65: False Friends
Chapter 65: False Friends
"False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in sunshine, but leaving us when we cross into the shade."
[By: Christian Nevell Bovee]
April had woken up feeling like shit as she jumped out of Dave's arms and bed altogether and raced to the bathroom with him trailing right behind her not missing a beat. As soon as she reached the toilet she let go. Everything and nothing was coming out at this point. Deep down April knew it was more than just the usual morning sickness that had her feeling this way. It was way deeper. It was the morning before the big day and all night April had felt a way. Even in her sleep she tossed and turned. This shit had been haunting her since the day she found out.
Never in her wildest dreams did she expect that she'd have to treat someone she called her sister and best friend like a random broad in the streets but it had to be done. She didn't think that it would come down to this but it did. She didn't even think she would have to watch her back around someone she trusted with her life but she did. With Hazel being a snake ass bitch it had April low key eyeing any and everybody because Hazel proved that even family couldn't be trusted which April already knew but now she had proven just how real shit was and could be.
Dave silently rubbed her back as she let everything go. She was even in full blown tears. Her morning sickness had actually been calming down tremendously but this morning it was ridiculous. Finally letting everything out April leaned back against the wall looking defeated with her head in her hands silently crying while Dave had gotten up and got a fresh wash rag and dampened it with cool water. He flushed the toilet then took a seat in front of her on the floor and gently wiped her face off then pulled her into his arms. As soon as he wrapped her up in his arms April started sobbing. She was so busy being strong and putting on a brave face but this shit with Hazel hurt her to the core. For God's sake the fuckin girl was her sister. They did everything together, shared secrets, had matching tattoos, and did everything sisters and best friends would do with each other.
Now to fully have to come to terms with this was hitting her hard like a ton of bricks. April knew that at the end of the day she was going to be ok as usual but it was going to take her some time to grasp that Hazel would never be the one she called when she was excited about something. She couldn't even call her when she felt like shit was going left. Shit she couldn't even tell her that she was pregnant when she told everyone else. Hazel would no longer be welcomed in any of their family homes.
There would no longer be invites sent to her to celebrate with them. She wouldn't be there for the baby shower, her birthday, when the baby was born, her future wedding, or any other special occasion that she would normally be at. Maid of honor who? It damn sure wouldn't be her and that shit hurt every time she thought about it. Her A1 day one was supposed to be by her side throughout everything. Luckily she still had her little sister who she knew without a doubt would always be by her side and honestly that was all she needed.
Going dress shopping, a wild ass bachelorette party, and anything remotely close and intimate to a wedding she would have no parts of. Their friendship was over and done with and so was there sisterhood and there was nothing Hazel could say or do that would ever make things right. April couldn't wait to hear what she had done to her that was so damn bad to make Hazel do what she did to her. She absolutely knew that this shit was beyond what happened between her and Trey. She could say that shit all day every day but April knew that it would be a bold face lie because at the end of the day their bond was supposed to be stronger than any relationship they had with a nigga.
"Baby I need you to calm down" Dave softly said as he held her firmly in his arms. "I know ya in ya feelings ma but for the baby's sake I need you to calm down" he gently rocked her back and forth while she tried her hardest to get herself together. Hazel really had her out here in her feelings and April wasn't feeling that shit not one bit.
"She was my best friend...my sister. I love the dumb bitch" April said as tears continued to fall down her face. Yes she still loved Hazel she couldn't just not love her anymore shit didn't work that way it wasn't that easy. They had been best friends since they were ten years old.
"I know you do ma I know and it sucks like hell that someone you trusted would betray you but she did and now you know what her true intentions were. I keep telling you she was never ya friend and she wasn't. A real friend would've talked to you like an adult and told you if they felt a way but she did the complete opposite. It hurts ma trust me I know but think bout all the blessings you are receiving while all this shit is going down. Big shit is going down in ya life in a good way. You have so much to be grateful for, to smile about, and to laugh about. With all the fuck shit going on in the background ya still going strong ma. Ya still on top" Dave said and kissed her in her hair as she melted into his embrace.
"Good things are happening. Ya going to be good ma I put my life on that" he assured her. "Ya real tried and trues ain't going anywhere. We're all rocking together ma. You saw all of us. We get along well together so yes she did some fuck shit but we're all good. So you're gonna cry and get everything off ya chest and when you see that bitch ya gonna light her up properly then let lil sis and cousin Eb handle the rest"
"Heard ju papi" April sniffled and kissed his arm.
