74: Baby Shower/Gender Reveal

Chapter 74: Baby Shower/Gender Reveal

Today was the day of the baby shower and April and Chris was in the car on their way to the venue just listening to music and talking. Everyone else had left already because they wanted to make sure that they got there before them. Dave had taken Kairi and Royalty along with him leaving April and Chris to arrive together since this was their event and their special moment. Both April and Chris were excited about today. For one they were having their first legit baby shower. Two their family and friends would be there to help them celebrate. Three they'd finally learn whether they were having a Prince or a Princess. They also couldn't wait to see what the venue looked like because they really had no say so with either of their mothers including Faye and Alaina. Whatever it looked like inside they knew that they had put their all into it and that's all that mattered.

"Are you excited" Chris asked smiling from ear to ear as he glanced at her and back on the road.

"Is that even a question? You just better get ready for that push gift" April replied all hype.

"That's a given but you better get ready to let me take one of those precious cars off ya lot" he smirked. There were so many options he didn't know what to choose. All he knew was that he was going be riding around in one.

"We'll see...hey is Trey coming"

"Yea I talked to him this morning" he replied.

"Bet, I actually miss his disrespectful ass. He's been off the grid for too long and when I hit him up he doesn't really fill me in. He just gives me those politically correct answers. I get it though but I'm just worried bout him"

"He's aight but you know we'll all get up with each other once we get back to ya spot. So we'll be able to all catch up"

"Say less"

"We're here" Chris said as they pulled up in front of the venue. April took a deep breath and looked at him worried.

"Don't be nervous. It's just our family and friends and if they don't like what we have going on and they're disrespectful bout our situation our family will handle it. But I doubt we'll have any issues" he parked the car then looked over at her. He just wanted to reassure her that no matter what anybody said what they had was theirs and if nobody liked it then fuck them because you can't make everyone happy. Today was about them and their child. Today was their day. It was a celebration for their baby and no one else mattered outside of their immediate family the ones that had been holding them down since day one.

"I know I know. I just want all of us to have a good day. Today is special" she sighed looking like she was about to get lost in her head but Chris wasn't about to let that go down.

"Ain't nobody fuckin up our day Apple. You know our family ain't here for the shit so smile because today is gonna be a damn good day" he said as he looked at her in awe. She was still glowing and today she looked radiating damn near breath taking.

"True shit" she nodded while he picked up his phone to let everyone know they were there.

"If I didn't say so today Apple you look beautiful" he complimented her and smiled.

Today she actually woke up feeling good and pretty in her own skin. Maybe it was the talk she had with their mothers or the talk she had with Chris. Or maybe even the talk she had with Dave or it could be the way Dave had crept up on her late last night and made her feel some type of way. He made her feel beautiful all over. He worshipped her from the tip of her head all the way down to the tip of her toes stretch marks and all.

Her glam squad had come through and beat her face to perfection. She still looked like herself, didn't have pounds of makeup on, no cake face no nothing. She had a natural glowing look and she loved it. They styled her hair in a deep side part with flexi rod curls so they would last throughout the day and they made sure her nails and toes were on point. Alaina had her outfit already out including her sandals and accessories and once April put them on she felt beautiful. The look had come out perfect.

Everybody had come through and did their part and before Dave left out he of course had to let her know that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. So today she was truly feeling herself. She was dressed in a plush pink off the shoulder flowing maxi dress filled with soft blue flowers that flowed effortlessly and covered her feet. For her accessories she went the simple route wearing a gold layered necklace, Tiffany T wire bar earrings, a few gold bracelets, and some gold stack rings.

"Thanks Chrissy I feel beautiful. You look handsome ya self even though ya wearing the wrong colors but I see you reppin ya set" she said and laughed as she looked him over.

Chris did look handsome today. For one she could tell that he was genuinely happy and his smile shone brightly two he was dressed in some fitted above the ankle blue slacks, a crisp white long sleeve dress shirt, and a blue Versace blazer paired with some Versace loafers. His hair was styled in his natural curls and faded in the back. Two simple diamond chains draped his neck and he had on one of his many diamond pinky rings. It was simple but he looked damn good reppin for team blue.

"Thank you thank you" he smiled, hopped out of the car, closed his door, walked over to her side, opened her door for her, and helped her out.


"Are you sure you want to let them know" he whispered as he looked down at her. She was going to let the cat out of the bag.

She nodded as she latched her arm around his. "I rather they hear it from us than to find out by the internet. Besides that's why I had everybody sign a NDA" April said as they made their way to the entrance of the venue. She was always prepared to protect her and her family's asses by any means especially with how messy people were these days. She didn't want anyone to say shit about their child she wanted her and Chris to be the ones to announce their bundle of joy and on their terms.

"Bet" he nodded and opened the door for her.

