you momma" she smiled and Dave lifted her in the air.
"Y'all see my Lil Butt put up the angel" Dave asked on his live smiling just like Kairi.
"Here you go Papi your people ask of you" April laughed as she handed him back his phone.
"Wayment ma tell the people bye" Dave said smirking at her as he put the phone on her. They had been taking turns showing each other decorating the tree since they started.
"I won't be like Papi and rudely bang on y'all without giving y'all a proper goodbye" April said and looked at Dave who was playfully mugging her. "Bye guys until next time" she said then blew them a kiss.
"Y'all see that she stay coming for me" he shook his head looking into the phone. "And that kiss wasn't for y'all that was for me" he said and mugged the phone.
"Lawd" April shook her head laughing then walked off to go check on Charlie who was upstairs sleeping.
For the rest of the night they basically had a chill day just sitting back watching movies and enjoying the moment until bed time. Dave had given Kairi a bath, got her ready for bed, and chilled with her until she fell asleep while April bathed and fed Charlie. She knew she'd be sleep in no time and April was happy about that. She had a routine that not only worked for the girls but it also worked for her and allowed her to get enough sleep before she had to get back up and tend to Charlie. Finally out for the counting April placed Charlie in her bassinet, tucked her in, kissed her forehead, and made her way to the bathroom. She opened the glass shower door, turned on the water, and adjusted it to the temperature to her liking. Once she had the temperature to her liking she stripped out of her house clothes letting them land wherever they fell and stepped inside closing the door behind her. April took a deep breath and let the water rain all over her body. She knew Dave would be joining her any minute. He had been trying to get her alone all day long just so he could hold her to her promise but between Kairi and Charlie it was a no go. They had been cock blocking all day. This would be their first moment alone since he went and picked up the girls.
"Papi stop being a creeper I know ya ass is standing in the doorway" April said and shook her head feeling his eyes dancing all over her naked body.
"Can't be a creeper if I'm taking the time to admire my woman I'm just enjoying what's mines. Besides a nigga been dying to whip his shit out" he said as he made his way fully into the bathroom, closed the door, sat the baby monitor down, and came out of his clothes.
"Ya still a creeper Papi" she laughed. "And blame that on the girls. They missed you" she said with her back still facing him while she continued washing up.
"Well they're sleep right now so it's mommy and daddy time so what's up" he said and asked as he made his way into the shower.
"Sounds good and all but you and I need to talk Mr. Brewster" April said then turned around and looked at him trying to keep her eyes focused on his face. Dave already knew what was on her mind and what she wanted to talk about but right now that shit could wait. He was trying to get into something warm and wet.
"We can talk after you give me what we both want" he said and licked his lips as he looked her up and down eye raping her. April kept her eyes on him and bit down on her bottom lip. He could tell that she was giving it some thought and that she wanted it just as bad as he did. He hadn't broken her off properly since Thanksgiving and here it was a month later, the kids were sleep, and they did have a moment alone. "You know you want it"
"I do but not in here. A shower quickie won't do" she said. She knew they wouldn't be able to get in a full session but she'd like to get a decent nut and feel him deep in her guts.
"Then rinse ya ass off and let's see how quiet you can be on my office desk" he said and stepped smooth out the shower with April turning around and rinsing off. Once she was done she stepped out the shower, Dave wrapped a towel around her body, scooped her up bridal style, and started for the bathroom door. He could care less about tracking water around the house.
"Papi wait" she laughed at his impatient ass. "Let me grab the baby monitor"
"Bet" he turned around, made his way back to the bathroom counter, April scooped up the monitor, and he was off and opening the bathroom door. They were out the bedroom and in their office in no time.
"Damn Papi what's the rush" she giggled as he placed her on the ground, cleared off his desk, scooped her back up, placed her on top of his desk, and unwrapped her towel looking like he was about to put her ass to bed and she was here for it. "You got that look in ya eyes Papi like you bout to send me to night, night and I'm here for it just remember the girls are"
"Shit" Dave dragged cutting her off as he eased his way inside her slippery warm wet folds.
"Damn it Papi" April moaned out in pleasure. His ass didn't even give her a warning.
"Why is this shit wet like this" he groaned. That shit was wet, wet and he hadn't even done shit to her just yet.
