78: Daddy Daughter Day
Chapter 78: Daddy Daughter Day
Dave & Chris
"I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is the king."
[By: Author Unknown]
"Come on Lil Butt let's find ya momma so she can fix ya hair" Dave said as he finished getting Kairi dressed for the day. It had been two weeks since baby Triple B had been born so he and Chris had decided to take the girls out for a little daddy daughter date which they had been excited about. They wanted to make sure all of the girls were getting attention especially with everyone focused on the baby.
"Ok" Kairi said and cupped his hand as they walked out of her bedroom and down the hall to his and April's bedroom.
April was in the middle of the bed sitting against the headboard breast feeding and talking to Charlie all smiles. Since Charlie had been born Dave had noticed that April seemed to be nothing but smiles and much happier. He knew it was because Charlie had actually survived and every day she had a chance to hold her miracle baby in her arms and she finally had a little piece of her that shared the same DNA who would love her unconditionally. Dave just looked at her and smiled. He loved seeing her in mommy mode. She was a great mother to both of their children. No one was treated differently and let anybody tell it Kairi came from her with the way she treated her.
"Aye ma ya Love Bug needs the hook up" Dave said as he looked down at Kairi's curly hair lying all over the place while she let go of his hand and made her way to the bed with her eyes on Triple B. She loved her new baby sister and she was there to help whether it was getting her pacifier or a diaper. Whatever Kairi could do she would do it. She wanted to be around her at all times and so far she hadn't shown a lick of jealousy but that was because they made sure she was good too.
"Ok we're gonna have to switch though. You burp Triple B and I'll handle Love Bug's hair" April said as Charlie finished up. She pulled her away, fixed her shirt, and wiped her mouth off with her custom Pop's Loves Me bib curtesy of Dave. His ass had low key bought her all these Pops Loves Me onesies, bibs, and other shit behind April's back.
"Bet" he took the baby's towel off April's shoulder, got into bed, took Charlie into his arms, and got in position to burp her. While April got out of the bed, scooped up Kairi, and took her to her vanity where her hair box now resided. Dave couldn't believe he was doing this whole baby thing again but he loved fatherhood so he was here for it and with April it was easy and the fact that he wasn't treated like he wasn't Charlie's father made the situation better. He had basically been a part of her life from pretty much the beginning and was by April's side from the time she told him. So yea Charlie was his too. He didn't even feel like a step father.
"Ok Love Bug what style are we doing today" April asked looking down at Kairi who was in deep thought. Dave just looked at her and shook his head while he burped the baby. They went through this every time she got her hair done unless April had a set style she wanted to do.
"Two buns" Kairi said and stuck out two fingers to show just how many buns she wanted.
"Got it" April said and got to work. Dave looked down at a nosey Charlie and then over at April and Kairi smiling. An extra little girl wasn't so bad after all. Then again she was still a baby but that still didn't change the fact that he wanted a little boy. Dave loved and cared for Triple B as if she was his own. They worked in shifts and when Chris wasn't there to take over he was in full Pops mode making sure his little Triple B was good and April was taking care of herself and getting as much sleep as she could. Honestly Triple B wasn't a very fussy baby or a crier. She just ate, slept, shit, and that was the only times she was really fussy. Other than that taking care of her was a breeze.
"Daddy, can Triple B come" Kairi asked.
"Sorry Lil Butt she's not big enough to go outside just yet but when she is we can all go out ok" Dave answered.
"And we're done" April said as she finished Kairi's hair making sure her edges were laid and her bows were secure.
"Niceeee thanks momma" Kairi grinned as she looked in the mirror at her hair.
"Ya welcome Love Bug" April smiled as she put up the hair stuff then went to go wash her hands.
"Ready daddy" she looked back at him.
"Ok give daddy a few minutes" he said as he got up and laid Charlie in her bassinet then went into the closet to put on his outfit.
"Momma may I watch TV" Kairi asked.
"Yes you may Love Bug" April replied and turned on the TV while Kairi went and sat on her little couch in their bedroom with Teddy by her side.
"Ma, come here for a sec" Dave called out for April from the closet while he was getting dressed. He had made sure he had gotten showered beforehand so he'd be ready to go when need be.
April walked into the closet and approached him as he stood there slipping on his shirt. "Yes Papi"
"You gonna be aight in here by ya self with the baby" he asked a little worried. This would be her first time alone with the baby. Normally Chris would be here if he wasn't and vice versa and nowadays if he needed to be at the studio he'd work from home so he would be easily accessible.
