72: Inner Demons
Chapter 72: Inner Demons
"You cannot defeat darkness by running from it, nor can you conquer your inner demons by hiding them from the world. In order to defeat the darkness, you must bring it into the light."
[By: Seth Adam Smith, Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern]
4 Months Later...
April lay in bed by herself lying on her side wide awake while she rubbed her stomach. Today was the day before the baby shower and gender reveal so everybody was out and about preparing for it and getting last minute things out of the way. She wasn't allowed to partake in anything so she stayed in bed with little seedling and Teddy by her side even Kairi and Royalty was out of the house. She was excited to say the least but right now she was thinking about everything that had changed during these past four months. For starters she was now pregnant as hell and it showed. She was seven months pregnant and she looked like she could pop at any minute. She blamed it on her height since she was so short it didn't round out like an average height female so she was extra short, extra round, and walked around like a damn penguin. April just waddled about everywhere.
April had finally came to terms that she was pregnant and both her and the baby were healthy as can be so like her man said she embraced her pregnancy to the fullest. She had both names picked out for either a boy or a girl and she hadn't told anyone the names she had chosen. Dave was trying to get her to spill the beans but he had to wait just like everybody else. Any, who she had purchased the entire furniture set she wanted for the baby making sure the crib, was one of those ones where the baby could grow in. She had got more than enough necessities even down to her coming home outfit making sure she had gotten something for both genders. Luckily she didn't over do it because she knew babies grew fast so her focus was on bottles, pacifiers, onesies, and diapers in all sizes, bedding, and hygiene products. Between her parents, Chris, Alaina, Ebony, Mama Joyce, and even Mama Faye the baby would have more than enough.
Every time she turned around somebody was calling and telling her not to buy something because it was already handled. She had told them time and time again that they didn't have to buy so much but that was like talking to a damn brick building fuck a wall because no one was listening to her. According to them it was their baby and they could do whatever they pleased so she let them be. April also had no complaint when it came to Chris he was all the way on board and hadn't backtracked or missed any doctor appointments. He was a proud father and it showed. He even had Royalty hyped that she was finally going to be a big sister. So shit was good. Even Dave had Kairi excited about the baby so she was constantly rubbing April's stomach and asking when the baby was going to get here.
Speaking on the baby they had all took maternity pictures and since they had a blended family everybody got to be a part of them. Of course April and Chris took pictures with just the two of them because they wanted their child to have a picture of them together with both of them genuinely happy even if they weren't together. Being the man that Dave was he was cool with it and he understood it besides he got some with just him and April as well so he was good. They even did a picture with the three of them together. Literally everyone had come out to take pictures as a family and they had come out amazing.
Besides the baby April and Dave were still going strong and family life was even better even with the minor ups and downs. No relationship was perfect so arguments did occur but for the most part they weren't too serious. April had finally moved in with Dave and Kairi and was settled in. Everything was running smooth but let her tell it she missed the fuck out of her closet. April couldn't wait for them to move though so she could get her space back but other than that things were good...
As far as Hazel and Millie no one had heard from Hazel but they knew she was good especially April because she was getting that hefty rent check on time every month like clockwork as well as her cut for being a silent partner. She didn't even have to take her ass to court and she was slowly paying her all the back pay that she owed. Millie's ass was still around but not in the way she wanted to be at the moment. She was really down on her luck and the custody hearing was not in her favor but it was her fault. April wasn't stressing over her or anybody else she was too busy living her life getting ready for the new baby, taking care of their daughter, and making sure her man was straight at all times. Speaking of her and Dave sis had barely made it while his ass was away on tour. To her that was the longest month and a half ever. Papi's shows were selling out and packed so the label ended up adding two extra weeks to his tour which he already expected. April was proud of her man and was making sure he knew that she was proud of him even if she couldn't make his shows she let him know what it was. But she missed his ass something terrible.
Of course she held down the fort and Kairi was straight. She got her up, dressed her, fed her, and to school on time every day and after school she was on time and not a minute late to pick up her Love Bug. Taking care of her came natural she didn't feel like she was doing anything extra or special but being a good mother and taking care of her child like she should. But when it came to April's nightly butt rubs sis was a damn mess and sleep didn't come easy. Dave would literally have to be on the phone with her in order for her to fall asleep. She blamed that shit on the baby because she knew she wasn't that damn needy but then again his butt rubs were the best ever so who knows. April didn't even get a chance to visit him while he was away on tour but she made sure Kairi and his parents did and always had the private jet ready for them. Work called and since she was moving it was a no go for her. But they facetimed and texted every day and every night so it was all good. Any free time Dave had to talk he was on the phone with her.
