70: First Date 2nd Day Surprises

Chapter 70: First Date 2nd Day Surprises

Dave laid there and smiled to him-self as he enjoyed the feel of April's soft hands and fingers slowly yet deeply massaging his back and her straddling his waist. This couldn't be his life. A few months ago he didn't even think this was possible. He questioned it at times because shit was running smooth and he was finally dating his dream girl well woman. Not only that but he had finally gotten the family he had dreamed of. What he and April were working towards was bigger than just boyfriend and girlfriend and man and woman. He really saw her standing at the beginning of the aisle next to her father looking beautiful in a gorgeous white dress waiting for her to meet him at the end of the aisle to say their vows and I do's.

It was times like this that solidified it for him. She didn't have to buy him shit or do anything extravagant just this moment alone with her was enough? It was a sensual intimate moment shared between two people in love. The music was right, the vibe between them was there like always, and the mood was set just right. It was one of these intimate chill moments and the fact that he knew nothing about it made it even better. Niggas like to be surprised at times too and catered to every once in a while and like he told April he was here for it. He was experiencing things with her that he never thought he would because Millie never did any of the things that April did for him or to him and if she did it was mediocre at best and she did it because she wanted something. But at the end of the day Dave and April's official first date had been a total success and there was plenty more to come.

"Papi how you doing" April asked as she moved lower massaging his lower back. She wasn't a professional but to Dave it felt damn good and it was a massage by his woman so it was special.

"All the way good" he replied in a raspy tone feelings more relaxed as time went on.

"Good that's what I like to hear. So talk to me. What's on ya mind" she asked.

"Right now my mind is focused on nothing and no one but you ma"

"Hmm and what bout me is on ya mind" she questioned. He didn't have to see her smiling to know that she was and most likely it was one of those ear to ear smiles that he loved.

"Everything" he admitted and groaned once she hit a certain spot on his back. He couldn't take it anymore. "Get up for a second"

"K" April got up while he turned over on his back and adjusted himself. He was type hard and had been for a while now. He thought the nut he bust in the shower was enough but obviously it wasn't. "Well damn how long were you lying on that" April asked as she eye raped him and licked her lips looking like she was ready to pop his shit out of his briefs and pop it right in her mouth.

Dave knew she wanted that shit bad and as bad as he wanted to give it to her he just couldn't. Some days it took a lot of restraint but even though she couldn't give him his wet, wet she did take care of him and his needs and he was grateful that he got that because she didn't have to do that either. Besides he was willing to wait for his prize because he knew it was worth the wait and he loved her so waiting was no issue for him. If he had to he'd just use his hand and a cold shower. It is what it is.

"Aight come here" he looked at her.

He knew he didn't have to tell her twice. April eased on top of him and straddled his waist making sure she stayed far away from his dick. Dave knew she debated with herself a lot. He could see her going back and forth in her head questioning how wrong would she be if she threw caution to the wind and had sex with him. The woman she was and the moral compass she had in her just wouldn't allow her to do what she thought about doing. He commended her for the restraint she had within herself because he knew personally how hard it was not to be able to touch her the way he wanted to. He knew the way they got down that they pushed their boundaries and tortured each other but that's how they got off. April quietly sat on top of him, opened the bottle of oil, poured some in her hand, closed it, placed it on the bed, and then rubbed her hands together before going to work on his chest.

Dave looked up at her and smiled while he took his hands and placed them on her bare ass while he felt the warmth of her pussy radiating on top of him. "Don't be leaving no wet spots on me ma" he said jokingly.

"Now that right there Papi I can't make you any promises. Ya lucky I'm still holding it together and not pouncing on ya face to ride that mustache" she said no joke. She was dead ass serious.

Dave chuckled. "By the end of the night ma I got you. I'm just enjoying you on top of me touching and loving on me and giving ya Papi a lil TLC. Can I do that? Can I continue enjoying the feel of ya hands rubbing and massaging me" he asked and bit down on his plump bottom lip.

April looked down at him and bit down on her bottom lip. "Gimmie kisses" she said as she bent down as they now lie there face to face both looking at each other lustfully.

"Say less" Dave said as he gripped her ass tighter as if he was gripping a basketball and gave into her command kissing her until a sweet moan escaped her lips.

"Thankies Papi" she said flustered as she talked into his lips and pulled back.

"No need ma" he licked his lips and looked at her smiling as she went back to giving him a massage. "This shit is crazy" Dave commented making April raise her brow questionably as he massaged her booty.

