78.1: Daddy Daughter Day
Chapter 78.1: Daddy Daughter Day cont...
"Yes you are mommy's lil baby with ya cute self. Yes you are" April cooed.
"I have a question for you though and I know you can't answer me so I'm a need you to smile for yes or frown for no. Ok you ready? Are you gonna be like ya sister and call me momma or mommy" Dave heard April talking to the baby as he made his way further inside the house after making a quick pit stop at the mud room and then into the living room. He couldn't help but laugh to himself making himself known as he placed her food on the table. He always caught April cooing and talking to the baby as if she was going to answer her back. He understood though he use to do the same thing to Kairi.
"Papi don't laugh we're in the middle of a deep discussion" April said as she looked up at him and back at Charlie. "So what's it gonna be momma or mommy" April asked again knowing she wasn't going to get an answer but it didn't hurt to try.
Dave just looked on because he knew April was serious even if she knew for a fact that she wouldn't be getting an answer. Her ass thought Triple B was going to give her some type of sign. Only time would tell what she would end up calling her. Charlie was looking at April with the neutral face just starring at her. On the other hand April's question made him think. Did she have a problem with Kairi calling her momma? Did she want her to call her something else? Was it really a big deal between being called momma rather than mommy?
"Hey ma" Dave took a seat beside her.
"Hey Papi" she greeted him then leaned over and kissed his already awaiting lips.
Dave reached over on the table and grabbed the hand sanitizer that April now kept on deck and poured some in his hands making sure to rub it in until it was gone. "Gimmie my baby" Dave said after he cleansed his hands.
April placed Charlie in his arms. As soon as she was in his arms she started smiling. "You happy to see ya Pops huh" he smiled and kissed her forehead. "Pops is happy to see you too"
"She can smile for you but not smile to answer my question. She's definitely my child with her petty lil self" April said and smiled at her.
"Looks like she was being neutral bout it but speaking of ya question why you ask her that" Dave looked over at her and asked curious to see where her head was at. He wanted to make sure she was good all the way around and if she was battling anything they could take care of it together and get it resolved properly.
"My heart warms and melts every time Love Bug calls me momma but I know she calls me momma instead of mommy because she already has one well a donor because that's my child. But I can't help but want to know how mommy sounds coming from them. Granted either or sit wells with me but I just want to hear it" April said and shrugged again.
"I get it. It's like how Lil Butt calls me daddy but Triple B will be calling me Pops but at the end of the day I'm still her father just like you're still Lil Butt's mother. So whether ya called momma or mommy it doesn't matter because they know who their mother is"
"True" she nodded agreeing. "Speaking of my Love Bug I'm guessing it's a sleepover type of night. My babies done finessed y'all asses again" April laughed. It never failed.
"Hell yea then big sis asked if I was going to come and bring baby sis back to the party" Dave said and chuckled as he looked down at Charlie who was dozing off in his arms. Her little ass knew she couldn't hang for shit.
"Aww my babies know they love their baby sis but wait until she gets old enough to start following them around. They better keep that same energy for my baby" April laughed a little thinking about her babies all old enough to follow each other around and start their own little crew like her, Alaina, and Ebony and even like her mother, Mama Faye, and Mama Joyce. When she thought about it they were all Triple B's just different generations of Triple B's. In each group there was a Blackmon, a Brown, and a Brewster and in her crew they were all Blackmon's but it was three of them so they were Triple B's too.
"I doubt it'll be a problem. I think they'll be like you and ya sisters. Lil Butt and unkie's baby never had any issues so Triple B will fit right in" Dave said.
"True" April nodded as she watched Dave place Charlie in her bouncer then lean back against the couch getting comfortable.
"So how was she really" Dave asked as April cuddled into him sighing as usual when she was in his arms.
"She was good. She cried for a lil while but it wasn't major or anything I couldn't handle. I think it might've been too quiet in here for her. She didn't have Love Bug checking on her every ten minutes or you scooping her up and walking around with her and Teddy was chilling so it wasn't anything going on. Let alone Chris wasn't here to make her laugh and blow spit bubbles and Royalty wasn't here checking on her either. Of course everyone called well facetimed to see and talk to her but that was bout it" April replied and yawned. She was a little tired. Taking care of the baby by herself had been a chore but it was something she didn't mind doing at all. She knew there would come a time where she would have to watch her alone again anyway so nothing was wrong with getting a little bit of hands on practice just like she had when she took care of Kairi by herself when Dave went on tour.
"Enough bout us how was ya day" she asked.
"It was cool the girls had fun and we enjoyed kicking it with them together but ya brother still on his shit" Dave answered and chuckled thinking about Shooter and how he missed out on a whole ass conversation because he was busy boo loving on the phone.
