79.1: Bring Me to Life
Chapter 79.1: Bring Me to Life cont...
"But enough bout me how bout you though. I know you haven't been ya self lately and as much as I want to know I know you weren't ready to talk bout it or you were waiting for Triple B to be born. She's here so fill me in Papi. What's been keeping you awake at night" April asked as her eyes pierced through his. She had known that something had been off about him for a while now. She had an idea what it was but she wanted him to tell her. She didn't want to jump to any conclusions and make shit up. Honestly he had been like this since the day he went and talked to her father.
Dave looked at her and took a deep breath. He thought he would be ok after everything he learned from Ian but he wasn't. He was trying to keep positive thoughts but this shit was way too much. He still couldn't fathom the way people's minds worked. "Maybe we should talk in another room so we won't wake Triple B. This shit is gonna piss you off" he said honestly never removing his eyes from her. He knew he had to let her know what was going on with him especially when it was bothering him.
This shit was keeping him awake at night to the point he'd just be lying in bed starring at the ceiling wondering where he had gone wrong. If he wasn't starring at the ceiling he was in the basement blowing it down with Teddy or in his studio coming up with new material. He felt like he needed to do something constructive to help with his frustrations. He hated the fact that she had even put him a bad space to begin with. The only thing that really kept him sane was April and their little girls. They kept shit at bay for him but when his world went to sleep he was left awake just thinking about it all over again. When he thought about it he realized that they both had some fucked up people in their lives.
April knew from his tone alone and the look of just done on his face that she was going to have to whoop somebody's ass about hers. April got up, checked on Charlie, kissed her forehead, and grabbed the baby monitor. "Come on Papi" April looked back at him and walked out of the bedroom door with him right behind her and made their way to their shared home office and took a seat on the couch. "Lay it on me"
Dave lifted her up and sat her on his lap making her straddle him then placed his forehead against hers and sighed. "Ma I don't know how to feel all I know is that I'm angry and pissed that I wasted my time on someone who was never in my corner" he said sounding so down and defeated. That alone had April hot. She didn't like for Dave to be in his feelings like this because he didn't deserve to be especially not over someone like Millie. He was a good man and never bothered anybody. Sure he didn't have a peachy background but that was then and this is now. Even back then all he wanted and was trying to do was take care of his family.
"What did she do" April asked already knowing that Millie was the reason behind all of this. He didn't have to say her name for her to know who he was talking about. Like really who else would it be? She always got him in his feelings and April hated that shit. That was the main reason why she never took her ass off her hit list because she knew that just because they were together didn't mean he was over the fact that Millie was still treating their child like shit. Yes April filled that void for Kairi but being realistic everyone wanted to have some type of relationship with their mother. It was cool though because April had both Kairi and Dave's backs and she wasn't going anywhere. Kairi was her daughter, Dave was her man, and that was straight facts. He had all the family he needed.
Dave pulled his face back and sighed. Millie had really done him dirty and he never saw it coming. He had never thought that she would do something that damn low. "What didn't she do is the question" he asked but April knew he wasn't looking for a response.
"Papi I'm here and I ain't going anywhere. Ya stuck with me forever no matter what. So whatever is on ya mind let it out so you can let it go. Whatever it is we can work through it together like we always do. We're a team we don't do shit alone. So let me in" April spoke softly yet sternly as she cupped his face in her hands starring him in the eyes. Just like he was there for her she was there for him.
"I know ma I know. Ya ass ain't getting rid of me even if you tried" he said giving her a small smile.
"Exactly, so tell me what's on ya mind. I don't like it when ya stuck in ya head or when ya feeling down"
"Agnes has always been a fraud" he said.
"Yea pretty much knew that. She has all the signs of someone who ain't shit" April said and shrugged. This was nothing new. They all knew she wasn't shit.
"Nah ma it's worse than that" Dave confessed. He had prolonged telling her because he was still trying to wrap his head around it and he didn't want to dull her mood since she had been a lot happier lately. But she had let him in so it was only right that he did the same.
"Tell me" she said and wrapped her arms around his neck while his stayed wrapped around her waist.
