77.1: Princess Triple B on Board
Chapter 77.1: Princess Triple B on Board cont...
Chris had been pacing back and forth in the main living room of April's house ever since he had got the call from Dave that her water had finally broken. He had already been through the motions thinking he might've missed it since he had to come later than expected but he was right on time. He hadn't even been at her house for a full hour when he had gotten the call. There was no Mama Joyce or Royalty by his side tonight. One Mama Joyce would be coming later on during the week and Royalty was with her mother so he had to wait for his two weeks to kick in. This shit had him on edge. Sure he was there when Nia had given birth to Royalty but April was having a water birth instead of a traditional birth so he didn't know how his nerves were going to be during the process. He just hoped that he'd be fine because he knew they both needed him.
At the same time he was scared. He was thinking about what April had been through with Jr even though he knew this situation was different. For one his little seedling had been healthy all the way through her doctor visits and she had fully baked. But Chris knew anything could happen and as much as he tried to be positive Jr just played over and over in his head. He wanted to know was April ok. Was she in too much pain? He just wanted her to be all the way good well as good as she could be during this time. Chris just wanted to be by her side and go through the process with her. He wanted to see it with his own eyes that she was ok so it would ease his wondering mind just a tinge.
"Chris...boy if you don't stop pacing back and forth ya gonna walk right through the floor" Ananda said as she an Ian entered the house. Chris was so into his thoughts that he hadn't heard the front door open, the alarm go off, or hear them enter the house. Yet here they were looking at him going through the motions.
Ian chuckled and looked at Chris. He could see panic written all over his face. "Calm down son this isn't ya first time at the rodeo. Breathe Peanut is gonna need you to be on point. You know she won't be any good if you aren't" Ian said as he put down his and Ananda's overnight bag and approached him placing his hands on his shoulders. Chris took a big deep breath and sighed in relief. He was glad he wasn't in here by himself anymore. He wasn't alone.
"Mama I'm a take him to the basement. Be on the lookout for Peanut's midwife and staff" Ian said as he looked at Ananda getting ready to setup the mood for April. She wanted April to be comfortable, in a peaceful setting, and as calm as she could be. She just wanted this moment to be just right for her.
"Ok" she nodded and walked off.
"Come on son it looks like you could use a drink and a smoke" Ian said as he patted his shoulders.
"Bet" Chris nodded and followed behind him downstairs and to the basement. As soon as they got down there Chris went straight to the bar and fixed him a double shot of Henny and threw it back like it was water while Ian looked at him ready to laugh but kept it cool. He wasn't going to get on his ass just yet but after the baby was born it was a wrap. Chris plopped down on the couch and placed his head in his hands. The way he was acting was as if this was his first child.
"Listen I know having kids is pretty scary and I admit I was nervous during both April and Alaina's births but they need you to be strong. Peanut and lil Peanut need you to be there and focused. You know how Peanut is and she's just as nervous as you if not more but it's game time" Ian said as he reached in his pocket pulling out his cigarette case filled with pre-rolled blunts on his April shit and pulled two out. Well April was like him. Ian knew he himself was going to need them for this moment. Shit he was nervous too but he wouldn't admit it to Chris. His ass was already nervous. This was his first born about to give birth for the second time.
"I'm just thinking bout the shit that happened with Jr and this whole pool thing" Chris admitted as he looked up at the ceiling.
"Understandable but this isn't gonna be like what happened with Jr. Jr is in a good place and he's up there watching you, his mother, and his lil sisters. Yes it hurts to lose a child and I can't tell you how to feel or act because I've never been through that. Even if I did it would still be hard to handle but this already started off differently than it did with Jr so get in a good head space because ya lil girl will be here soon" Ian looked him in the eyes and passed him a blunt and a lighter knowing he needed it more than he did.
"Thanks Pops" Chris said and lit the blunt immediately. He appreciated Ian for being by his side especially at a time like this.
"No problem" he nodded and lit up his own blunt.
Chris leaned back into the couch and exhaled a cloud of smoke. "I'll be fine" he said more so to himself.
"You will besides ya not the one pushing my grandbaby out" Ian said trying to make light of the situation.
"True" Chris chuckled and before he knew it April was at the house and ready to bring their little seedling into the world.
"Ma we're almost there" Dave said as they made their way to April's house trying to keep her calm. She had been nervous since her water broke and questioning if she could really do this.