"Say dat now come on you still got a few hours to sleep before we need to get up and start our day"
April just nodded her head and pulled herself from his arms and got up heading to the sink with Dave standing right behind her looking at her through the mirror with his arms folded with his eyes concentrated on nothing but her. Teeth brushed and mouth smelling fresh her and Dave exited out of the bathroom and made it back into what Dave now called their bedroom and hopped back in bed with April cradled in his arms and him giving her a booty rub like usual making sure to get a few squeezes in for him-self. April lived for those booty rubs and his magical hands. Dave gave the best booty massages ever. Even when he was copping feels of his own in between.
"I fuckin love you David" April said with her eyes closed and yawned meaning every word.
"I fuckin love you too ma"
April already knew he was smiling. She could hear it in his voice. She was so happy her and Dave were back together. It honestly felt like she never left or they had even called it quits. It was like they picked up right where they left off and things were so much better. They were better than what she imagined they would be. They had already weathered their storm so now it was time for rainbows and sunshine. As far as Hazel, Hazel was her problem to deal with. A few minutes later with a good ole booty rub April was out like a light along with Dave as they laid cuddled up.
A few hours later everyone was up, breakfast was over and done with, and now April was finishing up Kairi's hair so Mama Faye wouldn't have to do it and now she was on Dave's. She was low key proud of her baby's growth but she would never tell him because his head was already big enough. He officially had hang time and no longer had those embarrassing ass cock roach size box braids. He could shake his shits now and his ass stayed doing so. Since Hazel didn't work on the weekends April was getting home squared away since they'd be leaving Sunday night which was the next day? Kairi would've been coming along if she didn't have school but she did so she'd be staying with Dave's parents for the next few days until they got back because Dave was also coming along. He was definitely on his shit when it came to being her man as well as taking step daddy to a whole other level. The way he was acting was as if he had knocked her up but April was here for it and appreciated it all. With the way he was acting towards her it didn't make the situation feel awkward that instead of having his baby she was having someone else's.
Two weeks had passed since everything had gone down with Millie. April, Dave, and Kairi had fallen into a routine that worked for everybody. They were all in sync as if this was the norm for them. There were no complaints from either one of them. What they had going on worked for them. When it came to their living arrangements they had been staying at Dave's lately. April even made him buy a new mattress. She refused to sleep in the same bed as Millie. Dave didn't even put up an argument he bought it and understood her reasoning even if the mattress was still good. He donated it though so it didn't completely go to waste.
April had decided to stay at Dave's since Kairi's bedroom and all of her belongings were there. She didn't want to completely snatch her out of her comfort zone. Besides at the moment April was boxing up all of Hazel's belongings and had also donated her bedroom furniture to a women's shelter. Everything else she was going to ship to her doorstep as a last slap in the face just to let her know that they were truly over and done with. They were going to use Hazel's room for Kairi since it was right next to Royalty's. As far as Kairi's furniture they were going to use her furniture from Millie well Dave's condo since it didn't make sense to buy new furniture when they were moving and going to start from scratch. April wanted the option to go back and forth from his place to hers since her home office was there so she had to make sure she got Kairi's room together so her little love bug would have her own space at her place. Their family life was going pretty strong and every day and every night they both literally prayed together that it continued to go strong.
Any, who...
"Papi I know ya not falling asleep" April asked Dave laughing as his head nodded forward. He was one of those touchy feely types. If April touched him long enough he'd fall asleep right then and there with no hesitation and as soon as she stopped touching him he would wake up mugging her and grab her hand to make April continue touching him.
"Shit feels too good" he replied in a raspy voice the same voice that made her kitty wake.
"Ouuu April daddy said a bad word" Kairi said as she now stood in front of Dave with her little hand held out.
"Go get ya jar love bug and tell daddy to pay up" April laughed as Kairi took off to get her money jar. They had decorated a plastic jar for her to use as a swear jar and so far she had been racking up even though Dave tried his hardest not to curse in front of her. It was always those little curse words that always got him in trouble.
"So that's how we doing it just throw me under the bus" Dave said. April couldn't see his face but she knew he was mugging her.
