76.1: Slaughter House
Chapter 76.1: Slaughter House cont...
"Sorry I'm just now getting around to talk to you bout this shit Unc" Dave said as he sat across from Ian while they sat in Ian's home office about to discuss what he had been prolonging for months on end now. One word...one name...Millie...of course.
"Don't worry bout it son. I know you have a lot going on at the moment so it is what it is. Besides if it was any type of threat I'd a came to you and let you know what it was if I knew you'd take this long" Ian said. "Besides if it was a threat I'd a dead that shit already"
"Bet" Dave nodded knowing Ian would've definitely taken care of the situation if need be especially with April being pregnant and Kairi being in the middle of everything. He would protect them at all costs. He knew Ian would eliminate anything that seemed like a threat if they could be caught in the crossfire.
Dave was ready to get all of this shit over and done with. He was tired of dealing with anything Millie related but too bad he was still dealing with Millie since they were going back and forth to court over a custody battle. Then again he was the one going back and forth because she was the one not showing up. She had shown up for the first two court dates and after that nothing. It was straight radio silence with her and he didn't care. All it did was helped his case. Yet he didn't know why they were dragging the case so damn long. Shit Millie didn't deserve a fighting chance just like he knew if the judge personally knew Millie he'd a handed Kairi over to him with full custody without thinking twice about it.
"Let's just say people will do anything for money and a quick come up and they don't care who they have to fuck over to do it but you know that already. We've just dealt with the same sort of bullshit with Hazel. You've always been bank to both Agnes and Profit. He was never ya boy just like Agnes was never ya woman. See you had hoop dreams and Profit was banking on you getting drafted hence he could stick around and leach off you. He thought he had some rank like Bully and Shooter. You know if you got on you wouldn't leave them behind and he thought he was a part of that" Ian said as he settled in his chair then paused to light his blunt along with Dave.
Dave chuckled. They were really trying to bank on his hoop dreams. That pretty much ended before it started. He couldn't deal with the whole college thing. The first school he ended up at was too strict and he couldn't fuck with the way the coaches went about coaching. The second school he went to was the complete opposite they really didn't have any structure so to him it was a toss up. He came to a conclusion that school wasn't for him let alone he had to give up his hoop dreams. Luckily he didn't regret his decision to quit because in the long run things did turn around for him but to know someone else was plotting on his dreams did suck.
"Profit knew you had a lil crush on Agnes and used that to his advantage but what you didn't know was that they had been fuckin around from jump. He put her right where he needed her to be. He figured is she played her role and got you to fall for her then you'd take care of her which would basically be taking care of him. Let alone you were selling drugs on the side and although you wasn't out here banking like they thought you were you were still getting money and that's all they were interested in" Ian said then took a pull from his blunt as he leaned back into his chair.
"From what I understand she was holding shit down while you were trying to make it in the music industry. She was working and making a lil something but it wasn't like how you thought she was. Agnes was doing something strange for some change instead of actually working. She had to keep up with the facade basically acting like she was ride or die when in reality she wouldn't piss on ya ass if you was on fire. We both know she doesn't know the meaning of ride or die and she's not bout that life" Ian went on while Dave just sat back listening.
Dave listened carefully as he smoked on his blunt realizing that niggas were never down for him but what he could do for them. They were fraudulent. Niggas weren't loyal and neither was the bitch that he once loved who was supposed to have his back. He was out here trying to make it while they were plotting behind his back on how to take it. The shit made him want to side eye everybody because at this point if you weren't his A one day ones, his woman, and their family then you couldn't be trusted. He already looked at people with the side eye as it is but now this shit had him on high alert. It seemed like him and April had more in common than he thought. They both had disloyal ass people around them.
Ian continued. "Shit happened and you didn't get drafted so that threw a wrench in their plans but they kept playing. You ever wonder why Agnes would walk in and out of ya life like it was that easy for her to pick up and leave" Ian questioned.
Dave nodded. That was something that always bothered him. He thought that they were good and out of nowhere Millie would do some shit to break them up, cause fights, and arguments. "Yea I thought bout that but I thought that she was being extra as usual. She was always going through the motions"
"Every time she left she left to go handle her wifely duties. She had to remain loyal to Profit because Profit was her man all along. You were just a pawn in their scheme to get by or should I say rich. So when you didn't get drafted they both thought that was the end but you did what you had to do. You continued selling and running the block so he made her stick around. Remember when you got pinched for having drugs in ya possession and you ended up doing a bid" Ian said and asked as he focused on him.
