75.1: Catch Up

Chapter 75.1: Catch Up cont...

Trey walked out of the office and building altogether in a blur he was trying to process all of what he had just heard but he couldn't believe it. He couldn't comprehend any of it. It didn't make sense. It was like 2+2=5 when he knew damn well it equaled four. The woman he gave his heart to, loved, cared for, planned his future with, confided in, shared his secrets with, and lived with wasn't the woman she portrayed herself to be. She wasn't the woman he thought she was. She was a whole ass fraud. He didn't know what was real when it came to her. Hazel had him questioning did she really even love and fuck with him. Was their relationship even real? At this point everything about her was questionable.

Trey stalked to his car like a mad man, unlocked the doors, hopped inside, started it up, and got the fuck up out of there. He didn't want to see her or be anywhere near her. Right about now the mere thought of her made his skin crawl. He just wanted to go somewhere where no one could find him. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. He couldn't even grasp what was going on. Did she really screw over her sister? Was she really in love with her and most importantly did she really kill his seed? He drove around for what felt like hours on end avoiding going home because he didn't want to run into her but he knew they were going to have to talk. Hazel had some explaining to do.

Trey pulled up to their house, went through the gate, and parked in front noticing Hazel's car nowhere in sight meaning she wasn't home yet. Knowing her she was probably avoiding coming home especially when she didn't know what to expect. He took a deep breath, hopped out of the car, closed the door, and locked it behind him while he made his way to the front door unlocking it, opening the door, took off the alarm, and then closed it.

He went straight to his stash, took out everything he needed, and rolled a fat ass blunt. Something had to give and he needed to ease his mind some kind of way. Trey took a seat on the bottom of the steps, sparked up his blunt, and kept his eyes focused on the front door. He wanted to see the look on Hazel's face when she came through the door. He wanted to read her. He wanted to see if their relationship had been nothing but some sick plan. Trey wanted to see if he had wasted all of his time, energy, love, and affection on someone who didn't deserve it. Mid pull his phone went off. He already had a feeling who it was. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw a text from his so-called wifey. The same chick that he thought about marrying and giving her his last name that was now the same chick he questioned. He unlocked his phone, went straight to his messages, and opened it.

Wifey👰🏾💍: Can we talk

Hubby👅🍆: You know where to find me

Trey texted back and put his phone down. An hour later Hazel was walking in the house looking busted, battered, bruised, abused, and all types of fucked up. Trey wanted to run up to her so bad to check up on her but he knew with the way she looked and the shit she had confessed that Hazel had earned that ass whooping fair and square. Maybe once he heard her side of the story and like what he heard then he'd cater to her but right now all he wanted to do was get to the bottom of everything.

They had really done a number on her. Hazel's hair was all over the place, her shirt was filled with sweat and blood spatter. Her lips were busted, her face was covered in fresh and old tears, her eyes looked to be swelling and on their way to becoming black and blue and damn near shut. She looked like she had been to hell and back. As soon as she closed the door she leaned against it and slid to the floor. Trey kept his eyes on her while he smoked on his blunt. Hazel looked defeated like she was just fed up and through with life all together. He sighed, shook his head, put his blunt out, and stood up. He couldn't do it. He knew for a fact that he loved her. Nothing was fraud about his love so he did what he was trying not to. Trey approached her, helped her up to her feet, and guided her upstairs to their bedroom and then to their bathroom.

He guided her to the toilet, she sat down, and he went to the sink, and grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet under the sink then made his way back to her placing the kit on the edge of the sink. Trey made his way back to the bathroom linen closet, grabbed a fresh wash rag, went over to the sink, turned on the faucet, and dampened the rag with hot water, rung it out, and went back to Hazel. Trey carefully cupped Hazel's face in his hand and gently wiped over her face as she flinched every now and again. He carefully cleaned her cuts and put ointment on them. Through it all they both remained silent. There was no need to exchange words.

