76: Slaughter House

Chapter 76: Slaughter House

"The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on."
[By: Ulysses S. Grant]

"So fill me in" April looked up at Dave who was sitting up in the bed leaned up against the headboard with her head in his lap as her body faced his. They were fresh out the shower and doing a little boo loving before bed. Dave was busy running his fingers through her hair since he made her take off her scarf just to do so. It wasn't in its natural curly state so he could run his fingers all throughout it.

He looked down at her and smirked. "You stay thinking you know some shit with ya nosey ass"

"First off Papi I do and it's not nosey it's called concerned" she laughed trying to correct him. "Now fill me in. You know I don't like to be left out of the festivities. Just like I know I have to sit it out but damn don't count me out" she playfully pouted. She could've sat her ass in on the conversation but he understood why his boys were leaving her out. They didn't want to upset or stress her out but Dave had to tell her anyway. They didn't do secrets. Besides she already knew what it was and had known he had been plotting. She was just waiting to see when the shit would pop off.

"You knew I was gonna tell you anyway"

"Duh now run it Papi" she said and laughed.

Dave just looked at her and shook his head. Her and his damn Lil Butt stayed coming for him. "We got the call today. They found Profit"

"Bout damn time he came out of hiding with his bitch ass. As soon as we caught up with Agnes his ass dipped off. He knew his ass was next. Please tell me y'all got him though"

"Facts we definitely got him. Bully had one of our people facetime him to show me some proof. He's locked up in one of the spots and ain't going anywhere. They got his bitch ass hung up on a meat hook"

"Bet so when we getting rid of this nigga" April asked like she was ready to get shit cracking.

"Woah there this isn't a we type of situation. You lil big mama will be at home safe and sound with the girls" he said nipping that shit in the bud. He knew she was just as tough if not tougher than a nigga and thorough as hell but she was pregnant and he couldn't afford any mishaps with her being there. So it was a definite no for him. She might've been a lioness but he was the lion and she wasn't allowed in his den while carrying their cub.

"Well damn when Agnes was getting her ass whipped I was there front and center holding shit down"

"Ya right you were but you weren't ready to pop either. You know this shit can get wild. This shit ain't bout to be like when y'all fought Agnes. If some shit goes off and flying in the air I don't need you to be there for that type of shit. Ya protecting precious cargo and I need to make sure that at the end of the day you got the girls back and can hold the fort down" he said still running his fingers through her hair and looking at her. He meant what he said she wasn't coming out to play nope not while pregnant.

April sighed. "I get it and I got us just make sure you keep ya hands clean and come back home to me. We need you"

"Ma I promise I'll keep my hands clean. You know I don't make promises I can't keep. Besides niggas been told me that this was all on them since I can't afford to fuck up" he assured her. "If you got me" Dave looked at her to see if she remembered their saying. They hadn't said it since they had got back together.

"I got you" she finished their saying and cheesed.

"You remembered"

"I could never forget. So when is it going down" April looked at him as she started to trace one of his chest tattoos.

"I'm a dead that shit tomorrow. You got two months before baby girl gets here and I want to make sure all this shit is handled beforehand. It's bad enough I'm back and forth to court with Agnes's silly ass bout Lil Butt. I'm just ready to get this shit over with so we can sit back, chill, and fully focus on our family"

April smacked her lips. "I don't know why they're dragging the case so long. She's only been to court twice in how many months and we got all the proof in the world that she ain't shit. Agnes mind as well sign over her rights and call it a damn day already" She said pissed as hell and she had every right to be. The way she saw it Kairi was her daughter and she was her mother especially with the way Millie was rolling. Millie still hadn't called, texted, or tried to communicate with Kairi since she showed up late at her birthday party. Mind you that was many months ago. April had filled that position to the T. Everything that a mother need to do for their child April did and more.

"They're trying to give her a fighting chance that she doesn't even want but hey it is what it is. I know it's gonna go in my favor" he said confident. There was no way in hell he was letting Millie get any type of custody of his daughter not even weekend visitations. She had fucked all of that up.

"Facts but um since you're keeping ya hands clean are you gonna record this shit or someone else because I know Shooter and Bully doing some damage tomorrow and since I can't come I'm a need a video to ease my wondering mind"

Dave laughed. "I think lil bruh said he was coming along so you better check with him and see if he'll record it"

"Oh well shit I'm good. That's lil Shooter he'll record it"

"Facts" Dave agreed.

"I'm mad as fuck I can't go though. I owe his ugly ass a few licks too for his slick ass mouth and that linebacker bitch that he had pushed me" April said and rolled her eyes.

"No worries ma all that will be taken care of tomorrow" Dave said as he thought about that night that, that shit went down. Even then April was ready to ride and get shit cracking with him. She had always been his rider no questions asked. "You need to get some sleep though. You've been up all day and even made it back to the party after you put the girls to sleep"

"But I don't wanna" April yawned mid whine.