"Brace ya self" he said and she nodded before finally telling her everything that her father had told him.
By the time he was finished filling her in her face was blank. She couldn't understand Millie or Profit and their ain't shit ways. She could understand jealousy even envy but to plot on someone's whole existence, livelihood, and dream was beyond any of that. Then to even bank on your own kid. How low could she go? To make someone fall in love with you, act like they had ya side, was riding for you, and to find out that all the love you gave out was to someone who never even saw you in that way had to hurt. April knew that Dave had once loved that bitch. Millie was around when he was trying to make it, struggling, and when he made it to the top so she could see exactly why he had once loved her but to know that during all of that, that she was plotting from the very start had definitely been some cruel shit. Only miserable people did fuck shit like that and April was glad to know that Dave had finally woken up and had gotten all that he deserved and more when it came to their relationship and their family. Millie could never make this shit look good.
Dave would never have to question April's love or her loyalty and they both knew that for a fact. She loved that man like she had never loved a man before. He was the sun to her moon, her light to her dark, and everything right in her life. Loyalty was something she had given him from jump way before they had even became anything serious and it was going to stay that way. She didn't care if she had to prove that shit to him every day for the rest of her life. For the rest of her life she was going to make sure that he knew that she loved him, was loyal to only him, and she would always be by his side no questions asked. She would never make him feel like he was in this shit alone.
"Ma I loved that bitch. I had a baby by her. Sure we went through some shit but to know that I was basically a game to her that shit hurts. I've shared things with her, we came up together, and she knew my fuckin background. My dreams...My goals...She knew it all. I would never do that shit to her let alone anyone else" Dave said saddened.
"I laid up in bed with this bitch talking bout my future and even included her in it and all she saw was fuckin dollar signs. I'm back and forth in court fighting for custody over a child she never even wanted. When Kairi gets old enough to ask bout her how am I gonna look her in the eyes and tell her, her mother never wanted her" Dave said as his voice cracked and eyes teared and a single tear slid down his cheek. He looked so damn broken.
April's heart broke. She had never seen him like this and all she wanted to do was make him feel better. She knew this type of shit was going to take some time to heal but she was going to be by his side every step of the way. Millie was not about to win. She was not going to break her man.
April lifted his head and wiped his eyes with the pads of her thumb. He had her damn eyes tearing. She hated to see men cry but to see her own man with tears in his eyes hurt like hell. "Papi I know it hurts. You have a past with this bitch and a child with her so to find out all of what you did had to hurt but be glad that you found out the truth because others aren't so lucky. She's a piece of shit. It is what it is but while you're at the top she's stuck at the bottom of the barrel trying to claw her way out but she won't ever get to that point. Karma is real and I wish people understood that. You treat people the way you want to be treated. She fucked up but guess what I lucked up. Don't let her overshadow any of your accomplishments because at the end of the day she plotted against you in every way she could but you still ended up on top while she's still living a struggle life" April said and smiled at him. Any other time she'd be popping off the mouth locked and loaded and ready to go but she felt like during this moment he didn't need that. He needed something calm and soothing.
"Your future is already so much brighter so leave her where she needs to be right along with her ain't shit husband. No man that loves you would pimp you out to a nigga just so he doesn't have to work. If he loved her ass he wouldn't have her doing the shit he does. He would treat her like the queen she's supposed to be to her king but she fucked around and kissed a frog. A frog who never stood a chance to be a king. She's already living in her karma and it's only going to get worst from there" April said and kissed his lips letting them linger for a few seconds more before pulling away.
"I bet you the future you planned with her ain't shit compared to the future you planned with me. So like everyone always tells me...count ya blessings. Ya out of the hood living in a house you paid for, you set not only ya parents up but ya brothers too, ya daughter is well taken care of and wants and need for anything. Ya career is cracking, you got an album bout to drop, and you got more shit in the works" April said helping him realize that yea Millie wasn't shit but his life was fuckin grand without her.