"I know you ain't talking just run my love bug her money" April stuck her tongue out as she finished the last box braid securing it with a rubber band.
"You know how I feel bout that tongue so if I was you I'd keep it in my mouth." he said serious as fuck.
"Oop" April said and hushed. Of course he would know when she was sticking her tongue out at him. Since the first time she used her tongue on him his ass had been hooked and his soul was officially hers to keep. He served that shit to her on a silver platter and a label that read property of my Mrs.
"Daddy run it" Kairi stood in front of him with her money jar open cheesing.
"Man y'all both get on my nerves" Dave smacked his lips while digging in his pockets causing both April and Kairi to laugh.
"We love you too Papi right love bug"
"Yup love you too daddy" she looked at him put a dollar in the jar. "Thank you" she smiled and ran off.
"Love bug be careful" April said as she watched her run out the living room.
"Ok" she dragged and continued on her merry way to most likely play in her downstairs playroom as usual.
"I'm bout to put both of y'all on time out and make y'all asses sit in the corner facing the wall" he leaned his head upwards looking at April who looked down at him smiling.
"See look at you ya still cursing. Any, who you don't really want to, do that" she smirked and pecked his lips. "You done Papi"
"Bet" he said and got up from the floor and stretched.
"Aight I'm bout to go get dressed. I need to head to my place and pack"
"Me and Lil Butt coming too" he looked over at her as he picked up his and Kairi's hair box.
"I'm good I'm just going to pack and I'll be right back"
"Aight you say that now but watch when Lil Butt sees you dressed she's gonna be on ya heels"
Twenty or so minutes later the whole family was dressed and on their way to April's. As soon as they arrived April went and packed, double checked to make sure she had everything then they were locking up, and headed back to Dave's. It was a lazy Saturday so it was a lounge around watch movies type of day. Once they made it back home they got comfortable and hopped straight in Dave's bed and turned on a movie and that's how they spent the rest of their day.
April sat at the dining room table along with her family. Everybody who needed to be there was there at her house in LA. It was her Dave, Chris, Alaina, August, their parents, Uncle NyReek, and Ebony. The lawyers would meet them at the meet up spot which was Hazel's main building well April's. They were meeting at the warehouse where Hazel stored her clothing and shipped off her shipments and of course security was on deck and ready for whatever. Right about now April was sick to her stomach and just pushing her food back and forth around her plate. She didn't feel like eating and she didn't have an appetite. She didn't think she could hold it down with the way she was feeling.
Shit she was barely even listening to the conversation being held at the dining room table. She didn't want to cry she was tired of doing so and she didn't want to be in her feelings but she was. She didn't even want to confront the situation or Hazel but she knew she had to. For her own sake shit had to be done April wondered at what exact point in time did their relationship go left. She saw no signs of her being fake or phony. Honestly April saw no change or maybe she didn't pay attention well enough since she had a bunch of stuff already going on in her life. Had Hazel been that good of hiding shit that she was able to not only play April but also their friends and family?
April had always been good at reading people and a good judge of character but Hazel's snake ass had got her and she never saw it coming. But today was the day. It was officially the day to hear her bullshit ass excuse, come for her bag, and whoop on her ass. April might've been sad that it came to this but she was ready to see that first punch land. Hazel knew how to fight and hold her own but she really was no match for both April or Alaina and she damn sure didn't hold a match to Ebony.
Busy in her own head April felt someone's hand gently rubbing up and down her thigh. From the touch and electricity alone she knew it was none other than her Papi. Only he could make her feel such things.
"You good ma" he leaned over and whispered in her ear. She knew he already knew the answer but he was still going to ask.
April shook her head. "I'm not but I will be" she answered and looked around the table to see everyone looking at her concerned.
"Peanut" Ian called her and she looked dead at him.
"Talk to me. Ya not here right now. Let me know how ya feel" Ian said concerned.
April put her fork down and pushed her plate away from her. "No matter how much I want I shrug this shit off, no matter how much I cry, no matter how much I want to ring her fuckin neck myself I still love her ass. I hate the fact that I have to do what I have to do to her. I'm a real friend. I don't want to throw shit in her face or tell her secrets but she leaves me with no choice. I hate to be mean to the people I love" April confessed.