Dave frowned not knowing where this conversation was headed but he knew he was about to hear some more bullshit. "I'll never forget that shit" he said through gritted teeth. Those six months had been hell and some shit he never wanted to experience again. Jail life wasn't for him. Maybe he could do a night or maybe even two but months it was a no go. He wasn't about that life and he didn't plan on going back. That's why he stayed out of as much trouble as he possibly could.
"Agnes set you up and made an anonymous call to the cops and sent them ya way" Ian said dropping another bomb on him and stopped talking. It looked like he was giving him time to process everything he had said thus far and Dave appreciated it because this whole conversation needed to be processed and it had only just began. This shit was unbelievable but the way Millie had been moving he could believe it shit she knew what he was up to and knew his plan.
"Fuck outta her Unc. Where the fuck you get this from" Dave questioned pissed as hell as he mugged the fuck out of Ian. It wasn't intentional or aimed at him which he knew Ian knew. Dave balled his fists fuming. These niggas was out here really trying to fuck up his life like he wasn't out here trying to make something better of himself and get his family out of the hood. Millie had been moving like a snake like she wasn't a part of Dave's plans. She was his woman and was a part of the ride so he wasn't going to leave her hanging and he didn't but to know this new information that shit had him thinking he should've left her where he found her. But without her there would be no Kairi...
Ian raised his hands in the air basically saying he wasn't the enemy. "It's amazing what people will tell you when A. Their backs are against the wall B. When their lives are being threatened C. When money is involved D. when I'm the mothafucka coming for answers... People need to stop burning bridges with people let alone doing dirt and telling secrets to people who can't hold water for shit. Niggas don't know how to do dirt by themselves and take that shit to the grave. People also need to be careful who they call their friends" Ian replied like he was still in the game and giving out information to one of his foot soldiers.
"So me getting caught that day wasn't a coincidence? It was her all along" Dave questioned again trying to grasp what he had heard. Millie had done some shit but damn to call the cops on him was some bullshit. Then again with Millie there was no telling what she was actually capable of and she proved that when she joined forces with Hazel and tried to come for his wife. At this point he couldn't wait for April to give birth so she could whoop her ass for him for the one time and end this shit because she had officially earned herself another ass whooping. With April being at the finish line she was the runner up. Besides Dave knew April still wanted a piece of Millie and this would be the perfect reason for her to do so.
Ian nodded. "Both her and Profit...now to the next piece of information because I collected a pretty substantial amount. That girl Keisha that you made that song about" Ian said with his brow raised.
Dave darkly chuckled and took a big pull from his blunt letting it take over his lungs. What the fuck did Keisha have to do with any of this? Where did she even fit in the equation? She was just some random broad that he fucked and got robbed by.
"Keisha was Millie's friend. She set you up once again. Ya money ya jewelry split in three ways. Why do you think she wanted to hook up with you so bad" Ian replied then took another pull from his blunt.
Dave looked at Ian, put what was left of his blunt in the ashtray, and stood up pacing back and forth across the floor. Most of the bullshit that happened in his life revolved around Millie well Millie and Profit. Dave being locked up and getting robbed had been because of them. The reason why Millie walked in and out his and Kairi's life so easily was because of them. They had been playing him as if he was some type of game. Dave stopped pacing the floor and looked at Ian laughing.
"You know I saw her the very next day and she was actually doing more than she had ever had. It was as if she was kissing ass but I didn't say anything. I figured she was trying to be a good friend. You know trying to make me feel better because at the time we were off but we still fucked with each other"
"She was just playing her part. When she wasn't fuckin with you it was other niggas that Profit had her scheming on. Speaking of her and Profit Agnes isn't just his girlfriend. She's his wife. They're actually married. Both names are on the dotted line. Only thing is her last name has never been changed. It was a courthouse wedding with two of his friends as witnesses and happened while y'all were on and off again" Ian said feeding him more information as he slid a document his way. That's why Dave fucked with Ian. If he was going to give you some information he was going to make sure all aspects were covered and have more than enough proof for you.
At this point Dave could give two fucks about Millie and Profit being married. Their asses belonged together anyway. She had a bitch ass husband who honestly gave no fucks about her but what she could do for him. He had a wife that was just as bad as him and at the end of the day if Dave had to make a bet he knew that Millie was out for self and would leave Profit high and dry the first chance she got just like he did after she got her ass whooped. Either way karma was still lurking around the corner and ready to pop up any minute...AGAIN. They could be each other's problem just as long as they left him, his child, and his woman alone.