"Mind you, you got a woman by ya side that loves you flaws and all, a woman who will ride with you till the wheels fall off and when those wheels fall off she will get a new pair and keep riding. We got the house well mini mansion on the hills, the dog, and two well three beautiful lil girls. Papi life is good. Your life is good and one day it'll get even better when we saw our vows and I do's and let's not forget ma got that baby Brewster waiting for you. So yes you loved her and planned y'all future but what you got now is so much better" April said and leaned her forehead against his just hoping her words penetrated through him.
Dave leaned in and kissed her passionately. "Life is grand because I can't see me having all of this without you. I know you love me. I know you care for me. I know ya loyal and that's why I go so hard for you. I would say I can't wait to start our new journey but we've already started it and yes it's been a ride but it's been worth it. You made life so much better and I'm blessed to have you in it. I love ya lil ass and wouldn't want this with anyone else but you already know that. I'll be aight it's just a hard pill to swallow. This shit is a harder pill to swallow than when I found out about Charlie" he said and pecked her lips again being completely honest. The shit with Millie was something he couldn't even imagine someone doing let alone the shit being done to him.
"I know Papi but it'll eventually get better. She just showed and proved that some people aren't loyal and can't be trusted but we live and we learn and luckily you found out before it was too late"
Dave nodded. "True but I need you to handle something for me" he said looking straight into her eyes. She already knew what he was asking for and she was here for it.
"Papi I never took her ass off my hit list. I was just waiting for my bun to finish baking and she's here and she's healthy. I still want my one and since she fucked with you and my Love Bug it's only right that I give her what she's been asking for. I knew by the look on her face when daddy mentioned a secret that it was something big. I just wasn't expecting this but oh well. Shooter and August better get ready because this is it until another bitch presses her luck and has to be dealt with. You know how I move and I like to plot but I'll keep you in the loop. You know I have to move differently"
"As long as she's taken care of is all that matters"
"Say less...don't worry I'll make an honest man out of you" she said and laughed. She just wanted to take him out of his head, hear him laugh, and see him smile.
"That ain't the way that goes but whatever" he said smiling.
"Whatever speaking of the les miserable lil big bruh is taking too long to show me the damn video" April said and pouted. She still hadn't seen Profit getting his ass whooped and that beat down was months ago.
Dave chuckled. "You'll see it soon. We just wanted to make sure you finished baking Triple B fully. We didn't need you getting all excited and popping her out before she was ready"
"Triple B has been here for two weeks now. I'm ready for the fuckery"
"And you will...just be patient"
"Yea, yea, yea" April shrugged.
"Now talk some good shit in my ear. You said ya gonna make an honest man out of me let's talk bout that" Dave said smiling watching her smile back at him. They had talked about marriage before but they never really went into detail so both of them were here for it. Besides he wanted to talk about anything other than Millie and her bullshit. He rather sit and talk to his woman and continue planning their future then to sulk about someone who wasn't even worth it to begin with.
"I can do that. You and this shit we got, got me ready to pick out that white dress and meet you at the alter Papi" April said excitedly. He really had her feeling some type of way. It was one of those feelings that she wished would never go away.
"Just know that when I show up and a nigga on bended knee with that case open and rock blinding ya eyes you better be ready to get shit crackin. I ain't tryna be engaged for years. You got one year minimum and that's to plan the shit and you only got that because I'm giving us time to make sure this is the real wedding of ya dreams. It ain't no do overs" he said sternly and she knew he meant that shit. "The only do over you get is at that ten year mark when it's time to renew our vows"
"Talk ya shit Papi Talk...Ya...Shit. You know I'm here for it. Unkie Reek told me I better enjoy my time being single before God gives me all that I wanted and I wouldn't be able to take a month long vacation by myself ever again. That was in January and here it is October and now I have everything I ever wanted and more"
"Just goes to show you that Allah gives to us when he thinks we're ready"
"So true...So what would ya ideal wedding be" April asked curiously. She knew most men could care less about the actual planning and that they were there just to show up but she knew Dave wanted to have some input.
"Don't be tryna steal my ideas" he said and laughed at the same time Charlie started to whine over the baby monitor.
"That's a diaper change" April said as she got up off his lap with Dave following right behind her.
