10.1: Thanksgiving...Smoke

10.1: Thanksgiving...Smoke cont...

"Daddy" Kairi skipped into the living room calling his name. April already knew what time it was. She was coming to collect her daddy.

"Yes Lil Butt" he looked at her smiling while April sat in his lap getting some cuddle time in while she had it.

"Come play with meeeeee" she dragged and grabbed his hand like she didn't see April sitting in his lap.

"Oop well excuse me Love Bug" April looked at her and laughed.

"Momma you have to share. Daddy's mine too" she said with her hand still in Dave's. Kairi was dead ass serious. She wanted some playtime with her daddy.

"Oop ok then you can have ya daddy...for right now" April said as she and Dave laughed but there was no way that she'd deny her some daddy daughter time. She knew she had been missing him just the same.

"Ma I'll see you a lil later" he said and winked.

"Go play Papi" April said laughing as she rose off his lap and moved to the side letting him up then decided this would be the perfect time to talk to her little cousins. They were all old enough to be in the know.

"Aye y'all let's go talk for a second so I can fill y'all in on what's been going on" April said as she walked into the room that her little cousins had made their hang out spot.

"Ok" they all said and followed her out of the room and downstairs to the basement. They all got situated and comfortable while April stood in front of them. She knew they were going to feel a way too. They thought of Hazel as a cousin and were cool with her just like April and Alaina had been. She was considered family and everybody had treated her as such. No one had ever counted her out.

"Big cuz what's really going on" Trevor asked as he leaned back into his seat with his legs stretched out.

"As y'all can see I want all the smoke when it comes to Hazel. I love the girl and she's still my sister but I don't fuck with her anymore. I can't hang around people I don't trust. I know y'all seen me clap back at Dave's baby mama. Most if not all of y'all follow him so I know y'all seen all the shit she had been tagging him in and how she wanted him back and how she got him back and all that talk bout kids and can't keep a nigga shit" she said looking around the room.

"I saw that shit I was wondering why they were even together to begin with. The chick is a bird brain" another one of her cousins chimed in.

"The shit that had me rolling is that she was talking all this big boy shit but she ain't never at anybody" another one spoke up and laughed. "She can't even keyboard gangsta the right way"

April laughed. "Well that bird brain of a woman was firing shots at me that were sent by Hazel. She was telling Agnes all of my business and paying her to post shit up and start shit with me. But as you can see she ain't never at a bitch" April said serious. She wanted them to know that this shit wasn't a joke. Everybody in the room started laughing besides April.

"Big cuz she must've been smoking dope we got way too much smoke over here for her to be that damn stupid. If I'd a known she was the enemy I'd a hooked her ass at the door" her cousin Tiana said and rolled her eyes. She was all about her big cousin all day every day and when it came to family they all didn't play.

April laughed. "I already know boo. Now this is the thing Alaina and Ebony already whooped her ass and it was a damn good fight but me being me I still want my round. Granted they put the cuffs on me tonight but I'm a get my shit one way or another. But I'm a tell y'all this shit I know she's family and some of y'all have a bond with her so if y'all still want to connect with her that's ya business. The only thing I ask of you is to keep ya secrets and personal shit to yourselves. If she fucked me over then she's capable of doing it to y'all so keep ya shit to ya self. Please" April said.

"Cousin I'm confused on why she would start some shit with you out of all people. I mean if it wasn't for you she wouldn't even be part of this family or live the life that she does. I've never seen you brag or boast that you did anything for her so why you. She was your best friend" another one of her cousins asked looking at her curious.

"Jealousy, envy, and she likes me" April said straight up. "That green eyed monster is serious and everybody doesn't know how to deal with it. It will have you out here doing and getting into some bullshit"

"Cousin I'd be jealous of you too if I didn't know you" another one said.

"I can understand that. We've all including me have been jealous of someone but we're on the outside looking in. What you have to realize is that you don't know what that person is actually going through. Just because I have the life I do doesn't mean that I don't have troubles like everyone else. You can have everything and be just as unhappy as someone who has less than you. Just think bout that the next time you feel jealous of someone. Everything isn't what it seems" April said sternly letting them know everything wasn't always glitter and gold.

"Bet" they said.

"Wait you said she likes you. Like she like, like or" another one asked looking confused as hell.

April looked at him and laughed. "Yes like, like but I'm not gonna get into that" April answered. She was not about to go into her sexual rendezvous or sexual preferences with them.

"So it's on sight or what" Trevor asked.

They all laughed. "I'm on my best behavior today. As you can see they put the cuffs on me but look I just wanted to fill y'all in and please don't go popping off for me. I can handle myself. Just remember what I said" she said and looked at the girls knowing they'd be ready for whatever.

"Are y'all gonna be cool again" another asked.

April shrugged. "I don't know. She has some shit to work out within herself so until she deals with her issues she can count me out. She's already fucked me over once and I'm not willingly going to sign up for a part two. But go head and finish what y'all were doing. Go have some fun" she said and smiled at them then made her way out of the basement and headed to the kitchen.

