67: Mourning

Chapter 67: Mourning

"Someday you're gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You'll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing..."
[By: Elizabeth Gilbert]

April and Dave walked quietly out of the warehouse hand in hand and outside to the car. This little showdown had gotten to her no matter how hard she was. The sad thing about it was that everybody pretty much ended up in their feelings and the solid squad that they had was one member short and April knew at the end of the day she was going to miss that member dearly regardless of her betrayal. Not only that but the shit with Trey had broken her heart she knew how it felt to lose a child so she knew how he felt but on the other hand to know your child never stood a chance because of selfish reasons she knew that this was different. To see him damn near shed a tear and hear his voice cracking but still trying his hardest to hold it together that shit hurt. Yeah they weren't as close as they use to be but all she wanted to do now was hug him and tell him that everything was going to be alright. Of course he would always feel a way but in due time he'd be able to deal with it in a healthy manner.

Somethings you just had to give to God and let him guide the way. April wanted him to know that yeah he had fucked up but if he needed someone to talk to or even just to lean on or just listen to him she would be there. This was way more important than the beef that they had. Sometimes you had to be the bigger person and push shit to the side so if Trey needed someone to vent to she would toss the shit to the side and be there. Other than that April was ready to get back home to Jersey and just cuddle up with her family. They gave her peace of mind and always kept a smile on her face. The love she received from Dave and Kairi was just as pure and genuine as the love she poured on them. She didn't even want to think about how her life would be without them in it or even go back to a time where they weren't together.

Everyone was in their cars waiting for Ian to come out so they could head back to April's place. April sat in the car with Dave with her head laid against the window wondering if this was the end of all the bullshit so she could continue living her best life without the drama and the stress because this shit had her low key stressed. She just wanted to focus on more important shit. Dave had left her alone, leaned back into his seat, and turned on some music. She knew he was giving her a little bit of me time and she was thankful for that especially since she was more so in her head than anything. 35 or so minutes later Ian had walked out looking unbothered and hopped inside the car with Ananda. April was happy as hell because she couldn't wait to go on about her day even though she knew they were all going to have to talk. She didn't like that Hazel had put them all in a mood. She wasn't about to let her win for shit. So they were going to talk this shit out and go on with their lives like they've been doing.

The car ride home was dead silent besides the music playing lowly in the background as April and Dave road back to her place. They didn't even utter a single word to each other. They just drove in silence. All April could think about was Hazel's bitch ass excuses for turning against her and how she shouldn't have crossed boundaries when it came to their relationship. She figured if she never crossed that line that Hazel's signals wouldn't have gotten crossed and she wouldn't have went about things the way she had. Then again the root of Hazel's problems with her was utter and pure jealousy so she would've eventually fucked her over one way or another and clearly she had been feeling this way for years. So even if Millie wasn't a part of the situation she would've found someone else to do her dirty work because she was too much of a coward to do it herself. April wasn't buying the whole I'm in love with you spill for shit. To her that wasn't a legit excuse and Hazel knew damn well she could've let her feelings be known even if they wouldn't be reciprocated because April didn't love her that way.

"Ma we're here" Dave said as he ran his hand against her thigh giving it a light squeeze knocking her out of her thoughts.

"K" she mumbled as she continued to sit there with her head against the window just done.

Dave hopped out of the car and opened the door for her as usual and reached over to unfasten her seatbelt. "You want to stay out here for a minute for a lil breather or head inside" he asked her as he turned her around in her seat to face him.

"What I want right now I can't have. I swear if I could I'd roll the fattest ass blunt possible and smoke my thoughts away. I don't even want to share it. I just want to smoke it till all I'm left with is a roach and then go ahead and smoke another one" she huffed and pouted just thinking about it. "I just want to forget this shit and go on with my life" she pouted again and leaned her head against the headrest.

