68: Birthday Madness
Chapter 68: Birthday Madness
"May you sparkle and shine like the star you"
Kairi's party was in full swing as music blasted in the background, children ran around laughing, and smiling as they went about the room getting their play on and having fun jumping from bouncy house to bouncy house and slide to slide. The venue itself was packed and full of life. Today was Kairi's 3rd birthday and right about now she was partying along with a room full of family and friends having the time of her life at Pump It Up. Pump It Up was basically a playroom filled with everything bouncy. Invitations had been sent out weeks in advance and everybody had made it. Well everyone except Millie. April didn't want to be a complete bitch so at the end of the day she left Millie's invite up to Dave. Besides April and Dave both knew that her family was going to let her know what was going on. If Dave wanted Millie there then she was welcomed just as long as she didn't try no fuck shit but hey April had all her eyes and ears open towards any slight dose of fuckery. Then again she didn't think Millie would be stupid enough to risk her life again but just in case she was stupid security was on deck and so was Alaina and Ebony and they were always ready.
April's family was in attendance even her baby Royalty had come to join the festivities. Dave's family and friends were in attendance even his celebrity friends and their children. Most of them April had already met from when she was dating Chris and so far everybody was minding their business. No one made the situation awkward. Millie's family had shown up as well and so far everything was going well. Of course they were watching April's every move around Kairi which she already expected but no one had said anything or came at her sideways. Besides what was understood didn't need to be explained. They all knew April and Dave were a couple. He had been showing her love and making it known since they got there. The only person April and Dave were worried about was Kairi. They wanted and were making sure she was enjoying herself and so far she definitely was. She had been all smiles since this morning.
She had gotten up without April or Dave calling her, sat still to get her hair done which April styled in a rubber band up do in the back and a curly ponytail making sure her edges were slayed just right, bath time went by smooth, and even getting her dressed for the day was a breeze. Then again they really didn't have trouble when it came to waking her or getting her dressed unless she was dead tired and that was only on the weekends when they let her stay up later than usual. Dave had gotten her a little Gucci outfit to match her rainbow tutu that April said she just had to have so her Love Bug was out here looking adorable. Any, who Kairi and Royalty had been joined at the hip since Royalty walked in the door alongside Chris wherever you saw one you saw the other and they had both been on April's heels as usual. Of course April didn't mind one bit they were her little babies and keeping them happy was all that mattered.
"Do ya dance Love Bug do ya dance" April hyped up a smiling Kairi as she danced to the music while she and Royalty joined her. "Aww snap get it my baby" April hyped up Royalty as all three of them danced together in the middle of the floor.
"Lil Butt" Dave crept over and lifted her in his arms and up in the air making her laugh.
"Dance daddy" she said between laughs.
"Come on show daddy what ya got" Dave placed her back on the ground, fixed her rainbow tutu, and she started moving her little body dancing. This time Dave joined her doing a little dance of his own. "Come here ma" Dave looked at April and licked his lips.
"Nope not here you won't this is PG-13" April laughed shaking her head while keeping space between them. He had been on her all day.
"So what ya saying is ya man can't have this dance" he said as he danced his way closer to her.
"I'm not saying that but I know you. Ya sneaky Papi" she eyed him.
"If I want to be up on my woman and showing her love then that's what I'm a do" he mischievously smirked.
"Well when you say it like that how can I deny you" April smiled as they now danced together still keeping it PG. Next thing you know the whole crew was on the dance floor as well as her and Dave's parents. The family was all smiles as they hyped each other up making sure their two little girls were in the middle getting their shine on. Dave had disappeared into the crowd but April knew he was making sure he was kicking it with everyone and not being a rude host. A lot of people had shown up so he was playing his role and making his rounds and so far he was doing a good job.
"Hey ma" Dave snuck up on her from behind. "Follow me I want you to meet somebody" he whispered in her ear.
"Ok" April nodded and walked off with him.
"I know you know most of the people here already but not this one" he said as they walked side by side to a group of men talking and laughing.
"East" the dude dragged. April already knew who he was but this would be her first time meeting him.