April laughed already knowing who he was talking about. "Leave him alone. He's very much smitten and in the liking stage right now and trust he's not alone. Mimi's ass is the same way. Her ass be cheesing on her phone like brother in front of her ass"
"Good because I can't have my brother out here with his nose wide open for nothing" he said and wrapped his arm around her. Dave wanted Shooter to have what he, Bully, and August had and since Mimi wasn't a Blackmon he was kind of worried because he didn't know what to expect. Sure she was cool people, the girls got along with her, and she was about her business but he just wanted to make sure she wasn't on any bullshit. They had enough fuck women in their lives and finally got rid of them and he wasn't accepting any applications for anymore.
"You know I wouldn't put anyone in his life like that. Now I don't know how it will end in the long run but what I do know is that Mimi likes him and has been feeling him for a minute now" April said and Dave took in her words but he was going to keep his eyes open.
"Hey, why you ain't tell me Bully and Ebony moving to ya spot in LA" he questioned.
"I figured Bully had talked to you bout it. I suggested it when sis said she was moving too. I figured they could stay at my place until they found what they were looking for instead of rushing to find a spot since they just basically made up their minds bout moving. We figured that Bully and Shooter weren't going to stay in Jersey with the type of relationship y'all have anyway so we knew they were going to eventually make their way to LA. It was the matter of when"
"Bet sounds good to me we got the whole crew tagging along" he said liking the idea that their unit was sticking together instead of breaking apart into different states. He knew it wouldn't be the same with his boys not being around often as well as the same for April. Just like they were fuckin up Jersey he wanted them to all be in LA fuckin it up too. He wanted to be able to chill and be around his family like they were now. They now had their own little traditions that he didn't want to stop so he was glad that they would all still be together.
"I love it. I'll be able to see Thing 2 as much as I want because lawd knows I miss her being close by, we'll be in our own home, Triple B gets to see Chris whenever, and he and Royalty don't have to keep traveling back and forth. Ebony won't miss a beat because she'll be there too. So I get to have both my sisters around" April said and paused then continued.
"I'll be home with the kids for a year if not six months so they'll be good. Not to mention you'll be able to shake some shit up with ya LA connects so that's a win for everybody. Just like Ebony can set up shop in LA. She can work from home, get a lil spot, or she can work from my building and keep her money in her pocket" April said.
She couldn't wait to move and set up the rest of their house the way she wanted and start the next stage of their lives because she knew shit had no choice but to get better than they already were. It was the same for Dave. He loved Harlem and being able to move across the water to Jersey but since the whole thing with Millie and Profit that shit left a sour taste in his mouth and all he wanted was a fresh start for them all. He felt like in LA they could all gain something from being there.
"I fucks with it. I like how this shit is going. When one flourishes we all flourish just like when one rides out we all ride out"
"Always" April agreed. "And knowing our parents they'll be visiting often because they can't stay away from their grandbabies"
"True" Dave agreed already knowing they were going to put April's PJ to use every chance they got.
"How bout you though. I know ya excited. My Papi got that new heat coming real soon" she said smiling talking about his new music.
"Ma you already know this shit been a long time coming. All my blood, sweat, and tears are poured into this album. I'm just ready for everyone to hear it" he said excitedly as he talked about his official album. It had taken him years to get to where he was at in his career now shit was paying off. He had an actual album coming out and not just a mixtape. He was proud of himself and April was just as proud of him. She was here for her man winning. He deserved a W especially with the loses he had been taking in the background in his personal life.
"Well we're ready. I love the song with Jacquees. Every day is cool even that song you put out with Max B is good but I need more. I want to hear what ya talking bout and what you had on ya mind while you were making it. I want to hear ya story" April replied with the same excitement happy as hell for him. This was his moment and his time to shine.
Dave looked at her and chuckled. "Says the woman who threatened my ass bout the video chick in that same video and was there throughout the whole video shoot" he said but he knew that her hormones had her acting up and he wanted no smoke.
"Nah Papi, don't act like you didn't want me to come either because you were the one who asked me to come along" she said and playfully smacked her lips. "Ya lucky I'm not the jealous type. Chick had her hands all over my damn man let alone you was rubbing all over her ass but I kept it cute and kept it mute because you had a job to do. Besides you wanted me there anyway so hey that was ya fault. I was willing to stay home but nope you packed my bag and said ma let's go" she said which was true.