"Clean ya self-up I'll be in the bedroom" Trey said and walked out of the bathroom shutting the door behind himself. He took a seat on the edge of the bed and lay back folding his hands behind his head and starred at the ceiling wondering how long had the fuckery been going on right underneath his nose. He didn't know when Hazel had gotten out of the shower or the bathroom but she was now dressed in a t-shirt, a pair of sweats, and her hair was in a ponytail. Trey looked at her as she climbed into bed and sat criss cross apple sauce beside him.

"The beginning" he said and looked over at her.

Hazel looked at him nervously and sighed. "You know my back story my sperm and egg donor ain't shit and I know I fucked up big time but Ian and Ananda will always be my parents. They took me in when they didn't have to and I will never forget what they've done and do for me. I appreciate them to the fullest. But I guess I felt the way I feel for the longest. I know it wasn't possible but when I think bout it, it would've been different if they took me in as a baby or a toddler rather than to take me in at ten when all I grew up seeing was bullshit parents, no food in the fridge, roaches, mice, drugs, and everything else a ten year old doesn't need to see" she said and paused as Trey gave her his full attention. He knew how she felt about her parents and her childhood so he knew it wasn't going to be anything pleasant that she had to say.

"I was old enough and had already seen way too much so when they took me in I noticed all of the pros and cons between them and my donors. I saw them struggle and we struggled together but we did it as a family. We didn't need money or materialistic things. We had each other and that's something I never had with my donors. I saw the way they treated each other, loved on, and cared for each other. I never had that with my donors either. It was nice of them for what they did by taking me in but I got bit by the green eyed monster. I was jealous. I am jealous. I couldn't understand for the life of me why April had what she did and I didn't. She had everything I wanted love and a family" Hazel said as she looked off into space sort of like she was reliving shit while Trey sat up, kicked off his kicks, and fully got into bed still listening.

"I was there when the money started coming in, our first house, luxury car, and everything else and although I always felt like family I couldn't stop thinking about how April was lucky and her family should've been my family. What was so special bout April? Why was she so lucky? Why couldn't she have my family and I have hers? I can remember her first boyfriend. He was popular, a drug dealer, and on the basketball team. Niggas wanted to be him and bitches wanted him but he only had eyes for her. It was three things important to him. It was his family, his money, and April of course. She gave him her virginity and they stayed together for years. He didn't pressure her he always looked out for her, protected her, and gave to her when she didn't even need it. My first boyfriend" she said and chuckled.

"That nigga was a piece of shit charmer who charmed me right out of my pants my second boyfriend same thing rinse and repeat. April never got the short end of the stick. Now I know shouldn't have been jealous but how could I not be everything went smooth for her" Hazel said and shrugged.

To trey this shit was way deeper than he had expected. She had been feeling like this for years and she had been good at playing her role which made him think about their relationship and was it even real. But still he didn't say anything he just let her talk to see how far she would go on her own without him having to ask her shit.

"Any, who after that I started doing me and getting into some adult situations that I shouldn't have while April was riding on the sun college came and it was the same shit over again. April was popular without trying to be, niggas and bitches flocked to her, she stayed on the dean's list, she was tutoring people, and basically the teacher's pet. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't compete not realizing that she was my sister and it wasn't a competition but jealousy will make you do some crazy shit" she said.

"I had low key been attracted to her for some time and somehow I fell in love with her just like everybody else so we crossed a boundary that maybe we shouldn't have crossed. I have to admit she's good at what she does in the bed" Hazel said and smirked like she was thinking about her and April playing around and Trey wasn't with that shit at all. Yet he still didn't say anything.

Trey had never known that she and April had messed around. He didn't even know that they were into females but with the way Hazel was talking he knew this shit was done. Trey looked at her and shook his head this shit was deep rooted and the type of family she had and the type of woman April was Hazel could've been spoken her peace before it had gone this far. He understood jealousy and honestly everybody goes through a time where they are jealous of someone but you shake that shit off and live your life because honestly you don't know what that person that you're jealous of is actually going through. They could be going through something worse than you and he knew that if April had held out on telling her their family and Chris about her pregnancy than he was pretty sure it was a lot more that Hazel didn't know about. Still with him feeling like shit he continued to let her talk.