"Sure ya right. Come on let's lay down at least" he said knowing she was tired but was fighting her sleep.

"In that case can I have my scarf back" she asked as he helped her sit up.

"Nah" it was a definite no for him.

"Papi my curls are gonna be fucked. Do you know how long this took" she asked looking at him like he had lost his mind but he didn't care.

"You'll be aight I want to play in it tonight. I'll get it done for you" and he would which he knew she already knew. Besides he kept her hair and nails done for her these days. She had her own, never asked for anything, and took care of herself so the least he could do for her was keep her hair and nails done for her.

"Baby these curls took hard work and dedication" she said and swung her hair over her shoulders knowing that shit looked good and feeling herself which he was happy to see since she had been in a little funk about her looks and not feeling attractive.

"Here you can wrap ya edges but leave the rest out" he said and passed her, her scarf.

"Yay me" Aprl said sarcastically and folded her scarf just right and covered her edges leaving the rest of her hair out like he told her to. "Watch when I come throw this pussy on you for the first time. I'm a make sure my ass got a wig on. You won't be running ya fingers through all this lusciousness" April mumbled while Dave turned off the lights.

"Hope that shit don't be glued on because I'm a hit that shit from the back and pull on it and I know how much you value ya edges" he shot back. He had definitely heard her.

April looked at him and laughed. "I'm done"

"The day you plan to bust it wide open for me I'm a need you naked like the day you were born and all natural. Meaning I need you booty butt naked and wearing ya hair just the way I like it. No weaves, no wigs, and leave that flat iron alone. I want it big and curly so I can run my fingers through it and when I'm deep in beating that shit from the back and out the frame I'm a need to be able to grip that shit so I can wrap that shit around my fist and pull all on that shit. That night I don't want or need any restraints" he said and bit down on his bottom lip just thinking about it.

They were almost at the finish line and that cake was about to be in the clearing. The way Dave was thinking maybe April's best bet was to get on birth control immediately after the baby was born because he wasn't wrapping up shit. He was going in raw no glove no love his ass and with the way he felt he was guaranteed to knock her ass right back up. Shit the way he felt he didn't care if she did get pregnant back to back. At least then he could still dive in and do as he pleased until they couldn't anymore. He knew he was going to marry her anyway so if a child came before hand then he was taking his ass to his jeweler and getting that ring. Dave was ready and had never been so sure in his life. These were the few things he didn't have to think about. He already knew his answers.

"Ok that's enough get ya ass in the bed" April said. He knew she was feeling all types of hot, bothered, and flustered.

"You started the shit" Dave chuckled, climbed back in bed, and lay beside her. As soon he got comfortable April moved over as close as possible with her back towards him with her body pillow between her legs. They said their nightly prayer and called it a night.

"Goodnight Papi I love you"

"Goodnight ma I love you too" he said and he leaned over and kissed her lips.


It was late Sunday evening and everybody was still at April's house except their parents. Everyone who lived in LA would be leaving the next morning since it was no rush to get back since it was summer. All of the guys were all gearing up to leave and head out with Dave, Bully, and Shooter. It seemed like everything went down on a Sunday but hey it is what it is. For Dave this was a moment where he had to sit back, smile, and reflect on everything that had been going down. Over the past few months they had created a brotherhood and a tight bond. Sure he was cool with Trey and Chris beforehand but now he had an extra little brother which was August. Shit could've gone left with all three of them during this whole baby situation but instead of working against each other it was the complete opposite and now that Trey was on board that was a plus.

Here they were willing to go out with him and his brothers to go get in some shit. Granted he wasn't letting anyone of them get into no shit but still they were down to ride and that's all that mattered. This blended family shit was paying off. His daughter had gained a mother, a best friend, a big sister, a little sister, and a whole ass extra family with more grandparents, aunts, and uncles. His mother had gained a crew of her own who gave her a sister hood that she didn't have.

His father was back in action with Ian and Ny'Reek like he never left and at the end of the day April was the one who brought them all together. Not to mention Bully was in an actual relationship with her cousin. To top things off he had the woman he wanted so at the end of the day besides the minor bullshit life was grand. There were no fakes, no frauds, and no one plotting unless it was all of them plotting against someone else. Everybody had love for each other. Even the relationship with April, Alaina, and Ebony were different. They were more sisters than they were cousins. She fit in better than Hazel and Dave knew Ebony had his woman's back without a doubt.

Dave couldn't leave just yet though he had to talk to April and reassure her that he and everyone else was going to be fine. With the way her hormones were set up at the moment he needed her stress free and not in her head.

