77: Princess Triple B on Board

Chapter 77: Princess Triple B on Board

"Wee little baby fresh from God's arms, you light up the world with your sweet baby charms. May God ever bless you with love and with grace, and may joy always shine on your dear little face"
[Author Unknown]

April was in the house in her and Dave's bedroom folding up the last bit of the baby's clothes. She had been at it for the past few weeks just making sure she had everything washed in hypoallergenic laundry detergent just to be on the safe side. Dave had assembled the bassinet, changing table, armoire, and now they were all set up perfectly on April's side of the bedroom since Triple B didn't have her own room. April couldn't wait to move so baby Triple B could have her own room like Kairi and Royalty but she wasn't sweating it. Everybody knew that newborns spent most of their time in their parent's room anyway but since she didn't have her own room April still wanted to make sure she had her own little space. In the middle of folding clothes April got a notification from IG that Dave was live so she immediately clicked the notification to see what he was up to because he was supposed to be out running errands and coming straight home.

As soon as April looked at the live she smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. If Dave was home this would be the moment where he realized that he had just fucked up. April was pissed the fuck off. Now any other day she wouldn't give two fucks what he did on IG because he was a celebrity and that's what he did to kick it with his fans so she understood it. He was always on IG listening to music, rapping, trying to sing, and smoking so it wasn't anything new but today wasn't the day and he was about to hear just why today wasn't the day.

Two seconds away from popping off with her trigger fingers and sending him a message via live she decided against it because she didn't want anybody in their business. That's how unnecessary bullshit started. So she did the next best thing and interrupted his live and ended it all together by calling him facetime. As soon as the call connected and Dave answered and saw her fed the fuck up facial expression he knew something was up.

"Ma what's wrong" he asked all worried as soon as he seen her face.

April looked at him and bitterly chuckled. "I'm bout two seconds away from plucking you in that caterpillar on ya face that you call eyebrows and fuckin you up" she snapped. "What the fuck are you doing? Do you even see what time it is" she fired off.

"Ma calm all that shit down" Dave said and mugged the fuck out of her. She knew he didn't like the way she was coming at him but at the moment she didn't care.

"Not happening...any other day I could care less what you do on IG BUT you were supposed to be running errands like picking up my child from school amongst other things. Yet ya out here fuckin riding around will all the windows down smoking weed without a damn shirt on like you ain't got a care in the world. Mind you it's the end of September and yes it's not cold but it's not hot enough to be outside with ya fuckin shirt off"

"Like I said calm all that shit down. This ain't what we do. I'm bout to scoop Lil Butt up in a few and as far as my shirt I'm good" he continued mugging her but kept his cool but honestly she could care less if he tried to go toe to toe with her because this time he was in the wrong.

"Look just go get my child. You out here playing games like you don't know what type of time it is. Ya outside riding around with all the damn windows down with no shirt on like I'm not pregnant. Triple B will be here any minute any day now and what if ya dumb ass catches a cold. You won't able to be around her let alone help me with her with a damn cold. Not to mention you were supposed to be doing what you needed to do and picking up my child so you could come RIGHT back home because I'm at home by MYSELF. You know Chris didn't get here yet" she said and took a deep breath and started right back up again.

"Now what happens if she decides to grace us with her presence and I'm still in here by myself David? I'm not and I won't be doing this shit alone" April continued snapping and rubbing her forehead frustrated. He had really ticked her off. She had never had to come at him like this but he was outside being reckless and she couldn't afford any slipups at the moment. She knew damn well if he caught a cold that she'd have to take care of not only the kids but his ass too unless he was going to take his ass to his momma's house and let her take care of his sickly ass.

Dave looked at her and rubbed his free hand over his face realizing where he had fucked up at. "Shit ma I wasn't thinking bout all that. I'm sorry. I was just out here chilling with my niggas for a second. Don't worry I'm close by Lil Butt and we'll be home soon" Dave said as his so-called boy continued driving around with him and another one of his friends. Dave was of course sitting in the passenger seat. April knew if he was with Shooter and Bully they'd a been on his ass but no he was out with the same niggas he needed to be side eyeing. Yea they were cool but they weren't that damn cool.

