74.1: Baby Shower/Gender Reveal

Chapter 74.1: Baby Shower/Gender Reveal cont...

Pink and gold glitter confetti showered over them while a metallic pink it's a girl balloon flew out the golden box. April broke down crying tears of joy as everyone clapped excitedly while Chris stood there shocked that he was having another girl. He just knew he was having a little boy but nope it didn't turn out in his favor.

"Aye yo East we got a situation" Chris said looking at Dave sort of panicking as April cried against him.

"Sup" he asked concerned.

"Y'all got straps at the house. We got too many lil girls to protect now" he said serious as all hell making everyone laugh but to him this wasn't a laughing matter. He needed to make sure that his baby girl was going to be well protected. All he could think about was all the shit that came along with having a little girl. Their personalities, puberty, periods, and boys. Oh god the boys. He didn't know how he was going to handle that.

"No worries bruh" Dave nodded. "Congrats"

"Thanks" they clapped it up and shared a brotherly hug.

All the women crowded around April and shared a group hug with tears in their eyes. They knew this moment was surreal for April. Her baby had reached seven months and was still going strong and now she had finally knew for sure what she was baking.

"I'm really having a baby girl" April said and blotted her eyes trying not to ruin her makeup.

"That you are Peanut" Ananda said smiling then kissed her forehead.

"Papa's babies" Ian called out as he stood by the box in his blue outfit reppin team blue.

"Yes Papa" Royalty and Kairi said in unison as they ran up on him while everyone looked on.

"Ok so y'all aren't getting a lil brother meaning Papa isn't getting a grandson so Papa bout to teach y'all how to play basketball. Y'all down" he asked dead ass serious. He too had wanted a little boy that he could play and talk sports with and help raise to be a man. But since they were having a little girl he was going with the next best thing. Royalty and Kairi looked at each other and then back at Ian.

"Oop I know he ain't" Ananda said laughing looking on.

"Papa will there be ice cream" Royalty asked about to sucker his ass.

"With sprinkles" Kairi added.

"Whatever my babies want they get" Ian said telling the god's honest truth. He spoiled those girls rotten but he also knew when to put his foot down.

"Ok" they both agreed cheesing.

"Mommy he's serious" April said watching her father plot on her babies and watching her babies plot on their Papa.

"Daddy I know you ain't serious" Ananda said as she walked up on him in her pink and blue dress. She didn't care what the gender was she was just excited to be getting a new grand baby.

"This is between me and my grandbabies. Reek and Senior how y'all feel bout that" Ian asked Ny'Reek and David Senior.

"What's that the girls be saying? I'm here for it" Ny'Reek said down for the cause. He too was reppin for team blue in his all blue outfit.

"Daddy" Ebony said and shook her head at him while everyone laughed.

"Count me in" Senior spoke up as he approached them in his blue and white outfit. Clearly all the men were team blue.

"You know what" April laughed letting them be until it dawned on her. "Then again their fathers are pretty good at basketball so maybe they got it in them"

"True" Chris and Dave said in unison agreeing. Honestly they didn't mind if they played basketball or any other sport so whatever they ended up playing they would support them a 100%.

"Excuse me everyone" Mama Joyce spoke into the mic. Everyone gave her their full attention as she stood in front of them dressed in a pink and blue dress. "We would like to thank you on the behalf of the Brown Blackmon Brewster family for coming out and celebrating with us. As you guys know this is the end of the event but before you go we do have a little gift for everyone. So can you please meet us back inside and we'll pass them out"

The guest followed behind Mama Joyce as well as Ananda and Mama Faye while the crew stayed behind.

April cleared her throat and looked at Chris. "Just remember I want some hot sit brand new fresh off the lot that can fit all of my baby girl's car seats please and thank you and since I'm not that petty I'll let you take something off my lot while ya here for the weekend and when you come back for ya month stay feel free to take ya pick" she said and laughed.

"Yea, yea, yea" he laughed and hugged her. "We're really bout to have a lil girl" he said and wiped his hands over his face.

"Looks like ya bout to start panicking bruh" Shooter said and looked at him.

"Nigga that's three girls" Chris said and looked at him. He too like April and Dave included all of the girls. So they had three girls. No one was left out and no one was going to be left out.

