69: First Date

Chapter 69: First Date

"I may not be your first love, first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last everything."
[By: Author Unknown ]

April walked about her walk-in closet while music played in the background. Her closet was massive and resembled a boutique. Everything had a place and everything was in place. Shirts, sweaters, dress shirts, dress pants, and jeans all in specific places ranging from light to dark all separated by different seasons. Dresses lined a wall in the same order as her shoes lined the opposite wall looking like a shoe department. While the middle of the closet held all her jewelry, belts, sunglasses, and other accessories. Let's not forget about her luxury handbags that lined the middle wall in all different colors, shapes, and sizes. April didn't know what she wanted to wear all she knew is that she wanted to look good. Today was officially her and Dave's first date night and she was excited. There was no studio session, no show, and Kairi was spending the weekend with her grandparents. There was no canceling tonight. If Dave even thought about canceling tonight his ass was going to end up in the dog house and Kairi was going to take his spot in the bed until his ass got out of the dog house. But tonight April had no worries. Dave was excited and had been reassuring her all day that it was a go.

April stood in front of her dresses as her fingers raked through them. She would love to wear one but with her small baby bump and being out with Dave in such a public setting she didn't want anyone focused on her bump and a story posted before they could even mention it themselves. She just wanted to enjoy a good night out on the town with her man with little to no interruptions. April alone would cause a commotion but April out and about with Dave was going to start a ruckus. Media was already on their heels after they saw Kairi's birthday pictures anyway so she wanted to lay low.

"Aww shit" April snapped her fingers as the beat to No Hands by Roscoe Dash and Waka Flaka Flame played. "Girl the way you're moving got me in a trance DJ turn me up ladies this yo jam. I'm a sip Moscato and yo gon lose dem pants" she sang along to the song as her hands went up in the air as she slowly winded her hips waiting for the beat to drop so she could throw her ass in a circle. As soon as the beat dropped her hands fell to her knees and her ass went in the air as she shook that shit perfectly to the beat throwing that shit in a circle as each cheek moved like they had their own mind.

"Ahhh" she screamed and abruptly stopped and placed her hand over her chest startled feeling someone against her.

"Don't stop because of me ma" Dave said as he snuck up on her and pressed himself against her.

"You could've given me a fuckin heart attack. Shit if I was due the damn baby would've flown out" she smacked her lips and walked away to her phone that stood on her jewelry stand and turned off her music. She was slipping normally she could sense when someone was in her space or maybe it was because she was comfortable and knew nobody would really run up on her.

Dave laughed. "My fault ma you was throwing that shit in the air and I was trying to catch it" he smirked then licked his lips. "Throwing that shit around in a circle with just ya panties, bra, and lil silky ass robe on like a nigga couldn't see them cheeks while you was bent over" he said as he lightly pulled her silk robe away from her breast and took a peak inside.

"Get ya horny ass on. Where's my Love Bug" April asked as she playfully smacked his hand away and walked off to go finish looking for an outfit for tonight.

"Damn I can't even get a kiss first" Dave mugged her as he walked over to her as she strummed along her dresses then bent down and planted a kiss to her lips. "I dropped her off at my parents"

"What" April somewhat shouted and looked back at him. "That wasn't part of the plan. You know we always talk bout her day and have an afternoon snack together when she gets in from school"

"I know I know but I figured you'd want to start getting ready a lil early"

"Uh huh"

"Damn you really in ya feelings huh" he looked at her and folded his arms across his chest.

"That's the whole reason for changing my work hours so I could spend time with her before her night is over" she said not even bothering to look at him as she pulled out a dress and looked at it. "Nope the bump will show" she said herself and put it back.

"What's wrong with the bump showing" he asked curious.

"Nothing at all but I'm not ready to show it off just yet especially on our first date night. Paparazzi would have a field day. They're still talking bout us from the pictures you posted on Love Bug's birthday"

"True but you should wear whatever you want and feel comfortable in. They're gonna find out soon anyway"

"True but I'm not ready to share her with the world just yet and honestly I don't think I want to announce it at all during this time. Shit can get real messy and I don't want to have pop somebody in their mouth for being disrespectful bout me and mines" April said as she walked off and headed back to her sweaters. "Found it" April said as she picked a sweater, hung it up on a rack where she normally kept her outfit of the day on, then headed to her shoes pulling out a pair of black knee high boots.