"Ma you know if you could I would've had one already rolled and ready for you but I'll make sure ya good later and you know what I mean" he winked at her making her shake her head. "All seriousness listen" he lifted her head so she could be face to face to him. "This is something that you will never forget but in the long run you will forgive her. Holding grudges and letting her make you feel a way will only drain you and dull that shine that I love and I'm not having that. You're too much of a good person to let some shit like this override what you have going on. So if I have to I will tell you how much of a good person you are, how much ya family loves you, and how much I love you every day for the rest of our lives I will because I ain't going nowhere and neither are you" he smiled and kissed her lips.

"I'll do anything to see that beautiful smile ma" he said as he kept his eyes on her and moved a loose curl from in front of her face and tucked it behind her ear. April knew then that it was worth it. It was all worth it her and Dave meeting, getting together, breaking up, and going through all that they had while they were a part had all been worth it. She finally had her piece of light at the end of her own dark tunnel. He was the light that shined brighter than the stars above. He was the light that kept her soul warm. He was everything she needed and more. He was who she wanted to be with for the rest of her life.

April looked at him and brightly smiled. "Papi are we really one of those couples now" she asked.

"Whatcha mean" he questioned.

"You know those lovey dovey mushy types that's always in awe with each other to the point it's almost cringey" she replied as she played with his hand tracing the East tattoo on his fingers enjoying the feel of his hand against her skin.

Dave laughed. "Maybe, maybe not but I could give two fucks and if anybody got a problem with it then fuck them. I don't have a problem showing my woman love and affection, or giving you pep talks, making you smile, or telling you just how I feel bout you and you shouldn't either" he playfully mugged her.

"I could give two fucks how anyone feels as well. I was just asking if we turned into one of those couples. Now you can stop mugging me" she mugged him back wanting to roll her eyes but decided against it.

"Whatever just get ya lil ass out the car"

"How bout you make me" she challenged.

"Say less" he said as he smoothly scooped her up, took out of the car, and placed her feet on the ground.

"You better had" she snickered and walked off ahead of him as he closed and locked up the car. He caught up to her in 0.5 and scooped her up in his arms bridal style making her laugh.

"Now that's what I like to hear" he looked down at her and smiled and opened the already unlocked door since everyone had already gone inside. "Where to" he asked.

"The living room"

"Bet" as soon as they entered the living room they were greeted by silence. Placing her back on the ground April looked around at her family and cleared her throat. They all looked like they were mourning a loved one and in some sense they were. They had lost a sister. Ebony had lost a cousin and April's parents had lost a child.

"Soooo" April dragged out and toyed with her hands. "Let me address the elephant in the room. First and foremost sorry for my mouth because I know I did say some things that might've made you guys a tad bit uncomfortable" she said as she looked directly at her parents then her uncle. She also knew that this was a conversation her and Dave would have to have privately because he never knew that she had been interested in woman but she was saving that for a later date. Besides it wasn't that serious because in the end all she wanted was him so he had nothing to worry about.

"I'm also sorry for unknowingly having a hand in starting this drama. I crossed a boundary that I shouldn't have crossed when it came to Hazel. I didn't think much of it. We were in college drinking, smoking, experimenting, and just having fun like normal college students. It wasn't something that happened often like we were dating. It was honestly just fun. I was just living my life seeing what was out there. I had hook ups here and there but like I said it was just fun and games. I know this doesn't make you guys love me any less and y'all might think that I should've left her alone but it happened. She was the one who made a move on me first. I should've just said no" April said apologizing.

"But honestly speaking when I think bout everything that went down today I still think me and Hazel would've fell out because from what it sounds like she had been jealous since we were younger and I never noticed. I thought everything was good but I guess that just goes to show you how good she was at playing her role" April sighed just thinking about it all over again before she made her way to Dave and took a seat on his lap. As soon as she got comfortable he wrapped his arm around her waist. He had been her source of comfort even when they first met and barely knew each other he was her comfort.

