75: Catch Up
Chapter 75: Catch Up
"Friendship is that hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."
[By: Muhammad Ali]
Finally home at April's place while the men had dropped off the baby's gifts at April and Dave's place the girls had changed into their lounge wear and got Royalty and Kairi bathed and dressed in their lounge wear as well. All of their parents were also at April's sitting back, shooting the shit, and enjoying each other's company. They had honestly enjoyed hanging together. The men got to talk their shit and the women got to have their girl talk and gossip. Ananda, Ian, Faye, and Senior even had double dates nights nowadays. Any, who not too long afterwards the men had finally arrived along with the food and they looked like they were ready to get the party started.
"Hey lil big mama can I borrow you for a second" Dave said as he stuck his head outside the back door since the girls had made themselves comfortable outside on the patio. They had the Off bug spray popping and all of the Citronella candles lit and in strategic places.
"Sure" April slowly got up and made her way to him. Cupping her hand into his he helped her inside and they slowly made their way through the house and upstairs to her bedroom and closed the door behind them. "So how can I help you Mr. Brewster" she asked already knowing that he just wanted some alone time with her. He had been sharing her all day he just wanted to be a little stingy.
Dave looked down at her, smiled, and lightly pulled one of her curls watching it spring back into place. "I just wanted to have you to myself for a lil while before we get swept up in the festivities and I want to know how ya feeling"
April looked up at him and laughed. "Papi I'm good and I'll be even better when you change ya clothes so we can get back to our family before I clock out for the night. You know my ass can't hang for shit these days" she joked but she was being honest. The baby had her going to sleep early these days. In their household Kairi would knock out first and April would knock out right after.
"Got it" he laughed, stepped back, and started stepping out of his loafers and clothing while April leaned against the dresser and watched him lustfully. "Like what you see" he questioned now standing in front of her with only his box briefs, wife beater, and socks on showing off his print.
"You know I do" she replied still with her eyes locked on his body as he now moved about the bedroom.
He slipped into a pair of basketball shorts and a pair of his Dave East slides. "I see you put on another dress for me" he said licking his lips. She was wearing a simple grey summer dress that clung to he body just right showing off everything that he wanted to see.
"You asked so shall you receive" she winked as he approached her and gripped more than a handful of her ass. "Mhmm besides this is the only time I can wear one"
"I let you wear them"
"Uh huh that's only because I got all of this stomach and even then you be complaining and let us be out and about ya ass be right up on my ass"
"Ya damn right that shit is fat as hell, jiggles just right, and only for my eye sight" he shot back playfully mugging her but she knew as playful as he sounded he was dead ass serious.
"You know what" she said and smacked her lips.
He chuckled. "Ya ready" he asked lowly with her ass still cupped in his hands.
"Yup but ya gonna have to let go" she giggled.
"True" he nodded but really didn't want to. If he could keep her cooped up in the bedroom with no interruptions he would definitely do so.
Back outside to see the crew out back drinking, shooting the shit, and smoking they went and took a seat joining them. Of course the ones smoking excused themselves until they were done not wanting to smoke around April which she appreciated. This had been the longest she had been without smoking and drinking. She was never a heavy drinker but as far as smoking she could blow it down with the best. Shit she could sit down with Snoop Dogg and get just as high. But for the moment she was on her healthy mommy shit but she couldn't wait to join the festivities again. Sometimes she felt like the odd man out but she was making sure she did whatever she had to do to keep a healthy baby so smoking could wait. It wasn't that serious and she wasn't that pressed.
"Damn I really can't believe ya really pregnant let alone with Chris's baby. I never even thought y'all would even take it there again" Trey said as he looked at April who looked like she was ready to pop at any moment. Sure he knew she was pregnant and saw a few of her bump pictures curtesy of Chris but to see her live and in person it just made it real. "Like how does this shit work? I mean no disrespect but how do y'all manage this shit. I see everybody getting along so I know it works but how" he questioned baffled.
They understood why though. Most people wouldn't get it unless they were a part of a blended family. Everyone looked at him and laughed. They had been doing this shit for months now and they were adjusted even though it was still some adjusting to be made once baby Triple B came along which they couldn't wait for.
"It wasn't supposed to happen but it did" April said and shrugged. "It took some time to adjust but we're all grown so we just put certain shit to the side and make shit work. We know it's not bout us it's bout our children. So instead of working against each other we work together for a greater cause" April answered him. "At the end of the day she's Royalty's lil sister and Kairi's at this point. All of this affects them so you gotta do what you need to do to make it work. It's all bout positive vibes and being on the same page and having people around who love and support you"
Trey nodded and he could see where she was coming from but he knew he wasn't built for that type of relationship. Then again you never know what you're capable of until you're put in a situation. Trey looked at Dave waiting on him to answer.