"Did you forget who their mother and aunts are" August asked. "They'll be whooping ass like pros in no time"

"Exactly" April, Alaina, and Ebony said. Royalty, Kairi, and baby Triple B was going to know how to protect them-selves regardless so that was something Chris didn't need to worry about. Between April, Alaina, Ebony, all of the guys, and their parents those three little girls were straight. They were going to make sure of that. But at the same time April could see why he worried and he had every right to be.

"Not to mention they have choices. We all know how to use a toolie so they're good Breezy stop worrying" Shooter said and patted his back.

"Facts" they all agreed.

"Damn I feel left out. I'm out of the loop" Trey spoke up as he looked around to see everyone all smiles and getting along. He had missed out on a lot. He hadn't been around to see the bond the crew had solidified. They were all close, treated each other more like family than friends, and they hung around each other often. He had once thought that this shit wasn't going to work with Chris and Dave being friends but clearly he was wrong.

"We'll fill you in bruh. A lot has changed" August said.

"Bet" Trey nodded.

"So everybody back at my spot tonight. The usual drinks, food, and whatever else y'all are into and since its summer time we can chill out back. That way I can be a part of the festivities without having to leave when y'all start smoking y'all can just move around in the yard" April said as she looked at her crew. She absolutely loved her new squad. In this squad she knew everyone was on her team and she didn't have to think twice or give any of them the side eye.

"Bet what's on the menu though" Bully asked.

"I want some hot wings and some food from the Jamaican spot so y'all best bet is to let me know what y'all want so I can put the order in" April said.

"Ya not getting hot wings you just had a heartburn the other day" Dave said as he stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her shoulders shooting her down like always.

"Oop" Ebony said and snickered all hugged up under Bully in her pink two piece crop top and skirt set reppin team girl.

April rolled her eyes not even thinking about what she did. "I'm outta here I need to go tell these people bye"

"Ouuuuu" Shooter and August said together instigating as usual sounding like a bunch of damn kids. It was one thing to get ratted on by Shooter but now with August added into the mix shit was worse. Yet she still loved her brother's silly and all.

"She rolled her eyes" Dave asked with his brow raised.

"My name Bennet and I ain't in it but...yea" August said ratting her out and whistled afterwards like he didn't just throw her up under a bus.

"Why it gotta be two of them" April groaned. "Come on Chrissy we need to go say bye" April said as she tried to leave Dave but he wasn't letting her go anywhere.

"She thought" Shooter said making the crew laugh. Well everyone except for April. She just stood there and cut her eyes at him.

"Lil sis it's all love you know that" Shooter said and smiled at her.

"Humph well I don't feel the love" she said still cutting her eyes at him.

"It's all fun and games until someone's feelings gets hurt" August said then started whistling again.

"You know what...Come on before they start talking bout me" April said still trying to get away ignoring August and Shooter's troublesome asses.

"And get fucked up" Alaina said as she stood in front of August with his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Facts" they all said and laughed.

"Aight ma go head I'm a meet you inside" Dave said and kissed her in her hair letting her slide for the moment.

"Ok Papi, come on Chrissy we mustn't be rude to our guests" April said and wrapped her arm around his.

"True" he said and they walked off.

"Aight now that the festivities are over and Waddles ain't here I gotta tell ya something" Shooter said as they all huddled up and looked at Dave.

"Aye now don't be coming for my woman" Dave said and chuckled. Yup that was another one of April's nicknames curtesy of Shooter.

"You call her lil big mama but I can't call her Waddles when we all know she be getting her penguin on" Shooter said and started walking like a penguin.

"Ahhh" they all laughed.

"Bruh I'm a need you not to come for my sis when she ain't send for you" Alaina said in between laughs.

"But ya laughing" August said.

"I swear when y'all are together it's nothing but double trouble" Alaina said and shook her head.

"Remember we're here till Sunday lil baybeh" he said and winked as if she could see him. It was going to be one hell of a weekend.

"This nigga taking too long" Bully said as he looked at their crew and then around checking their surroundings. "We found him" Bully said serious and looked at Dave.

"When you get the call" Dave asked as his mug appeared. He had been waiting too long for this shit. He wanted to get everything and everyone squared away before he, April, and Kairi moved. He didn't want to take any problems with him to LA. He wanted the fresh start that he deserved right along with his family.

"During the shower" Bully answered knowing this wasn't a laughing matter anymore. This was all business.