"I get it though. I see why she would be jealous but she had nothing to be jealous bout because y'all treated us all the same but I guess coming from where she came from I get it but realistically we all have a story. I go through shit all the time and yea I might come out on top but that shit hurts too but I'm not out here trying to plot against people who've done me wrong. I can go after a lot of people but I don't. That's a bullshit ass excuse and it's fuckin childish. She had the same opportunities I had. Boyfriends, girlfriends, an education, family, love, and money she had it all" she said.

"Peanut you don't owe us an apology or an explanation and none of this is ya fault. She had been feeling like this for years and none of us knew so no this isn't ya fault and I refuse to let you take the blame. On another note I don't want to know bout ya sex life. I know ya grown and I know you do adult things but I just wish ya never said it the way you did" Ian said and shook his head causing everyone to laugh. April knew the bumping coochies shit had got to them.

"That's why I apologized" April laughed. "I don't want y'all to know me like that either"

"Any, who Peanut how ya feeling" Ananda asked.

"I just want to forget bout it honestly" she said then shook her head. She couldn't lie to her parents. She definitely felt a way.

"You know what mommy I'm not ok" April sighed. "Daddy asked her was she sorry for what she did or sorry that she got caught. She never answered. But I know she's sorry that she got caught. She damn near cried out to everyone and telling y'all sorry but when it came to me she never once uttered or mumbled a sorry. But when I came for her businesses I'm her sister. She pretty much blamed me for her faults and wrongdoings. In her eyes she wasn't wrong and she took none of the blame" April said and paused taking a moment.

"She never once thought bout the domino effect that she started. Everyone got hurt today and poor Trey all I want to do is hug him and be there for him. I've never seen him so crushed. I've been holding her secrets for years and yet she tossed mines in the air without a care in the world. I was low key hoping that Trey already knew what she did because she promised me that she was going to tell him and that was a lie. Mind you that was years ago that, that shit went down. I really want to blame her childhood with her parents but we've all been through shit so she can't use that as an excuse. If that's the case everyone in this room should be doing stupid shit and blaming everyone else for our faults instead of ourselves" April said as she looked around the room at everyone. Everyone in the room had been through some pretty hard shit.

"Granted I know we all deal with things differently but come on all she had to do was talk to me. I'd a heard her out and listened just like I always do. It's just like Agnes. They're both unhappy and miserable with themselves and want to blame others for their shortcomings. Misery loves company and I want no parts of it. I honestly want to forget bout this so I'm a pray over it and let it go. Besides I don't want to dwell on it. We have a party to get ready for so I'm a throw myself into that and make sure my Love Bug's party goes as planned and now I can finally think bout the baby without negative shit going on" April said and smiled as she rubbed her hand against her growing belly.

"Enough bout me though I'm not the only one in my feelings so Thing 2 talk to me" she said as she looked at her little sister.

Alaina sat cuddled up in August's arms as he loving rubbed up and down her arm as she sat in his lap. She looked so sad. "I can't even lie for a second I felt bad for her. I started to say fuck it and not even fight her thinking maybe she finally cracked but the more she talked and tried to apologize to everybody else and not you I knew she wasn't sorry bout what she had done to you. Every time she looked at you she looked at you like she hated you. It was so much rage in them and seeing how mommy and daddy were dealing with it I wasn't having it. Not only were ya feelings hurt but theirs were too. But when I saw the hurt in Trey's eyes I knew she didn't really care bout anybody but herself. Instead of chasing after Trey or trying to explain her-self to him she blamed you and jumped stupid" Alaina said getting a little mad all over again.

"My niece was threatened and in danger so I had to put on my gloves and tag her ass. I'll miss her ass but if I'm being completely honest I haven't seen that much of her lately. So if y'all are fine with her being gone I am too" she shrugged and cuddled deeper into August.

"And I thank you for that because you definitely came through for us. We appreciate it boo" April thanked her and sent her an air kiss.