Dave looked at Trey and lightly chuckled thinking about how he reacted when April had first dropped the massive bomb on him. "I acted an ass when I first found out. I barely even talked to her for a week even when she called to speak to Lil Butt or Lil Butt called to speak to her. I let them talk but I stayed on the sidelines I wasn't fuckin with her"
"Punk ass" April mumbled looking at him thinking about how he had come at her and hurt her feelings. Nigga really had her in her feelings and shedding tears like a true bitch like she wasn't a G.
Dave looked at her and playfully mugged her. "Real talk I felt like Chris had stolen something from me but I couldn't blame either one of them. I'm grown I know shit happens but I also knew if I wanted to be with her in the way I wanted to then I'd have to accept everything that comes along with her like she does with me" he said then leaned over and kissed her temple. "Besides I love her and nothing and no one can keep me away from her"
"He goes hard for his" Shooter spoke up.
"Understood" Trey nodded then looked at Chris.
Trey knew firsthand how bad Chris had once felt about April and the shit he had put her through. He also knew that at one point in time all Chris wanted to do was make things right and get back with her but now that was impossible. He saw the way April and Dave interacted and he knew wasn't shit going to break them a part. They looked like they wouldn't go down without a fight and he could tell that they were heads over hills in love with each other.
"Sometimes you just have to let shit go no matter how bad you want it. If this was a year or two ago I don't think I'd be able to handle everything going on or be able to even sit here and be around them like this. But I'm in a better head space mentally and I know and realize what I did and what's more important. Honestly we're better off as friends" Chris said and looked over at April and then back at Trey.
"I want the same shit she and East have and I know if it was me and her together we wouldn't have that. We've been through too much to get to that type of love and that's something I would never want to try to take from her. I don't expect her to be single just because we're having a child together so why not be grown bout the situation and get to know East on a more personal level since he's gonna be the man around my child well children. I want April to be happy and my child to be happy so I do what I need to, to make sure it happens. East is cool people, his family is cool, and they treat Royalty like family. Shit I rather have this instead of what I have with Nia. I fucks with our blended family"
He had no issue with what was going on. The shit works and everyone respected each other. At the end of the day he was making sure his child was going to be treated right and the people around her would have her best interest.
"Damn never thought I'd see the day" Trey said a little speechless. Everybody was on their grown man/woman shit. He could fuck with it.
"Oh I know" April said and pursed her lips looking at him. Sure she remembered all the shit he was talking but she had let that shit go. It wasn't worth festering over. It took too much energy and she had already given enough of her energy to the wrong bitches.
"Yea" Trey dragged and scratched his head. "That wasn't one of my best moments. Speaking of which can I talk to you three" Trey asked as he looked between April, Dave, and Chris. He had to get this shit off of his chest.
"I thought this was family time but hey I know when I'm not wanted" August joked and stood up from his seat. "Come on lil baybeh the grownups want to talk" Everyone looked at him and laughed. "Big bruh you better not start no shit either" August said, scooped Alaina up out of her seat, and walked over to the pool.
"Bully bae I think that's our cue too" Ebony said as she rose from his lap. Those two were so cute together. They meshed well and looked good together.
"Bet" he got up, grabbed her hand, and they joined August and Alaina by the pool.
"I know when I'm not wanted either. Come on invisible bae" Shooter said as he stood up and pulled the empty chair next to him away from the table like a chick was really sitting there. "I'm tired of being the" he placed his hands in front of his face as if he was counting. "The 8th wheel Dave, lil sis, and Chris got some three way shit going on and these four at the pool and then there's lil ole me" Shooter joked but they knew it held some truth to it. Luckily for him April had someone in mind that she thought would be perfect for him.
"Aww brother don't worry I told you I gotchu" April said trying to reassure him that she indeed had him.
The woman she actually planned on setting him up with was actually at the baby shower today. She didn't want to meet him just yet she wanted to see what he was like before April put her on which April definitely understood but she knew her friend was going to like him. April's friend had low key been following Shooter on IG which April was well aware of because she didn't want to set him up with just anybody or someone who was looking for a quick fifteen they had enough of clout chasers. Shooter was just her type. He was chocolate, tatted up, thuggish, funny as hell, and when he wanted to be he could be serious. He was the type to always ride out for his family no questions asked. April was pretty much waiting on her call to see what she thought about Shooter. She wanted to keep it all in the family but she didn't have anyone that she thought would be perfect for him so she went with the next best thing.
"Uh huh i'll believe when I see it" he said and walked off pouting.
"Wasn't ya friend at the shower" Dave asked once Shooter was out of ear shot.
"Yup she wanted to check out the merchandise first but I'm pretty sure it's go" April said confident.
"Bet" he nodded and they all focused on Trey.