"What's crazy" she asked.

"This shit that we got going on. We're living together whether we're staying at your place or ours, we can't stand to be a part from each other for long periods of time, and we're raising Lil Butt together and expecting a baby. This shit is crazy but one of those good crazy things. I can remember the first day we met. The first time my eyes set on you. I was out with security just at the mall to pick up something I ordered and bounce but as soon as you and ya girls entered the store all I seen was you" he paused and kept his eyes on her smiling.

"I wasn't there to mingle and shit but I just couldn't let you be. You went ya own way and all I heard was 'Diamonds all on me, I walk with a pistol. I don't want no issues, I look like a check. I'm at the bank, 'bout to make a deposit. I know that they plottin', I look like a check. I'm in Givenchy, Louis and Prada. I run up them dollars, I look like a check'" Dave rapped and smirked. That day he really wasn't supposed to be doing anything but picking up a package and leaving right out but it didn't work that way. The universe had other plans.

"I knew you didn't see me. You didn't know I was there. You were in ya own world rapping my shit so I took that as a sign and walked up on you just to have you bump into me" he said remembering that day as if it was yesterday.

"So in other words ya ass was plotting on me" April said and shook her head smiling.

"Ya damn right" he exclaimed. "All I seen was this beautiful short ass woman looking like milk chocolate dressed in a Tupac shirt and a pair of booty shorts that I'd a made ya ass take off with those heels you had on. Ya hair was in that style you be giving Lil Butt that half up half down shit. There was no way I'd let you be but you played a nigga" he said and mugged her making her laugh.

"I also told you if I saw you again I'd give you my number and I did. You lucked up that day. I had made a promise to myself after leaving Chris that I would never fuck with another industry nigga. I didn't want to deal with any of that shit anymore but my word is my bond so I said fuck it besides I was looking for some bomb dick and you sort of fell in my lap. Honestly it's been one of the best personal decisions I've made in a long while" April said making him smile showing all his teeth.

"I didn't even know who you were when I first saw you and once I learned who you were I could give two fucks if you dated Chris. That first conversation we had when we fell asleep on the phone I knew something was different bout you. The conversation flowed naturally and I could tell that you were being you. There wasn't anything fake bout you. You had nigga feeling like a teenager on some crush shit"

"And now you love meeeeeee" April said in a sing song voice as she did a little dance on top of him snapping her fingers.

"Ya damn right I love ya lil ass" he said and smacked her ass feeling it jiggle against his hand making her moan.

"See you play too much. You get me all hot and bothered after I done calm down knowing I can't get what I want" she pouted and sat straight up.

"I told you I got you ma"

"You better" she quipped.

"Where do you think we'll be in let's say two to four years from now. I would say ten but I want to know bout the near future" he asked wanting to know what she saw in their future and if she saw the same things as he did.

April looked at him and then around the room at nothing particular. She just seemed to be thinking. "Hmm in two to four years...In two to four years we'd be living in LA you me and the kids in a house made for us. I'd at least have a ring on my finger, on my way down the aisle, or already married and possibly having a baby of our own" April cleared her throat and laughed. "No pressure. I just see family life. You know living the lives we dreamed of but never thought we'd be able to have. We'd have family dinners and start new traditions of our own. Go on family vacations and living the lives we want and deserve. I can see you making bigger moves besides music while I slow down a bit and start working on something else besides tech but still be able to oversee my company. Maybe I'll open a restaurant or something for kids who knows. But at the end of the day wherever I end up I just know I want you by my side. How bout you" she replied and asked.

"In two to four years we'll definitely be in LA. That's bout to go down soon so you can scratch that off the list. In two years that ring will definitely be on ya finger ma so you don't have to worry bout that. That right there might come before you even know it. By then the baby will be walking and talking so we'd be able to plan our wedding and have the kids in it. The way you are with Lil Butt and having a baby I can see you being at home more being that soccer mom who does DIYs and shit but you'll still be able to work but not as much as you usually do because you'd want to spend more time with the kids. As far as me maybe I'll be in shows or doing movies along with my music who knows. All I know is that I want to wake up to you every morning and go to sleep next to you every night. I want to be able to call you my wife and change ya last name to Brewster" he said smiling. He didn't know what it was about her but she always brought out his mushy soft side but he didn't care because it was only for her to see and hear.

"Aight you talking all this shit now so when it comes time to plan the wedding you better have ya ass right there. Colors, cake testing, the menu, music, and everything else that comes along with it you better be there. I already went down this road once so this time has to be different I don't want to do it alone" she said as she looked at him then up at the ceiling as if she was trying to stop herself from crying and he didn't like that shit at all.