"Bet, please tell me y'all either got him or got eyes on him. I need this shit handled like yesterday" Dave asked as he looked around checking their surroundings again because no one was to be trusted outside of them.

"We got em" Shooter answered.

"Say less we'll talk bout this later. This isn't the time or the place"

"Bet" Shooter and Bully said at the same time and nodded.

"Aight I need to get back inside and help pack up this stuff"

"True" everyone agreed while Dave walked ahead of them thinking about how he was really going to be in a house full of girls. Poor him and Teddy he could only pray that whenever April got pregnant by him that she would bless him with a baby boy.

As soon as Dave stepped inside the room he sensed something off straight off bat but before he went to go raise hell he leaned against the wall scoping out the scene to see how shit would play out. For one their friends were gone beside their crew and two there was only very few of their family members still around looking to be sitting around chatting it up like the event wasn't over. That was black events for you. Most didn't start on time or ended on time. Luckily they had paid for the extra time.

Any, who Dave posted against the wall with his arms crossed against his chest, mug on, and looked on as some chick approached April while she was at the favors table looking like she and Chris had just finished passing them out and was putting the leftovers in a small box. Whoever the chick was she looked like she was up to no good and if she knew like he knew this isn't what she wanted but nonetheless he sat back and watched. It had been a long while since his woman had to be petty and he knew it was coming up. April didn't say shit but Dave knew she missed the action. Dealing with Millie had been fun to her.


"Well, well, well lil cousin April finally fucked up" she said and chuckled with clear mischief in her voice. April already knew what it was and the only reason why ole girl felt brave enough to step to her is one April was pregnant as fuck and two Alaina wasn't in her line of sight.

"How you get pregnant by the same nigga who constantly cheated on you and the same nigga you left at the aisle? Yet you walking around with a gut full of him and got the nerve to be dating that sexy ass nigga Dave East. How do you collect these L's and still win baffles me. Or is it considered a win and where's ya so called sister what's her face Thing 3? Did she finally see the light and move outta ya shadow" she said and smirked making April cheese. She hadn't had to check a bitch in a hot ass minute so she was here for it.

"Shawty get ya basic looking ass up outta here before you get into some shit you don't want" Chris warned her trying to keep his cool. He wasn't about to let shit go down especially with April not being able to properly defend herself. Nobody was about to harm her or their child on his watch.

"Chris don't waste ya time. This is all me" April said and kept her eyes glued on ole girl. "I swear family can be the worst sometimes"

"Not happening today ain't the day" Chris cut her off not backing down.

"Boy bye what ya gonna do hit me" ole girl said and cackled triggering April.

"Nah but I know someone who will though" he snickered back not phased. He was use to the low blows. That was the first thing people said about him when they so-called tried to come for him. Although he hated it, it was what it was.

"Bitches stay talking shit but I bet if you'd try to holla her thirsty ass would be right here on her knees ready to please" April said and snickered. She wasn't about to let anyone come for Chris. That shit was in the past and he was a new man. No one was going to put him in a dark place especially not with April by his side.

"I don't even know why they sent ya still trying to ride my coattail ass to my event. Ya just mad ya ass still can't bag not even a Z list rapper off my wave. If I was you I'd be careful. I got two bad bitches outside that would whoop ya ass in a heartbeat so try me. I dare you" April said taunting her knowing that Alaina and Ebony would get at her ass in a heartbeat.

This bitch was none other than her cousin on her mother's side. It was Ananda's niece by her sister. As you can see they didn't get along. Ole girl was the jealous type and had been since the day she found out that April and Chris were actually friends and when they got together officially as a couple it got worst. She just like many of the girls around their age had, had a crush on Chris and thought that a TV ass crush on a celebrity was going to hold some rank. For one they didn't even know each other. He was literally a celebrity crush nothing more and nothing less. Two she and April were never that close to give April a second thought about fuckin with him. Yet here her ass was talking shit like she was about that life when the bitch was a fuckin black valley girl who grew up in the suburbs and knew nothing about the hood.

"Ma what's going on over here" Dave asked as she stepped away from the shadows and closer behind her until he was standing right behind her mugging the fuck out of ole girl.

"Don't worry bout it Papi you know how females are. Jealous as all hell" April said and laughed. Bitches could never let her be. The hate was too damn real out in these streets.

"Bitch bye ain't nobody jealous of you" she said and rolled her eyes and her neck with nothing but attitude.