"Mommaaaaaa" she heard Kairi calling her and swiftly turned around to see her Love Bug skipping into the closet smiling. April immediately looked at Dave and mugged the shit out of him while he stood there laughing at her.

"Love Bug" April met her half way and picked her up ignoring Dave and the mug he now sported. "Where were you? Daddy said he took you to MaMa's house" April said and smiled as she put her on the bed and joined her.

"I was sleep momma" Kairi answered and smiled.

"I'm a get daddy" April said as she attacked Kairi's face with kisses making her squirm and laugh.

"Ouuu daddy in trouble" Kairi said looking at Dave laughing while he mugged them both.

"Yup now come on let's go get our afternoon snack so you can tell me all bout your day" April said as she hopped out of the bed with Kairi right beside her, walked out the bedroom, down the hall, down the stairs hand in hand, and into the kitchen. Kairi went to sit at the breakfast nook while April stood at the table. "So what snacks do you want to eat? We have green apples and peanut butter, fruit salad, or we can do toast with bananas, peanut butter, and blue berries"

"Umm fruit salad the cold one" Kairi said as if she was thinking hard with her brows furrowed and her index finger tapping her chin. April looked at her and shook her head. That little girl was a character.

"Gotcha" April went to the freezer, pulled out a homemade fruit salad cup, a spoon, grabbed a mini bottle of water, a napkin, and placed all the items in front of Kairi and took a seat. This is how they spent their afternoons after school. They had smooth left Dave's ass upstairs. Most likely he was rolling up anyway.

"So how was ya day" April asked.

"Good I played with my friends" she replied as she started snacking on her frozen fruit cup.

"Good did you learn anything" she asked. She enjoyed these moments with Kairi.

"Yes" Kairi replied. She was only two so at the moment the school they had her in was teaching how to identify pictures like ball, cat, and dog. April and Kairi talked and hung out until it was time to drop her off at Dave's parent's house which was pretty much after she had her snack and filled April in on her day.


A few hours later...

"Papi I can feel you staring at me" April said as she continued to rinse the soap off her body.

Since they had gotten back together he touched, looked, and starred at her every chance he got. He might not have been able to touch what he wanted but that didn't stop him from groping her. He'd smack her ass, give her endless amounts of booty rubs which was mandatory in their household, squeeze her titties, pinch her nipples, cup her cake, and took whatever else he could get. April thought she was the tease and the horn dog but it was all him. It was as if the roles reversed he had turned into her like the horn dog she was when they first started talking.

She knew that once her little seedling dropped and those six weeks were over he was going to be on her ass like white on rice. No lie the way her hormones were set up and the drought that she was in she was going to attack his ass as soon as she got the green light. She was going to drop the kids off with somebody and go right back home just so she could be at the door waiting for Dave booty butt naked and ready for her rounds. This shit was low key well high key torturous for the both of them but shit even he got to get his dick wet. April on the other hand got more of a tease than anything because she didn't want to be out here being that damn disrespectful.

"Uh huh" he continued to stare while she turned around to rinse off the back of her body now with the front of her body on full display. Her pierced nipples, pierced belly button that would soon have to be taken out, and her tattoos were all there for him to see.

"Papi ya drooling" she said laughing at him as her eyes took him in. This nigga was leaned against the vanity with his durag, boxer briefs, and socks on with his right hand in his briefs gripping his dick without a care in the world. She shook her head and turned back around about to turn off the water. "Papi you want this or what" she asked looking over her shoulder.

"Yea keep it on" he answered and kept his eyes locked on her watching her every move as she opened the glass shower door open, carefully stepped out, grabbed her towel, blotted her body dry, then wrapped it around her body.

"What time are we leaving" she asked as she walked up on him when she should've just kept on going.

"Eight" he answered looking at her lustfully. "We got a lil time to play around" he said with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Nope not gonna happen. I gotta do my hair so you better do it yourself or grab a cold one" she laughed, stuck out her tongue, and tried to walk off.