"Listen Peanut you have every right to feel the way that you do. Shit we all do. When she betrayed you she betrayed all of us but you see how you feel bout her it shows how rare you are and how much you still love her. Anybody else wouldn't mind throwing shit in her face and be done with her but you, you genuinely felt for her, loved her, and treated her as family and I get it. It hurts and it's going to keep hurting until you make peace with the situation and get the closure you need." Ananda spoke up.
"I need you to clear ya head and go in there like the boss bitch I know you are and what we raised you to be. You know the plan we're all gonna go in there as if everything is cool and you're gonna tell her what you know, how you feel, and ask her why. Trust she's gonna tell you and I want every one of y'all to speak ya peace. That goes for you Thing 2 and you daddy" Ananda said looking between the two of them.
"Me and ya father know the hurt. We raised her shady ungrateful ass. Today we're gonna put everything on the table. You might even feel sad afterwards but after today this is the end of all the bullshit that has been going on these past few months. So, so what ya best friend went against the grain you still got all of us sitting at this table and baby girl we ain't going anywhere. So turn that frown upside down we got business to take care of" Ananda said and winked at her.
"Damn you know you blessed when you got a whole ass father and a whole ass thug Mrs. for a mother" Alaina said making them all laugh as she made light of the situation and April appreciated it.
"Oww you better know that" Ananda playfully stuck out her tongue acting like Alaina and April keeping the laughter going. See this is why April fucked with her family so hard. They were about that life and they were about each other.
After the talk everybody finished breakfast, got themselves together, and was now on their way to Hazel's warehouse. Pulling up to the warehouse security was on the scene and the lawyers were on time and all present. April stepped out of the car boss bitch highly present and ready to get the ball rolling. Dave walked up on her making her lean up against the car looking down at her smiling and mugging her at the same time.
"Remember this bitch was never ya friend so hold ya head up high and never let ya crown fall. Speak ya peace and make her feel that shit. Whatever you've been holding in and have on ya heart you let that shit out and let it go. I'm here ma. I love ya ass and like ya moms said I ain't going nowhere so let's go shake some shit up" Dave said then leaned down and softly kissed her lips then ran his thumb over her bottom lip smiling at her.
"Heard ju papi and I love you too. Now let's go rain on a bitch's parade"
"That's my woman" Dave smirked and bit down on his fist making April laugh.
Security opened the door for April and her family as everyone made it inside like the unit they were and immediately brought attention to themselves. April smooth stepped away from her family with Dave's eyes following her every move as she immersed herself into the environment smiling and greeting everybody just as she would if she was at her own work place. Some people knew who she was and others knew of her. Of course once people noticed Dave East, Chris Brown, and August Alsina together in one room they were on their fan girl shit causing a little commotion which April was banking on. She wanted Hazel to wonder what the ruckus was and hit her off guard once she noticed everyone there. April wanted to see her true reaction. Would she remain calm or would she try to book? Just as April thought Hazel walked right on in surprised as fuck and gulping hard as hell looking like she was trying her hardest to remain calm. It was officially time to play so let the games begin.
"FAMILYYYYYY" Hazel yelled and smiled brightly as she approached them. The audacity and fakeness of this bitch had April wanting to hurl and ready to jab her square in the fuckin face. Then again maybe she was genuinely happy to see the rest of the family and just not April since she hadn't done any fuck shit to them.
"Thing 3 we missed you" Ananda said smiling brightly as well playing her role to the T and engulfed Hazel in what would most likely be her last motherly hug from her.
"I missed you too mommy" she replied smiling. "Hey daddy" she smiled up at Ian and hugged him.
"Thing 3 what's up baby girl" he asked and kissed her forehead.
"Nothing much trying to get these shipments out" she replied and she looked around the warehouse smiling as her employees did their jobs. April could tell that she was happy. Too bad she had to come pull the rug from right underneath her. "Bestie why didn't you tell me y'all were coming down" Hazel smiled as she walked up on April. It took everything out of April not to roll her eyes and get at her right then and there but this was a family event and a private matter so she was going to continue to play her role.
"We wanted to surprise you. We were missing you guys back in Jersey so we said fuck it and decided to just pop up" April smiled at her still playing her role as the loving best friend and sister. "Let's move this into the conference room I don't want to interrupt production and these ladies are drooling over my papi, my bestie, and my lil brother" April looked at her and laughed. Bitch thought that shit with Millie was going to stop what April and Dave had. If anything it made them stronger.
