69.1: First Dates

Chapter 69.1: First Dates

April had cleaned out the Jacuzzi tub earlier for this specific reason. She turned on the water testing the temperature until it was to her liking knowing Dave was going to say it was scorching as usual. If the water wasn't hot she didn't feel clean so he was going to have to deal with it. By now he should've been use to it because he got in the shower with her whenever he had the chance. Once the temperature was just right she pressed the stopper for the tub and let it fill up making sure to add a lavender bath bomb. While the tub was filling up she went back to her bedroom and straight to her closet and pulled out a small bag of massaging oils that she ordered last week. She placed the one she wanted on her nightstand, pulled the blanket back folding it until it reached the edge of the bed so it wouldn't get covered in oil, and went back to the bathroom to check on the tub that was filled up perfectly so she turned off the water. She got up and dimmed the lights in the bathroom to her liking not too dark not too bright but just right, turned on her R&B playlist, and dimmed the lights in the bedroom as well creating the perfect ambiance for the night. Picking up her phone she called Dave.

"I'm on my way up ma" he said as soon as he answered sounding as if he had just took a pull from his blunt.

"Ok and can you bring me a bottle of water on ya way up"

"Gotcha ma I'll be up there in a minute"

"Ok" she hung up, stripped out of her black lace bra and panty set put them in the dirty clothes hamper, went into the bathroom, and eased her way into the Jacuzzi tub as the jets worked their magic, and lay against her bathtub pillow and happily sighed. She needed this.

"Damn my baby loves me" Dave said as he entered the dimly lit bathroom and leaned against the vanity gazing lovingly at April. "You got the lights all dim, that put me in the mood playlist crackin, and you naked in the tub. Thank you Allah" he put his hands together and looked up at the ceiling.

April laughed. His ass was a damn fool but he was her damn fool. "That I do Papi so how bout you get out of them clothes and join me. I'd love ya company" she smirked at him then winked.

"Say less" he said as he slipped out of his sweats leaving them where they landed and eased inside the tub sitting in front of her instead of in back of her. April wasn't looking to get laid or groped even though she knew she was going to get groped regardless. That was a given. She just wanted an intimate sensual evening with her man where they could vibe, talk, and be free to do as they pleased. But that doesn't mean she kept her eyes to herself when Dave was getting his sexy ass in the tub. She took his ass all the way in to his sexy ass face to his tattooed chiseled chest all the way down to his delectable piece of hardware. At this point she knew she liked torturing herself. As soon as he got comfortable she placed her feet in his lap while he had his legs on each side of her body.

"Besides tryna cook a nigga what's on ya mind" he leaned back getting even more comfortable as he took her foot into his hands and began to give her a foot massage. His eyes were locked on her like she was the only person in the room which she was but to April it felt like they were in their own world and in their own bubble and nothing and no one could burst it.

"You, me, and everything" she answered. "I really had a good time with you tonight Papi" she smiled at him enjoying the massage he was giving her. Honestly she enjoyed him touching on her period. It didn't matter what he touched whatever he touched always felt good.

"I did too. I don't think it beats the days where we lay low kicking it in the crib where I get to have you all to myself but it feels damn good to see you all dolled up for me and finally in my arms when we're out. I finally get to show my woman off to the world and damn it feels good" he said as he looked at her in awe like he won a prize and he did.

These were the type of moments she longed for where her man saw nothing and no one but her, where he didn't make her feel like she wasn't important but she was one of the most important people in his life. With him he gave her the attention she craved yet she didn't have to ask for it he gave it to her freely without a hitch. With him love came naturally she didn't have to beg him to love her. The love he had for her showed in everything he did. It radiated off of him and through her. He didn't just love her but he was in love with her and that's the type of man she wanted by her side and in her corner at all times. April knew that with Dave if she ever fell he would always be there to catch her and if he couldn't catch her in time he would be there to kiss all her boo boos away to make her feel better. With him she felt like they could beat any obstacle that came their way because they had already went through the fire and came out guns blazing repping their set and victory was won.

"True being out with you is something I can definitely get use to" April agreed nodding her head as he gently placed her foot down and picked up the other one while she rubbed up and down his legs. "So fill me in what's really going on with ya tour" she questioned giving him her full attention which he already had.

Dave looked at her and sighed. "Like I said tour is for a month but depending on how well it goes they might add an extra week or two which isn't too bad but I'm leaving next month"

"Ok what's so bad bout that. Love Bug and I will be just fine. Besides we can always hop on the jet and meet you wherever you are"

"I know that but I'm leaving the week of ya birthday. When the dates were first set I didn't think that we'd be here like this right now. I know ya not going to do anything on the actual day but I wanted to be here to celebrate and bring in the day with you" he said. April knew it was really bothering him but there was nothing he could really do about it. He had to go make his bags and please his fans so she understood.