"I'll be fine it's just for a few hours and if I need help I'm pretty sure my mom will fly her ass over here in a heartbeat" April answered and laughed. Their parents were smitten when it came to Charlie everybody wanted a piece of her and to be around her.
"True" Dave nodded and joined her then stopped and looked at her.
"Nope nah Papi get that look out ya eyes and off ya face" April shook her head and backed away.
"Four more weeks" he said counting down licking his lips. He had been counting down since the day the baby popped out.
"I don't even know what you see at the moment. I look more homely than usual. I have milk stains on my shirt not to mention my tits are leaking. I probably look like shit right now" April said with her hand on her hip.
"And no I'm not in my head thinking I'm unattractive I'm just being realistic at the moment" she said knowing damn well she was looking just like a brand spanking new mother and being cute at the moment wasn't it. She did have milk stains on her shirt and her tit was leaking just a bit but that made him no never mind. His woman had literally just popped a fresh one out of the oven so he didn't expect for her to be dressed to the nines with heels on or any of that. This was her first experience with a newborn so he was pretty sure that as time went on she'd be aight. Besides this was how real mothers looked and not the ones you saw on IG who was done the fuck up right after giving birth talking about being snatched and all that other shit.
"Even when you think you look ya worst ya still look good to me. All I know is in four weeks you better back up all that shit you been talking" Dave smirked. He was beyond ready to see her in action. He could only imagine how she would perform in bed with the way they played and teased each other. He wanted her to pull out her bag of tricks and use him in the worst way.
April looked at him and laughed. "See I already know that the dick is a beautiful piece of hardware but um you better bring ya A game Papi because I don't really know if you know how to use it" she shot back. She was not about to let him come for her when she knew she had some good shit between her legs let alone she was down for whatever in the bedroom. As long as a nigga wasn't on that golden shower and that Dubai type of treatment she was down for the cause and willing to try anything at least once.
"Don't worry laugh now cry later" he said about to reach for her before she put her hand out stopping him.
"Nope you just got dressed and I'm pretty sure you don't want any parts of this breast milk but talk ya shit Papi...and that's IF you can make me cry"
"I don't think ya ready for that wheelchair treatment yet since you have to be mobile for Triple B" Dave teased. Yes he damn sure kept that wheelchair. That shit was sitting downstairs in one of their storage closets and he was going to make sure that he put that bitch to use.
"So you think I done waited all this time for some mediocre ass dick you better think again. I told you a while ago what I wanted so if you ain't got that then I don't want it" she teased him back. "Now come on before Love Bug comes for ya head" she said as she started making her way to the door.
"Be careful what you wish for ma. You just might get it"
"Well I hope I get it" she looked back at him and winked at him before walking out of the door.
"How long you tryna hold off till the next bun because if it's not any time soon I suggest you hop on that birth control like now" he whispered in her ear making her freeze where she stood.
Slowly turning around and facing him April looked at him a type of way that he knew he had her ass thinking. "You'd really shoot up the club that fast" she questioned seriously. This was the third time he had told her that he was willing to risk it all and shoot up the club so she knew he was serious. She just needed to know how serious because she knew he wasn't just saying this shit for play, play and as much as she wanted another child she didn't want to be in the same boat she was in. She just wanted to have some rated R, mature audience, and nudity type of fun. Granted if it happened it then it happened but she didn't want another child born out of wedlock. She wanted some assurance.
Pulling her back inside the closet Dave kept his eyes locked on her. "Ma, do you know how long I've been waiting to get my taste...my fix. I'm not buying condoms. You can but I ain't wearing them so why waste ya money. I'm beating that shit raw and that's facts. You got a few options on where you want these seeds to land but like I said if you really don't want another bun ASAP then get that BC in ya system as soon as possible" he said then kissed her lips and walked away leaving her where she stood. He knew he had her hot, bothered, flustered, and debating if she really wanted to have another baby that fast and by the end of the day she'd be trying to get in contact with her GYN to come in immediately.