"Nas sup" Dave said as they clapped it up and shared a brotherly hug. "Thanks for coming through"
"You already know anything for my Kai Boogie" Nas nodded with that Queens accent flowing heavy then looked at April and smirked.
"This must be the woman who had ya ass going through it a few months back. Had my boy all in his feelings" Nas joked but April knew he wasn't lying. Shit both she and Dave had each other in their feelings but she wasn't going to let Nas know that.
Dave chuckled. "Yea, yea, yea but yea this is she. Ma this is Nas my big brother and mentor. Nas this is my woman April" Dave said proudly introducing the two.
"Nice to finally meet you beautiful I've heard a lot bout you" he smiled, lifted up her hand, and placed a chaste kiss to it making her smile.
"Aye now nigga" Dave took April's hand away from his mugging him causing April, Nas, and the group of men to laugh.
"Don't mind him he's type protective bout his. Any, who nice to meet you too I hope all of what you've heard, were good things" April said and looked over at Dave.
"Absolutely but you've been on my radar for quite some time. I have to say I'm very impressed with you and ya work. You know I dabble in startup tech companies so I'm always looking at what's going on in the tech industry. You've really made ya mark" he complimented her. It was lovely to hear people talk about her career instead of her relationships. It was quite refreshing.
April smiled. "Thank you thank you"
"Ma" April heard a little voice and felt a tug on her oversized sweater making her heart flutter. She couldn't have been hearing right. "Momma" she heard the same voice again as Dave looked over at her grinning like the Cheshire cat.
"Yes Love Bug" April looked down at Kairi smiling from ear to ear and bent down to her height. This was a first for her. Kairi had never called her anything remotely close to ma or momma. Her heart was swelling with joy. She had never once asked her to call her anything but her name so to know she did it on her own and was comfortable with it April was overjoyed. This was the first time she had ever been called momma or even ma by a child. She wondered had anyone else besides them heard her. Of course she didn't care but she knew with Millie's family here she didn't know what to expect and she had to be ready for whatever just in case someone felt a little froggy.
"Come play with me" Kairi said as she rocked from side to side.
"Ok come on" April said and pecked her forehead then stood up ready to go play with her Love Bug.
"Kai Boogie this is how you treat ya uncle Nas" Nas looked down at her and pouted making her laugh and run to him and into his arms. "Happy Birthday Kai Boogie"
"Thank you" she hugged him.
"I got you a gift it's on the gift table"
"Thank you uncle Nas" she thanked him then looked at April and stuck her arms out for her.
"Well dang unc can't get no love" Nas joked as everyone laughed.
"Come on Love Bug" April put out her arms but Dave quickly intercepted and mugged her. April just put her hands up waving the flag. She wasn't about to go back and forth with him especially not here. She was pregnant not disabled but you couldn't tell Dave that shit. Shit Chris wouldn't even let her pick up Royalty. They could sit on her lap all day but picking them up was off limits. Dave took Kairi and placed her back on the ground and April grabbed and cupped her hand into hers. "Later boys me and my Love Bug bout to go have some fun it was nice meeting you Nas" she looked at him and smiled.
"You too" he said.
April and Kairi walked off and immersed themselves in fun and games. Kairi played with her until her friends came along and smooth dipped on her. April didn't mind though she was pooped. So she went and sat down with Alaina and Ebony.
"Aww somebody looks sweepy" Alaina said in a baby voice as April laid her head against her covering her mouth yawning.
"I am, this is me and lil seedlings nap time. I feel old as hell like I can't hang for shit" April pouted making them laugh.
"You'll be aight it's almost cake time and after that gifts and it's over" Ebony said and rubbed her stomach.
No one besides family knew she was pregnant. She and Chris were pretty much living in the moment until they both felt comfortable enough to post anything up about it. They knew that once they posted up people and media in general were going to have a field day. April could already see the headlines now. 'Billionaire April Blackmon and ex-fiancé turned best friend singer Chris Brown are expecting their second child together. But isn't she in a relationship with Harlem rapper Dave East?' They definitely didn't want any parts of that drama filled fiasco just yet. They wanted a peaceful pregnancy for as long as possible. Besides they already had some background drama that was more than enough and hopefully that shit was over and done because April was tired of all the arguing and fighting even though it had to be done.