They had one of their drivers driving so Dave could tend to her. Instead of giving birth at a hospital April had wanted to give birth in the comfort of her own home. Everything was already set up in her second living room, sanitized, and ready to be put to use. She just wanted to be surrounded by her family and people not looking for a story and a quick come up. Dave had been a godsend throughout the whole process. He had made all of the necessary phone calls, got his parents to come and watch Kairi, and even helped her get showered and dressed. She knew after this she was going to have to make good on all her promises and throw that shit back for a real one because Papi was the MVP tonight.
"Mhmm" April groaned as she bit down on her bottom lip and tightened the grip she had on his hand while she lay cradled in arms.
"I know it hurts ma I know but Triple B will be here in no time. She's gonna make her grand entrance soon" he said then kissed her forehead ready for this shit to be over with. He hated to see her like this and in pain but no lie he would definitely go through with the whole process again when it was his turn to plant his own seeds.
"Please tell me we're almost there" she whined as her eyes teared up. Her body felt like shit. It felt completely different from the first time she had given birth. Her body was going through shit she hadn't even experienced. Sure she had bad ass cramps the first time but this shit right here wasn't it. She was getting the full experience and that shit hurt but for Dave she would go through the pain all over again but trust she had a limit. She was maxing out at one more.
"We're pulling up now" Dave said as the truck came to a stop. The driver hopped out, opened the door for them, and helped April out of the truck followed by Dave who scooped her up in his arms bridal style. By the time they got to the front door help was already there waiting for her right along with their family. Dave sat her in the wheelchair they had waiting for her making a mental note to keep that shit because they wasn't getting that shit back. His woman was going to need it again in six weeks. Just before they could take her to the second living room her father and uncle approached her.
"Peanut you be strong in there for me. I love you and I'm here if you need me. You just holla and daddy will be there" he said looking all misty eyed and kissed her forehead.
"I love you too daddy. JESUS" she groaned in pain, clutched her stomach, and tapped her feet against the pedals trying to remember her breathing exercises just hoping that all of what she had learned would work the way they were supposed to.
"You got this Thing 1. I love you shawty doo wop" Uncle Ny'Reek said and kissed her forehead as well.
"I love you too Unkie" she said in between breaths. The rest of the family hadn't arrived yet but they were on their way.
"Ok we need to get her settled in" her midwife spoke up. April had her midwife, her GYN/god mother Nora and a nursing staff on deck just to be on the safe side. She wanted to make sure that she had all the help she needed just in case. She couldn't afford a repeat so she made sure she had every avenue cornered.
"Ok" they backed away with their eyes glued to her.
Taking her to the second living room where she'd be giving birth in her mother, Chris, and Dave followed behind her and her midwife. April knew Dave wasn't going to stay in the room but he wanted to make sure she was good and in good hands before he left. She had even introduced him to her midwife and god mother beforehand just to keep him in the loop. Since he hadn't been to any of her appointments she still felt the need to keep him included just like she recorded every appointment for him. The nurses got her situated and did their routine tests before letting her be with her upper half covered in a sports bra while her bottom half remained naked and submerged in the birthing tub. Chris and Ananda stayed silent while Dave stood by her side and on his knees looking at her all worried and panicky. April looked at him and smiled while she cupped his hand in hers.
"Papi stop looking so worried. I'll be fine. I'm in good hands. Besides Chris and mommy are right here and they ain't going anywhere" she said speaking through the pain that felt so much better in the water.
"I know but I won't be in here I'll be in the waiting room" he said referring to the main living room. But April knew he was going to be in the basement or either outside smoking a blunt to get his mind right and to stop worrying. He'd be out there pacing back and forth whispering prayers to Allah.
"Papi if I need you you'll be here so stop worrying. The boys are in the waiting room they'll keep you and daddy company because I know he's feeling just like you at the moment" April said and laughed the best she could. She had the strongest men she knew in her life crumbling in front of her and she couldn't help but smile at how grateful she was to have them in her life for loving and caring for her the way they did.
"I love you ma" he said and kissed her lips and then her forehead as everyone looked at them in awe besides Chris. He was still sitting there trying to get himself together as best as he could. April could tell he was nervous but she wasn't going to blow up his spot she was going to allow him the time to collect his thoughts and get himself together.
"I love you too Papi" she smiled.