"Sure come on" They walked off with everyone following behind them and made their way into the large soundproof conference room. Once everyone was inside they took a seat. Ian sat next to Ananda at the head of the other end of the table while Hazel sat at the head of the table not far from April at all and easy access for Alaina to tag her ass and Ebony to follow up. "Damn sis you been keeping secrets. When did you get back with Dave" Hazel asked looking between the two of them making April cheese. This bitch was really trying to play her role. Too bad they all saw right through her. She knew Hazel knew what it was when Millie dropped that last post about April on the Gram. April had clearly slid in that her Papi was actually at her crib that night it all went down.
"Not long we've been laying low especially since Agnes has been talking her shit. You know she out here trying to have people looking at me like I'm the one in the wrong especially with her being so-called pregnant. But hey it is what it is" April shrugged her shoulders as she kept her eyes on Hazel reading her. From what she could read Hazel looked like she wasn't bothered. Too bad that was all about to change.
"Yea her old looking ass be doing way too much but never has her ass at you" Hazel said while everyone else just remained silent looking at April and Hazel interact. If Hazel wasn't so busy feeling herself right now she would've noticed how the room was dead silent and they were the only two talking like there wasn't a room full of family just casually sitting amongst them.
"Yup that's just why she got her ass tagged a few weeks ago" April said smirking. "Had that ass barely standing on her last leg"
"What the fuck nobody called me. Y'all know I been waiting on my one since this shit first started" Hazel said frowning.
"Yea sure ya right" April said in her head.
"Ya good besides Alaina and Ebony whooped her ass something terrible" April said laughing as she looked proudly at her little sister and cousin. They had really gone to bat for her that day and she appreciated that shit.
"That's an understatement" August mumbled laughing.
"Facts you missed a good one" Alaina snickered.
"Damn Dave how you feel bout that because I know if Thing 2 and Eb had anything to do with it they fucked her ass all the way up" Hazel looked at Dave and asked.
Dave mugged her and laughed. "She asked for it. She came for my woman and the family handled her ass" he shrugged and leaned back in his chair next to April.
"Damn did anybody get a lick in for me" Hazel kept frowning. She was literally making April sick to her stomach. Everybody looked at Hazel and laughed while the lawyers and security sat back watching to see how shit would unfold. Security knew what it was just like her lawyers did. This shit wasn't new to them at all.
"Nope not at all but she got her ass tagged because of you" April sat back and got comfortable as she unbuttoned her blazer.
"Huh" Hazel asked confused but of course April wasn't buying it. No one was.
"Cut the bullshit Hazel. I already know you were the one who told her bout my child as well as my relationship with Chris. You sent that bitch my way" April spoke calmly as she tapped her nails against the wooden table methodically.
"What the fuck are you talking bout" Hazel asked still playing dumb.
"Look you already know I'm with the fucks. Game over! You feel some type of way bout me and I guess I did something to you. What? I don't know but I'm here and ready to talk. So what's good" April leaned forward and asked getting straight to the point" She was never the type to beat around the bush. What you see is what you got.
"Bestie you legit got the wrong person" Hazel said and raised her hands in the air as if she was raising the white flag as she looked around at everybody then back at April. By now everyone was looking at her like they weren't buying her act and they weren't.
April placed her elbows on her thighs still leaning forward. "Look obviously ya feeling the heat so ya not gonna admit to shit but we all know bout you and ya new found friendship with Agnes. Now I'm a ask you again what's good. We've been best friends and raised as sisters you know you can tell me anything. If you felt or feel anyway all you had to do was tell me. If I felt a way I wouldn't hesitate I would've told you what it was"
Hazel chuckled and leaned back into her seat. "So that's why all of y'all are here. You couldn't come to me by ya self so you brought back up" she smirked.
"Oh you mean like the shit you pulled with Agnes. You couldn't get ya hands dirty or maybe you were too scared to get them dirty so you sent her to do all ya dirty work" April shot back. Hazel knew what it was April was never the running type. Being scared wasn't in her DNA. Just like April knew Hazel was acting brave because everyone was around. "See since the last time we spoke like really spoke things have changed. I can't be out here knocking bitches heads off their shoulders because let's be real you know I'd whoop ya ass on sight" April smirked talking her shit that they all knew she could back up. "You know me at least I thought you did. I ain't ever been a pussy so like I said what's good"
Hazel looked at Ian and Ananda. "Sorry mommy and daddy but this is between us two sisters" she said and turned her attention back to April. Hazel was a whole ass clown if she thought anybody in that room was on her side especially April's fuckin parents. "Since we were little you always thought ya ass was so damn tough" Hazel laughed.