"Lil sis I apologized to you time and time again but I honestly feel like I owe all three of y'all an apology. One I came at you wrong and instead of talking to you like ya my sister I treated you like I didn't know you. I was in my feelings because I personally saw Chris torture and battling himself over all of the things he's done to you and I felt like I needed to have his back instead of minding my business because what Chris did hurt you too. You were right I saw what he was doing and I should've said something to you but back then I didn't want any parts of what was going on so I kept quiet" Trey said then took a sip of his drink. No one said anything they just let him talk. Besides they all knew about minding their business when it came other people and their relationships. Sometimes it was best to mind your business because you don't know what type of relationship people have or what trouble you might start by saying something.
"As far as you and East it wasn't my place to say anything bout it. If Chris had a problem with it than it was his choice to say something to you and East not mines. A lot of shit was said, feelings were hurt, and I'm sorry for ever taking it there with you especially knowing ya character. Chris you tried to stop me over and over again even lil bruh. I should've listened and let it go. Disrespecting lil sis was just as bad as disrespecting you and I'm sorry bout that" Trey said as he looked between the three of them. They knew he was being genuine.
"East I came at you wrong too when I came at lil sis and I'm sorry bout that. I put all this shit on bro code like you passed a boundary by talking to lil sis the way I did not realizing that you were the one who had been making her happy when she deserves nothing but happiness. So from the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry for saying and doing the things that I did. I wish y'all nothing but blessings and I hope y'all still got room for me in y'all new family. I'd love to be a part of my niece's life" Trey apologized hoping that his friends didn't fully cut him off. He still hung around Chris and August but East was his boy and April was his sister. He just wanted shit to go back to normal and truthfully he needed his friends more now than ever. They were his family.
"Trey I been wiped my hands of the whole situation and let it go. I been in too much drama these past few months that I just don't dwell on certain things so for the hundredth time I accept ya apology" April said and smiled. If anything she wanted to know how he was really doing. She had given out enough of her tea for the day shit she wanted to sip on someone else's.
"Same here we been handled this shit bruh. Ya still my boy and my family and we'd love for you to be a part of lil seedling's life" Chris said and clapped it up with him. Trey had fucked up with the shit he had said to April but Chris knew he was doing it with the intentions of looking out for him. He was coming from a good place even if he went about it the wrong way.
Dave looked at Trey and mugged him. "Keeping it a hunnid after ma told me all that went down between y'all I had some words for you and I wanted to pop off but I let that shit go because the stress ain't good for her or the baby and we've been through some bullshit these past few months like she said. I felt like if you had a problem with me being with her you shouldn't have addressed her you should've came to me and we could've talked bout that shit man to man. When you saw me on facetime when I called her you should've said something then. You could've addressed us both at the same time that way when you came at my woman I could've told you what it was but it's whatever. Obviously ya sorry and you apologized so it is what it is. I'm a let that shit go besides you been my nigga since I stepped on the scene so I accept ya apology"
"Say less" Trey nodded and they clapped it up.
"Enough of the apologies what's really going on with you" April asked. "Every time I check up on you, you give me politically correct answers. What's good" It was true April hit him up from time to time to see how he was doing.
Sure she was off him and remembered all of the shit he had said to her but she knew he was going through it. He had just found out that his child was basically taken away from him over some bullshit and she understood that lost and knew what it felt like to mourn over a child that was a part of you but couldn't be there with you in the flesh. She would never wish that feeling and lost on her worst enemy. So being her she checked in to see if he was good instead of being stuck in the motions and thinking about all of the what ifs.
"Are y'all done yet" August shouted.
"Lawd bless the youth" April said and shook her head as they all laughed.
"Don't laugh my lil bruh asked a legit question" Shooter spoke up making April slap her forehead.
"It's literally two of them" Trey commented seeing Shooter and August feed off each other for the first time.
"YES" they all said except for Shooter and August as they all walked back to the table and sat back down.
"And y'all deal with this shit every time they're together" Trey questioned with his brow raised.
"YES" everyone answered again besides August and Shooter again.
"Y'all saying it like it's a bad thing" Shooter said mugging all of them.
"Big bruh don't even sweat it. You know it's a lot of hate around these parts" August said and looked at Shooter.
Everyone laughed. Every time Shooter and August got together it was double the trouble and nothing but laughter and jokes. It was like a match made in heaven. Between the two of them they kept everyone in good spirits and they loved that about them.
"Any, who" April said and cleared her throat. "Back to you Trey how have you really been" she questioned as everyone quieted down wanting to know the same thing and ready to get their sip on.
Trey looked around and wiped his hands over his face before he zoned out going back to the very day where shit had changed for him. Where he had to face reality that he didn't know the woman he was dating and not only that but he could've been a father.
-Happy reading hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Trey done apologized to April for the hundredth time and finally apologized to Papi & things seem to be going good even though Papi felt a way...
-Want to know what went down with Trey & Hazel then stay tuned for part 2 coming up next..It's already uploaded I just have to do some editing 😊 so have your ☕️ cups ready 😝
-Do you think Hazel & Trey's relationship survived🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you're reading & not commenting no problem just make sure to color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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