9: It's A Vibe

Chapter 9: It's A Vibe

Yeah, that's a vibe
She wanna vibe
That's a vibe
This shit vibe, yeah, yeah
Late night
Oh it's a vibe
Let me slide
Oh it's a vibe, yeah, yeah
Dim the lights
Oh it's a vibe, yeah
Get high
It's a vibe, oh it's a vibe, yeah
[It's A Vibe: 2 Chains ft. various artist]

April was in her bedroom lying on her stomach with her legs bent and feet in the air facing the ceiling going back and forth with Dave still enjoying the conversation. It was refreshing to talk to the opposite sex for a change but more refreshing that he was actually a pretty chill dude and could talk about any and everything. He talked to her as if she was a regular person and not like he had to walk on egg shells because of her "class" or better yet money status or because she use to date Chris. Dave talked to her as if he didn't know anything about her past and she was thankful for that.

She had invited him over to her place for dinner and to chill. She didn't mind him coming over and knew for sure they'd have privacy and if shit was to go left he'd be handled immediately and accordingly but for some reason she trusted Dave and knew he wouldn't be on no bullshit or harm her in any way. April couldn't afford any publicity over bullshit rumors so she was playing it safe. Of course Alaina would be home unless she decided to go out. Either way she knew she was good.

April🍑💋: Aye papi do you have any requests for dinner?

Papi East💦😝🍆: Nah ma do ya thing. I want to see what you working with. Surprise me

April🍑💋: Ok bet well I'll let you go and finish doing whatever you were before I interrupted you. I'll see you tonight papi.

Papi East💦😝🍆: You good ma you ain't interrupt shit. You need me to bring anything?

April🍑💋: Bet, nah you're good besides I invited you over.

Papi East💦😝🍆: True...you gonna be talking all that shit when I get there?

April🍑💋: lol I wouldn't be me if I didn't papi. Are you still gonna be acting as if you're my daddy? If so I already got one 😝

Papi East💦😝🍆: 😂 I keep telling you to talk ya shit but honestly you don't want this trouble. What you have is a father. A nigga like me is trying to be ya daddy but I understand and ya ass ain't ready.

April🍑💋: you know what

April smirked. This was the type of banter she missed. She missed talking to a man that let her talk her shit but could talk the same shit back to her enough to ruffle her feathers better yet make her have to change her panties.

Papi East💦😝🍆: Quiet much 👀

April🍑💋: Nah I'm just letting you get ya shit off 😂

Papi East💦😝🍆: You can tell daddy the truth. I got you feeling some type of way don't I 🤔😂

April🍑💋: Bye East I'll see you when you get here lol

It was no way in hell she was going to admit to feeling any type of way just yet.

Papi East💦😝🍆: Yea you are 😂 thanks for answering the question

April🍑💋: Leave me alone. I got shit to do 😩

Papi East💦😝🍆: Now you trying to ACT like you got shit to do lol. I'm a let you be though.

April🍑💋: 🙄

Papi East💦😝🍆: We bout to nip that in the bud tonight. I don't do the eye roll shit ma

April🍑💋: I didn't even roll my eyes. That was the eye roll emoji papi so that don't even count 😂

Papi East💦😝🍆: Say less I'll handle it

April🍑💋: 🙄😂

They continued to go back and forth until Dave told her he'd hit her up later which was good for April since she had to run to the market to get some shit for dinner. April had got up and slipped on her black Versace Medusa slides making sure to put on a pair of socks with them because those shits could definitely make your feet uncomfortable without them. She told Alaina she was out and headed to the grocery store. April had got everything she needed from the market, made a pit stop at the liquor store purchasing a nice size bottle of Hennessy since she didn't keep it stocked in her bar. Hennessy was the only liquor she didn't keep stocked for a reason. Sure Hennessy was a good and strong drink but if she had too much she'd be down for any and everything as well as put her in her feelings and right about now she wasn't about that life. April also knew that it was Dave's favorite drink besides Bel Air so she had to get it.

She also picked up a pack of backwoods just in case. Back at the house about an hour later she headed straight to the kitchen to prep dinner and dessert. The house was spotless so she didn't have to worry about cleaning. Her main focus was dinner, desert, and getting herself together for tonight's festivities. As she was prepping dinner her phone went off and by the song playing she already knew who it was, Hazel.

"Hey boo hold on let me get my headphones" April answered.

"Ok" Hazel replied and April grabbed her cordless I-phone headphones and placed them in her ears.

"Hey bae"

"Hey babes I was just letting you know I made it home safely"

"Cool how your flight was"

"Good as usual I slept through the whole shit" Hazel replied laughing.