"Speaking of which I know y'all had issues and still have issues with her being there for my grandbaby. Thing is Agnes never wanted children but they saw you grinding, working, and taking ya craft seriously to the point you were getting noticed by major players in the game. So they did the next best thing that would insure them that they would always make bank. She got pregnant. So not only you but my grandbaby has been a pawn since day one. Why do you think it was so easy for her to leave her and not think twice about it? She never wanted her. She just wanted what came along with being her mother and you making money" Ian said and paused.
"You got her a place to stay, a car to drive, set her pockets up, and made sure she wanted and needed for nothing. She knew that she would always be able to eat and when you started to pop off that was all she needed" Ian said. "Profit thinks he's smart but he's dumb as hell just like he thinks he has people but he doesn't. His so-called boys ratted on his ass so damn fast you'd a thought he fucked them over. He's the type of nigga to do some shit and brag about it then get caught two seconds later because he couldn't keep his fuckin mouth shut" Ian said and shook his head in disgust. Between Profit and Millie he didn't know which one was worst.
Dave was fuckin done. D.O.N.E they could play him all day every day but not his fuckin daughter. She was and will always be off limits. Guess Millie walking out on Kairi when she was just an infant made more sense than a little bit. She never stuck around long. The longest they had ever been together with no breaks in between is when April had left him. Just goes to show she was playing her part because her ass stuck around until he kicked her ass to the curb.
This brought everything to light for him. He understood his and Millie's situation so much clearer. He had loved her but she had never loved him or even cared let alone she didn't even love or care for her own damn child. It was always about getting hers and going about her business and leaving him to clean up after her messes. The reason why she kept coming for his pockets and always saying she needed this and that had all been so she could keep Profit's pockets straight. He doubted she even got shit out of it by the way Profit was putting her ass to work and Dave could care less because she wasn't his problem anymore. They had been tight enough for Millie to tell him if something was going on and she had plenty of opportunities to speak her peace and walk away but obviously she liked what she was doing. So yea April was going to have to get her one on his behalf because he wanted all the smoke and he knew his woman could deliver and make good on his request.
"Anything else I need to know" Dave questioned. All he wanted to do now was go home, hop in the bed with his woman and their little girl and just be. He just wanted to be around people who loved him with no strings attached. Where he knew the love was genuine. Where his woman had his back 100% and he never had to question her loyalty or her love.
"Nah that's all. Go home and chill with ya family. You need them just as much as they need you" Ian said as if he had read his mind.
"This shit can't be real. Niggas really be out here that damn miserable" August said shaking his head. It wasn't even a joke. He couldn't believe people would stoop that damn low.
"We've been dealing with too many miserable, jealous, and low life ass people lately. Please tell me this sorry ass nigga is the last of them" Chris said done with the shit. He and the rest of the men could relate to this shit. They all had money and bitches flocked to them on the daily and most of them were out for self.
"Way too many" Dave agreed. "Niggas really out here pimping out their women just so they don't have to lift a finger what type of shit is that. I'd never do that shit to my woman"
"The level of fuckery is ridiculous" Trey said stumped. All this shit was going on and he had literally missed out on everything. He knew they had kept him out the loop because of Hazel and they didn't know if he was a part of the bullshit but damn. It was so much going on he wished he could've been a fly on the wall.
"Whatever y'all gonna do just do it already" Profit mumbled loud enough for Dave to hear sounding just like Millie when she was pleading for her ending. You could hear nothing but defeat in his voice. He had fucked up and the one he fucked over knew everything that he did so he knew there was no escaping this. All the shit he had been doing had finally caught up to him and now he was trying to take the easy way out but that wasn't happening.
"Fuck that it ain't no easy way out" August said ready to get more footage.
Dave chuckled. "We are and we will but I promise it won't be fast. You know what they say. Slow and steady wins the race" Dave said keeping his eyes on him. "You fucked up when you made me ya target and to bank on my fuckin daughter only made it worse" Dave barked and leaned back in his chair. "Aye yo Bully you can let him down now. Let's give him a fair shot" Dave said and chuckled using the lines he had picked up from April.