"Papi I'll be fine it's just 28 and it's not like I'm going to be out partying. Right now I don't even know what turn up means at the moment. I doubt I even celebrate this year anyway" she said and shrugged. Did she want him there for her birthday? Of course she did but she knew he had a job to do. He just better not miss more special occasions. She knew he couldn't make them all but he better try to make most.

"It's ya birthday ma and the first one where we're actually together. I wanted to bring it in with you. I wanted to wake up next to you and get ya day started off right and make sure ya day was all the way good"

"And I'll be fine you just better make sure you facetime me and gifts will make me feel better too" she said laughing lightening up the mood. She really wasn't thrilled about her birthday this year anyway. It felt like so much shit had been going on that she just wanted to chill, lay low, and have a drama free day.

"Ma you already know I got you. That's a given" He smirked like he already had some shit up his sleeve.

"Bet so what's the plan for Love Bug? I'm not tryna go a whole month without seeing her" she pouted just thinking about it. They had really gotten attached to each other and not being able to see each other would suck major ass.

Dave looked at her and laughed making her frown. "Ma do you not realize that even if I attempted to take you away from Lil Butt that shit wouldn't even be able to go down. Not only would you have a fit but she'd have one too and I can't have my babies upset. Lil Butt would be upset if she didn't see her momma" he said smiling. April smiled too she still couldn't believe that Kairi was calling her momma but she was so here for it. Kairi made her feel like a proud mother and she was proud to be her mother.

"I figure if you can handle it we'll continue to do what we do now and if you need help my parents are here for that and a phone call away. You'll have her during the week and they'll take her on the weekends as usual. But that's if you're up for it. I don't want to put too much on ya hands especially if you're not ready to do this on ya own"

April looked at her and smacked her lips. "Boy bye we're good over here. Did you update her contact info at school" she questioned. April already knew she could handle this. She was made for this. Besides this would be the first of many that he left them to go on tour and wouldn't be the last. She mind as well get used to it because she knew it would become a time where she'd have both Kairi and her little seedling and Dave was going to have to go on tour so this was going to be a good practice run.

"Yea I put you down on everything so ya good. I put you as one of her emergency contacts and you can sign her out of school"


"Can I ask you a serious question though" he looked at her like he really didn't want to ask but he knew he needed to. It was the same look he gave her when he asked about her and Chris so she really wanted to know what was on his mind.

"Always, you know that"

"I low key sit and watch you talk to the baby and rub ya stomach smiling but I haven't seen you look at anything pertaining to a baby not once. I never see you looking at clothes or furniture. You never even mention baby names. Normally woman are excited bout those type of things but you, you seem to dull ya excitement down. You're three months and everything is safe but you still move cautiously. Is it because of me? Am I stopping you from doing those things" he questioned. He looked like he had been holding that in for a while.

April looked at him and smiled. He noticed everything even when she didn't want him to just like she does with him. "Yes I'm healthy and the baby is healthy and her heartbeat is still going strong but honestly I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop" she admitted and sighed. She didn't want to say it out loud but she was a little scared.

"I've dealt with Agnes but I can't help but feel like maybe I didn't do enough when it comes to her like she'll find a way to start more shit just like she did when she popped up at the party. Then there's Hazel I'm done with her but is she stupid enough to try some more bullshit. I feel like I need to watch my back with them both or someone new might pop up out the woodwork. I feel like I have all the security in the world but I still have to walk around 24/7 with one eye open. Chris and I are good but what if he can't make it and be there at the birth like he promised. Trust I know he's going to be there this time around but I can't help but to be in my head and go back to when I was doing this shit by myself when Jr was my little secret" she closed her eyes and sighed as Dave continued to rub on her soothingly.

"Then there's you I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. It's like I'm already pregnant by another man and you've already been in ya feelings bout it even though ya say you're good now. I don't want to start buying shit and you feel like damn she ain't mines. Like right now there's a baby coming but it won't get real until she's born. I love what we have and I want us to last. I don't want to have you in your feelings. As far as the furniture I'm not to pressed bout it. You won't be putting it together until we move anyway. It doesn't make sense to put it together than take it apart a few months later. I'm a get her a cute good quality bassinet, a changing table, dresser, and keep her in here with us because that's where she's gonna be anyway for those first few months. Shit once the doctor says it's safe for her to travel we'll be gone"

"Come here ma" he looked at her dead serious. She knew she had been holding too much shit in and should've been said something but she didn't want to speak anything up.

