12.1: For My Girls
Chapter 12.1: For My Girls cont...
Nia looked at her and smiled and April could tell off bat that there was more on her mind. She just wonder what it was and hoped it wasn't going to be anything crazy.
"This might be asking for too much or even wishful thinking and maybe I should've talked to Chris bout this beforehand but I know he'd be fine with it. I know you consider Royalty yours and that you'll always have her back but how would you feel with being her god mother" Nia asked and looked at her hopeful. April damn near lost it. She damn sure didn't think she would ask her that or even think of that with the way their history was set up. April had to know more. Like, who the fuck even comes up with this shit? Now granted April had no problem whatsoever with it but she was kind of skeptical especially with it coming from Nia. Maybe if Chris had asked her she wouldn't be so skeptical but Nia most definitely.
Nia laughed a little and played with her hands. April could tell she was still nervous and with the question she just asked she deserved to be. "I know I know it's a lot to ask of you especially with our history and what I did but I rather it be you than anybody else. I have friends that I wouldn't dare ask of this. They're cool but not that damn cool or can even handle this kind of responsibility. She has a great father and she'll always be taken care of but I feel like you've always been a mother to her and she's always looked at you as such so why not give her what she already has in you" Nia said and shrugged. April knew it took a lot for her to even ask her what she did it had to.
April didn't know if someone was going to come out and say she's been punked, pranked, or what but she still had her guard up. This time her guard was all the way up. Her wheels were turning and they were spinning fast. So many questions ran through her mind. Was it really about her money? Yes it was long but Chris had long money too so what was the catch? Why her and was she being genuine?
April looked at her and laughed. "I know you fuckin lying" she continued and got serious. "I'm not even gonna sit here and lie to you I'm waiting for the ball to drop and for someone to say that I've been punked, pranked, or whatever else. I wouldn't imagine in a million years that you of all people would ask me something serious like that. Granted I have no problem with that at all but if I'm being completely honest what's the catch and why me" April said and asked straight up. She wasn't here for the games. If they were being straight up and being adults then it was only right to see what was up.
"There's no catch no catch at all. It's just facts. From day one you have had my child's back and sadly I must admit more than I had at times. I thought long and hard about this and even said fuck it quite a few times but I feel as though it's only right. I know if anything should ever happen to me and Chris that you would be there for her without a doubt no questions asked. You don't have to give me an answer today or even tomorrow. So take your time and if you want to talk to Chris about it feel free" she said yet April was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. People didn't do shit like this just to do it.
"Talk me bout what" Chris asked as he finally found his way back into the living room.
"Just in time" April said looking up at him. She couldn't wait to get his ass alone.
Nia looked up at him and took a deep breath. "I asked April if she would like to be Royalty's god mother"
Chris looked at her and laughed just flat out cackled like she had told a joke and April couldn't blame him. She still couldn't compute what the fuck was going on and being asked of her. Walking around the couch and taking a seat on the opposite couch in front of them Chris continued laughing as he locked his eyes on Nia. April already knew he was trying to read her. He wanted to know just like she had wanted to know what kind of place Nia was coming from and who was she to ask that serious of a question.
"You dead ass right now" he questioned serious as all hell with his face scrunched up.
"Yes, I know it sounds funny and a lil off base for me to even ask but listen why not. She treats her as a daughter and she has been since day one. I trust her with Royalty and I know she would forever do right by her. If you could choose anybody to be her god mother who would you chose" Nia asked while April was still trying to wrap her head around what was being asked of her.
"April" Chris answered without hesitation. April looked at him trying to keep her jaw from dropping. Niggas was really out here on some new shit but she loved that little girl to death so she knew what she was going to do. She just hoped that it wouldn't come back to bite her in the ass.
"I don't have to think bout it. I'm not going anywhere. I promised her that I wouldn't leave her. So yes I would love to be her god mother" April said then focused on Nia hoping like hell that she took heed to her words. "I don't do drama Nia so if this is some type of sick joke you can count me out right now because I don't play when it comes to my girls. I won't sign up to play a game that's targeted to hurt me and ends up hurting them. I love Royalty too much to play with her feelings. Besides things have changed a lot. I don't keep my mouth shut or turn a blind eye so if this is a joke like I said count me out. But if you are serious and really on ya grown woman shit and Chris doesn't have an issue with it then I accept" she said looking between Nia and Chris. She was not the with the shits at all and she wasn't going to let Royalty be a pawn in anyone's sick scheme and if Nia thought this shit was a joke she was going to find out the hard way. April was about that life she was no longer letting certain shit slide on by like it wasn't nothing especially when her kids were involved.