April walked inside the kitchen and rolled her eyes so damn hard. Like what the fuck. She felt like people were trying her at this point. "Really mommy" she said as she stepped fully inside to see her mother at the kitchen table with Hazel getting down on a plate.

"You know like I know she has no one but us and it's a holiday" Ananda said looking over at April. April could see a glimpse of sadness in her eyes but that wasn't her fault. All this shit balled down to Hazel.

April chuckled. "And I care because" she said trying her best not to give her mother the stink face or an attitude. "So I'm supposed to walk around my own house uncomfortable. Please tell me where that makes sense" she screwed up her face.

"Watch ya tone" Ananda quipped while Hazel kept quiet and looked on. April wished she could pluck the fuck out of her forehead.

"Sorry mommy" she apologized but this shit was far from over. This was a no, no in her book. "But she gotta go" she said as a matter of fact. Hazel's ass couldn't stay. She wasn't welcomed.

"I'm right here you can tell me how you feel. You don't have to talk through mommy" Hazel spoke up.

April chuckled. "Bitch shut up I'm bout two seconds from fuckin ya ass up and saying fuck the consequences so go ahead and keep running ya mouth while mommy got ya bitch ass in that corner" April said gearing up yet again. "I'll bang ya head right on that fuckin table just like I did ya real best friend. You know the one you paid 20K to kick my back in" she said and Hazel shut right the fuck on up.

"Hold up now what y'all not bout to do is argue over me so both of y'all can shut that shit up" Ananda said looking between the two of them.

April stood there tapping her foot against the floor and clenching her fists trying to hold it together. She didn't give a fuck if her mother and father wanted to be there for Hazel but her house wasn't it. If they allowed her at their house then it was fine by her but hers was a no go.

"Y'all will behave today. It's a fuckin holiday. I know you don't want her here and she damn sure doesn't deserve to be here with the way she's done you and our family but she's here and I got my eye on her. She won't be leaving my sight" Ananda said putting down the law.

"Mommy I get that I do but my kids are here and I don't trust her meaning I don't want her in my house. I'm telling you now if my baby ends up online or even mentioned it's not gonna be a pretty sight. For you to even think this is cool is beyond me" April said and she knew she was pushing it but this shit wasn't acceptable.

Ananda got up from her seat and approached her. "You can talk shit all you want but not to me"

April looked at her. "Mommy you know I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I just want her out of my house"

"Then fix ya attitude Elegance before I do it for you" Ananda said looking at her daring her.

"My attitude isn't towards you"

"Fix it now. Y'all can be in the same house for a lil while. She isn't gonna be here long and she ain't posting shit bout my fuckin grandbaby either" Ananda said and looked at Hazel like I wish she would.

"Bet let her stay here and as soon as shit goes left I'm whooping her ass and I don't give a fuck what anybody says" April said and shrugged. "She could've taken a plate to go"

"Keep it up" Ananda said with her brow raised.

April chuckled. "I'm outta here" April said and walked off with an attitude. At this point before shit got ugly she was just going to erase herself from the equation. She went to look for Charlie whom she knew was with either her fathers or her grandmothers. Walking into the second living room she found her cradled in Chris's arms wide awake spit talking to her daddy.

"What's wrong with you" Chris looked up at her and asked as the rest of the crew turned their attention to her besides Dave. He was still spending time with Kairi.

April rolled the shit out of her eyes. "Hazel is in the kitchen with mommy so I'm just looking for Charlie so we can go up to my room until she leaves"

"I know you fuckin lying" Alaina said ready for the shits.

"Don't bother mommy just laid down the law. It's Captain Save a Hazel Day" April said and smacked her lips fed the fuck up. "I'm bout to catch a bitch outside" April said plotting in her head.

"I'm here for the follow up" Ebony chimed in.

"Baby" Bully looked at Ebony. She looked right back at him and shrugged.

"Look Charlie's good I got her" Chris said and she knew he meant it. He wasn't going to let shit go down.

"If my child or the slightest mention of my child is posted online it's gonna be a problem. We haven't discussed when we'll put her out there so if it ain't one of us I'm whooping ass and that's on that" April said as matter of fact. "Don't even let her ass get a glimpse of her"

"She ain't stupid she better sit her ass in there with mommy and keep it that way because if I catch her alone that's it" Alaina said.

"Lil sis as much as I want to see some shit go down this ain't it not today anyway. Don't let her fuck up the vibe. We're all chilling and mommy ain't gonna let that shit go down. We all know why she popped up and she's already causing friction" Shooter said serious.

"True" they all agreed. As soon as Hazel stepped through the door the vibe went left.

"I'm going to my room. I'll be back" she said and walked off. "By the way stay and enjoy y'all men and the festivities I'll be fine" April looked back at Alaina and Ebony then fully walked out of the room and back up upstairs to her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Knock Knock

Someone knocked on her bedroom door just as she plopped face first on the bed.

"Yes" she said.

"It's daddy Peanut"

"Come in" she said then heard the door open. Yet she didn't move she stayed right where she was at.