Dave knew she didn't want to be just another baby mama and with the way he was feeling and thinking about her, her goods, and their future it was time to do some serious thinking and get the ball rolling. He knew that the next kid he and April had that they both wanted to at least be engaged, on their way down the aisle, or married. So yea it was time to make some shit shake. Besides he knew who and what he wanted at the end of the day so if he did just so happened to plant a seed he'd rather do it with the love of his life and the one he knew he was going to marry. So April had to at least be his fiancé. He wasn't about to have her out here bare foot and pregnant without a ring. It was time to have that big boy talk with his boys and the older men in his life because marriage wasn't a joke and he didn't believe in divorce so he wanted to make sure he got advice from his father and April's father and get that blessing as well.
Dave didn't want these reality show do it for the gram type of marriages. He wanted what his and April's parents had. He wanted something real. He wanted something that would last a couple of forevers. He wanted something that made them fight to keep in store and in tact. Dave wanted a marriage where his little girls could see and dream that they could have the same shit. Their foundation was already in a good place and he knew even in marriage that they would be straight because it started the way it needed to for them to have the marriage that they both wanted. Sure no marriage was perfect but he knew with April that whatever they were going through that they would do whatever need be to get back on track and make things right. So yea before another child came along she needed to be on birth control and he needed to have a sit down with the men in his life. It was time to pull a big boy move.
"So um yea what time is Chris coming" April asked as she gathered herself and walked over to Charlie's bassinet to check on her.
Dave smirked. "He should be here in a few. We're supposed to leave at two" he replied.
"Ok cool" she nodded and hopped back in bed sitting up against the headboard.
"So what ya gonna do while we're gone" Dave asked as he put the final touches of his outfit on.
"See what needs to be done around the house and if I can I'll catch up on some sleep" she replied as she looked at him doing his thing.
"Bet" he knew the house was already clean but she was still going to find something to get into. He was cool with it just as long as she didn't push herself because she still needed to be sitting down relaxing and getting as much rest as possible. But with April it was like she needed to be doing something since she was use to always being on the move and working.
"You might want to have Charlie downstairs because you know between Chris and unkie's baby they're not gonna leave without seeing her" Dave said as he looked at the time on his Patek.
April laughed. "I already know"
Chris and Royalty had arrived at 1:30pm on the dot. Dave knew they had gotten there a little early so they could have some time with Charlie before they left. It was a given. They all had it bad for Charlie and he didn't expect anything less. Leaving out of the house at 2 o'clock on the dot both Royalty and Chris got into the truck with Dave and Kairi. It made more sense to ride together. Besides the girls wouldn't have it any other way. The girls sat in the back talking, laughing, and looking on their Ipads sharing videos. 45 minutes later they were pulling up to Kids Village. It was a place for kids of course. They had all types of things to get into. There were arcade games, a salon, a kid's castle, race cars, and other activities for them to get into. Stepping out of the car both Chris and Dave helped Kairi and Royalty out of the car and met up with Shooter and Bully at the entrance. So it was more like a daddy daughter uncle type of and a day where the guys could catch up with each other and the girls could have some fun.
"I hope you got on ya curse word blocker. One curse word is now two dollars" Shooter said to Bully as he looked at Kairi and Royalty making their way towards them. "Unkie's favorite nieces" Shooter said smiling on his shit like he hadn't just come for them as well as claimed Charlie as is favorite since she couldn't come for his pockets yet.
"Hey unkie Shooter" the girls said together and hugged his legs.
"Mad phony" Bully mumbled and laughed shaking his head at Shooter. Shooter stayed with the shit. "Hey nieces" he said putting his attention on the girls.
"Hey unkie Bully" they said and hugged his legs as well ready to get the show on the road.
"Sista come on" Kairi said as she grabbed Royalty's hand.
Dave and Chris just looked at each other and then at their little girls. This is why the picture was so much bigger. Royalty and Kairi were attached to each other's hips. They were best friends and sisters and no one could tell them any different. If you asked Royalty who her sister was she'd tell you straight up that she had two little sisters. To her Kairi was her little sister and Charlie was her baby sister. The same went for Kairi.
She had a baby sister and a big sister. Royalty who? Kairi no longer called her by her name. Her name was sista and that's just what it was. Dave, Chris, and April felt no need to tell them anything about them not being real sisters or blood which they already knew especially Royalty but she didn't care. If anything they were raising all three of them as sisters and best friends. Sisters always made the best, best friends and April knew that from experience. The way they saw it was yes Royalty and Charlie were blood sisters but Kairi was a part of the equation because April was her mother too.