"Whatever I'll see you when you get home. I love you" and with that she hung up. Dave was going to make her fuck him up.

It was too late in the game for him to be fuckin up. These were the crucial moments for her. Baby Triple B would be arriving soon. They had already thought she was going into labor last week but it was just Braxton Hicks so they didn't have time to be playing around and she couldn't afford for him to get sick. These were the moments where April was going to be able to see if Dave was really about his shit.

Yes he had come through and stuck around for everything going on and honestly he was the best man she had ever had and could ever ask for but niggas switched up every day and she had already been through and done that. Trust she didn't doubt him but she was keeping her eyes open for any sign of fuckery. Not here for the shit April finished folding the baby's clothes and put them away. Once she was done she took the time to take a quick nap while she could. About an hour and a half later April could hear Kairi skipping into their bedroom.

"Mommaaaa" Kairi dragged. April could hear the excitement in her voice which made her smile. She couldn't understand why Kairi was always excited to see her when they saw each other every day but when she really sat down and thought about it she figured that it had something to do with Millie. She probably was happy to see that she hadn't walked out of her life and that thought hurt.

Any other day Dave would stop Kairi from waking April up but since the baby was coming soon they both let it slide because things were about to change for all three of them. April wanted to make sure she spent as much time and going through with their normal routine until she couldn't anymore. She wanted Kairi to know that yes her little sister was on her way but that didn't mean she wouldn't have time for her or love her any less. Kairi had been priority number one to her since the day they had their family and friends day and now with the new baby she now had two priority number ones. They came first. Sure she would be spending a lot of time with the baby but she knew that being a mother of two she was going to have to step it up a notch and make sure she was there for her like she was from the very beginning. With the way Millie had treated Kairi April wanted to make sure that Kairi knew she was loved and cared for so if she had to be woken up from her naps then so be it. April didn't want her to think for a second that she was putting her off.

"Teddyyyyy" Kairi stopped on her way to April to pick up a barking Teddy from his dog bed in their bedroom then made her way to and on the bed and cuddled up next to her with Teddy nestled between them.

"Hey Love Bug" April smiled and kissed her forehead. "How was ya day" she asked like she did every day when she came home from school.

"Good" she answered. "Is Triple B coming today" she asked like she did every day as well. She had been asking every day since the baby shower. April knew she was excited about her baby sister but she was going to be shocked that Triple B would be too small for her to play with.

"That's good. I don't know when Triple B is coming but she'll be here soon I promise" April replied with a smile.

"Yes" she fist bumped the air cheesing making April and Dave laugh.

"Is sister coming with Unkie" she asked since she knew Chris was supposed to be in Jersey in a few hours.

"No sorry Love Bug. She has school. She probably won't be here until next weekend" April answered. It wasn't Chris's week to have her just yet. Between him and Nia they each had two weeks on and two weeks off when it came to Royalty. She didn't know how Chris survived with only seeing Royalty for two weeks at a time but what she did know is that he talked to her over the phone constantly and always made sure that he was there whenever she needed him. They had a regular routine where they'd just talk for hours.

"Tss aww man" Kairi pouted clearly not happy about Royalty not coming along with Chris.

April laughed a little. "When Unkie gets here you can ask him to call her for you on facetime ok" those girls were thick as thieves and April loved it. They had their own sisterly bond and no one could say they weren't best friends or sisters because in their eyes they were everything to each other.

"Ok can we get snacks now" she looked up at April while she petted Teddy.

"Yup come on" April said as she eased up and off the bed carefully followed by Kairi who watched her every move copying her father. They had all been on her heels these last two months and since those Braxton Hicks they were really on her ass. Dave had Kairi on momma patrol and she took that shit serious. April couldn't even cough without Kairi taking notice.