"Sit down ma. Relax you had her all day" Dave said as he went straight to Charlie as soon as they entered the bedroom. For a man who was skeptical that this whole shit would even work with her having a baby it damn sure didn't show.
"Oop ok Papi ok" she hopped in bed and made herself comfortable and watched him pick up Charlie from her bassinet. She loved the way he treated and cared for Charlie. If she was on the outside looking in she wouldn't know that Charlie wasn't his seed. She was his baby. There was no difference between Charlie and Kairi.
"Did my Triple B make a stink, stink" Dave cooed with his stank face on. "Yes you did lil stinky" he said as he picked her up and took her to her changing table. April just smiled at them capturing the moment as Charlie looked up at Dave making little noises.
"There you go. Now whose baby is smelling so fresh and so clean" Dave said as he finished changing her then placed the diaper in the diaper genie making a mental note to empty it before the night was over.
"Hey mommy's baby" April cooed as Dave placed Charlie in her arms so he could go and wash his hands. She knew she'd be back to sleep by the time Dave came out of the bathroom. All she did was eat, sleep, shit, and repeat. Sleeping had been her favorite thing to do at the moment.
"My baby still woke" Dave asked as he walked back to the bed.
"Nope, you know my lil baby can't hang" April chuckled as she placed Charlie on the bed and placed some pillows around her making sure she covered her up some.
Dave chuckled. "She can't help it. Now bring ya ass back here and finish talking to me" Dave said as he carefully got into bed and back in his spot.
April climbed back into his lap, straddled him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "So like I was saying what's ya ideal wedding" she asked again.
"Hmm" he said giving it some thought. "Definitely don't want a church wedding. You know I'm not big on church and I'm Muslim so I'm good on that. I want something fun. I'd like to have a destination wedding somewhere on the beach but I don't know how you feel bout that" he looked at her a little unsure that she would be feeling his answer and she understood why but she asked and it was up to him to give her his honest answer. Either way she was willing to compromise.
"I never wanted a church wedding so I'm good on that too. I've always wanted a destination wedding and I'd do it again but in a different location. Like you I want to do something fun where the whole family can just have fun yet somewhere we'd be able to dip off and do our own thing" April replied. Just because her first wedding didn't go as planned didn't mean she was going to scrap the idea of her dream wedding. Her dream had always been to have a wedding on a beach with blue ass water, barefoot sandals, and standing in front of the man she loved in a white dress surrounded by all their family and friends.
"So what ya saying is that you'll get married to a nigga on the beach on some island" he questioned cheesing. He was just as excited as she was. All of his dreams of having a family were coming true. Shit they had come true. The only thing missing was their rings and their wedding.
"Damn sure would. I'd get married to you anywhere but only with our close family and friends. I don't want anybody with ill intentions and fake ass people there. I'm done with those types"
"You already know I got you. I wouldn't want it any other way and honestly I wouldn't mind if it was just our crew there" he said. Dave was on the same page as her. They didn't need anybody there that wasn't there for them or been through the ups and downs with them.
"Maybe we should stop talking bout this because I'm getting all excited like it's bout to go down soon"
"This isn't like the baby. This is something we both know is gonna happen come hell or high water. You Ms. Blackmon will be Mrs. Brewster" he said sounding so sure of him-self. April loved the fact that he knew what he wanted and was determined to get it.
"Say that shit Papi and we ain't having no crip ass wedding either" April eyed him. They were not about to be flued out at no damn wedding and she didn't want to see not one damn blue bandana.
Dave burst out laughing but immediately caught himself trying not to wake up Charlie from her slumber. "Damn so I can't rep my set. Ya supposed to be my locette. Ya supposed to ride for ya man"
April looked at him trying to stop herself from laughing. "Papi you can rep ya set all day long but I'm neutral. I ain't anybody's locette. Ya woman, ya wife, ya best friend, and partner in crime that's me but not ya locette" she said.
"But when we're married that solidifies ya role" he said trying to keep a straight face and not laugh.
"Boy bye miss me with the shit"
"I'm fuckin with ya ma"
"I already know"
"You gonna put on a show for me that night though" he asked with a hopeful look.