"As usual" April joined in laughing.

"What you getting into"

"Well between me, you, and Alaina East is coming over to chill tonight" April smiled as she looked at the clock on her wall.

"What bitch yassssss" Hazel yelled excitedly. April already knew she was cheesing and dancing around being silly.

"Shhhh I need you to keep it to yourself. Don't tell Trey shit I don't need him telling Chris a damn thing. Not that it matters but you know they gossip just as much as we do" April sighed as she leaned against the counter.

"I got you boo so what's on the agenda" Hazel asked wanting to know all the details.

"Something simple dinner drinks and a lil session" she replied.

"Yasssss bitch you better show off tonight too"

"Who better show off" April heard Trey ask and shook her head already knowing he was coming to be nosey.

"Hey brother" April yelled smiling. She missed Trey. He was more of an older brother to her and treated her just like a little sister. She knew it was because Hazel was her best friend and his best friend was her boyfriend well ex now. It also had to do with the fact that she actually introduced the two and the rest is history.

"Aww shit that's lil sis" Trey took the phone from Hazel. "Lil sis wassup"

"Nothing much how you been" April asked.

"You know me I be chilling. What bout you? Niggas ain't seen you in how many years. You good" Trey asked concerned. It was true they hadn't seen each other in years. They talked but that was about it. She knew that she'd eventually have to put her big girl panties on and go out to LA and visit everyone.

"I'm glad you're good but you already know I'm Gucci just been working and stealing your girl here and there" she laughed.

"Damn can I get my phone back" Hazel said. April knew she was pouting.

"If I'm not mistaken you been with her all weekend" Trey shot back. April laughed at the both of them. A few minutes later April was hanging up. Dave had told her he'd be at her place no later than 8:45. It was already 6 so she had to get dinner in the oven and get ready for the night. Before she knew it was already 8:30 and Dave had hit her up letting her know that he'd be arriving shortly.

Alaina had left the house earlier going to one of her friend's house leaving April the house to herself. Dinner was ready she was just waiting for dessert to be ready. April had brushed her curly mane into a neat curly bun making sure her edges were laid just right. She had on a three piece set of diamond stud earring all the same size with a bare face and just a hint of lip gloss. She had on a simple yet cute outfit. April had on a pair of distressed black leggings with a grey ninja turtle muscle shirt paired with a black sports bra with a pair of fuzzy black socks. She didn't feel the need to get done up to chill in the house.

The timer on the stove went off meaning dessert was finally done. As soon as she took dessert out the oven and flipped the baking pan over her doorbell went off. She had given Dave the code to get in the gate so she already knew who it was. Checking herself in the hall mirror for the one time she smiled and went to answer the door.

"Who is it" she asked even though she knew who it was. You could never be sure.

"Daddy" Dave replied chuckling. That shit was music to her ears.

"Bye East" April opened the door laughing and stepped to the side letting him inside. They shared a friendly quick hug both feeling something ignite inside of them. As soon as they felt it they let go of each other immediately. Tonight they'd keep that feeling to themselves. Dave was already impressed by the outside of her house but damn the inside was decked out as well. He knew she was loaded but damn he wasn't expecting all of this. It was glammed out and fit for a queen yet homey. The way it was decorated he knew for a fact that a nigga didn't live there.

"You got a nice ass place ma" he complimented her home better yet mini mansion as his eyes wandered taking it all in.

"Thank you" she eyed him. He was looking good tonight. Fuck a snack he was looking like a whole ass meal. Fuck daddyish that nigga was daddy. He was in a pair of black Givenchy sweats straight thot gear, a crisp black fitted tee, and some bred 11's with his signature diamond encrusted 8 ball and bull chains. Guess he was on the same shit April was on. He just wanted to chill.

"Follow me dinners ready. I'll give you a tour later"

"Bet" he rubbed his hands together keeping an eye on April enjoying the sight of her ass. Of course her shirt covered her ass but you could still see that shit jiggle. It made him want to slap that shit just to see it ripple in action. She led him to the dining room. "Damn this shit is dope as hell" Dave said in awe looking around her dining room. She had a large glass dining room table with white and chrome chairs, a glass china cabinet with chrome décor placed in strategic places, as well as artwork adorned the walls. She also had a fully stocked chrome bar that looked like it was made and customized to her liking because he had never saw one that looked like it.

"Thank you" April smiled she took pride in her home and it showed. If she wasn't into computers she would definitely decorate homes. Their food was already plated and shielded with heated tops. "What would you like to drink? I have water, some homemade strawberry lemonade, or would you like your specialty Hennessy" April asked before she could seat down and get comfortable.