"Enough bout me what's going on with y'all" April asked. Lately she felt like it was way too much attention on her and she didn't want it to be that way so she always made sure she kept up with both Alaina and Ebony.
"Well if y'all must know I finally let Bully take me out" Ebony said smiling from ear to ear. April was here for it and knew Bully was going to treat her cousin right.
"Bitch" April and Alaina dragged cheesing. They knew it was going to happen sooner or later especially with the way they had been acting towards each other.
"Details please" they said together wanting to know everything.
"Nope no this is a girl's night convo and I want to be able to hear everything with no interruptions and sip on a good drink" Alaina said stopping them from going any further.
"I second that but I require a milkshake since people act like I can't have a slushy these days" April said and rolled her eyes. They just laughed at her. They knew she wasn't over that no slushy shit. She had been harping on it for days on end. "At least tell me this. Did you enjoy yourself" April asked and looked at her still cheesing.
"I did" Ebony replied and happily sighed. "It was one of the best dates I've had in a long, long while. Y'all know the dating scene in Atlanta ain't the wave. All the good men are either taken or taken and gay and I'm not here to be anyone's beard. No sir no ma'am. So I haven't been on a date in a long while. Bully was the perfect gentleman" Ebony replied smiling as she looked across the room at Bully who was talking and chilling with the rest of the men.
"Ouuuu bitch you like, like him" Alaina said cheesing. She was happy for her cousin both her and Bully deserved to be happy.
"I do" Ebony confessed.
"I'm here for it. Maybe he'll keep you in Jersey for a lil while longer"
"Yea says the one moving to LA soon" Ebony said.
April and Alaina laughed. "You're always welcome to come along. With the way Bully, Shooter, and Dave are I wouldn't be surprised if they came along too"
"True I can't see them being apart that long" Ebony agreed.
They continued to talk and enjoy themselves until it was time to cut the cake and join everybody at the cake table. They had plans to talk more about Ebony and Bully's date later on that night once the kids went to sleep. April excused herself and was right there by Dave and Kairi's side as usual and on momma duty as they got Kairi situated at the table. The DJ turned the music down so everyone could sing happy birthday to the birthday girl. The theme was rainbows and unicorns so they had the whole place decked out with all types of rainbows and unicorns even her birthday cake was a cute rainbow unicorn with a gold horn with matching cupcakes.
"LIL BUTT" a female shouted causing the whole atmosphere in the room to change. It was like all of the air had been sucked out of the room and it was a very noticeable shift. April knew the voice all too well. The shit irritated her soul and made her role her eyes internally. Everyone looked to where the voice came from and low and behold Millie was standing there smiling from ear to ear after being hours late but ok. People looked on to see what would happen while April's family was on high alert and ready to pop off if need be. Dave looked back at April and nodded playing it cool but she already knew what it was. He was pissed the fuck off.
"I'll be right back Lil Butt" Dave said and bent down and kissed her forehead then walked off towards Millie. April could tell that Kairi didn't know whether she should stay seated or run to her mother and that shit bothered her. A child shouldn't have to internally debate over something as simple as greeting her mother. Kairi was supposed to be able to run into her mother's arms without thinking about anything. They were supposed to have a connection that she wouldn't have with anyone else.
April looked around the crowded cake table and cleared her throat. "Ok everyone I know everyone wants to sing happy birthday to the birthday girl and snack on some cake but we have to take a quick intermission so I won't hold you. Feel free to go bout dancing and enjoying yourselves and we'll be right back to our regular scheduled program" April said and smiled at everyone as they all dispersed and went about their business.
"Bully can you have the DJ turn the music back up until Dave gets back" she asked Bully who hadn't left. All her family was still by her and Kairi's side.
"On it lil sis" he replied and went to do as she asked while April played with Kairi to keep her distracted and still in her happy place. Millie was not about to fuck up her special day. Damn party was almost over and now she decides to show her face. Then again leave it to Millie to make a scene.