"This shit has been soaking since last night" she moaned enjoying the feel of him being back home and deep inside her.
April and Dave stepped in the shower and washed in silence. She and Dave both knew that they both had a lot on their minds and before they laid their heads to rest for the night they had to get everything out in the open instead of letting shit fester. They didn't want any bad vibes in their relationship at all so like always this was going to be another one of their therapy sessions. April had low key felt a way about Dave not telling her what had been going on, how he felt, and what had been said about her pretty much behind her back. Let it had been her holding anything in even the slightest bit of anything he would be on her ass like white on rice trying to get to the bottom of it yet he was holding back himself and she didn't like that.
Luckily it wasn't over the top but still he was holding shit in. She knew nothing about the conversation he had with his ex-boys but what she did know and what finally clicked is how when she told him she couldn't make it out to see him a few weeks back that he didn't ask her a million and one questions as usual. He sort of seemed relieved but she had let it be and chalked it up to him being on the road. But tonight he was going to let the cat out of the bag and April wouldn't have it any other way.
April had finished up in the shower and stepped out before Dave giving him space to do what he needed to do. She grabbed her towel, blotted off, wrapped it around her body, and walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to the dresser. She opened the dresser, grabbed one of her nursing bras, then went to Dave's side and grabbed a t-shirt, and grabbed her cocoa and shea butter mixture. She tossed on her clothes, put on her body butter, and hopped right in the bed waiting for Dave to finish up and join her.
A few minutes later Dave walked out of the bathroom looking all types of good with little beads of water flowing down his chest. She turned away with the quickness knowing if she looked at him any longer and the girls still being sleep he'd be trying to get a round two started and as bad as she wanted another round they really needed to talk. Dave looked over and chuckled as he dried off then reached inside of the dresser and grabbed a pair of boxer briefs. He dropped his towel and slipped them on all the while looking at April. She knew damn well what he was doing and she wasn't about to give in this time around.
"I swear ya ass is a tease" April said and shook her head at him. He stayed doing some shit to get her to bust it wide open without a second thought.
He laughed making sure not to laugh to loud since Charlie was still knocked out. "You'll be aight you know what it is"
"Lawd get ya ass in the bed already" she said as she watched him put his lotion on.
"Well damn" he looked at her and put the bottle of lotion on the dresser and made his way to the bed and hopped in. As soon as he got comfortable April made her way into his arms and cuddled into him inhaling his scent and sighing. She was so happy he was home. She was happy he was out making his bags but she really couldn't wait until his tour was over so she could see and be around him more often. She loved spending time with him.
April wrapped her leg across his waist and draped her arm over his chest. "Papi you got some explaining to do"
Dave sighed. "I know"
"I'm trying to understand why you didn't say anything bout how you were feeling and the shit that was said bout me. I know I was taking care of home but that doesn't mean that I didn't have time to talk to you bout you and ya feelings. When it comes to my feelings you be on my heels so I don't see why you would keep this shit to yourself" April said a little upset.
"I wasn't trying to hide it from you but you were at home having a hard time getting shit adjusted with the girls and I didn't want to add shit else to ya plate. I knew I was going to deal with the situation so I wasn't stressed over it because I knew niggas had to go anyway. I'm just pissed off that I've been carrying these niggas on my back and calling them my friends for years and they really weren't my friends at all. I didn't know they felt the way they did or even fucked with Profit the way they did" he said and rubbed his hand over his face frustrated while taking his free arm and wrapped it around April.
"I didn't tell them shit bout what happened between me and Profit so for Hood to even mention that shit blows my mind. How do you call ya self my friend and you know all this shit is going down in the background but you don't even say shit bout it. You don't give me no heads up no nothing but you ride my coattails and get what you can get out of me and me being me I'm blind to the shit and taking care of niggas like they're my family. Where did this shit go left or was he a part of this shit the whole time" he continued.
"Papi you know I know what ya feeling and that shit sucks and it hurts but I think we've learned quite a few things bout friends this past year. Like I said with Hazel we use the word friend too lightly but how would we know if they have ulterior motives when all we're doing is being us and being their friends. Some people know how to play the game well but that shit doesn't last forever. Somewhere down the line they always manage to fuck up. At the end of the day you may have lost a few friends but they were never your friends to begin with. You still have ya right hand men and day ones Bully and Shooter" April said reminding him that all wasn't lost.