At first they wanted to have the baby shower at April's place but when she thought about it she didn't want that many people in and out of her home. Besides it was summer so they figured it would be best to get a venue that had some air conditioning. Both April and Chris could tell by the outside of the venue that the inside was going to be pretty dope and knowing their family they knew they had went above and beyond their expectations. Opening the door Chris let April in first and followed behind her then walked back to her side as she wrapped her arm back around his. It was a simple gesture nothing more and nothing less. They walked down the hall following cute blue and pink arrows with baby foot prints on them until they reached a pair of double doors. They could hear people behind them and music playing in the background. April and Chris looked at each other and cheesed as he reached for the door.

"Ready" he asked.

"Yes" April cheesed watching him open the door.

As soon as Chris opened the door their squad well everyone besides Dave was at the door dressed in either blue or pink and some with a mixture of both. They were all looking beautiful and handsome all dressed up. Even her little girls were dressed up and looking pretty in their matching blue denim shirts and pink tutus. They wanted to wear the same color as April did so she had got them matching outfits. So they were twinning for the day which they loved. This wasn't an average event everybody showed up and showed out.
They stepped inside of the room with April almost in tears. The room looked absolutely beautiful.

It was decorated in blue, pink, white, and gold décor. There were gold and white throne chairs at their table and all types of blue and pink desserts. It was truly beautiful. It didn't look like it was thrown together and overdone. It looked just right and just like they thought no expense was spared. Flashes went off from every direction as the photographers did their job capturing their moment. April and Chris would be lying if they said they didn't hear any bullshit. They saw the shocked expressions people were wearing when they saw them walk in together with a gut full and her arm attached to Chris but they paid it no mind. Like Chris said it was their day and no one was going to fuck it up.

"Mommaaaa" Kairi shouted cheesing.

"My Apple" Royalty shouted as her little girls called out for her and ran up on her before anyone else had the chance to. Those two little girls were her babies and no one could say otherwise.

"Hey my babies" April cooed and kissed their foreheads while they hugged her making everyone in the room awe.

"Daddy and Unkie can't get no love" Chris pouted with his arms out looking at Royalty and Kairi. They ran up on him and attacked him with hugs. "That's more like it" he said making everyone laugh but still look on trying to see what was really going on looking like they were ready to get their sip of tea on. April couldn't blame them though. If she was sitting on the sidelines she'd be trying to sip too.

As soon as they finished with the girls they greeted the rest of their squad before greeting the rest of their family and friends. A lot of people had shown up but April had waited and saved the best for last. Her man had his eyes on her the whole time she walked through the door and walked the room talking to people. Trust April had her eyes on him as well and couldn't wait to be in his embrace. She had caught him starring at for the umpteenth time so she took it upon herself to go and greet her man properly. She slowly made her way across the room with her eyes focused on no one but him as he watched her every move while he sat in his chair leaned back with one leg bent and the other stretched out with his eyes drinking her in as he had his hand resting on his chin. As soon as April was in front of him he straightened up and pulled her between his legs as his hands clutched hers. Dave looked at her with so much love and hunger in his eyes.

"Hey Papi" she beamed.

"Hey beautiful" he said then leaned forward and kissed her lips. "I was wondering when you were going to make it to me" he said and playfully mugged her.

"Now you know I had to save the best for last" She said and bit down on her bottom lip. Dave had sat back and let Chris have his moment. He didn't want the guests to deflect from him so he was sitting back cooling.

Papi was looking good. She loved the way he dressed but when it was actually time to throw it on he did his damn thing. Dave was dressed in a pair of skinny white slacks cuffed at the ankle, a crisp blue long sleeve dress shirt rolled up to his elbows untucked with the first few buttons undone showing off some of his artwork yet still covered by his wife beater, with a blue white and pink handkerchief tucked in the pocket of his shirt with some Gucci loafers to match his Gucci ensemble. April had done his hair the day before in some straight backs and he had gotten a fresh shape up and line up this morning. He had one of his Cuban link chains and bracelet sets on and of course his Patek. Papi was looking like he was dressed for a GQ spread and April was here for it. He said he wanted to match her fly and today he definitely did.

"Ma this ain't the place to be drooling over a nigga" he said and chuckled and wiped the side of her lip acting as if she was really drooling.

"Whatever I'm going to sit down so we can start the festivities"

"Uh huh I'll check every now and then to make sure it ain't no wet spots on ya dress" he snickered ready for her to walk away so he could get a good look at her ass sitting up nice and high in her dress. He now understood what she was saying about her wearing a summer dress and him wearing sweat pants. If he was drooling over the way her ass was looking he could just imagine other men looking at her and that was a no go. She was only allowed to wear those shits in the house and on their properties.

"I came prepared today" she said and stuck out her tongue as she waddled as fast as she could and joined Chris at the table set for the two of them.

The music had been turned down and Alaina now had the microphone in her hand. She hadn't even noticed Trey's brother Alex was the DJ. Dave was making sure he was looking out for everybody. Everybody was going to eat.

"Hello everyone thank you for coming out to celebrate April and Chris's baby shower and help us celebrate Baby Triple B's arrival. My name is Alaina and April is my sister for those of you who didn't know. I along with our mother Ananda, Chris's mother Mama Joyce, and Dave's mother Mama Faye will be ya hostesses for today's celebration" Alaina said as each of their mothers smiled and waved as she mentioned their names.