"No pranks and no bullshit. This is what I want and I know it would be good for Royalty" Nia said straight up. April couldn't sense any sign of bullshit but her eyes were still open.
"Welp call me god mommy" April said and chuckled. People were really out here on some other shit.
"Are you sure" Both Nia and Chris asked.
"I'm positive" she answered.
"Thank you" Nia said.
"No problem"
"Thank you for being there for her from jump. Thank you for treating her as if she was yours, for caring for her, and giving her extra loving. Thank you for all that you've done and still do for her" Nia thanked her and April could tell that it was genuine.
"You're welcome it's my pleasure" April said and nodded her head. Charlie was about to be drinking Similac because lawd knows April needed a fat ass blunt right about now.
"Damn so y'all are good" Chris asked looking between the two not knowing what the fuck he had just witnessed.
"Yup" April answered. She couldn't wait to tell her sisters this shit let alone Dave.
"So who's telling her the news" Chris asked. April could sense that he still couldn't believe the shit either. She knew that they were going to talk about this shit once Nia left. April straight felt like the fat lady had finally sung and pigs were fuckin flying. She was straight in some Twilight Zone shit and didn't know if she was coming or going because this couldn't be life right now.
"That's on y'all" April said and sat back.
"I'll do it" Nia spoke up.
"Quick question...now what if after you explain this to her she decides that she wants to call me mommy or some shit? Are you even comfortable or ok with that? I don't want any of those issues" April asked as she kept her eyes on Nia knowing some women didn't like for their kids to call other women mommy.
Nia chuckled. "She's done it a few times already but she called you momma" Nia confessed. That explained it. Royalty was already putting the vibes in the air.
April and Chris looked at each other and burst out laughing. Of course she would call her that. She got that shit from Kairi. Hanging around with Kairi, hearing her call April momma, and April treating both girls the same she could definitely see Royalty slipping up and calling her that.
"Yeaaaa my daughter calls me that" April said and laughed.
"That explains it. She caught me off guard the first time she said it. I asked her who she was talking about and she got nervous and said my Apple" Nia said.
"Daddy" Royalty came skipping into the living room interrupting Nia but nonetheless right on time. "You said you'd be right back" she said and hopped in his lap pouting.
"I was talking to ya mommy and my Apple" he said and April already knew he was picking with her.
"You mean my Apple" she looked at him like he knew better making April laugh. She loved when she came at him and declared that she wasn't his Apple. She was hers.
"I knew her first though so she's my Apple" he said teasingly.
Royalty looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. "Daddy no just no" she said shaking her head making them all laugh. She was too damn serious with it.
"Mommy is you and my Apple friends now" she asked looking at them hopeful.
April and Nia looked at each other. "Yes" they answered together now looking at Royalty. They would never be friends but they could friends.
To April Nia was that one so-called friend that you had to keep your eyes open around at all times until they proved that they were loyal. With people like that around April wasn't closing not a damn eye. She wanted to see how this shit was going to play out and she hoped it wouldn't turn into a shit show. At the end of it all April's main goal was making sure that her three girls were all the way good with no drama in their lives. So if being the bigger person was going to help them stay together then she was for it.
"YES" Royalty jumped out of Chris's lap and hit the woah making them all laugh. She was truly Chris's child. See this is why April did what she did just to see the smile on her baby's face and make sure everything would always be right in her world.
"Come here" Nia said and Royalty walked straight to her cheesing. "Remember when you called April momma" she looked at her.
"Yes" she looked at her mother then over at April looking all shy when she was never shy around her at all.
"Well today I asked April something very important. I asked her would she like to be your god mommy"
Royalty's eyes widened. "What's that mean" she questioned.
"That you get to have two mommies and two women who will always have your back" Nia answered.
"TWO" Royalty said excitedly. "I get to have two mommies"
Nia nodded her head smiling. April knew that the news had just made Royalty's day.
"What that means is that you my baby are stuck with me for life" April said and laughed. "I will continue to love you, care for you, and always be there for you like I promised" she said smiling at her.
"Forever" she asked.
"And ever and ever and ever" April answered smiling.
"Daddy I got two mommies" she turned to him and cheesed.
"You always have" he shot back smiling at her.
By the end of the conversation everything was cool between April and Nia. The conversation had gone better than they both expected especially April. She thought she'd have to be petty but there was no need to be. At the end of the day there was a bigger picture and that was Royalty, Kairi, and Charlie and they meant the world to her. Unfortunately it wasn't Chris's week to have Royalty so when Nia left so did Royalty but she didn't leave sad. She was riding on cloud nine at the moment so she was all smiles when she left. Everything was all right in her little world and that's all that mattered.