"I was there when she made her first million. She paid our parents back with interest even though they didn't want it, gave me and Alaina a cut, and she didn't even want to party. She just wanted to chill with family. If it was me, and I made my first million I would've had a night out on the town but April's different. She's humble and doesn't like to gloat. I guess that's why all the good shit happens to her. We just had a family dinner at the house and chilled. She's a fuckin tech prodigy and whatever she touches turns to gold. She started her company quite young and that shit flourished out of the ass. Meanwhile I was working on my business plan trying to get shit to shake. Even with the support I had it still took me longer than it took her. Then Chris comes along I still don't even know how that shit happened. April had the looks, brains, her own bag, and now fuckin Chris Brown. It was a constant reminder like damn she stays winning but when will I" Hazel said saddened.

To Trey it just sounded like she blamed April for all of her so-called misfortunes not considering that she had actually made it. She let her jealousy and judgments of April cloud all of her own achievements instead of realizing that for someone with her background she had defeated all the odds and statistics. She could've been a product of her environment but she wasn't she had made it. She was successful in her own right.

"I'm happy that she introduced me to you but that's another thing she introduced me to you and come to find out you were attracted to her. I know you said it was nothing major but to me it's just another slap in the face of something that April did for me. That night when shit popped off between y'all that was it for me. I just couldn't stand to be in her shadow, compete with her, and deal with her rainbows and sunshine like she walked around with a damn halo. All I could think bout was watching her world fall apart and crumble at her feet" she said obviously feeling some type of way. Yea Trey definitely didn't know this woman like he thought he did.

Hazel bust out in a full blown grin on some Joker type shit and laughed like she had told a joke. A joke that Trey didn't quite get because nothing she said was funny. "I love well I loved her I guess in a way I shouldn't have and instead of saying anything bout it I tried to fuck up her life so she could come crying to me. That way I could be there for her and laugh at her at the same damn time" Hazel willingly admitted.

Trey was fuckin flabbergasted. "Wayment so you like ya sister but you don't like her and not only that but you really wanted her to cry on ya shoulders just so you could be there to laugh at her" he questioned. She was spilling all of her tea and although he felt a way and was flabbergasted by the whole shit he still listened just to see what else was going to come out of her mouth.

"This bitch has everything I could ever want and now she's coming for my fuckin bag. She wants me to pay rent for all three buildings and her pay for being a silent partner when she doesn't even need the money at all but then again sis can be type petty. This bitch has the doting family, she's a billionaire, houses in how many states, a car lot under her house, luxury and designer clothes and handbags, dating a nigga who fucks with her heavy, still best friends with an ain't shit ex, and she's fuckin pregnant" Hazel snapped sounding all types of deranged, jealous, envious, and damn right crazy.

This shit was new as fuck to Trey. Trey was hoping like hell that they'd be able to talk shit out and that maybe shit was just a mistake but no this shit was something he wanted no parts of. She was purposely trying to hurt and sabotage what April had going on and didn't care who got hit or hurt in the crossfire including him. He wondered why he never saw any of the signs that shit wasn't right with her because mentally she wasn't there. Hazel needed therapy and she needed that shit like yesterday. He was tired of the jealous spew he wanted to know about their relationship and his child.

"Look all I want to know is, is this shit we got real or was this part of another one of ya elaborate schemes" he questioned not here for the fucks. Trey was done.

Hazel's face softened as she tried to grab his hand but he wanted no parts of it. She could keep her hands to herself. "Trey I love you. I always have and I always will. Ya pretty much all I have left" she said in a shaky tone but Trey wasn't buying shit she was selling. Something was off. He could feel it in his bones plus she had just admitted to being in love or had loved April. Where did he fit in? She wasn't checking for him.

"Were you really pregnant" he looked at her straight in the eyes daring her to lie. He wanted the truth and not some sugarcoated answer.

Hazel looked at him and looked away. "Yes" she mumbled honestly.

"So you say you love me, you get pregnant but you don't tell me, and then without saying shit you abort my child. Where's the love at because if you loved me you wouldn't have done no backhanded shit like that. I don't give a fuck what was going on I'd a been there for you and my child but you didn't even give me a fuckin chance" Trey snapped as his eyes glossed over with unshed tears. How could she take something so precious and important away from him without him knowing and discard it like it as nothing? Like the baby wasn't a part of them. Like the baby was trash.