"Bitch bye clearly you are but ok run along to whatever lame nigga you fuckin this week. This is a family and friends event and since you shady as fuck get the fuck up outta here" April said as she rubbed her hand over her stomach trying to keep calm and not stress her baby girl. All the people that had been sitting around were now tuned in on what was going on looking back and forth between the two women.

"This shit was lame as fuck anyway"

By now everyone from their parents to the squad were inside watching the shit go down. To them the shit was too funny because ole girl was too damn bothered. Like the unit they were they all stood beside and behind April, Chris, and Dave while their parents were standing behind her so-called cousin she didn't even know she was cornered but they let her talk her shit.

"So damn lame that you showed up and ya standing up here to get a lame ass favor though but you ain't getting shit" April spat. "I done made ya fuckin day today. You got to sit in a room filled with celebrities and people with actual jobs" April taunted some more. "See if you were cool I'd put you on but nope no sir no ma'am you won't be riding this wave"

"You swear you the shit" she shot back clearly bothered.

"Correction Layla I know I'm the shit" April said and stuck out her tongue making everyone laugh just egging her on.

"Run along Layla this ain't what ya want. Ya ass wasn't even invited. That invitation was for Auntie Serena and just because she couldn't make it didn't mean you could come in her place. You know we don't fuck with you" Alaina spoke up already through with the back and forth. No one was going to come for her sister pregnant or not.

"Whatever I can't wait to see what the internet says bout this fuckery. Pregnant by ya ex but in a whole ass relationship with some other nigga and playing mommy to both their daughters" Layla said and winked at Dave.

"And ya ungrateful ass won't be saying shit bout my child. Thought ya ass was slick that's why I made ya brat ass sign a NDA at the door. I wish you would" Ananda said as she crept up on her from behind looking at her like she wish a bitch would. She couldn't stand her ass and the only reason why she let her stay is so it wouldn't be any unnecessary drama to cause a scene and fuck up everyone's day. Yet here they were. Luckily the event was done and most of the people were gone.

"Auntie I was just playing with her" she said but everyone had heard what was said and exchanged between the two of them. Wasn't shit a game and none of them were here for it?

"Layla get the fuck up outta here. You know I don't play bout mines. Just like you know if she wasn't pregnant she'd whoop ya ass AGAIN" Ananda said as a matter of fact. Ian just watched his woman do her thing smiling proudly behind her. She like his girls could hold her own. He only stepped in when need be.

"Auntie" she pouted.

"Auntie my ass" Ananda said.

"Mommy don't tell her nothing she gon learn the hard way" Alaina said ready to get her hands dirty. Luckily Mama Joyce had gotten the girls before everything escalated. If not they would all be putting dollars in Kairi's swear jar and making one for Royalty.

April snapped her fingers like a light bulb had switched on for her. "I know why she's putting on. She's start struck at the moment so she doesn't know how to act. All you had to do was ask could I introduce you love. I'll start from the back since you keep drooling at the two beside me" April said and smirked about to get real petty.

"Light skin, tall as fuck, tatted up, skinny swole with a twist out you could only dream of is none other than my baby brother and sister's man and one of R&B's finest August Alsina but you knew that already. Standing beside him in all his chocolate glory, tall as well, tatted, with a golden smile and dimples is Mr. Steal Ya Girl and another one of R&B's finest Trey Songz. He's off the market to you. You can't fuck with none of mine" April said introducing to her all the niggas she could only dream of getting next to.

"Standing beside him is another chocolate one, straight thug, class clown, rapper King Shooter who happens to be my man's brother and best friend who's also my brother. He's always down with the fucks and if you was cool I'd put you on but I wouldn't wish you on my worst enemy. Ya pretty as hell on the outside I'll admit but ya ugly ass fuck on the inside and it shines brightly on the outside love" April said and shrugged not giving a fuck if her words hurt. Ole girl had come for her and she had every right to come for her and give her exactly what she wanted.

"Lil sis stay coming for these bitches" Shooter said laughing.

"As she should if they would stop fucking with her she wouldn't have to read their silly asses" August said agreeing with Shooter.