"Water and a shot of Henny please and thank you" Dave replied with his eyes on nothing but her. He liked the fact that she still looked good in a regular outfit and didn't get all dressed up just to chill and eat inside the house.

"Coming right up" April went into the kitchen and grabbed 2 bottles of water out of the fridge and the bottle of now chilled Hennessy out of the freezer taking everything straight into the dining room and excused herself once again to fix her a glass of strawberry lemonade. Placing the drink on the table she went to the bar and grabbed Dave a single rocks glass cup.

"Thank you. You know you could've asked for help you didn't have to make so many trips"

"You're welcome but nah papi you're good" she smiled and sat down. "Hope you enjoy" she took the cover off of her food watching the steam rise and bowed her head silently praying as well as Dave.

"Damn you went in" Dave looked at his plate laced with two nice sized crispy baked turkey wings, garlic butter roasted red potatoes, string beans, and garlic butter seared shrimps in awe. It was a plate fit for a king.

"Told you I had you papi" she winked and started to eat.

"Damn so when we getting married" Dave locked his dark brown low eyes on April dead ass serious. The food tasted A1. No chick had ever cooked this good for him besides his mama. Most chicks he talked to fronted like they were cooking just to post empty pots and pan pictures on Instagram.

April raised her brow laughing at him but happy nonetheless. With his comment she knew he saw marriage in his future. It might not have been with her but at least someone was on the same page as her. She knew eventually she'd have another boyfriend but she wanted someone she could marry in the long run. She wanted a husband. "It's that good" she asked.

"Fuck yea" he said as he dug back into his food. That made April smile. Her mother always told her and her sister 'A way to a man's heart is through his stomach' and so far she hadn't lied.

"Thank you. So how was your day" April asked and glanced at him genuinely wanting to know.

"It was cool. Today was a free day for me so I spent it with lil butt and my folks and now I get to chill with you so its definitely been a good day for me and now a good night. How bout you" Dave replied with a little smile.

"Cool sounds like you had a pretty good day. Any time to chill with family is a good day. As for me it was a typical Sunday. I really don't do much on Sundays but cook and chill with my lil sister and if I brought home work then I'll finish that by the end of the night but that's bout it and now I get to bother you and talk my shit so it's been a good day so far" she laughed.

"Talk ya shit I told you I'm a handle ya ass ma" he smirked.

"I ain't ever scared" she chuckled.

"You talking all that shit now but we'll see" Dave shot back.

Dinner came and went. Dave even helped her clean the dishes which shocked her. She told him he didn't have to but he insisted. April wouldn't mind doing this with him every night. The conversation was still good if not better since they were face to face. By now they were in her second living room chilling, talking, drinking, and listening to music. Right about now So Into by Fabolous and Ashanti was playing in the background. She loved early 2000s music. She couldn't fuck with the new shit. April made sure to stay away from the Henny and made herself something fruity to sip on. With Henny and Dave it was no telling what she would do so staying away from it was her best bet.

"I know you're stuffed but let me know when you want dessert. I made some cinnamon buns with Dulce de leche and pecans" April said as she sat beside him on the couch crisscross apple sauce looking up at him as he sat back leaning against the couch with his eyes trained on her. They couldn't keep their eyes off of each other but it was cool they both enjoyed the sight of each other.

"You know you stuck with me right" he licked his lips and sipped on his Henny. Boy drunk that shit like it was water.

"Don't be using me for my food East. I ain't bout to be cooking for you all the time" she laughed knowing damn well if he asked she'd deliver that shit no matter where he was. Fuck Uber eats it was April eats.

"If papi asked ma you know you'd make it happen" he eyed her smirking and pulled her into his lap. He was definitely feeling the effects of the Henny but also feeling April.

"I keep telling you, you ain't my daddy" she shot back as she ran her fingers through his scruffy patchy beard looking up at him. Her brown orbs focusing on nothing but his brown orbs penetrating his soul it was as if she could see everything within him. What she saw was a passionate loving man who was a little rough around the edges but all in all a good man. A man who wanted what she wanted...love.

"But I could be" he licked his lips never taking his eyes off her as both their eyes wreaked of lust.

"Hmm I don't know bout that but then again you could be" she laughed but was dead ass serious. April hopped off his lap trying to get out of her head and her feelings and went into yet another stash spot. She pulled out 2 pre rolled blunts filled with granddaddy purp and a lighter making sure she lit her peach and mango scented incense. She put both blunts in her mouth lighting them both at the same time passing one to Dave as he pulled her back onto his lap. April fit perfectly in his lap as if it was meant for her and no one else but her.