"Ya lil brother is back and his lil ass isn't going anywhere. Not only that but you've gained three brothers in August, Trey, and Chris. Sure you and Trey have been friends for a while and you and Chris were cool as well but you have three extra boys/brothers that have ya back. You've also gained three sisters with Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi and you know they go hard for their brothers and their men. You have your parents, my parents, Uncle Ny-Reek, our daughters, and then there's me and I will never let you down. We will never let you down" April said and kissed his chest. She was not going to let him sulk in his feelings. Just like he was there for her with the shit with Hazel she was going to be right by his side as well. "And after the cleanup you still have a few loyal men on ya team Papi so it's not all bad" April said trying to assure him that he was still good regardless of what happened.
Dave smiled April was absolutely right. He may have lost a few friends but he had gained so much more then he had even bargained for. He had never seen this shit happening but it did and it was amazing. He had it all. "Ya right ma and I'm sorry for keeping shit from you. You know I don't play with shit like this so I'm def sorry for not letting you know how I was feeling. But is it bad that I'm sort of happy that I didn't say anything to you bout it though" he said and chuckled.
"You smooth came and did a pop up on a nigga. I've been wanting you at one of my shows for the longest and you came through and held a nigga down. Not only that but you paid for my night out" he said and cheesed. He was happy as fuck that they had found each other. He knew he'd never have what he had with April with another woman. She was really his soulmate and she proved that shit each and every single day.
"Just don't make it a habit or I might have to pull a you and mug ya ass, take you to the studio, lock you in, and be on ya heels till you let me in just like you did me" she said and she meant that shit. "Papi you know my ass will ride with you till the very end. I put out the same energy you give me on a daily and that's how it's gonna stay. I wanted to come to one of ya shows for the longest myself but you know mommy duty is serious these days" she laughed a little. "But when Ebony told me what was going on I had to make shit happen. There was no way in hell that ya last concert was going to have an ass ending. I had to come help clean up and I'm happy you let me. I know most niggas wouldn't let me do what I do but you be here for my fuckery Papi and you let me be great and you aren't intimidated by me"
Dave laughed he knew exactly what she meant. Most niggas wouldn't be able to let her be herself without feeling some type of way. "You already know if it's valid and you ain't with child it's a go. Besides niggas had been asking bout you and now they know ya ass ain't a rich snooty bitch like they assumed. Ya one of the realest"
"That's all I know how to be. I can be classy and I can be professional but you know my ass is a hood baby. My daddy don't play games and my mama doesn't either"
"Exactly and now they know" Dave said proudly.
"So fill me in. Why was I even mentioned" she looked up at him while she ran her fingers back and forth across his chest.
"Ma I had to let them niggas know what it was" Dave said and proceeded to tell her what had happened making sure not to leave anything out.
April was speechless. She couldn't understand how a man he called his friend would even suggest for him to go out and fuck a bitch and basically fuck up his family over a quick nut. She was happy as hell that they cleaned up house because those weren't the people to have in his corner. Those were the types to set you up on some bullshit just to fuck up what you have at home because they don't have what you have and they want it. Then for Dave to tell them who he actually had at home and waiting for him brought tears to her eyes. Her man really loved the fuck out of her and she was happy that she was his. She was happy as hell that Dave had a mind of his own and wasn't going to let anyone pressure him into fucking up what they had.
"Thanks for always having my back Papi" she thanked him and kissed his chest again.
"I wouldn't have it any other way. I got ya back, ya front, and ya sides ma and you know that" Dave said and she nodded. She knew it and didn't doubt it not even for a second. "But enough bout me I know ya aren't feeling too happy with what they said bout you. I know they hurt ya feelings" he said saddened that she even had to hear people talk about her the way they had when she was nothing like they claimed her to be. That's why he had to beat a few niggas asses to let them know she wasn't the one and he wasn't going to accept the disrespect.
April rolled her eyes and smacked her lips. "One, they called me way too many bitches but I'm ok with that. I'll be a rich bitch with good pussy all day long while niggas try to find someone else's dick to ride and pockets to raid. Most people think that because I have money that I'm one of those snooty women with my nose in the air but you know me I'm the complete opposite. I make my bags and I share without a care in the world but people don't like for me to be great. But I'm not gonna stop what I do or change who I am because of them. But" she said and dragged.