"Before we begin and start calling up everyone to eat Thing 1 has a few words for you" Alaina said and made her way to April who slowly stood up from her seat with the help of Chris. "Hey aunties baby" Alaina cooed and rubbed April's stomach. She like April was wearing a combination of both colors dressed in an off the shoulder pants romper that looked amazing on her.

"Ouch" April frowned as the baby kicked while Alaina talked causing everyone to laugh.

"She loves me what can I say" Alaina smiled, shrugged, and passed April the mic. Baby Triple B knew all of his/her family because everyone interacted and talked to April's stomach and made themselves known.

"Yea, yea, yea" April said still rubbing the spot the baby kicked. "Any, who I just wanted to, take the time out to thank you all for coming to help us celebrate our special day. I know most of you didn't know that I was pregnant let alone this far along but I'm seven months to be exact. Y'all know how I am bout my privacy so this is one of those private moments for me. I know y'all have a few questions and wondering why we had y'all sign a NDA so here's why" April said and paused as both Chris and Dave got up and stood by her side like the real men they are.

"Take ya time" Chris said.

April nodded. "Most of you know that I am in fact dating Dave but what you don't know is that my child's father is actually Chris"

Ohhs and ahhs erupted around the room as everyone looked on surprised and waiting to sip on some more free tea but their whole entire squad held tight. They knew what it was and expected it.

"I know I know but things happen" she said and spoke with her hands. "I'm having a baby by my best friend and that's just the way the cookie crumbles. Honestly I'm just telling y'all because we didn't want y'all to hear it from social media or bs gossip sites as well as hear the wrong information. So you just got it first hand from the source. I have a blended family and my children and I are all the way good as well as our family" April spoke with her chest. She wasn't with the games. "We're a unit, we move as a unit, we respect each other, and most importantly we love each other"

"Those two lil girls that you see sitting at that table" April said pointing to the table where Royalty and Kairi were sitting which was by their grandparents. "Those two lil girls Royalty and Kairi might not have my blood but those are my children, my babies, my lil girls through and through" she said and pointed to herself because those little girls were her world. "I love them just the same as I love my baby so welcome to our blended family and thanks for coming and celebrating this moment with us. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves and the many festivities I know our family has planned" April said and smiled.

"She said what she said" Ebony spoke up making them laugh but she wasn't joking. She was waiting for someone to step out of line just like the rest were.

"Any words" April said and looked at Chris.

"Yup" he said and took the mic. "First and foremost thanks for coming out we truly appreciate it. Second it's plain and simple what's understood doesn't need to be explained" he said and passed the mic to Dave.

"Facts we just ask that you be respectful that's all. To each its own" Dave said and passed the mic to Alaina, helped April back into her seat, kissed her forehead, and went back to his joining their crew.

"The Triple B's have spoken" Alaina laughed. "Without further ado let's eat"

They called one table up at a time and when everybody was seated Ian said a little prayer and soon after the DJ turned the music back on. They all played baby shower games pinning the women against the men and just had fun. No one mentioned anything about the dynamics of their family which was good. Let alone the guests got to see firsthand how their family interacted with each other in the flesh. They got to see the real them live and in action. After the games were through with it being tied they gave all of the winner's prizes. It honestly felt like it was a party. They all laughed, danced, ate, snacked, and enjoyed themselves. Once the games were done April and Chris opened a few gifts. It was impossible to open them all because it was just way too many. The majority had come from their family. After all the festivities it was the moment they had all been waiting for.

"Excuse me can I have everyone's attention" Ian spoke into the mic. He was the one in charge of the gender reveal. As soon as everyone quieted down he started again. "I'm Ian April's father and I'd like for you all to come and join us outside. Come on Peanut and sons" he said to April, Chris, and Dave.

Chris helped her out of her chair and the three of them made their way out of the venue and followed behind Ian until they were all standing outside in a beautiful flower garden. Ananda pulled all of April's crew out of the crowd and passed them confetti poppers then had all of them stand behind a beautiful golden box decorated with a cute little black baby boy with curly hair on one side and the other with a cute little black baby girl with curly hair in pigtails.

"Now before we get to business because I know y'all are dying to know what my grandbaby is I just want to take the time out and congratulate you guys again. These pasts few months have been a trying time and all three of you have been adults' bout the whole situation and working together like a family should. So thank you for allowing me to be a part of this special moment. I love you Peanut" Ian said and winked at her.

"I love you too daddy" April smiled brightly at him as she stood between Chris and Dave anxiously waiting for the results cupping both their hands.

"On the count of three" Ian said and looked at the crew standing behind the box. "One...two...three"


-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Relax I'm not going to leave y'all hanging..the chapter was too long as usual so I had to split it up so stay tuned for part 2 😊
-Do you think anyone is going to try and sell a story 🤔
-Would you have told who the father was or kept it to yourself 🤔
-Team 💖 or Team 💙 let's see how many got it right..
-Any, who I really don't have much to say so y'all know the drill sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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