Dave had her feeling things it was too soon to be feeling. He made her body tingly as if her foot had gone to sleep and no matter how many times she banged it on the floor it still tingled. She felt physically and emotionally drawn to him in a way she couldn't describe. The feeling scared April but also made her want to get to know him even more. She wanted to get to know David Brewster Jr and not just Dave East. They were both enjoying each other's company. He liked the fact that she had money but was so chill and down to earth. She made her money and didn't let it make her. April wasn't the stuck up type and he appreciated that.

"Who rolled these" Dave questioned as he released a cloud of smoke into the air making sure not to blow it in her face.

"Told you I roll my own blunts. Why?" she said getting more comfortable in his lap as the weed helped her relax even more.

"Yea you stuck with my ass. This shit is hitting. I can see it now. I can come chill after a long day after the studio or whatever and get a bangin ass home cooked meal and a perfectly rolled blunt. Not to mention you went and got me some Henny and the conversation is never dull and flows naturally" he said with his arm wrapped around her waist as he ran his hand gently up and down her thigh.

He was cooling and they were vibing. The chemistry was there and it wasn't just based off of looks. April was loving the feeling of being in his lap cuddled in his strong arms as he mindlessly caressed her thigh. She hadn't had a moment like this in years and for whatever reason she felt comfortable and safe in Dave's arm and presence. He had her feeling like this is where they both should be in each other's arms. It felt normal. It felt right. It felt like home.

She laughed and smiled at him. "We'll see bout that. I also got you a pack of backwoods if you didn't like my rolling paper but you do so I'm good" April took another pull.

"See look at you looking out for papi" he chuckled and smiled. A smile that lit up April's inside. It was so different than seeing him with his usual mug as if he was this big ass scary mean guy.

"Bye East...so is there a special chick or chick in general in your life? If so I'm willing to fall back. I'm not a home wrecker and I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes" April asked and said. They mind as well get this conversation out the way. She had already told him that she was a free agent and was hoping he was one as well. She was truthful though if he was fucking with someone she would leave him alone. April knew all too well what it felt like to be cheated on and betrayed by the one nigga you thought was yours and only yours so she wasn't about to break up anyone's relationship no matter how she felt about Dave.

"Only special chicks in my life are my lil butt, my moms, and my sister but I ain't bout to lie to you. I still get my dick wet but I ain't got no main chick or a side chick. I fuck and duck" he answered honestly and April was glad for that because she couldn't deal with another liar or another nigga who wanted his cake and to eat it too.

"Bet so what are you looking for out of this" she questioned as she put the bud of her blunt into the glass ashtray right along with Dave and cuddled deeper into him.

For April this moment felt surreal. She didn't think they'd be caking the way they were so fast. Then again it could be Dave's inviting aura that made her want to be up under him and listen to him talk about any and everything or it could be that he felt familiar to her like she had already knew him. By now Dave was more than comfortable he even had his kicks off just cooling and feeling the vibe.

He looked down at her stroking his beard in deep thought. "I like what I see and I like what you're bout. The vibe is there there's no denying it. I'm cool with being your papi and if anything grows then I'm willing to go with the flow" and he was truthful. If this was his second chance at something great he was willing to see where it led. "What bout you"

"Honestly I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship but I wouldn't mind a cuddy buddy and someone to cuddle with. So far besides you being all daddyish I do enjoy whatever it is that we have going on. I wouldn't mind continuing to get to know you. If shit progresses I'm willing to go with the flow but it is what it is. Whatever happens...happens. I'm kind of iffy bout relationships since my last one went all the way downhill. All I ask is to please bear with me. I'm still a lil fragile in the heart department. I won't string you along if this isn't what I want" April answered honestly. She didn't want to lead Dave on or anyone for that matter.

Dave listened to everything she said. "Papi can be ya cuddy buddy but I ain't the type to share. I'm stingy with mines" he said sternly letting her know he wasn't about the fuck shit. He wasn't going to be fuckin her while she was fuckin someone else that's how germs spread. Besides he didn't want her with no one else but him. He couldn't explain why but that was how he felt. "But I rather be your friend first and if it gets to that point then I'm all in"

All April could do was smile. Where had Dave been all this time? He had her feeling feelings she hadn't felt in so long but she wasn't going to risk it. She planned on going with the flow as well and hoped something good would come out of it. If she had mentioned just wanting to fuck with any other nigga they'd a said yes without a doubt and wouldn't even worry about being friends. So for Dave wanting to be her friend first it showed that he was respectable and knew that she had more to offer than just sex. Tonight he was scoring major points on her list.