"Are you fuckin kidding me right now" Dave said through clenched teeth as he and Millie stood outside of the facility. He was silently fuming. The party had been in motion for hours and now when it was almost over and done with and she wanted to show her damn cake face. Yea he noticed her face was still going through the healing process.
"I know I'm late but I didn't want to miss this. It's her 3rd birthday" she said and leaned against the building sighing. "Look I don't want to start any trouble. I just want to share this moment with her"
Dave looked at her and shook his head. He didn't trust Millie for shit but he also knew she wasn't stupid enough to show up and act stupid especially not when April and her family was there. He also knew that it was too late to tell her to go about her business because he knew for a fact that Kairi had seen and heard her. Shit everybody saw and heard her. She made sure of that and most likely it was on purpose. As much as it bothered him he knew Kairi missed Millie no matter how much of a deadbeat she was. So just for today and only today he'd let her be.
"I'll let you in there because I know Lil Butt misses you but I swear to Allah if you start any type of bullshit that's ya ass. You already had ya ass whooped before so you know what it is. They won't hesitate to put you back on ya ass" He said lowly only for her to hear him. He didn't want anyone in his business especially with a house full of celebrities.
"I'm not looking for trouble I just want her to know that I'm here" Millie looked at him saddened but that shit didn't phase him.
He knew what he had at home and cherished the hell out of it. Besides they'd be moving soon anyway and if she really wanted to be in Kairi's life she'd have to make one hell of an effort and with the way she was moving he highly doubted she cared. Dave looked at her and chuckled. "Yea sure but you've been gone for how long. I might've seen you a few weeks ago but she hasn't nor have you made an effort to call and check up on her. But like I said she's good"
"Yea I see you got ole girl playing mommy and must I remind you that you cut off my phone and the service all together" she mumbled but of course he heard her. If Millie thought that was a problem she'd be even pissed to know that Kairi had called April ma and momma for the first time today. Yet no matter how bad he wanted to rub it in her face he knew it wasn't worth it.
Dave looked at her and laughed. "It's not my job to pay ya phone bill or any of your other bills. That era is done. Must I remind you that you should have some of that money you worked so hard for left but knowing you ya probably on ya last dime? So I'm a only tell you this one more time so listen up and listen carefully. If you do anything and I mean anything to fuck up Kairi's party or her mood that's ya ass. Now come on" Dave said as if he was chastising a child and walked off to find April to let her know what was going on while Millie stopped to talk to her family along the way. He didn't give a fuck and if they knew any better they better keep the peace like they had been all day before they were put out right along with Millie. Of course it wasn't hard to track down April. She had the party back in full swing and Kairi dancing all smiles. Like always he couldn't do shit but smile she always came through and knew how to save the day.
"Ma let me talk to you for a second" he bent down behind her and whispered in her ear.
"Ok" she nodded as he grabbed her hand and followed beside him until they were in a secluded area of the facility. "What's up Papi" she asked looking up at him.
"I talked to Agnes she's staying for the party well the cake since the party is damn near over. I already gave her a warning so hopefully she takes heed to it. If not I already know the girls will handle it" he said as a matter of fact. He already knew April and her family was ready to pop off and so was his family but he also knew that she was getting fed up with not being able to pop off and end Millie herself.
"Ok" April shrugged. "Just as long as my Love Bug's day isn't fucked with I'm all good and speaking of my Love Bug I need to head back out there to keep an eye on her because I don't trust that hoe" she said serious as she put on her own mug.
Dave loved how hard she went for Kairi and the fact that she meant that shit made him feel good that he had finally had a good woman by his side. She was somebody who not only loved him but loved his daughter and he appreciated it because sometimes shit didn't work out this good. "Say less but gimmie those lips first" he smirked then licked his lips looking down at her basically stalking her. He knew for a fact that Kairi was good because their family was out there and he knew they were watching her like a hawk.
"Really" April shook her head and placed her hand on her hip. He gave no fucks though. Dave wasn't leaving without a kiss.
"The faster you give me what I want the faster we can return to the party" he shrugged not caring because he knew she was going to give in.
"I don't know why I even bother" she said and shook her head again. They went through this type of shit all day every day. This shit wasn't new at all. They both did the same thing to each other.