"But wait there's more. Big dude in the back with the straight backs posted up like he ain't here for the shit and standing behind his woman is Bully and one of the head of security. He's my man's brother and best friend meaning he's also my brother. Now him right here standing beside me doesn't need an introduction because let's face it you've been drooling over him for years and now you want to throw a low blow. Yet you got how many kids and the fathers want nothing to do with them or you but ok and if I'm not mistaken word through the grapevine you was just getting ya ass beat but ok. Ya ass been trying ya hardest to be an Instagram model for the longest yet you can't even get a sponsor. Blue check where" April said and they all laughed. "We're all verified boo" April said still reading her for filth. She hated when bitches acted like their shit didn't stink but stayed trying to throw jabs at other people.

"And I really wish you'd stop drooling though. It's not a good look. Oh wait I knew I was saving the best for last. This handsome thug behind me is none other than my man Dave East but I'm pretty sure you knew that. I'm all over his timeline. Every time you scroll through Papi's shit all you see is me and our daughter" April said smirking.

"You over here talking bout shit you don't know bout and checking where my friends at when I'm in a room filled with family and friends. I got two bad bitches and a fleet of niggas in my crew. How bout you boo? I'm tired of being nice to you bitches who don't deserve my kindness. So the next time you want to come for me make sure I'm no longer pregnant so I can whoop ya ass like I use to do. Now can somebody take out the trash? We got shit to pack up and more festivities to get into" April said never once taking her eyes off of ole girl.

"Damn I can't wait for my niece to get here. I'm tired of these bitches stepping up like their bout that life knowing damn well she can't defend herself. Please I beg of you to try that shit after the baby is born. I've been dying to see her whoop some ass" Shooter said dead ass serious. He lived for these moments. He had seen all of the girls fight except April. He just wanted to see what she was working with in person.

"Brother ya wish is my command I still got a bitch on my hit list and you already know how we do" April said and looked back at him smirking.

"This smells like a part two" August said rubbing his hands together.

"Any, who y'all can remove the trash now. Oh and the next time you bring up my children you better be ready to back that shit up" April said and smiled.

"She said what she said" Alaina and Ebony stepped to Layla and sized her up making her stiffen where she stood. "Get gone" Ebony eyed her.

"Auntie" Layla turned and looked at Ananda.

"Bye" and just like that Alaina and Ebony escorted her ass out of the room and venue altogether.

"You good" Dave asked as he slowly turned April around to face him.

She looked at him and laughed. "Why wouldn't I be? Today was a good day. The baby shower was a success and my family and friends came out and celebrated with us. MIND YOU I DON'T HAVE TO BUY A THING FOR THE BABY" she said out loud and everybody laughed. "I spent the day with the ones I love who love me just the same and now I'm ready to get out of here, go home, change my clothes, and hang out" she replied.

"Say less" Dave smiled at her and kissed her lips. "I think you should keep that dress on a lil longer though"

"Oh no sir not happening but I can put another one on if that's what you want" she looked up at him smirking.

"You already know" he said and bit down on his bottom lip.

About an hour later everything was packed up in a U-Haul van curtesy of their family. They had literally bought more than they needed to but April and Chris appreciated it. Luckily for them they bought all different sizes just to make sure they were straight for a few months if not more. Most of the clothes were gender neutral which was a good thing and the items they got would grow with her which was another plus. Once everything was packed up they all headed to April's including their parents. Today was considered a family day so they were all going to sit back and chill like the family they were.

-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Y'all know I love a good cliffhanger 😜😈
-So another lil girl poor Chris and Dave but hey I'm holding out for that baby boy 🥰
-Welp looks like someone is about to get that good ole Millie treatment 😈
-Shooter & August together one word a...Mess 🤦🏾‍♀️
-I missed petty April so I had to bring her out for a second 😜
-Damn no one likes April besides her crew..do you think her cousin will be a problem..and look at mama down with the shits
-Who Do you think is on April's hit list 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your library 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

🛑 I was working on a new story but it wasn't flowing the way I wanted it to so I stopped writing it but I still plan on releasing something new in the new year. I was talking to my sis about story ideas and she helped me figure out what I wanted to do and I'm actually excited about it. I think it's something you will all like but I'm not going to give you guys too many details...somebody might be getting a spin off 👀. I'll be working on it pretty soon but it won't be published until this story is officially done. That way I'll have enough written. There isn't too much left for this story but I think it'll be done in maybe 15 or so chapters. It could be less or more but I'll see. Any, who thanks for the support I heart you guys 🥰

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