April had told him about what went down with her and Chris but she had never really gone into detail about certain shit and the wedding had been one of those topics. He knew that women dreamed of the perfect wedding and for her to go through all of what she did and didn't even get her happy ending had put her in a bad place. But she had nothing to worry about the second time around because he was going to be right there front and center waiting for his bride to meet him and they were going to have the happy ending that they both so rightfully deserved. Dave was going to her first and only husband. In his heart April didn't get married to Chris for a bigger reason. Chris was never supposed to be her husband it was supposed to be him. Allah saved April just for him.

"Ma I promise I'm gonna be there right by ya side besides I gotta make sure you ain't bout to embarrass us in front of our family and friends" he said laughing.

"Boy bye I ain't even bout to start on ya ass" she laughed and rubbed over his chest. "So how many"

"How many what" he questioned.


"Still the same one or two that's it we don't need a basketball team" he answered.

April laughed. "We're gonna have a full house"

"That's why I said one or two" Dave laughed thinking about the one they already had, the one on the way, and he knew he couldn't forget about Royalty that was April's baby and she claimed that little girl as if she came straight from her.

"You do know that's Royalty, Kairi, baby girl plus ya one or two so that could be four or five kids...Boy or girl"

"I'm here for whatever we get but yea we're gonna need some boys. I can't be the only man in the house. I'm a need a second in a command"

"I thought I was ya second in command"

"You are but I'm a need a lil boy to be the man of the house when I ain't home. You know to watch my babies girls"

April shook her head. "Lawd"

"What bout you boy or girl"

"It is what it is. I have no say so at the end anyway so boy or girl I'll be happy with whatever we get"

"True" Dave agreed. He couldn't believe they were really talking about their future and having more kids but they were and he couldn't wait to see what the future would bring.

"I do have another question for you though" she said as she kept her eyes on him.


"Do ya parents know bout lil seedling" April asked. "I mean Mama Faye was looking at me kind of strange at Love Bug's party. She didn't treat me any different but she was definitely giving me a look"

Dave looked at her and scratched his head. He still didn't know how to explain this to his parents.

"So I take that as a no but she obviously knows something is up but she's waiting on you to say something" April said giving him a look. "Are you embarrassed or ashamed" she questioned.

Dave immediately sat up and looked dead at her. That wasn't the case at all. "Never that ma and never will I be" he said and cupped her face. "She wants another grandchild and she adores you but real talk I'm nervous. I accept our lil seedling and I want my parents to accept her too like yours do Lil Butt but I honestly don't know what to expect. At the end of the day it doesn't change shit for me she'll be my child regardless I just want everyone to accept and love her. I just don't know how to tell my parents that ya pregnant and then say not by me. I know I have to tell them soon especially with you starting to show and speaking of them they invited us over for Sunday dinner but I told them I'd get back to them when you give me the green light"

"I understand where ya coming from and why ya hesitant. Everyone isn't accepting and I accept that nor will everyone accept what we have going on. I like ya parents and Mama Faye is my boo I'd hate for her to look at me differently but it is what it is. I can't change the past or what I've done and I wouldn't trade it for the world. So whenever you decide to tell them I'll be there if you need me and we can do it together. As far as dinner we should be free next Sunday" April said.

"Just know that whatever the outcome may be I'm not going anywhere. This is what I want and I want you and all of you. I know my parents they might feel a way in the beginning but they'll get over it. Besides who doesn't like a new baby fresh hot and right out of the oven" Dave said and smiled then placed one of his hands on her growing belly.

April smiled and placed her hand on top of his. "I can't wait for her to get here"

"I know you can't ma I know...now lay ya sexy ass down and let me rub on you" he said and licked his lips. He had enough of April rubbing and catering to him now it was Dave's turn to please his woman.

"I'm good Papi I already put on my body butter"

"I wasn't asking you"

April shoulders dropped and she whimpered. "But it's pointless"

"Nah ya ass feeling a way" he smirked already knowing that she definitely wanted to get shit cracking but she was holding back.

"I just think you rubbing on me at this moment isn't a good idea" she whined and squirmed in his lap.

"That pussy dripping ain't it" he chuckled.

"Maybe" she shrugged and looked away.

"Let me see how wet it is" he smirked about to check it out for himself.

"Well I'm pretty sure if I move away from ya lap there's gonna be a small puddle and it might be some on you from when I was straddling ya waist" she said above a whisper.