"I am so sick and tired of people calling me a fuckin homie hopper like I've been ran through and fucked a whole gang of friends. I am not a hoe. I am not a homie hopper and I don't sleep around" April said as her eyes teared and her nose burnt trying her hardest not to cry. That shit hurt her feelings because she was nothing like that and never had been like that. Even when she was in college she only fucked with the same people.
"First it was Trey my own damn brother and he went in on me so bad that you'd a thought I fucked not only Chris but August right along with him. Yes I forgave him but I didn't forget and I never will. That shit hurt my feelings especially when he knows the real me" April said as tears lined her eyelids and slowly trickled down the side of her face. Yes she had forgiven Trey and she loved and treated him like a brother but the shit hurt.
Dave felt her tears running down his bare skin and immediately jumped into high gear. He never liked to see her cry especially over bullshit. Dave leaned over some and picked her up with ease and placed her on top of him. "Ma stop crying" he said and wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumbs but April couldn't stop them they just kept falling. "Ma what did I tell you? You are not who they claim you to be and we both know that" he said sternly wanting her to soak up what he was saying. They were words and they hurt but they weren't true.
"I know but that shit hurts Papi. Then for them to say some shit bout who I'm a run off with next that's just some shit you don't say. Niggas act like you and Chris were best fuckin friends when in all honesty y'all were basically co-workers who chilled from time to time and if it wasn't for me having Charlie y'all asses wouldn't be as tight as y'all are now" April stopped and took a breath.
"I didn't date anyone for years after Chris until you. I was not checking for you. I was not looking for you. It just happened. No one can link me to ANYONE after Chris yet I'm a homie hopper. Let's be real if I wanted to fuck anybody in the industry most likely they've already worked with Chris or wanted to work with Chris so it would always be some link to him. Niggas talk bout me like they don't date, share, fuck, and chase after the same bitches all day long but ok. They act like as soon as I left Chris I started fuckin with you. Anybody who truly knows me knows I don't do fuck shit like that. If you and Chris were tight I wouldn't have even given you my damn number let alone looked ya way" April said and wiped her eyes but still the tears came. Dave just let her talk and vent. He wanted her to get it all out.
"I'm not out here popping my pussy on a handstand for Chris's friends like that. My body count isn't even qualified as a body count because it's so small. But what I realized is that most of these niggas like to talk shit bout me but they can't so the only thing they can call me is a homie hopper. They don't know shit bout me and can't find out shit bout me because I'm not out here doing dumb shit" April said. She knew they couldn't bring up any instances where she was out of character or doing some fuck shit so they always threw that shit in her face.
"I know ya not a homie hopper just like we all know ya not a homie hopper so fuck them niggas. The only dick ya hopping on is mines. Let's be real if you gave anyone of them niggas the slightest inkling that you wanted to get shit popping with one of them they'd all say fuck me and try to get with you. Their asses just mad that they didn't and couldn't bag you and ya ass is sitting pretty not bothering anybody and still you be having people in their feelings. They can call you whatever they want but they can't call you theirs and that's why they're mad. Ya lil ass is all mines every single part of you. Ya mind, ya body, and ya soul belongs to me and niggas hate to see it. They're mad that a nigga like me gets to call you mines" Dave said as he looked dead in her eyes while he mindlessly rubbed on her booty.
April looked at him and smiled. "A nigga like you isn't a bad thing you know that. You're one hell of a man and you're one hell of a father. You deserve what you put out and I'm here to do the same for you. I don't care bout ya past it's helped shape you into the man that you are and the man I fell in love with. So stop saying a nigga like you because ya not bad. Besides it takes a nigga like you to handle a woman like me and you do it effortlessly. My mouth can be reckless at times, I am Queen Petty, I can hold shit in, and I come with a lot but you stand by my side and you stand tall through it all. You give me what I give you and honestly we are both blessed to have each other in our lives" she said then bent down and kissed him.