"Soooo" Chris dragged and looked dead at April and scratched his head.
"Yup awkward as fuck never thought this shit would go down but I have no problems with it. I know how to act accordingly and I'm also keeping my eyes open but hey I'm a god momma now" April said and laughed. This shit was too damn funny. Boy how the tables were turning.
"Yea bout that I didn't know shit bout that so if you want to change ya mind it's cool" Chris said serious.
"Boy bye I've been claiming that baby since forever and a day. You know I don't mind no matter how awkward this shit is because it is awkward as fuck. I swear our family is cool as fuck and blended in all types of ways but gahdamn we're a weird bunch" April said and continued laughing. She had a fresh baby by her ex-fiance, was in a relationship with the love of her life, claiming his child as her own, and now she was the god mother to her ex-fiance's daughter with the same woman he cheated on her with. What else was going to go down?
"Straight facts but how you feel bout talking to her" Chris questioned trying to see where her head was at when it came to Nia.
"First off I would like you to know that you ain't shit. Ya ass dipped like I didn't ask you to be in here with me" April said and smacked her lips at him and folded her arms across her chest.
"I'm sorry but a nigga is tired of hearing that he fucked up. I know what I did and I live with what I did every day and I know if I was in here she probably wouldn't have spoken her mind. She'd probably try to lessen her involvement or some shit"
"Understood" April nodded. Who would want to keep hearing about their fuck ups? So she understood where he was coming from. "Ya lucky this time around but nah she admitted to her bullshit, said some shit she could've kept to herself, and she actually apologized. Now that whole chapter is finally done. I've cleaned my hands of it and that's that. I don't have time for the bullshit and unnecessary drama in my life" she said truthfully. The shit had happened and now it was done. It was time to let go of that whole era and live the life that she made for herself and all the new blessings God blessed her with. Chris and Nia just better be ready for those questions when Royalty gets older because April knew she was going to have quite a few about their family's dynamics.
"Agreed I'm happy y'all got that shit out of the way now my girls can talk whenever they want and be around each other as they please" Chris said.
"True that's the only reason why I talked to her to begin with. If it wasn't for my girls that whole conversation wouldn't have even gone down"
"Trust I already know" Chris said he already knew what type of time April was on.
"Yup well let me get up outta here. I need to handle some business and go bother lil sis and lil big bro while I'm out here"
"Aight cool let me know when ya leaving and when you've made it back home"
"Heard ju" April said as she slipped on her jean jacket, grabbed her purse, her phone, and stood up from the couch. Chris walked her to the front door and opened it up for her. "Oh yea I didn't see my ride out here so I'm hoping by the time we move out here my G wagon will be ready for me and my girls" April said as she walked out the door.
Chris laughed. "You'll be aight I still got you"
"You better" she said and laughed. They shared a hug and she went about her business and ready to take on the rest of the day.
"BITCHHHHH I KNOW YOU FUCKIN LYING" Alaina shouted as she, April, and Ebony sat in her and August' living room gossiping about April's conversation with Nia. April and Ebony had been there for a good hour now just chilling. They had come straight after April had taken Ebony to pick out her office space in her building.
"I don't know sis" Ebony shook her head confused as to how that even went down and what was Nia's motive.
"I'm dead ass. Here I am talking to her and she apologizes for her part then by the end of it I'm straight being asked to be my baby's god mother" April said still in shock. She really couldn't grasp that that shit had really gone down. She still hadn't told Dave but she was going to fill him in later but she did text him to let him know that she was done and she was with the girls. She didn't know how he would react to the news but she couldn't wait to hear what he had to say and what was his thoughts about the whole situation.
"I don't even know what to say. I don't even know how she tooted her mouth to even ask you that shit. I get it yes you've been a mother to my niece but with y'all background I just can't see that shit going down. All the shit she's done to you she asks you that" Alaina said trying to figure out what type of fuckery was going on.
"True shit I don't think I could've asked the woman whose man I slept with to be the god mother of our child. That's type ballsy of her. It just goes to show you that bitches be out here causing all kinds of trouble and be ready for the consequences but not all the consequences. She straight had an ongoing affair with ya ex nigga, had a baby by him, and watched you take care of her child as if she was yours. She thought she had something over ya head but her daughter loves the shit out of you and she couldn't get rid of you even if she tried so she threw the towel in" Ebony said.
April nodded her head. She understood where both Alain and Ebony was coming from. "It couldn't be me but hey I guess nice guys finish last after all" she said.