"True because that shit could've gotten ugly had she done some stupid shit" Dave agreed. He'd a hated to see what would've happened to ole girl if she had tried some sneaky shit. But she was right he did want her there and she had even told him she was good with staying home but he wasn't having it. He wanted her to get out the house and live some and stop worrying about people being able to see her baby bump. Of course this was months ago when she was able to travel so they made a little baecation out of it.
"Any, who ya coming to my listening party right" he asked making sure she was going to be there. He needed and wanted her there. He wanted her support and love that night. He wanted people to see how his woman supported him in person and how that shit wasn't for show and what they had was real. He had a real rider on his side and on his team. He wanted to share his special moment with her and finally be out in his element with her by his side like he had wanted for so long. Dave wanted to vibe out with her on the party scene and see her in action even though he would be working the room for the most part of the night.
"Papi you know I wouldn't miss it for the world. I already have mommy and daddy booked that day to watch Charlie. I just have to go look for an outfit" she replied.
"Oh so you plan on throwing it on for Papi" he said smirking. His ass had plans for her. He had been plotting and scheming behind her back just waiting for her to finally get that green light.
"Most definitely I haven't lost all the baby weight yet but I still look good enough to show off this extra lusciousness" she said and stuck out her tongue. Everything else was straight she just had a bit of a pudge left and most likely it would probably be gone by the time the listening party approached or at least on its way out. She had mentioned working out but he thought it was too soon and she didn't need to be worried about her body just yet. Her focus needed to be on the kids and their family but if she really wanted to he wouldn't stop her he'd just keep a watchful eye on her to make sure she wasn't doing the most. Honestly he was just happy that she wasn't going the Instagram route and planning surgeries but nonetheless he wasn't going to let her push herself to the limit.
"Do you ma just don't make me have to whoop a niggas ass that night because you know how I am bout mines" he was serious and he knew that April knew he wasn't fucking around. This wasn't the first time he had mentioned it. He knew niggas in clubs were touchy grabby and he wasn't about to let that shit go down or have some nigga thinking it was a free for all to do as they pleased.
"Papi I can't make you any promises. I gots to look good on my man's arm as usual I know bitches gonna in there looking a hot ass mess half pass naked trying to be seen. So I got show em how it's done and my sisters gonna be there too. Oh. We. Bout. To. Fuck. It. Up" she said dancing in her seat. Dave knew she was excited to be going out period. She hadn't been out, out in a while. She had missed out on quite a few outings.
"Talk ya shit ma you just better make sure my shit is covered up" he said and mugged her but honestly he couldn't wait to see what she would be wearing that night. He wanted to see her in party clothes you know something a little sexy.
"Ya shit" she quipped looking up at him.
"Hell yea that fat juicy ass that ya sitting on is mines, those big ass titties that Triple B's renting at the moment is mines, and those chocolate short ass legs mines. Fuck it ya all mines" Dave said and licked his lips.
"So basically speaking I'm ya property" she said and tooted her lips.
"I wouldn't call you my property. That sounds a lil harsh but ya all mines so make sure you keep my shit covered" he said as a matter of fact.
"For one it'll be November so it'll be chilly out and two I can't afford to get a cold so yes I'll be covered up...enough" she said laughing as she teased him but he knew damn well she wasn't about to be outside showcasing shit.
"Come outside in some bullshit if ya want. I'm a send ya ass back in the closet and tell you to try again and if you come back out with some bullshit I'm a pick ya shit out for you" Dave said it and he meant it. He was not about to let her walk outside with her assets showing especially not with the extra ass and tits she had gotten since she had the baby. Her body had filled out even more in all the right places.
"Uh huh any, who do you mind watching Charlie while I take a shower" April asked ready for a nice hot shower and some fresh clothes.
"You didn't have to ask ma. I got you but you should let me join you though. We can take Triple B to the room, put her in her bassinet, and then we can hop in the shower and save water" he suggested. He was going to creep inside anyway so her best bet was to just say yes but if he thought she really needed some alone time he'd let her be but he knew she didn't really mind the company.
"Nope you gonna want to touch me knowing damn well I'm untouchable" she said looking at him like nigga please I know you're up to something.
"Ma we haven't had any personal time in a while. Triple B is sleep and Lil Butt is with her sista. I just want some alone time with you" he said which was true. For the past few weeks and the months leading down to the baby it had been family duty and all about the kids which he didn't have an issue with but he just wanted some time alone with his women. You know a little one on one.
"Hmm I guess we haven't" she said and got up from the couch. "I'll get the shower started and you can be on Pops duty until its ready"
"Say less" Dave nodded, stood up, and picked up Triple B while April walked ahead of them.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy..well that was the ending of chapter 78 😊
-Don't really have much to say since I already said everything in the first part so y'all know the drill.
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
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