Dave got up from the floor with his eyes still locked on her before he started to make his way out of the room. "Please watch over my woman and Triple B Allah" he said and looked up at the ceiling. "And please make sure Breezy doesn't faint" he said and looked at Chris who was looking a little pale in the face causing everyone in the room to laugh. He hadn't said shit since April came through the door.
"Talk ya shit East if I do I'm tapping ya ass in and let's see if ya ass doesn't faint" Chris shot back.
"I'm out" Dave chuckled and left the room while Ananda walked over to April's side.
"How ya holding up Peanut" Ananda asked as she wrapped April's braids up into a high bun to get them out of her way. She had actually gone over to April and Dave's and did April's hair into some jumbo box braids the day before and luckily right on time.
"I feel better in the water than I did outside of it" she replied as another contraction hit.
As soon as Chris saw her in distress he was by her side ASAP rubbing her back soothingly as the midwife checked her out. He comforted her throughout the whole process while Ananda faded into the background. He might've been nervous but those daddy instincts kicked in and he knew he had to be there for her.
"I need to push" April said feeling like the baby was ready to come out. "Chrissss" she dragged and balled her fist.
"I gotcha Apple I'm here" Chris said as he came out of his shirt and socks then joined her in the birthing tub climbing in behind her and holding her from behind whispering encouraging words to her.
"Sing my song" she said as she leaned against his chest while he rubbed her stomach.
"Do you really think that's appropriate" he questioned not wanting to step over any boundaries. She knew he was talking about her being in a relationship with Dave but right about now all she wanted to hear was the song he used to sing to her. It was a throwback but it was one of her favorites.
"Please" she whined. She just wanted to hear his voice and not think about the pain she was in. April wanted to focus on something other than what was going on.
Chris sighed and continued to rub her stomach. "I'll just sing ya favorite part" he cracked giving in.
"You da best" she groaned and squeezed his leg. She knew by the end of this his light ass was going to be all types of bruised with the way she was squeezing on his legs.
"You're like Jordans on Saturday I gotta have you and I cannot wait now hey, little shawty, say you care for me you know I care for you, you know that I'll be true you know that I won't lie, you know that I would try to be your everything, yeah" Chris sang lowly in her ear. Yes he was singing With You and yes that was her favorite part because they both had a thing for Jordans. They were sneaker heads.
"Cause if I got you, I don't need money, I don't need cars girl, you're my all and oh, I'm into you and girl, no one else would do 'cause with every kiss and every hug" he continued singing lowly to her. He could remember all the times he had actually sung this song to her and for her to want to hear him singing it while she was ready to give birth to his third child it warmed his heart. It meant a lot to him.
"You make me fall in love" April joined in and sang along with him not knowing her mother was recording their moment. All April knew was that his voice was soothing and it was keeping their baby girl calm for the moment.
"Ouuuuu Chris...she's coming" April shook her legs as her midwife came to check on her once again.
"It's time mommy and daddy" the midwife said as she looked at them smiling.
"Game time Apple. Let's get lil seedling here" Chris said and kissed her in her hair.
Going through the motions it was finally game time. April had reached ten centimeters meaning it was game time because their baby girl was finally coming. On her knees clutching the side of the tub she listened carefully to the instructions her midwife was giving her while Chris kneeled right beside her doing just what he was supposed to. Push after push baby Triple B had finally graced them with her presence crying like someone had interrupted her sleep with April, Chris, and Ananda in tears. At first Ananda had helped soothed April but she had fell all the way back and let Chris take over and be there for her like he was supposed to.
Taking the baby out of the water they let April hold her for a few seconds before taking her and making sure she was alright and giving her an exam while April had to step out of the tub to push out the placenta. Once everything was said and done and April and the baby was cleaned up and clear they finally handed the baby over to April with Chris right by her side cheesing from ear to ear like his ass wasn't by the baby's side the whole time they were checking her out. He hadn't missed a step. Wherever they took her he was right there not even attempting to let her out of his sight. They were both happy that she had finally arrived and was as healthy as she could be.
"Hello Charlie Ava" April said and cooed as she lovingly starred at her baby girl. She was finally here and in her arms. Her pregnancy had been a success with no complications at all and she was so thankful.
"Charlie Ava" Chris repeated letting the name marinate on his tongue to see if he liked it.
"Well you are her father and since I named CMB Jr after you and he couldn't physically be here I figured why not try it again for baby girl" April smiled still with her eyes locked on Charlie. She was one of the most beautiful babies she had ever laid her eyes on.