"A show as in what and on what night" April questioned playing dumb.
"Our wedding night and one of those Beyoncé stripper type performances with some white lingerie on. I want that Beyoncé slash Magic City type of performance. Something sexy yet nasty" he said smirking as if he could see that shit playing in his head.
"Oh you want one of those Beyoncé dance for you type of nights huh. Pop it on a handstand type of night" she said and smirked teasingly but of course she was down for putting on a little show for her man especially on their wedding night. It was only right. She'd pull out all of her bag of tricks out for her husband.
"Hell yea" Dave said and rubbed his hands together.
"Do I get a Magic Mike performance from you then" she asked. Shit if he wanted a performance she deserved one too even though she couldn't imagine him doing any stripper moves. She'd probably die from laughing trying to keep a straight face while his ass tried to gyrate with that mug on his face.
"I can helicopter this shit for you but I ain't bout to get caught out here slipping. I'll stick to just giving you my best performance in bed and sending you back home with a lil gift that you can't open for nine months"
"Nigga" she dragged. "I'm done with this conversation" April said between laughs trying not to be too loud. "So ya plan is to basically give me some grade A D and plant a seed"
"You already know I'm a show up and show out and shoot that shit all the way up. Just think bout that performance though. You got enough time to come up with a lil routine me on the other hand I have my part down packed" Dave said and chuckled but April knew Papi was serious as hell about that performance and he was going to shower her garden with his seeds and that was a given.
"Yea you do too but uh I'm gonna go warm up my food. I'll be right back" she said not trying to go any further because she knew they were barely holding it together and she didn't want to get his ass excited.
"Bet while ya eating I'm a head to the basement and put one in the air"
"Heard ju" she rose from his lap and bed altogether then picked up Charlie and placed her back in her bassinet then grabbed the baby monitor while Dave grabbed everything he needed to roll a blunt.
As soon as Dave had the weed pack in his hand Teddy was right by his side patiently waiting as usual. Walking out the bedroom together April made her way to the living room to get her food while Dave and Teddy made their way downstairs to the basement. Dave had picked her up some Chinese food so she grabbed a plastic plate, made her plate, and warmed it up while keeping her eyes on the baby monitor. She didn't like to leave Triple B alone for long periods of time.
Girl you looks good, won't you back that ass up?
You's a fine motherfucker, won't you back that ass up?
Call me big daddy when you back that ass up
Hoe who is you playing with? Back that ass up
Apri looked down at her ringing phone and shook her head. It was Alaina of course and most likely this call wasn't even for her but for Triple B. Alaina called her every day. She didn't care if Charlie couldn't talk she'd just talk to her and coo throughout the whole conversation.
"Hey sista" April answered the facetime to see her sister pouting. "Who want their ass beat? I'm in the clearing what's good" April said wanting all the smoke as usual. She was waiting for someone to jump stupid so she could add on to her hit list. Everyone was trying her while she was pregnant now that she wasn't anymore she wanted to see who wanted to press their luck and try her.
"Ya crimson chin ass lil brother" Alaina replied and rolled her eyes. It was then that April noticed that Alaina's face was beat to perfection so April knew it wasn't as serious as she was making it. "His punk ass gonna call me talking bout lil baybeh get dressed for daddy. I'm taking you out tonight" she said in her best August accent making April laugh. "I'm dressed, face beat, and hair done looking like a whole ass snack and his strong chin ass ain't even here. I've been dressed for a good thirty minutes. Now let me take my time he'd be complaining" she said with an attitude and smacked her lips.
"Calm down and take a deep breath. You know he isn't gonna stand you up"
"Look at you now ya taking his side. I should've called my brother" she looked at April and pouted.
"You know what" April said and smacked her lips then got up, walked out of the kitchen, and down the hall to the basement door opening it to see Dave on his way up with Teddy in his arms.
"Sup ma" Dave asked as he met her at the top step.
"Here it's for you" April said and passed him the phone then walked back down the hall to the kitchen with Dave and Teddy behind her.