Ebony and Alaina laughed. "This is some wild shit" Alaina said.
"Truly is but that's gotta be some shit for Nia to deal with. But y'all know me I told her straight up that I'm not here for any drama or any bullshit. I only do this shit for my girls. Y'all know I got my eyes open to all fuckery. She's off the hit list but her ass is still on probation. I just can't afford to close my eyes just yet. I still have a target on my back" April said then grabbed her bottle of water and took a sip.
"So what if she decides to call you mommy one day" Ebony questioned.
April looked at her and laughed. "Sisssss from what I was told today she's been slipping up calling me momma"
"WHAT" Ebony and Alaina shouted.
"Yup I asked Nia the same shit and come to find out my baby has called me momma a few times. I'm screwed I thought Charlie would at least call me mommy but with Love Bug and my baby calling me momma it's a wrap. She's gonna follow suit" April playfully groaned while they laughed at her.
"How do you feel bout her calling you momma" Alaina and curious.
"I really don't have a problem with it. Whatever she's comfortable calling me and her parents don't mind then I'm straight. It's like if Chris was in a serious relationship where he was talking about marrying someone I wouldn't feel bad if Charlie called her mommy but that's IF she treats my child as such and IF she's actually going to be her step mother. It's just funny that bitches try to take me down and knock me off my throne but they can't get rid of me like you said. April Apz love the kids" she said and laughed. If Chris could share his child with Dave and have Charlie calling him Papa then April had no problem if he wanted the same but the woman had to be worthy of that title. Nia may have not been Chris's woman but she must of thought April was worthy enough for the responsibility she asked of her and the title if Royalty decided to switch shit up on her and call her momma.
"Do you have a problem with being her god mother" Ebony questioned making sure April was all the way straight with what had happened.
"Honestly sis I don't. The shit is just a title. She was mines from the very start. I ain't going anywhere and neither is she. She's Charlie's big sister we will forever be in each other's lives and you know me I will always have her back. So whatever I have to do to keep my girls together I'll do. They will always come first. With us moving and them being in the same state they are going to want to be around each other more often so why not" April said and shrugged. It was funny to her. Millie said she was taking care of other women's children and here she was raising Kairi as her own while she was out living her life. Then there was Nia who had fucked her ex, had a baby by him, and now she was the god mother to that same child. Life knew it could throw some mean ass curve balls and yes she was catching them all but she was hitting all homeruns. The nice guy was finishing last and she was winning. No matter how hard bitches were coming for her she couldn't stay down for too long.
"Bitches be mad but their kids love you" Alaina said still laughing.
"We're just gonna keep our eyes open" Ebony said.
"Absolutely" April said agreeing. "Now enough bout me where the fuck is lil big bruh I done came out here and he's a no show then his lil ass will be hitting me up later on with an attitude talking bout I'm slipping on my sisterly duties"
"True" Alaina laughed. "He's at the studio. It'll most likely be a late night tonight"
"Please tell me he's bout to drop some new shit. I'm still listening to Kissing on My Tattoos like the shit just came out" Ebony questioned. They had all been waiting on August to drop some new music.
"Fingers crossed...hopefully" Alaina replied.
"Bet because we need some new shit from him. I don't even care if it's just a single" April said.
"You know he's independent now so shit is a lil different for him now" Alaina said and shrugged some.
"True, true but if he needs anything tell him don't hesitate to ask. We all got his back" April said.
"Bet" Alaina said and with that they left the subject alone. April, Alaina, and Ebony just chilled until it was time for April and Ebony to hop back on the plane. April had to get back to her babies and tell her man the news.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed. I ain't even going to lie to y'all I'm bored as shit right now constantly staying in the house ain't the wave. It's to the point I'm too bored to write. I straight didn't want to do shit for a few days now and I still don't 😂. Hopefully it'll change though I have some chapters to finish writing.
-Nia done bumped her damn head though but as usual April does what she has to do for her girls. Granted she really doesn't mind being Ro's god momma anyway so that's a win for her. But still for Nia to ask that question is a lil ballsy on her part 🤷🏾♀️
-How do y'all feel about Nia asking April what she did and if it were you what would you have done 🤔. All I know is that it couldn't be me 😂. I wouldn't have been able to ask that of someone if I helped destroy that person's relationship.
-Ro put those vibes in the air 😂. But really I could see her slipping up and calling April momma especially with the relationship they have. I think it was bound to happen and I'm surprised she hadn't slipped up in front of April by now 😂 but I wrote it that way so hey 😂
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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