"Ma" he approached her as she was walking out of the kitchen as usual but he wasn't going to say anything about it. She was pregnant so he knew what it was. She had been eating healthy so he couldn't get at her and she was still going out for her morning runs well walks now and even doing light exercises with him in his gym room. That was one of the reasons why he couldn't understand that she didn't like her body anymore. Sure he understood that it was due to her pregnancy making her feel the way she did but the only thing that had changed was her stomach the rest of her was still good and with her exercising she was still toned.
Luckily this time she walked out of the kitchen empty handed.

"Yes" she looked up at him.

Dave cupped her hand into his and led her to the first floor bathroom, closed the door behind them, and gently pushed her up against the door. "It's gonna be a late night ma. I would tell you not to wait up but I already know what it is. You know what type of time I'm on and you know how I am bout my promises. I keep them so don't be in here stressing" he said and cupped her face looking into her eyes. There was no way in hell he wasn't coming back home. He had a whole ass family to get back to and besides he had nothing to worry about. It wasn't that type of fight.

April looked at him and smirked. "Papi you forget I'm not new to this. I'm true to this. I've shared many nights beside my mother when daddy had to make these types of moves. Sure I might not have known what he was doing but I could tell something heavy was going on. Go do what you gotta do and bring ya ass back home. I'll be waiting up for you"

"Is it bad that this type of shit turns me on" he asked and licked his lips as he adjusted himself.

"Not at all" she bit down on her bottom lip. "Now gimmie a kiss and go handle that nigga and make sure you got the cleanup crew ready and waiting" she said.

He could tell that she was serious about that shit but that was something he already had covered. The shit never ceased to amaze him how innocent she looked but she was low key one of the baddest bitches he knew. Nothing made her flinch and she was always ready. "Got it covered" he said then bent down and kissed her lips dragging his tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance which she happily obliged letting him take over the kiss yet kissing him back with the same intensity and passion until they both had to make themselves pull away. Placing his head against her forehead he took the time to catch his breath.

"Have them shits ready for me when I get home" he said referring to her lips as he gently wiped his thumb over her lips.

"Say less"

"I love you ma"

"I love you too Papi now come on I know they're waiting"


Out of the bathroom and joining everyone in the living room everybody looked to be saying bye well in their case see you later to their women well Bully and August anyway.

"Chris" April called him.

"I already know" he laughed and walked over to her and Dave.

"I'm serious keep ya hands clean" she said cutting her eyes at him.

"I'm just going to watch the fight that's all" Chris assured her. "Stop stressing before you have my lil girl worried all night" he smiled and placed his hand on her stomach. April moved his hand to where the baby was actually laying.

Dave just looked on. He wasn't sweating it and nor was he worried. It wasn't like it was his first time touching her stomach anyway. Whenever Triple B was moving around when he was near April would let him touch wherever the movement was coming from. Dave knew she was coming from a good place. Besides he had nothing to worry about. Their relationship was secure and even with April having pregnancy brain and being in her head they were still secure in their relationship. Their shit was solid. They weren't going anywhere and no one was splitting them a part.

"Yea, yea, yea well it's time for y'all to go" April said and walked off to the couch taking a seat beside Ebony cuddling up against her. Dave knew she was rushing them out so his ass could get back home quicker. They said a few more goodbyes before they actually left making sure they took two separate trucks.

"Aye you aight back there" Bully asked as he looked at Dave from the rear view mirror making Shooter look back to see what was up.

"I'm straight" Dave replied and he was. Shit like this didn't phase him and it wasn't like it was anything new. The only thing on his mind was ending this shit with Profit for good and would this be his last time doing some shit like this. He liked getting his hands dirty but these days he had way too much to lose over some fuck shit.

"Say less" Bully said and continued driving. The rest of the car ride was silent besides the music playing in the background.

About an hour and a half later they were pulling up to one of their spots and ready to get shit cracking. As soon as they stepped foot out of the truck their whole demeanors changed. It was nothing but business. All games and jokes were on pause until they finished their job. The spot was pretty much in the middle of nowhere in a secluded area, didn't have traffic coming back and forth, and no one lived nearby so no one would be running to Profit's rescue. It was the perfect spot to go do what they needed to do. It didn't matter anyway the building was soundproof for these types of reasons and had cameras throughout so they could keep watch. Chris, August, and Trey got out with the same demeanor...business. They all knew what it was and what type of time Dave and his brothers were on and they were all game.

Walking inside of the almost desolate building they could all sense the vibe. You couldn't hear shit but the sound of their feet walking to their final destination. Coming up to a set of double doors Shooter put in the six digit passcode pushed them open and walked inside with everyone following behind him on high alert making sure to change the code tonight before they left. They never kept the same passcodes. The room reeked of desperation. It smelled old and stale and looked as drab as the warehouse they had Millie in and from the way shit looked they all knew it was about to go down. From the way shit was setup you could tell that it was an old meat warehouse and butcher shop.