"Please don't tell me you've been harboring these feelings since we were kids" April said and shook her head in disbelief. "I thought I was so tough yet from what I recall I was the one fighting all ya battles but ok. When something went wrong and bitches wanted to fight who did you run to? ME"
Hazel rolled her eyes. "April this April that. It's always bout you. Always walking around like the world revolves around you. So what you passed with flying colors in school. So what all the boys wanted you. So what you have ya own company. So what you have all the money and more then you will ever need. April, April, April! You always been a goody two shoes riding around on ya high ass horse thinking everything is bout you when it isn't. I worked my ass off too. I might not have aced as high as you but I paved my way. No one ever jumped for joy when I was doing my thing"
April dropped her head and immediately lifted it back up. "Now that's a bold face lie. Let me stop you there because we've must've been raised in two different households because it never went down like that not at our spot. I never thought of myself being better than anyone especially not you or Alaina. Mommy and daddy were always there for all of us. It just sounds like jealousy to me because the shit ya saying is nonsense. It just doesn't make any sense. It doesn't add up. If you weren't doing as well as you thought you should then that's on you. Maybe you should've pushed ya self a lil harder. The only person you should be mad at is ya self. You're unhappy with ya self and you're projecting it on me. It's always the ones closets to you though" April shrugged still as calm and cool as a cucumber. The only person fuming was Hazel at this point.
"See you always think shit is a joke" Hazel fumed. The calmer April remained the more it made Hazel fume. She knew it bothered her that she couldn't get to her the way she wanted to. Hazel might've hurt her feelings but she damn sure couldn't rattle her cage.
"Not at all but I think you foul as fuck. Ya mad over simple bullshit that you made up in ya head so you decided to make friends with a bitch you know damn well doesn't like me and tell her shit I told you in confidence. The least you could've done was tell her the truth instead of feeding her half ass information. Telling her I can't carry let alone I can't have a baby. Do you know how that feels to know someone I called my sister would tell a bitch like Agnes bout my deceased son ya supposed to be nephew. Where the fuck Trey ass at to ask you where ya loyalty lies because bitch you ain't loyal. I've always been there for you. I never told you no. Whenever you needed me I was always there and this is how you repay me by stabbing me in the back. Bitch bye miss me with the bullshit. Or ya still hot because Tremaine wanted this" April chuckled being petty throwing a verbal jab at her.
"You supposed to be my sister but you hook me up with a nigga who likes you. Who does fuck shit like that" Hazel asked shaking her head heated disregarding everything else April had said.
"Bitch I know you lying" April laughed. "It was never that serious besides I don't want him and never did. I thought he was a good catch so I put you on and what happened. Y'all niggas fell in love. So if anything you should be thanking me. I swear y'all bitches be ungrateful as hell when I deliver y'all niggas on a silver platter. So really what's the real reason why ya mad because I'm not buying these bullshit ass excuses" April said.
"You know how it was in college. I waited after you were done with Twin and still you never gave me a chance. It was you and me and then you decided to stop what we had for a fuck boy" Hazel said and looked at Chris then back at April. "I loved you and this is how you do me"
April looked at her and burst out laughing as everyone looked on in revelation that April and Hazel had been fuckin around besides Alaina. Alaina knew what it was. April never hid anything from her. "Bitch you mad because we stopped bumping coochies" April bent over laughing harder. "It was never that serious love. We were experimenting and having fun at least I was. You said you were too. If I'd a known you would've caught or had caught feelings I'd a stopped that shit ASAP. I wouldn't play with anyone's feelings and you know that and if you so-called love me like you say you do ain't no way in hell you'd stoop this low and do what ya did to me. Ya ass was my sister my fuckin best friend all you had to do was tell me how you felt but no" April spoke as her eyes teared but come hell or high water she wasn't going to shed a tear in front of this bitch. She knew these tears weren't sad tears. These were angry tears angry at the fact that she couldn't get up and whoop Hazel's ass like she wanted to. She knew after this little meeting she had some explaining to do because no one except Alaina knew she use to be into females. Or at least she thought they didn't know.