Chris looked at her in awe and smiled. "I love you Apple" Chris said and kissed her forehead. Here she was again doing what she does best and that was being herself and looking out for everyone one else.
"Love you too Chrissy. Would you like to hold her" April looked up at him as he stood by her side.
"Man stop playing and give me my baby" he said playfully and carefully took her in his arms, sat down, and laid her on his chest smiling down at her. While he held the baby April went over all the necessary paperwork making sure everything was squared away. All that had to be done now was getting the baby's birth certificate.
The family gave April and Chris a good hour before they came quietly barging in to see April covered up breast feeding the baby while Chris sat there mesmerized by his daughter. Charlie already had his heart. From the way she had latched on and the way she was eating they could tell that her little ass was going to be a greedy one. She was fresh out the oven but they could both tell that she had the best parts of the both of them. She was on the lighter side but her ears were darker so they didn't know how her complexion would be in a few weeks. They just knew she was going to have some melanin just like her mommy. She had a head full of hair, cute pouty lips, a button nose, chocolate brown eyes like her mother, freckles like her father, and she was a little lengthy and somewhat chubby baby. April had carefully fixed herself while the men had turned around giving her some privacy besides Dave and Chris then burped the baby letting them know it was safe to turn around.
"Awwww look at my Peanut and lil Peanut" Ian said as he looked down at the baby then kissed April's forehead. "I didn't hear you screaming in here so you must've handled it like a trooper" Ian said and chuckled with his eyes locked on the baby.
"She did good daddy" Ananda said with tears still in her eyes as she watched her first born smiling like she had never seen her smile before. She was thankful she got to experience this moment with her.
"Daddy you already know" she said smiling at him. "Say hi Charlie. That's ya grandpa or should I say Papa Ian and ya grandma" April said introducing the three.
"Charlie" Ian repeated like Chris had. "I like that"
"Yup Charlie Ava Brown...Brewster" Chris said smiling proudly. He didn't know what April was going to name the baby but he'd a never thought it would be after him especially not after she named CMB Jr after him. All he knew was that they had agreed to use both of their first name initials.
"She's beautiful look at all that hair. That's where those heartburns were coming from" Ebony said as she took a look at the baby with heart eyes. "Hey auntie's baby" she cooed.
"So you telling me that lil sis could've been eating all the hot wings she wanted all this time" Shooter said looking at Dave and as usual they all laughed but not too loud. Leave it to Shooter to keep the laughs going no matter what time it was or moment was being shared.
"Whatever" Dave said brushing him off while he continued looking at April and Triple B in awe. He couldn't help but think it again. Motherhood looked damn good on her and he was happy that he was the man by her side to watch it all unfold.
"Damn can unkie get a look at his lil great niece" Ny'Reek said and moved a little closer to April and the baby to get a good look. "I don't know Thing 1 she might be all Chris" he said looking at the baby in awe just like everyone else. "Are those freckles" he looked a little closer.
"Yup that's all me" Chris said proudly. Yes Charlie has freckles. At the moment they weren't that noticeable. You'd really have to get a good look to see them.
"Don't say that. She's gonna look like me right mama's baby" April cooed as Charlie went to sleep in her arms.
"Don't be a hater" Chris whispered.
"Boy bye" April laughed a little.
"You did good lil sis she's adorable" Bully said getting a look himself.
"Thanks brother"
"She is" Shooter agreed getting a peak in. "I'm glad she's not old enough to have a swear jar. So she's unkie's fave right now" Everybody looked at him and shook their heads.
"You stay coming for my kids" April said.
"And they stay coming for my pockets" Shooter said as a matter of fact.
"You know what" April just looked at him while everyone kept their laughs to themselves not wanting to wake Charlie.
April let out a big yawn while holding the baby. "I'm sleepy but I don't want to let her go" she said as she felt her eyes getting heavy.
"Go to sleep ma you had long day and night. You deserve those hours of sleep you just brought new life into the world" Dave said as he looked over her while Chris carefully picked up a sleeping Charlie, sat back down, and held her in his arms smiling down at her. His woman did look like she was ready to knock out at any minute. That's all April remembered before she clocked out and went to sleep.
"Charlie" April jumped up out of her sleep frantically looking around the room. She was still in the living room. She had a whole setup going on in there so she wouldn't have to walk up the stairs everything was there front and center.