"Welcome to the Slaughter House" Shooter said with a glint of mischief in his voice. This was his element, his playground, and instead of watching he got to play this time around.

"Have a seat and get comfortable" Dave said as he looked back at everyone then walked away going further into the room stalking his prey.

Hanging up in the middle of the ceiling on a meat hoist looking like a slab a meat getting ready to be butchered hung Profit looking scared for his life. He didn't make a sound or move a muscle. He had been in this position overnight and Dave could tell it was taking a toll on him but he could give two fucks. Profit couldn't even look him in the eyes. He kept his eyes glued to the ground. Dave could tell by the way he looked that he didn't even put up a fight. He went with them willingly. There weren't any marks or blood on him...yet. While Dave stood in front of him Bully and Shooter were setting shit up to get the party started while the rest of the men sat back waiting for shit to pop off.

"Looks like ya in the same boat ya bitch was in not too long ago. It's a shame how soon after she got her ass handed to her you dipped out on her" Dave said.

"I could've told her that you wasn't shit but hey how was I supposed to know she wasn't just mines" Dave chuckled. "See we both know that I ain't and never been a fan of talking but I got too much shit riding on me right now and people who need me so this time and this time only I have to keep my hands clean. I made a promise to my woman which I tend to keep so on my behalf my brothers will handle the situation. In this case they will handle you" Dave said keeping his eyes on him. Still Profit never budged. His eyes still remained on the floor. Niggas were literally all bark and no bite. They could fuck with a woman all day every day but when a nigga approached them they didn't pop a lick of shit.

"You and ya girl are alike in many ways. Y'all are both out for self. See I knew you were a bitch ass nigga and been planned to get rid of you especially after that bullshit you pulled at the studio but like you I was playing my part. You know hold ya friends close but ya enemies closer. Then once I found out bout y'all plotting on my daughter for fuckin money I knew I had to dead this shit. Now granted I ain't bout to kill you but I'm a make sure ya damn near there" Dave said in all seriousness. He wasn't here for play, play. To him this nigga was a threat to his family and all threats needed to be eliminated.

Shooter went to the wall and pressed a switch making the hoist lower Profit's body closer to the ground. The chains rattled making Profit groan feeling the tension around his zip tied hands as he hung from the meat hoist. Once Shooter had him exactly where he wanted he approached him and stood by Dave's side waiting on him to give him the green light.

"Do you but keep him conscience I have a story to tell and I need him awake to hear it" Dave said and nodded at Shooter then walked away and joined Chris, August, and Trey taking a seat.

"Welcome to the Slaughter House I hope you've been enjoying ya stay" Shooter said while he rubbed his hands together then copped the shit out of him snapping his head to the side drawing blood on sight making him groan in pain.

"And the festivities have just begun" August said with his phone in his hand recording.

"Lil bruh make sure you get my good sides" Shooter joked and gut punched Profit. If he could've folded over he would've. "Ya ass really stuck around thinking nobody knew ya ass was a fraud" Shooter said and started whooping his ass as he dangled and fidgeted in pain. Shooter sent punches to his face and body leaving nothing untouched.

"DAMN" they all shouted as Shooter spared him no mercy as he whooped on his ass like he had stolen some shit from him.

"Aight Shooter, take ten before you put his ass to sleep" Dave spoke up and Shooter backed away from Profit.

Dave stood up and stepped to Profit. "Damn cuz ya not looking so good but that's neither here or there. Stay awake I have a story you'll be very interested in" Dave said slapping his face then pulled up a seat and sat in front of him.

"See I had an very interesting conversation with my woman's father bout you. He told me all bout you and Millie. You know what you did but I guess I'll fill everyone in on the fuck shit. So y'all might want to roll up and get comfortable" Dave said as he looked back at the crew and leaned back in his chair going back to the day where he found out he was nothing but a pawn in some sick grand scheme.

To be continued...😅🏃🏾‍♀️

-Happy reading hope you guys enjoy 😊 don't come for me y'all know my cliffhanger game is too 💪🏾😝 I got y'all though. The second part is already uploaded I just need to edit it so put the pitchforks down and grab y'all ☕️ cups ☺️
-I just love my babies and their blended family so I feel the need to always add their lil moments because I feel like they spent too much time apart so yea 😊
-Well I know a lot of y'all have been wondering when some drama was going to pop off, who I was plotting on, and when was Profit going to get got well boos we got him and he's getting got 😁
-Wondering what Millie secret was or should I say secrets then stay tuned for part 2 I will be delivering more ☕️
-Any, who caring is sharing so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your library 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰

🛑Babes All She Wanted Was Love has reached 200K plus views & 14K plus votes‼️ I just wanted to say a quick thank you again for all the love & support. I truly appreciate it 🥰

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