"I only did what you would do for me" Alaina said and smiled. She was right April would go above and beyond for her little sister no questions asked.

"Say less...August" April called him and looked at him.

"I'm good ova here family betrayal ain't new to me. I'm just worried bout Trey. As far as lil baybeh I got her. She'll be aight I'll make sure of it. Besides she got me for a bestie so we don't need no new friends. She can tell me all her secrets. I'll keep them to myself like I already do" August said then placed a kiss to Alaina's forehead.

"Aww" all the women in the room said as they looked at a blushing Alaina and a smiling August. April knew without a doubt that Alaina was in good hands when it came to August. She was his lil baybeh and he made sure she knew it.

"Young love young love" Chris burst out singing making everyone laugh. "I mean hey it fit the moment" he shrugged being silly as usual.

"Well MJ how you feeling" April took this opportunity to ask him.

Chris leaned up in his seat. "I spoke my peace. I don't know who that girl was but it wasn't Hazel. How she gonna call me a fuck boy and then apologize for throwing Jr in the shit saying she didn't mean it and it wasn't her intentions? Her intentions was to hurt ya feelings and not care bout how it affected other people in the situation. It is what it is though. Like y'all I'm just worried bout Trey. I'll give him a lil breather to collect his thoughts but after that I'm a see what's up and where his head is at. I know the next time she even thinks bout mentioning anything bad bout a woman and her child she better think twice with the way she runs in and out of the chop shop. Talking all that shit and she done killed three innocent babies bitch must've bumped her head. But hey niggas lose friends everyday so I'll be straight. I got more important shit to worry bout and focus on and that's my kids so it is what it is" Chris answered and leaned back into the couch.

"I caught that shade too bout that fuck boy shit. She was mad as hell bout that. Yet she was in there acting like a scorned female" Ebony chimed in.

"Fuck her I know what I did and I apologized for my wrongdoings and I have never placed the blame on April. We moved pass that shit and the relationship we have now I couldn't wish for anything better. We're best friends and that's something her and Hazel will never be again so she can stay in her feelings all the fuck she wants. All the shit she did backfired on her jealous ass. It ain't my fault and if she feels a way because I fucked up and April is still cool with me then that's her problem as well. It ain't my fault" Chris said and shrugged. "We all know April didn't have to forgive me or fuck with me but she did and I don't even deserve to have the relationship that we have but we do and I'm thankful for it. She forgets I got my ass handed to me too when I fucked up"

"Facts on top of facts" April said and nodded. "Ebony you want to get anything off ya chest" April asked.

"Nope I'm all the way good. The bitch got what she deserved. Next time she'll think bout it before she does some fuck shit. She just better stay her ass wherever she ends up because if I have to whoop her ass again it won't be pretty" Ebony said as a matter of fact.

"Say less" April said. "Mommy" April looked at Ananda.

Ananda was cuddled up next to Ian who had his arm draped around her while he played with one of her hands with his freehand. Ananda looked like she had really lost a child and she somewhat did. "I just lost a child. She might have not come from me but she's been mines for 17 years. She's been with us since she was ten, ten years old. She was my baby just like you and Alaina. When we got her she was so malnourished and didn't know a thing bout taking care of her-self. I taught her how to wash herself properly. She knew nothing bout cleaning herself. First period I was there. I taught her all bout being a woman. I remember taking her to buy her first bag of pads" Ananda said and sniffed thinking about everything she had done and did for Hazel.

"Everything I taught you two I taught her. I didn't skip a step nor did I treat her different. Teaching her everything a mother should teach a girl when raising a young lady into a young woman I did. I taught her how to love herself inside and out. How to value herself, confidence, and how her body was her temple. First kiss, first crush, first boyfriend, school dances, proms, and graduations I was there. Whatever she did I rooted her on. I stood up and shouted for her. I gave and showed her more than enough love" Ananda said as Ian wiped her fallen tears.