April looked at him, gulped, and scratched her head nervously. "Uh I don't think that's a good idea Papi" she said. Her sitting in his lap and both of them with no clothing barriers were a definite no, no. She didn't think she'd be able to handle that much temptation. Him in the tub with her alone was enough to get her riled up but to move any closer she didn't know about that.

Dave chuckled. "Look you can suck this dick and snatch this soul all day long and you can ride this mustache until I drink you dry but what I won't do is slip into ya garden while Breezy's baby is in there. Shit I might already be or get hard but I know my limits ma. Now we both know if I planted that seed I'd already have you in here riding this dick till the water spilled out of the tub and have ya ass in here tapping out" he said and licked his lips. "Now come here" he spoke with a little more authority that didn't help the situation.

"See you just made it worse" she whined as she felt her pussy clench.

"Come here" he commanded her and damn how she loved when he put his foot down and took control.

April sighed and made her way over to him and straddled his lap while he made sure to situate himself so there were no slip ups. She bit down on her bottom lip so hard she thought it might bleed. Her hormones always had her wanting to get dicked down but she managed to not give into temptation but this shit right here was damn right torture. This shit right here had her thinking all the wrong things.

"Relax ma and get them thoughts out ya head" he chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Easier said than done when you haven't had sex in a while and ya on top of ya man booty butt naked and can't even get it in. You can't even put the tip in" she groaned as she tried her hardest to think of other things and stop her kitty before it started to clench down on him. She felt like a teenager ready to dry hump the hell out of his lap.

Dave laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist while she wrapped hers around his neck. "I'll handle that later but I need you to hear me loud and clear when I say this. I know it's gonna be hard for you to do because of the type of person you are but fuck Millie. If her dumb ass needs to be handled Ebony is on call and ready for whatever and the same thing goes for Hazel. Worry bout what you need to which is your health, the baby, and our family everything else will be handled if need be. I promise you if anybody wants to jump stupid I'm a dead that shit immediately. Breezy isn't going anywhere that man is already in love with our lil seedling. That man wouldn't miss that shit for the world we all know that. I know the past fucked you up but this shit is different so accept it" he said then leaned his forehead against hers.

"As far as me I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be. I told you I'm bout to be step daddy of the year well pops of the year because a nigga told me to find another name other than daddy" Dave said and chuckled making April laugh.

"Embrace ya pregnancy ma. Motherhood looks good on you. I want to come and see you and Lil Butt in the bed cuddled up while you're on ya laptop looking at baby shit. I want you to do everything you want and been holding out for. Look for furniture, purchase it, get shit loads of pampers, baby wipes, onesies, and all the necessities you need. Don't dull ya excitement down for me or anybody else. I want you to enjoy this moment. I want you to be happy in ya moment and happy period. Start thinking of baby names and don't be naming my baby girl no bullshit either" he mugged her and smiled. "Don't tread lightly for me ok because at the end of the day it is what it is. She might not have my blood but she's mines too just like Kairi is yours. Aww shit Lil Butt bout to be a big sister it's going down" he said excited.

April couldn't do shit but nod and smile. Point blank period her man was the shit no cap. This is why she loved him and went so hard for him. The same energy she gave him was the same energy he gave her. "I fuckin love you Papi"

"I love you too ma, now get up off me before I say fuck it and do something disrespectful" he joked.

"Boy bye" she shook her head. "I'm outta here anyway. I'm two seconds away from looking like a damn prune" April said and eased off of him and stepped out of the tub then made her way to the shower.

"Aww shit lil mama got that bump in the front and that bubble in the back now make it clap" Dave looked over her body mesmerized. April thought to herself why not. After all he was her man so she bent over, placed her hands on her knees, and busts it open making her ass do what it does for the one time.

"See that's how you gonna end up pregnant back to back. I ain't expect you to show off and do all that. A lil twerk yea but that nahhhh. You could've just shook it and I'd been satisfied but I just seen ya whole pussy ma while you threw that ass back" he looked at her in a daze as he stood up in the tub with water dripping down his body. This time April knew better she kept her eyes to herself.

"Ya right I really don't know what's in store when it comes to you but I'm down for the ride ma especially if you can make that ass clap on this dick" he said as he gripped his dick in his hands and stepped out the shower. The sexual chemistry that they had was still very much intact and worse than ever before. The sexual tension was way too thick and the teasing seemed to be getting even worse.

April looked at him and laughed as she checked the temperature before stepping inside the shower. She knew his ass was going to be right behind her but there would be no funny business. She still had plans in motion for the night. "Papi I can't do back to back. I'm already in a drought. I'm already struggling" she said and meant that shit. After the baby was born she wanted to OD on dick. Before she had sex with Chris she was already pushing two plus years of being celibate and now she was in a drought again. There was no way in hell she could do back to back but they could practice back to back all day and all night long.