Between Dave and April they were already a married couple they just didn't have the paperwork to prove it and even without marriage April was still and would always be Kairi's mother. That was her child her baby. So yes blood was thicker than water but sometimes blood meant shit. Blood would fuck you over before water even had the chance to. Between April, Dave, and Chris they all had friends who were considered family and nothing less than family so they each understood the relationship that the girls shared.
Dave opened the door for the girls and everyone else followed behind them. There were other kids and their parents there but they felt no need to close down the spot. Besides they had security on deck as usual. Of course as soon as people noticed Chris it started a little uproar but nothing too major where he felt like this wasn't the place to be. He just smiled and waved while Dave kept his signature mug hoping no one would want to mingle.
His mug probably scared the kids but the women loved that shit but he wanted no parts of it. They just wanted to have a cool peaceful day out with their daughters just like everyone else. As soon as the girls stepped fully inside their eyes lit up and they were ready to make a run for it. After Dave and Chris paid for admission they found a good spot to chill where they could sit and watch the girls rip and run. Taking off their coats along with their kicks they all got situated.
"Daddy can we go now" Royalty excitedly asked Chris.
"Go head just make sure you stay where I can see you and stay by ya sisters side" he replied and kissed her forehead.
"Ok" she nodded. "Ready lil sis" she looked over at Kairi.
"Yes" she cheesed. Dave loved this sibling shit for Kairi. She wasn't alone anymore and there would always be someone down for her and vice versa for the other girls.
"Lil Butt make sure you stay with ya sister. Don't leave her side" Dave reiterated and kissed her forehead even though he knew they wouldn't leave each other's side not even for a minute. They were protective of each other. The women in their lives made sure of that.
"Ok" she nodded and they ran off. They were going to let them have their fun before they bothered them and they didn't want to take up space from all of the other kids by being out on the floor. As soon as they ran off all of them had their eyes set on them like hawks and security hadn't let them out of their sight to begin with.
"So what's going on with y'all two" Shooter asked as he scoped out the scene from his seat. He liked to make sure that they were cool in their surroundings no matter what type of environment they were in. With him you could never be sure of anything because he knew shit could always pop off.
"Shit cooling ain't much going on just wanted to get the girls out the house for a lil while" Dave replied with his eyes still glued on the girls.
"Same here" Chris said nodding with his eyes focused on the girls as well.
"Bet so what's the wave after this" Bully asked.
"Pizza and ice cream to go" Chris replied.
"Sounds like a plan"
"What's good with y'all though" Dave asked getting comfortable.
"Shit, giving bae some time to herself to finish up some paperwork" Bully answered.
"Say less...it doesn't seem like sis has any plans to go back to the A" Dave said thinking about how close Bully and Ebony had gotten.
"Nah that shit dead she can visit all she wants but moving back is a dub. That woman is stuck with my ass. Besides she's so close to lil sis there ain't no way she's leaving" Bully said as a matter of fact. He loved him some Ebony and Ebony loved him. There was no way in hell either one of them was moving without the other. They were at the stage in their relationship where they were inseparable. Even when they had disagreements it was never enough to break them up.
Dave looked over at him and laughed. "What's that shit you said to me" Dave asked not even waiting on him to reply. "CLINK, CLINK" he said and they all laughed well everyone besides Shooter. Shooter was in his own little world.
"I don't give a truck" Bully said laughing then shrugged. They burst out laughing. This shit was getting ridiculous.
"Damn you really ain't tryna pay up. They done came for ya pockets that much that you resort to truck bruh" Chris said dying laughing but it was true the girls had been hitting them all up and making serious bank.
"See the way my pockets are set up and how much I curse I ain't bout to keep paying them" Bully said knowing damn well he was just being cheap because he damn sure had money. It may have not been as long as theirs but it was long enough for him to live the way he wanted without any complaints and spoil his woman the way he wanted without feeling like he just spent his whole life's savings.
"I'm done I can't" Dave said shaking his head laughing as he stood up and made his way over to the girls. He just wanted to make sure they were good.
"My babies y'all good over here" he asked as he knelt down to their heights as they played one of the many arcade games.
"Yes" they both answered looking up at him.
"Ok I'll let y'all be" he said, stood up, and walked back to the table joining the guys picking up from where they left off.
"Looks like ya making that move to LA then" Dave said looking at Bully.