"Where were her parents when she was having nightmares or when she use to be at the kitchen table scarfing down food like someone was going to snatch her plate? They did a number on that child and we scooped in putting back the broken pieces and this is what she does just slap us in the face and expects us to ride for her. I think not. Y'all wouldn't do no shit like that and if y'all did I'd be digging in y'all asses too because y'all both know better. I wish y'all would be out here doing some dumb shit and showing y'all asses in these streets. I didn't want to walk out on her but never once did she say sorry to you" Ananda said as she looked at a teary eyed April who had cuddled deeper into Dave.

"I'm not gonna completely turn my back on her because at the end of the day she's still my child but I damn sure won't be there like I was. To know she felt like this for years it's no telling how long she had really been sitting there thinking bout how to turn ya world upside down. Y'all are my blood I'll be damn if I sit around and let someone come for anyone of mine. Y'all are my children my babies mommy is always gonna ride for hers and when y'all are wrong I'll be right there to let y'all know y'all are wrong" Ananda said while Ian bent down and kissed her in her hair comforting her.

"Baby everything is gonna be aight I promise you that. We did a good thing. We took her in, raised her, and did the absolute best we could for her. We gave her all the essentials she needs to be an independent woman now everything is up to her. We all helped her and she shitted on us all when she did what she did. Hopefully she learns from her mistakes and move on with her life" Ian said as he continued to comfort his wife.

"All I need y'all to know is that I got everyone of y'all. People will come in and out of our lives but I will always be there and y'all already know that. I have six special women in my life that's my beautiful wife, my daughters, my niece, and my two granddaughters Royalty and Kairi. Yes nephew I said Kairi and you can't be an Indian giver and take her back. She's now part of the pack. Not to mention I have another special lil one in my life who's on the way and that's my grandson that's chilling in there with my Peanut baking. So I'm straight I got who I need in my life. Let me not forget my ace my A one day one my brother and my best friend. Long as y'all are good I'm good and y'all knuckle head asses too" Ian said then chuckled as he looked around the room at his family. He meant everything he said and there were no take backs unless you crossed him.

"Damn Pops it's like that" August said laughing. "Thanks though preciate' it"

"Word Pops I thought we had finally got better than that" Chris laughed.

"Unc I see where ya loyalty lies but hey I fucks with y'all, y'all always been Auntie Anna and Unc to me since I was a lil nigga. You too Unc" Dave said then looked at NyReek. "By the way I just want to thank all y'all for loving my baby and treating her like family. Shit doesn't always work out this way when you get into a relationship so to know y'all got her back I def preciate' it" Dave said thanking everyone in the room. Since they had met Kairi they were all over her pouring her with love treating her like she was their granddaughter, a niece, and daughter. She had really and truly gained another family added on to the one she already had and everybody was spreading and showing her love.

"Shit at this point I don't even know whether to keep calling you nephew or to call you son" Ian admitted laughing. Everyone looked at April and Dave and started laughing shit even they laughed.

"I'm good either way. Family is family whether I'm nephew or son. It's all good"

"Say less son say less" Ian said to Dave.

April looked around the room smiling. Hazel had fucked her over but she still had family who loved and cared for her and that was that mattered. They were all she needed. They were all riding for each other. April laughed a little and looked over at Uncle NyReek.

"Unkie you've been quiet since we got in. You didn't even say anything when we confronted Hazel. What's on ya mind" April asked him.

"I'm good" he said and shrugged. "As soon as I found out Hazel was out here breaking codes I wiped my hands clean of her. I love her like a niece but at the end of the day she ain't my niece so fuck her. I know it sounds mean but she ain't my blood. My girls are petty but y'all ain't messy so she can go back to wherever she came from" he said and laughed.

"Damn daddy I feel like you just came for us and we ain't sent for you. You know we can't help it. That pettiness runs deep" Ebony said making them all laugh.

"Exactly...I wonder where we got it from" Alaina said laughing as she looked at NyReek.

"Don't ask me" NyReek laughed.