"Peanut don't be mad at mommy" he said and sighed as he took a seat beside her on the bed.

April rolled over, lied on her back, and starred at the ceiling. "Daddy you and I both know that having Hazel here is some bullshit. I shouldn't have to be uncomfortable in my own home. If I don't want someone in my house then that should be what it is" April said venting her frustrations.

"That's true and I get that just like mommy gets it. She knows Hazel fucked up and she isn't trying to push her on you but she can't just not be there for her that's her child too...She's our child. Y'all not talking and not getting along bothers the both of us because we can't see where we went wrong with her. We can't stand to see our lil girls not together like y'all use to be. She misses all of y'all together even though she doesn't speak on it" Ian explained.

"I get that daddy I do but that's Hazel's fault not mines. Mommy could've fixed her a plate to go and called it a day. Shit she could've went and sat outside in the car with her. Then again I'd be peeking in that bitch too just to make sure my mommy was safe. I want my round. She earned that shit fair and square. I'm tired of being fuckin nice. Then to pop up at my place like the shit was cool to me that shit is a silent threat and I don't like to be threatened especially not in my own home"

Ian laughed. "I know you do Peanut but today isn't the day and honestly I know y'all are gonna have to fight this shit out but like I said not today. I get it she fucked up and gave you trust issues and honestly y'all relationship might not ever get back right. But don't let her being here fuck up ya day. Family is here, we're all having fun, and my son made it home so finish enjoying ya self. Ya mother and I got Hazel and we'll keep her away from you and Charlie"

"You do know this is bullshit don't you. This shit doesn't make sense and y'all know it but ok. Y'all win. But she's not staying here. She can eat and she can talk to y'all but after that she gots to go" April said and she meant that shit.

"I swear ya too much like me" he said and shook his head.

"Welp like father like daughter I'm too hard body for this shit" she said and laughed.

He looked at her and laughed. "Would've been the perfect lil boy but I still love ya just the same"

"Yea, yea, yea" she laughed.

"I'm gone I know that son of mines will be checking in on you in a minute" Ian joked.

"Facts because my man feels my pain" April said and smiled.

"I'm happy for you Peanut. You deserve this kind of love" He looked at her smiling.

"Thankies daddy"

Ian nodded his head, got up from the bed, and headed for the door.

"You should let me deck her ass for GP though" April said dead ass serious before he could make it out the room.

He just walked out chuckling and shook his head. "No and remember this...mommy is always on ya side. You didn't get plotting from me" he said and shut the door behind him. April groaned and rolled back over.

"Nope, nah get that ass up" Dave said as he burst through their bedroom door right after Ian walked out.

April turned her head and looked at him. The mug on his face was too damn serious. "I am up"

"Stop playing with me ma. I already know what's going on and we not bout to let that shit fuck up the day. So like I said get up" he said as he made his way to the foot of the bed.

"But I don't wanna" she said acting like Kairi when she couldn't get her way.

"Act like Lil Butt and end up with ya ass sitting in the corner just the same" he said.

"I ain't sitting in no damn corner" she shot back.

"If you don't get the fuck up and come chill with the family and ya man you are" he said.

April looked at him and smacked her lips.


"Ouch damn Papi" she said and rubbed her stinging ass. She loved when he smacked her ass but the last two he gave her made her shit sting.

"What did you tell me a lil while ago" he asked with his brow furrowed looking at her.

"That I wasn't gonna let shit fuck up my day" she replied and turned flat on her back again looking at him.

"Exactly so get up and come chill with ya Papi. You know mama just misses her child. It's not a shot at you or choosing sides ma so let her miserable ass sit in the kitchen while the rest of us finish having fun"

"I swear only you Papi" she smiled and got up.

"Ya right only me" he smirked then leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Carry me" she put her arms up like Kairi.

"Only you" he said and shook his head then picked her up.

"Only me" she said and kissed the black rose in the middle of his neck.

"Go head and work a nigga up we'll be leaving this bitch early" he looked down at her and just knew his ass wasn't playing.

"Let me chill. I need to make sure this bitch leaves our house before we slide off on everybody"

"Facts" he nodded and they made their way out the door making sure to close it behind them then went downstairs and joined the rest of the family. By the time April started having fun and stopped worrying about Hazel the rest of the night went on without a hitch. It wasn't shit but jokes and laughter throughout the house. They straight turned it into a game night and ran with it. By the time 10 o'clock hit Kairi and Charlie were down for the night and Hazel had finally left some time before then. April and Dave said their goodbyes and was out the door...

-Hey guys I hope y'all enjoyed 😊. Y'all thought it was over but NOPE. I be plotting 😈
-When you thought Hazel left but her ass is in the kitchen with mommy getting down on a plate 😂
-April was about to get a her ass tapped 😂. Mommy said who you think you talking to. Don't be too mad at her though. I can see both sides of the story 😩
-I live for April's clap backs and petty moments 🤷🏾‍♀️😂
-You know it ain't worth it if Shooter's ass doesn't want to see a fight 😂
-Like Ian said though April didn't get plotting from him👀
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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