As far as Dave being gone for April's birthday he made sure that they celebrated properly before he left. The Friday before her birthday and the day before he had to leave April woke up to their bedroom filled with blue roses and breakfast in bed. She had taken the day off so she could spend time with him before he left and she had absolutely no idea that he had even planned anything. Once she was done eating and had her shower he had her glam squad ready and waiting to hook her up. They did her hair, cleaned her brows, beat her face, and hooked up her nails to her liking. After they were done they left and she got dressed for the day in an outfit he picked out for her as he walked into the bedroom with her first gift of the day. It was a matching two toned iced out gold chunky Cuban link that she liked to steal from him from time to time. So he bought her, her own with the matching bracelet. Then he took her to the city to the Louie store where he had a purse already waiting for her at checkout.
Dave had balled out on her buying her whatever her heart desired but April kept it cute and reasonable she wouldn't allow him to break the bank on her the way he wanted to. After they finished shopping he took her to her favorite candy store in the city called Dylan's and once they were done they scooped up Kairi from school and spent the rest of the day in the house having a family day. He had even gotten her a birthday cake so all in all she enjoyed her birthday with her man. She actually got the chance to celebrate twice because the following Saturday her family had thrown her a birthday dinner. So they just vibed at her parent's place for the night and April appreciated it. It was one of her best birthdays. It wasn't over the top. It was a day filled with people who genuinely loved and fucked with her. It was no snakes on the premises or anybody kicking her back in. On her actual birthday Dave had his fans sing happy birthday to her over facetime at his first show. So yea it was definitely a good birthday.
When it came to moving to LA they were ready and just biding their time waiting on the baby. April decided to keep her home in Jersey even though Dave was keeping his as well. She decided not to sell it because it would always be a home to come to when everybody visited or when Alaina and August came to visit and didn't want to stay at their parents. A part of her just couldn't let it go. A lot of tears were shed there. It had been her safe haven when she was mourning by herself for Junior but a lot of memories were made their. It was where she fell in love with Dave. As far as their home in LA April's realtor had come through and found just what they were looking for with the right amount of space and the right price. Out of four homes the fourth one was the one they went with. It felt like home, had the space they needed, and although it was massive it was still homely.
At the moment Dave's studio was being setup and their closets were being customized to their liking. They had more than enough closet space but they were getting shelves and other compartments built inside along with islands. By the time it's time for them to move everything would be ready. They were going to make sure the bedrooms and kitchen were taken care of but everything else they wanted to wait on so they could really look at their space and decorate the way they wanted to. But other than that everything was good. April was finally getting the love and memories she deserved.
"Lil girl I'm a need you to slow it down in there" April groaned and smiled. Little seedling was active these days. If April didn't know any better she could've sworn she was in there dancing like her damn father. Sometimes she'd move so damn much she'd have to call Chris and let him talk to her so she'd calm down and if Dave was around he'd rub her stomach and talk to her and she'd stop. Dave constantly teased her that little seedling was going to be a daddy and pop's girl but April refused to believe it. If so pass her a son. The way she saw it she was the one doing all the heavy lifting so why couldn't the baby be a mommy's girl.
"Ma you finished napping" Dave asked as he walked into the room making Teddy bark and jump around. Teddy's ass loved him some Dave but April was convinced it was just the weed because every time Dave went to smoke Teddy's little ass was right by his side ready to get the cypher popping. As soon as he heard the weed pack and smelled it he was front and center. Dave didn't care though he'd take his ass with him and they'd go to the basement to chop it up and blow it down.
"Papi I was never sleep I was just thinking bout everything that's been going on" she said. "Come help me up"
Dave walked over to his side of the bed and helped her sit up. When he wasn't in bed she stayed on his side just so she could smell his scent. It made her fall asleep faster and with ease. "My boy Teddy you was in here keeping mommy company" he cooed and picked him up.
"Thanks Papi" she said as he took a seat beside her on the bed with Teddy now in his lap chilling.
"No prob lil big mama gimmie kiss" Dave said and poked out his lips. Lil big mama was one of April's new nicknames amongst a few others that she despised. They just wouldn't let her be when it came to the nicknames.
April kissed him. "Is everybody still gone" April asked.