"Me either" he bent down and scooped her up in his arms. She wrapped her legs securely around his waist and her arms around his neck. Once she was secure he dove right into her lips and got just what he wanted kissing her to the point a small moan escaped her lips. Dave couldn't wait to hear her moan the way he wanted her to. He was dying to hear how she moaned when he was buried deep inside her.
April pulled back with his bottom lip in her mouth then let it go as she looked at him lustfully. "And this is why I didn't want to kiss you especially not here" April said as he began to walk back towards the party with her still wrapped around him not giving a fuck who seen them. She was his woman and they all knew who she belonged to and if he wanted to openly show her affection he was. Shit she knew what it was. He had told her time and time again. Besides it wasn't like they were in the middle of the room naked like the day they were born fuckin in front of everybody. It was just a little PDA, PDA that he had waited way too long to display.
"Got that pussy wet huh" he whispered in her ear knowing that he did.
"Nope" she sassed as he placed her on the ground.
"Lie all you want I'll find out" he bent down and whispered again.
"Boy bye" April said as her eyes darted around the room.
"She's over there on the floor with Agnes" Dave pointed out already knowing who she was searching for. Her ass was a mama bear just like her own mother. He couldn't wait to see how she was going to act around the baby.
"Bet, we need to cut this cake though" she said with her eyes still on Kairi.
"Already on it" he grabbed her hand and led her over to the DJ. "Ayo Alex let me get the mic"
"Bet" Alex nodded, turned the music down, and passed him the microphone.
"Aight everybody sorry for the inconvenience but can I get everybody back at the cake table it's time to cut the cake" he spoke into the mic to see everyone heading back to the cake table including Millie with Kairi in her arms acting like the loving and doting mother that she wasn't. April gave his hand a light squeeze as they made their way back to the rainbow unicorn filled table.
"Daddy" Kairi called him smiling brightly making him smile just when he needed it. Kairi never knew the effect she had on him but he was so thankful for his little girl.
"Lil Butt you ready for cake" he asked smiling at her lovingly.
"Yes" she replied and excitedly clapped.
Dave took out his lighter to light the rainbow number 3 candle. He was trying his best to keep his composure because he didn't want to upset Kairi or cause a scene in front of everybody but Millie was pushing it and rubbing him the wrong way. For one she arrived three hours late. Mind you the party started at three and ends at seven. Let alone she didn't contribute to shit. She didn't call to see if she could do anything or if they had anything planned. She didn't help choose the venue, the invitations, order the cake and cupcakes, the caterers, put together the party bags, purchase her outfit, do her hair, or get her ready for the day.
Yet here her ass was standing in front of the cake smiling from ear to ear like she had been here since the beginning and contributed to the day. Not to mention she didn't even call her this morning to wish her a happy birthday. Dave looked over at April who had been standing right by his side but was now standing beside her sister and cousin smiling while Alaina and Ebony stood there mugging the shit out of Millie. He was so busy stewing silently that he hadn't even noticed her leave his side. Before anyone could gear up to sing happy birthday Dave spoke up with his eyes glued on nothing and no one but April.
"Nope nah not having it ma, get up here you helped me plan all this" he said dead ass serious and he knew April knew it that's just why her ass didn't hesitate to walk up and stand by his side right where she belonged. Dave didn't give a fuck how Millie or her family felt. Everybody that came out to celebrate Kairi's day saw both Kairi and April and the bond they shared. It was what it was and if anybody had a problem with it then oh well.
"Okuuur big bruh get ya wife" Alaina said making most of the crowd laugh while her eyes remained on Millie. There was no more keeping shit silent about their relationship status and he was always going to protect and be there for his. So if anybody had anything to say they had to go through him first to get through her and if they passed him they'd have to go through everyone else in their family before they even reached her.
Dave looked at Alaina laughing himself before getting himself together. "Aight y'all let's sing this song to my Lil Butt" he lit the candle. "One...two...three"
"Happy birthday to you" everyone sang as Kairi sang along cheesing and clapping as well.
"Daddy" Kairi reached her arms out to him after everyone stopped singing and he happily scooped her out of Millie's arms hearing her sigh like she always did when she was in his or April's arms.