"You had this bitch barking way out the side of her neck saying some bold ass shit but I'd never do that to you no matter how mad I am. But since you want to go there and throw my son your supposed to be nephew in some bullshit and give half ass information let's talk bout the baby you had in high school when you was fuckin around with ain't shit niggas and didn't know who the pappy was. But you were telling both niggas you needed money for the baby whom you got aborted way too late and was still getting money from those same niggas. Mind you we definitely had money by then. Or we can talk bout ya second abortion you got during our second year in college where you cried on my fuckin shoulder saying you weren't ready to be a mother. Yet you was out here letting random niggas shoot up ya club raw. Ole cum dumpster ass bitch" April viciously spat as she looked at Hazel. By now everyone was focused on Hazel. No one in their family had known Hazel had been pregnant before but April and if Hazel didn't do this fuck shit they still wouldn't know.
"Fuck you bitch" Hazel lurched out of the chair with her hands out about to hit April. April didn't even flinch.
"Not mines you won't" Alaina hopped out of her chair next to Hazel so fast and punched her dead in the side of her face catching her off guard making her groan and grab her face. "Now sit the fuck down bitch" Alaina said through gritted teeth and guess what Hazel sat back down but April knew she wouldn't keep sitting. She was raised with them so they all knew she had some fight in her.
"May I continue" April asked and looked at Hazel while she folded one leg on top of the other and leaned back into her seat. "Now back to what I was saying. We should've called Trey to join us so he could question ya loyalty. You know I'm nice as hell but when need be I can be petty as fuck and the last bitch you want to fuck with. I thought you were smarter than that obviously I was wrong. Now back to these abortions. Does Tremaine know you aborted his baby" April asked making everyone in the room gasp and Hazel's eyes bulge. She knew Hazel was thinking she wasn't going to go in on her for the simple fact that they were supposed to be sisters but hey she asked for this shit.
"I'll take that as a no. What was ya excuse then oh it was my career is just picking up and he's always touring we aren't ready for a baby. Three fuckin abortions that I know of yet you're coming at me because I had a fuckin miscarriage bitch bye miss me with the bullshit already. You over here spilling secrets when you got a boat load of ya own. What the fuck you thought I was gonna be nice that I wouldn't say shit? Can you imagine how I felt when you were telling this bitch bout me and mines then got the nerve to pick up ya fuckin phone and call me and act like you were on my team. So fuck ya feelings. This is what happens when you fuck with the gatekeeper"
"This is what we doing now tit for tat just tell everyone my fuckin business" Hazel said clearly still fuming and in her feelings. April could've knocked her fuckin head off her shoulders right then and there.
"Bitch you told a bitch I didn't know bout mines and had her blast that shit online and not just once. She erased the shit yea but I know you heard of a screenshot. Agnes told the world while I'm spilling all this hot piping tea to the family. Ya lucky I didn't do what you did to me to you"
"I trusted you with my secrets"
"Bitchhhhhh do you hear ya self right now like really hear ya self. I trusted you too but you threw me to the wolves so like I said fuck how you feel. Oh yea and I can't keep a man bitch you silly I ain't ever been the problem in my relationships so don't try to come for me when I ain't send for you. Least the niggas I was fuckin with had shit to offer while you were fuckin bum ass niggas. You should be lucky I sent Trey ya way. I helped you level up. I can still count on one hand how many niggas I fucked can you" April said as she uncrossed her legs and rolled her eyes and pointed her index finger at her. "I been helping you ya whole life. Ya parents were out getting high, ya pops had ya moms in a trap fuckin for dough, and they were paying ya ass dust. But what did I do? I went home crying to my mother and my father asking if you could come stay with us even when we didn't have much ourselves"
"Nope Thing 1 this is all me" Ananda spoke up,rose from her seat, and approached Hazel.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Let the games begin! The family done popped up on Hazel's ass and some major tea has been spilt 😁
-April must really got that grade A 😻 because she got everybody tripping off that shit 😂
-For Hazel to be talking about April's child and had 3 abortions herself she must be smoking dicks 😂
-Does Trey even know 🤔
-Welp sorry to cut you guys off there but it had to be done😂🥰
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰
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