"Nigga I thought that was a given. We're gonna be staying at lil sis old spot until we find a place. We're looking for a condo" Bully replied ready to make that move. Besides he had no real ties in NYC or Jersey besides his brothers Shooter and Dave.
"Damn so y'all that serious" Chris asked.
"We practically live together now. She stays at my place and she has her own set of keys and comes and goes as she pleases. Besides I love her and I'm willing to take that leap" Bully said sure of himself. At the end of the day if they didn't work out in the long run at least he knew that he tried and he was willing to take a risk on love.
"I'm here for it" Dave said smiling. His brother was really out here and in love with someone who loved him just the same.
"Yo I ain't never seen this nigga this damn quiet" Chris looked over at Shooter who was too busy on his phone to notice that they had a whole ass conversation going on. His fingers were moving a mile a minute.
"He just met ole girl what two months ago and she already got him dipping out on us" Dave said as he looked over at Shooter who was still in his own little world grinning down at his phone.
"I should act like him but I'm a let him be" Bully said and chuckled.
"Invisible bae ain't so invisible anymore" Chris said laughing.
"Facts" they all said agreeing and still Shooter didn't even bother to chime in or look their way.
"I'll be right back. I gotta take this" Shooter finally spoke up as he slipped his kicks on and stood up from the table. "Miss Mimi what's good" he said as he made his way through the crowd of kids and out the door.
Miss Mimi was none other than April's friend Miranda who had finally called and gave April the green light. She and Shooter had been talking since the Monday after the baby shower and so far things were going good between the two of them. Meaning no one had to see Shooter moping around and complaining about being the 8th wheel. Miss Mimi even got along with the girls and that was a plus. Besides April's crew knew she was cool people anyway along with Chris and her family.
She started out as April's personal assistant in LA but with her work ethics, the way she got things done, the way she moved and carried herself April promoted her to her main secretary/personal assistant and she did her job well so she brought her along to Jersey and it's been magic ever since. They worked well together and vibed just the same. She was one of those people who April could break bread with and go out partying at the same time. Miranda knew the difference between work and play and never switched up. When it was work then it was all work and no play and when it was party time work stayed at work and partying was the only thing on her mind and that's what April loved about her.
"That ain't even the half of it. They were texting the whole ride here" Bully said ratting Shooter out. "Nigga was all smiles"
"My eyes keep twitching. I know y'all talking bout me" Shooter said as he joined them back at the table.
"Shit I forgot you could talk" Chris said.
"Y'all do know I ain't gotta take this ish" Shooter said and laughed.
"Homies get a new boo and don't know how to act" Bully said shaking his head ragging on him but it was all love. They were all happy that he had someone who made him feel the way he did and he was no longer alone. He now had someone who could hang out with the rest of the crew just like everyone else well besides Chris and Trey.
"You know what I ain't got time for this ish I'm bout to go bother my nieces" Shooter said and got up from his seat then made his way over to Royalty and Kairi who were playing one of the arcade games. They knew he left because he didn't want them to see him all cheesy and shit.
"I hope this shit lasts because this is just the beginning and I'd hate to see this shit go left" Dave confessed as he looked at the girls now climbing all over Shooter laughing.
"He'll be aight. So far everything's been good and you know those Blackmon women ain't letting any truck ish go down" Bully said which they all knew was true. Besides Shooter and Mimi were two months strong just dating and seeing where things would lead. Right now they were just getting to know each other.
"Facts" Dave and Chris agreed.
"Guess we can go bother them now since they haven't kicked Shooter ass to the curb just yet" Dave chuckled.
"Bet" Chris said as they all got up and joined the girls and Shooter.
They guys played with the girls until they were pooped out and ready to eat. Back in the truck Dave and Chris got the girls settled in and buckled up then made their way to pick up a few pizzas and some wings. Once they were done they stopped and picked up some ice cream of the girl's choice making sure they were put in containers so they could make their own cones at home and eat dinner first. Instead of going back to Dave's and April's they went back to April's which was pretty much her and Dave's as well. Chris and Dave wanted to make sure that they dedicated the day to just them and focus on them. Back at the house they cleaned up some and went into the living room, turned on a Disney movie, and just chilled. Bully and Shooter on the other hand had gone about their business letting Dave and Chris spend the rest of the day with their daughters.
"Daddy can I stay with sista and unkie tonight" Kairi asked Dave as she crawled into his lap ready to put her puppy eyes to use.