"Ma calm down" Dave stood up from the chair next to her. "She's fine she's in her bassinet and from the looks of it you woke up just in time" he said as he looked at Charlie fidgeting in her sleep and sucking on her tongue.
April sighed in relief and looked over at her baby girl. She just didn't want to wake up and realize that this was all a dream. "Can you get her for me and where's Chris" she asked watching Dave.
Dave went over to the bassinet and picked up a now smiling Charlie. "Pops baby finally came" he said as he held her little body in his arms a little while longer making her look even tinier. "I just switched shifts with him. He's upstairs sleeping" he said and placed Charlie in April's arms.
"Thanks Papi...hey my baby" April looked down at her smiling. "Whatcha doing up huh? Are ya hungry? Did you make a stank or ya just concerned like ya mommy and wanted to see what was going on" April asked as her baby girl lay in her arms just a looking.
"She's been changed thanks to her Pops" Dave smiled as he stood by her bedside looking down at them like a proud Pops.
"Well thanks Papi" April said with her eyes still glued on the baby. "So she just wants some attention because she doesn't seem to be hungry just yet"
"She just spent nine months baking. Charlie wants to look around and be nosey like her mommy" Dave said and laughed a little grabbing Charlie's attention. "Hey Triple B" he cooed.
"Papi don't be coming for me" she chuckled looking up at him while his eyes stayed on Charlie. "Poor you" April shook her head. Triple B was going to have Dave wrapped around her itty bitty fingers just like her big sisters.
Dave took a seat. "You did good ma. She's beautiful"
"Thankies Papi"
"How ya feeling" he asked happy that she was no longer going through the motions and in all the pain that she was in not too long ago.
She looked over at him. "I'm sore but the pain was worth it" she said and played with Charlie's little fingers.
"Six weeks officially start today" he looked at April and devilishly smirked but he was right. Baking season was officially over.
"I can't with you" April laughed not even about to entertain his ass at the moment no matter how serious he was because his ass was definitely serious. "Papi you seen my phone"
"Yea everyone's been checking on you especially Alaina. Chris facetimed her and sent a few pictures but she's been asking bout you. As far as ya parents they're upstairs in one of the guestrooms sleeping. They've been checking on y'all too" Dave answered with her phone in his pocket.
"Bet, I'll call her in a few. Have you checked on Love Bug" she questioned wanting to know how her other baby was doing.
"Yea she's good mommy and pops are gonna slide through with her a lil later. Lil Butt has been asking bout her baby sister" he replied with a smile.
"Aww my babies finally get to meet each other" she said cheesing. She couldn't wait until all three of the girls got to meet. "Someone's getting fussy" April looked down at a fussy Charlie. "Poor me she's gonna look like Chris. I just can't win" April fake pouted as she looked over Charlie's features while situating herself getting ready to feed her. "You were definitely hungry" April said as Charlie latched on acting like she hadn't eaten all day. "Papi what time is it"
"Six almost seven" he replied looking at them.
"Bet, so how are you"
"I'm straight. Triple B is here ya good and there were no complications. So I'm straight"
"Good, good you ready for the new change in our house" she asked looking over at him.
"I ain't got no choice but to be but yea we'll be aight. I'll be aight" he had been mentally preparing himself for this so he knew he was going to be straight and he was going to make sure they stayed that way.
"We will" she said as a matter of fact.
"Can I join" Chris said as he stood in the living room arch way.
"You didn't have to ask" April said and covered up some.
"How's she doing" Chris asked as he stood on the opposite side of April's bedside.
"She's good. She was a lil fussy but she was just hungry but you came right on time to burp her" April said still feeding Charlie. She wasn't going to hog her especially when he would only be here for a month and then he'd be back to traveling back and forth on the weekends to see her.
"Bet" Chris said and took a seat. "Y'all ready for this shit" Chris asked looking between April and Dave.
"Yup" they answered together. They were as ready as they could be.
"I figure you can come through during the afternoons since you'll have Royalty soon and she'll be with her tutor during the mornings and if y'all are cool with it we can have dinner together on some nights" April suggested. She wanted to make sure that all the kids got to have family time and to make sure that Royalty had a home cooked meal because Chris's cooking wasn't the best. He just knew how to get by or shuck it up to ordering out or having Mama Joyce cook.
"Sounds good to me" Dave said.
