1.2: Peace Sign

Chapter 1.2: Peace Sign cont...
April & Dave

The next day came as a blur. April and Dave had breakfast in bed, checked on the kids, checked their notifications, showered together, made out a few times, and just lounged around. Right now they were in bed cuddled up talking and resting up a bit.

"You know tour starts next week" Dave said as he lightly stroke up and down her arm.

April sighed. She didn't want him to go but it was his job and how he made his bag. Besides she knew he needed to be out there promoting. "I know it just seems like it came too fast. One day ya in the studio the next ya album is out and now tour"

"Seems like it but we'll be aight. I'm actually excited to see how this tour goes" Dave said and smiled. He had been on plenty of tours but this one was a bit more special. It was the official tour for his album.

"I know and you deserve to be excited. I know how hard you worked on it. Will you at least be home for Thanksgiving? It'll be our first one together and as a family" She asked just hoping he had some time to come home and share this moment with her. If not she understood.

"Can't make you any promises ma but if I can then I'll definitely be there" he replied. Sure he wanted to be there but he had to go get his bag. He had a whole ass family to provide for these day and they just had a baby so he was doing what he had to do. He wasn't banking on her money or the money Chris had been giving her for Charlie. He was the man of the house and he was going to do what he needed to do to make sure his girls and home was straight.

"Heard ju" she said but she knew what it was. She had willingly signed up to be a part of his lifestyle and she knew what came along with it. Besides she didn't want to take this moment away from him. "So how long is tour" she questioned.

"The rest of this month, most of December but I made sure to make time for Christmas, then some time overseas in January but I'll be home for New Years, and I took some time off for us to move in February. Once we're settled and have Lil Butt in school I'm back on the road" he answered. He didn't want to be gone for too long but it had to be done. "That's just the first leg of tour but I'll keep you posted on the rest" he was going to be touring for a while. This would be different than the one he went on for a month.

"Ok" April said but she felt a way. She was really about to be taking care of a new born and a toddler by herself. Sure their parents would be coming over to help her out for a little while but she would still be on her single parent shit. Luckily Chris would be around to help out with Charlie. Either way she knew she'd be ok she'd just have to deal with it and get used to it.

"Don't forget you and the girls can always come out and visit. Everybody will be here if you need them and when we move everyone will be there too so you won't be alone like you think you are" Dave said trying to assure her that everything would be fine but he understood if she felt a way. It was no longer just her, Kairi, and Teddy. It was her, Kairi, a newborn, Teddy, and he knew she was going to have to juggle around. But he also knew she would be fine once she got into the swing of things. He did plan to come home whenever he had enough free time to do so as well. He couldn't just leave her hanging and not be around his kids for that long.

"We'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'll just focus on the girls and getting the rest of the house packed up since February is right around the corner and then I'll just focus on decorating the rest of the house when we get to LA. I'll figure it out. I'm just gonna miss you" she admitted.

"You already know I'm a miss my girls but I'll be checking in" he said and bent down and kissed her in her hair that she now had up in some shit she called a pineapple. "It's bout that time ma. I need to start heading out for these other set of interviews"

"Ok I'll still be here when you get back. I'm a catch up on some sleep while ya gone and don't forget Charlie's milk in the fridge on ya way out" April scooted back so he could get up and out of the bed. She had made sure she had pumped more milk that morning. Any, who a new album meant Dave was on go at all times whether it be touring, interviews, meet and greets, and so on. She had been through all of this before with Chris so she knew everything that came along with it but now things were different she actually had a family to hold down. She wouldn't be able to up, jump, and hop in her private jet to go follow him around the world like she use to do with Chris whenever she wanted to see him. For one Charlie wasn't old enough for her to be traveling like that and she needed to make sure she was close by because she was breastfeeding. They'd work something out though because she knew they both couldn't go that long without being around and seeing each other.

"You better be. We still got till tomorrow morning. We've been fucking all night until this morning. I'm still tryna make love" he smirked at her. He was really trying make love to her. He just wanted that one moment where everything was slow and passionate.

April laughed. They had definitely been trying to one up each other all night. In the long run they both came to show up and show out and April was definitely leaving in a wheelchair. He had his way with her in every place and position he possibly could. He was christening the suite like it was their home and he didn't let up for anything. Her legs were already wheelchair ready but the shower they took eased some of the pain then he fucked her up against the glass door so that relief went all the way out of the window. It was all good when she was lying down but standing up was a no go. Her legs were as good as glass noodles.

"You gonna be aight in here" he looked at her as he slipped on a fresh pair of jeans. He had already had his shower. Luckily April already knew his schedule for the day so she had packed him an outfit that was interview worthy.

"Yes I have enough to eat, drink, and the wheelchair is by my side" she answered laughing as she looked at the wheelchair literally by her side.

Dave laughed. "Bet"

Thirty minutes later Dave was kissing her goodbye and headed out the room to make his rounds. April on the other hand took this time to enjoy some time alone.  She turned off the TV, turned on some music, fluffed her pillow, and sighed in contentment. Before she knew it she was out like a light.