Dave was on mute. He hadn't even spoken to her or greeted her like he normally did when he came home but April didn't care. She knew he was mad at the way she came at him. Whatever the case may be they could talk about it later but right now it was mommy or rather momma daughter time. He had been posted up against the dresser looking at her and Kairi the whole time. Just before she could exit the bedroom Dave was on her heels stopping her.

"I love you ma and I know ya mad at me but don't ever hang up after telling me you love me and not give me a chance to say it back to you. You don't know what might happen" he said and kissed her lips. They never hung up without saying I love you to each other and Dave wasn't going to let her make that shit a habit. She looked up at him and made her way out the bedroom with Kairi and Teddy beside her. April knew he wasn't going to let her walk down the steps by herself well when he was home since he had no say so when he wasn't home. Either way it still didn't change the fact that she was still mad at him.

Entering the kitchen Kairi went and took a seat in her usual spot at the kitchen table and waited on April to get her after school snack.

"Mommy made dinner for tonight so ya good on dinner" Dave said breaking the silence.

April looked at the aluminum pans on the island and smiled knowing it was something yummy inside. Mama Faye could cook her ass off. She was no slouch in the kitchen. Between her mother and Mama Faye they were making sure she didn't have to lift a finger these days since she was literally at the finish line. They helped out a lot and always came through for her. They didn't want her to do anything but be careful and to stay off her feet and she appreciated it. Even Mama Joyce visited her when she could.

"Remind me to call mama and thank her"


"Papi help Love Bug wash her hands"

"Got it" Dave said as he got up, scooped Kairi out of her seat, and took her to the kitchen sink letting her wash her hands by herself. Once she was done he passed her a paper towel and she dried them off on her way back to the table. April reached inside the fridge, grabbed her snack, and placed it on the table and in front of Kairi.

"Mhmm" April dragged in pain as she stood still trying to keep calm as she felt her first contraction creep up on her. Dave was by her side in 0.5. The shit felt like one big ass cramp in her back. This was the shit she was talking about and pissed with Dave over. What if he wasn't there? She couldn't do this shit alone.

"Ma you good" he asked as he looked at her worried knowing that this time it wasn't a fluke.

April took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and looked up at him once it was over. "If she isn't here by tonight she'll be here tomorrow morning" she said as a matter of fact. She knew just like he knew this was it. Triple B was coming. Her little ass was knocking on the door and she was about to show up and show out. Chris ass just better be by her side when the shit went down.

"Momma you ok" Kairi asked as she looked at her worried looking at her just like Dave was.

"Yes Love Bug momma's ok. That was just ya lil sister letting us know she'll be here soon" April smiled at her trying her best not to worry her any more than she already was.

"Ok" she nodded still looking worried as she hesitantly went back to her snack while stealing glances at April.

"Momma's fine Lil Butt" Dave repeated assuring her that everything was ok.

They went about their normal routine making sure April stayed active and hydrated throughout the day while Dave timed all of her contractions. She was about ready to say fuck it and go to the hospital but they both knew it would be pointless. Shit her water hadn't even broken and Chris hadn't arrived yet. She was just ready to get this shit over and done with. She was ready to hold her little girl in her arms and tell her how much she loved her and exactly what she meant to her. They were already prepared. Her and the baby's bags were packed and inside of the truck along with her car seat. Dave had sent everyone a message in their family group chat that the contractions had started so everybody had been checking on her. Chris on the other hand had to leave later than he expected so he'd be arriving later than he planned.

April just hoped he'd be on time because she knew he wanted to there. She wanted him to be there. This was something he didn't want to miss. Now if he was going to be on time she didn't know but either way he'd be there and so would her mother and some of their family. Dave and April were even keeping Kairi home from school. She'd be staying at the house with Mama Faye and Senior.

They were going to come over and watch her for them. Ian was going to be there as well no questions asked. Sure he wouldn't be in the room with her but he was going to be by her side by any means. He refused to let her be without him especially with her being alone the first time. Alaina wouldn't be there until the weekend since school had started back. Most likely it would just be Ebony, Bully, Shooter, and Uncle Ny'Reek along with Ian. She knew the boys were going to be there to keep Dave sane since he wouldn't know how April was doing and knowing him that was going to drive him crazy so Shooter and Bully being there was beneficial to Dave's sanity.