"I didn't even know ma was petty until all this shit went down. Like I'm use to her saying shit but this shit right here I never knew existed" Dave spoke up. "She hid that shit well"

Alaina looked at Dave and laughed right along with Ebony. "Ebony and I might be petty but Thing 1 is the Queen of petty"

"No lies told" Ebony agreed. "At least she knows she's petty"

"Damn right now pass me my crown and call me Queen Petty Betty. I wouldn't have to be petty if people left me alone because we all know I don't bother nobody" April said and smirked. "So are we good" she asked everybody.

"Yup" they all replied in unison just like the unit they were.

"Good, good now back to the matter at hand" April said and looked at her father. "So daddy you really sticking to team blue" she asked while everybody laughed.

"See what had happened was I'm good either way but that pregnancy brain of yours must've kicked in. I told you what it was. It's already a lot of women. We already have you, Alaina, and Ebony. Then there's Papa's RoRo and my Kai Baby. I think a lil boy in the mix would be good" Ian answered. April loved how they already claimed and treated Kairi and this was just the beginning.

April shook her head. "So whose all team blue" she questioned everyone.

Of course Chris's hand flew up immediately. "You already know" he laughed causing everyone else to laugh. He was serious about his little boy and claimed that shit every chance he got.

"August do I see ya index finger sticking up" April asked him with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Is it? I didn't even realize it was up" August said and laughed.

"Damn you too unkie" April shook her head and looked at NyReek pouting.

"I'm with my brother on this one. I love y'all and y'all maybe tougher than most men but y'all ain't men" NyReek said and chuckled. "We need another baby boy Blackmon well Brown Brewster. Y'all got that triple B's shit going on got my nephew in a whole ass gang and he don't even know it" he shook his head laughing.

"Yup ya on a roll today daddy" Ebony said shaking her head at him. "Second time you done came for us and we ain't sent for you but ok" she playfully shrugged.

"Facts" April and Alaina said in unison and the laughter kept coming.

"Dave why you over there so quiet" August asked. "I saw ya index finger up too" August said then laughed making April turn and mug Dave.

"Papi now I know you lying. We call seedling a she all day everyday"

Dave looked at her. "Ma lil bruh just talking shit" Dave said and looked over at August.

"Or am I" August said laughing.

"I swear I leave Shooter home and still somehow I get another one" Dave said and shook his head. "Ma he's just talking shit. Just like you said we call seedling a she all the time. Whatever you have makes me no never mind. I'm team healthy baby" he said and kissed her in her hair.

"Uh huh tell me anything" April mumbled.

"Speaking of my grandbaby you finally made the three month mark. How are you feeling" Ananda asked cheesing. April wondered who would have her baby the most because the way her mother was she just knew she'd be snatching her up any and every chance she got and let's not forget about Mama J.

April smiled brightly. "I feel good. I'm more excited than anything. Still sleepy and hungry most of the time but for the most part I'm good. I even have a lil ass bump now. Its shmedium shmall but it's there" April said and laughed. "We actually have an appointment the day before my Love Bug's birthday"

"You already know I'm there" Chris said cheesing himself.

"Facts" April said nodding. "Only thing that bothers me is between Chris and Dave I don't know who gets on my nerves the most. I get asked twice a day by these two if I took my prenatal vitamins, my nausea pill, did I eat, and what gets me the most is how they be forbidding me not to drink a damn slushy. Dave will ask me bout shit knowing damn well I took the shit in front of him" April said pouting and getting upset. They had really been blocking her from eating what she wants and the fact that they were working together just wasn't fair.

"Hey I'm just making sure you and my baby boy is straight" Chris said and shrugged. "You'll be aight"

"Yea, yea, yea but I'm entitled to indulge in my cravings" April said as everybody watched them.

"You are but you be trying to OD though" Chris said.

"Dave why you so quiet" Ebony looked at him and asked snickering.