"Yea but mama in there cooking so by the time everyone comes back the food should be ready"
"Bet let's go out back I need some fresh air. I feel like y'all holding me hostage"
"Don't blame me you know they're moving around like they're on a mission" he chuckled. "Come on" he helped her up.
"Yea but ya protective ass bounced too" she side eyed him.
"My services were requested so I had to do my part but I came right back home to you" he said and placed Teddy down and stood in front of her smiling down at her.
"Yea, yea, yea don't try to butter me up" she tilted her head to the side smiling.
Dave just laughed. "Come on lil big mama" he cupped April's hand into his, watched her slide her feet into her slides, and they walked out the bedroom and slowly down the stairs. The very same stairs that no one wanted her on by herself it was to the point that Dave was talking about moving her downstairs until the baby was born.
April sniffed the air and rubbed her stomach. Whatever Mama Faye was cooking she had the house smelling good. "Papi I think I need to take a detour to the kitchen"
"Mama does have it smelling good in here"
"Exactly and you can't say no to a pregnant woman so yea how bout that detour"
Dave shook his head and led her to the kitchen. Mama was doing her thing. She had all the burners and the stoves going.
"Hey Mama Faye what's cooking good looking" April said as she tried to peak into the pots.
"Ah, ah daughter it's a fruit salad for you in the fridge but the food will be ready in bout an hour or two" she said as she stirred whatever she had in one of the pots.
"Huh" April asked perplexed. No one had ever denied her food while she was pregnant. This was the first for her. of course Dave restricted certain foods from her but he still fed her.
"Sorry baby if you can huh you can hear. Now get that salad and feed my grandbaby" Mama Faye said with a wooden spoon in one hand pointed at April with her other hand on her hip.
Mama Faye had come a long way. She was iffy in the beginning but once she started coming around and hanging out with April's family she got to see how close everyone was, how they treated each other, and most importantly she got to see Chris, April, and Dave interact and it was nothing slightest of what she thought it was. She saw that they got along and respected each other. She also got to witness how both men treated each other's daughter. Those little girls had them wrapped around their fingers. If Mama Faye had to choose a woman and a family for Dave to fall in love with and build with it would be April hands down. So instead of sitting on the sidelines she embraced what was going on and the blended family they had going on and played her role happily. Nobody treated her or Senior like they didn't belong they accepted them with their arms open wide.
"Yes mama" April mumbled and pouted while Dave snickered behind her. She immediately turned to him and cut her eyes at him.
"Fruit salad coming right up ma" Dave said and went straight to the fridge and pulled out the salad while April walked ahead of him with Teddy beside her and out the back door that lead to the large backyard then took a seat in the curved lounge chair swing that Dave had bought for her and huffed.
"Damn ma you waddled out here pretty fast" Dave laughed and popped a piece of fruit in his mouth.
"Keep it up"
"Love you" he cooed.
"What's that shit you say to me. Get fucked up" she said and mugged him.
"I love you ma" he corrected himself then pecked her lips and passed her the bowl of fruit salad filled with all her favorite fruits.
"Good because I love me too" she looked at him and smirked.
"Get fucked up" he smirked. "Lean up some"
April leaned up in the chair and Dave slid behind her. As soon as he got comfortable she leaned against him and dug into her salad while he took this time to rub her stomach.
"How you doing" he asked as he snagged another piece of fruit as if the salad was made for him.
"I'm good. I'm excited bout tomorrow. How bout you"
"Bet, I'm..." Dave said as his phone cut him off. "Hold on ma let me get this" he said and dug his phone out of his pocket.
"Hello" he answered his phone.
"Hey Dave" April heard a female's voice. That was all it took to take her to a place she didn't want to be. It was a place she tried her hardest to avoid and not go to. It was a place she had been in for the past few months. It was a place she felt trapped in.
"Ma, lean up some" Dave whispered in her ear. She leaned forward, he got up, and he walked off to the grass where Teddy was cooling at playing with a chew toy as he remained on the phone. April kept her eyes on him. She wasn't herself these days. She stayed looking at him sideways.
Things were looking good for April on the outside but for the past few months she's been fighting her inner demons. She was feeling insecure lately and it had her thinking sideways about her relationship with Dave. She still loved him and was still deeply in love with him but she felt like maybe things should've been different. It all started when Dave came back home from tour and her bump was no longer a bump but a full blown round ass stomach. Anyone with eyes could tell that she was pregnant now.