"Trey I'm sorry" she cried but no tears escaped her eye lids.

"Do you hear ya self? You aborted my child because of ya career like a nigga don't got money shit like you don't have money. Shit you could've had the baby and passed him off to me. I'd a been there for him and you could've went on bout ya business and did whatever you wanted to do. But you didn't give a fuck bout nobody but ya self" he yelled making the veins pop out of his neck and forehead.

"I thought I was making the right and best decision for us"

"NO you made a decision that was good for you. You gave me no say so" he abruptly stood up and starred at her. "When was this and did you ever plan on telling me" he grilled her.

Hazel sniffed and wiped her eyes still there was no tears. "It happened right after April moved back to Jersey" she answered.

Trey looked at her and laughed. "So pretty much three years ago. You weren't gonna tell me shit. Here I am going in on lil sis bout how she was wrong for keeping that shit from Chris when their baby died yet the chick I call my woman killed my seed three years ago being selfish. Not to mention all the shit ya mad at April bout is bullshit. You got the same shit she has but just on a smaller scale. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at ya fuckin self because you're the one with the problem"

"Here we go again April, April, April" Hazel said and rolled her eyes.

Trey stood still as he clenched and unclenched his fist while his jaw clenched. He was infuriated. "That's all you fuckin heard! You got some real life issues that I can't help you with. I don't even know who the fuck you are or who I gotten involved with. I get it ya background was fucked up but shit changed for you. You had a hundred and one opportunities just like April. Ya so stuck on being jealous, competing, and being selfish that you don't realize the severity of what's really going on. I don't want to be a part of this or be with you. I can't be with someone like you. You don't even see where you fucked up" he went in.

"You fucked ya family over, worked with ya so-called sister's enemy to watch her fall apart, killed my seed, and let's face it you don't love anybody but ya self. I don't give a fuck what you do, where you go, or where you end up but you gotta get the fuck up outta my crib" Trey said as his chest rapidly heaved up and down. This shit was going to hurt him but he could do bad all by himself. Hazel had to go. She was out for self and the way she was moving anybody could get got.

"Huh" Hazel looked at him like he had lost his mind as she hopped off the bed and stormed in front of him. "Ya really breaking up with me and kicking me out. So all these years meant nothing to you"

"I don't know if they meant something to you but they meant something to me. It looks like you've been playing all of us for years but yea I said what I said you gotta go" he said as his nostrils flared disgusted by what she had become or what she really was. He was really seeing her for the first time and he didn't like who he saw standing in front of him.

"So just like that you throw it all away"

"Ain't that what you did when you took my child to the fuckin chop shop? Bruh you need some help and the type of help you need I can't help you with"

"Tremaine seriously"

"Hazel gon somewhere I don't know what type of shit you on but I want no parts of it. You can take everything I bought you just go. I'll give you a week after that it's a rap"

"Fuck you" she shouted angrily and poked him in his chest.

"Ok" he said and shrugged.

"Pussy ass nigga" she said and brushed pass him, walked out of the bedroom, and slammed the door shut.

It didn't make him no never mind. Trey paced back and forth wondering what he had gotten himself into and who did he actually get involved with. Hazel's ass made him feel like he had to sleep with one eye open. All he could think about was all the years he wasted on a female who wasn't down for him. Hazel had really played all of them. Sure it backfired on her but she was around for years and no one knew she was a snake just slithering around to get herself by and not caring about no one but herself.

She didn't realize just how blessed she was. That loving and doting family that April had was her family. The struggle she talks about she overcame. The money, cars, clothes, handbags, and everything else materialistic she had. The love from someone who was holding her down she had in Trey but she was too blind to see any of that. She was too blind to see that she had lost everything and everyone.

Trey felt fuckin stupid and sick to his stomach as he lay back in the bed replaying all of the memorable moments they shared together. He had been bamboozled straight hoodwinked and blindsided by love. Here he thought he found the woman of his dreams. They already had a house now all they needed was the wedding her last name changed and bunches of babies. Ok maybe not bunches but he wouldn't mind two or three.