Dave had bathed and put Kairi to bed and April had even managed to read her a bed time story. Now it was only her and Dave up and he was trying his best to keep her calm. She was hanging in there for the most part but the contractions were staring to hurt a little more and were a little closer than when they started. April was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to regroup when Dave closed their bedroom door, turned on some music through the Bluetooth speaker, and approached her looking all cheesy.

"May I have this dance" he asked with his hand out making her laugh as All My Life by K-Ci and JoJo played in the background.

"Yes you may" she replied and slowly stood up smiling. He knew she was smiling through the pain.

"Now don't be laughing at a nigga. I don't know how to do this twostep shit" he looked down at her and chuckled.

"I gotchu Papi" she winked as she stood as close to him as she possibly could wrapped in his arms and swayed to the music while he followed her lead. He wasn't bad but this shit looked like they were at a father daughter dance with how short her ass was. They swayed side to side letting the music take over while Dave rubbed her back trying to soothe the pain as she winced every now and again.

"You know when I first found out I was pregnant I had every intention of doing this shit by myself. Of course I knew Chris would be here but I thought I was going to be a single mother. I was prepared for you to walk away and I knew it was going to hurt but I was prepared" April looked up at him and paused clutching him tight as another contraction came through like clockwork. Dave kissed her forehead and kept rubbing her back. They knew there wasn't anything they could do for the pain but to rock it out.

"Come on finish talking to me" he said trying to get her mind off the pain. He felt bad that he couldn't take away her pain because if he could he damn sure would.

April took a deep breath. "Where was I" she asked.

"How you thought a nigga was gonna walk away" he said and playfully mugged her.

"I did. The way you exploded and the way you treated me after I swear ya ass hurt my feelings but I'm happy you got ya shit together and stayed on the winning team" she laughed a little. "I don't think I could've done this without you. You straight treat me as if I'm carrying ya baby and you're always here when I need you" April teared up becoming emotional. "Even though I wanted to fuck ya ass up today" she added in.

"I'll admit I fucked up but I'm here and I ain't going anywhere and fuck yea ya carrying my baby so get fucked up if ya want"  he playfully mugged her again. "I think you should try to get some sleep though"

"I am a lil sleepy. I just hope my water doesn't break in the bed. That'll be some bullshit" She did not want to ruin a good mattress or have to attempt to clean that shit.

"You'll be aight. Come on" he said and walked her over to the bed. April got in bed and waited for Dave to join her. April tried her hardest to fall asleep but she kept fighting it. Even his magical booty rubs didn't help. If anything once she did fall asleep it was only for a little over an hour maybe even two and it was the worst sleep ever. No matter how much Dave rubbed her booty, talk that good shit in her ear, and tried to sooth her nothing was working.

"David, David" April frantically called his name as she tried her hardest to get up out of the bed quickly and rush to the bathroom. She felt like she had to pee. As soon as she got out of the bed she felt a pop and liquid trickling down her legs.

"Ma calm down" Dave said as he got up and rushed to her aid.

"My water broke" she cried and looked down at the mess on the floor.

"Shit" he mumbled. This was not the time for him to panic. He knew if she saw him panicking it wouldn't do her any good so he manned up and got his shit together. "Let's get you cleaned up and I'll call mommy and Chris and tell them it's time" he said as calm as he could referring to April's mother as he helped her to the bathroom and fixed a shower for her.



-Hey guys hope you enjoy..sorry for the delay but wattpad is tripping something serious & a lot of us aren't getting our notifications so it's kind of ass to publish an update that many won't see until the notification decides to pop up 🤦🏾‍♀️😡🤬
-Any, who our good sis done came for Papi..she didn't have to do all that 😂
-Baby Triple B will be arriving any time now and y'all will finally find out what name April actually chose for her 😊☺️
-Not really much to say but stay tuned for part 2 which is already uploaded to wattpad it just needs to be edited.
-So with that being said y'all know the drill 😂 sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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