"Then let a nigga get a drink. I haven't drunk from the fountain since the first time. You be acting stingy and shit"

"That's not a good idea Papi" she said looking like she was contemplating with herself.

"Ma you really tryna keep me away from my cake" he questioned. Dave knew she wanted it and she wanted it bad. Shit her body was showing all the signs and he could honestly feel her juices leaking on him but she was in her head thinking of every possible reason on why she shouldn't let him eat. Mind you he really hadn't pleasured her since the night he snacked on her for the first time. When he really sat there and thought about it there were plenty of times where he would try to please her and she would talk a good game but she would end up shying away.

"Can I just fix ya situation and just take a cold shower" she asked toying with her hands.

"I'm tryna get this 69 cracking but if you ain't up for it we'll both take a cold shower" he said. Did he want to take a cold shower? Absolutely not but if he had to he would.

April sighed. "You don't have to take a cold shower Papi I'll handle it. I'm catering to you tonight" she looked at him and said.

"But can I handle you" he rose his brow questioning her.

"I don't want anybody to think I'm being disrespectful or that I'm just out here fucking you while I'm pregnant with someone else's baby" she finally admitted what had really been bothering her.

Dave was about to dead all that shit. "Last time I checked it was only you and me in this relationship. Those mothafuckas ain't feeding, fuckin, or financing you. What we do in these four walls and in our private time in our bedroom is between us! None of these niggas or these bitches is putting food on our table and none of them are fuckin you. Shit I haven't even fucked you let alone made love to you, and ain't nobody putting shit in our pockets or our kid's bank accounts so fuck them. They don't know what's going on or how we run our relationship and it's gonna stay that way. So if I want to eat my woman's pussy and drink from ya fountain then I'm a do so. Shit if I want to eat ya booty like groceries then I'm a do so. Like I said earlier I know my limits and I know how you are" he said with a mug on his face. He wasn't necessarily mugging her but he was a little pissed off. This is what was really holding her back. She was thinking about people who didn't even matter in their relationship and he understood it but he wasn't going to let her battle herself over people that weren't doing shit for her, him, or their family.

"Point taken" she said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Good now turn ya ass around and come ride my face while you deep throat my shit" he said then kissed her lips drawing another moan from her. That was all she needed to pop her pussy on her man's mustache and ride his wave.

Two souls snatched and to beings more than satisfied Dave and April laid in bed naked with April tangled in his arms two seconds away from passing out but fighting her sleep because she didn't want the night to end. Dave laid there giving her a booty massage knowing she'd be knocked out any minute. He knew they needed to get some sleep because they had a busy day ahead of them that April knew nothing about. Right before he could close his eyes and go to sleep himself April spoke up.

"Papi did you ever talk to daddy bout Agnes's secret" she asked in between yawns.

"Nah I honestly don't want to know. I know it's gonna be some bullshit. I'm ready to close that whole chapter. I'm a talk to him though just in case I need to be prepared for something but I just want to be done with her and move on from the bullshit" Dave honestly didn't want to know what the secret was that's why he had been putting it off. He was already tired of dealing with Millie and her antics. He just wanted to live his life happily without her and her shit in it.

"I get it but I'm there if you need me" she said which he already knew.

"Say less now take ya ass to sleep. Ya depriving our lil seedling of sleep" he said and yawned.

"Shit she's the one who gets more sleep than a lil bit" April said and playfully smacked her lips.

"As she should" he said in between yawns. They really needed to get some sleep.

"Uh huh good night Papi love you" April said as she fixed the covers over them.

"Ma you know that shit doesn't fly here" he looked down at her and mugged her. "Fix that shit"

"I love you Papi"

"Get fucked up. I love you too ma good night" he kissed her lips still tasting a perfect mixture of them.

-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-There will be a part 2 to this sometimes I can't stop myself from writing so these chapters end up being longer than expected 😊
-I feel like a proud mother my baby's are in loveeeee and enjoying the hell out of each other. I'm trying to get my lil family right for these future chapters 🥰
-A time jump will be happening after this part 2 and the chapter I have after it..it won't be a massive time jump but either way it's going to be a time jump 😊
-So how are y'all feeling about the book and what's going on overall at the moment. Are you guys missing the drama or are y'all enjoying these lil cute moments 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
-By the way hey new readers I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far 🥰

🛑 ALL I'M A SAY IS CHRIS & I KNOW Y'ALL KNOW WHY😒 Congrats though...

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