"You and lil bruh gonna chill on me. I'm letting them duke this shit out. I don't want no issues" he said and leaned back into his seat pulling April back with him.

"You not off the hook either. I know when I be calling mommy to get her to make me a hamburger you be going behind my back telling her I don't need one" she looked back at him. "Y'all just don't want me to be great"

"Ma we both know it's not like that. I be trying to make sure ya good" Dave said.

"Yea, yea, yea I know y'all two be talking bout me too" April looked between Dave and Chris. "You don't hide ya phone from me so I see when it goes off and I be seeing Chris's name"

Dave and Chris looked at each other and laughed. "Or we could just be talking shop talk" Chris said still laughing.

"Let me see ya phone Papi" April looked back at him and asked.

"Nah you good" he laughed.

"Busted" Alaina said and laughed.

"See look at this fuckery" April said shaking her head.

"Any, who I can't wait for my lil grandbaby to come, I'm ready to stock up on some goodies" Ananda said smiling as she stopped them from going back and forth.

"I'm surprised she hasn't bought anything yet because her ass stays online. Every time I turn around she's looking at baby clothes saying her baby needs this and her baby needs that. Then her and Joyce be on the phone plotting and planning baby dates and shit" Ian said shaking his head.

"I know you not talking. I saw a cute lil my grandpa loves me onesie and you was bout ready to put it in the cart" Ananda looked up at him and smacked her lips.

"See what had happened was" he looked around the room and played with one of his dreads.

"I have a confession to make" Alaina spoke up. "I may or may not have been buying shit here and there"

"Her ass be on the phone with mommy sending her links to look at baby shit every free chance she gets" August said fully ratting her out.

"I can't help it I'm excited" she smiled. "We're bout to have another lil person to spoil and return home to sender when we're done" Everybody in the room looked at her and laughed.

"Please don't OD babies grow pretty fast so she'll be out of those clothes in no time" April said shaking her head knowing it was pretty pointless because they were going to do what they wanted anyway. Leave it to them she wouldn't have to buy shit.

"I'll try" Ananda and Alaina said but April wasn't convinced.

"Just know she's serious bout that spoiling and returning to sender shit. She stays getting Royalty hopped up on sweets and bringing her home in a sugar rush" Chris said and mugged Alaina making everyone laugh once again and that's how they spent the rest of the day. Just talking, laughing, and mourning a loss. But April knew they were going to be alright. April tried to hang for as long as she could but she was done and pooped out.

"I don't know what y'all bout to get into but me and lil seedling bout to take a nap. Y'all know the drill wake me when there's food" April said and rose off Dave's lap and headed out the living room and upstairs to her bedroom. She already knew they were about to blow it down and just chill.

Not staying in LA long April, Dave, NyReek, and Ebony had all went back to Jersey while Ian and Ananda stayed behind to spend some one on one time with Alaina. They'd all be coming back the following weekend since that was the weekend of Kairi's birthday and birthday party. As far as April she was doing just what she said focusing on Kairi's birthday party and so far things were coming along pretty well.

-Happy reading guys I hope you enjoy...Sorry I'm late with the update but it's my hubby's bday weekend so wattpad had to wait a lil longer 😊
-Any, who now y'all know how everyone is feeling about Hazel but how do you feel about Mama not fully giving up on Hazel 🤔 Of course she won't be there like she normally would but if she really needed her she'd be there.
-So Hazel is on the back burner for a lil while but I do have to do a Trey chapter I think it's only right.
-I know there are some subjects I need to address and I will in later chapters and there will be a minor time jump in a few as well.
-What would y'all like to see between April and Dave 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰

🛑Woke up with a new story idea and wrote a lil intro and some notes. Don't know if I'm a put it up just yet but I'm a play with it for a lil while to see how it goes and how I'm feeling it so there might be something new😊 Hopefully if I do y'all will fuck with it. It won't be based on any characters from this story but it will be another Dave East fanfic 😊

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