"Sounds good to me" Bully smirked and approached Profit then lifted him up and off the meat hoist and let him fall to the plastic covered concrete ground making him groan in more pain. He took a box cutter and cut the zip ties from around his wrist and ankles ready to stomp him out but he wanted his one first.
"See I ain't tryna kill you I don't need that type of blood on my hands but I'm here to make you remember and never forget that I'm the wrong one to fuck with. I don't play bout my fuckin family. You come for mines I come for yours. By the way ya lucky as hell my woman ain't here she's been dying to tag ya bitch ass" he said and chuckled he knew if April was here she'd a pulled her gun out on him.
"Oh shit did you see Chris" Dave said being petty just like his woman while Bully walked off, grabbed a tool from the table, and walked back ready to take his turn. "Chris you should come say hi after all according to him I'm fuckin ya sloppy seconds" Dave said definitely being petty.
"Man that nigga wish he could fuck any one of my so-called sloppy seconds. None of the chicks I fucked with would ever look his fuckin way. Besides he had to be talking out his ass because he chose the wrong woman to talk shit bout. She ain't mines no more but that don't mean I won't go to war for her" Chris spat looking dead at Profit looking like he was ready to get his one in too.
"If you want to fuck em up I won't tell lil sis shit" Shooter said ready for everybody to fuck Profit.
"Shit tag me in too" August said willing and ready if that's how it was going down.
"Chill Breezy she'd have my head if you did some shit" Dave looked back at him knowing Chris would definitely fight for April no questions asked. "And you lil bruh if you get in some shit lil sis gonna be hot AND ma gonna be mad nobody recorded this shit throughout"
Chris nodded. "Light it uppppp" Chris said using an old line that Dave use to say back in the day in all of his older songs.
"Wayment let me get into position" August said as he found a good angle for him to record.
Trey looked at him and shook his head. "I don't know why I feel like he gonna make a soundtrack for this shit"
"If he do I want in" Shooter said.
"Can I get my one or can I get my one" Bully glanced at the crew and back at Profit who was still on the floor looking like a bitch.
"Do you I'm ready when you are" August said with his phone ready.
"Bet, because I ain't come here to talk. I came here to play" Bully said with a sinister smile. "Now get the fuck up. You were man enough to do all this bullshit now come fight a real nigga. Don't be like ya bitch and not defend ya self. You let my lil sister whoop her ass in a fuckin booth while my woman held her strap to ya side. Then you let her ass get beat by my other lil sister and then my woman turned around and beat her ass. Straight had her on the floor knocked the fuck out snoring. Where were you? Ya bitch ass fled the city" Bully said as he pulled him up to his feet and sliced him repeatedly across his chest with the same box cutter he used to cut off his zip ties.
"AHHHHHHH" profit screamed and touched his chest.
"Damn big bruh done sliced and diced his ass" August said.
"Time out" Trey said and put up the timeout sign. "Who beat who in a fuckin booth" Trey asked dead as serious.
"April" Chris and August said together with their eyes still locked on the fight.
"Aww hells after this y'all gonna have to give me the play by play" Trey said wanting to know what the fuck had actually happened and how could someone get their ass beat in a damn booth.
"Bet" August said as he kept his eyes focused on the fight.
"AHHHH" Profit screamed as Bully came at him again this time throwing his fist in his face connecting it to his jaw making Profit fight back but to no avail. He was no match for Bully. Bully damn near danced circles around his ass and with him already being a little fucked up he was shit out of luck.
"Shit" Bully chuckled and wiped his mouth as one of Profit's fist connected with the side of his face but there was no blood.
"Aww shit" August said still recording acting as if his ass was a real live camera man. "Shits getting real lil big sis"
All you could hear was blow by blow echoing around the room as their hits connected mainly Bully's but Profit was putting up a fight. He wasn't as bitch made as he seemed to be even though he was getting his ass whooped. Bully made sure all his hits connected from the face down to the body shots he made sure they hit all the right spots.
"By the time you leave here I'm a make sure you can never run away again" Dave said as he looked on watching Bully rain punches to his body and face. Bully pulled his fist back and sent it flying into Profit's chin knocking him out cold with ease. To Bully this was an easy fight.
"TIMBERRRRRR" Chris yelled jumping out of his seat. "I had to do it for cuzzo since she couldn't be here tonight" he said as everyone looked back at him and shrugged.
"IT'S ALL OVER IT'S ALL OVER" Shooter shouted with his hands in the air as if he was a ring announcer.