"Blow out the candle Lil Butt" he bent down and helped her blow out the candle. Once they blew out the candles everyone clapped while family members took pictures to capture the moment. His baby girl was getting big but no matter how big she got she would always be his Lil Butt. April passed him the knife and he helped Kairi cut the first slice and of course he had to put icing on her face. It wouldn't be a party if someone didn't end up with icing on their face. Dave placed her down in her rainbow unicorn themed chair with a fork and sat the slice of cake in front her.
"Papi I got it. You can look after Love Bug" April spoke up.
"You sure" he questioned. Yet Millie didn't bother to help at all or even offer to help.
"Positive that's why I made sure we had cupcakes too" she smiled and went into momma mode passing out small plates with napkins and rainbow cupcakes while Millie stood on the opposite side of Kairi still trying to act like mother of the year but Dave was pretty sure everyone saw right through her little act. Honestly he was pretty sure everybody knew what it was once she started posting up all those women and children post towards April so she really didn't have anyone in her corner besides her family. Shit her mother was even off her ass and had been for a while.
After the cupcakes were served some of the gifts were opened and of course Millie came empty handed. She didn't even have a damn card but Dave didn't care. For one he didn't expect her to show up and two he knew she wouldn't have shit. As far as April, April went all out and hooked up Lil Butt. She had new clothes with matching kicks, toys, and she wouldn't be her if she didn't get her some educational shit because they were both heavily invested in her education and what she soaked in. Once that was done they passed out loaded party bags filled with treats and the men started to load up the cars with Kairi's gifts. She had racked up and gotten so much that they had to put her things in multiple cars.
Chris had walked back inside to get a few more gifts but to him something wasn't right. The atmosphere felt off and he wasn't feeling it. All of the guests had left or were in the parking lot shooting the shit gearing up to leave but the only people left behind were their family and Millie's who stood off to the side looking like they were up to no good.
From the looks of it their family looked like they were already on it and ready. April on the other hand was on the floor with Royalty and Kairi laughing and playing with them. But something was telling him to get them out of there ASAP. He knew the situation if anything popped off it would be diffused ASAP but he still wanted them out. Heading straight to April he bent down and whispered in her ear. "Start putting y'all coats on. I ain't feeling this shit" he said as he kept his eyes focused across the room on Millie and her family.
"Ok" April didn't hesitate. She knew he was serious besides she felt the same vibe but she knew no one was going to let shit happen to her and the kids. "Come on my babies let's go put our coats on. It's time for our sleepover" she said smiling instantly making them jump up excited. Everyone was staying at her place tonight. The men were going to drop off the gifts at Dave's then join them back at April's house. Chris watched them head to the table with the family before he headed back outside.
"East" Chris said as he approached him and passed him the bags he had which were the last of the gifts.
"Sup" he furrowed his brow sensing something was off.
"Get the girls home. I don't know what they're in there plotting but Agnes family is huddled up looking like their up to no good" Chris informed him.
"On it" he mugged no one in particular as he walked off and headed inside to see April putting on Kairi's coat. He looked across the room with his eyes meeting Millie's. "Ma I'm already on it" he bent down and whispered in April's ear. "Pops and Unc get everyone to the cars" Dave looked over at them and they nodded in return. Between his father, April's father, and Uncle NyReek they were all alert and been alert even the women including his mother and April's mother looked like they were down for the cause.
"Hey David can I talk to you for a minute" Millie cautiously approached him as she glanced over at the table filled with his and April's family. Everyone was putting on their coats and getting ready to head out but kept her eyes on her.
"Sup" he folded his arms across his chest.
"Papi" we'll meet you outside" April said as she looked at him and grabbed both Kairi and Royalty's hands while Ebony stood beside Kairi and Alaina beside Royalty on auntie duty.
"Bet" he nodded and kept his eyes on his family while April looked up at Millie before she walked off.
"Wow I know I fucked up but damn I can't even say goodbye to my daughter" Millie looked at him and shook her head.