"Lil sis what's wrong" Dave asked as he leaned against the kitchen counter noticing the pout on her face.
"Ya women over here taking sides and it ain't mines" Alaina said still pouting like somebody done stole her damn dog. April just shook her head and continued eating.
"Sup what happened" he asked all concerned and shit but this was the norm for them.
"Y'all lil brother done told me to get dressed for a damn date night and his skinny swole ass ain't showed up yet and Thing 1 talking bout breath he isn't gonna stand me up" Alaina explained. Her little ass really loved having a brother and she damn sure took advantage of it. Yea she had Chris, Trey, Shooter, and Bully but her and Dave was type different.
Dave nodded letting her know he understood what she was saying. "Where was he coming from" he asked still concerned and ready to solve her problem and ease her mind.
"The studio"
"Give him some time. Lil bruh is gonna be there. You know how it be at the studio. He might even be stuck in traffic" Dave said.
"Tss ok" Alaina mumbled.
"Oh fuck nah" April said and rolled her eyes. "Papi let me see" April put her hand out for her phone. Dave chuckled, passed her the phone, and went to the fridge.
"So it's tss ok when Dave talks to you and tells you the same thing but I'm the one choosing sides"
"But you didn't explain it the way he did" she whined.
"Didn't think I'd have to. Now stop all that damn pouting and let me see what ya looking like" April said and smiled. Alaina was just being her usual self and taking advantage of being the baby.
"Sissss I'm bout to serve this ass on a silver platter because I'm looking like a whole ass snack" Alaina said all hype letting April see her outfit.
"Lil sis" Dave said sternly not wanting to hear her talk like that around him.
"Sorry brother"
"You looking cute babes" April said as she looked at her little sister dressed in a cognac off the shoulder long sleeve body con dress that stopped right above her knees with her hair in a high sleek curly bun with a few pieces hanging out of it.
"Hold up put the camera back on those shoes" April said and scrunched her face.
"See what had happened was"
"Bitchhh are those my Louis because those are looking pretty familiar"
"Aww shit" Dave said listening to it all go down.
"Damn I think I hear my man pulling up. I gotta go" she said trying to rush April off the phone.
"Oh no, no, no" April said. "You done came to my spot and raided my damn closet without me knowing then had the nerve to show them shits off like they were yours"
"See what had happened was you couldn't wear heels at the time and I had something to match them sooo"
"Lil baybeh you ready" April heard August in the background.
"Lil big bruh" April called him.
"Aww shit is that Triple B and my baby Kai" August said and walked up behind Alaina. "Lil big sis"
"Hey lil big bruh you got someone in their feelings. Thing 2 what was that? Crimson chin who? Strong chin who? Skinny swole who" April said smirking.
"Ohhhhh bitch" Alaina said looking at her like I know she didn't.
"Oops I gotta go" April said and hung up laughing.
"Damn ma why you do that to lil sis" Dave said laughing himself.
"That heffa done stole my shoes and ain't say shit. I call it even" April said still laughing.
Thing 2💖: After everything we been through this is how you do me 🤧
April looked down at her phone at the text Alaina sent her laughing and left her on read.
"Papi I think she might be a lil mad" April continued laughing.
"You did just throw her under the bus" he said and grabbed her fork taking a bite of her food.
"Her lil ass done stole my shoes like we don't be having the same shit. You know if I'm shopping I buy two pairs of the same shoes so we both have a pair but those right there I definitely don't remember buying two pair"
"You had pregnancy brain so who knows" he said then bent down and kissed her neck.
"Looks like someone wants to finish boo loving" April smirked.
"I'm tryna take full advantage of this time while we got it. Now finish eating so we can go cuddle up while I feel on ya booty and watch a movie"
"Oop say less Papi" April said then went back to eating and once she was done her and Dave were back upstairs with Charlie watching a scary movie and boo loving for the rest of the night.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed 😊
-It was a confessions type of night for April & Dave..Millie really left a mark on Dave but with April by his side he'll be aight and vice versa 🥰
-Looks like I'll have to plan a proposal one of these days because they are definitely looking forward to their moment 🥰
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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