Dave had dropped off Charlie's milk and proceeded to work. A few hours later he had finished up with his last interview of the day and all he had on his mind was getting back to April. He couldn't even lie he needed a good nap but he could nap when they went back home. April wasn't lying when she said he didn't know who he was fucking with and she proved that shit when his ass started moaning like he had never before. The tricks with her tongue and her little moves in bed had him over the edge but he knew she hadn't pulled out all of her tricks. She was saving them and he didn't mind.

He checked the time on his Patek and figured he'd stop and pick up dinner before heading back. What she did for him last night made him want to do something special for her. He just didn't know what. She had everything and wanted for nothing so he knew he'd really have to give it some thought. Hopping back inside April's Rolls Royce Wraith because there was no way in hell he wasn't going to take it out for a spin he headed to the Jamaican spot that he put her on and just vibed out to his album the whole way there. Once there he ordered his and her favorite and made his way back to the hotel to find her knocked out cold with just the sheet barely covering her body. Dave looked at her and licked his lips. He already knew what time it was and his woman's body was lying there on a silver platter waiting for him to get yet another taste.

He slipped out of his kicks, placed the food on the table, and straightened up the room some. They had done some damage and it showed. After he was done he hopped in the shower, dried off, wrapped the towel around his waist, put on his bedroom playlist, and crept into bed. He carefully slid the sheet off of April's body and went face to face with her pussy well his pussy at this point starring at it with heart eyes. Her legs were already open so he gently spread her lips and stroke her clit with his tongue. As soon as his tongue came in contact with her clit April's eyes popped open and darted down at him. Her shit had been overly sensitive since yesterday's events had gone down. Mind you it was only Saturday and they had till Sunday morning. The way they were fucking around she hoped like hell that the birth control pills were in full effect or else they'd be going through a part two co-starring Dave East as baby father number two.

"Papi when did you get in" she asked as she wiped her eyes and squirmed. Her ass had been dead to the world.

"Not too long ago" he said and went back to toying with her clit. That shit was swollen. Lightly flicking his tongue over it and blowing it April squirmed and moaned trying to inch back but he wasn't having it. He gripped her waist and held her still.

"PAPI" she screamed as he lifted both of her legs, planted them on his shoulders, spread her legs wider, and slowly continued to flick her clit then covered it with his mouth and started suckling on it while keeping eye contact with her. Removing his mouth from her clit Dave licked her folds, darted his tongue in and out of her pussy, then French kissed it lapping up all of her sweetness. He made a mental note to see how much fruit they had left in the house. He had to keep it stocked at all times.

He wanted to take his time and enjoy the moment pleasuring her and making her feel good. One thing he noticed about April was that she didn't mind when they took their time but she loved to be fucked. She loved to fuck. She was wild with it. She liked to be choked, bitten, get her hair pulled, and roughed up some. She wasn't here for play, play but he was going to take his time no matter how much she begged him to fuck her. This was about pleasing her mind, her body, and her soul all at once so they were going to play by his rules.

April fucked his tongue back going at the same pace as him but he knew she wanted more. She craved it. "You stay with that wet, wet" Dave said enjoying the taste of her juices every time it came in contact with his tongue. Removing his tongue from her pussy he flicked her clit and looked up at her smirking. "Have a taste" he said as he got up and hovered over her and placed his lips against hers then kissed her. Opening her mouth letting Dave slip his tongue in her mouth April sucked on it as if she was trying to take all of her essence from it making him moan into her mouth.

"And this is why I love fruit" April said and hungrily licked her lips. "More Papi" she begged.

Dave bent down and kissed her passionately while her hands stroked up and down his body feeling the softness of his skin against her hands and finger tips. Dave slid his arm underneath her and flipped her over making April straddle him yet never breaking from their kiss. Meeting in My Bedroom by Silk played in the background. April pulled away from the kiss and bit down on his bottom lip before she made her way down to his neck kissing all over his black rose tattoo then nibbled and lightly sucked on it. The feel of her soft lips pressed against his flesh felt too good. Dave took his hands and gently ran them over her naked body feeling the softness of her skin. April made her way further down his body sending chaste kisses to the artwork on his chest until her ass made contact with his hardened dick. She looked up at him and devilishly smiled as she rose up and aligned herself with it and slowly slid down on it as her eyes closed shut and her head tilted back. She still couldn't get over the way he filled her up to the hilt.

"Mhmm" Dave moaned and bit down on his bottom lip. He didn't think he'd ever get use to the feeling of her warm pink wet walls taking him all in as if it was trying to hold him hostage and if it was he never wanted to be free.

April rode him slowly with her eyes locked on his as if she was searching for his soul while her hands rested on his chest. Biting down on her bottom lip she whined her hips perfectly to the beat of the song as they both moaned in ecstasy enjoying the pleasure they were both receiving. Grabbing her waist Dave stopped her from winding on him. Lifting her up he made her slide up and down on him just the way he liked. She removed his hands from her waist and placed them on her breast as she tilted her head back and started bouncing up and down on his dick damn near twerking on it. It was something about having sex with Dave that made it euphoric for her. She knew it was how their emotions were aligned that made sex so much better with him. Granted she had a few samples and tastes of some bomb ass dick but with Dave it was much more special.