"What I keep telling you bout that tongue ma" he groaned and held her in place in front of him. "You can't be doing shit like that"

"How bout you go get showered so we can make these moves. We both know once I snatch ya soul you're gonna want to stay in the house and cuddle up and trust I'd be down but today's our first date night"

Dave sighed knowing she was right. "True but once we get back we gonna get this 69 crackin" he said as a matter of fact and let her go.

"Heard ju" April winked at him and walked off.

Both dressed to impress April stood in front of the mirror looking over her outfit while fluffing up her curls. She had done a wash and go so her curls were fresh, popping, and dry thanks to her diffuser. She was dressed in a grey side slit off the shoulder sweater dress that reached her thighs and hid her bump perfectly since it wasn't tight fitting and paired it with a pair of black knee high Balenciaga boots. It was still winter so she paired her outfit with a black and grey hooded fur coat that stopped at her thighs as well. Diamonds draped her neck, her wrist, and her ears as she wore a matching set paired with one of Dave's chains. She was always borrowing his chains. Her makeup was pretty much nonexistent since she was still rocking that good ole pregnancy glow so she had a smidge of highlighter on, she did a bold cat eye, with a pair of wispy eye lashes, and a matte deep red lip.

"Damn ma you look sexy as fuck. I'm a have to whoop a niggas ass bout mines if anybody steps out of line or stares for too long" Dave looked over her through the mirror ogling her looking like he was ready to take her down any minute and say fuck everything.

"Thanks Papi" she blushed. "You not looking too bad ya self" she said as she took the time to eye rape him through the mirror. He was dressed in a tan Milano Di Rouge sweat suit, a fresh pair of wheat timbs, and an olive green leather coat, with a brown tan and white knitted hat. He was due for a fresh line up but April was feeling the rough look on him. He was the type to look good both fresh line up or not.

"You know how I do" he licked his lips and rubbed his hands together feelings himself as usual. Luckily his ass had lotion on this time and April loved what she saw looking back at her. Her man was a work of art. "Take a picture with me" he pulled out his phone, wrapped his arm around her waist, bent down a smidge, and snapped a picture in the mirror of them and took a few more for good measure. April already knew he was going to post them up on the Gram. He had been sharing a lot of pictures of her lately and of course there were people who were team April and Dave and then there were the haters but they didn't care. They took a few more of each other before they finally decided to make their way out of the house.

"Thanks Papi" April said as he closed the car door behind her. Tonight they were riding in his Bentley truck.

"No prob ma" he said as he settled in, started the car, and blasted the heat so the car would heat up quicker.

"Seatbelt Papi" she looked at him and arched her fresh brow. His ass would make sure everybody else was strapped in but himself. So she stayed on his ass. They weren't going to move an inch until he put it on.

"Heard ju" Dave said then put on his seatbelt and took off out the gate with security following close behind them. April picked up his phone out of the cup holder, unlocked it, and went to his itunes library. "Don't be playing no whack shit either" he glanced at her then back at the road.

"Well it's ya phone so hopefully it ain't no whack shit on it" she playfully quipped as she strummed through his songs before playing I Found Keisha off of his P2 album. This shit was an ongoing joke between the two.

"Oh you got jokes" he mugged her.

She looked at him innocently then laughed. "Whatever do you mean" April asked. "You made the song"

"Out of all my songs you picked this one" he said as he stopped at a red light and looked over at her of course mugging her. He wouldn't be him if he didn't.

"I like this song besides it could've been worst I could've just played Keisha" she laughed. "Besides ya boy finally found her"

"Lies you just like to laugh at a nigga"

"I mean hey you was the one out here tryna boo love with hoes booty butt naked. Ya ass just met her that day. I mean what did you expect? Shit if I ain't have shit ya ass would've been my lick too. You were an easy target. Taking all ya shit off then had the audacity to go to sleep. Shit you could've at least kept ya jewelry on but hey I'd a stole ya shit too and left you with ya phone. Nowadays you can't do shit with those anyways and you ain't bout to track my ass down through it either" April said and laughed.