Dave ignored the comment. She only wanted to be a mother when it was convenient for her. "What you wanted to talk bout" he asked getting straight to the point as he kept his eyes on her and took glances at her family who stood to the side looking at them.
"It's the weekend. I was wondering if I could take Kairi with me and my family" she asked hesitantly.
Dave had to stop himself from laughing because this shit had to be a joke. "Not happening and you already know why. I know you received the paperwork from my lawyer" he answered plainly. Millie had bumped her fuckin head if she thought he was going to let Kairi go anywhere with her. He didn't give a fuck if her family was there or not. Even if they asked for Kairi to hang at their cribs he'd tell them no too.
She nodded her head. "I did which I think is pretty fucked up but it's still my weekend. That hasn't changed"
"This isn't the time or place to discuss this and let's be real you still haven't called and checked up on her so why would I let her go anywhere with you. How many weekends have you missed because I'm already at six plus but ok. We both know ya only doing this shit because ya family is here. If they knew what I knew they wouldn't even be on ya side but let's be real you probably fabricated yet another fuck Dave story and bash campaign. I'm sure ya mother knows what's up though because she sees right through you"
"I don't want to argue I just want to spend some time with my daughter"
"Not happening especially not today. She's having a sleepover but you would know that if you actually cared to find out what was being planned"
"So basically kill me off and give her a new mother"
Dave chuckled. "I don't know why I bother. You will never understand. You don't have to be someone's biological mother to be someone's mother. Do you make sure she's had breakfast in the morning or dinner at night? Do you take up time with her, read to her, tell her she's beautiful, and get her dressed. Do you put her to sleep? Do you change ya work hours to make sure you actually have time to spend with her instead of coming home late just to kiss her goodnight" Dave sounded off hitting her back to back with questions that they both knew damn well Millie couldn't answer because she wasn't apart of Kiari's life anymore and it was her fault. As soon as they were over it was as if Millie wiped her hands clean from her and said fuck her.
"Did you help plan this party or put money in even when I said I didn't need it? Did you contribute to anything? Did you do her hair; get her dressed, and made sure she had fun today? No, you didn't even call to tell her happy birthday this morning and you came when he party was damn near over. You didn't even get her a damn birthday card and you could've gotten that from the dollar store" he said and mugged her.
"So yes April isn't her biological mother but she's definitely been her mother since you've been gone. She takes care of her without complaining and without me having to leave her money for her to spend on herself instead of on Kairi. She does it because she loves Kairi as if she was her own and when I leave her in April's care I don't have to worry bout her safety. You should be happy that the woman I'm with treats our child the way she does but I see you still on ya bullshit. Don't act like you forgot bout what went down a lil while ago so showing off in front of ya family is pointless" Dave looked at her and over at her family who stood by watching them talk. "And don't act like they won't run up on you now"
Millie's eye's bucked as she looked at the empty table where his family had just been sitting at and then at the door. "Fine replace me see how long before ole girl starts to switch up" Millie said in her feelings and rolled her eyes. He could see she still hadn't learned her lesson and poor her because they were definitely down to teach her another one and dead the situation period point blank this time around.
"Can't speak for you but death do us part when it comes to mine. I know who I'm with and I love her just like she loves me and my daughter" he said and genuinely smiled.
"I'm done live ya life" she said and rolled her eyes.
"And I will so if you will excuse me I have to go get Lil Butt and my woman home to finish her birthday off proper" he said and walked off with a smile on his face leaving her standing there while he made his way outside and into the truck.
"Everything good Papi" April asked as soon as he got settled inside.
"All the way good I've never been better" he said still smiling. Nothing and no one could wipe his smile away.
-Happy reading hope you guys enjoy 😊
-I'm so here for the family vibes 🥰
-Lil Butt done promoted April to momma I'm here for it 🥰...how about you 🤔
-Ebony is in like with Bully...I stan 🙋🏾♀️😊
-Well, well, well look who decided to show up late and still stuck on stupid...poor Agnes when will she ever learn 🤦🏾♀️🤷🏾♀️
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your library 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑WAYMENT‼️ I forgot to say 🗣make sure y'all cop Papi's album Survival or listen to it on YouTube..support💙💙
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