"Damn homie ain't got no chin" August said shaking his head. "Just like his bitch. Now big bruh when you say ya gonna make sure he'll never be able to run away what do you have mind" August asked looking at Dave acting as if he was at an interview and he needed to get his questions answered.
"Shooter, hook him up" Dave looked at Shooter who cheesed and headed for the table filled with different types of tools and other objects. Shooter walked back with a steel pipe and a smile.
"You can't run away if ya in a wheelchair can you" Dave said and looked back at August.
"Aww shit he ain't gonna put em in a coffin but a damn wheelchair. He ain't gonna be able to walk, run, grab his shoes no nothing. Ain't nobody got time for that" August said looking on while everyone looked at him laughing.
"Exactly" Dave nodded.
"I don't know bout y'all niggas but I'm ready to end this shit and get back to my woman" Bully said as he held a bucket in his hand. Dave already knew that shit was filled with rubbing alcohol. That shit gave the right amount of sting.
"This nigga here" Shooter said and shook his head. "Y'all niggas all in love and shit and want to take a niggas fun away" he said with his eyes locked on Profit still knocked out on the floor.
"Nigga enjoy ya self have some fun. I told ma it was gonna be a late night" Dave said and shook his head. He couldn't wait until April's friend hit her up about Shooter. He didn't know how much longer he could stand to see his boy like this. It was to the point that he had stop fucking around because he wanted the same thing they all had in their relationships.
"Say less" Shooter nodded getting ready for another round.
"Let me wake him up first" Bully said chuckling as he dumped the bucket full of alcohol over Profit's face causing Profit to jump up screaming and gasping for air as he rubbed his face frantically trying to wipe away the alcohol. The crew sat back and laughed while Shooter ran up on him and hit him in the left knee with the steel pipe. You could hear the metal come in contact with his knee cap and shatter.
"AHHH SHIT AHHH SHIT" Profit screamed in pain as he fell back to the ground clutching his knee for dear life with tears running down his face mixing with the alcohol that still stung his open wounds.
"Don't scream now. You weren't screaming when you were planning on extorting money from my family" Shooter said and raised the steel pipe up in the air and sent it crashing down on Profit's right knee.
"SHITTTTTTTT" Chris, Trey, and August said cringing in their seats as Profit continued to scream in agony just hoping someone heard his cry for help.
"Those shits gotta be shattered" August said with a pained expression on his face yet his ass never put down his phone.
"Facts" everyone besides Shooter said as he sent another blow to both of his knees for good measure.
"If he doesn't get the message now I don't know what's gonna happen next" Chris said shaking his head and rubbing his knees as if he had gotten hit. He hadn't even got hit and he could feel the pain running all throughout his shits.
"Let him be stupid and try to come for me and mines again. He won't have to worry bout his knees" Dave said and darkly chuckled looking at a defeated and bruised Profit squirming around on the floor. The next time Profit tried or even attempted to come his way he was putting him in a body bag and sending it to his front door so his family could deal with him. "Send his ass packing"
"Bet" Bully said and pulled his fist back and aimed for Profit's chin putting him right back to sleep.
Dave stood up and walked out of the room and into another room to see his cleanup crew dressed for the job, ready, and waiting for their orders. "The deed is done. Y'all know what to do next" he said as he made eye contact with every last one of them. They had been loyal since day one and he made sure that they were well taken care of after every job. No one said anything they just nodded, grabbed what they needed, and followed Dave back into the room where Profit and the crew was at.
"We're out of here" Dave said looking at his crew. All he wanted to do was go home, shower, smoke a blunt, and lay up under his woman. He couldn't wait until they got their smoking sessions back cracking so they could have those late nights they use to have where it was just smoke in the air, laughs, high ass conversations, and good vibes. Sure they still had those moments without smoking but that didn't mean he didn't miss them and want them back. He just wanted a chill and carefree night with his woman.
Everyone had stood up and started making their way out of the room well everyone besides August. His childish ass stopped to take a picture of Profit laid out on the floor looking half past dead and on the set of one of those Law and Order shows better yet the First 48. That nigga was flat lined. He looked worst than Millie. Profit's face was damn near unrecognizable, his jaw was broken, his chest was covered with cuts blood and alcohol, his knee caps were shattered and covered in blood, and if they didn't know any better he looked dead to the world or at least on his way out.