"Papi it was supposed to be a quick hit and run but hey I guess you were tapped out by then. I don't know if the pussy was good but I definitely know you were already fucked up so it was easy to fall asleep. If I was you I'd a had all my shit on with my jeans down to my ankles and my shirt around my neck. Shit I tried to hit with my shit through the dick hole of my boxers but hey that's just me" she shrugged. "She wouldn't have caught me slipping" April said laughing. This shit was way too funny. She knew he was one of those men that were just a sucker for some type of love and affection and too damn trusting with these females but that shit just made him a target.

"Wowwww and this is coming from the woman that so called loves me. I see you though talk ya shit ma"

"Papi I love you though. Once lil seedling drops you can take all ya shit off and fuck me. You ain't gotta keep the glock by the sheets" she said and burst out laughing.

"Lil niggas got jokes tonight" Dave glanced at her and couldn't help but to laugh.

April looked at his side profile and smiled. She couldn't help but admire him. She loved to see him smiling and laughing especially when many people didn't get to witness this side of him. He wasn't just a street nigga turned rapper. He had other attributes that made him who he was and the man that she had fell head over heels in love with. Yes he was rough around the edges but he was loving, caring, trustworthy, loyal, dependable, and rode out for his family and friends. She was so determined to have him on probation but with the way things were flowing probation was pretty much pointless. Dave was doing all he needed to do and then some  and she was too and at the end of the day they were both happy with their lives and where they stood in each other's lives. They didn't need probation them being a part was probation enough.

"Like what you see ma" he asked then licked his lips.

"No, I love what I see" she replied and she did. She loved everything about him.

"Then keep looking at ya nigga" he smirked.

"I can't with you" she shook her head smiling. "Mind telling me where we're going"

"You've been talking bout this shit all week"

"Yea date night but not where we were going"

"You've been craving seafood all week ma. If you'd stop drooling over a nigga and looked at ya surroundings you'd know exactly where we are and headed to"

April looked out the window. There wasn't much to see but darkness and car lights but with all the twists and turns and the way it looked like you could roll a dead body out the car and keep it pushing she already knew where they were headed and now her mouth was watering something terrible. "And this is why you so get me" she danced in her seat and grabbed his free hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Hungry ass" he laughed.

"It's ya fault. Ya lucky I'm not in here chanting feed me feed me feed me" she laughed.

A few minutes later they were pulling up to her favorite seafood spot in City Island the Bronx called Sammy's Fish Box. They had the best seafood ever and boy she couldn't wait to eat. She didn't even need to look at the menu. April already knew what she was getting. Pulling up to the parking lot Dave hopped out of the car, tossed his key fob to valet, walked over to the passenger side, opened the door, and helped April out of the car making sure to close the door behind her. She was happy as fuck she had on her fur because it was cold as hell by the water. This is why she normally came out here in the spring and summer.

She couldn't wait for spring to kick in. Her hand cupped in Dave's they crossed the street, he opened the door, and they walked inside. Luckily for them it wasn't a long wait. The hostess showed them to a booth in the back that was a little private which they appreciated. It wasn't overly crowded but it was Friday night so she knew that by the time they left people were going to be filling in the spot. They wanted a cool chill night so where they were seated was the perfect spot not to be seen but gave Dave the advantage of being able to scope out their surroundings.

Dave helped her take off her coat and placed it in the booth. "Thanks Papi" she thanked him as she sat down getting comfortable and crossed her legs.

"No problem ma" he said as he slipped off his coat and placed it next to hers on the booth then took a seat.

"Have you been here before" she asked as he looked through the menu.

"Nah I heard bout it but never came. Whatchu recommend"

"I'm all bout their seafood anything else I can't tell you bout. I get the same meal every time. Fried shrimp, fried scallops, and crab cakes. You can't go wrong"


"Good evening my names Katrina I'll be your waitress this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink" she asked looking straight at Dave all googly eyed but he paid her dust. It was as if April wasn't even there with the way she was looking.