"Damn it" she licked her lips and looked at Dave who lied their enjoying her working his dick with a permanent smirk on his face. "BEST.DICK.EVER" she moaned as she gave him her best.

"It's all yours ma all yours" he said as he slapped her ass and placed it back on her breast massaging them trying his best to be as gentle as possible. He knew she had issues with them being sore from time to time. He did miss her piercing though. They gave her a little more sex appeal you know like it made her look a little less innocent and like she was about that life when the lights were off and they were between the sheets.

"Trust I know" she mumbled, removed his hands from her breast, and slowly turned around on his dick and started riding him reverse cowgirl.

"Oh shit show off ma. Take that dick. Ride that shit" Dave hyped her up as she bounced on his dick while he watched her ass clap against him.

April leaned forward with her arms stretched flat on the bed lying between his opened legs and went ape shit making her ass clap as she fucked him making sure she came down harder and harder each time. She was coming to collect his soul yet again. Dave's eyes rolled to the back if his head as if he was possessed and moans escaped his mouth faster than he could place his hands over it. This was some new, new. He had fucked his share of women and he himself was a nasty nigga but not one single woman he had fucked could make him sound like a bitch. The pussy was too good. It was legit.

"It keeps calling me Scotty" Dave burst out sounding like the damn fiend from New Jack City making April stop and burst out laughing.

"Nigga really" April looked back at him laughing causing him to moan as he felt her laughter vibrate on his dick.

"Damn ma, keep laughing" he looked back at her and smacked her ass. By now she knew he couldn't help but keep his hands on her ass. Her man was a full fledge ass man.

April shook her head, lifted up as if she was squatting, and started bouncing up and down on his dick again this time twerking on it. He was not about to be the only one showing off so she had to throw the pussy on him. Besides it was no telling when the next time they'd be getting any like this when they went back home. She was trying to milk his ass for every single seed he had. Sis was on a mission. Dave started fucking her back making sure to hit her spot.

"Yes Papi yes fuck ya pussy" she said as she continued twerking on his dick. Her pussy was getting so juicy that it was splashing drops of cream all over him. "SHIT" she screamed feeling herself about to make another splash.

"Hold that shit ma I'm not ready" he groaned as she clenched down on him for dear life. "Hold it" he groaned as his toes curled.

April went into her own little world twerking on his dick like she had bills due and she was getting paid. "Fuck Papi I'm a have to make a mold of this" she squirted on him making a whole ass mess. As soon as she finished she slumped over and off him.

Dave stood on his knees, spread her legs, and eased himself right back inside her while she laid with her face flush against the bed trying to get her shit together but he wasn't letting up. He gripped her neck. "Ya ass in here tryna prove a point and I'm here for it. You know I'm with the fucks. Every time you throw that pussy back at me I'm a be right here to catch it" he leaned down speaking in her ear and nibbled on it then grabbed a handful of her hair and wrapped it around his fist.

April not wanting to go out like a bitch started throwing her ass back on him meeting his strokes each and every time. She could care less if her legs hurt or the fact that her pussy was still going through aftershock. He was not about to come for her. Dave pulled out and tapped his cream coated dick against her ass. He let go of her hair and neck, flipped her over so she was now lying on her back, entered her again, pressed his body flush against hers, gripped her hands in his, and starred in her eyes.

"I love you ma" he stroked in and out of her slowly yet passionately. This was one of the moments he yearned for.

"I love you too Papi forever and always" she said back looking at him with nothing but love and admiration in her eyes while she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He wanted to give her his all break down her walls the ones between her legs and the ones she built. He wanted to give her a place to always call home...his heart. He wanted to solidify everything they had going on. He wanted to make it official. They tussled around the bed him on top, her on top, and making love on their sides cuddled up. Dave had even reached over and shut off the music. All he wanted to hear was the music that they were making together. It was sweet music beautiful music shared between two people in love. Nothing and no one was on their minds besides each other. They were in their own bubble, their own world, and nothing and no one could burst their bubble. Their souls were finally connected physically and they were finally one. They were aligned.

Dave looked at her as he continued slowly stroking in and out of her making sweet slow passionate love to her letting her know that he loved every single part of her and he had every single part of her. The words were in his head clear as day, penetrating his soul, and repeating over and over again. He couldn't even stop the words from coming out and honestly he didn't want them to stop. Before he knew it they were out of his head, out of his mouth, and dangling in the air.

"Marry me"

-Hey guys I hope y'all enjoyed the final installment of Chapter 1 😬
-When you thought the scene was over but it really wasn't 😂. I had to make sure I got that out the way so we could get into some more fuckery 😈
-But um did that just go down? Did Papi really pop the question? Did he really mean it or was the 🐱 that damn good 🤔
-So with this being book 2 I already have things in mind on where it's going but what would y'all like to see 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

🛑Be on the lookout for my short story book🥰. It will be posted up shortly. It's called A Dose of Me...

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