"That's up to ya unkie. You have to ask him" Dave replied. Kairi smooth dipped on him and made her way into Chris's lap. "Well dang" he mugged her.
"Yes niecy niece" he said looking down at her as she made herself comfortable. He already knew what it was though. He saw it coming a mile away.
"Unkie can I stay" she asked.
"Hmm I don't know" Chris said playfully as if he was really thinking hard. Obviously he was messing with her. He had no problem with her staying the night. Besides it would take a little off of April's shoulders for the day.
"Pleaseeeee daddy" Royalty begged as she crept up on him with puppy dog eyes of her own all pouting and shit.
Chris shook his head. Every time they wanted something they'd double team him and Dave and pulled the puppy eyes on them and let April be around that was another set of puppy eyes they'd have to deal with. Saying no to one was cool but the two of them together with puppy eyes it was a little harder. "Ok...ok...ok you can stay neicy niece" he acted as if he had caved in.
"Yes" the girls cheered as they got up doing their own little victory dance as usual when they got their way making Chris and Dave laugh.
"I hate to see what they're gonna be like when they get older" Dave said knowing that it was going to get worse the older they got.
"Worse" Chris said as if he was reading his mind. Shit he had been thinking the same thing and add Charlie into the mix it would be triple trouble with the Triple B's.
"Can we have ice cream now" Royalty asked.
"Y'all finish eating" Chris asked as he looked at their clean paper plates.
"Ok come on"
"Daddy I'm stuffed. I can't walk to the kitchen. Can you pick me up" Royalty asked with her lips poked out being dramatic.
"Oh so you don't want ice cream then" Chris looked at her as she and Kairi ran off towards the kitchen causing Dave and Chris to laugh yet again.
"We're screwed"
"No lies told" Chris agreed as they followed behind them to the kitchen. Chris and Dave fixed the girls ice cream cones and sat in the kitchen with them.
"Unkie you going to get LeeLee so she can come to the sleepover" Royalty looked at Dave and asked. So far Charlie had three nicknames. Little Seedling, Triple B of course, and LeeLee but only Royalty called her LeeLee.
"Sorry unkie's baby. Triple B can't come outside just yet. She's too lil" Dave replied pretty much giving her the same response that he had given Kairi earlier.
"Aww man she's gonna miss everything" Royalty pouted. She like Kairi loved her baby sister to death and always wanted her to be a part of the festivities.
Chris chuckled. "It's only for a lil while Ro" Truthfully he couldn't wait until she was a little older either but he was going to continue to cherish these moments with her while she was still his little seedling because he knew they didn't stay little forever.
"Ok" she sighed and went back to eating her ice cream.
"Aight I'm a help get y'all ready for bed so I can go help y'all momma with the baby" Dave said as he cleaned off Kairi's face.
During the course of their little outing Dave and Chris had been hitting up April to see how she and the baby were doing. She'd say they were good but Dave didn't want to be gone that long before she got to a point where she was overwhelmed. Dave had bathed Kairi and got her dressed for bed while Chris did the same for Royalty. Once they were done they got situated in the living room to watch another movie. Dave said goodbye and made his way back home making sure he stopped and got April something to eat because he knew she hadn't ate since breakfast. She would be so busy taking care of everybody else and forget about herself sometimes.
-Hey guys happy reading & hope y'all enjoyed..there is another part to this lil fluff piece so I'll be editing it soon..it was 63 pages I believe so I had to break it up😊
-Papi on his countdown shit & wants all the smoke in the bedroom..He ain't playing no games..He gave her ass fair warning so sis need to make that appointment like ASAP 👅
-Papi's thinking bout marriage 👀..I don't know bout y'all but I'm here for it..He might be in bended kneee before that 2 year plan.Is it to early 🤔
-Y'all bestie Shooter finally got him a woman and now his ass doesn't know how to act 🤦🏾♀️ Do y'all remember who Miranda is🤔
-Bully & Ebony doing their thing as well and they're moving to LA & living together..Sis got his ass on Clink Clink 😂
-I know y'all are waiting for that 6 week jump & I promise I got y'all. I don't want to post just anything. I want to make sure I give y'all my A game since we've all been waiting for it to go down. It'll be coming up soon though. I need to put on that special playlist & look at a few of Papi's pics to get some much needed inspiration to make a good scene 😝
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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