April cleared her throat and looked at her with a blank face. Dave ass was worried about niggas starring at her but shit this Katrina bitch was looking at him like he wasn't here on a damn date with his fucking woman. "A raspberry ice tea for me and a water for my husband" April spoke up with her eyes still on the waitress as she pulled a play out of Dave's playbook.

"Ok I'll be right back" the waitress nodded and walked off.

"You know I like that shit ma" he looked up at her and bit his lip. "Was she big mad or lil mad" he chuckled and grabbed one of her hands, cupped it, and intertwined their fingers. They just had to touch each other.

"Well you call me ya wife so it's only right that I call you my husband" she and winked at him. "But I could care less if her ass was mad or not. She needs to do her damn job and stop drooling over mines" April said and shrugged. A few seconds later the waitress came back and placed their drinks in their rightful places. Dave didn't even attempt to let her hand go or look at the waitress.

"Are you guys ready to order or would you like some more time" she asked with her eyes still on Dave.

"We're ready" April answered and placed her order then Dave ordered his. The waitress double checked to make sure their order was correct then went on about her business. She wasn't even worth snapping at. April wasn't about to let shit ruin their date.

"So how was ya day" Dave asked as he untwined their hands and ran his fingers over hers as he looked in her eyes. His eyes were the only pair of eyes she could get lost in.

"It was good. I've been spending a lot of time with my second in command getting him ready to take over. I already trust him and he's good at what he does but I want to make sure he's all the way good before I place my baby in his hands and now I'm on a date with you so I'm definitely having a good day" she replied smiling. "You"

"Don't be spending too much time with that nigga" he said with his brow raised. She knew he meant that shit but he honestly had nothing to worry about.

April looked at him and laughed. "And that's all you heard"

"Nah I heard everything but I'm just letting you know what's good"

"You know ya ass is overprotective like a mothafucka. But trust he wouldn't be checking for me anyway he bats for the home team and he's happily married to love of his life"

"I'm gonna always be protective bout mines you know this ain't nothing new but good now back to my day. It was good. I had to go to headquarters to finalize the tour dates" he looked at her then around the restaurant clearly avoiding eye contact.

"Bet so when do you leave and for how long" she asked then took a sip of her drink.

"We can talk bout that later. Ole girl coming with the food" Dave looked off to see the waitress coming. April just let it slide she knew it was something he didn't want to tell her just yet but she didn't want to dampen the mood so she let it be. Besides she knew he was going to tell her anyway. Food served they said grace, dug in, and shared light conversation.

"This shit hitting" Dave said as he dug into his snow crabs that he had been dipping in her lobster bisque that came with her crab cakes.

"Told ya" she said killing off her food.

"Only thing missing is the Henny. Is it some at the crib" he asked as he looked up from his plate.

"Yea I stopped and got a bottle on my way home from work"

"See that's why you so get me" he mocked her and smirked.

April looked at him and laughed. "Don't be stealing my shit"

"You'll be aight"

About an hour later they were stuffed and on their way back home with doggy bags and ready to just lay up under each other and chill. April had something else in mind and up her sleeve though. She wanted to make sure their night ended properly but she needed him out of the way for her to do so. Back at the house they put up their food then went straight upstairs to the bedroom and stripped out of their clothing.

"Ma I'm a head to the basement and put one on the air" Dave said now dressed in a pair of sweats with his hands filled with everything he needed to roll up.

"Bet how bout you go do you and I'll call you up in a few" she looked back at him as she walked towards her closet to put her outfit, coat, jewelry, and shoes back.

"What you got planned" he smirked wiggling his eyebrow.

"Nothing if you don't get up outta here"

"I'm gone" he zoomed out the bedroom. April put back her things and headed to the bathroom laughing at his ass.

to be continued...

-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-April is really out here on her mommy shit I can't wait to see what happens when the baby comes along ☺️
-I know y'all ready and I'm ready my damn self the sexual tension is off the charts and about to get worst so stay tuned for part 2. This chapter was too long so I broke it up into 2 so most likely I'll edit the second part and upload in a few 😁
-As far as the Keisha convo this shit is a real life convo that I have with my hubby every time I hear Keisha or I Found her..even me and my good sis be talking bout that shit Papi be out here slipping 😂
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰

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