"You keep clapping ya ass like that and we'll see" he said dead ass serious. There was not even the slightest hint of a joke.

"Papi you really don't want that for me at least not right after the baby is born besides as soon as it's safe to go on birth control I'm on it" she was playing no games. She was down for one more kid but back to back was way too soon when she was dating a man like Dave. April wanted to have all the sexual fun she had been missing out on and craving for.

"I got that super seed so we'll see" he said all cocky.

"See I knew it. Now I gotta make sure you stay strapped up. By the way no touching I need you to stay on track" April said as she grabbed her body sponge, body wash, and started washing off while Dave stepped inside stalking her like she was prey.

"Uh huh I ain't strapping up shit" he mumbled and grabbed his wash cloth and body wash and started washing off as well. April just let him talk his shit. She wasn't about to go back and forth with him.

In and out the shower April let him be as she dried off and made her way into the bedroom. She slipped into a comfy off the shoulder cute pajama shirt nothing too sexy but very cute and still had some appeal to it, put on her cocoa and shea butter body butter, slipped on her slippers, grabbed the oil of her choosing, and walked out of the bedroom, down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. She grabbed a microwave safe bowl, put some water in it, placed the bottle of oil into the bowl, and placed it into the microwave for a few seconds just to warm it up a bit. Once she was done she carefully took the bowl out of the microwave, grabbed a kitchen towel, placed it under the bowl, and headed upstairs being careful not to spill it. Back in the bedroom she placed the bowl on the nightstand, hopped back in bed, and patiently waited for Dave to finish up while she hummed along to the music playing in the background.

April didn't know why she was doing all of this and even questioned if she was doing too much but when she thought about it and thought about the person he was how could she not? Her man was one hell of father and one hell of a man. She knew the shit that happened with Millie and her pretty much saying fuck Kairi still got to him and then to add insult to injury she popped up at the end of her birthday party acting as if she was mother of the year. It was as if she thought no one had noticed that she wasn't there until it was time to cut the cake and open gifts. Mind you she came empty handed. But Dave was pushing through like he always did.

Dave went above and beyond for his child and April just wanted him to know that he had someone on his team at all times. She would never leave him astray and she was always going to ride for him. She saw how he got up every morning to get her ready for school and how he packed her lunch on certain days because she didn't like what was on the menu for that day. How he spent long nights in the studio but made sure he was by her side when she woke in the morning no matter how tired he was. He gave Kairi extra attention for all of Millie's slack. Not to mention the love, support, and words of encouragement meant a lot to April. He always knew what to say and when to say it and she loved him for that.

A few minutes later Dave walked out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist and went to his draw grabbing a pair of boxer briefs. April sat there looking and lusting as the water cascaded down his chest with her bottom lip tucked in her mouth. She couldn't wait to show him a little TLC. He deserved it.

"When you finish putting those on come join me in the bed Papi" April said as she looked at him drop his towel and step into his briefs. Sometimes she felt like a dirty old woman with the way she looked, drooled, and lusted over him.

"Say less" he said then made his way to bed. She could see his wheels turning wondering what else did she have planned for him.

"Lay down on ya stomach for me please"

"Say less ma" he licked his lips, got in the bed making sure to lie in the middle, and folded his arms in front of him lying on them. "Whatcha got for me"

"I just need you to lay down, relax, and let me do my thing" she said lowly in his ear as she went to her side of the bed, grabbed the warm bottle of virgin coconut oil out of the water, wiped off the water, and made her way back to the middle of the bed while Dave now laid on the pillow she had sat out for him getting comfortable.

"Bet do ya thing ma. I'm all yours"

"And that you are" she said then bent down and kissed his ear. Easing her way on to his body she straddled a little lower than his lower back then took the time to admire his sexy ass back as his muscles stood out on his display like artwork. All those tattoos on his chest yet his back was a blank canvas and beautiful. Opening the bottle of coconut oil she poured some in her hand, closed it, and rubbed her hands together and started working on his shoulders just as Bed by J. Holiday started to play.

"Aww shit ma you tryna get shit crackin" Dave chuckled.

"I wish" she laughed a little. "I'm just tryna show my man some love and affection"

"And a nigga is here for it"

-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-April's been holding a lot of shit in but luckily for her when it's time to unload her man is right there by her side. I so heart them and their relationship and I missed all the cute moments they use to have so I have to make some more cute moments 😊
-They be pushing those boundaries and I be here for the torture🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️😂
-So how did you like their first date night 🤔
-What would you like to see 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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