"Sometimes when I think bout the family I have and the man that I have I have to really sit down and laugh and smile at this shit. For years no one could tell me that I wouldn't have what I have now with Chris. I use to see all of this shit with him and I wanted it with him and now when I look around and I really think bout it, it wouldn't be close to what I have now with you. I wouldn't change what I have or what we have for anything in this world. I could've had all of this with him and lawd it would've been a piece of shit and toxic as fuck. When I see my family and my future all I see is you Papi. I close my eyes and it's you. It couldn't be any other man but you" she said and cheesed. She knew she lucked up with Dave. He was her perfect match.
"You know I know that feeling all too well" Dave said and laughed. "I use to think that same shit bout Agnes and I know damn well it wouldn't be what we have. It wouldn't even come close to it. We went through all the bullshit to end up where we are right now. I am convinced if I saw you with any nigga before me and I didn't know you I'd feel the same pull to you like I do now. I would feel like you were supposed to be mines. What we have is fuckin crazy"
"Crazy real" she smiled at him. "Well hey if I'm a homie hopper I hopped on the right nigga because my nigga is the best" she laughed.
Dave laughed and smacked her ass. "Exactly act like you know" he playfully mugged her.
"Oh I know. Is there anything else on ya mind" she asked wanting to make sure he was good.
"I'm good ma it is what it is" he said and shrugged. He knew it would take some time to get over the bullshit but he also knew that he would be just fine. "Yooooo" he dragged.
April looked at him and raised her brow. "Yes"
"Did you really say that nigga was wearing jeans from the women's section and his balls were gasping for air" he asked laughing making her laugh.
"Papi you saw those tight shits. I know I did. Those shits were too damn tight and he couldn't pull them over his ass if he tried. He probably had to tuck his balls just to get in those shits" April said dead ass serious. Those damn pants looked painted on.
"I'm done" he laughed. "I never know what to expect to come out ya mouth when ya on one and being petty. That's why you and Shooter's ass get along the way y'all do. Y'all are the same"
"Brother gets me and I get him. We say what most of y'all think but don't want to say out loud" she said and yawned.
"I see sleepy head"
"Papi I can't wait to leave Jersey. Its home but I'm tired of being here. I want to be in our new home and I want to be there like now. The energy is bad here and we can't trust but too many people. I'm tired of telling daddy to run background checks on people. Like after what went down last night we don't know if these niggas are gonna let shit be or team up with Profit and Agnes and start a whole damn retaliation" she said and paused.
"I'm tired of dealing with Wheelchair Profit, Dog Face Agnes, and people associated with them. For once I'd like to not think bout somebody popping up and coming for one of us. Damn is it too much to ask for. Then I'm still walking around with one eye open wondering whose coming for my ass. It's just too much. Can I just be a regular person and just breathe easy? Can I just be a loving fiancé and mother already without the drama" April said and confessed. She was getting tired of the background shit. She was tired of looking over her shoulders. She just wanted a peaceful life with OCCASIONAL drama here and there not every time she looked around.
"I feel you ma. I get it and I want the same thing but in order for us to breath the fresh air in our new place we're gonna have to air these niggas out first. We got loose ends to clip and they're getting clipped before we leave" he said as a matter of fact.
"True" she nodded and lied against his chest with her legs still draped around his waist. "Me just want peace Papi" she pouted.
"And I promise you'll have it" he said and kissed her in her hair. "Anything else on ya mind"
"Nope but um" she said, lifted her head, and looked up at him. "I think I'm horny again" she whispered.
Dave chuckled and licked his lips. "Bathroom or closet"
April thought about it. They were closer to the closet than the bathroom. "Closet"
"Get that ass up then" he smacked her ass making her moan. April got up with the quickness and rushed to the closet. "You better keep quiet too" Dave said and looked at her devilishly. No one was getting any sleep tonight besides the girls. It was going to be a long ass night.
-Hey guys happy reading. I hope y'all enjoy. I know I'm hella late 😫 but I'm here so enjoy 😊
-The 💍 is readyyyyyyy‼️ It's almost time and I can't wait 😂 I got some writing to do and a thinking cap to put on because my brain is on 😳 right about now 😂
-Oh yea y'all thought y'all was about to get a a sex scene didn't y'all 🤣
-Dave is experiencing the same thing April went through with Hazel. People just don't want them to be great.
-April a homie hopper 🤔 I don't know what y'all think but I think that's a stretch to call her that. How do y'all feel about it 🤔
-How are y'all feeling book 2 🤔 Is it still peaking your interest 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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