"I'm good now I just needed to get that for lil big sis" he nodded at the cleanup crew and sprinted to the rest of the crew.
Getting back into their vehicles everybody headed back to April's. By the time they got in it was pushing 3am. The house was quiet but they all knew their women were up and waiting for them. By the time Dave closed the door behind everyone Ebony was walking up on Bully with their overnight bags in her hand. Dave already knew what time it was. His boy was about to go home and get right. He couldn't help but to be a tad bit jealous. This would definitely be one of those get right nights.
"Baby you ready" Ebony asked as she passed him the bags looking over him trying to see if he was hurt in any way, shape, or form. That's what Dave loved about the Blackmon women. They went hard for their men and in return it made them want to go even harder for them.
"Yea you got everything" Bully asked and pecked her lips.
"Must be nice I'm outta here" Shooter said and made his way upstairs to the room he was staying in.
"That nigga need a woman like neowww" Ebony said.
"Facts" they all agreed.
"I'm outta here too goodnight" Chris said and made his way upstairs and into his bedroom.
"Same here" August said and dipped off heading to Alaina's bedroom. Shit even Dave knew lil sis was going to make sure August was good and his ass hadn't thrown a damn punch.
"Aight we outta here" Bully said and clapped it up with Dave.
"Bet good looking out tonight"
"You already know"
"Goodnight brother" Ebony said and hugged him.
"Goodnight lil sis. Make sure you take care of him" Dave said and smirked.
"You already know" she said copying Bully and laughed.
Dave opened the door for them, watched them walk to their car, hop inside, and pull off. As soon as they were gone he closed and locked the door then put on the alarm system. He turned off the lights and made his way upstairs but before going to April's room he made a pit stop and checked on the girls. Seeing them cuddled up with Teddy made him smile. Slowly closing the door some he walked away and made it to his final destination.
"Really" he looked at April giving her a mean ass side eye as she sat in the middle of the bed up against the headboard sipping on a slushy with all of her favorite snacks crowded around her looking like she had been pigging out while she was on her I-pad. April slowly looked up at him looking like she had just been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to which in this case she was. One she wasn't supposed to have a slushy and two if she would've been snacking on a fruit salad she'd a been in the clearing but nope she had all of her favorite junk food from her kettle baked mesquite BBQ chips to her 2n1 sour patches to her homemade chocolate chip cookies and Reeses take 5. She was definitely over doing it.
"Hey Papi" she said innocently as he closed her bedroom door still side eyeing her.
"So this is what you do when I'm not home" he asked as he slipped off his kicks and then his clothes.
"No I was just worry eating" she replied and started closing up her snacks and put them on her nightstand.
"Well worry no more I'm home. I'm a go take a shower. You can finish that slushy but leave the rest of that shit alone. You just met ya quota" he said and dipped off into the bathroom. Dave wondered how often did her ass pig out on snacks when he wasn't around.
In and out of the shower he entered the bedroom to see April's nightstand snack free and no slushy so he knew she crept downstairs to the kitchen and put that shit away. He wasn't going to bother her tonight. He was going to let her live. Besides all he wanted to do was lay up under her and woosah. Slipping on a pair of boxer briefs he turned off the lights and made his way into bed with April already in position. She had her back facing him and her body pillow between her legs fighting her sleep. He couldn't wait for the baby to come so April could fall sleep in his arms like she used to.
"Is he officially crossed off the list" April asked.
"He's been taken care of" he answered spooning her with his hand now rubbing her stomach.
"Say less...you good"
"I'm straight my niggas came through as usual and yes lil bruh recorded it"
"Yesssss I'm a have to play that shit on the big screen" she said as she twerked a little something.
Dave laughed. "Sounds good to me now get some sleep" he could've went for a good soul snatching session but he knew she was tired and had only stayed up to make sure he had come home safe and sound.
April yawned, they said their nightly prayer, said their I love you's, and let sleep take over.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-These hoes ain't loyal...Agnes was never on team Dave she had always been out for self making sure she got what she could to give to Profit. Let alone Profit had always been a snake. People will do anything for money even having a baby just to get it. Sad part is this shit happens everyday. Some ppl value kids as pay checks and that's just it 🤦🏾♀️
-Sounds like somebody done signed up for another round😈
-Welp on to the next I got a baby to help deliver 🤣🤣 I just had to get rid of a lil 🗑 first.
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your library 🥰
-If you're reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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