"Same here mommy will be here too so I'll be aight" Chris said.
"Bet so you'll have afternoons then it'll be us at night. I can do the mornings since I already have a morning routine. I know Dave will be working from home so if I need him he's downstairs in the studio. But either way if we need to tweak the schedule we can always do so" April said as she looked between the two of them.
"Bet" they agreed.
Chris pumped some antibacterial hand sanitizer in his hands.
"I see somebody's getting ready" April looked at Chris as Charlie finished up. April wiped her mouth with her bib and passed her over to an awaiting Chris.
"You already know" he looked up and smiled then took a seat so he could burp her.
April was happy as hell that Chris had seen this through and had been by her side every step of the way. He did more than she could ever ask of him. April looked over to see Dave damn near knocked out in the chair. She knew he had to be exhausted. He had been up all morning and through the night so she knew he needed some sleep.
"Papi" she called him.
"Sup" he opened his eyes and looked at her.
"Go get some sleep"
"I'm good" he said and yawned.
"Go...if I need you I'll call you. Chris is up and my parents are here so I'm good. Go get some sleep"
"Ya sure ya good" he questioned not trying to leave her side but he knew he needed some sleep. He had been ripping and running by her side all day.
April smiled at him. "I'm positive"
"Ok call me if you need me" he said as he got up from his seat. "See you in a few" he said and kissed her lips and passed her, her phone.
"K" she nodded and watched him walk off. April picked up her phone and took a picture of Chris and the baby.
"The internet is gonna go down in flames when they finally see her let alone to know that we had another baby together" Chris said looking at April.
April sighed. "True but it is what it is and I'm here for it. People can talk all the shit they want to behind the computer and their phones but they won't say that shit to our faces. I wish a bitch would. I want all the smoke" April said and she was ready.
A few minutes later her phone went off and luckily Dave had put it on vibrate because Charlie was still up but she was cooling trying to see what she could see. "Hey sista" April answered looking at Alaina looking woke as fuck with her bonnet on like it wasn't a three hour difference between them and it was early am in LA and she should've been sleeping. But April knew she wasn't going to go to sleep until she had spoken to her and knew that she was all the way good.
"Thing 1" she smiled at her. "How are you holding up" she asked.
"I'm good a lil sore but like I told Dave the pain was worth it. Shouldn't you be sleep" she asked.
"Same shit I said lil big sis" August said as he popped up on the screen with his head scarf on too. "Congrats though baby girl is cute even if she looks like her father"
"What you tryna say" Chris spoke up.
"Big bruh sup" August said and laughed.
"Where my niece at" Alaina asked as she got comfortable in front of August so they could both be seen.
"In her daddy's arms" April said and pointed the phone towards Charlie and Chris.
"Aww" Alaina cooed. "You know I'll be there this weekend"
"We will be there" August corrected her.
April laughed. "I already know"
"Ya sure ya fine though" Alaina asked again.
"Thing 2 I'm positive I'm all the way good" April replied and she was.
"Good, good well I'll let you go. I'll call you later on to check on y'all" she said.
"We'll be here. Have a good day at work Thing 2 you too lil big bruh. I love y'all"
"We love you too" they said together.
"Give auntie's baby a kiss for me"
"Will do" and with that they hung up. "So can I get my baby back or ya gonna keep hogging her" April asked as she looked over at Chris having a deep conversation with the baby.
"You'll be aight you had her for nine months. It's my turn"
"Welp that's two suckers" April said and let them be. She took the time to get some more sleep. She knew if the baby or Chris needed her he'd wake her up.
Baby Triple B was finally here in all her precious glory.
Charlie Ava Brown
7lbs 2oz born on September 25, 2019 at 12:34am
-Hey guys hope you enjoy...Y'all should know by now how I do my cliffhangers 😂
-As you can see Chris showed up, was on time, & played his role. He was not about to miss this moment even though his ass was nervous as hell like this was his first born. It was understandable though ☺️
-Dave is the MVP he held shit down. He didn't run or panic 🥰
-But at last Triple B is FINALLY here. I know y'all are like bout time damn sis 😂🤣 Baby fever is real & I want in 😂
-The 6 week countdown has finally begun 👀👅
-There was no way in hell that I'd let anybody fuck up April's pregnancy especially not Millie's ass. I had to make sure her shit went by smooth this time & give her, her moment 🥰
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you🥰
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