There was no hiding it even though she tried her best to do with big clothing but once summer time hit there was no hiding it so she stayed in the house or between their parents homes. If you saw her you knew off bat what it was and luckily April had been playing her cards right and the media hadn't gotten any pictures. If anything it was all whispers and speculations but there was no proof. Besides she had all the media outlets on lock when it came to taking pictures. The only pictures that people were seeing were the ones that she took with Dave and family and they always made sure her bump was nowhere to be seen.
Any, who after Dave's tour he was getting more attention and the women were throwing themselves at him left and right like his ass was back on the market and although April knew he wasn't entertaining them she still felt a way. She was pregnant as hell, she couldn't see her vagina or her feet, she gained weight, and low key she just didn't feel pretty anymore. Sure she put on a show as if she was still that bitch but she knew what she felt inside. She felt like maybe just maybe she was holding Dave back from living his life. For God sake the man hadn't had sex in months and it was only so much sucking dick and hand play could do to fulfill a man and his needs. April felt like maybe they should've waited until after the baby was born to link up and see if they still had a connection and if they wanted to pick up where they left off they could that way it wouldn't be as hard as it was on them and their relationship.
April felt like with the way she looked there were an ocean full of women out there looking snatched. Maybe Dave wanted to see what was out there and get what he couldn't get at home. She had faith in him and he never gave her a reason to doubt him but her head was thinking otherwise. She felt like if she mentioned how she felt out loud then she would be putting shit in the air and she didn't want nor could she handle it. She didn't want to lose him, Kairi, and the family they had built. So she did what she does best. April walked around with a smile on her face and acted as if everything was ok despite how she felt inside. With the type of relationship she and Dave had there was supposed to be no secrets and if they had anything on their mind they knew they could sit down and talk about whatever but April just couldn't bring herself to discuss this with him.
Things were changing and in two months the baby would be here and Chris would be around more often than he was now. April already knew the first month Chris was going to be staying at her place just to make sure he helped out, spent time, and bonded with the baby. So they were going to have to work out a schedule so it wouldn't be too much on Dave and fuck up what they had going on. This was another reason why April was in her head. People say a lot of things like they're going to be by your side and hold you down but when shit gets real and rough they be out the door in two seconds flat. April still wanted Dave by her side and she wanted to do this family thing with him but the more she roamed her head the more she thought she was holding him back. He could be out in the streets single and doing whatever his heart desired. He could be getting his dick wet, laying under a new chick, and not playing house with her.
But right now she wasn't going to think about her inner demons. She wanted to clear her mind as best as she could so she could celebrate her baby coming into the world with all her family and friends. She wanted to share her excitement of the gender of her baby with her man so she was trying her best to get out of her feelings and her head because besides all the bullshit in her head April was actually excited about the baby shower and gender reveal. She knew everybody had put their all into and it was going to be a fun event and one to remember. That was another thing how was Dave going to feel at the baby shower? Would he be comfortable or uncomfortable? Would he feel out of place or would he feel like it was for him too since he was the unofficial yet official step father?
Then she thought about Chris. Would he be comfortable sharing his moment with Dave? Did he feel like his shine was going to be taken away or dulled down? How would he feel after the baby was born and having to come to her and Dave's house to see the baby and being around them more often? April just wanted everybody to feel comfortable and not walking around on eggshells around each other. She didn't want to make shit more complicated than it already was yet only time would tell. Or maybe she was the one making it complicated because at the moment nothing was going on so she was just waiting for that other shoe to drop.
"Yea we can do that. I should be free but I'm a check my schedule and get back to you" April heard Dave as he made his way back towards her and sat in the chair across from her.
April tried her best not to stare him down while he was on the phone. This shit was new to her when it came to Dave. Any other day she could care less who called him because she had nothing to worry about but now she felt like she had everything to worry about. It wasn't like his phone was locked and off limits. She still access to it. She just didn't want to go looking for something and start and argument over something that was never serious to begin with. April could only hope and pray that these feelings would soon fade away because she didn't want to look at Dave as if he was in the wrong when she knew he wasn't. He wasn't the enemy.
"Ma you good" Dave asked her breaking her out of her thoughts.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy. Don't worry part 2 will be out shortly after this one 😊
-4 months have passed and the baby is almost here. I know y'all are like bish any minute now but y'all know how I roll and you know I got y'all. Besides there will be another time jump shortly but first we must handle a few things 😈
-Pregnancy brain got April tripping...trouble in paradise 🤔
-Any, who I need to go edit part 2 so don't forget sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your library 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑If you're wondering when I'm updating or what's going on with the story just follow my page or go to my page and see what's up. I always keep it updated.
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