Yet here he was letting her go because she was a fraud and she couldn't be trusted. Trey wondered what had he done to deserve someone like her and how long did she plan on staying with him when clearly he wasn't who she wanted. Either way he didn't give a fuck how much he loved her or how much he was going to miss her or how bad it was going to hurt to really let her go because at the end of the day she had to go. Maybe April was right. He had questioned the wrong ones loyalty because Hazel proved to be only loyal to one person, herself.


Trey took a deep breath and sighed. "I just take shit a day at a time. It's a lil hard when ya used to being around someone and y'all have y'all lil routines and shit but it is what it is" he shrugged. "I rather be single than to deal with some shit like that again. If I'm not in the studio, doing shows, then I'm with these two" he said and pointed to Chris and August.

"Trust me you'll be fine in the long run. Luckily you found out that she wasn't who she claimed to be before you made shit official. Have you seen her" April asked.

"True...Nah I haven't seen her since she came and got all of her shit" he replied. "I changed the codes and locks on her ass"

"Basically speaking we all got played" April said.

"Facts" they all said together except for April.

"I think bout her every once in a while like she's supposed to be here right now chilling with us and shit and enjoying the festivities but then I think bout all of the shit she pulled and I'm over it" April said and shrugged.

"Momma" Kairi called April interrupting their conversation as she and Royalty made their way out the back door causing everyone to look their way.

"Yes Love Bug" she looked at her and Royalty. Her babies were hanging on by a thread. She figured they would've been sleep by now. They had been up all day.

"My Apple can you read us a bed time story" Royalty asked.

"Aww" Alaina and Ebony cooed as they looked on.

"You already know I got you my babies" April answered and smiled. "Well that's my cue it's bed time for my babies. I'll be back and just in case I don't then goodnight because y'all know I done fell asleep" April said and laughed as she slowly eased out of her seat.

"You need any help" Chris and Dave asked together making the crew laugh.

"See that's that three way ish I was talking bout" Shooter said making sure he didn't curse because he knew Kairi would be running his pockets trying to fill up her swear jar.

"Nope I'm good. Tell everyone goodnight" April said to the girls.

"Goodnight" they said and waved.

"Watch this" August whispered to Trey as Trey looked on like damn this shit was really happening. Dave's daughter was really calling and claiming her as her momma. He was use to seeing April in action with Royalty but this shit right here was new.

"Goodnight Lil Butt" Dave said and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight daddy"

"Night...night RoRo" Chris said and kissed her forehead.

"Night...night daddy"

"Niecy niece" Chris called Kairi and she made her way over to him. "Night...night" he kissed her forehead.

"Night...night unkie" she said and walked off.

"Unkie baby" Dave called Royalty and she made her way over to him. "Goodnight" he kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight unkie" she said and walked off, grabbed Kairi's hand, and walked back inside with April right behind them.

"What type of shit" Trey said baffled. Of course everyone looked at him and laughed.

"It's not just the baby involved. The baby effects both Ro and Kai so you just can't be there for two when it's three. We make sure they all get love and attention" Chris said and leaned back in his seat.

"It works. The girls are best friends and sisters and I got a feeling when we move to LA it's gonna get worse. Those two together" Dave said and shook his head.

"What he's tryna say is those lil baybeh's got them wrapped around their fingers" August said and laughed.

"Facts" the crew said in unison except for Chris, Dave, August, and Trey. Besides they knew it was true.

"Yea, yea, yea now let's get back to business" Dave said and looked around the table ready to talk shop.

-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊 hope y'all enjoyed that pic of Trey as much as I did 😜
-Welp I don't even know what to say about Hazel anymore. She's straight out for self and anyone is liable to get burned😔
-Hazel has definitely been through some shit but her using her background I think is lame 🤷🏾‍♀️ we all go through shit. Some ppl I can see their backgrounds effecting them but Hazel found a best friend and family who loved her and showed her what it's like to have a family.
-Do you think Trey was wrong for calling it quits or do you think he should've tried to work it out with her 🤔
-Our good sis got everybody talking about her goods. She knows that shit is grade A 😝
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your library 🥰
-If you're reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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