"Well a heads up. I don't like to share either. I'm a clean woman and I'm not bout to have other chick's juice residue nowhere over here" she pointed to her kitty. April knew niggas got around especially industry niggas and she wasn't about to be part of that. What she endured with Chris was more than enough.

"I got it. I ain't out here sleeping with the world" Dave chuckled and he wasn't. Germs were all the way real and even though social media always had him posted up with a bunch of chicks it didn't mean that he was fucking all of them either.

"I don't care who you fucking but if we get to that point just know that it's my kitty and only my kitty" she raised her brow. Dave did have a chick that he kept around for sex purposes and sex purposes only but with the way shit was looking for him and April he knew he'd have to leave ole girl alone and of course she'd be mad but she'd just have to get over it.

"Say no more"

April and Dave sat in the same position for the next few hours talking about everything yet again except April's relationship with Chris but Dave wasn't going to stress her about it. He really wasn't worried about the ex nigga or the next nigga and clearly April was focused on him at the moment.

"Aight ma my driver outside" he looked at her not ready to leave but they both had work the next day but promised to get together soon. April didn't want him to go but she wasn't about to tell him that. She had enjoyed his company and once he stepped foot out the door she'd be lonely by herself in an empty ass house and a wandering mind.

"Ok papi" April said as she got off his lap. "Hold a sec let me wrap up these buns for you and Kairi" April said as she made her way into the kitchen with Dave right behind her. She pulled out her step stool placing it in front of the cabinet that she needed to get into and grabbed a plastic container while Dave stood there laughing. April was the shortest chick that he had ever talked to. Shit at the rate Kairi was growing she'd be taller than April by next summer, literally.

"Fuck you East" April laughed as Dave crept up on her wrapping his arms around her tiny waist easily since she was standing on the stool.

"Just tell me when" he whispered in her ear causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand straight, her pussy clench, and breathing to hitch.

"Stop playing with me" she almost moaned as she put 2 cinnamon rolls in the container and put on the top making sure it was secure.  "Who said I was playing" he licked his lips and placed a delicate kiss on her neck.

"East" she whined. "You can't be doing shit like that. I haven't had sex in like 2 years and some change. You're liable to get raped in here" she was dead ass serious and as good as he looked and smelled he could have her right then and there and she would have no regrets.

"What they say it ain't rape if you like it. Ya shit gotta be super tight" and it was super tight and now drenching wet. He teased. He didn't know that it had been that long since she had sex but he was happy because he knew he was the only one to get it when she gave it up and he was sure of that.

"Bye David" she rolled her eyes and hopped off the stool.

"Aight ma I'll stop" he licked his lips as he followed her out of the kitchen and to the front door with the cinnamon rolls now in his hand.

"And you gonna stop rolling those pretty brown eyes at me" he said sternly. April had already figured he was one of those types of niggas that thought rolling your eyes was disrespectful but she liked challenging him.

"Uh huh yea sure" she laughed.

"Bet" he licked his lips. "You'll find out sooner or later" Dave looked at her dead in the eyes making her shiver.

April opened the door trying to get herself together. "I enjoyed your company papi. Make sure you hit me up and let me know you made it home safely"

"I enjoyed you too but I'll be back though. Thanks for a good time ma" Dave bent down, placed his hand firmly behind her neck gripping it, and placed a soft kiss to her lips. He wasn't going to kiss her at first but he couldn't leave without a proper good bye just for her.

"Damn his lips soft" April thought to herself as Dave thought the same thing about her as a slight tingling sensation swept over the both of them.

"Goodnight papi" she bit her lip and ran her tongue over her bottom lip tasting a mixture of Hennessy and weed.

"Goodnight ma" Dave finally made his way to the car. April waited until he was inside before she waved and closed the front door making sure to lock it and put on the house alarm.

"What a night" April said out loud as she seemed to float upstairs to her bedroom with a kool aid smile on her face.

It's a vibeeeee!

How are you guys feeling the chemistry between April and Dave?

Do you think they're moving too fast?

Tell me how y'all feel!

Hope you guys enjoyed😊

Also I'd like to say thank you to all of you who have been reading my story as well as voting, commenting, and adding it to your libraries y'all got me in my feels. A few weeks it was sitting at 91 views and now its in the hunninds. I didn't think it was going to get that many views but I love to write so I just kept writing and stopped paying attention to the numbers and I'm going to continue to do so. So once again thankies😊😌

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